The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 26, 1909, Image 7

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Nsws Its ns Gi' Wi!i by a
Spscial Repartsr far This Dspartment of the Semi-Weekly Journal
Wall paper at Copes.
W. I. Smoots vas et Cook this
George Trock was at Union this
NVm. Knabe was here from Berlin
Geo. Fleming was at Omaha one
day this week.
The new drug store building Is
being plastered.
Mrs. Fred McGrady was at Weep
ing Water Tuesday.
J. M: Dunbar is building an ad
dition to his residence.
Edward Morley and family were
at Weeping Water Monday.
Mrs. E. G. Spencer and son
Monc'ay evening for Huntley.
T. W. Malcom made a trip to Cock
Kunday .
Miss Lola Malcolm spent Sunday
with her parents near Talmage.
Michael Elchel has gone to join the
United States navy.
Guy Tony of Berlin has been hang
ing paper in and around Avoca the
past week.
L. J. Marquardt entertained the
big four Tuesday evening.
Wm. Thiele of Berlin was here
Sunday visiting relatives.
Fred Kuhnenn was a passenger to
Omaha Tuesday evening.
Henry Wulf made a business trip
to Nehawka Wednesday.
Gus Mohn and wife were visiting
Syracuse relatives Sunday.
Miss Minta Blckford left Wednes
day for her home at Uticah.
B. C. Marquardt was a Lincoln
business visitor this. week.
James Fleishman and wife made
a trip to Omaha Wednesday.
Mr. Philpot was down from Weep
ing Water Tuesday in his auto.
Dr. Jake Brendel and wife were
over to Murray last week visiting.
Miss Margaret Francis spent Sat
urday c. Dunbar visiting her par
i Msx.niey
(Special Correspondence.)
Mrs. Henry Ashe came up from
Weeping Water Friday and spent the
day in town visiting relatives.
The ladies of the Manley club met
last week at the home of Mrs. A.
Michael Smith drove over from
Elmwood Saturday and returned
home Sunday afternoon.
Dr. Banghart was called out In
the country Friday evening to at
tend Walter O'Brien, who has been
sick with an attack of tonsilltls.
Dr. Bailey and Mr. Sullivan of
Louisville were in town Sunday. '
Mrs. John Tighe left Wednesday
for a visit with her daughter at Eagle
Grove, Iowa. Mr. Tige accompanied
her as far as Omaha.
Misses Bertha and Anna Stander
went to Nebraska City Tuesday for
a week's visit with their sister, Mrs.
Julius Bickert.
Dr. Naglemann of Omaha was In
town Saturday and Sunday to make
arrangements for locating here in
the near future.
Miss Stella Jewell was a passenger
for Omaha on the morning train
William Ethart is seriausly ill of
pneumonia and other complications
at his home northwest of town.
One of the children of John Rohr-
danz is very sick. The symptoms at
first pointed to diptherla, but the
doctor has pronounced the disease
only an extremely bad caso of sore
Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy weie
spent Sunday in town.
Omaha visitors Monday.
Theodore Harms and family went
to Lorton Saturday evening, spent
Sunday with relatives and returned
on the morning train Monday.
Gfnaba K21 Osis E!oa From
Custer County Scicn.
'.TVTC X C.VV . " i" A -V. t t n
Mrs. Carl Schroeder has been un
der Dr. Brendel's care for the past
The Avoca Literature Club mot
with Miss Louise Ruhge Monday
Wm. Gollner spent several days
this week visiting relatives near Pal
Diclr Steffens has sold his property
now occupied by Henry Granzen to
E. Lunday.
Wm. Brown and family of Elm
wood are the guests of the Zlmmerer
families this week.
Walter Coleman has the contract
to build an addition to the residence
of G. 0. Harmon.
If you are troubled with catarrh,
try A. D. S. catarrh cure. For sale
by Copes the druggist.
Geo. Fisher and daughters of Cook
were here Saturday visiting at the
home of Ora E. Copes. .
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dunkak gave
a birthday party Sunday afternoon
for their little daughter Lena.
Buss & Huhge have been making
Rome Improvements to ther store
which treatly Improves the same.
Don't cost much to have those
- rooms papered if you buy the pa
per right. The right place to buy
is at Copes the druggist.
Earl Harrison who has been
working In Omaha this winter, re
turned home the first of the week
and will til Ithe soil this season.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Marquardt en
tertained at Sumerset Tuesday eve
ning, March 16th., in honor of Mrs.
M.'s sister, Miss Minta Blckford, of
Uticah, Neb. About twenty-four
young people were present and a de
lightful time was reported by those
Friday March 19th being the thh
ty-thlrd anniversary of Prof. Zlnk'
birth, he proceeded to have a stir
ptlse party. Those invited wero the
members of the ninth and tenth
grades and their friends. Somerset
was the game of the evening. All re
port a splendid time. Mrs. Zlnk was
the only one who was surprised
Rooster Found.
A rooster was found on the public
highway between Liberty Chapel
and the parsonage, which the owner
may have by describing the property
and paying 25 cents for this notice,
Call Platts. Phone No. 202.
Farm Implements and h
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
fl Avoca,
& Mohr
Clash Follows Passing of Lie During
Suffrage Debate House Kills Coun
ty Option Proposition for Another
Two Years.
Lincoln, March 23. Representative
W. J. Tayor of York assaulted Judge
Shoemaker of Omaha, a brother legis
lator, on the floor of the house during
a heated debate on the woman suff
rage bill. Tayor has worked hard to
secure passage of the measure, and
Shoemaker opposed it in a warm
speech. During the .course of his re
marks Shoemaker said that woman
suffrage in Wyoming had not curbed
gambling, to which Taylor remarked:
"I should think that would cause you
to favor the bill."
Shoemaker, livid with rage, shouted
"I deny that I favor rambling. The
gentleman has been Insulting and in
decent all through this session. It la
a dirty lie to say I favor gambling."
Taylor was quickly on his feet and
walking to where Shoemaker stood
struck the judge a blow on the head
with his fist and was preparing to con
tinue this treatmeut when a score of
members rushed between the combat'
ants. The house was quickly in an
uproar, and the speaker, who had
been on the floor, rushed to the chair
and with the aid of the sergeant-at-
arms .secured quiet after some etren
uous work.
Taylor was the first to apologize to
the house, which he did by admitting
that his conduct was "disgraceful and
Impels me to apologize, and regret
that my temper Bhould get the better
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and wliioli has been
in uso lor over 30 years, has boruo tho Bljniaturo of
and has been made umlor his per
sonal supervision sinco its infancy
Allow no one to deceive you la tills.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" are but
Experiments trine with and endanger tho health of
infants and Children Experience, against Experiment.
What is CASTOR! A
Castcria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
irorle, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Fubstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishucss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fowl, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tbo Childrcn'3 Panacea The Mother's Friend;
Bears tho Signature of
Administratrix Sale.
The eighty acres belonging to the
Dalton Estate located 2 miles North
and 1 mile, West of Ashland, Neb.,
will bo sold to the highest bidder on
Saturday, March 20th, 1909, at 2
o'clock p. m., at Ashland, Neb., in
front of the postoffice. This farm Is
Improved as follows: Five room
house, barn large enough for 14
horses, besides granary and large
hay mow, thicken house, hog housd
tool house, two wells and watering
tank, good cave, 60 acres In culti
vation and 20 acres in fine hay mead
ow and plenty of all kinds of fruit.
Per Mary Dalton Hempel,
W. C. Ramsey, County Attorney,
is spending the afternoon in Om
aha having business in that city, hav
ing been a passenger for that city on
the mall.
s Cigars
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Cheater Birth Has Arrived.
Chester illrch the evangelist spoke
for the first time at the Presbyter
lan church last night. Mr. Birch
of me." He, also stated that It would came from Lebanon, Indiana, where
not occur again. ho hn 1llRt r0!W(1 . mnHt Biiecennfiil
.Representative snoeniuKer apuitr
gized. admitting, however, "that h
haY viirv Httla nart In tho trnnhlA "
. Aftor a rf.TW.rAl f1lnriiBlnn th hill uvmb..i:u iu .uv.v.,
was then recommended for nassage by ascertain for himself Just the char
the committee of the whole. acler 01 ine people ana tne assistance
The house favorably recommended he might reasonably expect In the of
series of meetings. His service last
night was of the most Informal char-
Avooa, Neb.
The ,
of the California Fig Syrup Co. and the
scientific attainments of its chemists have
rendered posaiblo the production of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its
excellence, by obtaining the pure medic
inal principles of plants known to act most
beneficially and combining them most
skillfully, in the right proportions, with
its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of
California Figs.
As there Is only one genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen
uine is manufactured by an original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it ii always necessory to buy tho
genuine to get its bcncficiul effects.
A knowledge of the above facts enables
one to decline imitations or to return them
if, upon viewing the package, the full namo
of the California Fig SyrupCo. is not found
printed on tho front thereof.
One important differnece between
Devoe Leadand-Zlne Paint and ord
inary hand mixed-paint or ready mix
ed paints is a difference you will
first notice in your pocketbook.
Where a given job will require,
say, 15 gallons of ordinary paint, the
work can often be well done with ten
gallons of Devoe; that's about the
proportion usually.
The best of It is, fewer gallons
make a better job of It; lasts longer,
costs less first and last.
Whatever painting you pay for
have it Devoe; be sure. Do you want
our book about painting?
W. L. Picket, Agt
A, D, S, Peroxide Tooth Powder 1
The A. D. S. has created a masterpiece In Peroxide 1
J Tooth Powder. If you have ever used A. D. 8.
Peroxide Cream you will greet with much satiHfac-
ft lien the arrival of their latest creation, Peroxide 'i
2 Toe th Powder. It cleanneH the teeth, preserves j
them from decay, renders thorn white, by its antl- i
I septic properties. Hardens the gums and Imports ft
J a tMlghtful odor to tho Ireath. Price 2fic a box. 1
A Live Merchant.
a bin by wmcn tne supreme court
clerk In the future will receive $4,000
salary. The deputy clerk will get $2,'
C00 and the assistant reporter $1,200.
The house put an end to the county
option proposition for another tw
years when It killed that bill In a clea
cut fight by a vote of 52 to 39. L
uaie was unmeet iu nueeu umiuies t
each side, but the time was well r
ployed, Boyd of Hamilton, lntrodu
of the measure, leading those fav
Ing tne bill and making a plea to i.
the people rule." He said that fro::.
75 to 90 per cent of all the crime lu
the state was traceable to liquor.
Graff of Cuming made the principal
speech against the bill and said that
If tho prohibition forces wanted to
pass their measures they should put
a ticket in the Held and elect it on a
prohibition platform. In that manner
Oldest Notary In Nebraska.
Peru, Neb., March 25. D. C. Cole.
the oldest notary In Nebraska, it pre
paring to retire from active duty. H
is sixty-seven years old and has ke;
In force continually since four yeai
before Nebraska became a state hi
commission as a notary public. U
came to Peru when the town wat-
founded and has resided here ever
since. He has twice been a member
of the Btate normal board.
fort which he plans here. Mr. Birch
appeared upon the platform without
Introduction and quietly assumed
charge of affairs. He played upon
the cornet that beautiful air to which
we sang "Nearer My God to Thea"
and then the congregation Joined in
tho Ringing of the sopg. He ncrnslon
ally took tho leadership to the chor
us In a song. Tho chorus wos com
posed of about forty voices which
have been under the direction of the
pastor some days and it Is well worth
the time of anyone to hear thece
young people in the song service. It
noon meetings will be held at 2:30
and the night services will all com
mence at 7:45 promptly. Sunday af
ternoon a big men's meeting !s being
arranged for at the Presbyterian
church and probably a woman's meet
ing at the Methodist church. Theso
will be at 2.30.
The committee of arrangements
seem to have left no stone unturned
In their effort to make this meeting'
of such a character that It would
prove of real worth to our city and
community at large and it would be,
well If In appreciation of this fact
and the opportunity thus afforded If
the public would express Its apprecia
tion by Its presence and hearty co
operation during the next two weeks.
We wish Mr. Birch every possible,
success In the work he proposes to do
In our midst. I
L. F. Langhorst, the always live
and rustling general merchant from
Elmwood, was here Tuesday evening,
remaining over night, returning home
Wednesday morning. While here
Mr. Langhorst made the Journal of
fice a brief call. He came down on
some business with the county clerk
and the county treasurer. Mr. Lang
horst Is one of the live merchants of
this county, a genial and social gen
tleman, one whom it is always a
pleasure to meet. Come again Lew,
Wm. Hicks of Ponder, formerly
this city, came In this mnrnina for
a visit with relatives and friends for
several days. Billy looks as If the
climate at Pender agreed with him
and seems to thoroughly enjoy hli
new home.
Broken Bow Merchant Diiappoan
Broken Bow, Neb., March 25. Cred
Itora with claims aggregating 80O aro
anxious to know the whereabouts of
A. T. Allen, a young merchant who
bat been conducting a novelty and
racket store in tho postofflco build
Ing. Allen disappeared Saturday and
at the same time Miss Graco Douflat,
an estimable young lady with whom
he bat been keeping company, left
the city suddenly.
Ix Ytsr Child Run Over and Kllltd.
Mitchell, Neb., March 25. Stella.
the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Richie of this place was
run over and instantly killed by
car In the switch yards. The llttlo
girl had evidently crawled under tho
car and was not seen In time to stop
the switching In progress.
Henry Prosser,
Contracting", Plastering, Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb.
nit. kwi:,
Weeping Water, Ncli.
At Nehawka Hvcry Monday
At Union Every Wednesday.
Twonty Indicted for Gambling.
Albion, Neb., March 25. Twenty in
dictments were the result of the grand
jury, which has just adjourned, and
the greater number are against al
leged gamblers. The county author
ttlei are bending ev?ry effort to break
up gambling and punish violators of
the antl clRarettc law.
Celebrate fOth Wedding Anniversary
Rwlng, Neb., March 25. Mr. and
Mrs. David Hrion of Kwlng have just
celebrated their sixtieth wedding an
nlversary. They were married In
Pennsylvania ami came to Nebraska
thirty years ago, having accumulated
a fortune here.
Grand Island Woman Shoots Self
Grand Island, Neb., March 25 Mrs
Peter Banders, wife of a well known
painter here, committed suicide ty
shooting herself through .the mouth
She has been In 111 health for some
time and despondency Is assigned
tbo cause of ber deed.
I'iK-qiinlcil iin a Cure for Ci-oup.
"Besides being in excellent rem
edy for colds and throat troubles.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is un
equaled as a cure for croup," says
Harry Wilson of Waynetown, Ind.
When given as soon ns tho croupy
cough appears, this remedy will pre
vent the attack. It Is used success
fully In many thousands of homes.
For sale by F. G. Frlcke & Co.
Farm for Rule.
I am offering a farm for sale two
miles southwest of Mynard at ninety
dollars per acre. Also one 3
miles south of Murray.
Earl V. Cole,
Mynard, Neb.
will prove one of the great attractions
of the meeting.
Mr. Birch took for his text Judges
21 "And they stood every man in
his place round tho camp" and from
this he proceeded to develop the per
sonal responsibility of every Christ-
Ian, especially of those of the church
which was directing the meeting,
for the success which should mark
this effort. He told the people If
they had any criticism to offer to
withhold It until they could see the
matter In. the light of results. He
plainly told the church members that
this was their meeting and not his,
that he was just an extra harvest
hand come up to stand with them In
their places. He emphasized the ne
cessity of self denial and conformity
to the methods employed to the ends
desired. He spoke of tho compensa
tions both here and hereafter.
Mr. Illrch does not pose as a great
orator but he speaks with a distinct
ness and at times with an emphasis
which clutches the hearts of his
The meetings are to continue until
April Cth, beginning next week after-
Sam Redman from near Union
came up this morning and was a pas
senger on the fast mall at noon for
D. C. Morgan, deputy county clerk.
Is among those having business In
Omaha this afternoon, going there
on the noon train.
Miss Olive Gass of Plattsmouth
was a guest Sunday and' Monday at
the Goodell home. Mills County
Tribune (Glenvllle, la.)
In County Court.
In th matter of the estate of John
n. MrlNlniter. deremiPcl.
Nolle i horcliy Klven ttint the cred
itor! of until mtutn will mnot the
executor of Raid eMnte. before me.
County JurtKe of Can County. Nehru,
ka, at the County Court room In I'lattit
mouth, In fnll County, on the 2th day
of Murrh. lDuV. anil on the 2t h day of
Heptemher, 11)69. at 10 o'clock a. m..
each day for the pur pone of preaent
Inif their i-lalnm for examination, ad
juxtment and allowance.
Hlx months are allowed for the cred
itor of aald deceaaud to preacnt their
claim. ar1 one year for the executor
to in-ltle aald eatutc, from the limit day
of March, Ittns.
Wltncn my hand and anal of anld
Count v Court, at riattamnut h, Nelirus
ka, thla IhI day of March, 11)09.
Allen J. riecaon.
County Judge.
1). O.
Attorney for estate.
Why Take AScohol?
Arc you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and
strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood
thin, your nerves weak. Ycu need a tonic and alterative. I
i uu nceu nycr s aarsapanua, mc oniy oarsaparma umruy
free from alcohol. Wc believe your doctor would endorse
these statements, or wc would not make them. Ask him a
and find out. Follow hk advice. J7C.A
'I he endorsement of your doctor will certainly fcrc.iily iitirva ynurconhdonce In Ayct 't
Tills as a family laxative. Liver pl'ls. All vegetable. Aik your doctor about ttv-'m.