The Plattsmouth Journal PCBLI8HED WKKKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. a "citizens" ticket. News. -Nebraska City R. A. BATES, Publisher. ntered at the pontofflce at Plattsmouth, N braska,asccood class matter. $1,50 Par Year in Advance. Never forget to look behind the mo tive of the so-called "citizens" ticket. When men become so suddenly anx lous to serve the people provided they ran be nominated one certain way, it la time to inquire why? The republicans of Plattsmouth have certainly fallen upon degener ate days when they are so few In number that they have to depend upon the democrats for material to win the fight with. What has be come of the old war horses of the party? The democratic candidates for councilmen are all excellent men, and a vote cast for them Is one cant for deserving parties. Those who have served the people have always had an eye for their IntereHts and those who have not been tried are known to be fully as earnest In the people's behalf. The democratic city ticket Is one of the best ever presented to the people for their support. The mem bers are of the right kind and believe lleve in making riattsmouth the best city in Nebraska. They do not stand for any special interest and are de pending for their e'ectlon solely on the support of the ;ilaln people. A vote for Sattlcr, FiMie, Ulster and Archer Is a vote fcr the host of city officials. It must please ti c rank and file of the republican par: to bo reduced to the painful extrt tlty of having to vote solely for democrats for of fice but to such a de'.t'a has their lenders pjaeed them, t Is Is all they have left. It Is net pleasant for them, but there they are. The men who have been making their fights for years find themselves robbed of any chance of final success by an lniiiuitlous deal and arc compelled to accept the dictation of former d( inocrats. Vote for John P. Battler. He will make the best mayor the city has had in years. Vote for Carl 0. Frlcke. He will be a fitting successor to R. W. Clement. Vote for Dr. W. B. Elster. His records as city clerk are the best kept of any in years. What amazing virtue is there In a "citizens" ticket? Can not a rose by any other name smell as sweet? Vote for M. Archer. His long rec ord and time tried experience makes him easily the only man for police Judge. Vote for L. W. Lorenz for member of the board of education. He is a live business man and will give the position his attention. Vote for J. W. Bookmeyer for councilman from the third ward. He has always represented the peo ple's Interests and is the best man for the place. Vote for John Schulhof for council man from the fourth ward. Ills rec ord in the council Is beyond reproach and he deserves to be rewarded for his faithful service. In Wall Stm t. We of the rude and unlettered west have been rebuked and ridiculed, times without number, by the super ior morals who inhabit the New York editorial offices, for our silly prejudic es against Wall street. Our some times passionate outcry against Wall street and Wall street influence, has been derided as duo to provincial Ignorance. Wall street people were not only as good as others, we were reminded, but quite a bit better. The atmosphere of the street was one of cultured business, so to speak, and Its denizens wcro prosperous and reput able citizens engaged in ardous labor to support their families, not to men tion their steam yachts and actress es. The other day a naughty vagrant breeze lifted a young woman's skirts . . . . . . . . A Citicns Ticket. 8,1,1 5t)0!0" what she would fpln For several weeks past there has ,mvo ,,u"l,n before a Wall street been talk of nominating a citizen's mnvtl- We quote from the New ticket, but Just why there was ne- York n,'rRl(l the account of what ccsslty for nominating such a ticket ""PPc-nod noxt: was never fully explained. It was agitated and ndvocated by certain In dividuals who were dlssntlsfled with the present administration and did not like the administration of Mr. Stelnhart. One faction was opposed to the enforcement of the laws and the other favored a "wide open" town. Those advocating the Independent movement were some who held no allegiance to either party. They held that a great deal more could bo ac rompllshed by a non-partisan ticket than ono nominated by either party This argument Is fallacious. Thero are tnly three parties In the field- democrats, republicans and prohl hltloplsts with a small sprinkling of socialists and they Include almost every voter In town. To claim that these parties cannot nominate Indi viduals of sufficient mental capacity to govern the affairs of the city Is a mistake. A "citizens" ticket Is sup posed to be composed of Individuals who are not aligned with any party hut on being placed In office will give us an administration far superior to that of any person w ho has been rec ognized politically and has loaned his wrvlccs for the advancementof the 4owd, both financially and politically Will some of the advocates of the "citizens" ticket please tell the public why a non-partisan ticket la any bet Young men forgot their man ners nnd swarmed after the hap less owner of tho shapely stock ing. Old men followed and Join ed In tho mob to a grand total of 1.000 men. With rudo jest and shout the crowd, which gained accession every moment, swept the blushing woman along. Mo unted police rode among the mob of men and boys, but did not succeed In dispersing them. Twice tho young woman at tempted to escape. First she ran Into an Exchange place en trance of the Mills building and entered a telephone booth. The crowd followed, Jammed all tho entrances, whllo the mounted traffic squad and the Infantry of tho police tried to check the riot. Terrified and indignant the woman fled to a broker's offlco on tho second floor. Thence tho employes made an effort to help her escape In a cab. But tho entrance had become congest ed and the hooting, yelling mob forbade egress. The young woman, overcome by her embarasscment, fainted. Yard after yard of ticker tapo, tossed from the windows, after the Wall street manner of ex pressing Its excitement, clung to cornices and fluttered over the heads of the crowd. The high buildings became packed amphitheaters, from which thous ands of spectators, men, boys National Because they're the Nation's Choice National Because Baking Perfection approved by the whole Nation made yrQ0(i(dli The National Soda Cracker 3 Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 2S for He Vote for George E. Dovey councilman from the first ward. Is a clean, representative business man and will make a good official. He will aid In promoting the advance of the schools. Vote for Adam Kurtz for council man from the second ward. He Is a man thoroughly well known, clean, upright and honest nnd Is with the people. Vote for D. O. Dwyer for council man from the first ward. Mr. Dwyer Is a clean, upright citizen and In his short time In the council he has demonstrated ho Is with the people. Vote for Fred M. Rezner for coun cilman from the fifth ward. Mr. Rezner is a clean, honest and bus inesslike man and he will make the people of his ward a fitting repre sentative In the council. i'tir- republicans ot Plattainoutli ave lost their Identity In the spring lectitn. A few men then.' called a jii-.'i t n to nominate :. "ciileifs ticket' and ono was r.r.;i cd The ixt sight the republicans held n oTiventlon and Instead of namln? a cket of their own endorsed the citizens ticket," which was coiiip:)s- 5 'principally of men who have hcre ir been classed as d-nceral.1 'Jbe ti"bllcans there must r.u badly ii:i nvmzed. Nebraska City News. Isn't It a bit curious that with all the excellent men the republican party nas elected to ornce, none could be named for the head of the ticket and for the other Ira portant offices filled by democrats? The state legislature Is near ad Journmcnt and several of tho pledges of tho party have been filled while the rest will be before adjournment This la what the people want and I what the democratic party must do Not all republicans who are object Ing to the "citizens" ticket are dis appointed office seekers. In fact most or the men who havo never had an office or who have and girls, hung eagerly. iowu in Mexico twenty men right 1 mad aiicof,.l nffini.i. - Hap than rtna nnmlna r In ao -u 1 n s I . ... I B " - one bun. and thousands of spectators candidates. lan more be expected Watch eagerly the baiting of the helo. from Individuals who do not take hCM and bewildered animal. They 0overnr Shallenbcrger'a message sufficient interest In the city affairs rtn tt fun to the legislature yesterday relative lo unite with a party than from those tn wall street a thousand male t0 blU Droh,b,tln lork watering who are Interested politically and creatures, with not a single man in ume,jr ,na gooa- Bue, blu for the best Interests of the city? the bunrh, torturo and hnlt a lonely ,n th ,ntPrcBl of the PuUc "d tho Is the man who neglects to register W0Run tln lh , an, MBB00 at thllr "ocanoiacn in corporations and a pctter tuuen man tne one wno fCet. Thouianda more watch this always has his name on the list, and stirring spectacle and call It fun. would you trust the former quicker should be passed. In administering the affairs of the rlty? The most expensive administration Nebraska City ever had was known at Vote for John llallstrom for mem i - . I ... .. "uiwiii-n, w inner tne su- per or the board of education. Mr lienor rennemeni or tne Mexican llallstrom Is a man of ability, tho brand. And our prejudices against I head of a famiw n nn. wh k. - . - wi' n uu BIRO Wall street continue unabated. always taken a great Interest in th World-HuraM. best and highest tvm nf Htlion.hin ward of the said city of T'lnttsmouth, iMirasKa. l'Kllsit UOOS. March 22, 1909. Applicant. L OTICB OF APPl.H TIO Foil MO.- luit i.ii u;.m-;. Notice Is hereby given to nil nersons nterested and to the public, that the miersigncil j-;u Kgenherger ban r ed h s tltlon and application In the office r me city clerk, or t he CUV of 1 atts- mouth. County of Cuss, and State of ubraska, as required by law, signed y the required number of resident ree-holdors of the mi 1.1 cltv. Ht-ttlnif forth tlmt the applicant Ih a ninn of especiauie character and standing and . reHldciit of the Htate of NehiHMka and praying that a license may be iH.sued a the nald Kd EKenberRer for the Rule r man, Hprituoim and inoun lliiuora or tho period of one year from the ate of the huarlnK of oald annllcatlon n a building situated on the runt half l-Z) or lot twelve (12) In b oi k wentv-elirht C!li in the flrt ward of the Huld city of l'lattamouth, Nebraska. March 22. 1S09. Applicant No wonder the real republicans dislike the ticket forced upon them by their present day leaders In this city. When they contemplate what the probable outcome of the election of this ticket would be they become heartily sick. After repeatedly re jecting for office, the leaders in this movement they are compelled to witness them In full control of the party and recklessly throwing away Us mighty Influence for a possible mess of pottage for themselves In the shape of minor appointments tossed them by disgruntled demo crats for their support. NOTICK OF A1Pl.irTIO FOIl MQ. IUH LIIUSK, Notice 11 lierenv Blvnn lo all neranna Interested and to the nubile, that the underpinned J. K McDanlrl hax filed hi petition and aim cat on In the office or tne city clerk, or the Cltv or r atta mouth, county or Cbmm. and Mate of Nebraska, an required by law, Mlxned oy ine required numner or resident frea-holders of the aatd city, nettlne- rorin mai me applicant la a man ol respectable character and standing am! resident or the state of Nebraska am' fraying that a license may be leiued a the aald J. K. McDanlel for the aale of malt, aprltuoiia and vinous lluuora ror me period or one year rrom the nai or in rearm or Raid application In a building- situated on lot lx , In mock iniriT-ltiree. in t ha rourth ward or tne aald city or riattamouth. Ne braska J. K. McDANlEU March it, 1809. Applicant kotiof. or Arri.iriTWN foh uv ' ton 1.ICKMSK. Notice la hereby alven tn all peraoi c, that tl ersons Interested and to the DUbllc. that th undersigned 1'eter Uooa has filed hi petition and application In the offln of th city clerk, of the City of Haiti moutn, county or i ana, and mate o Nebraska, aa required by law. eigne by the required number of reeldnn freeholders of the aald rlty, aettln rortn tnal the applicant la a man o respectable rhararter and standing an resident of the state of Nebraska an praying that a license mav be Issue lo the Raid Peter Oooa for the sal of malt, eprltuoua and vinous liquor for the period of one year from th date of (he hearing of aald application In building situated on lot twelve, tl!) In block thirty (30) In th first Notice of Application for Liquor License. MOTICE Is hereby given to all person Inter 11 ested and to the Public, that the under- Bltfncd, II. K. Hand, baa Sled hi petition and application in the otllce or the city clerk, of the city of I'lammotilh. count v of Cam. and mate of Nebraska, as required by law, almicd uy tne required numlwrof resident free-holders of aald city, netting forth that the appli cant In a man of respectable character and landing and a resident of the t ate of Nehran Ka, ana praying that a license may be luued iplrltuoui and vinoua liquors for the period of one year from the date of the hearing of aald application In a building situated on lota eleven ana twelve, (ll and I-) In block twenty seren, (7) tn the first ward of theiald city of i-iaiutmoum, aeurask. .. II. E. KAM), Applicant. March 17ih,lV0. NOT It' 13 OF ArPl.lCATION FOR I.Kl- IVII LIIKADt; Notice Is hereby given tn all neranna Interested and to the public, that the undersigned Kd Ionat has filed his petition and application In the office of th city clerk, of the City of I'latta- moutn. County of Cass, and Htate of Ncnraska, aa required by law, signed by tho required number of resident free-holders of the said cltv, setting forth that the applicant la a man of respectable character and standing and i resilient or in state or Nebraska and praying that a license may he Issued tn the Raid Kd Dunnt fur ll of malt, Rprltuoua and vinoua llquora mr iTir iivriou m one year rrom the uaie or tne Hearing or Raid aon cation In a building situated on th east half ik or lot twelve (l'JI. In hlonW twenty-nine t!). In the first ward of i ne earn cuy 01 tamout n, Nehraska. KU I l )NAT. Applicant. as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska with tho city clerk of the city of l'luttsmnuth, Nebraska, request ing a permit to sell mult, spirituous and vinous liquors for inedicim'.l, nir conical and chemical p;ii'pini. for the coming municipal year in the bulld I ig situated on lots on (1) u ml two (2) In block thirty-six (36) In the city of riattsmouth, NohrnsUa F. Q. FltlCKE & Co. March 22, 1909. Applicant imc;;ivr im:hmit. Notice is hereby given that Oerlng d Co., have filed their petition a required l-v.the statutes of the Mta'.e of Ni'in'iin.a with the city clerk of iho city of I'lvts mouth, Netiraska, requesting a permit to soil malt, spirituous and vinous llq ors for medicinal, mechanical and chem ical purposes for the coming municipal lear In the building situated on the west half (W. 1-2) of lot twelve (12) In block twenty-eight (is). In the city of riattsmouth, Nebraska. UEKINQ St CO., March 22, 1909 Applicant. NOTIt'K TO I'HKDITOK In County Court. n county court. In the matter of the estate of John B. Melslnger. deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the cred itors of said estate will meet the executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass County. Nebras. ka, at tne county court room in riatts mouth, In Raid County, on th 29th day of March. 1909. and on th 29th day of September, 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m.. each day for the purpose of present ing their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. ms months are allowed ror the cred itor of aald deceased to present their claims. ar1 on year for the rxecutor tn settle tald estate, from th 29th day of March, 1909. . Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at riattsmouth, Nebras ka, this lit day or March, 1909. tseai.) Allen J. neeson, County Judge. D. O. Dwyer, Attorney ror estate. March 3!, 1909. NOTICF. OF AI'PI.ICTIO4 FOR I.IQ. Nonce is nrenv a-ivrn in an naranna intereated and to the public, that th unueraigneti Adoipn uelne has filed his petition and application In the office of th city clerk, of the City of Plana. mouth. County of Cass, and Htate of oenraaaa, as required ny law, algne.1 bv th renulred number nf freeholders of the said cirri setting forth that Ih applicant I a man of respectable character and standing and resident of the state of Nebraska and praying that a license may be Issued to the said Adolph Ulese for th sal of malt, sprltunus and vinous liquors for tb Period of one year from the date of the hearing of said application In a building situated on the west bait (W. 1-n of lot six ll In block thirty four (34) In the foil rib ward of th sain city or riattsmouth. Nehreaka. . AUOLPII OIKHR, March 12, 109. Applicant Ititt a;iT PF.imiT. Frlck Co. have filed their petition by all leading druggist. Miss Emma Dauer Is spending the afternoon In Omaha today going on the mall train. To Enjoy the full confidence of the Well- Informed of the World and the Commendation of the moat eminent physicians it was essen tial that the component parts of Syrup of Figs and Dizir of Senna should bo known to and approved by them; there fore, the California Fig Syrup Co. pub lishes a full statement with every package. The perfect purity and uniformity of pro duct, which thry d?manl in a laxative remedy of an ethical character, are assured by the Company's original method of man ufacture known to tin Company only. . The fig ot California are used in the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna to promote the pleasant taste, but the medicinal principles are obtained from plants known to act most lirnefirially. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali- fortu'a Fig Syrup Co. only, and lor sale