"I Ron JIT RED GATE IByC MEREDITH NICHOLSON IIIuttrMtlonM by RAY WALTERS 1 and tattle-scarred are celebrated in sons and story; but who are they to be preferred over their serene sister hood? Let the worn mothers of the world be throned by the fireside or placed at comfortable ease In the shadow of hollyhock and old-fashioned roses In familiar gardens; It matters little, for they are supreme in any company. Whoever would be gracious must serve them; whoever would be wise must sit at their feet and take counsel. Nor believe too readily that the Increasing tide of years has quenched the fire In their souls; rath er, It burns on with the steady flame of sanctuary lights. Lucky were he who could Imprison in song those qual ities that crown a woman's years voicing what Is In the hearts of all of us as we watch those gracious angels go ing their quiet ways, tending their secret altars of memory with flowers and blessing them with tears. "Miss Holbrook!" I exclaimed. She did not cry out. though she stepped back quickly from the bench. "Oh, It's you, Mr. Donovan, Is It?" "It most certainly is!" 1 laughed. i "We seem to have similar tastes. Miss Holbrook." "An iuteiesl in geography, snail call It?" she chaffed, gayly. "Or astronomy! We will assume that we are both looking tor the Little Dipper." "Good!' she returned on my own note. "Between the affairs of the Hoi brooks and your evening Dipper hunt you are a busy man, Mr. Donovan." I am not halt so busy as you are. Miss Holbrook! It must tax you se verely to maintain both Bides of the barricade at the same time, 1 ven tured boldly. "That does require some Ingenuity, she replied, musingly, "but 1 am a very flexible character." "But what will bend will break you may carry the game too far." "Oh, are you tired of it already?" "Not a bit of It; but I should like to make this stipulation with you: express satisfaction with her own share of the talk; then nor manner (From the Register.) changed abruptly. She rested her ,M. Kate Corbett went to Llni hands on the back of the bench and woo Tuesday morning to see her sis bent toward nie. ter Mrs. Margaret Corbett who is ill. "My father dealt very generously Dr. Walker enjoyed a visit from with you. You were an intruder. He ns mothtr who came down frnn watt well wiihin his rights in capturing you. And. more than that, you drew to our place some enemies of your own who may yet do us grave injury." "They were no enemies of mine! Didn't you hear me debating that mat ter with your father? They were his day enemies and they pounced on me by I Mrs mistake. It's not their fault that they didn't kill me!" "That's a likely story. That little creek Is the quietest place in the world." "How do you know?" I demanded, bending closer toward her. "Because my father tells me so! That was the reason he chose it." Murray and spent the day with him Tuesday. Mrs. R. B. Stone and two children visited with the family of E. G. King at Syracuse from Tuesday to Thurs- J. M. Palmer has been at Avoca for the last two weeks, car- ng fo" her sister Mrs. Dunbar and family, who are sick with the mumps. Bruce West who lives about eight miles south of hcru, was in town Tuesday and visited a short time with the editor. He was on a hunt for spring wheat which he wishes to "He wanted a place to hide when 80w this year. the cities became too hot for him. 1 advise you. Miss Holbrook, in view of all that has happened, and If you have any sense of decency left, to keep That as you and I seem to be pitted 7 from there." against each other in this little con- "And I suggest to you. Mr. Donovan, fest we Si "ght it all out behind that your devotion to my aun doe. wv T nrefer that she not require you to pursue my father. ill ISO V B - W ' shouldn't know what a" and I hes- You do well to remember that a stran- John Whiteman went to Platts- mouth Monday evening to take up his work as one of the Jurors on the Ossenkop case. He was accom panied by Wcs. Magney. Jake Kracker from near Eight Mile Grove was In Nehawka on Fri day and contracted with Henry she pleaded, mockingly "What a beautiful deceiver IViriictlrnr fclmaelf Intft thA affair! I t Via nnncfriint Inn rf ft n Itatnil I 4 ' u'0 -" I J 1 UUVI 1V Vu vwiion w. v - liaicu. ... I V A VnAr nuts ttlm. I . . . t . a "Oh give me a name, won't you 7" miuuj uu uv arcn cave l0 De DUUl Wlin ine neju 7ll til m unu I fgy W6KS "l n0t ,af.k,ng yUr adm,rat,on' Mrs. Isaac Pollard went to Union "You may save yourself the trou- Wednesday afternoon to visit her ble!" she flashed; and then laughed aaugnter airs, uarnura wnu mi out merrily. "Let us not be so ab- prostrated since the death of her surd! We are quarreling like two husband. school children over an. apple. It's Henry Helnrlch accompanied by are: you We will agree that I am "Splendid! a deceiver!" "If It gives you pleasure! You are welcome to all the Joy you can get out of it!" mm mi raise "Please don't be bitter! Let us play reallv & pleasure to meet you In this h,g wlfe Bpent iast Saturday at the fair, and not stoop to abuse. "I should think you would feel con trite enough after that ugly business of this afternoon. You didn't appear to be even annoyed by that Italian's effort to smash the launch." She was silent for an instant; I heard her breath come and go quickly; when she responded with what seemed a forced lightness: "You really think that was inspired unconventional fashion, but we must be amiable. Our affairs will not be settled by words I am sure of that. 1 must beg of you, the next time you come forth at night, to wear your cloak and dagger. The stage setting Is home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gruber. This is Mrs. Helnrlch'a first visit here since re turning from the hospital at Omaha. The Missouri Pacific has made Copyriito 1909' . The llouie of Kuppeahaam It is hard to tell the differ ence between the "good" and the "near good" in clothing. The real difference is not ap parent when you first see thzm in the store. The real differ ence appears after you have worn them. Difference in price often leads people to believe they are saving money by buy ing at the cheaper place, where as a matter of fact this is not true. We have the name of carrying good goods and noth ing else and if good goods is what you want, we can sell them to you as cheap as any body. Our new spring line is uncovered and ready for your inspection. Chictia CHAPTER VIII. A Lady of Shadows and Starlight It was nine o'clock before IJima came n. ur.pp.ng trom . iuu.uk .a suddenly appeared at a the lake and his walk home through 1 fair enough; and the players should some improvements in the passenger the rain. The Italian had made no ef fort to molest him, he reported; but he had watched the man row oi to the Stiletto and climb aboard. IJima has an unbroken record of never hav ing asked me a question Inspired by curiosity. He may inquire which shoes I want for a particular morning, but why, where and when are unknown' in loss. "By Henry Holbrook. as you know well enough. And If Miss Pat should be murdered through his enmity, don't you see that your position in the mat ter would be difficult to explain? Mur der, my dear young woman, is not looked upon complacently, even in this remote corner of the world!" "Ynn seem elven to the use of dress their carts becomingly. I am already named Rosalind at night; Aunt Pat we will call the Duchess In exile; and we were speaking a mo ment ago of the' Fool. Well, yes; there was a Fool." "I might take the part myself, if Gillespie were not already cast for. It." "Gillespie?" she said, wonderingly; then added at once, as though memory had prompted her: "To be sure, there is Gillespie." "There is certainly Gillespie. Per- service at this station. They have attached a mall car and another coach and this will add very ma terially to the comfort of the pas sengers who hae occasion to use this train. C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS Where Quality Counts Klimvood. From the Leader-Echo. Loeutcs Odd Fellow's Home. York, Neb., March 9. Georgo L. his vocabulary. He was, I knew fair- langUage, Mr. Donovan. Let us ly entitled to an explanation of the In- 8tron J 1 J 'of names and consider cldent of the afternoon though he t me... would ask none and when he had Rt a. you have changed his clothes and reported to own gtand But , W,H Bay me in tne lmrary i toia mm in a woru .. . v. j..-.v. I mat i was Will Rhoden and aunt, Mrs. Sarah Loomls of Fremont and F. D. Miller Kenneth, of Lincoln, came down 0f Lincoln, of the Odd Fello.s home haps you would liefer call him Or- Monday to attend the funeral of Mil- locating committees, arrived here lando?" I ventured. .... dred Rhoden. Monday and after spending the aT Then "0" ha't's' Tbive Fern Ro8enow and wlfe and Mr8 afternoon In looking carefully,over mYn! Rewrites brave verses, speaks August Rosenow. of Murdock, vis- the land tendered by York as a site, brave words swears brave oaths and lted in Elmwood, Friday. at a meeting of the Commercial Club, breaks them bravely, quite traverse, L. F. Langhorst and wife went to decision of the committee to locate nt.o. .V a hna rf nf tila Invar I llmnho Mnnriflv mnrnlnt?. rftlimlllU I tlio nnnnnaojl olnto drill folldtts' hnmo . . . aaVl CH-ll"!- Uio v.. ma . v , I .111111.111 ...... 01 - 1 nic ji uivai.u v..v vuu - that there might be further trouble, 7" . , ' ,ovaH fhp pulsny tllter, that spurs his horse but Wednesday evening. at that town. and that I should expect him to stand 'vni VL mme on one side, breaks his staff like a Ted jeary-B baby was quite sick night watch at St Agatha's for a while, dividing a patrol of the grounds with the garoener. mis xes, sir, h . helow. owl was as calm as though I had told him - - JT rm ' to lay out my dress clothes, and I kootel in the Glenarm wood! : a rest went with him to look up the gardener ls bird chirped from its perch in a ..... m n . 1 A AVAPhOOII o ids riivlatnn nf natrol duty mlent I mi" eavesdropper the very hour you came i to Annandale." A moment's silence; the water mur- The site consists of two elghles ly- noble goose; but all's brave that youth ,agt week wtth the diBeaso that has lng Bde by side a short distance mounts and folly guides.' " nmvnient amone the children Bni,u,Ht nf th dtv of York. The "That is Cella's speech, but well community the past few lo.atlo.i is fine and one of the most rendered. Let us consider that you . ..ni..M.i.ki.nrt nf One tract belongs to Mr. to Mr. be thoroughly understood. I gave the Scotchman a revolver and IJima bore under his arm a repeat ing rifle with which he and I had dl verted ourselves at times in the pleas- ara Rnsallnri fnHn Vlnla Anrl Ariel .it in nn a nd i .hnii hn thnR lm- Bert Hollenbeck, .wno has been the state. mortal villains of old tragedy first, earning the shekels in North Da- Butterfleld and the other '111(1 Uncovering" Sure. The firm of Falter & Thlerolf are wearing a large, broad smile today. They have received four tons count 'em four of fixtures this, morning and next Saturday will be music and flowers for true. These fixtures are the finest ever brought Into the city and Include a full line of dust proof hat cases, clothes, cabi nets and show cases, the latest design and the best to be had. The disap pointment over the failure to uncover last Saturday is measurably allayed and next Saturday you can come and . see the best clothing Btore bare none in Nebraska. .... t. ...l ,M at laat moriBl Villains Ul Ulll II ttseuj llioi, euimiifc mc o..v..o -. - v St i Ln RtenlnJ while cond and third murtherer; or. 11 it kota the past year, has returned to Wood. The land is valued at $20,000 Aunt Pal ? unfolded Tthe Trk history of BU,t better' let me be Ia for Nebraska and will work on a farm and that is considered a conservative Aunt Pat unfolded the dark history the Holbrooks." "I knew It, though I tried to be lieve I was mistaken. But when I honesty; Othello for great adventures; near weeping Water this summer, estisiate. .. a l 1 I .1 1 ant pracuce 0i ot .iiw Baw yoU there on Tippecanoe creek assignea n.m iuo w"'7 nieeting your father at the canoe-ma-the gardener tc look out .for Le... , wa8 bounded; I did from the road. These precautions taken, I rang the bell at St. Agatha's Hamlet for gloom; Shylock for relent lessness, and Romeo for lovesick ness." Again she bent her head; then draw lng a little away and clasping her hands, she quoted: "'Come, woo me, Miss Mary Foster, county superln- At the meeting of the Commercial tendent, came out from Plattsmouth Club in the evening It was voted to Wednesday noon to look after some guarantee to the Odd Fellows of the school interests in the county. state the sum of $10,000 in cash to n r. rortmPil ipft th first of last be used In the construction or fur- wn m- fnr now I am ln n hollda L.v fnr M homo In EuKcne. Ore., nlshing of the home ln whatever manner ine uuuuimk tumiiiHiro m- best. The citizens of York are feeling I stammered a moment, dimly re- L..ov r,nnn nn hphalf of nave's Jubilant over the decision or the corn- calling Orlando's reply in the play. . . ii i. ji...h k I I rilii nnt knnw wnetner snn were aar- geBiea, nnanB u m.lu lu . ' T. ,, .u. rim, hirh --hnnl basket not know that depravity could go so " i . l ..... v . - . I ... a "My poor unhappy, unfortunate fa- numour nu uh enuugu 10 i-uubouu accompanied oy a very nno mum ci ther'" she said in a low voice; there What would you say to me now, an ,a (vlntage 0f 1776) for use in that was 'almost a moan ln it. I were your very, very Rosalind?'" wet countryi presented to him by "I suppose you defend your conduct I stammered a moment, dimly re- char,ey rjlapp. on behalf of Dave's on the ground ol nnai auiy," 1 sug- calling w .o..uUD ... f Elmwood friends. mittee to locate the home here. They have all along felt that the site ten dered was one of the best, If not the n... ..n..MnM whn ara vmi tn ire me: and th s was certainly not tne ine bimwoou i"b tnrtB.n nnr afTairs? We are 'the unhap- girl's mood as we had met at St. Aga- ball team was defeated here last rn- tDni,aroA nt,vuhero in thn state plest family that ever lived; but 1 tha's. My heart leaped and the blood day nght in a hotly contested K"1 and'the decslon of the committee to Bhould like you to Know mai n was uu8.Cu ... . playea ,n ine optMtt lluUBc. hpre dlJ not cause any un- not by my wish that you were brought searched out the long forgotten scene; lcore wa8 lg t0 20. The game Is locate nfi ai a"y .... I... n Tk,. ia mnr. in I and suddenly I threw at her the line: ... ... , ,.k usual surprise here. a UthTshan ap ear;-'' 'How ,f 'the kiss be denied?' " ZZ' The ContrftCt f " dr'.B auu o- i maiotf mnrn nor nnd nronnriv about uw --- ' Ijlma Bore Under His Arm a RtoaV lng Rifle. all this than appears "There Is nothing In It but Miss Pat her security, her peace, her happi ness. I am pledged to her, and the rest of you are nothing to me. But you may tell your father that I have been In rows before and that I propose to stand by the gun3." "I shall deliver your message, Mr. Donovan; and I give you my father's thanks for It," the mocked. "Your father calls you Rosalind before strangers'." I remarked. "Yes. U'b a fancy of his," she mur mured. Unerringly. "Sometimes iff Vlo!a. or Perdlta, but, as 1 think of It It's oftener Rosalind. I hoi e you don't object, Mr. Donovan?" '.No, 1 rattier like It; If in keeping and asked for the ladles, but was re- with your variable character. You ...... a i., .w thov had retired, seem prone, like Rosalind, to wood- tor the situation would not be helped land wandering. I dare say the other by debate and if they were to remain people of the cast will appear ln d.ie at St Agatha's It was my affair to season. So far 1 have seen only the plan the necessary aeronsive air.7 ruu.. Luk.. ,n,,hiin th-m. And 1 must "The Fool? Oh. yes; there w ha., tw at all times, from the Touchstone, wasn't there?" .-. - ----- . ...... .J thnra l ueiieve is auiimiu m.n. n. moment I first saw Helen Hoiorooa with her father at Red Gate, I had every Intention of shielding her to the utmost. The thought of trapping her, of catching her, flagrante delicto, was revolting; I had, perhaps, a notion that ln some way I should be able to thwart her without showing my own hand; but this, as will tppear, was not to bo so easily accomplished. I went home and read for an hour, then got into heavy shoes and sot forth to reconnolter. The chief ave nue of dangr lay. I Imagined, across the lake, and I ras-;d through St. A3' tha's to see that my KUird w.r ahinit their liusltions: tlieo contlti iH along a wooded bluff th:tt ro;' to .i.t.,,.1,1,. iii.t.-ht iilinvc the hile-. There was a wl vll::-? path wl.Uh Hi -Dllgrlmapos r.f ..ro'.MiM tn Hi-rnS and auiumn hud worn hr.rd. nivl I f. lowed It to Its crent. wli. ic thorn wa.i a stono be.nh, e.-.tnbr.shed for the ci( " of those who wiidnd to take thilr sun sets In CO'llfOlt. a a S m 1 1 J Hrip nnrusrepn ner hmouiultb. i . . " ---- -f i iin mur h rinnv hvpiiimil auuuL i .... "The rehearsal ha. gone far enough. tlTe'yn People gath- oy all Pities interestea. RETORT OF THE CONDITION or tii BaLnk of Cass County of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. Incorporated In the stat of Nebraska, at th clottfl of bu.iliifMM February 'tX 1VUU. UEHOUKCES Ixjansand discounts ....fcWIO 5ft . OvenlraftN. secureil and unweuma.. I.H74 IH ltomU.nUx-Wn.MtH'iirlllt'd, jndirmeiilH. i!,300 00 ItiiiiUlnif houne furniluro ami tlx- tunes "a""' m (Mher real entail 13. 00 ('urn'iitpxiM'iiscn and taxes paid... . &il Rti Dun from imt'l. hi ate and private hanks and hankers 39.4W Ti Cliii ks anil llenis of exi'liaiifn MS 73 Cash H.543 Total 3H0,078 03 LI A 111 LIT IKS Capital stock paid ln I W.Otw 00 Surplus fund s.mw w I niilvlili'd prolim mo Individual (li lsmltH sul))H't tochei'k ia,ttlt S3. lVinand rert IHi-ates of ltposlt 74 60 TlniH certtHcatnt of dt iHisIt HKKA OS rashler'a cheek outanillnir 17,719 11 Due to nai l, slatfl ami private nanus and uaiikeni ii.auooi ered at the home of C. D. Kuni sr., J. Returns to WlxroiiNln. W. Goodnature of Derlin, Let us come back to earth again uui inn, o,..e..uw, 4 umv u . . ,n a ,inHv tn the home Far across the lake a heavy train "u "' " - .nH rumbled, and Its engine Diew a long - Vlltln In the Im- the evening, giving ner a very pieuo- . - ...ri0 Tha pvenlmr was han- meuiaie vicinity ana in u plly spent in games, music, etc., and several weeks past departed this . ' .i.i ii uo.vprt noon for his homo. Mr. Goodnaturo o --- . . , . ... n.llr. wno is a prominent riu.en ui .ji.-imi will first make a visit with his sls- LenveH for Xew l-'lelds. ter at Pardoevllle, Wis., after which blast for Annandale. I felt at that In atant the unreality of the day'B events, with their culmination In this strange interview on the height above the lake. Never, I thought, had man par leyed with woman on so extraordinary a business. In the brief silence, while the whistle's echoes rang round the shore, I drew away from the bench thnt had stood like a barricade be tween us and walked toward her. 1 was. She laughed; I felt that wo were bound to get on better, now that we understood euch other. "You are rather proud of your at talnments, aren't you? I have really read the play. Mr. Donovan; I havo oven seen It acted." "I did not mean to reflect on your Intelligence, which Is acute enounh; or on your attainments, which are suf fklent; or on your experience of life, "Well spoken! I really believe that I am liking you belter all the time. Mr. Donovan." "My heart Is swollen with gniUltide. You heard fliy talk with your father nt his cottage last nlnht. And then you tlew hark to Miss I'nt and played the hypocrite- with the nrtlessness of Rosa lindthe real Rosalind." "Did 1? Then I'm ns clever as I nni vlckc.. You. no doubt, are iu wl-.n as ; are pond." l-hi folded lier ntin with a quid; ir,oMTiiint, the bif ir, 1 t hunch!, ti. rttft not believe in her: she naa flaunted her shameful trickery iu my face; and yet I felt her spell upon me as through the dusk I realized anew her splendid height, the faint dis closure of her noble head and felt the glory of her dark eyes. She did not draw away, but stood quietly, with her head uplifted, a light scarf caught about her shoulders, and on her head a round sailor's cap, tipped away from her face. "You must go back; I must see you safely to St. Agatha's," I said. She turned, drawing the scarf close under her throat with a quick gesture, as thounh about to go. She laughed with more honest glee than I had known in her before, and I forgot her duplicity, forgot the bold game she was playing, and the consequences to which It mtiBt lead; my ptilseB bounded when a bit of her scarf touched my hand as she flung a loose end over her shoulder. "My dear Mr. Donovan, you proposo the Impossible! Wo ate foes, you must remember, pint I cannot nccep your escort." "Hut 1 have a guard about the house you are likely to get Into trouble if you Irv tn pns through. I must ask you i-i ' r'nT our pledge, that you The Monday morning freight train ho expects to return to his homo city carried away three Immigrant cars He has been in this city for several and with them three good citizens, months vlBltlng with Mrs.-Ilennlngs Charles Brandt and hlB son Alfred Mtb. McCullough,, Mrs. John Urlsh Mith i.It car. well filled, goes to and Will Sopor. Previous to his ,. .v.. .D , - - . Mcrna In Custer county, and ln their visit hero ho visited with John an;i going Cass county loses a splendid George Sporer at Valparaiso, Neb. Total I3. 0J CoiiNTVorCAH lM I. T.M.Patterson, cashier nf the almve named hank, do hereby swear t hat t lie ahovn st alemonl is a rorm-i ina true ropv of the report inailctotlieMiaie naim 1uk Hoard. T. M. I'attehhow. ... ..JCiias. C. I'AiiMiti i. Director, Aiiesi.j ,, u ei u Nil urn mil, lUmlor. Huhscrllieii and sworn lo liefore mo this 5th day of March, WW'. Clara Hhown, Notary Public. Seal My commission ex pins .Ian. lllli, IUI2. man and one who counts his friends During the time ho was ln this city by the score. Mr. Goodnaturo mado a great many Adolph Schwartz goes to Mander- friends who regret to see mm cut son, in the nig Horn Bnsln of Wy- his visit short. A large number of oming, where ho has rented an irrl- friends and acquaintances were at the gated farm for a long term of years. Burlington station to see him de- The friends of Adolph will miss him, part. especially when It comes to hunting wolves and Kinareu sports. it,,,,,,,,. ,,f v,.w Service Tom Smith goes to mo weieu. Fri,nionti Nlb., March 8. Rumors part of the Btate and anotner oni- .. . . r..llroad ,.irrl,,8 that timer will bo registered among the tho Ilurn(tton 800n H to make omo absent ones. Nehawka Iteglsttr. ,., n i,H sioux Citv-Ashland lino that wilt give citizens of smnll I ..... a It W livers, who served two towns tne service linn mey nme ui-.-u years us deputy game warden nnd clamoring for, petitions and other- ade his headquarters at llavelock wise. It is said that either morning nervb'H will ho Installed, meaning two trains each way a day, or It will be arranged no that one train will run south In tlu morning anil the other north Iu the afternoon, permitting pet sons wishing to visit Fremont to have seine time lu re between trains At undent the i.urth and nouth l.o-iiiil trains pass In Fremont RETORT OF THE CONDITION orniB Plattsmouth State Bank of riattsmouth. Nebraska. Charter No. 7X8 IneoiiHirnled In the state nf Nebraska, at th cIiimi of huslm ss, I't'iiruary i, . . KKSdintCKS Iinnsand dl-u-ount .....ShXt.ri overdrafts, mi'iiml ami imsi'i-unii .. l.u.ti m IIoikIs, st.M'ks, Ms'urltli'S, Judtrini'iits, rlnlms. etc I.8H4 W tlniiklnirhouse.fiirnltiiivamlflxtutr 1.47V l Currt'iit pxim'iiss and laxes paid... . I.iiu4 1M Cash Items 314 H4 line fnun tint 1 stale and private hanks am hankeiit lS.xn 11 Cash f.7i 43 111 dining that time, has moved to Has sett, Uok county, nnd wilt spend his llmo from now on looking after bis ranch. State Journal. Mrs. F. (5. K u port of Otnnba mine down last i veiling for a visit with Bennett Chrlswclser and family only to be (1 bap pointed, Mr. and Mrs. Cluiswelsor being absent on n vl.-it with relatives. Six' returned home Ibis inernln:; r the early train. Total. I.IAIIII.1TIK Cnplialslis-k pnld In IjO.WiO 00 1 mllvliliMl pniiiis n Imllvlduiil di'isslts subject to ches-k f.M.3so S! lirmand ii-rtltli'iiles of de mmIi tnr Time cert HleateN of drposll aivl 7!l-71VJW W Hills pnyaliln M0 00 Total t:l,siia 63 Stats or NruiiASKA. I a t nrsTV orl'Ass l" M. Itols-rts. enslilorof the nlsive nninril bank, do heixliy swear that, the nlmve sliilement Is a rorreet nnil O ur i-npy nf the ivisirt made to Hie Stain llu iklrni IIuiikI, J. M. Kulll K I'S. Cashier. .... i. I H. Hfi'Krii.lUns-tnr. rttu si. j vv Niwki.i.. inivoinr. SnWrlls'd nnd sworn lo before methlslUU davof Minvh null. W. W. Windham. Iiull Notary 1'uldle. My eomnilsslon expln-s luio 1 1 M,Y J's t'V l. 10c A W1I K. Miss Kminu Bauer Is spending thu day In Omaha going to that city on the early (rain.