The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 11, 1909, Image 2

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    BLR fi ff
Plattsmoufh Citizens Incorpor
ate Stock Company
From City of Plattsmouth in a
Chain of Car Lines
The Journal Is pleased to say that
iu fight for an Interurban railroad
from thla city to Murdock and the
west la to bear fruit. Today articles
of Incorporation were filed with the
county clerk for the Plattsmouth &
Southwestern Interurban Railway. It
can be stated that the line la amply
backed with capital for Its construction
and work will be commenced at once
on the preliminary survey. At the
present time no stock Is on the mar
ket but later a limited amount will
be offered to the public. Of course,
at this time no definite route has
been selected but the gentlemen In
terested figure upon a line running
out of this city through Mynard and
possibly to Murray, through Manley
and to Murdock. A glance at the
map of Cass County will show the
vast possibilities embraced In this
scheme. The country between My
nard and Manley Is without railway
facilities and it la one of the best
and richest portions of the county.
It embraces Mt. Pleasant precinct,
one of the best In the county and
one without railroad facilities and
the southern half of Eight Mile Grove
precinct, a rich and popius pre
cinct whlso farmers now Have miles
to drive to a market. From Manley
where the line will cross the Mis
souri Pacific giving a north and
south connection to Louisville, Weep
ing Water and Avoca. From Manley
the route will be to Murdock situated
in one of the most fertile sections
of Nebraska. At this point connec
tion will be made with the Rock Is
land Railroad giving connection with
South Bend and Alvo. Should It be
considered advisable spurs and feed
ers can be extended to Elmwood and
the line built west to Greenwood with
a connecting link to Eagle. The plan
Is a comprehensive one and means to
unite this county, one of the best
In the state, together In a compact
The men behind this Incorporation
are local capitalists although they
have tho support of outside capital
ists as well. The incorporators are
Charles C. Parmele, president of the
Dank of ' Cass County, R. II. Wind
ham, capitalist and real estate man
and attorney, Hon. II. I). Travis, Dis
trict Judge, J. P. Falter real estate,
and W. W. Contes, real estate and
business man. The list of Incorpo
rators is a guarantee that tho road
Is being organized In the right man
ner and that If its building is a pos
sibility, and everyone knows it is, it
, will be completed and that speedily,
llesldes these gentlemen a number of
outside capitalists have been Inter
ested In the project. As the Journal
has pointed capital Is readily Inter
ested when returns can bo seen and
In this case the returns are so patent
that there Is no trouble In drawing
capital out for Investment.
Tho Immense Importance of this
line Is to tho country It
will traverse cannot be over
estimated. Every farmer owning
lands within five miles on each side
of Its right of way will find his land
advanced In value. To those, living
directly along the line, the advance
will be enormous. The history of
Illinois, 1 milium and Ohio will be re
pented In Cass County. The farmer
with the electric railroad at hiH door
Is situated better than the city man.
lie has his broad acres to produce the
Income and tho freight trains on tho
electric line ennble him to move his
crops In th worst of weather at a
minimum cost. llesldes It places him
in a position where he nnd his family
can take a car for the city at any
hour almost of tho day and return at
once when their work Is done. Con
servative estimates stnte that the ad
vance In farm values along the line of
the road will run from 910 to $23 per
acre. It ran be seen how vital this
lino Is to middle ('ass County farm
The complete articles of Incorpo
ration follow:
We the undersigned do hereby as
white ourselves together and de
clare that wo together with our as
Hoclates and successors, are and stud I
hereafter be o corporation under and
by virtue of the laws of the Stato of
Nebraska, and shall bo known nnd
styled The Plattsmouth and South
western Interurban Railway.
The principal place of transacting
the business of said corporation shall
be In Plattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska. Ill
The object of thla corporation shall
be the construction of an Interurban
railway, from Plattsmouth out Into
Cass County, In a southwesterly and
westerly direction, and as near as
practicable to the towns of Mynard,
Manley and Murdock, continuing on
toward the west end of Cass County,
with diverting lines to Union, Weep
ing Water, Louisville, Elmwood,
Greenwood and Eagle.
IV .
The amount of capital stock au
thorized Is the sum of $100,000.00 In
shares of $100.00 each, 10 per cent
thereof to be paid In on the date of
subscription, and the remainder In
Installments 30 days after a call
thereof shall be made by the duly au
thorized officers of such corporation.
Said capital stock to be increased
from time to time, as the business In
terests of the corporation may de
mand. V
The highest amount of Indebted
ness or liability to which this corpo
ration Is an any time subject ltBelf,
shall not exceed two-thirds of the cap
ital stock.
The affairs of this corporation
shall be conducted by a board of
five directors to be selected from the
subscribers to stock, who shall elect
from among their number, a presi
dent, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer. The said directors shall
also have power to appoint a gener
al superintendent, and such other
officers as shall seem necessary In
carrying out the objects of this corpo
Tho time of the commencement of
this corporation shall be
1909, and the period of Its termina
tion shall be 1859.
The stockholders of this corpora
tion may adopt such regulations,
rules, and by-laws as may seem nec
essary to conrol and facilitate the
transacting of Its business, and they
may amend these articles of Incorpo
ration, nnd tho regulation and by
laws which may hereafter be adopted
at any regular meeting of the hold
ers of stock, or at any called meeting
designated for that purpose.
The annual meeting of tho stock
holders shall be held on the first
Tuesday In January of each year, ex
cepting when that shall be designat
ed as a holiday, In which event the
meeting shall bo held on the suc-
cedlng Tuesday. The election of of
ficers other that at the meeting for
organization, shall take place at such
annual meetings.
Signed this 8th day of March, 1909.
Chas. E. Parmele.
R. R Wlndmam.
11. I). Travis.
J. P. .Falter. f
W. W. Coates.
State of Nebraska, Casa County, ss.
On this 8th day of March, 1909, be
fore me a notary public duly commis
sioned and qualified for and residing
In said Cass County personally camo
C. C. Parmele, R. H. Windham, II. I).
Travis, J. p. Falter and W. W.
Coates, to me known to be the Iden
tical persons described In and who
signed and executed the foregoing
articles of Incorporation, as Incor
porators and acknowledged tho sign
lng of the natd Instrument to be their
voluntary net and deed.
'Witness my hand nnd Notarial seal
the day and year last above written.
W. W. Windham.
Notnry Public.
Messrs Charles C. Parmele and R.
H. Windham were the only two of tho
Incorporators of the company In the
city this morning. They talked
freely upon the matter of the 'ncor
poratlon and Hinted that the steps
they had taken were the out growth
of and In accordance with public sen
timent, both In the city nnd tho coun
try, and which has been so strong
ly expressed by and through the local
paper as well as by the Commercial
Club. They have taken these pre-
n fs
j llminary st9 on their own invitativ
' hut later en they ejpcteii to give -!
those who det ire it. a chaiue to take
! stotk or aii in the construe
j ticn of the road. They believe that
the city of Plattsmouth and the farm
ing community along the line who
will be so Immensely benefitted can
build the road with the aid of such
outside capital as can be interested.
The .matter has been thoroughly stud
ied over and all features considered
and the gentlemen have great con
.idence that the road can be built and
not only built but made a paying in
vestment. Had they not believed this they
would never have gone to the expense
and trouble of making this incorpora
tion. At the present time the
gentlemen did not think It ncessary
to further explain their plans but as
matters develope the puoilc will be ad
Brief S.kettii of This Dearly Beloved
Wife, Mother and Friend.
Died Schutz. Mrs. Anna, aged 60
years, 7 months, 11 days, at her
home nearPlattsmouth, Neb., on
March 8, 1909, of paralysis. Fun
eral March 10, 1909, from the
residence, Rev. Longhorst officiat
ing. Interment at Oak Hill ceme
tery, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Yesterday afternoon the remains of
the dearly beloved wife and mother,
.Mrs. Anna Schutz, were laid to rest
in the beautiful Oak Hill cemetery of
this city, In the presence of a large
assemblage of mourning relatives and
friends. For several years the de
ceased had been a sufferer from par
alysis and on Monday last the end
came, a second Btroke completing the
untimely work of the first. In the
passing of Mrs. Schutz a kind and
loving wife and a fond and consider
ate mother was gathered to her rest.
Mrs. Schutz waa a most lovable wo
man and during her life time she
made a great many friends who are
left behind to mourn tier and who
extend to the bereaved family their
sincere condolences.
Anna Fisher was born near Brom
berg, East Prussia, Germany, on July
27, 1848, where her early years were
spent with her parents, they emigrat
ing to America In 18j8 and settling
In the new state of Minnesota. Two
years later or In 1870 she was united
in marriage to Louis Schutz, a high
ly estimable young man, who was her
life companion and survives her de
mise. To this happy union ten child
ren were born of whom five survive
with their father. - These are Mrs.
Charles Guetschofs, and Mrs. John
Paul of Minnesota, and Mrs. A. F.
Braun, W. A. Schutz and John
Schutz of this city and vicinity.
After living In Minnesota until the
year 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Schutz moved
to this section where they started
farming and where they lived until
death called the beloved on to her
heavenly rest.. In 1902 Mrs. Schutz
suffered a first stroke of parar.vsis
which affected her right side and on
March 3 of this year camo the sec
ond stroke which affected the left
side and from which death resulted
on the 8th Inst.
The funeral was held yesterday
afternoon at one o'clock from the late
residence of deceased some two miles
and a half west of the city, Rev.
F. J. Longhorst of St. Paul's Evan
gelical church delivering the sermon
which was an eloquent portrayal of
tho beauties of tho good lady's Chris
tian life. During her entire lifetime
she has been a member of this church
and devoted to Its religion. In ad
dition to tho splendid sermon of Rev.
Longhorst a quartette sang a number
of tho beautiful selections of which
the deceased was so fond. Interment
was at Oak Hill whither a long cor
tege of friends followed the hearse.
The pall bearers were Messrs. Leon
ard Born, George Tarns, Aug. Steppat,
John Schnefcr, Former Senator S. L.
Thomas and George Stander, all old
friends and nelghbora of deceased.
In hla deep sorrow the husbnnd.
Louis Schutz, and the children hnve
tho profound sympathy of all who
have known them and their kind and
loving wife and mother.
Card of TliankM.
To those who hnve extended us
their sympathy and assistance during
the last Illness of our beloved wife
and mother, we return our heartfelt
Louis Schutz,
Mrs. Charles (Jeutschofs.
Mrs. John Paul.
Mrs. A. F. Uraun.
W. A. Schutz.
John Schutz.
W. II. Shoemaker of Nelmvka,
came In last evening to attend to
some business matters In the city and
was a passenger this morning on
the early morning train for Fouli
Omaha where he will spend tho day.
Mrs. Anna Brltt Is spending tho af
ternoon In Omaha being a passenger
on the fast mall at noon for that city.
ro.'i:u oxr.u tklfphoxks.
t:iU Seaj-te Keeoniineiids Senator
Millers' Hill Kcr Passage Ap
proved by the Imlepi-ui'er.t.
The senate committee on rail
roads has recommended for pas
sage Senator Miller's bill, S. F. No.
289. No cne appeared before the
committee to oppose the measure,
which declares all telephone compan
ies to be common carriers and gives
the state railway comlsion power and
authority to regulate the rates and
service and exercse a general con
trol over the same. The bill is one
that meets the approval of the inde
pendent companies, and they charge
that the Bell people have been fight
ing it. Members of the committee
say that they were urged by several
men to defeat the bill, but no one ap
peared at the session here Is was con
sidered. The bill provides:
"The state railway commission
shall have power and It shall be Its
duty to make all necessary classifica
tion and fix all necessary rates, and
regulations to govern and regulate
all charges for telephone service. It
shall correct abuses and prevent un
just discriminations, extortions, and
overcharges in rates for telephone
service, and shall enforce the same
as provided by law. The commission
shall make the classification and
schedules of rates as herein provided
for, and afterwards If they deem ad
visable, they make partial or special
classifications for telephone service,
and fix rates to be charged therefor,
and such classification and rates shall
be put Into effect In the manner pro
vided for general classifications and
"The commission shall have the
power to alter, change, amend or
abolish any classification or rate
when deemed necessary, and such
amended altered or new classifica
tions of rates shall be put into tffect
In the same manner as the originals.
As soon as practicable after this act
shall take effect, the railway commis
sion shall fix and prescribe a gen
eral schedule and classification of
rates and charges, including Joint
rates, for all classes of exchange and
toll service furnished by common
carriers in this state, and to that end
the said commission shall give the
common carrier to be affected there
by ten days' notice of the time and
place when and where the rates will
be fixed, and such common carrier
shall be entitled to be heard at such
time and place to the end that jus
tice may be done, and shall have pro
cess to enforce the attendance of wit
nesses to be served as in civil cases.
"Such schedule of rates shall go
Into effect not less than thirty days
nor morr; than sixty days within the
discretion of the commission, after
the same have been completed and
copies thereof mailed to the common
carrier affected thereby, and any
and all rates therein contained shall
cL i n it pal itrwii im iin wminn h m n m
Clothing cabinets, hat
show cases and window
of the latest designs, arrived this
Everything in our new
be free from dust. That's worth
y .ur consideration as well as ours.
We will have our formal
Wext Saturday
Rftarch 13th
They say 13 is an unlucky num
ber but we're not superstitious.
We want you to come
though you do not wish
Its a pleasure for us to get ac
quainted with you.
Nothing but New Things in
the Mew Store.
Manhattan shirt-.
be and remain In force and effect
from and after said time unless
modified, annulled or otherwise re
vised, either iu whole or In part, by
the said railroad commission, upon
a hearing jn respect thereto by the
said commission or until such rate
or rates are finally adjudged to be
unrcuoGitMblc and unjust In & court of
competent jurisdiction. A copy of
said schedule or any part thereof,
when duly authenticated, shall be re
ceived as evidence n all courts In
this state without further proof as
prima facie evidence that the rates
therein contained are those fixed by
the railroad commission, and that
said rates are prima facie just and
.Nebraska Retailers Meet.
The meeting yesterday of the Fed
eration of Nebraska Retailers at Lin
coln was a very interesting session.
In addition to adopting resolutions of
of condemnation of ex-President
Roosevelt for his advocacy of a par
cels post, the meeting selected a set
of new officers for the ensuing year
and listened to the reading of a
number of interesting papers among
which was one by L. F. Langhorst,
the progressive and live merchant of
Elmwood. Mr. Langhorst was also
chosen as a member of the executive
committee. In speaking of Mr. Lang
horst's talk, the State Journal says:
L. F. Langhorst of Elmwood gave
his ideas on how the federation might
be made more effective. He said
that the one great need would be to
have more perfect local organization
of merchants which would keep the
federation Interest alive between
meetings of the state organization.
The convention adjourned last even
ing to meet next at Omaha. A meet
ing of the executive committee was
called to consider further work of
the organization.
For Disease of the skin.
Nitrly all dlaecs of the skin sioii
as eczema, tetter, salt . rheum and
barber's itch, are characterized
by an Intense itching and
smarting, which oftens makes
life a burden and disturbs sleep and
rest. Quick relief may be had by ap
plying Chamberlain's Salve. It al
lays the Itching and smarting al
most Instantly. Many eyes have
been cured by its use. For sale by
F. G. Frlcke & Co.
To Visit Relatives.
Frank Beeson, son of Mrs. A.
Beeson and a brother' of County
Judge A. J. Beeson, John Beeson and
Miss Gertrude Beeson, came In last
evening for a visit for a few day? with
them, coming from his hom at Alli
ance. This la hia first visit to this
city for twenty years and he says
he feels like Rip Van Winkle as he
walks the streets and looks for the
faces of old friends, many of whom
have been called to the Great Beyond
and nt tiara rf wYrn Viatrn lff hn siltir
fixtures, all
store will
in even
to make a
The home of
Hart SchalTrcr & Marx Cloilu-s
The New Storo
for other points. He did not note so
great changes in the city but the
j changes in the people were marvel
ous, lie has been having a thor
oughly enjoyable visit, however, and
was delighted to see the home folks
once more. He expv ts to leave Sat
urday for Creston, la., where he will
inane a visit ot u tew uays betore re- f
turning home.
Cost of Municipal Lightiug
Galveston, a city of 43,000 people,
under a commission form of govern
ment, and owning Its own municipal
electric lighting plant which, for
street lighting purposes only cost
$65,000, pays $120 per year for each
of the 270 street lights now in use in
that city, while Pueblo Is charged $87
for the same kind of lights.
In response to a telegram sent to
II. A. Landls, mayor-president of Gal
veston, asking for details of the cost
and number of lights furnished by
the municipal electric lighting plant,
the Star-Journal received a reply
which reveals the fact that Galves
ton haa nothing to give Pueblo, es
pecially In the cost of the street light
furnished In the city.
The total" cost of operating the
municipal lighting plant at Galves
ton Is $26,600, less $700 received
from the Wharf company for lights
furnished for use around ships when
loading. The net cost, therefore,
of operating the plant Is approximate
ly $26,000. But the commission
form of government Includes noth
ing for Interest or depreciation. The
cost of erecting the plant was $63,
000 and assuming that this figure In
cludes the cost of installing the
transmission lines, etc., and figuring
10 per cent interest and depreciation,
or $6,000. with which the govern
ment of Galveston does not charge It
self, however, the total annual cost of
furnishing 270 street lights, the num
ber in use, is therefore $32,500, or
$120 per light per year.
Omitting the item of Interest and
depreciation, and figuring only $26,
000 as the cost of 27jO lights; the
average cost is seen to be over $96
per light per year. In Pueblo the
cost Is $87 per street light per year.
This is $9 per light less than the
same lights cost In Galveston, with
out figuring Interest on the Invest
ment or depreciation on the plant or
equipment, and $33 per light less
than the cost would be In Galveston
if the Item of interest and depre
ciation were included in comput
ing the. cost per light, as It should
be, and as It la elsewhere throughout
the country. Pueblo (Colo.) Star
Journal. A Pleasant Physic , ,
When you want a pleasant physic
give Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets a trial. They are mild:
and gentle In their action and al
ways produce a pleasant cathartic ef
fect. Call at F. G. Frlcke & Co.'s.
drug store for a free sample. . InnJt tiv
Hart Scbtduci ti Mart
Stetson hat9.
kill X? !0jj
mm Hf