The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 04, 1909, Image 7

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    The Avoca-Department
News lUms Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
Eugene stutt was at Omaha Mon
day. George Brezele and wife are visit
ing in Missouri.
C. A. Malcolm was an Omaha vis
itor Saturday.
E . Nutzman returned Thursday
evening from a trip west.
W. H. Betts. Jr., was a business
visitor at Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. H. Miller of Cook. Is visiting
at the home of Ora E. Copes.
Oliver Seacat and daughter Edna
arrived home Saturday from a visit
Miss Lola Malcolm returned from
a visit with her patents at Talmage
Mrs. W. I Smoots and daughter
Florence, were at Weeping Water
Mrs. Andrew Zoss ot Elmwood Is
In town, called here by the illness of
her mother. , .
Mr. Patrick Hayes has been ill
for the past two weeks, but is now
on the road to recovery.
B. C. Marquardt was attending to
business matters in central Nebras
ka the first of the week.
Ernest Stut was at Omaha Thurs
day attending to business matters
and attending the auto show.
Miss Anna Kelley spent Sunday at
her home near Wabash, and returned
to school Monday morning.
Mrs. A. D. George who has been
spending several weeks with her osn
L. U. Hupp, returned to Omaha Sat
urday. Miss May Reed came up from
Weeping Water Wednesday morning
for a short visit with friends,
spending several weeks with her son
Asa Johnson was at Omaha Thurs
day attending the automobile show.
-Fred Westlake and family left the
first of the week for South Dakota
where they will reside in the fu
ture. Asa Johnson was at Omaha Thurs
day attending the automobile show.
Carl Shroedef made a trip to Ne
hawka Saturday.
Ed. Brunknow was In town Mon
day loading out cars for Ipswitch,
S. D., near which town he will make
his future home.
Edward Hensley was here from
Berlin Saturday. Mr. Hensley has
the contract for putting in the foun
dation for the new drug store build
ing. The many friends of Mrs. John
Bartz will be sorry to hear of her
serious Illness. She suffered a stroke
of paralysis early Friday morning
and since then has been in a critical
condition. A ' slight improvement
noted Monday has given her friends
some little encouragement, but so far
she has not recovered the use of her
right side nor her speech, which was
entirely lost in the attack.
Miss Francis spent Saturday and
Sunday at her home in Dunbar.
Edith Seacat is in school again af
ter a trip to Indiana with her father.
It is all right, Mr. topes, dui tne
professor has had three rabbits since
that trap was made.
The Avoca Literature Club met
with Miss Francis Monday evening.
Mary Stotler and Florencve Cmoots
are new members.
Marie Dowley and Walter and
Edna Ruhge have been numbered
with the Blck the past week.
' During the past five months of
school in the primary department
there were three pupils who were
neither tardy nor absent: Mark Opp,
Edith Secat, Elsie Trook.
We have Just closed an interest
ing study of Abraham Lincoln and
George Washington including a short
study of the negroes and the civil
war, and our country at the time
of the revolutionary war.
Last Monday this department had
its third star day which means a
fourth holiday.' We took advantage
of this day celebrating George Wash'
ington's birthday at Miss Nutzman's
U t.h. QTDAIIR 0
C. A. Steffens and wife, of Lor-
ton, were here Saturday visiting D.
Steffens and wife.
, Fred Heime was over from Syra
cuse Tuesday.
. Miss Sophia Rhuge has accepted a
position at the general merchandise
tore of B. C. Marquardt & Co.
J. N. Dunbar is wrestling with
the mumps.
W. I. Smoots was a business visi
tor at Cook this week.
Henry Franzen and wife left
Thursday for Arcadia to spend a
few days visiting at the home of
Mr. Franzen'B parents.
Avoca School Notes.
Miss Nutzman attended the wed
ding of a cousin at Nehawka Wed
nesday evening.
& Mohr
Avoca, Neb.l
A, D. S, Peroxide Tooth Powder
The A. D. S. has created a masterpiece In Peroxide
Tooth Ppwder. It you have ever used A. D. S.
Peroxide Cream you will greet with much satisfac
tion the arrival of their latest creation, Peroxide
Tooth Powder. It cleanses the teeth, preserves
them from decay, renders them white, by its anti
septic properties. Hardens the gums and imparts
a delightful odor to the breath. Price 25c a box.
1 DO YOU HtfcU f J t
- -
mew -harkies ii
When you get ready to buy call on
us and get a sett of those
Doth for Buggy and Work Har
ness. We have one of the best
harness-makers in the state, and
you know as well as wc do that
Hand-Made Harness are the Best.
S j
Farm Implements and
Be sure and Bee him when you
need anything in his line.
Nebraski Q
Nature Gives Timely Warnings That
No Plattsmouth Citizen Can
Afford to Ignore
from the kidney secretions. They
will warn you when the kidneys are
sick. Well kidneys secrete a clear,
amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out
a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick,
red, illsmelling urine, full of sedi
ment and Irregular of passage.
from the back. Back pains, dull and
heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of
sick kidneys and warn you of ap
proach of dropsy, dlabets and
Brlght's disease. Doan's Kidney
Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them
permanently, Here's Plattsmouth
John Mackey, Third street, corner
Dyke street, Plattsmouth, Neb., says
"Two and one-half years ago my
back became very lame and I had
frequent headaches. The kidney se
cretions contained a sediment and a
frequent desire to void them caused
me much annoyance. I had been un
able to find a remedy that would
bring me any permanent relief and I
was at a loss to know what to do
Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills highly
recommended In the local papers, I
procured a box from Gerlng & Co.'s
drug store. This remedy brought
me immediate relief and at the pres
ent time, my back does not bother
me in the least. I am very grateful
to Doan's Kidney Pill for what they
have done for me."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Bufalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Hemember the name Doan's
take no other.
(m1 Liniment.
You will hunt a good while before
you will find a preparation that is
equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as
a cure for muscular and rheumatic
pains, for the cure of pains and sore
ness of the muscles. It is equally
valuable for lame back and all deep
seated muscular pains. 25 and 60
cent sizes for sale by F. G. Frlcke &
South Bend
' i
(S.'l8l Correspontfenct.)
O. V. Zarr ond O. D. Zarr hauled
off several loads of $1.00 wheat this
Roy Tarpcning and V. . Wisher
were Louisville recently.
The Rock Island are installing a
time lock in the semaphore at South
Bend. By this it will make it so it
will be easier for the tower man to
take the signals from an approaching
The Rock Island have a large force
of men on the bridge bo as to be in
readiness for the heavy Ice which is
expected at any time.
J. M. Denning shipped out his
household goods to Broken Bow Mon
Work commenced again at the
Murphy stone quarry Monday. A
contract has been let to Lige Nichol
son, of Springfield, for a large amount
of stripping.
Henry Stander has purchased the
Fred Schleifert place south of town.
John Kupke moved into the' new
home which he recently purchased
from J. M. Denning.
Mrs. J. J. Hill of Belvldiere, Neb.,
visited with friends in South Bend
this week, returning to her home
Mrs. J. E. McIIugh visited at Wa
bash Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Evans were
Louisville visitors recently.
Julius Reinke purchased theKram-
plen farm at auction last week at
Plattsmouth. This was the farm for
merly rented by John TImm.
The Burlington are to commence
the laying of the heavy steel this
! August Ressman has given . up
farming for the coming year and has
moved to South Bend where he will
get employment at the Murphy stone
Fred Ressman is packing his goods
preparatory to moving to Richfield,
Neb. . .
South Bend has been having a bar
ber here each week. The Cedar
Creek barber now makes South
Bend every Friday,
Mrs. E. II. Turner was a Murdock
visitor Friday.
Conrad Baumgarter was a busi
ness visitor at Plattsmouth.
H. P. Long went to Lincoln Tues
day night.
The Misses Heil of Cedar Creek re
turned to their home after a visit at
the home of Aug T. Thlmgan.
Supt. O'Brien and wife returned
from Lincoln Tuesday.
The Burlington have placed a night
watch on the bluffs. At this time of
the year there Is great danger of
a. slide of rock and dirt on the track.
Miss Omkeirt and Viola Everett of
Murdock spent Sunday at the home
of Samuel Long.
Andrew Blum has rented one of the
P. Gakemeir places.
Geo. Cole has been on the sick list
of late.
Gus Themgan, Jr., was a Louisville
visitor Tuesday.
J. E. McGinnis was a Platsmouth
passenger Monday.
Charles Hill was appointed admin
istrator to the estate of Nancy Willis.
Clyde Berge and John Kltrell
commenced work on the bridge gang
Dances were glyen at the homes of
T. A. Neuman and A. Blum last
week and all reported a good time.
The A. 0. U. W. lodge will give
a dance and oyster supper on March
17. Good music has been secured
and everybody invited. Dance tickets
75 cents, supper 25 cents.
A. D. Zaar and wife were Omaha
passengers Tuesday.
'Hon." Wm. Wedner returned af
ter a strenuous visit in South Omaha,
He reports that someone swat Mm
on the head with a sand bag. Wheth
er they took him for a Greek is not
known. At last reports his condi
tion was Improving.'
Mrs. T. W. Fountain Is on the sick
list. ' .
John Kuhn has made the purchase
of a new Edison phonograph.
(Joes to California.
Miss Clara Brown has resigned
her position as bookkeeper In the
Bank of Cass County and will depart
for San Bernadlno, Cal., to remain
with her parents. While her many
friends regret her departure from
this city, she has their best wishes
for her future happiness and pros
Henry Prosser.
Contracting, Flaaterinfr, Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : :
Thnne 107, Elm wood, Neb.
Will mako weekly trips to Avoca every
Wednesday, bejfinnlnf? Wednesday, Au
jrust 19. Office with Dr. Hrendel. Ap'
Short Biographical Sketch.
In the death of Geo. E. Sayles, pioneer grain dealer and mer
chant of Cedar Creek, Cass County loses another of its oldest citi
zens. The patient had been a sufferer for several years with an in
curable and fatal disease, but skowed remarkable fortitude and ten
acity, having continued to attend to business to the last, his death
occurring Monday. February 15, at 8 o'clock a. m.
Geo. E. Sayles was born at Dover. New Hampshire, April 21,
1849, and was in his 60th year at the time of his demise.
With his parents he moved to Kewanee, 111., where his father,
John Sayles, died in 1855.
His mother having taken up a homestead, the family settled
on a farm near Cedar Creek, In 1858, at which place he resided un
til his death.
He was married to Miss Frances A. Cooley in 1869, and his
estimable wife and five children survive him.
i " ) )
The children are Mrs. Susie A. Fudge of Covington, Va., Mrs.
Ida H. Seybert and Geo. R. Sayles, of Plattsmouth, Miss Eva A. and
Ruth N. Sayles of Cedar Creek, Neb., also one brother, John
Sayles of Greenwood, Neb., and two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mealey of
Eau Claire, Wis., and Mrs. Ablagall Davidson of Oakland, Cal.
He was a member of the Christian church, joining at the age
of 18 and was baptized by Rev. Henry, service. at that time being
hied in the old Glendale school house.
He was a man of excellent business principles, and Invariably
managed his affairs with simple Justice to all concerned.
His integrity above reproach; always considerate of hlu friends;
he was a kind and indulgent husband and father, and he will be
greatly missed In his family and business circles.
The fuleral services were conducted at the home by Rev. J. H.
Salisbury, assisted by the Presbyterian quartette of Plattsmouth,
and the A. O. U. V., M. W. A., and D. of II. lodges of Cedar Creek,
the remains being interred in the Glendale cemetery.
The pall bearers were: John A., Charles C, and Ferdinand J.
Hennlngs, George P. Melslnger, John H., Albert and Peter J. Kell.
Henry Inhelder attended to the formation of the procession.
The deepest sympathy of the community Is extended to the be
reaved family In this saddest hour of their lives.
Otto Carroll of Nehawka departed
yesterday for Floronee,. Col.,, with
a view of Investing In land.
Mrs. Otto Carroll and daughter
spnt Inst night with Mrs.' James
Robertson In this city and departed
this morning for Sheridan, owa,
where she will visit her sister, Mrs.
George S. Holmes, and family. Mrs,
Carroll resides near Nehawka.
In County Court,
n County Court.
In Ilm inntler of the i-stiito of John
H. Mdtiinwr. dereiiHen1.
Not ee Ih herehv itlvon tlmt Hip rrort
Horn of xi lit Htnti" will meet tin'
oxi'cutoiM of hiiIiI I'Htntf. In-foro mi1.
County .IuiIup or ( iihh County, ISenniM
k ii . at (ln County Court room In I'lull.i-
mouth. In Hiihl Count v. n the Ultth lnv
of Muri'li. 1 IMl't. iiml on tho L'!t Ii iliiy of
(M-hlemlier. llHMi. HI HI orlmK H. in.
i'iicIi ln v for tho purpoHo of pr'Nint
I n if their clulniH for exnmlnut ion, ail
liixttiiont iiml iillowiirne.
Hit month nr niiowrii for t no cren
Unix of niiIiI iIiti'iibi'iI to pM'm'iit their
lit I iiiu. nnil one vi'iir for the executor
to nettle mi lil PMtiito, from the J'.Uli iliiy
of Miuvh. I'Mtll.
.Wltni'HK my Iwnrt nml on1 of nn hi
Countv Court. Mt l'littninnuth. NvhriiH.
KH. thin lnt iliiv of MhiiIi, 190.
Allen J. IlcOHon,
County JuiIko,
II. II. nwvor.
Attorney for cutate.
Mil nicy.
Charles Murphy, Fohn Tlghe, P.
W. Tlghe and daughter Mary were
Omaha visitors Monday.
Andrew Krecklow and family re
turned Friday from a short visit with
relatives in Elmwood.
Rev J. F. Hennessy returned Mon
day from Greenwood, where he had
services Sunday.
Lawrence Cowan and family have
moved into the Stohltnan house on
the north Bide of town.
The addition which John Fllsch-
man is building to his house Is ncar
ing completion and adds greatly to
the appearance of the property.
Mrs. Louise Bourke and Katherlne
O'Leary' were in Omaha Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carper went to
Elmwood Tuesday to attend the fun
eral of Roy Rhoden'B child.
Charles Gerlach shipped a carload
of hogs to Omaha Friday.
About fifty friends and relatives
surprised Mr. and Mrs. P.' W. Tlghe
last Sunday by an unexpected visit,
the occasion being the twentieth an
niversary of their wedding. A de
licious course dinner was served at
two o'clock, after which the remain
de'r of the afternoon was passed In
conversation. Before leaving the
guests presented Mr. and Mrs. Tlghe
with a china dinner Bet, as a slight
expression of the esteem In which
they are held.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lord left
Wednesday for Kansas where they
will make their home.
Mrs. Brlcka came up on the moun
tain Wednesday for a visit with Mrs.
John Rauth.
Charles A. Telpel Dead.
Charles A. Telpel died In Hastings,
Neb., Tuesday forenoon, Vorch 2,
1909. The body arrived in this city
Wednesday morning and was taken to
the undertaking rooms of M. Illld.
Mr. Telpel was born In Germany on'
January 10, 1850. He had beeti in
thexhospltal at Hastings receiving
medical treatment for nearly thirteen
years. He was a member of the
Woodmen of the World. The funeral
services will bo held In St. Paul'B
German Evnngel'cnl church Thurs
day afternoon at 2 o'clock, and will
be conducted by Rev. F. J. Langhorst,
the pastor.
Mr. Telpel Is survived by his wld
w and the following named children:
Mrs. Augusta Taylor, Herman, Char
ley, MIsb Julia. Miss Clara, Henry
and Fritz Telpel.
For Rale.1
150 egg "Old Trusty" Incubator
in first class condition. I'latts. Tel
WiliH'NM-H In Keliuttal.
The following named witnesses
have been summoned by tho stato in
rebuttal of the evidence burnished by
defendant, Fred Ossenkop: O. C.
Dovey, A. W. Atwood, J. II. Lntrom,
a hardware merchant in Eagle; J. E.
Brlnkworth, J. Adnms, J. C. Brown,
Herman Low, Frank Clements, en
gaged In the general merchandise
business In Eagle; Nell Gardner, Guy
Clements, P. P. Luther, J. J. Luther,
Jasper, Wado and Conrad WctetV
kninp, Ed. Carr. Dun Root, Ed. Rob
erts, M. W. Spnhley of Eugle.
Itooster round.
A rooster was found on the public
highway between Liberty Chapel
and the parsonage, which the owner
may have by describing the property
and paying 25 cents for this notice.
Cull Platts. Phono No. 202.
this;bank will
of caring for your money. Open
an account and at once bo relieved
of all anxiety about thieves, fire or
other sources of danper to your
cash. The Bankjof Cass County is
a much safer place for your cash
than your homo or office. Deposit
yours hero so as to Ret tho securi
ty of its' strong, fireproof vaults.
Commence today and sleep sounder
Plattsmoutli, Nebraski,
i potntmcniB can be mane wittihim.