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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1909)
PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY If any of the readers of the Journal know of a wt'U ??! or an iierr. of ircrcsi ir M l Kant all itenis of interest. Editor Journal. DC n VH Many business advantages by dealing with this bank. Aside from the bene fit offered by a checking account, the man who is connected with a bank in a business way, strengthens his. po sition in the community. He has the confidence of the banker, which is a valuable resource. In all the ways which we are prepared to accommo date patrons, we are ready to serve you. (L DC D. C. Rhoden was In Omaha last Thursday. S. 0. Pitman was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. James Holmes and wife were In Omaha Wednesday. Elmer Boedoker and wife were in Omaha last Saturday. J. W. Edmunds and Mrs.. Bertie FcrguBon weie in Omaha Monday. Mlns Pauline Oldham was In Plattsmouth last Thursday evening. W. S. Smith and Arthur Holmes were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. Jeff Lewis is moving this week to the Schllchtmeler . place this week. Henry Sands residing east of town enrolls his name for tho Journal this week. Lon Adams Is moving to the old H-nry Wulf place now owned by C. II. Harris - Dr. 11. F. Brcndol. Jeff BreniM and wife and Miss Bessie were in Omaha last Saturday. Dr. Cllmoro and wife wvro in Omaha last Saturday evening to rre "The Round Up." Miss Gertrude Long has returned homo from an extended visit with her sinter at Holbrnok, Neb. Park Chriswelsscr and wife pass ed through here enroute for Platts mouth Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Ferguson, of Evans, Col., sister-in-law of Mr. Kd rounds. Is In Murray, a guest at the Edmunds home. Jas. Hatchett. Col. Jenkins, Col. Seybolt, Glen Boedeker and Dr. Gil more attended the auto show "in Oma ha last week. We have the best assortment of Dress, Work and Driving Gloven you oversaw. (Tho Hardy Gloves). Call and seo them. Holmes & Smith. A. J. Hansell was looking after some business matters In Platts mouth Wednesday, and found time to pay the Journal office a brief call, and while here renewing his aub Brriptlon. B. Dannlher and mother were In riattsmouth Tuesday shopping:. This In the first time Mrs. Dannlher has been In the county seat for almost a year. She has been a great suf ferer from rheumatism for some time and her Improvement Is very alow. Albert Young, the champion bron co buster of this locality, was slightly injured while performing one of his stunts with an unbroken animal Sunday. The animal ran againrt the hitching post striking Albert' kno np, causing quite a painful Injury At tho same time and from the same animal Silas Dunhauer was thrown to the ground. Just before Albert was Injured, and received numer ous bruises about the body. We are Informed that tho play glv i n at the Kenosha school housn Inst Saturday evening was well attended and all were well pleased with the entertainment. The teachr Mis Mary Trotter dewrves much credit for the manner In which thi affair wis carried to a aurreiMful close D. A. Young, one of th? Journal's rtaunch friends from thU locality tomes forward this week and orders a ropy of the paper sent u Ms dau?,h t, Mrs. Seely Lawton, at Norfolk Nil. The Journal Is miKbty proud to pOFHins mrh friend an I). A lotmjr, iiiey believe hi lending loyal t"pp"rt to a goofl local paper. Mauy thar.ks, Mr. Young. Murray Department DC Murray State Oank MUKRAY, NEB. DC Esther Ray is on the sick list this week. W. S. Smith was in Omaha Wed- nesday. "" John Murray was a Murray visi- tor Wednesday. Miss Efflo Smith has been quite sick for the past week. Alph Nlckles and his wife are both on the sick list tht u.i, Mrs. A. I.. nVnr ha bered with the sick this week. D. C. Rhoden was looking after some business matters In the county seat Thursday evening. Col Seybolt shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. . I ho; sick folks at th home of Henry Creamer are reported much better this week. Mrs. J. A. Walker was In Nehaw- kn last Saturday visiting with her iion Dr. A. E. Walker. The ladles of the Presbyterian church will serve dinner at the church on Tuesday, March 9th. The llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Young has been quite sick for the past few days. Mrs. Lee Allison, who has been quite sick for the past week, is im proving at UiIh time. See the new line of Raster post anls, Just arrived. Thy are fine. from 1c to 20c. Holms & Smith! We have now arranged our shoe department, and can furnish the Goods In this line. Holmes & Smith. Rev. Trumbull has been holding a series of meetings in Murray for the past week, preparatory to holding communion service next Sunday. The little son of Mr. Hnd Mrs. Blair Porter has been numbered with the sick for the past few days. Henry Sands, residing east of town, has been suffering with a se vere attack of rheumatism for the past few days. Our excellent friend. I. H. White haa been on the nick list for the past few daya, but at this time Is on the road to mend. Harmon Beck was a Plattsmouth visitor Thursday afternoon, making . -i. i.i. . b. , , .. short visit with the Journal of- flee, renewing his paper Dr. J. F. Brendel was called to the home of J. Enberry, five miles of Louisville. In consultation with Dr. Wortman. where there are five cases of dlptherla. Talk about your butter shipments, did you seo that big one sent out by Holmes & Smith Wednesday evening? About one dozen barrrls, and It was not a good day for butter either. i n. t.i i .i t t t ...i. i . . ... v.. .u ...u ..-,.... ,., of Cass county's prosperous farmers , ... ... , from near Lnlon, passed through Murrav Wednesday with a var of .. ' . " . ' ' nogs going 10 me tsoutn umana mar ket. Mr. and Mrs. R. C j nil i IK, im T - ft. I I are visiting In Plattsmouth. canto down to Murray Wodnt'tulny morn - Ing for a couple of days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Llllin. Mrs. Lllllo and Mri. Jahrlg are sisters.! Take dinner with the ladles of the i reifu) icnnn t nurcn on t uecuny, ..... . ... . warm tn, ana get someining gooa. Thla does not mean that you not acctistomod to unnipthln rnnl. (.,. v, .K - til i..L,,r.!,,"',.l?,,,1.,,',r"'',f''f''P ! th " "... iiu i v a treat In store for you. AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR ikti toc-inily and vrxil mail tame to this Mrs. Chris Miller has been quite sick for the past week. Col. Seybolt was a county seat vis itor Monday evening. George Ray was a business call er at the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. Alva Long has been on the sick list for the past few days. P. B. Smth was looking after some business matters In the county seat Tuesday. Mrs. A. L. Baker and Mrs. Maude Smith were Plattsmouth visitors Monday afternoon. Geo. Oldham, of Plattsmouth was In Murray Wednesday visiting with his brother L. H. and family. Mrs. Frank Slvey, of Plattsmouth was a Murray visitor Wednesday, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Limlsey, west of town. D. L. Amick was here from Platts mouth Wednesday, at which time he completed arrangements for turning the entire stock business of this point over to Col. Seybolt, who will look after the buying at Murray In the future. John Cook, the boss harness man of Murray, has been very much busy for the past few weeks, oiling har ness with his patent oiler, the one that does the Job up good. John has sure got the business in this line, and when work comes In to him once it always returns when oil is needed again. He has oiled a great many sets this spring but is after the bal ance. Arthur Anderson who has been In tbe h8pltal at 0maha for tho Past flve months, receiving treatment for Jlood Pl80nlnB. ha returned to Murray, and is at present making S'9 m at the home of Henry Sand8' and whl,e he 18 improving 8lwly he ,8.a long way frora a wel1 man- The '0UI"? man ' thirteen of anl the son of A. J Anderson, residing near Union. The I a. - 1 . ' . . 8eVere 8Clge aim me uit'iius nope ne may recover soon. A Pleasant Time. Mrs. A. L. iRaker entertained a number of her lady friends at ht-r home Tuesday afternoon, in honor of her sister, Mrs. Maude Sinilh. who is visiting here from Eldnra, la. Tho occasion was given as a progressive high five party and was Indeed most enjoyable in every particular. The home was beautifully decorat ed with ferns and American Peauty roses, the score cards being of white with green ribbons attached and the ice cream served later in the eve ning contained therein the leaf of the beautiful green Shamrock, every thing tending to make the occar-ion a typical St. Patrick's day celebra tion. The flowing punch bov.l was very much In evidence during the entire afternoon. Delicious refresh- ments were served at the usual hour, and "l d,,l'art,nK " P. nounced Mrs. Baker as a royal enter tainer. The king nrlze of the hluh five, a boquet of sweet peas, was won by Mrs. W. C. Brown. Following were those present: Mesdames O. A. Davis, S. O. Pitman, W. C. Brown. 0. H. Gllmore, Harmon Beck. Will Sporer, Misses Maud Smith, Carrie Allison. Margery Walker, Gertrude Long. Pauline and Fay Oldham. Reduction Extended. The reduction price on oiling hnr- neH8 wl1' no,d K0(l at Johl Cook's narnw,H Hh(,P 'or the balance of this month. Business has been cood In this line, but all patrons are urged to come In as early as possible and TV"" l"w ru" 18 Bure lo conui later ou. Bear a mind that thla means a saving to you, and the work can be finished when yon want It. REPORT OF THE CONDITION or thr MurroLy SteUc Bank Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 678 IiH'orpnntPit In tli Hut nf Nrlirask.. it the rumr in iitiMnr( reimikry 'A Itnu I Ixuiim ni) ilUminlM.. .i.V4 61 ,,,,. m.HlH. 111,MM...i "Mikinfrliou.. f,miitirml ttxtunn s.rwwi I (.""''in rwiw anllxi prtHI ..J W li.i,fninnti1.,ui.1,tio ' wiai 1 t""" t.nkt.n 10.0:1 m i i.o;3Ti Totil l;5.ow I.tAltll.ITIKH I . m m, v , tii tinom m Kfc Mi""'!'! Tinwrti( t.-(.f ii,.!i . .. .... io.oiV-i PotM ml "-"-oumed vso Total rriWM yZXX'' nv.tuvw, I rwnirrui mr imr iiiiiikhi hkiiii, rt lirtvliy I wtr tlll til 1r m.tma.i.l I. . n(itHir..)fof tho rreon nmketo tii sut t v "';:. r"iet. (I nm. r. I'iiihii.l Iiim.i... nj or Mnn iwv. kai.) IV 3. IMtmsn. Nourjr I'lilillc. THE JOURNAL RE A DEBS. office it vill appear under this heading. Little Folks' Surprise. The school mates of Victor Sands gathered at his home a few days ago to assist their young friend In celebrating his seventh birthday. Victor Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sands, who spared no pains to give the young people a genuine good time. There were 28 in all, and they gathered at the Sands' home in the early afternoon, and re mained until supper time. Follow ing were those present: Esther Ray, Vera Moore, Francis Moore, Mar garet Moore, Ida Rlchter, Nettle Richter. May Smith. Elizabeth Hall, VeraErwln, Carrie Darrough, Adeline Darrough, Ethel Ferris, Violet Keil, Henrietta Creamer, Isaac Hall Gussie Good, Raymond Creamer, Geo. Smith, Joyce Smith, Clare Ferris, Otto Rhodley, Perry Nlckles, Alvadore Nickles, Elmer Darrough, Tommy Hostettler, Clarence Kell, Victor Sands, Velma Sands, Bessie Sands. Two Good Citizens. E. J. Mougey and John Doughty, two of the best friends the Journal has in the south part of the county, were here Tuesday evening returning from Omaha, where they had been with stock. Both gentlemen made this office a brief call, renewing their subscription to the Weekly. They are the readers that never for get the printer, once a year at least. with Indiana relatives. A Birthday Party. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. William Balrd was the scene of much merriment and frolic yesterday af ternoon when six little playmates of their little son Robert gathered there to assist him In celebrating his his fifth birthday anniversary. Miss Bernese Newell and Mrs. Rev Moore assisted Mrs. Balrd In enter taining the little people. Tho prin ciple amusement was derived from the various childish games and pranks which were entered Into with much interest and enthusiasm. At a welcome hour they were Invited to the dining room and were seated at a prettily decorated table, the color scheme being pink. A delicious two course birthday luncheon was then served. Master Robert was the recipient of pretty gifts which will assist him n remembering this happy event. As souvenirs each one received a top. After wishing the little host many more birthdays the little guests de parted for their homes. The little people who enjoyed this occasion were Newell Roberts, Ray mond Bookmeyer, Donald Dickson, Edgar Newton, Newton Becker, Carl Wurl. Still Coming. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Miller arrived on the morning train from West Brook, near Portland, Maine, to make Plattsmouth their future home. When they departed from their former homo last Tuesday morning, the snow was three feet deep ahd cover ed the ground until they arrived In Buffalo, N. Y., but they did not see any more of "the beautiful" during the rest of the Journey. Mr. Miller Is a brother of William H. Miller, a well known carpenter residing near the Missouri Pacific depot. Mr. Miller paid $75 to have his household goods shipped to this city, and will expect them to arrive soon. Tho Journal Is always xlad to welcome to this city all such desir able people as Mr. and Mis. Miller. Grandma Fairfield. Mrs. George Fairfield, aged 81 years, arrived In this city this morn Ing from Omaha and will make her home at the residence of Col. H. C. McMaken for a time. Mrs. Fairfield and her husband arrived In Platts mouth G2 years ago from Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Her husband located the Burlington road acroas the Missouri river at this point and tnrough this city tho same year, 1856. Home Again. The many friends of W. L. Street w ill be delighted to learn that he has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to his home in this city Thurs day evening. Mr. Street submitted to a surs'.cal operation bj Dr. Davis In Immanucl hospital In Omaha thirteen weeks ago and has since been receiving treatment In tho hospital there. For Kale. My residence property In Murray comprising two fifty foot lota, by 150 feet deep, good house contain Ing ix rooms, good Improvements Will bo sold right If taken soon Chas. Carroll, Murray, Local Ne AIM Mrs. T. P. Livingston spent the day in Omaha. John Gorder and Ed. Egenberger went to Omaha on the morning train. W. J. Lorens departed on the morning train for Odell. Neb., which will be his home for some time. Mrs. A. W. Dawson spent the day In Omaha. C. L. Herger attended the State Convention of Bakers In Omaha. . Will Hageboom of LaPlatta was In this city today purchasing gro ceries. A. W. White, Carl Kunsman, Geo. Sage, J. W. Elliott and Sheriff Quin ton were passengers to Omaha on the noon train. Mrs. R. E. Sheehan was a passen ger to Omaha on the noon train and spent the afternoon loklng at the pretty things. Mrs. B. B. Hommel and child ar rived from Bellevue last evening to visit the former's mother In this city. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaffenberger and their daughter, Miss Katie, were passengers to Omaha on the morning train. J. R. Cardiff, who has been trans acting business in the city, departed last evening for his home In Hous ton, Texas. A. J. MIckel, who has been visiting it the home of his brotbor-In-law, George Wlnscott, departed on the noon train for his homo in Norfolk. Mrs. Jesse L. Root arrived from her home in Lincoln this morning with her little daughter Flora and will visit relatives and friends until after Sunday. Judge V. H. Newell returned home last evening from Wymore and Amazonia, where he was looking after the interests of the stone quar ries. Mrs. J. N. Wise entertained in . .. ually this afternoon to 5 o'clock tei. n her rooms In the Hotel Riley W. H. Newell, Mrs. W. L. Cooper and Mrs. William Balrd. W. H, Elbourn, adjuster for the Ntitioi al Fire Insurance Company of i'artford, was looking nftcr the In terests of the company in this city ted ay. Impure blood runs you down makes you an easy victim for organ ic dlseasu. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood cures the cause builds you up. Jerry Saffer of McComb, 111., and Mrs. Nettie Beach of Lincoln, 111., who have been visiting their brother, Frank Saffer, and family in this city, departed on the morning train for their homes. H. T. McCralg, representing the Monarch Typewriter Company in Omaha was today explaining the superiority of that machine over all others. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hickson de parted on the morning train for Council Bluffs where the former has been offered a position with a wa ter company. Mrs. F. A. Nutter, who has been visiting her brother, II. E. Rand, and family, departed this morning for her home In Alcester, South Dakota. Monte Strelght was an overnight visitor at the home of his parents In this city, departing oir tho noon train for his regular express run. Mrs. Emma Hummel, after a pleas ant visit In this city wtth her moth er, Mrs. L. Brown, returned to her home In Bellevue on the noon train. Again we shall repeat our offer of 25 pounds best granulated sugar for $1.19 with $2.00 of other purchase, as a "Friday special." E. O. Dovey & Son. A. Summers representing a whole sale tea firm In Chicago, was in tho city today selling the merchants something good to drink. Ex- County Judge J. E. Douglass la removing his law office to the room with George L. Farley In the Coatea block and will resume the practice of law. See our two "Friday specials." A great sugar offer and a great canned goods offer. A combination of the two can be made if you so desire. E. 0. Dovey & Son. The friends In this city of Mrs. L. K. Hasse of Lincoln have re ceived word that she was compelled to go to Wise Memorial hospital In Omaha today and submit to a surgl cal operation. It Is not known at this time how serious the operation may prove to be. For Sale. A number of fine White Plymouth Rock roosters at 75c each. They aro good ones and cheap at the price. Mrs. H. C. Long, Murray. FOR RENT A neat cottage, close In, with one-half acre of fruit. Also two four-room cottages. Windham Investment Co. Dr. G. W. Todd, Dentist, Is permanently located In the new Brandels building, room 403, Omaha Alvo (Special Correspondence.) M. L. Reefer and daughter Vera were Lincoln visitors Saturday. Eli Coon and wife spent a few days in Lincoln the first of the wek, Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sut ton on February 25, 1909, a daugh ter. Mr. and Xlrs. Ed. Casey spent a few days in Lincoln last week returning Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Whitney went to Lin coln Friday evening returning Sun day. Misses Pearl Keefer and Grace Foreman visited In Lincoln Friday and Saturday. Clifford Appleman visited relatives in Lincoln a few days recently. Miss Violet Ough of Lincoln vis ited with relatives Saturday and Sunday. Mra. Andrew Dier and children who have been visiting her folks for the past two weeks departed Sunday evening for Lincoln, where she will spend a few days with her sister before returning to her home at Hyannis, Neb. Henry S. Ough and son Chester went to Lincoln Sunday evening re turning Monday noon. Miss Marie Stroemer, accompanied by Miss Alta Story of University Place, spent Saturday and Sunday at horn. Merle Flnley shipped a car of hoa Tuesday to South Omaha. Dan Skinner and family moved Into their new home east of Alvo the first of the week. C. C. Buckness went to Lincoln last Friday returning home on Saturday. L. W. Berry and family came In Saturday noon to visit their daughter Mrs. Carl Johnson. They expect to remain In Alvo. Mrs. Dr. Muir's mother, . Mrs. E. B. Craig of Greenwood, arrived Monday noon to visit a few days with her daughter and family. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Snavely on Tuesday, March 2, 1909, a son. J. J. Cites has moved. Into the Myers property In east Alvo. Uncle Geo. Cook spent a week vis iting in Plattsmouth and returned looking hale and hearty as of old. Ed. Linch of University Place was transacting business in town Mon day. Prank Lynch of Lincoln was In town Monday. John Campbell, brother of J. M. Campbell and Mrs.-J. J. Cites, became sick suddenly Saturday forenoon and died at 4 o'clock Sunday morning, He was buried Tuesday afternoon in Alvo cemetery. Those who attended the funeral from out of town were Albert Campbell of Woodbine, la.; Hugh Campbell of Orleans, Neb.; and Willard Campbell of Woodbine, la., brothers of the deceased, and Mrs. Cline of Shenandoah, la., sister; Mrs. Robertson of Red Oak, la., and Mrs. Hatfield of Emerson, la., neices. Mr: and Mrs. Edgar Ramsey came n Tuesday to visit their sister Mrs. M. L. Keefer and family. Mrs. M. C. Keefer went to Lincoln Thursday of last week remaining until Saturday. A Starved Stomach. Many are the causes, when the stomach either refuses to take any food or to digest it. It may bo from overwork, both physical and men tal, grave diseases, weakness, excite ment, worry or excesses. The patient quickly loses strength and energy a-.) J becomes tired and careless. In such cases we can conscientiously recommend Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine, because it gives satis faction. It greatly stimulates the exhausted and starved stomach to normal activity, makes It to accept any food and to do its share In the digestion and assimilation of it. It strengthens the Intestines to make them able to finish the digestive process and to make new blood, which carries nourishment to every part of the body. At any time when the stomach will refuse to work, as It should, use Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner. 616-622, Ro. Ashland Ave, Chicago, 111. Home From California. Mrs. T. E. Parmele returned home this morning after spending two months time In visiting with Mrs. Nellie Agnew and other friends In Los Angeles, Cal., the land of Bcn shlne and flowers. Mrs. Pnrmelu re ports of having enjoyed her trip to the Pacific coast and her visit there very much. Mortgages for February. There were eight farm mortgagon filed In the recorder's office during the month of February amounting to the sum of $53,000; released nine amounting to $29,555. Thero were seven mortgaged filed on city property, amounting to $3,672; released four amounting t $2,368. For Salo or Rent. 38 acres adjoining Plattsmouth. WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO.