DAILY PERSONAL NEWS i Y Y Y Y t Short Items of Interest From Mon dayEvening's Daily Journal t Y Y Y Y Y K. F. Whittaker and wife were pas sengers on the noon train for Oma ha. Frans Ballance, of Glenwood, was here for a Sunday visit with home folks. Chas. Klrschenblat, of Omaha, was In the city yesterday visiting with his parents. E. H. Schulof, of Glenwood, spent Sunday with his mother and sisters in this city. Mrs. W. R. Skinner, who was In the city to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. llerold, returned to her home In Lincoln this afternoon. Mrs. James Darrough, residing south of the city, was a passenger on the fast mail for Omaha. Frank Ohm and wife, and Wm. Vanmeter and wife, who have been visiting In the city, returned to Omaha on the noon train. They have been guests &t the home of Fred Ohm and family, Mr. E. Kurtz returned to Omaha this afternoon after a short vhdt with A. Kurtz and family west of this city. Mis. John Kopia, and daughter, Miss Anna, were passengers oa the noon train for Omaha to spend the1 J afternoon. August Doerlng, wife and baby re turned to Omaha this afternoon, af ter a short visit at the home of their parents, Julius Doerlng and family. Isrel Pearlman, Jr., of. Omaha, was In tht city yesterday visiting with his friends at the old home. Geo. A. Thomas, who is employed In South Omaha, was home yester day to spend the day with his family. V. E. RoKencrans and wife were inssengera this afternoon for Oma ha, where they go to attend the play tonight. Mrs. Wm. Wetenkanip was a pas senger on the early morning train for Omaha where she had business mat ters to look after. Oliver Edmunds wus over from Glenwood a few hours last Saturday evening, and then took time to make the Journal a short call. Jhs. Archer and wife who spent Sunday In the city with the parents of Mr. Archer returned to their home at Omaha this morning. Clayton Rosencrans and Miss Zot ta Drown were passengers this af ternoon for Omaha where they go to attend the play tonight. Horace Ruffner, of Omaha, now employed by Henry Gerlng In the wholesale drug house, spent Sunday In the city with his parents. E. F. Ballanco and wife, who have been In the city visiting wlt.li !lr. Dallance's parents, returned to their home In llavelock this afternoon. Mrs. Mary Rys, who has been In the city the past few days visiting with Mrs. llajeck, was a passenger on the noon train for her home In llavelock. Mrs. T. P. Eagan, who has been Jr. the city for tho past few days, visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Eagan, returned home on the fast mall train today. Miss Lconn Brady departed yes terday for her former home In Wat son, Mo., where she whs called owing to tho illness of her sister. She will remain for several days. Mlr.H Ruth Johnson went to Lln- ' coin on the fast mail this afternoon to attend the annual engineer's ball given In that city- tonight, and to vlalt a few days wlh her broth ers. Miss Alma Larsen went to Union yesterday to see her sister Mrs. Reu ben Foster, who has been very sick for the past few days. Friday Mrs. Foster was reported to be In a very dangerous condition, but much better at this time, and every hope enter tained for her recovery. Miss Elsie Brobasco went to La Platte this afternoon. George Burris of Eagle was among these registering at the Perkins Hotel last evening. E. D. Slocum of Murray, was In the city for a few hours this morning, en route to Omaha. Henry Hell, the proprietor of Pleasant View Stock Farm, Is in the city today attending to business mat ters. 15. II. Danlhcr of Murray, came up this morning and spent the day look ing after business matters In the city. J. R. Willcockson of Elmwood'who has been In the city taking the exam ination at the county superintend ent's office, was a passenger on the mail train at noon. Homer Shrader, of Murray, who has been staying for some days past at the bedside of his wife in St. Jo seph's hospital at Omaha, made a flying trip home last night, returning Mrs. Northcutt, who has been vis iting at tho home of her sister Mrs. J. W. Crabill, returned home this af ternoon. She was accompanied by Miss Ella Kennedy who will remain In tho city for a short visit. Miss Mabel Burch who has been in Omaha for the past few weeks, was a visitor In tho city yesterday return ing to Omaha whero she remains for tho present week, after which she will go to Hawarden, Iowa, where she has a position In a millinery store for the approaching season. Jos. Gray, of llavelock, Was In the city Saturday evening and Sunday, shaking hands with the many friends at the old home. He Informs us that he has been unable to work In the shops at that point but very little during the past few weeks, owing to a severe attack of rheumatism that he has been Buffering with. He re- turned home yesterday afternoon. FIRE AT UNION Old Tiines Dance. One of the most Interesting and pleasant events to be given In the city during the winter wns the old country dance at T. J. Sokol hull on Saturday night. The dance was an exclusive affair there being invlta (Ions Issued to a select party of the old settlers of the city. They came dressed In the style of fifty years ago. Many of the Bohemian ladies came dressed In their bridal gowns dating back for a period of many years, fabrics rich and creamy with age. The styles were those of sev ral generations gone and were quaint and unique. The attendance was large for the Bohemians have lived In Plattsmouth and vicinity for many years and the old settlers were much In evidence. There was an abundance of fine music and all the old country dances were had to a complete satisfaction. It was as Pool Hall of James Gruber and the Implement House of J. E. Banning Destroyed The town of Union which has been suffering from a run of bad luck, last Sunday night had another stroke of misfortune when fire broke out and destroyed the two story struc ture occupied by James Gruber and family as a residence in the seco.id story and as a pool hall on the lower floor. The flames also spread to a two story frame building occupied by the Modern Woodmen as a lodge room on the second floor and by Jos eph Banning as an implement house on the first floor. The flames were discovered Just after eleven o'clock at night after Mr. Gruber and family had retired. They were aroused in time to permit of their getting away but they were unable to save anything, making their escape In their night clothes. The building was speedily reduced to ashes being a total loss. It was owned by Mr. Gruber and valued at $3,500. There was f 2,500 Insurance upon It. The Modern Woodmen lodge owned the two story structure next door and it was soon in flames. Owing to the discovery of the fire in time citizens had been able to enter this building and get out most of the lodge parpliernalia so that they will not bo heavy loaeri In that respect. The lower floor was filled with a fine stock of wagons, and farming Implements and these were speedily run out Into the street and the bulk of them Baved. His loss on stock will not be very heavy although It will amount to norm-thing at the very lowest. The building was entirely destroyed. It was valued at $2,500 and Insured for $1,000. Owing to the character of the night which was still the flames burned out without spreading further. The store of R. II. Frans was threatened with destruction but, being a brick build ing, It did not catch readily and by the use of buckets It was saved. This makes the second series of fires In that town In a few weeks and like the former one, there Is no clue as to Its origin. These two fires have made a big gap in the business section of the town. Doubtless, the buildings will soon be replaced by better structures. Komh IVud VMtorfc From Tu"slay"8 Paily. ("has. Hill and wife, Vt'ra. J. J. Hill of liehtJere. Neb.. rid Mr. Jer. ry Mcllugh all came down this morn ing from South BUd for the pur pose of proving the last will of Mrs. Nancy L. Willis. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Mcllugh were witnesses to the will. While here Mr. Hill made this office a very pleasant call and ont which was much appreciated. He Is one of the best and brightest of the younger men of his section and he Is always welcome at this 6anctum. FUNERAL SERVICES Of the Late Adam Schantz Yesterday Afternoon Held From Tuesday's Dally. The funeral of the late Adam Schanz, Jr., was held yesterday after noon from St. Paul's Evangelical church and was very largely attended by the many friends of this noble young man. The eortegt left the house In South Park at one o'clock and proceeded to the church where Rev. F. J. Longhorst delivered an eloquent and touching discourse up on the virtues and good works of the deceased. Rev. Longhorst adopted as his text "Rev. 14-13" and, in accord ance with the text, he made reference to the devout Christian life deceased had lead. Rev. Longhorst's sermon made a visible Impression upon the congregation where the young man was no well known and so universally beloved. In addition to the sermon of Rev- Longhorst, the choir sang a number of tho favorite selections of the de ceased. , The body was then takeii to Oak Hill cemetery where It was laid to rest in the beautiful city of the dead. The pall bearers were young men friends of deceased In his life time, they being Messrs James Ptacek, An ton H. Koubek, William Hassler, Jr., Emil Droege, Henry Hesse, and Charles Wilklns. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Schantz in the loss of their beloved son who was Champion Walker. Speak It very low Louis Egen berger Is not getting about his siore today as spry as usual. The young man took an unusual long walk yes terday afternoon. He In company with Peter Goos and Val Hurkel started out to make a pleasant af ternoon's walk to the water works After they had gotten there the pleas ant weather beguiled them Into go lug on to Oreapolls and then his satanic majesty must have gotten In his work for they crossed the river to LaPlatte. Having gone so far they concluded to go on to Ft. Crook and here Is where Louie's heart began to fall him. A few miles on the othe side of LaPlatte he cried with King Dick, "A horse, a horse, my king doni for a horse." But no horse was much as a scene from Bohemia as to be had and a cold cruel world these good folks met once more and smiled upon his footsore and weary renewed tho memories of the fath erland. Such parties are to be com mended as they promote the fellow ship feeling among the people. This was one of the most edlightful over here here. Laid to Rest. The funeral of the lute Herman llerold was held from the home In this city on hist Saturday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. Burgess, of the Episcopal church officiating, and the remains were gently laid In their last earthly resting place In the Oak 1 1 ill cemetery. A large courouri'-c of sympathizing friends and relatives attended the services at both the house and the cemetery. The pall bearers w ere Win. Schmidt man, Geo. Luchlnsky, John Ledgway, John Schulhof, Mike Whallen and Robt. Patten. MJKUUKmKUU'ft 'r.atnui'.vf sirs B i'4WBSKtWAf K& f ood is imZ tious mm? upm more tasteful, healthful and nutri- vvhen raised with 9 Absolutely tsq I The only baking: powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Made from Grape protests. Soon tho village of Ft Crook burst upon the vision of the three travelers in the wldorness Pete and Val were getting strong and striding away like champion walkers but Louie was rather down In flesh as the experts say, and did not hit the pace In the boyant manner of one seeking to make a record. However, he dragged Into the Fort Then n long consultation was held as to whether they should tie up there and wait for the M. P. or go n to South Omaha. Val and Pete Insist on walking into South Omaha and at It they went. Louie bemoaning the day he was born. They did get Into South Omaha although the last block they walked took one hour and n half. They claim It was on account of the mob there but the fact Is hinted that It was because of Louie's sore feet. They could find no so lace In the town either as everything was shut up. They took the train to come back on. reliable Grape Cream oi Jj Tartar Baking Powder I I The cream o! tartar osed b Dr. Price's Baking L J .Powder is In the Mart fnrm xnd rnmnndtmn In which it occurs in the lascloas, heallhiol grape. Improves the flavor and adds to the health fulness of the food s 1 13 Z jtotime Thojphaie ft. r! 1 UJJ Cream o 13 rw VA n ipbocss y itvnr X m m mm mm m m mm m m 111 M mmm 1 mt m U V ? ? ? Short Items of Interest From Tues day Evening's Daily Journal T T Chancellor Phillips attended to business matters In Omaha yester- . , . .,, . day afternoon going up on the mall taken from them while the mantle of . youth had but Just been laid upon his brow. Card of Thanks. We wish to exend our heart felt thanks and appreciation to our rela tives and friends for the floral offer- spent yesterday afternoon in Omaha train. Henry Jess returned to the city last evening after spending several days In Omaha attending to business mat ters. Register of Deeds II. A. Schnieder lngs, attendance and kind expres sions of sympathy In our sad be reavement in the death of our be loved son and brother Adam Schanz, and wish to thank the Cigar Makers Union and the employes of the coach shops for the kindness shown during the death of our son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schanz. Geo. Schanz, jr. being a passenger on the mail train at noon for that city. Charles Grimes, ye scribe on ye Journal, was an Interested visitor in the big city yesterday, going to Omaha on the mail train. Grosvenor Dovey returned this morning from Nebraska City, where he has been tho guest of friends for several days. , .N'lck Kline was a passenger on the early train this morning for Omaha where he had some business matters to look after. "Kcwiid I'p" a Winner. A large number of Plattsmouth people spent yesterday In Omaha, most of them spending the afternoon at tho Hnvfl thentor wlipro tho nlav of "The Round Up" holds the boards 8 attending to business matters J. J. Svoboda, the Main street gro- for this week. The show Is one of the best to visit this section for years and fully warrants the praise accorded It by the metropolitan press. In Omaha this morning going up on tho early train. Miss Rose Rauen departed this morning on the early train for Dallas, Like all plays located in the west wnere sne win mane ner nome or southwest, It Is overdrawn In spots in the future. especially in the delineation of west- John Hatt, Jr., attended to bust em characters but with all that It ness matters in Omaha yesterday be is a strong and Interesting comedy Ing a passenger for the metropolis drama. The company presenting the on the mall train. , play Is one of excellence, several of Thomas M. Patterson was looking ing. Miss Florence Balrd was a passen er this morning on the early train for Bellevue where she is attending school. George Quands Is attending to some business matters In Omaha to day going up on the early train this, morning. Jas. Jilek is looking after some business matters today in Omaha be ing a passenger on the early train for that city. Dr. E. D. Cummins attended to some professional business yester day afternoon in Omaha going to that city on the mail train at noon. Miss Jessie Davis was a passenger this noon on the mall train for Oma ha where she will spend the remain der of the day visiting with, friends. Aug. Bach is spending the after noon In Omaha with friends going to that city on the mail train at noon. Joseph Fetzer made a flying trip- to Omaha this noon going up on the mail train and Intending to return on the flyer. W. C. Irwin la looking after bus iness matters this afternoon in Oma ha being a passenger for that city oa the mall train. the characters being taken by people of much experience and with well deserved reputations. The scenic production is also of a high class, the stabe mountings In the third and fourth acts being striking and sen sational. Tht battle scene in the third act Is all the management pro nounced It to be the greatest scene of the kind ever attempted on the Rtane. It comes close to belns a genuine battle scene from real life. The nlav deserves full houses nt very performance. Very yulct Diiy. Yesterday being a legal holiday business in the city espetially during t tie atteinoon, was practically sus pended. The conntv olllces were cloj-ed and the Burlington shops t-hut down for the day. The banks also .took n day off and the clerks took advantage of tho day to ret n need nM. A larue number of citizens made the Journey to Omaha where they attended the several shows dur ing the afternoon and at iikht. IV pplte tho inWrrable weather which was n combination of rain, snow and cold weather, abominable In the ex treme, the crowds turned out In good number for the several enter tainment. It.XILV JOl'ltNAL I Or A Willi Improving Nicely. Thos. Walling and small sons were In Omaha yesterday afternoon visit ing with Mrs. Walling nt the hos pital. It Is pleasant to state that Mrs. Walling Is progressing finely toward recovery and that sho will be able to return to her home within n short time. A a marriage license was Issued yesterday to F.lmer Bodeker. nged 2.", of Murray and Miss Gertrude Onn. nued 18 of N'chawka. Both of these young people are well and pop ularly known In their respective neighborhood" and they have a large circle of friends who wish them nil possible good fortune In their mat rl nionlal venture. Farm for Sale. I nm offering a farm for sale two mile southwest of Mynard at ninety dollars per acre. Also one 34 mile south of Murray. Karl V. Cole. Mynard, Neb. after business matters in Omaha yes terday afternoon going up on the mail train at noon. Miss Florence Sochor was a pas senger this morning on the mall train for Omaha where she will visit with friends during the day. Mrs. Geo. K. Dovey and daughter Catherine, were among those.speuding the afternoon in Omaha yesterday being passengers for that city on the mall train. Herman Martens departed on the early train this morning for Omaha where he had business to look af ter. Jack Patterson spent the holiday In the city with his parents returning to his duties In Omaha this morning on the early train. Mrs. John Gelscr was u passong this morning for Omaha where she will make n visit with Mrs. Thomas Walling at the hospital. Jos. lladratm had Important bus ness mutters In Omaha to look aft vestorduy and was a passenger for that city fin the mail train at noon Mrs. Henry Horn and Mrs. Louis Frb'drlch ware passengers this morn ing on the early train for Omaha where they go to visit a sb k friend In one of the hospitals. The ladle came In from their homes near Cedar Creek to make the trip. Matthew Gerlng was a passeng this morning for Omaha where he goes to prepare for the defense In the noted Banner shooting case John K. Klrkham spent yesterday afternoon In Omaha attending the lierforinnnce of "The Round Up" nt the Boyd, and returning in the even Uert McKiiiney was a passenger on the mail train at noon for Omaha where he will make a visit with rel atives and friends. Rev. John Swanson of the Swedish Mission church, returned to his home at Wahoo this morning after fpend- ing Sunday In this city. Ed. and A. C. Black are spending the afternoon In Omaha with friends having been passengers on the mail train at noon for that city. E. A. and L. W. Lorenz are at tending to business matters this af ternoon In Omaha going up on the mail train for that purpose. Mrs. C. M. Parker was a passen ger this morning on the early train for Omaha where she will make a short visit with her sifter Mrs. Guy Fleming. John I la II departed this morning on the early train for Omaha where he will take his obi position In I lay den's store, the firm sending for him to return. , Thomas E. Partnelo came down from his bank at Louisville yester day morning and at noon made a trip to Omaha where he had some business to attend to. Mrs. Will Collp and two daughters who have been visiting In the city tho guests of C. E. Hartford and family, returned t' their home In Council Bluffs, la., thin morning on the early train. Mrs. John Nemtz who has oien i.i Omaha for several weeks recovering from the effects of several very severe operations, was brought down Sat urday to her home in this city. Mrs. Nemtz has done mnrvelously well In recovering from the critical opera tions performed upo her and her many friends will be rejoiced to learn of her progress.