The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 25, 1909, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
Ifuny of the renders of the Journal know of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and trill mail same to this office it anil appear under this heading.
We tcant all fams of interest. Editor Journal
Murray State Bank
Murray, Nebrska.
We do a general banking business.
We loan money for legitimate purposes.
We make farm loans at a reasonable rate.
We solicit your Banking business.
Let us show you our safety deposit boxes.
We represent thz best fire insurance companies
We promise for your business our best atten- n
Deposit your money with us, and grow with a
growing institution.
A Birthday Party.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W, P.
Ilutcheson, near Rock Bluffs, on last
Friday evening, February 19, quite a
number of young folks gathered to
help Miss Winnie celebrate her twen-
tieth birthday. Music and games
were Indulged In until a late hour.
A dainty two-course luncheon was
served by Pearl Carey and Ora
Ilutcheson. The guests departed at a
late hour wishing Miss Winnie many
happy returns of the day. Those
present were: Misses Pearl Carey;
Eva Porter, Iieulah Sans, Elizabeth
Wheeler, Edna Propst, Lydla Hun
ger, Mayola Propst, Ora, Winnie and
Florence Ilutcheson; Messrs. Percy
Wheeler, Wayne Propst, Will Carey,
Will Smith, Albert Hunger, Will
Propst, Frank Marler, Boyd Porter,
Slgel Carey, Roy and Ernest Ilutche
son, Will Hunger and Mr. and Mrs.
Will Ilutcheson and Mrs. Joseph
W. G. BOEDER ER, Cashier.
3( J
Luther Raymond has been on the
sick list for the past few days.
Mrs. W. C. Drown Is In Villlsca,
la., this week visiting with her par
ents. J. H. Cook was looking after some
business matters in Omaha Wednes
day. David Murray has moved down
near Union, where he will farm for
the coming season.
Margaret, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Heck, has been
quite sick for the past week.
Wo are offering this week a re
duction of 25c on every pair of over
shoes In our house. Holmes &
Elbert Queen of Union was In
Murray Wednesday. We understand
that he will move to this locality In
the near future, to the Wiley farm
cast of own.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Shepherdson
are rejoicing this week over the ar
rival of a new baby boy at their home
on February 14. Mother and little
one doing nicely.
Dr. D. F. nrendel went to Omaha
Tuesday with William Timlin, who
was placed In the hospital for treat
ment for blood poisoning, with which
he has been troubled for some tlmo.
Dr. H. F, Brendel was In Avoca
this week a few days looking after
the practice of hU son, J. W., during
his absence. Dr. J. W. and wlfo were
In Murray for a short visit with home
Mr. and Mrs. Galtn Rhoden are
the happy parents of a new baby boy,
who arrived at their home Monday
evening of this week. Both mother
and little one are getting along
Over at Henry Creaner's place the
grippe seems to sure have a grip on
the entire family. Henry and the
three children and Grandpa Stokes
are all suffering from it, but none are
In a dangerous condition.
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mlnnrai of La
fayette, . Ind., have arrived in this
locality, where they will make their
future home. For the present they
are visiting at the home of W. B.
Virgin and family, but will later
move to the Glenn Perry farm north
of town, where they will live for the
summer and work for Mr. Perry.
Hans Christiansen, who has been
residing down In Otoe county, moves
to his farm near Nehawka this week,
where Lee Nickels has been resid
ing for the pnst year. Mr. Christian
sen Is one of the popular and pros
perous farmers of Otoe, and the peo
ple of this locality will be glad to
welcome, hlra to their, midst. Mr.
Nickels will return to the home of
his father, where lie will farm the
coming season.
II. C. Long says that he has been
thoroughly convinced that advertis
ing pays. At out Inst trip in Mur
ray he gave us a small ad for the sale
of some fine roosters, and this week
ho says that they are most all sold
Now, great men differ, and the ad
vertlslng line Is in no way contrary
to other lines of business. Lee Nick
els says It does not, and In order to
try the merits of the proposition he
has decided to give away an old
white rooster that he has on the place
to the first party asking him for It
We want every man, boy and child
to go after hlra for the rooster.
What Cannot lie Denied?
Results cannot bo denied, while
we can observe them with our own
eyes. If the same results are al
ways obtained we can rely on them.
This Is why Trlner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine became so popular.
Its good effect upon the digestion Is
undeniable, because It Is apparent in
every case. The symptoms of a poor
digestion, like loss of appetite, pale
W. C. Brown has been on the sick or yellowish complexion, difficulties
list for the past few days. after eating, nausea, vomiting, sour
0. A. Davis was looking after some eructations, flatulence, constipation,
business matters in the county seat colic, eruptions and other troubles,
Married at Nehauka.
Mr. Elmer Boedeker and Miss Ger
trude Opp were married at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholas Opp, one mile north of Ne
hawka, at 7 o'clock on Wednesday of
this week, the ceremony and the nu
merous solemn vows accepted by
those excellent young people being
listened to by many friends and rela
tives of the contracting parties.
The groom is the son of Mr., and
Mrs. Henry Boedeker, one of Otoo
county's prosperous and well-to-do
farmers residing near Wyoming, and
the bride is tho handsome and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Icholas Opp, also one of the best
families of Cass county, and resid-
ng near Nehawka.
The young people are both very
popular, possessing a wide circle of
friends in the community In which
they have been known all their lives.
Mr. Boedeker owns a fine farm one
nd one-half miles south of Murray,
where they will make their future
home. The Journal joins with their
many friends in extending hearty
A reduction of 25c per pair on all
overshoes. Holmes & Smith.
Mrs. Lee Allison has been on the
sick list for the past few days.
are positively relieved by Trlner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine. Do
not postpone the treatment, if you
wish to prevent the sickness to take
a firm hold on you. At drug stores.
Jos. Trlner, 616-622 So. Ashland
Medical advice
D. J. Amlck of Plattsmouth, was Ave., Chicago, 111.
here looking after some business gratis, by mail.
matters Wednesday.
We will give 25c per pair off on Get our prices on overshoes before
every pair of men's overshoes In our buying. Holmes & Smith.
house. Holmes & Smith.
Mrs. james Allison went to Tec- off for California
umsen w eunesaay morning ror a lew Mr. and Mrs. Z. W. Cole boarded
days visit with her daughter, Mrs. the Missouri train Wednesday morn
Uineburg. ng en route to various points In Call
Miss Marjory Walker was In Ne- fornla, where they go for the benefit
braska City last Saturday and Sunday of Mr. Cole's health. During the
visiting at the home of her friend, past few months he has been troubled
Miss May Wilson. with quite a severe throat and chest
W. B. Virgin, O, V. Virgin and anl,('tlon, and the doctors deemed It
Mr. Mlnnearof Indiana were visiting 0,8t tnat ne make a change of ell
with friends and relatives in Ne
hawka last Saturday.
Lena Davis has been numbered
with the sick for the past few days.
Mrs. John Tlgner has been quite
sick for the past few days.
W. J. Partridge went to Nehawka
mate, which they advisea as the best
remedy for Immediate relief. They
will be gone for several weeks, or
even longer If necessary, and will
visit at Los Angeles and various
other points. The Journal joins with
the many friends In hoping that he
Young People Wed.
County Judge Beeson yesterday
afternoon about4 o'clock performed
his second marriage ceremony of the
day when he united in holy wedlock
Elbert Beckner, aged 21,' and Miss
Hattie Dill, aged 18, both popular
young residents of the vicinity of
Murray. Before a number of in
terested spectators In the court room
these two young people Joined In that
bond which is to last until life is no
Both young people are quite well
known in their neighborhood, the
groom being a son of Harvey Beck
ner and a young man of much worth
and ability. He has the pleasure of
having a large number of friends, all
of whom unite in extending their
best wishes and congratulations to
him upon his good fortune in secur-
ng so charming a helpmate for life's
The bride Is the accomplished and
cultured daughter of Ben Dill, a
young woman with likewise a large
circle of friends and acquaintances
who rejoice to see her enter upon a
life which may never be clouded by
unhappiness and which all know
must be a pleasant and prosperous
The young folks will live near
Murray in the future and Mr. Beck
ner will continue to follow the pur
suit of farming, he being one of the
best of the younger farmers of that
may meet with thn rinulrori nhlort rf
it...,. ... i. i - - "
,eueHy lo niase arrangements the ,ong Journey
iur uiuviiig 10 me iarm near mat
Frank Mrasek, residing east of
Murray, enrolls his name for a copy
of tho Journal to be sent to his ad
dress for ono year.
Moves to Nehawka.
W. J. Partridge, who has for the
past few years been employed In the
Burlington shops tn this city, has
decided to trv his luck at farmlnir
Mr. Baker and daughter, Mrs. on mori, wll, . fpw riava
Smith, arrived In Murray last Satur- move t0 tho an8en , north of
day for a visit with their father and
brother, A. L. Baker and wife
Nehawka, but a short distance from
Mrs. Partridge's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William Mark. Thn Journal rn
Mrs O. V. Virgin Is down In Kan- gret very much t0 oe thege exce,.
lent people leavo Plattsmouth, and
sas this week enjoying a very pleas-
ant visit with her parents. Mr. and , very thankfu, tnat they Bre not
us. iiuuiii iiuimeM, wno resiae
near Wakarusa.
Dr. J. F. Brendel was called this
moving farther away. They both
have made lota of friends here.
"Bllllo" Is an excellent fellow, and
him. Is our wish.
week to see Mrs. Charles Lewis, re- the people in the locality where ho
siding one-half mile east of the makos his future home will find him
county form, who has been quite sick right In every particular. Success to
for the past few days.
Tho little child of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Carroll died at their home
near Plalnvlew last Saturday. Chan
Carroll went to that place on Satur
day to attend the funeral.
Will Not Accept,
We reported some time ago In
these columns that Dr. B. F. Brendel
was to soon accept a position as phy
Grandma Thomas, who has been slclan in one of the state hospitals,
quite sick for the past few weeks, la at the hands of Governor Shallenbcr
reported about tho same as last week. ger. Now the doctor tells us that he
She does not soetu to Improve as the has investigated some three of tho
many mends and relatives desire. offered positions, and finds that tho
The box social given at the school salary attached Is not sufficient to
house on Inst Friday night was well Justify him giving up his practice
attended, the receipts being some- here to accept, and after thanking
thing over 17. The occasion was a the governor for his kindness de-
very pleasant ono. and all seemed to cllnes to accept. He will remain In
have a god time. We understand Murray at tho old homo to look after
that Rex loung makes a number one I his practice here.
a. l.. turner and J. II. Farrls went Miss Ida Boedeker went to Nehaw
over to Klmwood Tuesday to attend ka Wednesday morning to attend tho
the public sale of Cromwell's. We Roedeker-Opo wedding, tho groom
understand that Arthur rlalms It was be Ing a cousin.
a poor sale, the free lunch not being
so much in evidence at upon many Miss Pauline Oldham was a Platts
other occasions nearer home. mouth visitor on Thursday of thl
The Martha Washington social week
given by tho ladles of the Presby
tenan cnurch at the church was well For Sale.
attended on Monday evening, consld- Twelve pigs, weight about fifty
crlng the very disagreeable weather, pounds each. Two miles southeast
the receipts being something like of Plattsmouth. Rudolf Spahna
113. Tho highly honored George
was very much in evidence, but his For Sale or Kent
good wire failed to appear. The oc- 38 acres adjoining Tlattsmouth
casion m i very pleasant one. I WINDHAM INVESTMENT CO
Harness Oiled.
I wish to Inform all my custom
ers that for this month only I will
make a reduction on oiling harness.
This Is done so as to get as much of
the work done In February as pos
sibel before the usual spring rush
in March. Bear in mind that the re
duction only holds good for this
month, so bring In your harness now,
and avoid the rush, and receive the
reduced price.
J. II. Cook.
For Sale.
My residence property in Murray,
comprising two fifty foot lots, by
150 feet deep, good house contain
ing six rooms, good improvements.
Will be sold right if taken Boon.
Chas. Carroll, Murray.
Kiii); Hill Notes.
King Hill, NVb., Feb. 25. 1909.
A recent find brings up a little his
tory that I think will be interesting.
Years ago B. S. Ramsey's famous
Indian chief called his warriors to
gether on King Hill and gave them a
great talk and said In part:
'The white man has driven us
away from the land that was ours,
they say that they bought it from
our fathers for a few dollars. How
could our fathers sell what the Great
Spirit put here for us to live on.
The white man came, a timid sup
pliant, and asked to lie down on the
red man's bear skin, and warm him
self at the red man's fire, and have
a little piece of land to raise corn
for his women and children. And
now he is become strong, and mighty.
and bold, and spreads out his parch
ment over all, and says, "It Is mine."
There Is not room for us both. The
Great Spirit has not made us to live
together. There is poison in the
white man's cup; the white mnn's
dog barks at the red man's heels.
"We have, left the land that was
ours, we have followed the setting
sun, we have crossed the rushing
waters of the great Muddy, we are
free. The white man will not come
here. They are afraid of these black
Warriors, look at the buffalo, the
deer, and the antilope, look at the
wild turkey at our feet. The
squirrels are in the trees above our
heads. All these the Great Spirit
has put here for the red man."
When the chief had said these
things his warriors became uneasy.
They were looking down the river
where a little cloud of smoke could
be steen. The chief looked In the
same direction and became uneasy
The cloud of smoke came nearer and
nearer, until It could be seen that It
was something on the water coming
up stream.
The chief turned to his warriors
and said: "The red man's canoe
could not come up like that. It is
the white man come to drive us
still further back. I will not go and
leave all these things for the pale
face. I will stay here."
He became very angry and rising
up in his pride he gave one tremend
ous kick at civilization and his foot
separated from his ankle and went
flying over the tops of the trees and
was lost from view. He sent his peo
ple on the hunt for the missing foot
but they could not find It. He re
fused to be moved and they built a
tepee over him. He refused to eat
or drink, and his spirit soon went to
the happy hunting ground.
They burled the chief on King Hill
In the summer of 1855 Thomas
Patterson moved to Nebraska cross
Ing the Missouri river at Kenosha
and located above King Hill. A few
years after a man that was boarding
with Patterson opened the grave and
took out the skull and it was left at
his house for a number of years, then
it disappeared.
At the beginning of the eighties
Mrs. Thomas Patterson and daugh
ter Mary were living in Peru, Neb.
and a man gave a lecture at the Btate
normal school (I did not learn his
name). He used the chief's skull
in his lecture and claimed that it
was given to him by Thomas Patter
son of Rock Bluffs, Neb.
I was walking around King Hill
a short time before the holidays this
winter while the water was very low
and close to the edge of the water I
saw a peculiar shaped stone, dif
ferent In color from any that was
near It. I dug It loose from the
sand and rocks and found to my
surprise that it resembled the shape
of a foot. It does not show the
toes, it looks more like it had been
petrified with the moccasin on. The
stone or petrified foot will be left at
the Journal office for a short time.
Fred Patterson.
For Sale.
A number of fine White Plymouth
Rock roosters at 75c each. They are
good ones and cheap at the price.
Mrs. II. C. Long, Murray.
Lorenx Bros, have made a very
handsome addition to their equip
ment in the shape of a new two-horse
wagon for the purpose of handling
meats between their slaughter house
and their store in this city. This
firm slaughters most of their own
meat and their steadily growing bust
ness has forced them to carry larger
stocks of meats on hand. They found
their old wagon and equipment en
tlrely too small to handle the stuff
economically and with the end In
view of handling the business In a
more systematic manner they have
Increased their facilities.
Inducement to Trade.
Tho Plattsmouth Commercial Club
Is considering the proposition of run
nlng about two excursions a month
to the county seat. If they succeed
a free ride from Eagle and all sta
Hons along the line to Plattsmouth
will be the Inducement to go to the
county seat to trade. The business
men over there are waking up and
devising schemes for advertising
looking out for factories and any
thing that will bring business.
Weeping Water Republican.
Draw a Check
for the money you owe and
note how much more re
spectfully your creditors re-
gard you. They like to do
business with a . man who
has an account at the Cass
County Bank. They know
he is doing business in a
business-like way. Better
open such an account even
if your affairs are not large.
They will grow all right.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Cut Off by Snow.
St. Francis, Kansas was one of
the stations on the Burlington road
yesterday cut off from the world by
now. It was said the drifts filled
the cuts for twenty-five miles east
of St. Francis, and that a snow plow
was stuck near Wheeler on that
branch. St. Francis has had no
mall, express or passenger trains in
or out since Monday, and the pros
pects that trains would get through
today cheered the Inhabitants. The
snow there was said to be the heav
iest In many years.
Passengers on tho Burlington
train stuck in the drifts near Page.
Neb., were taken back to O'Neill
yesterday at noon after spending tho
long night in the cars. They had
been well cared for and were taken
out as soon as It was possible to trav
el overland. The rotary snow plow
began drilling another path through
drifts on the O'Neill line yesterday
afternoon. The Burwell line was
reopened yesterday. State Journal.
H. W. Sheridan of Burlington Is
Veteran officers and employes of
the Burlington and older citizens of
Lincoln will be interested to learn
of the promotion of H. W. Sheridan,
a former local railroad man, to the
responsible position of superinten
dent of the Sacramento division of
the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Sheridan now is at the head of
the most important 'division of the
Southern Pacific system, and he
draws a salary of $500 a month. He
Is about 50 years of age. Mr. Sheri
dan during his more than thirty
years of railroading has served in
both the transportation and office de
partments besides being once a sec
tion hand.
He was born and reared on a farm
near La Crosse, Wis., and at the ten
der age of 13 years he was thrown
on his own resources and at 15 he
was teaching school. He entered the
railroad service when he was 18
years of age, becoming a freight
clerk for the Northwestern at Cash
ton, Wis. Here he learned teleg
raphy. Sheridan first struck Lincoln as a
switchman and secured a job with
the Burlington.- His ability quickly
brought promotion, and In less than
a year he was made night yard mas
ter. He was a giant In physique and
had more than ordinary ability as a
boxer. During the troublous times of
the great strike of the engineers and
firemen of the road, Sheridan was
called on to show qualities bordering
on the heroic, and his ability to de
fend himself with his fists caused him
to be known as the "fighting yard
master." Many a striker was polished off by
Sheridan, who would not fight unless
he was compelled to. A militant
body of switchmen at the time that
Sheridan was boss of the night yard
brought his fistic prowess into good
play. Many a belllgerant follower of
a switch engine was tamed by his six
footer, boss and made to be amiable
and tractable In the future. While
Sheridan was a strict disciplinarian,
he was one of the kindest and most
approachable fellows in the service.
He was always willing to help anyone
In trouble, and no employe of his
ever came to him for a legitimate
favor who did not get it. Lincoln
For that Terrible Itching.
Eczema, tetter and salt rheum
keep their victims In perpetual tor
ment. The application of Chamber
lain's Salve will Instantly allay this
itcnlng and many cases have been
ruted by Its use. For sale by F. 0.
Frlcke & Co.
Enjoyable Occasion.
Last Sunday afternoon a de
Albert and Raymond Nejedly at the
home of their parents Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Nejedly. The party which was
comprised of a party of the young
friends of the boys gathered during
the afternoon and spent the evening
with them. The usual amusements
were had such as games, music and
the like and the pleasant affair clos
ed with a delightful luncheon pre
pared by the mother of the young
men. All departed declaring they
had a most enjoyable time.
Those attending were Misses Paul
ine Kaloshek, Alma Holly, Anna
Burlanek. Ethel Bell, Margaret But
tery, Helen Nejedly, Pauline Pala
eck, Florence Kalesek, Mabel Donat.
.Josephine Rys, Elizabeth Holly, Bes
sie Bird, Florence Mason, Messrs. Joe
Nejedly, Jr., Everett Gooding. Frank
Palacek, Chas. Bell, Daymond Nejed
ly, William Bell, Albert Nejedly.
Clyde Martin.
J. H. Altroegge was a passenger
for the north on the noon train after
la brief visit in the city.