The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 22, 1909, Image 4

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Much Snow.
I Sur, Vintendtnt Bignell. -pent
tl DP linli vk jn rth Neb-rat trying to
Short Items of Interest From Wed
nesday Evening's Daily Journal
John Sutton from Kenosha is look
ing after matters in the city today.
Mark White and wife drove up
from their farm near Rock Bluffs to
to attend to business matters.
Howard Hilton is spending the day
In Omaha going up on the early train
this morning.
F. L. Sthlefle of Nehawka, was a
guest at the Hotel Perkins last night
coming up on the evening train.
ThoB. B. Bates and Frank Dunbar
who spent yesterday afternoon and
last night at Omaha returned to the
city this morning.
John Bauer, Jr., Is taking In the
hardware convention at Omaha to
day and also looking after business
matters for the firm.
Chancellor Phillips who has been
making a visit of several weeks at
Denver, Col., came home this morn
ing arriving on No. C.
P. S. Barnes of Weeping Water
Is looking after business matters In
the city today coming In this morn
ing. W. S. Sopcr was a passenger this
noon on the mail train for Omaha
where he had business matters to
attend to.
Clarence Tefft of Weeping Water
Is attending to professional business
today at the court house, coming over
this morning.
J. M. I'lybon of Nehawka was a
business visitor in the city today
coming up from his home last even
ing on the M. P.
Joseph Wolpert of Louisville was
In the city yesterday attending to
business matters being registered at
the Perkins Hotel.
Mrs. N. S. Bethers departed this
noon on the mall train for Ashland
where she will visit with her hus
band for several days.
Oakley Campbell of Nehawka Is
among those looking after business
matters In the city today coming In
last evening from his home.
George Smith, the worthy king
snipe of the Bucks of the Timber,
Is attending to business In the city
today coming up from his home at
Rock Bluffs this morning.
William Kaufman came In this
morning from his farm south of the
city and was a passenger this noon
tor Omaha on the mall train where
lie had business to attend to.
Miss Ella Margaret Dovey Is spend
ing the afternoon In Omaha going to
that city on the fast mall at noon.
R. O. Watters Is looking after bus
iness mntters in Omaha this after
noon being a passenger on the mnll
Mrs. 0. P. S. Burton wns a passen
ger this noon on the mail train for
Omaha where she will spend the afternoon.
Charles A. Miller camo up from
A. C. Seybert, of Dunbar. Neb.,
is visiting friends and relatives near
Cullum, this week, and wan a brief
caller in the county seat today.
Miss Elizabeth Kunsman went
over to Glenwood yesterday where
Bhe has secured a position in Iowa
Institution for the Feeble Minded.
Mrs. Hans. Stivers and daughter
Alma, and Mrs. John WIehman were
passengers this morning on the early
train for Omaha where they will
spend the day.
Stale Railway Commission Hears Com.
plaint Against Missouri Patific
From Friday Iuily.
The state railroad commission
made findings In order yesterday in
the complaint of William F. Gillespie,
engaged in the shipment of stock and
grain, and others of Mynard, Neb.,
against the Missouri Pacific Railway
company and the Western Union Tel
egraph company.
It is charged that the defendants
have substituted a telephone service
for telegraph service at the depot of
the Missouri Pacific at Mynard, and
that the telephone service la Inade
quate and unsatisfactory. It Is also
charged that the facilities for doing
commercial business, by telegraph
hc-rt-tofora existing have been dis
continued, to the detriment of the
A hearing was had In the above
A. E. LeeSiey, of Greenwood, is a
new addition to our Semi-Weekly case at the office of the commission
subscription list this week. Mr. on January 25, 1908, at which time
Leesley was in the city today and it was developed by the evidence that
op. n the O'Neill lineal the Burling
ton ufier it had been closed by
snow drifts, says the people in
this part of the state have no
conception as to the extent of the
storm along that line. Cornfields
were really little protection. The
snow was blown through the fields
an into the railroad cuts, and along
with the snow came a great deal of
dirt. In some places the rotary plow
bored a hole through drifts higher
than the plow itself, and these drifts
were packed, the dirt aiding In mak
ing a more difficult compound to
move. To make it worse a warm
day followed the worst and first
storm and packed the snow hard. In
some places It was almost as difficult
to move as Ice. The line is open, how
ever, and a heavy business Is being
done. State Journal.
X Short Items of Interest From Sat
urday Evening's Daily Journal
called and enrolled his name.
Geo. Keihart and wife from near
Cedar Creek were callers in the city
today, and In company with their
nephew, Chas. Relhart, paid the
Journal office a piensant call.
W. II.' Combs of Akron, Col., w ho
the complainant was greatly Ineon-
vlenenced In the shipment of live
stock on account of not being able to
get reliable information as to when
cars would be furnished for such
shipments, and also as to when cars
would be moved after having been
loaded. The evidence showed that
It was not an Infrequent occurrence
Death Claims Young Man While Yet
in the Morning of Kis Life
has been visiting in the city with
relatives, departed this morning for f3r t.Brg of Btot.k t0 be Ioaded and haye
Craig, Mo where he will make a , rnninIn ot tllo EtnHnn fn OOVfroi
visit before returning to his home.
William Holly, the clothier and
haberdasher, spent yesterday In
Omaha looking after business mat
ters. While there he looked In on
the hardware convention and saw
Fred Eblnger of Plainvlew among
the multitude.
hours before being moved, owing to
the lack of facilities for getting In
formation as to the time of arrival
of trains, making It necessary to
load stock, in order to be in readiness
for trains supposed to be on sched
ule time.
From Friday's Dally.
Died Schantz, Adam, Jr., at h
February 19, 1909 of tuberculo
sis, aged 22 years, 8 months and
17days. Funeral on Monday, Feb
ruary 22, 19!, at 1 o'clock p.
m., from the house rahd 2 p. m.
from St. Paul's 'church.
After an Illness from that dread senger this morning for Glenwood,
disease known at tuberculosis, for a la., where she will visit with friends
period extending over some time, for several days.
Adam Schantz, jr., died this morn- Dick Osborne and wife were pas.
Ing at the home of his parents In sengers on the early train this morn-
Peter Yogta was a passenger this
morning for Omaha going up on the
early train.
C. Bengen accompanied his daugh
ter on her way to McCook, going
with her as far as Lincoln.
Mrs. John Busche and son Clarence
were passengers this morning for
Omaha w here they will spend the day.
Hans Kemp and wife were passen
gers this morning on the early Oma
ha where they w 111 spend the day
with friends,
Mrs. Roy Dodsto came dowrt last
evening from Omaha to peftd sev
eral days with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. P.' E. Ruffnec,
Mrs. H. GaWehnan was a passeng
er on thfr ttiail train this noon for
Omaha. Xvh'ere she will visit w ith her
cousli for several days.
tt'-s. Geo. Schoerman Is spending
tVe day at Omaha having been a pas
senger this morning on the early
train for Omaha.
Mrs. J. M. Higley Is looking after
some business affairs today in Oma
ha being a passenger for that city
on the early train.
Miss Myrtle Edmonds was a pas-
South Park. This young man, just hn for Omaha where thev will soend
As to grain siiipments, tne commis- up the threshold of life when man- the dav with friends
ulnn finrla thnt tha ovlrlmwo HIH tint i j i. .. i i i i a t I
" noou was uui in cue uuu, aim ine f,u vQ., nrb,i o,i xi
II ... l. ..I .1.1 .1 1....1 1 . I . . . . . . I cwm OU.l uuu. ...
me man train at noon lor ummni snow wim mere nau ueeu any Kieui usefulness Which he might do was
W. J. Lorenz was a passenger on
wuru nnuuoncrora tlila mnrninv t n tho
where he will spend the afternoon. Inconvenience, but It was shown that ln lt8 inception, fell a victim to the early traln for 0maha wnpre thpy
iu uiuun i, i wmu " u.:ru " i . undine B i-u.uireiuui great wnite plague and is now num- will Bpenj the day looking arter
making him a visit for several days had been Installed as agent for the ber,.d among those for whom it must gome bu8il)e88 matters
also departed for his home at Tobias railroad company at Mynard, and 8tad sponsor. During his lifetime Mrs Robt Ward and son Everett
this noon on the mall, the two going that the agent's father audits the ac- deceased was numbered among the nr 1nnUlnir nftpr h,,, mn,L, ,n'
to Omaha together. counts at said station, thus giving the DP8t of young men a kind, loving L, , -,.. ki- . -
complalntant s competitor the ad- and dutiful son and brother, his that thlu mm.nin- tha 0!iriv
Plattsmouth, but who has been vis- vantage of all business transacted death makes the hearts of his aged traln
itlng for the past month near Wausa through the station. parents bleed and draws to them the j T Marshall wife and little
and Magnet, In the northern part of As to the commercial telegraph, sympathy of all who have knowr dauehtpr wprn nnsKenew thi morn-
the state, returned home this morn- the evidence does not show that there sorrow. jng on tjje jaBt mau jor Omaha,
lng. He will remain about three Is or has been a sufficient amount of Born at the German town of Zell where thev had busltiws mntters to
weeks and return to that country, this business to Justify the commis- hn Hesse-Darmstadt on June 2. 1886. look after.
where he will work the coming sum- slon ln ordering It installed, under this young son of worthy parents Mrs. Jas. SochoT ns a passenger
mer for O. C. Mday, formerly a existing circumstances, Inasmuch as emigrated to this country with them for Omaha on the mail train, g-dng
resident of this county, near Murray, the showing is made that all mes- a number of vears since, settling In un to visit her s1stfT. who Is & na-
Mr. Sutton orders a copy of the Jour- sages will be received and transmit- this city where he has lived ever ttent ln the St. Joseph's 'hosjital.
nal sent to Mr. Nlday. ted by telephone to Union, and thence B,ncei ... . .... . .
by telegraph, the Western Union Tel- . olfM .... Mm tn . . . ... m . . .
egraph Company assuming responst- departure an aged father and moth- after a few hours In the city contin-
UUIiy lUf lilt? nuilie. I , hrntViof r.arrtra firhnnt7 I na.1 fn Plrno v na ma-fl rraln
IV 1 UUU WHV Lfixfiiai uvwigv t;i,iiuiiiii c4 I'll V.' V1IIUIIU 1 11 V- 111 U 1 1 II U 1 1 1 ,
residing at Evangeline, La. The lat- An hi wn nH mn wh.
dence that the service to stock ship- ter Is now on his way to this city and er and 8i8ter, of LaPlatte, were visl
ncrs is lnadenuate. but whether duo i.nn,..i nrt..n ,f v,io i.ntv,. . . . ... . .
... , . "ui"u lu -"' utiuic u.o "i"ci lora r0r a lew nours tnis morning in
NLUulANr the d,ft"ge mnde frm teleKraPh breathed his last but In this he has the clty conMg over on the No. 4
10 leiepnone equipmi'iu, or careiess- be,,n disappointed. Two brothers
ness on the pnrt of the telegraph and a Ki8ter had preceded deceased
KatherynL. Windham is home from
the university, visiting over Sunday.
George Horn, of Cedar Creek, is
spending the day in the city coming
'u this morning.
Mrs. M. E. Young is a visitor In
Omaha this afternoou, going up on
the mall train.
W. F. Warfeft and wife are spending
the afternoon In Omaha, going up on
the mall train this noon.
Mtss Anna Kanka was a passen
ger this noon on the mail for Omahai
where she will spend Sunday wlUh
Mrs. A. F. Sevbert. from near CuH
!om. Is rtmong tin te spending the day
ir. ti-e clty, havin.; come in this, morn
ing from her home.
Miss Esther Alden Is attending to
business matters in Omaha this aft
ernoon, being a passenget for that
city on the mail train.
Rev. K. V. O'Neal, nephew of N..
B. Windhan, who occupies the pulpl.
in the First M. F. church, Chicago,
is visiting here for a day. Mr. O'Neal
has been on a lecture tour throi'frh
Nebraska, t peaking at Broken Ijv.'
last nioht.
The regular monthly comity teach
ers' examination are being" held at the
office of County Superintendent Mary
E. Foster, and those taking the exam
ination are Ray Smith, or this city,
Misses Hazel Jameson, of Weeping
Water, May Depuy, of Louisville;
Marie Langhorst, of this city; Minnie
Buell, of Murdock; Fara Eidenmlller,
of Nehawka.
A marriage license was issued to
day to Adelbert Leesley, aged 33, of
Greenwood, and Miss Belle Vlckers,
aged 26, of Alvo, two popular people
of the West end of the county. Mr.
Leesley, the groom-to-be, is a nephew
of J. E. Leesley, of this city, and has
a number of friends in this city and
vicinity, who extend their congratlua
tlons to him in advance.
Councilman From Fourth Ward Gives operator, or otherwise, we are not t0 the better world several years ago.
I fl il vlun1 I mi. m 1 i .. i . .i ..
I!is Vipwi to Taxnavcrs 1,10 wm UK "tm '""uy
Ilia liens Itf lp-ju -.. runimlsHion further finds that February 22 from the house at 1 D.
m. anil rrom st. raui s cnurcn at
2 p. m. Rev. Langhorst officiating.
Interment will be at Oak Hill cemetery.
A True Story.
The editor of the Poplar Bluff,
and returning to their home on the
mall train.
Fred Eblnger, the hardware man of
Plainvlew, Neb., came In last evening
from Omaha, where he has been
spending a few days at the hardware
dealers' convention, to make a visit
with relatives and friends.
Robt. L. Propst came in this
morning from his home and was a
passenger on the early train for
Buys Business.
Louisville, Neb., Feb. 19. Fred
Gorder of Wefeping Water has
bought a two-story brick building
from Fred Tapper of Pasadena, Cal.,
formerly owned by Dr. J. A. Hasimler
of Los Angeles. Mr. Gorder is at
present renting a store building at
he has a stock of Impleceeredlbgkq
this place of H. E. Pankonin, where
this place frotn 11. E. Pankonin,
where tie has a stock of Implements,
etc., which he will move to his own
qua'rters as soon as his contract ex
pires on the building he Is now
Editor the Journal: the business at the stations of Mur-
Please favor mo by publishing the ray and Wyoming Is of considerable
following statement to tho taxpayers amount and Is transacted by tele
of tlie City of Plattsmouih: phone service, and up to this time
At the last meeting of tho city there has been no complaint of the
Thurman. Ia this noon on the mall ''ou,Hil h,,,J 011 M'ruary 8, I made 8,rvce at said stations.
to visit with relatives and friends for 11 ", 1,1 lo Ult l"a, , , , The commission further finds that, Mo Uepubllcnn, who wns formerly Omaha where he had business mat
several nays. ' - " - order to lessen the friction which nn 110,s plUiar clvP8 this interest- ters to look after.
r ir r.......n w iit... vote I(0. 1)00 In bonds and build a I . ... i u ... i i
v,. .,-. ,.-,., ,vui, seems 10 cmsc oeiw-u us,mB1,i. ,nj? rcmlni!i(.pnce. j Mayfield, the bright editor
at Siynara, a transfer or tne agent ..When publiahing a paper in 1872 of ,h Lolsvllle Courier came down
might result In bettering conditions. t Mt Vernon, 111., on the second this mornlne from his home and was
It Is therefore ordered that the floor a Btore wa8 0pened jn a room and interested listener to the argu-
service at Mynaru oe nrougnt up to umJ(,r our office. The senior pro- nipnt9 n the Gerlng-Leyda case,
in(; m h mill nil hiiui prietor came up stairs and coutrnctea yTSt Charlos Matous and babies
1. .!. . J- 1 I.. .1. i ... I
commission may ue iiuui uieu in buc. for tnrpe column8 of space for twelve were nassencers this noon on the
manner as to ttx responsibility with nionth8 w(th locals each Issue, and man train for their home at Have
who has been serving on tho Jury niunlclpal water and light plant,
this term, depnrtcd this morning for sim'G ,hnt t,nie 1 nave Investigated
Omaha where he had business mat- th" ninll,,r furth('r Bn1 1 am now of
ters to look after before returning to ,lu opinion that It would not cost hnmo over S50.000 to build this plant. It
A marriage license was Issued
yesterday afternoon to Robert Coug-
docH not take much figuring to see
that $50,000 at five per cent Interest
" ' .v.... I i , ..,111ip ., ,1 ... ,lm nf o r.nn nr I i uhmiiuh nun .......v, I mini iruni mi iiu-ii iiunie i navr-
hell, aged 25. and Miss Delia Smith. " ' ' ' ",,',:" reference to whether the change made 2 500 dodgers each week. He re- in,k after having spent several days
aged 33, both of Carson, la., and
the parties were married later In
the city. They came In on the fast
mall at noon from the east,
Acting .Mayor John P. Sattler was
a passenger for Omaha and Fremont
on the mall this noon where he goes
to look after matters In connection
with the Odd Fellows' home.
Miss Lucille Rynot arrived ln the
year In Interest. To obtain an all
night service for electric lights and
for water brought from private com
panies would cost the city $6,100.
TIiIh menus a clear saving to the city
of $3,600 per year.
Figure on a ten year contract this . . . (n8 , , May , 1909
would amount to jau.oou ror tne
term. A fifteen year contract would
pay for the plant, tho Interest and
leave a surplus. The expenses of
. , 1 I
rrom teiegrapn 10 leicpiione .-ru-, niarkpil It was R 8nap to get Into a Un the city visiting with relatives
or carelessness in me operation i t0wn where other business men did D. W. Foster, the veteran'Unionlte,
. . I I A I
me present service, is av ibuu. not advertise. The store started on ramP n this mornlne to look after
It is further ordered mat me agent borrowed capital. In three years It 80r,ie business and make a visit with
....... - i
at Mynard furnisn mis commission had money enough t0 start two his daughter Miss Mary E. Foster.
weekly reports, from and after tne i torpa one , Spdula aml one in the county superintendent of schools.
St. Louis. They dissolved partner-
K1VH18 na lu Uhli) and each partner took a noia to ., ,ioll4r, nr thnPn xinn
it i.. nn . . . . r-
mejsHKes. i.ineuiu v un.
city this morning on the early train to running the plant can easily be made
make a visit of several days with U, from the Income from private con-
airs, manes in n and family. Miss Uumers of both light and water be
Rynott lives at Burlington, la. Htdon giving them light and water at
Mrs. C. C. Weseott and Mrs. E. II. lower rates than they now pay. These
Wcscott and Clara Mae Morgan were mntters should receive their consld-
all passengers on the mnll train at eratlon.
noon for Onuilin where they will Yours truly,
visit with Grandpa Street nt the hos- Frank Neumnn,
pltal. Councilman.
Mrs. Fred W. llawksworth depnrt
cd this noon on the mall train for ,''I",,M ,,,,r I'Hncc.
her home nt Norfolk. Neb., after be- Another "Cinderella" has found
Ing the guest of 1). Ilawksworth and her prince. Word lias Just been re
wife and Dr. Cook and wlf.. for sev- eclved that Miss Ethel Dovey, the act
ernl days. less of I'lattsniouth. was married on
Mrs. Charles Miller and daughter February 6 to Frederick Truesdell.
Katie, are spending the day at Gib- Miss Dovey Is playing nt Oakland
son with John Miller and family. Cal., In "A Stubborn Cinderella." ln
They go there to be present nt the this case, however, Cinderella didn't
wedding of Mr. Miller's daughter appear to be so stubborn after all
Freda to a prominent young man of Truesdell, who played the part of
Lincoln. the prince, made desperate love to
Mrs. Katie Mdlugh mid daughters Cinderella both In the play and off
Katie and Mnry MnrRnret. and mm Mho stnge. The wedding wns the se
Iiconard are visiting this afternoon quel. Mr. and Mrs. George Dovey
with Mrs. Thomas Walling nt the of Plattsmouth are parents of tho
hospital at Omaha. Mrs. Walling, It bride . The bride Is well known In
la pleasant to say, Is getting along this city and has appeared at the
finely and surprlng all by her rapid Overland twice. Nebraska City
recovery. I New s
himself. Byron Nugent was the part- day evpnngi wnpre 8he will attend
nor who made the contract and wno the p,.j11(.pni8- meeting, which will
wns until his death a memuer or n. be , 8088on ln that city Tuesday,
Nugent & Bros., the grent St. Louis Wednesday and Thursday.
i .... i
to house. We must add that some or iFrarik Slavcttwrtoy. chief district
District Clerk E. H. Flnnlgnn, last the old niossbacks that were In bus- nhyslcal director of the Bohemian
evening from Plattsmouth. stating nt.8s at Mt. Vernon before Byron Turners of Nebraska, was ln the city
that he had dissolved the Injunction Nugent ever saw the place, are still jnat njlt nini(iK a visit with the
asked for by Councilman J. D. crumbling about dull trade and hard io0nl lodee of turners, dennnln- for
Dissolved toe Injunction.
Krotn Friday's Daily.
Judge H. I). Travis telephoned
Houston, against the mnyor and
members of the city council to re
st rnln them from granting a fran
chise to the water and light company
and promised to send down his writ
ten opinion today but up to noon it
had not reached the clerk and It Is
not known on what grounds he re
fused It. Tho council Is now free to
act In the matter. Nebraska City
The lecture given last evening at
the Paruiele Theatre by Thos. Brooks
Fletcher, was the closing number on
the lecture course program, and IHs
a worthy one. It was probably the
best number given during the entire
course, which was a brilliant series
of events. The attendance last even
Ingwas larger than at any of the pre
vious lectures and those having the
matter In charge would havo been
tempted to Increase the course. ,
his home In Omaha this morning.
Senator W. B. Banning came down
this morning from bis duties with the
session of the legislature and was a
bidder for a part of the lands of the
Otsthe Worst or It.
One of the visitors ln the city today
from Union stated that there had
been but one fight In that city this
week and that happened last night.
One Charles McKane, well known ln
the town started out to destroy a
little butcher down there with disas
trous results to himself, as the
butcher gave him a fine beating and
sent htm into the back shop for
several days for repairs. Charles it
Is hinted, will exercise more Judg
ment next time and merely assault
those he can whip Instead of dashing
Up against the buz saw.
Woman Kiiial to llnieicncy.
Nehawka. Neb., Feb. 17. Miss
Jessie Gllmore, a teacher In the Ne
hawka school, proved herself a true I Lynn estate sold by referee C
American woman nt the wreck on the Rawls at the south door of the court
Missouri Pacific near t'nlcn. She house
was returning from a vHt home at Jacob Parr who has been In inn'
Plattsmouth on the illfated train out of the city at different tlims
that was wrecked. While other wo- for sometime past, has now m
men were prostrated and crying, she such arrangements that he will be
rushed to the overturned car and as- located here permanently, lie made
slsted In the work of rescue. Ob- a business trip this morning to Oma-
tnlnlng a nightgown from one of the hn going up on the early morning
women she tore It In strips and train.
staunched blood and bound up Mrs. Thomas Ruby and baby who
wounds equal to any surgeon who have been visiting for sometime past
was present. with her father C. Bengen at Mynard.
came In this morning and departed
For Sale Oinh County Farms. On the early train for Met ook, Neb.,
40 acres, 171 acres, 70 acres, 143 where they will make a short visit
acres, 80 acres, and small acreage with othei" relatives before returning
tracts. to their home at Oberlln, Khs.
Attracts Large Crowd.
The sale of the land belonging to
the Daniel Lynn estate was held
today at the court house, by the
referee. These lands are avebaull
referee. These lands are valuable
and much desired and the sale served
to bring a large crowd to the city
anxious to bid for them. Among
those coming up to attend the sale
were L. R. Cpton, Dan Lynn, Geo.
LaRue. Peter Clarence and wife, Ed.
Leach, R. Delaney, Chas. L. Graves,
editor of the Fnlon Leadger. and his
son Harry, now city editor of the
Falrbury Journal nt Fnlrbury, Neb.,
Andrew Lynn of Oblowa. Bert Lynn
his son. Deputy County Clerk of Fill
more County nt Geneva, Neb., and
Albert Johnson of Avoca. Neb.
Fruit Tree True to Name.
I nm the agent of the E. L. Wntrous
Nursery, of Des Moines, In., the most
reliable Institution of its kind In the
1 west. Every tree tested In the nur-
sery before being sent out. I havo
ale . ... ...
dean in nursery siock ror years and
can say this stock Is correct in every
respect and prices right. If In med
of anything drop mo n postal rnrd
and I will cnll.
First class ornamentals of every
C. C. Despaln.
Cheapest accident Insurance Dr.
Thnmnn' Krlwlrli fill SI
" " I' "V SUIU
nil Hon In thn tvnn rwt Alt ,t .-.-1 -
t ii ps inio
sell It.