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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1909)
i DAILY PERSONAL ntmj i V Short Items of Interest From Mon- i r- i t 1 dayc-venings Ed. Polln retuned to his duties in Omaha this morning after upending Sunday in this city with his family. Thos. B. Bates is transacting busi ness in Omaha today going up on the early morning train this morning. Miss Mary Bulin Is spending the day in Omaha being a passenger on the morning train for that city. L. A. Moore Is looking after busi ness matters in Omaha today being a passenger on the early train for that city. Miss Lily Beymer of Omaha, who has been visiting her sister In this city, returned to her home this morning. Jack Patterson spent Sunday In the city with his parents, returning to his labors this morning on the early morning traiu. Gus Kline was a passenger this noon on the mall train for Omaha where he goes to look after some business matters. J. C. Brlttaln, wife and children were passengers this morning on the early train for Omaha where they will spend the day. A. Baxter Smith is transacting business this afternoon In Omaha being a passenger on the fast mall at noon for that city. Mrs. M. liowland was a passen ger on the mail train at noon for Omaha, wheer she had some business matters to attend to. Mrs. V. (i. Ciould was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Lin coln whore she goes to make a brief visit with her parents. Frank Dunbar Is looking after business niiiHets In Omaha today be ing a passenger on the early morn ing train Tor that city. Miss Anna I'.ravda, of Omaha, who has been visiting in tin? city, the guest of Miss Navochek, departed tills morning; for her home. Rev. A. A. Randall and wife und daughter, MIkh Lucilo, were passen gers this noon on the mnll train for Omaha, where they will spend the afternoon. E. B. Jlslln and wife of Lincoln, who have been making a visit with Rev. Randall and wife, Mrs. Joslln's parents, departed this morning for their home at Lincoln. Mrs. Frank II. Dunbar was a pas senger this noon on the mall train for Omaha where she goes for the purposo of having an operation per formed at Immaniiel hospital. Mrs. Hansen formerly Miss Mary Petersen, now located at Tllden, Neb., who has been visiting In the city with Mrs. J. C. Petersen, do parted this morning for her home. Rev. J. II. Salisbury yesterday re ceived a message from his sister-in-law at Breckenrldge, Mo., stating that Jacob Downing, his father-in-law, had been operated upon for rupture and was In a very serious condition. Mr. Downing visited tn this city with Rev. Salisbury and family for several months and Is quite well known here. Ills advanced age makes his recovery quite a question although his relatives and friends hope for the best. V. C. Ahlstrand was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he goes on business expecting to con tlnu on to Chicago, 111., In aev eral days. Mr. Ahlstrand has sev ered his connection with the firm of E. G. Dovey ft Son and expects to take np a position with some other firm In either one or the other of the cities mentioned above. In that event Mr. Ahlstrand would bo com pelled to move his family from this city, a loss which would be greatly regretted by all who konw these es timable people. T"rav TTr!rTk If MTTft MM is its most zllktent and yttbxk c kavenfog agents. MADE FROM PURE CREAAS OF TARTAR No alum, lime or ammonia. uxt: : V ? f vauy journal Ed. Schulhof of the Clenwood In stitute, spent Sunday In the city with his folks, returning to his work on the train this morning. Miss Hazel Andrews of Omaha who has been visiting in the city, the guest of Miss Anna Berggren, re turned to her home this morning. L. C. Sprague, representing the Nebraska Material Company of Lin coln, Neb., and Floyd J. Axtell, treas urer of the Lincoln Transfer Com pany, both prominent young men of the capital city,,, were In the city Saturday night coming down to at tend the shirt waist dance and re maining until Sunday afternoon, the guests of J. W. Johnson and fam ily. Funeral of Mrs. Ilostetter. Yesterday afternoon all that was mortal of Mrs. Jessie May Ilostetter was consigned to the tomb at Lew lston cemetery near Murray. The body of this most estimable lady, mention of whose death was made In Thursday's Journal, arrived in this city Friday morning and was driven to Lewlston church accompanied by a number of carriages filled with mourning relatives and friends. At the church services for the dead were said by a divine from Stella, Neb., in terment being In the cemetery ad jacent to the church. The pall bear ers were six girl friends of the de ceased, who acted at the last friends on tills solemn occasion. Jesse May Newman was born near Nehawka, this county on Nov. 4, ISKfi, and at the time of her death was yeais, : months and o i;iys of age? she lived in this county for a number of years with her parents and was married on January 18, l!M)tJ, to dandy Hosteller. At the time of her death she was staying with her parents at Farnain, Neb., her husband being employed at Den ver, Colo. She left surviving her be sides her husband and a little child but three weeks old, both father and mother who accompanied the remains to this city. Mrs. Ilostetter was Justly esteemed and beloved by all who knew her In lifetime. She was a gentle lovable woman, one of that kind who are born to bloom for a little while In life's field and when they were called, go leaving behind them the Impress of good work well and truly done. Her passing leaves behind a void In the hearts and memories of her friends which time can never hope to heal a sorrow which must con tinue with them until memory goes and life becomes a blank. For the sorrowing relatives, the sympathy of the entire community goes out. Burial at Lincoln. The body of the late Mrs. Margaret Gibson was taken to Lincoln this noon on the mall train for Interment tomorrow. The funeral will be held from the residence of George A Pierce, 1108 T. street, at 2 o'clock p. m. Sunday, with Interment at W'yuka. Accompanying the remains were tho husband of deceased, Mrs Safford, mother, Mrs. Gibson, mother of the husband and Mrs. Emily Dick son. The pall bearers officiating in this city were Messrs Will Smith, A L. Anderson, Frank Brlnkman, II. G Hoffman, P. W. Wright and Will Klrsky. Cuttle Ranch for Kale. Best cattle ranch for tho money In Nebraska. 1,400 acres, well im proved, running water, timber, 100 acres under plow, more can be. Can cut 500 tons of hay. Price $10.00 per acre, worth $15.00. Must sell by March 1st. For full particulars write A. O. Perry, Atkinson, Neb 1 s is i t3 GRAND Mask Ball of the Eagles' is a Most Enjoyible Affair The big mask ball of the Fraternal Order of Eagles which was given last Saturday night at the T. J. Sokol hall was the greatest and biggest affair of the kind this order has ever given. No only was the attendance the largest of any of their delightful dances, but it was a Jolly and good natured crowd who had turned out to enjoy them selves and have a good time. The maskers were great many In number and were dressed In all kinds of cos tumes, some elegant, some delipldated and some highly humorous. The task of the judges who were chosen to se ct the several winners of the priz- s offered, was a hard one owifig to the many fine costumes and the orig inal taste displayed in preparing them. Financially the affair was a grand success and the lodge netted a hand some sum. The management of the ball was excellent in every way, from the preliminary arrangements to the details of the floor. To give Individ ual praise where so many hdd as sisted would be an Impossible task as all did their share and did it well. The crowd remained until a late hour, the floor being crowded with dancers far Into the night. It might be added that the attendance was far better than could have been usually expected on such a stormy, bad night. The prizes which were awarded by (Onuiilttee of three consisting of Messrs. Henry Meislnger, George ushlnsky and Anton Koubek, were very handsome ones and were taken as follows: Gentlemen's best cos tume, first prize, John Koukal; sec ond prize, Henry Skoumal. Ladies' best costume, first prize, Miss Olga at tier; second prize, Miss Nettie Vallery. Trio of costumes, Roy Hol ly, Jas. Rebal, jr., and Charles Hula. The trio prize Is especially worthy of merit, although all were very line. The three young men made up to rcp- esent a family, father, mother and son, and they were very excellently gotten up. Taken all through, the performance was a grand success and thl' Ecgles demonstrated that they were entertainers of the first water. . Pleasant Surprise. Saturday evening a number of young people assembled at the home of Miss Cecil Hawkenbury and most ngreeably surprised her. After the young lady had recovered from the shock she Invited the Invaders In and proceeded to entertain them In a most charming manner. Various games were Introduced, all of which produced much merriment. The pleasures of the meeting were fur ther augmented when the delicious refreshments, provided by the In vaders, were served and to which all did ample justice. At a late hour the Invaders, after voting Miss Hawksbury a royal entertainer, withdrew their forces. Those who enjoyed this most pleasant surprise were Misses Bertha Jackson, Ina Hatt, Golda Hale, Mat tie Larson, Adella White, Jennie Batten, Lillian Thompson, Messrs. Ray Smith and Roy Thompson. Hud a Hard Time. Thos. L. Murphy of the Porter-Ry- erson-Hoobler Company, of Omaha, came down Saturday night to spend. Sunday with his folks, Intending to re turn to his duties Sunday night. He was grlevlously disappointed when he went to the Burlington station to take No. 14 for Pacific Junction. where he would catch No. 13 for his destination. He arrived at the train In time to miss it. He also found him self too late for tho Missouri Pacific north bound train and this morning he rose up and walked to the M. P, depot with the Intention of taking the morning train only to And that the operator knew nothing about when It would be along. He walked back to the Burlington station to take No. 19 anl ran up against another snag as the wreck at LaPlatte caused this train to be detoured by way of Coun rll Bluffs. He finally got out of town about ten o'clock on a Btub which ran to Oreapolls to connect wllh the Schuyler train. Wltli the Sick. Geo. McDanlels who was operated upon at Omaha last Thursday, still holding his own and shows sit; us of Improvement which are quite en- cnuror-lng to his physicians. He will undoubtedly come through the or deal all light and will soon be ulxntt among friends its of old. Henry St till, mention of whose ser lens Injury was mime In these col minis seme time ago wuen lie was sealded In a vat of boiling water. U reported us getting along very well although It will be some lime before he completely recovers. It probable that It will be necessary to graft some skin upon the Injuret1 man's nrm before he can get well and lis physlcinn Is preparing to adopt this course very shortly. The Injuries are gradually growing less painful as time goes on. Mrs. John Nemetz continues to make favorable progress toward re covery, and her many friends will be rejoiced to hear of this. Mrs. Ne metz has had a very hard time, and her regaining good health will be a most thankful blessing. Her physicians now consider her as well along the road to the desired goal. The condition of W. L. Street is reported as continuing favorable and his recovery and restoration to good health is now a certainty. This is welcome news to the host of friends who have watched the progress of Mr. Street with great anxiety. Lincoln Day Services The Lincoln day observance in this city was chiefly notable for ex ercises at the Christian Science and .Methodist churches participated in by the members of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C. These two bodies met at the Christian Science rooms In the Coates block where they listened to an able and spirited address in the morning while In the evening Rev. Dr. Randall gave them an excellent discourse upon Abraham Lincoln at his church. Rev. Randall's address is very favorably spoken of by all who heard It as one of the most In tellectual and brilliant addresses giv en here. It is to be regrettr- that more extended notice cannot .. iv- n this able discourse, but lack of space prevents. There was one par ticular feature of Dr. Randall's ad dress which Is deserving of more than passing comment and that was the portion which deals with Lin coln's early poverty as an element of strength to him. Dr. Randall dwelt upon this feature at some length presenting it in an entirely new light. It is needless to say his remarks held his audience through out. Aside from these two observances and the rendition of patriotic pro grams by the public schools, there was little to mark the anniversary. Several of the programs of the schools, were of unusual excellence and showed much attention and study by both teachers and pupils. Flaps were displayed at the public buildings and many private resl- enees but business generally was not suspended, most people seeming to consider the display of flags and bunting as being all that was re- (i uired. Kntci'tiiins Choir. Friday evening the members of the holr of the Presbyterian church met at the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Farley for their regular weekly practice. But on this particular Friday evening a number of friends of the choir were Invited to participate In the even ing's pleasures, all of which was in honor of an old time member of tho choir, Mrs. Fred Lotshaw of St. Paul, Minn. Social conversation In terspersed with music, both instru mental and vocal, were indulged In aside from the regular rehearsal, af ter which a dainty luncheon was served. Mrs. Farley was assisted In entertaining by Misses Nellie Wilson and Carrie Balrd. The members of the choir and the friends present who enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Farley's hospitality were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Douglass, Mr. and Mrs. Will Warga, Mrs. J. W. Gamble, Misses Estelle Balrd, Johnson, Wil son, Mr. B. A. McElwaln. l'retty Dance. The girls of the city last Saturday night gave a shirt waist dance at Coates Hall which was one of the best affairs of the kind given this winter. The affair was purely In formal and for that reason It was more enjoyable than It would have been otherwise. The programs were In the shape of heart valentines and were dainty and artistic affairs. There was some twenty-five couples present, a number being from out of the city. The music was excellent being furnished by Miss Pearl Mumm, a talented and accomplished musi clan. Among the out of town guests were Miss Wilson of Nebraska City and Miss Epeneter of Omaha. Delightful Social Kvcnlng. Miss Ethel Robinson last evening entertained a small party of her friends nt her home In the second ward. The evening was very pleas nntly spent In games and social con versatlon, and fortune telling, one of tin guests making nn Ideal gyp sy and reading the past and future with startling distinctness. A hand some luncheon wound up the eve ning. Those attending were Misses Anna llassler. Mary K. Foster. Murl liartbold. Grace Dalton, May Glenn, Messrs. Hugh Cecil and Ben Glenn with the Immediate family of Miss Rolilnsoii. Mrs. Fred Thrall. Jr., and child ren, who came in this morning from I'nlon were passengers this noon on tho mall train for Omaha from which point they expect to go to Nebraska City. Absolutely Ture Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. v The only baking powder made from Rcyal Grape Cream DEATH OF Lcving Wife, Mother and Friend Passes Away From Saturday's Dully. Died. Gibson. Mrs. Margaret, at her home In Plattsmouth, Neb., on Feb. 11, 1909, of a complication of diseases, aged 33 years, 4 months and 2 days. Interment at Lincoln, Neb., on Saturday, Feb. 13, 1909. Death this morning claimed as Its toll a loving wife and mother when the spirit of Mrs. Margaret Gibson passed out. The deceased had been ill for a little over two weeks and ev ery effort was made 'to save her life, but without avail. Despite all that could be done she sank until the end came as above. Mrs. Gibson during her lifetime had made a great many friends who heard the news of her death with the most profound regret and sorrow. In the many years In which she had lived among this peo ple all who had been fortunate en oush to know her, had learned to np prctiale tie- rare qualities with which she was endowed and to love and re spect her for these qualities. Margaret Safford was born In Heii. ry Conty, 111., October fl. 1S7.".. When a child of five years she came to tiiis city with her parents. Later she moved to Lincoln where she lived sev eral years and where she was united in marriage to Robert Gibson on March 27, 1907. To this union one child was born, the little one coming into the worid on January 22, 1909. To complications ensuing after the birth of this little one, in a large measure death was due. Deceased leaves surviving her a husband, baby, mother, brother, W. C. Safford, residing in Seattle. Wash. The lady was one of great refine ment and culture, having graduated from the Plattsmouth schools a num ber of years since with an excep tionally good record. The funeral will consist of services at Lincoln, Neb., to which point the remains will be taken on Saturday morning next. I'ust Chiefs Meet. From Saturday's Dally. The members of the Past Chiefs association of the Degree of Honor were entertained yesterday at the handsome home of .Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Vanllorn In South Park. For the occasion Mrs. VanHorn had decorat ed her house in flags and bells the former being especially, appropriate to the day, Lincoln's birthday, and commemorative of the patriotic Am erican whose anniversary the gather ing fell upon. A very fine three course luncheon was served the many guests, the seat cards being in the form of valentines which Indicated the near approach of Cupid's day. The principal amusement furnished was a game invented especially for tho occasion. A valentine In the form of a young woman was hung upon the wall and the several guests tried their hand with a bow and ar row aiming to hit the young wo woman's mouth with the arrow. The first prize fell to Mrs. Bertha Peter sen who came the closest to the mark while Mrs. J. E. Leesley took the booby prize. Mrs. Peterson received a very elegant wall pocket as her prize, while Mrs. Leesley was content with a bow and arrow. Out of Water. From Xlondny'a Dully. The troubles of the Missouri Pa clfle do not come singly. This morn lug the train from the north the same ill-fated It' I which was de railed yesterday got down kk far n LaPlatte when the engine was found to be nearly out of water. The train slopped at tho water tank there and found this tr.nk froen np io no wa ter could be had. The train pulled Into La Platte where the engine was cut eft ami made n run for water to 1'iilon. leaving the train which was filled with pas sengers, standing upon the track there. The train was tied for several hours while the engine tanked up. Several of the passen gers vented their wrath nt such rail road management ami used language of various hues and shades In ex pressing their opinion. of Tartar. Third Birthday Anniversary. A pleasant birthday party was giv en little Albert Newton Becker, son of Mrs. Harriet Becker on Friday the little chap reaching his third anni versary. For the occasion the hand some residence on Gospel Hill had been tastefully decorated with flow ers and other handsome decorations. A very elegant dinner was served the guests being the immediate family of Mrs. Becker and a few choice and intimate friends. The young man thoroughly enjoyed his feast and the many good things showered upon him by the numerous guests and wished the anniversary happened more fre quent. Death of George Sajies. The unexpected and sorrowful In telligence of the death of George Sayles, the prominent Cedar Creek citizen, reached the city today. Mr. Saylts died this morning at about eight o'clock. He had been ill for a very long time and while his condi tion was known to be very bad, it was not believed that he was in dan ger of immediate death. Later the Journal will print an extended sketch of this estimable citizen whose death is distressing to all who knew him. His funeral will take place on Thursday from his house at Cedar Creek, at one o'clock p. m. Sui'i rise for Daiii1i(er. Mrs. V. Zucker last Thursday rf ternoon entertained a surprise party for her daughter, Tina. The after noon wan very pleasantly spent with games of varices Linos mv.cic the entire affair he-Ins a corr.-dcte j surprise to the young lady who was. j not expecting anything of the kind, In the evening there was a very ele- gaut collation served the guests who united In the expression that the af ternoon would be a pleasant spot In their lives for many years to come. Those attending were Misses Nora Livingston, Marlel Streight, Marie Spies, Janet Brantner, Mary Egen berger.Jannette Weber, Marion Mauzy, Mary Rosencrans, Helen Eg enberger, Gretchen Peln, Gladys Mc Maken, Janet Bajeck, .Elizabeth Ba Jeck, Emma Wofford, Clara Trinity, Henrietta Wain traub, Marie Fanger, and Annette Fanger. The local lodges of the A. O. U. W., and D. of II., held Joint Instal lation of officers at their hall Wed nesday evening of last week. At the dose of the ceremonies an appetizing oyster supper was served. Grand Re corder Miss HempeT, and Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans, of Plattsmouth were present and did their share of the official deliberations of the evening. Elder Cyrus Alton Very ably filled ' the chair of Installing officer for th "rooster" lodge. A grand good time Is reported by all present. Erin wood Leader-Echo. No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION or the FIRST NATIONAL DANK At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne braska, at tho close of business February 6, 19(X. RESOURCES Ioirn and dlwounu -fcMI.MHi.St Orerdraftit. mrured inn unsecured.. 7, 7i ;.!( l. P. bono lowv.iire rln'Mlailtm I'n-miu nn V. H. bond Ihindn. wvurllle. etc llMiWInu house, furniture, flxtumt... (M tier ml entatc owned Ihie from nation! hank (not re- wr airenu) .. rtip from approved reterve airvntx. . Oitt'kN and other cash Item Net en of other national hanks Kract tonal paper currrtK-jr, aW-liel anil rents, Lawful money reserve In hnnk. vU: SO.COii.OO i.sni.m n.iui.or U.inoM 4.3lg.-. 4U.4.VJV, I.IUS.W 4,0lHl.tH 114.01 Hiwi'le I jlU.Klj.wt l.t'irnl-tender notes 4.4.x,uii il.'SViix) Kcilt'iuptlon fund wlih I'.S ttrasuter ( iH-reenl of elti'iilat iou) I.jnii.iiti Total.. j.tti.i."i.t': LIABILITIES t'nilinl ovk pnld In j , :i itm.m mii puis imuii. i.'t.eii'.i u t tnll Idril irollts, loss exi'itrs anl taxes pnld :u:'l.:l Vlllolml hunk notes outsl nmlliitf. . . 4'..iie.ti I Hie toother liuHonnl hunks :in "4 line to suite hunks and hunkers.. V 1 1 1 1 1 1 v 1 1 1 1 1 a I deposits snlijeet to ehei'li lovv.i; ..'.l lii'iiuind eetlitteuli's t ih isislt 'C: 14 I line O'llltleMi s of il. il i.i.-.ii uj Total ..''i.isi tr: St me of Nehiaka 1 County of l ass I . I. H V. llmev i-ii.hi. i- Up I of the alMiv-n:iinrd hank, do soleniiil;- sneai iii kit- ns. r s, !ii,-i,t,'in e 1 rue 10 1 ne iesi or my knowlediie anil hellrf. II. N. iHlVKT.f 'Stiller. Ci.rreet Altrsl: i.ny F. flovejr ti. K napp II. Ilawksworth. IMrm'tors ulKorllird anil nworn to liefore me this l-h day of rhruaiy. p.u. J. II Thrasher. !al Notary I'uhlle. My com a iksk mri pi ret May I, luii