ROW M GATt IIByC MEREDITH NICHOLSON Hhniret!cnt ty RAY WALTERS Ovvrrtahl. KJ, kr Mmii Is odd" to be shut Bp In tbla way an! not to be able U do aa one Ukaa la such little maltori." It was time for ma to leave and I picked u my hat and stick. At I started airay I was aware that Helen Holbrook detained me without In the least appearing to do so, following a few steps to gain, as she said, a cer tain Tlew of the lake that was par ticularly charming. "There is nothing rugged In this landscape, but it Is delightful In its very tranaulllity." she said as we loitered on, the shimmering lake be fore us, the wood behind ablaze with the splendor of the sun. She spoke of the beauty of the beeches, which are of noble girth In this region, and paused to indicate a group of them whose smooth trunks were like mas slve pillars. As we looked back I saw that Miss Pat had gone Into the house, driven, no doubt, by the persistency of the west wind that crtaped the lake. Helen's manner changed abruptly, and she said: "If any difficulty should arise here, If my poor father should And out where we are, I trust that you may be Able to save my aunt anxiety and pain. That is what I wished to say to you, Mr. Donovan." "Certainly," I replied, meeting her eyes, and noting a quiver of the lips that was eloquent of deep feeling and loyalty. She continued silent as we marched on and I felt that there was the least defiance in her air; then she drew a handkerchief from her sleeve, touched it lightly to her eyes, and smiled. "I had not thought of quite follow ing you home! Here Is Glenarm gate and there He your battlements and towers." "Rather they belong to my old friend, John Olenarm. In his goodness of heart he gave me the use of the place for the summer; and as gener osity with another's property is very easy, I hereby tender you our fleet- canoes, boats, steam launch and the stable, which contains a variety of traps and a good riding-horse or two. They are all at your service. I hope that you and your aunt will not fall to avail yourselves of each and all. Do you ride? I was specially charged to give the horses'exerciBe." "Thank you very much," she said "When we are well settled, and feel more secure, we shall be glad to call on you. Father Stoddard certainly arved us 'well In sending us to you. Mr. Donovan." In a moment she spoke again, quite slowly, and with, I thought, a very pretty embarrassment. "Aunt Pat may have spoken of an other difficulty a mere annoyance, really," and she smiled at me gravely. "Oh, yes; of the youngster who has been troubling you. Your father and he have, of course, no connection?" "No; decidedly not. But he is a very offensive person, Mr. Donovan. It would be a matter of great distress If he should pursue us to this pluce." "It is inconceivable that a gentle man If he Is a gentleman should follow you merely for the purpose ot annoying you. I have heard that young ladies usually know how to get rid ol Importunate suitors." I have heard that they have that reputation," she laughed back "But Mr. Gillespie" "That's the name, Is it? Your aunt did not mention It." 'Yes; he lives quite near us at Stamford. Aunt Pat disliked his fa ther before him, and now that he Is dead she visits her displeasure on the son; but she is quite right about It He is a singularly unattractive and uninteresting person, and I trust that ho will not find us." "That Is quite unlikely. You will !o well to forget all about him forget all your troubles and enjoy th beauty of these June days." We had reached Qlnarm gate, and 8t. Agatha's was now hidden by th foliage along the winding path. Helen threw away the bits of twig when we came to the wall, and, as I swung the gate open, paused mockingly with clasped hands and peeped inside, "1 must go back," she said. Then her manner changing, she dropped her hands at her side and faced me You will warn ma, Mr. Donovan, of the first approach of trouble wisn io save my aunt In every way possible sho means so much to me she has made life easy for me where it would have been hard. "There will be no trouble. Miss Hoi brook. You are as safe as though you were hidden In a cave In the Apen nines; nut I shall give you warning at the first bIku of danger." "My father Is Is quite relentless," the murmured, aver) In;; her eyes. 'I tinned to retrace the path with , her; lint Hhe forbade inn' and whs none swiftly a flasli of white through the tro. h before I could parley with 1. v. I Hlaf.'d niter her let Iii-u l' :ir Ik r Iklit t r u I In tlv "' ii" :-.if.I wui .!:e,I a f. loneliness possessea me ana the coun try quiet mocked me with its peace. I clanged the Glenarm gates to gether sharply and went in to dinner; but I pondered long as I smoked on the star-hung terrace. There was no disguising the truth thai the coming of tne Holbrooks had got on my nerves at least that was my phrase for it. Now that I thought of it, they were impudent intruders and Paul Stoddard had gone too far in turning them over to me. There was nothing in their story, anyhow; It was pre posterous, and I resolved to let thm severely alone. But even as these thoughts ran through my mind I turned toward St Agatha's, whoss lights were visible through the trees, and I knew that there was nothing honest ia my impatience. Helen Hol brook's eyes were upon me and her voice called from the dark; and wnen the clock chimed nine in the tower JURY IN JOHNSON WILL CASE AGREES Finds in Favor of the Defendant Edwin Jeary After being out for a period of more than ninety hours, the Jury In the case of the Johnson will contest came Into court this afternoon at a few moments after two o'clock and gave a verdict sustaining the validity of the will and the contention of Ed win Jeary and the widow of the late beyond the wall memory brought back Samuel S. Johnson. the graceful turn of her dark head, the firm curve ot her throat as shs bad listened to the mellow fling of the bells. Sobered by these reflections, I left the terrace shortly after 11 and walked v. -.,v, v.o trln nt wnnri thai lav between the house and the lake to th. sides of the case, the Jurymen were filenarm nler: and at once matters permitted each night to retire and The Jury went out last Saturday evening between the hours of five and six o'clock and has been en gaged each day since in trying to get together on a verdict. Through the courtesy of counsel for both took a turn that put the love or wom an quite out of the reckoning. CHAPTER III. I Meet Mr. Reginald Gillespie. As I neared the boathouse I saw a darV figure sprawled on the veranda and my Japanese boy spoke to me softly. The moon was at full and I drew up In the shadow of the house and waited. IJlma had been with me for several years and was a boy of unusual intelligence. He spoke both English and French ad mirably, was deft of hand and wise of mind, and I was greatly attached to him. His courage, fidelity and dis cretion I had tested more than once. He lay quite still on the pier, gazing out upon the lake, and 1 knew that something unusual had attracted his take a rest, consideration of the case being carried on only during the day. At two o'clock this afternoon they announced to the sheriff that they had some to an agreement, and Judge Travis who was In his office In the court house, was so notified. He at once convened court to receive the verdict. Attorney A. N. Sullivan for the contestants was on hand, but the proponents of the will were not present. Attorney Byron Clark, who managed the case for that side being absent in Omaha on business while Edwin Jeary, the banker-lawyer le gatee under the will, Is at his home In Elmwood. Judge Travis made the customary attention. He spoke to me In a mo- Inquiry as o whether the Jury had ment. but without turning his head. "A man has been rowing up ana down the shore for an hour. When he came In close here I asked mm what he wanted and he rowed away without answering. He Is now off there by the school." "Probably a summer boarder from across the lake." "Hardly, sir. He came from the di rection of the village and acts queerly." I flung myself down on the pier and crawled out to where IJlma lay. We lay by the post that bore the three lanterns, and watched the slow move ment ot a rowboat along the margin of the school grounds. St. Agatha's maintains a boathouse for the use ot students, and the pier lights red, white and red lay beyond the boat man, and he seemed to be drawing slowly toward them. "Drop one of the canoes into the water," I said; and X watched the prowling boatman while IJlma crept back to the boat house. The canoe was launched silently and the boy drove it out to me with a few light strokes. I took the paddle, and we crept close along the Bhore toward the St. Agatha light, my eyes intent on the boat, which was now drawing In to the school pier. The prowler was feeling his way carefully, aa though the region was unfamiliar; but he now landed at the pier and tied his boat. I hung back In the shadows until he had disappeared up the bank, then paddied to the pier, toid ijima to Coronor's Jury Cannot Find That null, i:u BWL Ull uiiuu&ii uir nuuu- reached an agreement or not and was informed by Foreman C. II. Doedeker that they had. He ordered the ver dict passed to the clerk of the court, who In his turn passed It to the court. Judge Travis opened the ver dict and handed the same to Clerk Robertson, who read It. The mater ial part of the verdict Is "that the paper writing purporting to be the last Vv'.tl and testament of Samuel S Johnson, deceased, which was offered in evidence, is the last will and tene ment of said Samuel S. Johnson." As soon as Clerk Robertson finish ed the reading of the verdict, the court Inquired as to whether this was the verdict of the Jury to wH"h the memoer8 answered, "yes," ;ge Travis then, In well choRen words, thanked the Jury for the faithful ser vice which they had rendered in the case and spoke of the tediousuess of the trial, and the patience displayed In the case. He then excused them until nine o'clock tomorrow morn ing. Foreman Boedeker rose, and on behalf of the Jury, thanked Judge all through this week Travis for the care and consideration he had shown the Jury during the trial and after their confinement In tho case. Judge Travis stated that It was due to the consideration of counsel in tho case, that the Jury had been permitted many of the liber ties granted and allowed to sleeo dur ing the night at a hotel. It is not known whether the case will go higher, but the probabilities are that it will go to the supreme court. Judge Travis immediately after the verdict was received called Hon. C. C. Flansburg, of Lincoln, one of the counsel in the case, over the 'phone and apprised him of the Jury's action. The effect of the Jury's verdict Is to allow the will to stand. This is the will which provided for a gift of $1,000 to the Masonic Home In this city, various annuities to the brother and sisters and other relatives of the testator, these annuities being In small yearly sums, the willing of bank and other stock to the widow and a life Interest In the realty to her. The reversionary interest in the real estate was willed to Edwin Jea ry, the prominent citizen of Elm wood and Lincoln, who had been Johnson's friend and mentor in his life-time, and who had really been his business agent. The value of this Interest has been variously estimated at from $35,000 to $50,000. The contest was brought by V"V lam H. Johnson, a 'brother of tho testator, who lived at Seotts Bluffs, Neb. The hearing In the county court sustained the will and an ap peal was taken by the contestants to the district court, where the trial was held last week. The case, was hard fought, and a great deal of testi mony was introduced by the contes tants who sought to show the undue influence which Jeary was exercising over the testator. This evidence con sisted of many letters written to the brother and sisters and other rela tives and considerable testimony of witnesses. The expectation of the general public was that the Jury would dis agree after they had failed to get to gether on Saturday night, and It was said that unless they agroo tnriav they would be discharged and ..Tie new trial had. The case has excited widespread interest and was the one cause of a largo attendance of wit- fiDDuno tfnm V n vnAil on A viol n ! v i Copyright. 1 908 , Rosen wal d&.Weil, Ch icago "OUW" Octave Overcoat jS distinguished by excellent taste in de signing and skillful tailoring. The "Octave" is simple in style, rather than commonplace attractive, not con spicuousexclusive, rather than extreme. A good coat for general use and a "General" of a coat for good use. We arc scllin these coats mighty cheap just now ana we are selling them too. nowcs S7.50 lo $15,00 were SI2 to $25 Qualities you can depend on. C. E. Wescott's Sons "Where Quality Counts" DEATH OF A WORTHY CITIZEN BAR HUM INQUEST path toward St. Agatha's. Where the wood gave way to the broad lawn that stretched up to the school buildings I caught Right of my quarry. He was a young fellow, not above average height, but compactly built, and Btood with his hands thrust boyishly in his pockets, gazing about with frank interest in his surround ings. He was bareheaded and coat less, and his shirt sleeves were .rolled to the elbow. He walked slowly along the edge of the wood, looking oft toward the school buildings, and while his manner was furtive there was, too, an air of unconcern about him and I heard him whistling softly to himself. He now withdrew Into the wood and started off with the apparent In tention of gaining a view of St. Aga tha's from the front, and I followed. He seemed harmless enough; he might be a curious pilgrim from the summer resort; but I was Just now the guardian of St. Agatha's and I in tended to learn the stranger's busi ness before I had done with him. He reached the driveway leading In from the Annandale road without having disclosed any purpose other than that of viewing the vine-clad walls with a tourlst'i idle Interest The situation had begun to bore me, when the school gardener came running out ot th shrubbery, and Instantly the young man took to his heels. "Stop! . Stop'" yelled the gardener. The mysterious young man ptung'tu Into the wood and was oil like tho wind. "After him, Andy! After him!" I yelled to the Scotchman. I shouted my own name to reassure him and we both went thumping through the beeches. Whoever tho young gentleman was, he had no In tention of being caught; he darted In and out among the trees with astound- Railroad Track Was Detective The Inquest over the body of tho late Thomas G. Barn urn was held last night by Coroner Clements at Union, he coming down from his home at Elmwood for that purpose. A jury was Impaneled composed of the following well known citizens of Union and vicinity, Peter Clarence, S. K. Hathaway, It. E. Stlne, It. I)e lanoy. C. K. Young and W. C. Clark. After the Impaneling of the Jury who viewed the remains, the testi mony of several witnesses was had but they knew pratlcally nothing as to the causo of the 'wreck, and could slst the coroner and Jury in practical ly no manner in arriving at the cause of the disaster. They viewed the track where the accident happened but there waa nothing which could shed light upon the reason for the car Jumping the track. Apparently there was no defect In the track which would have caused the car to leave the rails and so far as the trucks of the car were concerned, they too, betrayed nothing to assist In unraveling the mystery of the ac cident. There was some medical testimony Introduced to show the cause of Mr. Darnum's death, this being In the estimation of the attending phy sicians the fracture of tho skull through which the brains of the un fortunate man oozed. After considering the testimony and the surroundings of the accident tho Jury returned a verdict "thnt the said Thomas O. Barnum came to his death on the Missouri Pacific Rail way nt the wye north of Union, Cuss County, Nebraska, on the Hth day George E. Sayles, Early Settler Passes Away preparing his report which will prob ably reach Clerk of the Court Jas. Robertson, this evening. There Is little use of the coroner's proceed ings on the basis for any actions against the railway company, either civil or criminal, as nothing could be developed which would In the least affect the situation. It is said a number of claims for damages have already been filed by the victims of the accident and It seems probable that It will cost the company a pretty sum of money before It Is closed up. All told there are some (en persons who suffered visible and pnlnful In Juries and it seems certain each them will Insist upon having adequate amount for their suffer ings. Added to these will be a num ber of passengers who while having no external Injuries, may have been bruised or who suffered from Rhoek. The funeral of tho late Thomas O. riarnum It Is announced, will he held tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 o'clock p. m, from his late residence In Union. There will he doubtless a very largo attendance of sorrowing friends and neighbors gather to pay their respects to him, a number of his acquaintances In this city, signi fying their Intention of attending. The hour at which the funeral is held makes It possible for all who rare to attend from this city, to go and re turn the same day as they can leave on the 9:48 train In tho morning and return on the train leaving Union at 4:25 p. m. Died. Sayles. Ceo. E. at his home in Cedar Creek, Neb., on Feb. 15, 1909, aged 60 years, 9 months, 24 days, from a complication of dis eases. Funeral on Thursday, Feb. 18, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m. Inter ment at Glendale cemetery. Yesterday morntr.g the startling In formation was received In this city of the passing of George E. Sayles for many years a leading citizen of Cass County. Although it was known thnt Mr. Sayles was In very poor health and that his death would soon ensue, Immediate dissolution was not looked for by his friends and the news came as a great shock to them. During a long life in this vicinity, he having been a resident of Cnss County for more than half a century, Mr. Sayles had made himself wide ly and favorably known, and he num bered his friends by the scores. A man of upright character and ster ling Integrity, he had been In busi ness In this city and at Cedar Cret k and with all whom he had denllngs he was Justly esteemed and respected. George E. Sayles first saw the light at Dover, N. H., on the 21st day of April, 1 848. After a short period of time Mr. Sayles' parents removed from New Hampshire to Illinois where they lived until the spring of 1857 when the removed to this coun ty locating near the present town of Cedar Creek. Thirteen years after removing to thla section or In 1870, Mr. Sayles took to himself a wife In the person of Miss Frances Cooley Ing lightness, and I saw In n moment of February about 10:4.') a. m. lltO'.t.' mat tie whs siowiy Turning away to ti e rluht. :ia I rt.tii. "Hun. for the gate!" I culled to the gardener, who was about 20 feet away from tne, blowing nnrd. I prepared to on the turn If the young fellow I dashed for tli b.l;e; mill lie now led t,!e .1 pIVUV ( n;e;p Mmi'l'M I he HuWer I l ien. He ra:! v I. :r.-. This verdict was signed by the en tire Jury. There being no testimony to show tiny cause for the death, the Jury refraining from tnaklnit tiny n-c. tun n tidatlnn In the ctue. After rent hi n g n delsnn In the 1 1 ' r.' r f I lit ti f dlsihi'i 1 (ii,. jvry from further consideration f T tie ,. ( il i;m slliee lne htl'T Wutnon Is Humorous. Judge Travis today received the brief of Gen. John C. Watson In the case recently heard before him In this city wherein Councilman Hous ton seeks to enjoin Us fellow col leagues and the Mayor of Nebraska City from entering Into a contract with the water company. One unique feature of the brief Is a cartoon which. Is nttached to It. It Is a fine specimen of Gen. Watson's ability us n cartoonist and represents Ne braska City as the bend of the house, lying In bed ami watching Urn water company in the guise of his wife, go In!,' thrnm;h hU pants ami robbing t hn. Tli" old lady holds ttoft In 0m lmid a twenty-year ftainMs '11. 1 1 1 1 lien- is iiiropriate reaillni; lietew t" picture which ifentid much e 1, r 1 H tit nt:i"ir; tl'ero v. ho i:nv It. and to this auspicious union one son and four daughters were born. The. widow, with these children survive him. One son Ceo. R. Sayles, resides In this city and is manager of the Duff Grain Company. A daughter Mrs. Andrew Fudge resides In Vir ginia, while another daughter Miss Eva E. Sayles lives In Omaha. The two remaining daughters are Mrs. W. H. Seybert and Miss Ruth Sayles who live at Cedar Creek, the latter with her parents. During his lifetime Mr. Sayles held several positions of trust among his friends and neighbors at Cedar Creek. For a number of years he was postmaster at that point and also filled other minor positions of responsibility, lie was engaged during many 'years In tho general merchandise business at his home town, opening a store there In the year 1880. Later he disposed ot this business and embarked In the grain business, becoming one of the lending dealers in the county. The funeral will take place on Thursday next, February 18, 1909, from his residence at Cedar Creek at 1 o'clock p. m., Rev. J. II. Sala bury officiating. Interment will be at Glenwood cemetery. The bereaved family have the sin cere sympnthy of all In their great sorrow. In the loss of George E. Sayles the entire community shares as he was of the best type of man, generous, kind and agreeable. The loss ot such men can 111 be borne. Pile Valentine Party. Misses Gertrude Morgan and Elsa Thlerolf delightfully entertained the U. N, C.'s at a valentine party at the home of the former on February 12, 1909. The house wns prettily decorated with hearts. After the guests had assembled a heart hunt was Indulged In which was enjoyed by all. A unique gueslng contest wns had In which llattle Ilofftnanrecelved the prize. Anothtr feature which created much amusement was the molding of hearts out of chewing gum. which Villa Gllpcn received the prize for the best work Later In the evening they were Hcd to the dining room where n di'li.ty luncheon was served. Tlie dining table had be n prettily Dame, I ml (iei crate. 1 with hearts which were! 1 1 rtitiK from the cliandelli r toll) f ".If I I'fliels of the table. Later In the evening the f in Is ti parted for home thinking thed had Indeed spent a pleasant time to gether. Those present were Mattle Hoffman Gertrude Morgan, Mlna Thlerolf, Leona Asemlssen, Willa Moore, Elsa Thlerolf, Villa Gapen. Ah- Cured at Honve by New sorption Method. It you suffer from bleeding, Itch ing, blind or protruding piles, send me your nifdress and I will tell you how to cure them at home by tho new absorption treatment; and will also send some of his home treatment free fo trial with reference from your own locality If requested. Imme diate relief and permanent euro as sured. Send no money, but tell oth ers of this offer. Write today to Mrs. M. Sum mers, llox P, Notre M. A. Moore ot Murray spent Sun day In the city stopping nt the Hotel Perkins. f 11 w