The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 10, 1909, Image 4

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The Plattsmouth Journal
R. A. BATES, Publishek.
Now tho Irish have broken out
i again. The Irish League meeting at
j Dublin yesterday broke up in a fine
i row, the participants indulging in a
regular Donnybrook fair. The Irish
ntoruJ ai lue pustulltce at PUUsuioutlj, .Ne
braska, asu-cond class matter.
$1.53 Per Year in Advance.
reason la his argument for a joint :
municipal plant. As to the question
as to whether the city could legally i
issue the bonds he speaks of, some '
icr (iuetjon ;
must object to the Japs holding the ! and it is very doubtful this could be
(nter of the stage so long.
Now for the "truth about Panama'.'
once more. Taft is on his way home.
It is rumored that female suffrage
Btands a pretty fair 6how of pruning
the state senate. It would be a fine
Joke if our democratic legislature
sho ild enact such a measure. They
After the weather of the past few probably would permanently retire
weeks, it will be in order to revive frora active participation in legisla
te old saying "The climate Is tion in the state for many years to
. 1
cnunging. come.
done. The financial condition of the
city seems to preclude such an ex
penditure. As to buying the pres
ent plants in this city and rebuilding
them, it is unlikely anyone seriously
contemplates such a course. To pur
chase the local plants and put them
In shape would cost more than to
start in and build complete new
crvirc would not
be near so good at least for a long
time to come. There can be no
harm come of an investigation of the
senator rerhins oi tumoriM, jes- .Vo now underKtah(i what lies been
terday found himself branded by the trouble wlth our farmers.
President Roosevelt as an enemy of Roosevelt's farm commission has project of Mr. Neuman and he per-
the navy and the country. Verily,
in the eyes of ur bucolic president,
the country swarms with its ene
Trom the i'eacon.
Mrs. X. A. Wall returned Wed
nesday from her visit to Lincoln.
Clarence Gerhard left Wednesday
for a visit in the western purl of the
Miss Edith Petersen was unable to
be in the postoffice last week on ac
count of an attack of tonsilitis.
Mrs. A. Crawford returned to Lin
coln Wednesday, after a weeks' vis
it with relatives.
John Dicksttn f Elmwood spent
Tuesday with editor and John Froh
lich. Mrs. Beach and children visited
Grandma and Grandpa Wetenkamp
over Sunday.
Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Parrott of
Peru, mother and bister of Mrs. A.
D. Burdick are visiting with the lat
ter for a few days.
On Monday W. II. Rhoden held a
spoken and there Is nothing more forms a public service in calling It public sale on the Kirkpatrlck farm
This week ought to see the bank
guarantee bill well under way and
possibly passed by the legislature.
This would redeem democracy's most
important pledge and would show
the people their confidence was not
misplaced. The other pledged legis
lation will follow.
to be said on tho subject. All those
farmers who have found tho life a
hard, dismal one will kindly examine
what the experts have to say on the
matter and find out where they are
to tho attention of the citizens.
(From the Register.)
L. G. Todd was a Lincoln visitor
Thursday. ,
Amsdel Sheldon of Avooca was a
the sale was well attended and a
success, everything selling well. Mr.
Rhoden expects to go west soon but
has not fully decided upon a location.
Russ Mick took his wife to the
Elmwood Sanitarium Saturday and
on Monday she was operated on for
appendicitis, standing the operation
Nehawka visitor Tuesday.
The construction of the proposed Mra. Carroll Qulnton visited with nlcely and at present wrlUn ,
interurban between Murdock and Mrs. Palmer from Saturday until tjng aiong as veu Bg could be ex-
thls city or from Elmwood and this Monday evening. pected. Mr. Mick is still at the bed
cltv. cannot fail to redound to the Mr9- Ro,,t- via11 was a passenger side of his wife
manifest advantage of all the people
for Wf eping Water Thursday.
John Harter came in from Invale
Horse Killed By Lightning.
During the wind storm of Thurs
day afternoon, which was accompan
Miss Domingo of Weeping Water led by thunder and lightning, a horse
I ll'Oil n V.iKoillrii rtfttrM fnnrlnit r.n 1 t l 1 t i r
it would be made a link In a line from " ' wmra was ownea Dy varies Hansen
War with Japan seems to be tho a,onS u,e llne and at both ends of on Saturday for a visit with relatives,
sole tonic amone dlDlomats and ino roi,u- " is true wuuoui ue- jMalcolm 11. I ollard was a visitor at
statesmen now. but to one at a dis- tlon. that BUch a llne would be ,n ex" tho countJr Beat the fir8t of the WPpk
tnnce such talk does not seem rea- ,Kteme but a vory short tlme wncn
I . I n 1 .11
sonauie. jaimn a nnances unless an in,T i ... '
..... l . , , I o' i was jiwiuu
reports are wrong, are in no state to l" " Misses Cleo and Marguerite Berger t is very seldom we hear of an
permit war even if the nation desired Thls line coulJ not fal1 to be were Weeping Water visitors Thurs- instance of this kind, in the middle
of winter, but we the informed that
Misses Eva Ripperdam and Sophia insurance companies claim that they
Behrnes spent several days this week have losses caused by lightning every
at Avoca. 1 month In the vear. ranlmfw
Mrs. S. Humphrey is under the month In the year. Nehawka Regis-
weather, and was confined to her bed ter.
it while there Is no possible excuse a P1?1'1 01ie a,ul 11 would nioan a day
for hostilities besides. Even if all vast 8um t0 every ownt'r of realty
the anti-Japanese legislation of the a,3n tho route
coast states were enacted, they
should not constitute a cause for war.
If such acts constitute a caucus belli,
then war is only a question of time
anyway and the sooner It comes, the
The building of the proposed in
terurban between this city and
Omaha ought to Interest every citi
zen who owns property in the city.
It means a sharp advance in their lia on Monday evening's train.
property values if the expected move
the first of the week.
R. C. Pollard, D. C. West and V.
P. Sheldon were passengers for Oma-
Save Money by Buying Chamber
lain's Cough Uernedy.
Trade excursions have always paid
well wherever run. They pay not
alone in the amount of merchandise
purchased by the visitors but in the
You will nav lust an much for a
Mr. and Mrs. Neumeister and child- lintM nf rharnhprinin- Cn,, r.
I r An O 1a -atnrr ttist 1nt v. n I
of surburban residents to this city "' "" edy a3 for any of the other cough
ir. turn iira. iienry ueiirns.
materializes. From the standpoint
of advancing the city's welfare, cv-ery-ono
ought to boom the inter-
maiiy little incidental expenditures urban. There is good country con-
whlch the visitors make. When it is tributary to the line between the
bourne In mind every dollar your two cllk's nnd U would V hand-
Rrirhhr.r tnt-- !i. i u .i,,nu I somely to the Investors The corn-
Is si.ent In vour vlelnltv nnd rlrcn- m It tee ought to get busy on this mat
Jatos In trade channels auxiliary to ur at onrp-
' your cwn, one can appreciate what
money spent In these incidental ex
penditures moan. In addition IIicho
excursions mean to build up a belter
feeling between the people who go
on them and those who run them.
An excursion from Eaglo to this city
properly run, means much to all.
Let It be pushed to execution at
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of
and has been mado under his per
Jfy-- Bonal supervision since its Infancy.
'iCtcA4A Allow ti, fin n in dffri to vnii in
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good,,aro but
Hiperimeiils Iriue With uud endanger lite of
Infants and Children -Experience against Hxpcrinicat.
What is CASTOR1A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature cf
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
mc cint.1.1 rsMHNT, n muhhav .thict. niw tnn oit.
medicines, but you save money In
iwrs. cnauncey urton came in Mon- buying it. The saving la in what
day evening from Weeping Water you get. not what you nav. The
where she had been visiting. ure to cure duality is in everv bot-
Ellis McBride of South Omaha was tie of this remedy, and you get
in Nehawka Sunday attending the good results when you take it. Ne
funeral of Mrs. Dick Reynolds. glected colds often develop serious
Mrs. C. D. Keltner left on Wed- conditions, and when you buy a
nesday for Salem where she will ';ougn me M ' .; you want tc bo suro
work In the interest nf the Royal that y-)i ar? fitting one that will
Neighbors. euro your mid. Cnamberlnlu's
Mr. and Mrs. Case who have been Cou?h .'. re I;, always curji. Wle-
The Jap situation does not seem to visiting their daughter Mrs. Viall 2f ir ' c cel. a bottl. . For stile
clear. Uespite all assurances that went to Weeping aler Tuesday by V G l n :: & Co
war Is not nosslblo and there is no mornln&-
need for alarm the manifest uneasl- . 'cn biinilennerger and wife re- Joe Kellogg of Murray was among
..,,. iU ,., turned from their trip to Iowa on those spending the evening in the
,..nno, ,...n...B.u , ..wv. Thursday evening and went at once city last night.
const legislation, cannot fall to 1m- to Mrs. Shallenberger's home near
prcr.s one aa Indicative of some Avoca
unknown and not nubile comollca- Clayton Rost, who Is attending the
Fashionable Dressmaking
Over Wescott's Clothing Store.
KtntA ITnlvofcUv lOmA ilAurn rrtniKu
!.... r.. .... ...... !,,.. uiinu Jliuio-
Liwun, tiiu dui lav c iiivic lAinia i , . . . . . . M
uujr evening uuu visueu wiin Jli. A
no cause IOr war uui no one save Kirkpatrlck and Albert Hall until
In connection with tho building of t"0!i') 1,1 immediate contact with the Monday morning
an Omahu-riattsmouth Interurban, a I fa( ts' aro safe 1,1 '8 the Albert Hall came In Thursday eve-
line built throuel. ,h ,n.v f,nm true condition. Certain It is that nm rL,lurn,nB 10 nis Blies at the
wi.ul. utiuvinii; iilUllUClJ' lllUllllllg.
would yield vnst returns upon tho 8,'omH t0 Prevail In official circles Lincoln.
Stnte nf Nebrnnkn In Count jr
For Ihr f'ountr of Ciinm.
In the mutter of the estate of Aucust
Rlomnian, deieason.
To Katherlne Maria Btotilman. Mln
nte LoulHe Stohlman, Arnold ClPorse
Stohlman, William Frederick Stohlman
and Dorothy HoDlila Stohlman and all
others Interested.
You and each or you are hereby no
tified that Katherlne Stohlman has
filed her petition In said court alleir-
I n it fliiionir other thlnirn. that AuiriiHt
this city to Murdock and limunnd I I0r some reason, the greatest anxiety ,,. , , , , ., stohlman late of the County of Cass
' muruoiK ana uimwood ' Miss Isadore accompanied him to and state of Nebraska, departed tiiin
life on the thirteenth lay of December,
A. I. 190K. Intestate, leavlnir entate to
investment, not alone to the builders ovtr the "Ituatlon. That war would Frod Gor(ler anJ Uaughter came I or " "iiiarOon b'"KliJfea ,0to
of the road but to tho property own- Pu r"y eot'8 wltll0"t saying, yet down from Weeping Water on Sun- ? petitioner.
rs along the line. It would give folly nn9 ofto" prevailed In diplomat- day and spent the day with Henry hearing on said petition will be held
lc circles. wessii ana ramiiy. 9 o'clock a. m. at the office of the un-
this city and by connection, to Oma-
lia, and open the markets of both
cities to tho sale of their products.
What tho electric lino has done for
farm lands in tho middle states, It
will do for farm lands In Cass Coun
ty and no farmer between this city
and Elmwood can fall to take a deep
Interest in the construction of this
line. It would pay those along the
right of way to donate It to the com-rny.
Elizabeth Rough has quit the high dersljtned County Judge, at which time
' o i n ,1 n niiA m n xi ami all llarl Innu tnilnr
-...I 1 1 I ivo -..J- ..... ... w.,jv.v.w.. -v
There U no Iplllnir what a rlnv Bl uuul "tre ana lna weep-I be made and on file or the prayer or
" i. ,,, . . .... . . i an i n nntitinn mAV mr irranien.
mg waier in company witn ner sister -vitneH. my hand and official neal
may bring forth In the world of dl
plomacy and today the ambassador
this 20th day of January, A. I)., 1909,
Alien J. ueefton.
County Judge.
Mnnrlnv wai fra William Cn 1
I.,,.., j o . o.-i. I ...... I (SEAL)
i -ao.. ...U n. ccieinry ui oiaie i1Zri birthday and her children rtamsev & Ramsey.
aro th M ULnnnJ . ,. Attorneys ror pemioncr.
of America
friends while tomorrow they brought well filled baskets and pro
may bo deadly enemies. Behind all ccoded to take Possession of the
First published January 21. 1909.
Tbe building of the interurban be
tween Omaha and Plattsmouth is do
Inl&dcd by the people of both places.
It means to bring the two cities into
rloflo connection and to make their
relations mutually pleasant and prof
itable. The burliness which such a
road would do between the two
polnU will be sufficient to more than
"paf tunning expenses and earn a
Wndsome dividend on the invest
I OH 1H tiif
hmiun Thnua nriunnt nrm tv f. i I Notice Is hereby srlven to all persona
this talk Of offending a friendly , '. D Interested nd to the public, that the
uueuuiiiK ,r,PUUly lies of Otto Carro . Kav Rhenherd- nnderslnned. Henry Iuchtwels. has
power which prevails in the country BOn, Jam08 nm Mr8. EL SUt!pherd. '! 851 V
today there must lie something, son and four children of Weeping Jhy
What It In nn nno ran uav It mav ha I Water. Mrs. Carter and aon nf Onnn. I free holders of Eight Mile Grove pre-
Cll UIUIT8, and Mrs. Oney Carper. Ah, m mnn of respectable character and
very pleasant day was spent and Mrs. --S2lK.::Vd ?X
v ' I Carroll was the recipient of a num.-1 be Issued to said lienry Leuchtwels for
ance. HegardlesB of which of these r. v .w ! saie or man, spmious. ana vinous
i wv " fictchio. ic uuio uuu uiuy i liquors for the period oi one year rrom
It is, there is no gainsaying that enjoy many more such birthdays. f!' V'.tf.l S Hf i iy block 4
Borne thing big Is in the wind. A Uichard Steffens the gentleman in the viiiaK of Cenar Creek, in Ki:ht
. . . . . . .h.M.H.k..Hl.i.iMi Mil. precinct, In Cass County. Nebraa-
Btuaent or the big papers can easily " v l"D uui" aa. T ...nh..i.
.. I or iv. li. ciarK. una in invn Mnn.
see that they all fear war or rather . . . ....
i uuj aiiaimiiiK uiH uunineHH mannni.
Awr.An i kni. ..1 1 1 . .1. i . .ill..
"f"1 " lut,r eunmiuiB re an i He has leased the building to Mr. I notch ok
shaped that way while even the car
toonlsts have the fever.
Clark for the coming year and we
understand wilt mnUa a trln in tha sons Interested and to the public, tha
unutrsiana Will mBKe a trip tO tnellha. lln,irltfnad. AnJv Thoinnsnn. hs
oia country. Ma. steffens Is riien his petition ami anpiicatinn
application ron Lia
l oil 1,11 r;Xr
Notice la hereby nlven to all per-
!. mat
and application in
I I . . I . - . . L ... . , 1 I . . 1. . . . .
.. . .. i . , . , ... ifin OHirn inn i,uunir virrn m rph
me action or councilman Neuman irum atocb, ana up to a snort time county, Nebraska, as required by Inw
slwrned by a majority or the resiiien
free holders of KlKht Mile Urove pro
c I nit, settlnK forth that the applicant
Is a man of respectable character anil
. I 1 1. 1. . n.l M.I.Lml n tl.A .1 .til
business which would be a handsome light and water plants was timely and of Nebraska ami praying that a license
In cftlllna nubile attention tn th mot. aK WBS cngageu in DusineRS at that
I nlnnca
AU nUUlUUIl IU JIUnBUIlRl'I I ivr Ui finilllg I&I1U uwiuiig lis own
T.I . I tvA launnii t l.l A ml U Tlinttl Hal ft II f II
advisable. That It would nav the nii im ot udcoid, i vitnemi in ;;' ," ..J nu in, v mu
, .... . ... . . I the Ossenkop case, was In the ctty I it'iior for the ptrii of on nr from
city to erect a Joint water and light , . , . ' . .. May ii. indin May n. iio,
.... . luunj oiiu eiaieu iiiai no crossea me in a bullillna: on lot 1 In bloik ,
sum the freight business would bo
very heavy as the running of hourly
cars would afford a quick and con- plant Is unquestionable If the plant Missouri niver thu nnin nn ii, ' t viiiaKe of Cedar Creek, in Kitrh
,, , , . , .Missouri itnrr at tnis point on the Mn ,irriin,t. in Cass Couiay. Nebras
venlent means of transport for nier- could be separated from politics and second day of Juno 38 years ago ka.
rhandlse from ono city to tho other, the employes mado to administer it w'th his mother and two younger
Tho building of surburban homes for tho benefit of tho people
hero would bo greatly expedited by experience of tho city with tho light
tho construction of this mod and tho
advance In property prices would be operate was not a fair test of tho many who told them that they had '""". Nebraska on Thursday, Kebru
I ll..i ... ... . I hi r i;m':. ni ..-n u,i,-k n. in.
larne. such a road la demanded by theory, yet. even then, as Council- ", lr go one, ns .Nebraska was no the meetinir win be held for th
. good Blld even tho crn.H wn l.nlnir "" """ l"n,, nirectora in servi
mail NeUtlian Well Pointed OUt. the " 1 r,U 1,10 KaH,, nS D"n ilurlnit the rimiilnir vesr. and fn
I lllirnnil lin liv Ihfl bun .9 VImIiIim I I'll naiift Inn it tiiinb ill Imp liualnnaa
.. . . . I .. ... . .. . v. iiiu num li ll ll UL 1IIH I " .-i.... ....... v.. .........
ought to uo encouraged by every I city did better man under private ..,..,. .. .... i a mny ii-miiiy come before it
,wo younger brother now own 1.000 v. p. im'RKRR
legltlinnto means. ownership. There Is much force and I acres of land In this stnto m anhi . s.-cretsry
Andy Thompson.
T..0 brothers from Wisconsin. Ho had
walked 200 miles and led two cows, Notice Is hereby riven thnt the an
i , . I mini mei'llnic of the slockholders of th
and wan only 15 vearsof nco. On I n..rii..ui.... .,,, in..,,,,,! im d.h
plant W IllCU U lormeriy tried tO Mhnlr i , ,... I road Cnnipany In Nebraska III be hel
I .
Our summer goods are now coming in
and we are busy .maiking them, get
ting them ready as fast as we can. .
This week we wish to call your atten
tion to our Ginghams, as this year we
are in a position to offer to you Ever
ett's Classics Dress Ginghams for
lc per Ysurd
Seersuckers and Chambrays at 7c
per yard. Get an idea from a glance
at our window.
Ready-to-wear Shirt Waists, Suits,
and Wrappers. We have a complete
line of these in stockhigh quality
and perfect fit.
X Watch this space for furth- X
cr announcements
about our New
- i ma in is; i, urn u a .lannnrv ti iviim