The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 04, 1909, Image 2

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$ Short Items of Interest From Mon- :
dayEvening's Daily Journal
K. A. Lorcnz U looking aftiT bus
iness matters In Omaha today going
to the city on the early train.
V. IS. E1wtwgo1 was a pas, ngt-r
this morning on the early train for
Lincoln where he will upend the day.
A. Scurlo Ih spending the day In
Omaha being a passenger for that
city on the early train thla morning.
A. W. White la Spending the after
noon In Omaha being a passenger on
the mall train for that city this
It. 11. Windham Is looking after
business matters today In Omaha
being a passenger for that city on tho
early train.
Miss Minnie McKay came down
this morning on tho early train from
Omaha where sho Hpent the night
with friends.
Aug. Ha h Is attending to busi
ness, affairs today ut Omaha being a
pasaonger for that city on the early
train this morning.
L. A. Moore 1b looking after bus
iness matters In Omaha today hav
ing been a passenger for that city
on the early train thla morning.
C. P. Vallery departed thlH morn
ing on the early train for Council
(irove, Kan., whero ho will mako a
visit with friends for several days.
John Hockstrasser Is upending the
day In Omaha looking after busi
ness matters being a passenger for
that city on tho early train thla
Charles A. Miller, veteran farmer
and horseman Ih looking after busi
ness matters in Omaha being a pas
senger for tho metropolis on the
early morning train.
Charles F.nglo of Union was In the
city a few hours this morning en
route to Omaha, going up over tho
llurllngton from thla city, to attend
to aome buslnesH matters.
MIhh Gladys Marshall and Mrs
Leypoldt of LaPlntto, were passen
gers on the noon train for Lal'latte,
Mrs. Leyboldt returning home after
a brief visit with Mrs. C. A. Mar
Khali and Miss Marshall accompany
Ing her.
Mrs. George E. Dovey and daugh
tcr, Catherine, are spending tho af
ternoon in Omaha w ith Mends being i at j,e it.rkins
paBsengera for that city on the mall
train at noon.
Mrs. J. 0. Lohncs from near Cedar
Creek was In tho city this morn
ing for a few hours stopping over be
tween trains, and going to Omaha on
the mall train.
Mrs. Jas. W, Newell returned to
her home In Omaha this noon on the
mall train after upending several days
In the lty with her parents Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Atwood.
Mrs. Ivitshaw who Is In the city
visiting with her mother Mrs. Frank
llajeck, and Mrs. Geo, L. Farley,
were Omaha passengers this morning
to spend the day
John Lohncs one of the most sub
stantial citizens of Cass County Is
In the city today looking after bus!
ness matters coming down this morn
ing from his home near Louisville.
W. K. Norrls of Kagle Is a guest at
the Perkins coming lit yesterday.
J. K. Collins of Ashland Is regis
tered today at the I'lattsmouth hotel.
I). A. Young south of the city was
In town today and paid this office a Carey's company, that we are to
spend two hours of leul whoicHome
pleasure that the drama affords us.
Realistic Prediction of "Montana"
at the Parmcle Monday
"When Harry I). Cart y wrote
.Montana' he knew his subject. He
understood the spirit of the West
an 1 knew how to stage It." The
above Ih an extract from the Kansas
City Journal, which is recognized
as the leading dally of the west. This
I but one of the many pralnes that
has been accorded the play and
should alone convince us that to see
"Montana" as played by Harry 1).
Vole on RepressnlatiY3 Sink's
Measure Stands 56 to 39.
vCiiui CCfuiiussicners Meet and
Transact Much Business
brief call.
C. F. Chandler of Weeping Water
Is registered at the Perkins, he being
a Juryman.
0. K. Bucll of M unlock Is serv
ing on the jury panel, being a guest
of tho Perkins.
Peter Clarence from near Union,
was a short visitor In the city yes
terday morning.
Edward Parsell of Alvo, one of
Sheriff Qulnton's jurors, Is regis
tered at tho Plattsmouth hotel.
J. A. Whitman, one of the jurors,
Montana" Is distinctly different
from most of the many so-called
western plays, for Mr. Carey, the au
thor, obliterated all the old shop
worn Ideas of the bold bad man, who
doe nothing but shoot and murder,
The play gives one an excellent Idea
of the west In all Its true phases; the
characters are all cleverly drawn,
each one showing a distinct study
while cattle punching Is the main
themo of the play, there Is a most
beautiful story of love and romance
Senator Ransom Proposes to Take
From Supreme Court Power to Com.
mute Death Sentence Carnegie
Fund and School of Citizenship Up,
from Nohawka, Is spending his time bl(.mW wlth a rlch vdn of (.ome(iy(
I 1 U .. -.1 1 -.11 t IL. I I
ill uiu my pourum ui uie lemma, un fhnt fh ,,,.. that an In
I. N. Woodford of Weeping Water, make a play Interesting at all times
is spending the day In tho city being are foun(i n "Montana." Mr. Carey,
registered nt the Perkins. tho author. Is perhaps better fitted to
U. Winter of Kagle, Is one of those give us a western play that most au
brought to the city by the Ossenkop thors for he lived the live of a cattle
case, being registered at the Perkins, puncher for over three years on his
Our excellent Murray friend. P. M. ow" ranch. In points of production
Mr. Carey has gone Into every little
detail with the result that during the
four acts one's eyes Is feasted to
what has been said to be the most
gorgeous and pretentious stage pic-
Young, sr., woa In the city today,
and made the Journal office a pleas
ant call.
James Darrough who spent Sev
ern! ilava nt his home near Murray
" " I . . T .!.. . ... .
returned to Omaha this noon on the lure Psenteu. in point 01 cast, .vir.
mall train carey nas mis season rasen particu
lar pains to secure artists mat are
W. L. Hobson of Eaglo Is putting of known ability; In including Miss
In his time in tho city being called Frances Hooper In the stellar role, al
her by tho court proceedings. He 80 Miss May Keeso, Miss Gladys Grol-
Is a Perkins guest. Ulf(. Mr. Thomas J. Fltznatrick. Mr
John McGulnness, ono of the new Malcolm Blevlns, Mr. Henry Etzel
panel Jurors, came In this morning and Mr. Chas II. Henderson and oth
from South Hend and was registered era of equal merit. It can readily be
at the Perkins hotel. seen that the cast alone Insures an
Ed. Egenberger Is looking after excellent evening's entertainment
some pressing personal business this The scenic production is of unusual
afternoon In Omaha going up on magnitude. Tho electrical effect also
the mall train at noon. being on a large scale, so with all
Mr., r. C. Ilvrnes of Schuvler. thl" "Montana" should and undoubt
I ,!.. ...Ill A V.. In.irA Itsviiun
Nob.. Is In tho cltv attendlne the cu" "
Ossencop case, being a guest at the A the 1arn'el Jlodnay February 8.
Plattsmouth hotel.
V. A. Wiirmnn of Woonlne Water.
is another caught by the sheriff for UUllHIll.itU I 111) US"
joim McKay one of the new jury Residents of Plattsmouth Cannot
panel Is spending his time In the M
Illy, coining ill l ii in inn uuiue ucai i
Weeping Water. ITOVen
Among others from Eaglo reals- In gratitude for complete relief
tered at the Perkins are Henry Glur, from aches and pains of bad backs
Otto Ketehut, A. Gelbenrath and from distressing kidney Ills thoea
wife and II. II. Hudson. lands have publicly recommended
II. J. Likewise of Cedar Creek was Doan's Kidney rills. Uesldeutu of
In the city yesterday looking after Huttsmouth who so testified years
business matters. Ho was stopping ago. now say their cures were per-
at the I'lattsmouth hotel.
Mrs. A. Stohlman and daughter
Minnie aro spending the afternoon In
Omaha today being passengers on
the mall train for that city at noon:
8. A. Wiles and wife came In
from their farm and were passengers
on tho mall train at noon whero they
had business matters to look after.
manent. This testimony doubly
proves the worth of Doan's Kidney
Pills to Plattsmouth kidney suffer
John Janda, street commissioner,
North Twelfth street, Plattsmouth,
Neb., says: "I have previously en
dorsed Doan's Kidney Pills through
the local papers and at this time, I
do not hestlate to confirm all that I
have previously said about them.
County Commissioner M. L. Fried
i . . . .1.1.. .i.-i
Mrs J. W. Crablll went down to r" " wu imcnKer uu nutm uu n.c yye procured this remedy at Goring
Weeping Water yesterday morning n,ttl1 traln for 0"lftna where ho had & Co.'s drug store and It brought
with a supply or her flno hand business engagements to iook attcr. rtn,f from nn ncut0 ottU(.k of jum.
painted China, which will bo placed H. E. Coleman of Greenwood Is bago and various annoying symptoms
In tho Myers drug store for halo. among those called to the city by le- of kidney trouble after other reme
Mrs H Itlvctt of Council Illuffs business, being one of tho new dies had failed.
la. who has been visiting In tho N,lr'nu'n 1,0 IH nmon inoH0 l0P- or bmo oy an coalers. Price 60
cltv with her brother A Ilaxter P'nK i 1,10 i crania. cents. roBter-.MiiDurn uo., liurraio,
" - - i i
Smith and family was a passenger on Oliver Dovey took a day off from M'W York, solo agents for the United
the mall train at noon for her home, his duties at tho store and was a Stater,.
n-.i - ...i... i i..i. nasseniter for Omaha on tho mall Homcmber tho name-Doan's
. tn r-juiii&vi v nun u.'.u iniv l i . . , ,
Ing with Mrs. Geo. Weldman and lrlu ftl ,l00U Wlu're n nau BUBinoaa u
mattera to attend to.
Mrs. Marl McDonald, from near
Murray, was In tho city today, and
called at the Journal office to re
new her subscription to the paper.
She also sends a copy to her daugh
tor, Mrs. Melllnger, at Ashland, Ore.
family for some time was a passed
tor on the tunll train for Lincoln
and Ilavflock.
Mrn. S. M. Wutsin who has been
Uikin trier business matters In
the city for several days, returned
to her home at Onuihn on the mall
train this noon.
J. II. Melslngcr, the prominent
rainier of Eight Mile Grove precinct,
took a day off from his duties at
tho farm and made the city a pleas
and cull this morning. It Is not
often that Henry leaves his farm
work long enough to even run down
to this city but he had n few small
business matters to look after, and
' desired to look In on tho Ossenkop
trial also, hence this trip, lie Is
looking fine and hearty and Is In
very good health.
Mrs. Agnes Mlljiiu of Deadwood,
S. I)., who has been making an ox
tended visit In the city with her par
cuts Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Thrasher de
parted at noon on the mail train for
her home. During her visit Mr.
Mtljan was given a number of pleas
Hack to Old Home.
William Lloyd, a former Platts
mouth boy but now located at Lin
coln tamo In last evening for a short
visit with his father, Joh Lloyd.
Hilly, as everybody knows him, Is
engaged In tho blacksmlthlng busi
ness at Lincoln, and has met with
great success from a worldly stand
point making money hand over fist.
He Is Just as popular and well liked
In Lincoln as ho was In this city and
he Is rt prince of a good fellow.
An r.i'lleiit Aildirsi.
Tho Presbyterian Hrotherhood IiihI
evening held a largo and euthuslas
tie meeting nt which J. M. Uoberls
discussed "Postal Savings Hanks.
Everyone fortunate enough to hear
nnt parties and receptions by her tho address unites In saying that It
many friends who were delighted to was one of tho best they ever ll.ilen
have her make them a visit. There ed to. It will be given In mil' nt
were several at tho train to see her least In the Journal In the m-ti fn
depart and all were sorry to her turo through tho courtesy of Mr
stay could not bo prolonged. Ttobovts.
The Jumping Off Place.
"Consumption held me In Its grasp
and I almost reached the Jumping off
place when I was ndvlsed to try Dr.
King's New Discovery; and I want to
say right now, It saved my life. Im
provement began with tho first bot
tie, and after taking ono dozen bot
tles I was a well and happy man
ogaln, says George Monro, of
Grlmesland, N. C. As a remedy for
coughs and colds and healer of weak
soro lungs, and for preventing pneu
monlu. New Discovery Is supremo
6n and J 1.00 at F. (5. Frit ke &
Co.'b drug store. Trial bottle fret
Lincoln, Feb. 4. Although Repre
acntatlve Taylor of Custer county re
fused to vote on It, the Sink bed sheet
bill passed the house, 56 to 39.
The proceeding was accompanied by
an Ineffectual attempt to compel W.
J. Taylor to record his vote on the bill.
He was the only man on the floor
who held out in a refusal to vote and
the rule was called to his attention
which compels every member to vote
on the passage of a bill unless excused.
Hrown of Lancaster moved that the
rule be enforced against Taylor and
the latter came back with a retort,
wanting to know what thla house
would do If ho still persisted In hlB re
Kelley of Furnas came to his aid by
moving that he be excused from vot
ing, which was carried 43 to 40.
Many petitions have been received
by members of the house to kill the
bill, the Douglas county members be
ing especially Importuned to that ef
fect, but little attention was given to
the wishes of hotel men in the mat
ter. The Douglas delegation voted
for the bill in a body.
The senate had a busy day with
numerous bills. Among these was the
King antl-dlscrlmlnatlon bill. Al
though It was believed the measure
had been killed yesterday, it went
through the senate in easy fashion.
Penalty for Nonsupport.
A bill to compel the support of the
wife and children by persons charge
able by law with their maintenance
and making failure to do so a misde
meanor was Introduced In the senate
by Senator Ransom at the request of
General Manderson of Omaha. The
bill Is a new act providing that any
person who willfully falls to provide
food and clothing or shelter or in
case of sickness to care for his wife
or minor child while being able to
work or who willfully conducts him
self so as to be discharged from work
for the purpose of avoiding the pro
visions of the act and avoiding the
support of his family shall bo deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor and subject
to Imprisonment In the county jail for
not exceeding three months.
Declaring that the supreme court la
bringing disgrace on the state of Ne
braska by frequently commuting the
death sentence of men convicted of
murder, Senator Ransom secured the
favorable recommendation in the sen
ate committee of the whole for bis
bill providing for the repeal of the
law which permits suspension and' the
possible commutation of a sentence of
death by the supreme court when an
application for writ of error Is made.
To Abolish Examining Board.
Boyd of Hamilton county is after
the state examining board, which now
has authority to Issue teachers' certif
icates. Mr. Boyd introduced a bill in
the house providing for the abolition
of the state board and the re-creation
of the county boards of examiners.
Under this bill teachers shall be ex
amined by the county superintendent
and two others whom he shall appoint
and they shall have the power to Issue
first, second and third grade certif
icates. Should a teacher teach suc
cessfully dnjlng the life of a second
grade certificate, he or she may se
cure a certificate to teach In any coun
ty In the state.
The senate committee on education
reported for general file the Buck bill
granting the regents of the university
the right to take advantage of the Car
negie foundation and also the Miller
joint resolution asking the regents to
establish a school of citizenship, ac
cording to Mr. Bryan's request. The
senate finance committee reported an
Increase In the appropriation for a
Lincoln statue on the capital ground
from $13,000 to J25.000.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 2, 1909.
Board of county commissioners
met in regular session, with all mem
bers present. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved, wherc
tranatted In regular form:
In the matter of the road petition
of Andrew J. Hoover et al, which
was filed November 10, 1908, came
on ror hearing, together with a re
monstrance of John Sass and others
against the locating of the proposed
road. Action postponed until next
County treasurer was ordered to
transfer $300 from the general fund
to the Soldiers' Relief rund.
County Clerk was this day directed
to serve written notice on James
Hoover, road overseer road district
No. 3, instructing him to serve notice
on P. O. Esmay to remove his fence
from the public highway, running
from a point 60 chains west of the
northeast corner of the northwest qr.
of section 23-12-11, south 2 chance
and 50 links, terminating at the east
end of Second street In the village of
Louisville, Cass county, Neb., within
30 days from this date.
Bond of W. C. Bartlett, road over
seer, district No. 15, approved.
Bond of Ben Beckman, road over
Beer, district No. 10, approved.
Bond of C. Metteer, justice of the
peace Mt. Pleasant precinct,
Draw a Check
for the money you owe and
note how much more re
spectfully your creditors re
gard you. They like to do
business with a man who ,
has an account at the Cass
County Bank. They know
he is doing business in a
business-like way. Better
open such an account evert
if your affairs are not large.
They will grow all right.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
For Sale or Kent.
My residence property with eight
lots, six room house and good out
buildings, good cave and cistern and
well, good walks surrounds entire
property. All kinds of fruit. Will
ap- sell cheap or rent to the right parties.
For particulars see
John Skoumnl.
Bond of Geo. N. LaRue, member
of Soldiers' Relief Commission, ap-
i"u,cu- For Sale.
1'iattsmoutn News iieraia was 150 Improved farms In Kansas,
awarded the contract for county Land for sale in Oklahoma, Texas and
printing year 1909. Colorado. Improved farms In varl-
Dr. J. B. Martin, awarded contract ous counties in Nebraska. Let us
know what you want and we can
furnish it.
Windham Investment Co.
physician's district No. 1.
Dr. J. F. Brendel, awarded the con
tract physician's district No.2 .
Dr. J. W. Brendel, awarded con
truux pi.ymc.ui. u.t, iu. o. (.u0(, Vmm ,)istlin(.e
Dr. E. D. Banguart, awarded con- h. e. Wilson and son Rex de
tract pnysician a district .so. 4. part today for Benklemen, Neb.,
Dr. N. D. Talcott, awarded contract where they have been called to take
physician's district No. 5. a job of decorating a Tine, new res-
Strelght and Streight was award- residence just completed at that
ed the contract for burial of pauper point. The job Is quite a large one
poor 1909. and will take some three weeks to
The following bills were allowed, complete, it comes at an appro-
on the general fund.
r v. srhlRtpr. netlt Juror certlfl
cateti $39 00
B I Clements, Inquest of John
Thniker 18 05
C I) Qulnton, same 9 SO
K T Comer, Jury John Thacker 1 50
CIihh. Lake, same 1 &0
A L ltecker, same 1 50
Lee I hacker, witneHs same .... 1 lu
.lumen Stenhens. same 1 50
Carter Altiln, same 1 50
Dr. LivlneHton. same .01)
Ir. J. F. Brendel same 50
Ira Clark, same 1 10
I.ennle Crawford, same 1 10
Carl Alliln, same 1 10
J I. I'ell, jruy same 1 50
K K Hilton. alarv 49 84
Mnry K. Foster, salary and ex.. 126 39
V M Svolmda, salary and laundry 62 90
c it Jordan, salary ;t uu
M C Krledrleh. salary 3S 7n
1. 1) Kw-IUer, nalary 37 65
W K liosencrans, salary and exp.uw id
S F Glrardet. mdse 8 85
Kat her ne Minor, abor recorders
off re l uu
J V KKenler?er, fuel 204 07
J F HriMiilcl. 8 mo, nalarv county
pn.VHlclan I.l 4U
Weeping; Water Republican ptng 26 57
Win 1 1 HMitlpr. labor 19 50
Clum Odwarker, coal 6 50
C A HhwIh, expenxe 4 64
Itoht Sherwood & Son. muse to
farm 11 4.1
C 11 Smith. tiiiKtal Humille 37 4K
Peter Coon, meals to pauper . . . . , 1 50
M Archer. cohIm Slate vs. wat-
klnn 4 85
C 1) Qulnton, same 2 10
M Archer, costs m. vs. lucaer.. ua
J. It. Pennon, Home 2 10
Stone Mercunt lie Co. mdse to
poor 8 oo
F tJ Krlcke & Co., same 12 60
I) I. Meier. renortH births and
deaths I rU
I) Steffens. same 2 90
Ceo Iteltter, Jr, name 2 50
M t ClementH. name 3 00
V K Hand. name. 4 00
Mike Trltnch, name 5 00
P s CrlnK. same uu
H M SuvnnlcliMen
prlate time of year ror the mas out
door work at this season Is very
quiet. It Is quite a compliment to
be paid them to be called such a
distance ror this kind or work and
speaks well ror their reputation as
artists. Locally this rirm Is well
and ravorably known Tor their excel
lent work and the people or Benkle
men can rest assured they will get
good service at their hands. Mr.
Wilson and son left on the mail train
at noon.
Notice to Stockholders.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Plattsmouth Loan and
Bunldlng Association will be held at
the office of R. B. Windham in the
Wm ' liaHMe?: labo? . IT" . .V .? 19 50 Coates Block on Monday, March 1st.
1909, at 8 o'clock. All stockholders
are requested to be present.
Walter J. White, President.
T. M. Patterson, Secretary.
Notice Is hereby itlven to nil per
sons IntereHted and to the public, that
tho unilerslKneil, Amly Thonipnon, has
filed his petition and application In
the office of the County Clerk of Cbhs
County, NebraHka, nn required by law,
slKned by a majority of the resident
rree holders or KlRht Mile (.irove pre
cinct, Netting forth that the applicant
l a man of respectable character and
same 9 15 MnnilltiK and a rexident of the state
liiniiiiieil Affray.
It Is currently reported around
town that another affray .on tirn
last night In the Weeping Water bot
loins below Tnlon. No authentic
news ran be obtained of the trouble
which has said to have resulted In
many shots being fired anil appar
ently no one hurt.
For Sale or Trade.
1 have two light teams complete
with bugy and harness to sell or
trad for heavier horses. My object
Is to get. heavier horses.
K. Mnnspenker.
Ice in Platte Begins to Rot.
Fremont, Neb., Feb. 4 The warm
weather of the past two days has
caused a somewhat threatening condl
tlon in the Platte river, where the ice
has begun to rot. With tho lu es sing
up of the Ixuip, which Is probable ia
the event of warm weather continuing,
extreme anxiety will be felt here. IjisI
month's warm weather sent much
water over the Ice In the Platte and
the dam across the north channel la
expected to be given a severe test
Wilhln a short time.
Hebron Store Is Robbed.
Hebron. Net ., Feb. 4 The general
store of Henry J. Bauer at Glloml was
tobbed or a large amount of stuff, In
cluding S'oo worth of Jewelry, cut
glass and dry Roods. The robbers en
tered the store through a rear window
while the neighborhood's folk were at
tending a revival service.
Gsno.i to Keep Indian School,
Genoa, N'ii., Feb. 4. Hellnlte Infor
mation has been i'celvei from Sena
tor lllikett tl.Ut the Indian school
here will vl tor in present.
Alter next year, l.owever, it may tt
Wm II I.vman. snme 8 95
Chan I, Graven, same 30
A K S eter. same so
A KlrU, same 60
li K Kropp, same 30
State Journal Co, record '.'1 00
J J Svoboilu, inilne to Co II 35
t'linn. Canirer. Ilverv and hoard-
Inif pauper .1 80
U A Hiiten. typewriter paper..., 8 35
Joe Kltxiceralil. frelirht and diny
ae 2 10
Klopp & Hiirtlett. Mippllex 82 50
M lllld. eKitrcHM on cnxki't and
labor 3 20
CnKtle tinner and Mathews, bur
I n I of pauper 20 00
M llerold, nidHfl 75
The News-Herald, pilntliiHT .... 1 50
M. Fainter, iiulxe. to farm and
paupers 19 50
C W Hiivlor, coal to pauper.,.. 19 50
J 11 Tunis. Hillary and exp.... 3 40
John Knplu, liu In-, to fill III .. 3S 13
I'J MutiHpeaker Heivlnir subpoe-
iiiih SI. vs Kllev lllxon.... 13 70
Neb Institute feeble minded clotb
luir for I 'a rti Idje. Uniitcr and
Hiimlltnti 122 H
A N Sullivan. ilcfi-udliiit Will
Itllev et ill 7" 00
II C MiirMUiiKlt. mdse H 00
of Nebraska and praylnif that a license
ne issued to said Amly Thompson ror
the sale of malt, splritous and vinous
liquors for the period of one year from
may li, unlit, enuinK.Mav 17, liu.
In a bulldlnsT on lot 1 In block 4.
In the vlllaKe of Cedar Creek, In KlKht
Mile precinct. In Cass County, Nebraska.
Andy Thompson,
nets enUy o prompt-
i JJ. h '
John Waterman, lumber lo lull . 7 5 l () ( KHjOVv LHS, I W 1M-3
I. II Kiicnhei kit, linlse. lo paupers 27 MO ,7 . ff
Ml nm n I S prln km Siiiiliat linn, care II .-T--.v-.,.l)wTwilli
of Mrs. WkH-ner 31 00 tlwi SVSlOl PlfOt'UUUlyi
It lie, lor, renl tor Mrs. Allen . I 00 ' )) '
CIhIiiis nllowed "II the mini fund. , , ! ,,,iiuiliili
lien Tlinl.lln return f poll U. (IV,IMS OHO OVM ( OUUlVj
II t. v.. II 'i '.(I . -
H No I I
Kill i, same No. 10
John Albert, ilmniiKe to I it tut No
1 1 I in li poll I n
I no
lluriv (Inrtmtr
It l No !
Avmii I. limber Co. lumber No I I 1
Snme No II 21 OJ
A li Hiitbwiiv. rnsil wink li i
No II "
II II Jones, siltlie No II II HO
ins Ituliua, siime II I 00
liobl .In in I Hiiri, ssiiie II I
lien lu-i kmiin, nunc 10 1 1 7 i
J A Wilson, snme 7 . II ''
I 'm Ilk Itiiu .e, sunn- 'i I I Ml
Win llnssb-r, liihnr No I ,. n;i
I'lnlms allowed oil hi blue fund
Avoi'ii 1 .ii in I r Co, bi blue I ii in r Kl 4 1
II I, Hi I o I 'Mt. I.I blue wink . .. 4 Ml
John Wlllel IllBII, In 1 1 1 K lumber 21 S"i
Hoard adjourned to nieel Tuesday
lbi oai v Hi. I Wit
i V. K. r.osetnians
County ('bolt.
.X. I V
immiifi . consul
nonnmwully. To vt its
tlui 4MUUl
utnijiuturotl Istlio