The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 01, 1909, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
K. A. HATES, Publisher.
ntervd at it.9 pott ilftce at Ptalltmioulh,
braHkk.KK'MXoad clans matter.
$1,50 Per Year In Advance.
Cansiderable speculation Is indulg
ed in as to whether or not the legis
lature will pass the fifty-car limit act.
There has been more or less protest
against it by BO-called representa
tives of the trainmen but nine men in
ten in the freight service favor the
act whether their "legislative repre
sentatives" say so or not.
From all reports those members of
the legislature who are favoring a
bank deposit guaranty act which will
not guaranty, are finding it hard
.sledding. The people voted for this
act and meant it to be one which
would guarantee them and give them
immediate payment In the event of
failure and most of the democratic
members know this. They must and
will pass an "immediate" payment
The gopher question should be
taken up by some statesman In the
legislature really anxious to do some
thing for the farming community
Every day complaints come in of the
destruction these pests have caused
and the imposition of a bounty upon
their scalps would have the effect
of getting rid of them. It would be
one of the wisest acts the legislature
could pass and It would be money
well spent.
the people who seek them and It
means the expenditure of large sums
among our business men. This can
be arranged without much trouble
and at small expense compared with
the immense benefits derived.
Then the construction of the park
system and summer amusement re
sort should be pushed along. It would
mean a source of attracting business
adoption of the Oregon plan. In
Ohio, Minnesota and North Dakota,
the democratic governors may have
influence enough with the republican
legislatures to secure the adoption
of the plan, and in other states like
South Dakota, Iowa and Kansas, the
reform element in the republican
party may be strong enough, when its
vote Is added to the democratic vote,
shipping bill), but you can take It i the man who didn't give a ccntlnen-
honie with you. We have neat sat
chels, w hich we sell you at cost and
will give you a rebate if you want
to return the satchels to us. Whis
ky Department, Blank Bros. Co., Cor
ner Lee and Tallapoosa streets, Tel
phone 136."
to the city and give all a place to take to secure this measure of reform.
recreation at, something badly need- jn Missouri there ought to be suffi-
ed here . There are any number of rent co-operation between the dem-
fine sites where shade, water and ocrats and the reform republicans to
a bathing beach can be erected at secure the passage of a law sub
small cost. mitting the Oregon pledge to eandl-
AU these things can be secured if dates for the legislature.
persistently gone after and they all These states are mentioned es-
mean a great help to the city. Let peclally because they are contested
everyone put his shoulder to the states. In the states that are con-
wheel and give the car of progress sldered sure one way or the other,
a helping push. Make Plattsmouth the adoption or the Oregon plan
the liveliest town in Nebraska and might not materially effect the re
make it so at once. Then after It has Bult, but the principle is right and
been made lively keep it up. Ever- ought to be adopted everywhere. It
lastingly boom tho city. will not only help to coerce the
senate into consent to the selection of
A scurrilous publication In this United States senators by the people,
cltv takes occasion to denounce Act- but It will give the people or the
ing Mayor Sattler. There la states which adopt It the nearest ap
one redeeming feature about John proach that can be made, as the fed-
Sattler the people who know him cral constitution now stands, to pop
vote for him and so much cannot be
said of everyone else.
ular election. The Commoner.
There Is not the least reason In
the world why Plattsmouth cannot be
made the best city In Nebraska the
coming year. All that Is needed Is a
little push and energy and this city
will take the place Its natural ad
vantages entitle it too. Let us light
tho town, encourage Industries, make
everything go and bo the best town
in the state. You can help a lot do
some boosting on your own hook.
Why wouldn't It be a good idea
to use a wireless telegraph to warn
people that winter storms are com
ing. The storm of yesterday and the
day before ought to show where this
great Invention could be used with
good effect.
The I'.ooiii in SlIit.
Tho announced determination of
the Nebraska Telephone Company to
rebuild their telephone plant in this
city and expend a large sum of money
lii construction work, will be hailed
by everyone, as a sign of revival of
bi'.slnesii It cannot fail to have an
excellent effect upon the markets of
the city, as It means the employment
of a large force of men throughout
tl'e summer, and every additional
man employed means additional
money In circulation through trade
Added to this the Plattsmouth
Telephone Company, a local institu
tion, authorizes the announcement
that their plant will be rebuilt and a
thoroughly modern and up-to-date
system Installed, and this, too, means
the expenditure of a large sum by
this company. Their plans have not
yet been published but when they are
they will show the company will not
be outdone by Its competitor and that
The Journal is Insistent upon the
matter of passing a bounty act to
encourage the extermination of the
gophers. The reason for urging this
Is tho fact that It means much to tho
farmers of Nebraska. Evry man w ho
has a tilled field can see where ho
stands to lose If the ravages of these
posts are permitted. Taxes cannot
bo better spent than In destroying
theno penif. The members of the
legislature should vote a bounty for
each head of tho rodents and every
farmer constituent will will raise and
call them blessed.
The man who Imagines Platts
mouth won't move ahead the coming
year has another think coming. This
little old town Is going to bo the best
out for a year at least. The two
telephone companies are going to
spend at least $50,000 here, the pro
posed park system Is going to go
through, Plattsmouth will have lights
and there Is every probability that an
I Indorses His Stand.
Col. M. A. Bates, editor of the
Plattsmouth Journal and a member
of the present legislature, shares the
Star's views regarding the anti-lobby
law. "Such a law," he declares
should never have been permitted to
disgrace the statutes of Nebraska. It
simply permits lobbying. What does
a professional lobbyist care for this
little piece of red tape when he di
sires to perform the work for which
ho Is paid by the corporations?"
Lincoln Star.
Senators by the People.
When the republicans of Nebraska
declare that they believed the peo
ple should be allowed to choose
United States senators did they mean
what they said, or were they indulg
ing buncombe?
If they meant it why do the repub
lican members of the legislature
stand up, almost to a man, and vote
and fight against a bill which carries
this principle Into effect?
If, they meant It why are the re
publican bosses and leaders and edi
tors patting these republican legis
lators on the back for having voted
AGAINST the popular election of
The Humphrey bill, which applies
the Oregon plan In Nebraska, Is the
essence of simplicity. It allows can
didates for Benator to submit their
names to the voters at the polls. And
then it requires candidates for the
legislature to say whether they will,
or will not, pledge themselves to
vote for that candidate for senator
whom the people have said they
What is the objection to this?
What man, or party, honestly believ
ing that senators should be elected
by the people, can possibly object?
Tho republicans in the legisla
ture, by their votes and by the
amendments they have presented
have declared they are OPPOSED to
the election of United States sena
tors by the people, except under cer
tain conditions.
They favor popular election of sen
ators provided the senator thus
lected is to be a republican!
They favor popular election of
senatorsprovided Mr. Bryan is not
to be elected!
Interurbau will connect this city and
tllltll nlll r.n, .i n ... I 1 i . I
w Ul. a. BUUU r ueuer 0maha before the year closes so it la
Is easy to be seen this city will be In
The center of the universe seems
to be tho shores of the Medlteranean
Sea. First It was Messina and Reg
glo, then followed the great storms
and earthquakes In Northern Africa
and now comes the news that Barcel
ona, one of the largest cities In Spain
is submerged by a tidal wave. In
the tremendous losses which Italy,
Morrocco and Spain have sustained
the whole world Joins in sympathy.
Aa is always the case the United
States will do Its share toward help
ing the victims of this latest disas
ter and show the world that the un
fortunate and stricken have a willing
friend In need.
I Lm m law! Lm m i
plant that the Nebraska people. To
do this they must spend many thous
and dollars and every dollar so spent
helps toward tho revival of trade In
the city,
Thu8 the year starts with the ab-
tbe front rank of live ones for one
year, at leaBt.
The Journal has been making a
fight to eradicate the gopher from
tho farms of the state and to this
effect It has advocated the passage
of a bounty act. From authorities
who claim to have Investigated the
The Oregon Plan Vindicated
Governor George E. Chamberlain,
solute assurance that two big com- of Oregon has Just, been elected QU08tloni lt ,oarna that the8e rodents
panics will spend many thousands United State, senator from that state. Pftn ha paHv drw from th count
here. And this la all done without He U the first senator ever elected by the U8e of poHon. ' lf th,8 can be
the Commercial Club being called In according to tho Oregon plan, and he dono lt mIght be wel, t0 reaure all
to assist In securing It. How much being a democrat, elected by a re- fartnorg t0 cloan out the8e pests or
more can oe secured by the Club tak- publican legislature In pursuance nRV a nnftv for ,.,, to An Kn
log an active hand and Interesting to pledges mado to ttie Deonle by the It ..... ,u ...
. I 1 11 a ii J ru in nut-iuci iuo mi iiivi w
capital In the many advantairpH r tho .j.... ... . .
. ' , canuiuaiea lor mo legiaiure, nil requlred to rid the land of the pests
City. Is apparent. The nronnM! In. .... . I .
. . .w V . . V. M."ioin vinuicauon 01 mo ure- or whether a bounty be paid some- . . ming gon plMi ftnd th0 0rcKOn plan a . . ghouId thelr ravagcB
rrpeiiatiy lor OWneni 01 real estate Innir .ten InwArH non1P ..lnrllnn . .....
r oouniy wouian i com so mucn aa
1m 4 k a I(u 1 0 it a. t A. I I w
... mo til, n it vbu imj necurea It nnntnr In fact It rnea aa far aa ......
, ... ,, . I many imagine ana it migni nave a
... uuuuumem, mean me creation tho 8tate can g0 wilhout an amend- 8aiutary rtfcct.
. Bl..B, ueauny rem estate mar- ment to the federal constitution
. . . . I
ai ana a snarp advance m real es- jn tno iaHt Issue of the Commoner Whiskey for the Ladle.
tat prices which are manifestly far attention was called to this plan as From Collier's Weekly
row Ior a cur ot " " -1 It Is embodied In the bill Drosentod What Is here reproduced from a
: HO means an Influx of new faces and in tho Nebraska hnim of renremnta. newHnaner Is one of the most mar
" '
new oiooa wnicn win ten in the mak- tlves by Hon. Frod B. Murphy. It Is velous exhibit ions which has recently
Ing of a live city. commended to the attention of the met the watchful editorial eye:
If the proposed lnterurban Democratic legislatures now In ses- "We are taking care ot the ladles
through the country to Manley, Mur-lslon In the various statcB. The No- through tho Drug Department (the
dork, Elmwood and possibly even tolbraska legislature will undoubtedly I far corner from Commerce street)
EkIo and Lincoln, can bo secured enact a law substantially like tho one where wo show samples of everything
'and tho trade ot central Cass County In Oregon and thus bring to the peo- on salo In the whiskey department
diverted to this city, the result will plo of the state the benefits of tho This Is probably more convenient for
be the upbuilding of the city and Us I popular election of senators. In tho tho ladles; certain It Is that It will
advancement to tho proper placo close states,, whero such a plan Is obviate tho necessity for them to
among tho good towns of tho state. most effective, It Is qulto curtain come In contact with tho regular
But even If the lnterurban should that enough candidates will agreo to whisky trade. Wo cordially Invite
not tome this year, there aro other I abide by the result of tho popular tho ladles down
ways of Improving tho city and Us voto to assuro tho eloctlon of tho peo- "Anything you want at about the
trade. The proposed trado excur- plo's choice. price you want to pay. See us
BlonB from Eaglo over tud M. T. to TMs plan Is especially commended once. Tho above prices aro simply
this city, aro excellent snd must re- to tho legislatures of Colorado, No- samples, as wo carry all lines and
Knit In creat benefit not alono to I viula and Indiana, whero democratic have nearly every well known brand
governors occupy the executive office In stock
and can act In harmony with the "Wo can't shop anywhere In Ala
tho city but to thoso who aro fortu
unto enough to patronlzo them. It
umibu w aian vi'itiv feiav in - - - - ----- ...... -' " -
tho giving of real bargains to democratic members In securing the' bama (account of tho Alabama ant I
tal what color his barn was painted
so long as it was red.
If the majority of the people of
Nebraska w anted to elect a democrat
ic senator and a republican legis
lature, or a republican senator and
democratic legislature, why
shouldn't they have a right to do
They would have that right ab
solutely If a constitutional amend
ment for the direct election of sen
ators were to h adopted. This the
republicans have repeatedly declared
themselves In favor of. Why then,
do they oppose granting Identically
the same right under the Oregon
The republican leaders of Ne
braska the republican editors, the re
publican legislators, by the attitude
they have taken stand convicted of
insincerity, of cowardice, of the
"cheapest and pettiest partisanship.
They have proved that their progres
sive pretensions were humbug and
cant. They have declared that they
are afraid to trust the people with
the right to elect their own senators.
So far as Mr. Bryan Is concerned,
he declared In a speech delivered
In Pennsylvania last month, that he
hoped lt would never be necessary
for him again to be a candidate for
any public office. Even his repub
lican enemies will admit that Mr.
Bryan is in the habit of meaning
what he says and saying what he
means. Why, then, this transparent
attempt to use him as a bogey man?
World Herald.
a bounty act and encourage the boys
to kill these pests and relieve the
fields of the state from their devas
tation. The bounty would not have
to be high but is should be enough
to cause the destruction of these
In the meantime there should be
steps taken to push the matter of
a free excursion from Eagle to this
city. The matter If properly hand
led could be made to pay the mer
chants and business men of the eity
generously. The cost when divided
among several of the merchants
would not be great upon anyone of
them while the income would easily
repay the running besides the splen
did advertisement it wiuld be for the
live men of the city. Let the project
be pushed to an early consummation
and let Plattsmouth show the rest
of the county that it wants to treat
it right.
With trade excursions, two new in
terurbans and a fine park this cily
ought to make 1909 a record-breaker.
And everyone of these industries can
bo secured just by dint of n little
lnistling and push by our people.
Lot us take a hand and send Platts
mouth to the top this year with a
The Journal renews Its sugges'
tlon to the members of the legisla
ture to turn their attention to rld-
This Is the stand they take, like ' ding the state of the gophers. Pass
Addition to the Omaha-Platts-mouth
lnterurban steps should be
taken to build a line from this city
to Manley, Murdock and Elmwood.
If this line Is built, there would be
no doubt but an lnterurban from
Omaha would connect with It here
and both lines could be made highly
profitable. It would be a great
thing for the farmers throughout the
county as well as for this city. Any
one who has ever been through Illi
nois, Indiana and Ohio and seen the
workings of the lnterurbans which
gridiron that country will realize
that they have done much toward up
building not alone the cities, but the
country. In fact, they make life
in the country almost as pleasant
or even more so, than life in town.
The modern farmer with the rural
delivery, the telephone and the elec
tric cars at his door enjoys life far
better than the Inhabitant of the
cities cooped up with the smoke
and grime and noiso of business. As
the proposed route would run
through the best portion of the best
county in the state, It would prove a
success from the start and all that Is
npeded Is to start It along.
To i'iiO Q68 QoUilty fa'iilQi'
Who wants to buy a fine farm for less money and which will pay bigger
rate of Interest than your Cass County farms, and produce four tons of
alfalfa each season, and Bells for $8 per ton, $32 per acre. Read the
descriptions In this advertisement.
Central City has one of the largest alfalfa mills In the state, fur
nishes a fine market for all the alfalfa in the county.
640 acres, 2 miles north of Chapman, Neb., 300 acres in cultiva
tion, balance In hay and pasture. Two story frame house, 7 or 10 room
house. Practically new barn, 32x40 with mow, painted red; two wells,
2 mills, other out buildings, fenced and cross-fenced, four wires, round
cedar posts. Every acre level land, no wet or low land on the entire sec
tion. Soil black loam, 18 inches to 2 feet deep, clay subsoil. No better
land In the state. Corn husking out 50 bushel to the acre, paying 8
percent on $100 an acre. Cash price for 30 days, $75 per acre. Can r
make loan 5 years $26,000 at 6 per cent, optional payments.
400 acres, 4 miles from town, 100 acres in cultivation, 150 acres
more can be cultivated, balance too low, but Is fine hay land, 1 M story
house, good barn for ten horses, cattle shed and all necessary out build
ings, 2 wells and 1 mill. All fenced and cross fenced. Price for short
"time $52.60 per acre. Can loan 50 percent ot the above price. This
Is a snap.
160 acres, 5 miles from Central City, 120 acres In cultivation, 40
acres In pasture, but all smooth land except 4 acres, which is a little
too low. Six room house, stable for 8 horses and other outbuildings;
2 wells, 1 mill; 60 acres fall wheat, nice little grove. On R. F. D. and
phone In house. Price $62.50 per acre.
240 acres, IM miles from Central City, 100 acres In cultivation,
balance In hay and pasture, good buildings, grove, Al land, 40 rods to
college and finest location and neighborhood In the county. Price $87.80,
good terms, . Hay land will cut 2 tons per acre. ,
160 acres, 3 miles from town, 120 acres In cultivation, 20 acres In
hay, 20 acres pasture, 36 acres fall wheat, small house, barn and
grove. Every acre fine. farm land, but buildings very poor. Will sell for
cast at $50 per acre.. This farm Is located In a fine neighborhood. Mort
gage $3,300 at 6 percent.
For further particulars write
Tho Platio Volley Land and
Loan Company,
Central City, Nebraska
goo. iallancG, Plattsmouth, Hob.