The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1909, Image 8

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X Short Items of Interest From Mon- X
dayEvening's Daily Journal
A. L. Anderson departed this
morning on No. 6 for his eastern
Mrs. II. II. Tartsch was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
the north.
John S. Hall and wife were pas
sengers yesterday morning for Oma
ha where they spent the day.
"Ilnry Horn came In this morning
from his farm west of the city' to
look after some business matters.
L. W. Lorenz and wife were pas
sengers yesterday morning for Oma
ha where they spent the day with
V " Jlllos Standish of near Murray
came In this morning from his
farm to look after some business
Mrs. J. 0. Richey returned yester
day morning to Lincoln where her
son Livingston la attending the State
Frank Gustin of Elmwood Is one
of the Jurymen who came In this
morning and Is stopping at the Per
kins House.
Lee Applcgate and son came up
this morning from their home near
Union to look after some business
matters In the city.
Mrs. W. Josslyn and little daugh
ter Frances, after a brief visit In
the city with friends returned yes
terday morning to Omaha.
Ed. Schulhof returned to his po
sition at Glenwood' after spending
Sunday In the city with bis folks.
M. A. Hall and family are spend
ing the day In Omaha being passen
gers for that city on the early train
this morning.
A. S. Will is looking after busi
ness matters In South Omaha today
going up to that city on the early
train this morning.
France Balance spout Sunday in
the city visiting with his folks re
turning to his duties at Glenwood
this morning on the early train.
A. A. Wetenkamp was a passen
eer this morning on the early train
for Fairmont, Nub., where had some
Important business matters to look
Omaha this noon on the fast mail.
Lee Frkkler, Henry Kemp and Joe
Joues were three of the young men of
the city w ho journeyed to Omaha on
the mall to take in the wrestling
match this evening.
Ed. Egenberger, trustee of the Ne
braska Retail Liquor Dealers Asso
ciation, is in Omaha this afternoon
looking after business matters and
Incidentally attending the wrestling
mr.tch tonight:
Mrs. F. D. Reed and bantes of
Very Difficult Case Ably Handled by
County Attorney Ramsey
Miss Murl Barthold was a pas
senger on the fast mail this noon
for the north.
James Eoardman, wife and baby
departed this noon on the fast mail
mail for Hartington, Neb.
Aug. Panska of Louisville is at
tending to his duties as a Juryman
having come in this morning.
Sam Redman drove up from Mur
ray this morning and was a passen
ger on the mail train for Omaha.
Wilber J. Hayes Is among the
members of the Jury who came In
this morning from his home at Elm
wood. Mrs. Joseph Fetzer is spending the
afternoon In Omaha being a passen
ger for that city on the mail train
at noon.
Mrs. Arnold departed this noon
on the mail train for Omana wnero ttaM to (lo house work with an
she goes for a brief visit with acning back.
From Wednesday's Dally.
County Attorney Ramsey scored
his first victory In county court this
morning when the jury before whom
was tried the cases of the four ho-
Mitchell, S. D., and Miss Tulene of boes charged with burglarizing the
this city returned to this city on freight car In the Burlington yards
the fast mail this noon after spend- and stealing wearing apparel be
ing several days visiting in Iowa with longing to Wm. Baird, superintendent
relatives and friends. of shops of tlvp Burlington, found the
ira i-onvitt nf Lnrnnln. Nh.. who men guilty of larceny. The case was
has been making an extended visit
of several months with relatives and
friends In Wisconsin, and who Is now
on his way home, stopped off in this
city long enough to pay a visit to
the family of Mr. Mllburn, old
friends of his, departing for his
home on the mail train at noon.
a peculiarly difficult one to secure
conviction In as the evidence was
purely circumstantial. The goods
were found on the men and part of
the property was sold to some Greeks
employed here on an extra gang by
one of the parties. Candles had also
been found on them and candle
grease had been dripped upon arti
cles in the car which added to the
chain of evidence against them. There
were several on the Jury who wanted
to stand for acquittal and for this
WiMOn a compromise verdict was
What a Heap of Happiness it Would rendered.
Huveer, everything considered it
Bring to Plattsmouth Homes
friends. Brines vou hours of misery at lels.
B. Wolph, of Nehawka, one of the ure or at work.
members of the regular panel, is in If women only knew the cause
the city for his Jury duties, coming that
Backache comes - from sick kid
neys, 'Twould save much needless woe.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys, Plattsmouth peoule endorse this:
Mrs. James Hodgert, 1102 Main
suffered a great deal at times from
dull, heavy pains across the small
of my back, especially when I
In this morning.
Miss Lucille Randall was a pas
senger this noon on the mall train
for Omaha where she will spend the
afternoon visiting with friends.
Miss Elizabeth Stephens of Omaha
irlin hna tioon vlftitlnar in the cltv
with Mrs. Jos. Dickson, returned to ""ui, ieo. says
her home this noon on the mail train.
Mr. Smith of Glenwood who re
cently purchased the Stohlman farm 8tooped or brought any Btraln on the
muscles of my loins
was an excellent start for the young
man and shows that he is wellqu.all
fied to handle the cases which will
come to his charge.
The names given by the four men
under, conviction in the above case
are Wm. Riley, Thos. Owens, Wm.
Murphy, Michael Gleason.
In the case of the State vs. Hixon
which was set down for trial today;
a continuance was taken over the
term by County Attorney Ramsey as
the complaining witness W. H. Thom
as claimed to have been assaulted
and beaten up by Hixon without
provocation at the home of the latter
several miles below the city. Thom
as appeared at the preliminary ex
amination and on his evidence and
About two that of several of his neighbors Hixon
was bound over. At that time County
Attorney Rawls was conducting the
prosecution and no bond was re-
quired of Thomas for his appearance
Later he went to Council Bluffs os
west of this city, was in the city to
aay .ockuis "iter uuu.a u.i..r.n. yearg Bgo J ,earnR(j of Doan,8 K,dney
Mrs. L. C. Probasco of LaPlatte Pllls and tneyi brought me such
spent several hours in the city this pr0mpt and positive relief that I
morning doing some shopping, re- nave Bnce U8ed them whenever I
turning to her home on the fast mall fcjt any need 0f a kidney remedy. I
at noon. procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Ger- tensibly for the purpose of going to
Charles Renuer and wife were pas- Ing & Co.'s drug store and I have work for a nursery firm there and
Mongers this noon on the fast mail found such great benefit from their that is the last seen of him. County
for Lincoln and Havelock where they use that I feel Justified in endorsing I Attorney Ramsey telephoned the firm
will Bpend a few days making a visit them." for whom he claimed to be working
ulih frlt.iwlu I Tho ntinvo Htatpmont n eivpti in I nnrl thov rfnnrtfrt him an wnrklne fnr
m at some town In Iowa. Tele- J
e messages to that place failed to
still endorse Doan's Kidney Pills locate him there. County Attorney
I am glad to confirm all I have pre
viously said about this remedy."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doau's
and take no other.
Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evening's Daily Journal
a few
having come over from her home at
LaPlatte on No. 4 and returning on
tho fast mall at noon.
Mrs. Geo, Mapes of Omaha who
Mrs. D. C. Morgan and Miss Nettle has been making a visit with her
Mrs. Mc Daniels of LaPlatte spent June,, 1906 "id on December 30. them
few hours in the city this morning 198' !' 1 lge.rt 1 n Dhone
mother Mrs. Ralney In this city for
several days, departed this noon on
the fast mall for her home.
Mrs. W. S. Chalfant of Omaha
who has been in the city making a
visit with, tho families of Messrs.
Chalfant and McCullough, departed
this noon on the mall train for her
Morgan are spending the day In
Omaha with friends and relatives,
being passengers on the early train
for that city this morning.
Jas. Archer and wife of Omaha re
turned to their home this morning
after spending Sunday In this city
with the former's parents.
Mrs. M. E. Burns came In this
morning on the Missouri Pacific en
route to Glenwood for a visit with
friends and relatives, taking the early
Burlington train for that city.
Mrs. Eva Reese and son Guy and
Mrs. C. W. Baylor were passengers
thU morning on the early train for
Omaha where they will visit with
friends for several days.
Miss Mary Moore and Miss Lena
Young, two of the teachers In the
Cedar Creek schools, came In this
morning from their homes at Mur
ray and were passengers on No. 29
to assume their duties.
Mist Mary Sharp departed this
morning for Omaha where she will
enter business college. She waa ac
companied by her mother and Miss
Elizabeth Shea who Is a student of Jurymen, came In last evening to as-
'Tin to He Hoped.
The Missouri Pacific has now
reached Nebraska City with Its new
steel. It Is said that a sufficient
Herman Walker was among those amount of new material has been or-
departing this noon on the mall
train for Omaha from which place
he goes to Scrlbner, Neb., to com
mence work being employed at that
Miss Florence Anderson of Mc-
Cook, Neb., spent several days In
the city, the guest of friends, depart
ing last evening for Ihlcago, 111.,
where ahe will do her buying for her
spring stock of millinery.
Joe Cameron of LaPlatte spent
Sunday in tho city being registered
at the Hotel Perkins.
Clark L. Newlon of Weeping Wa-
dered to complete the Omaha line
and the Lincoln line as far as Weep
ing Water this year.
Business is said to be good with
this road in Nebraska now and with
improved facilities - for handling a
larger traffic a big Increase Is looked
for In the volume of Its Nebraska
tonnage. State Journal.
Certainly If ever a road needed Im
lraprovlng this road does, and for the
welfare of the unfortunate compelled
to patronize It, It Is to be hoped the
work Is rushed. Another thing
which might be done to good effect
Ramsey has taken a decided stand in
the matter and If the fellow can be
located he will be brought back If
such a thing Is possible, and com
pelled to testify.
Matthew Gerlng at attorney for
Fred Ossepkop today filed another
motion and affadavit for a continu
ance in the case of the State vs. Oa
senkop claiming the endorsing of
several names upon the Information
which was permitted by the court
several days ago, was a surprise to
him. This motion was argued by Mr.
Gerlng and County Attorney Ramsey,
today and Judge Travis overruled the
motion. The Ossenkop case Is set
down for trial on Wednesday next.
would be to buv another lornmnMvn
ter Is one of those coming In to take and paHHenger coacn of modern pat.
up his duties as a juror.
tern and design, and caulk; up the
I'lattsmoiith Company to Improve
Thos. E. Parmele and Bert Pollock
returned this morning from Chicago,
111., where they have been for several
days looking after telephone matters
They visited several of the large au
tomattc telephone factories and were
very much surprised to note the pro
gress which had been made In the
line of new Instruments and Improve
ments. There will be an announce
ment of new plans for the Improve
ments by the Plattsmouth Telephone
R. L. Hoback of Avoca, one of the old tea pots they are operating at Company in the Journal within a very
the college which Miss Sharp will
Thos. J. Hlckson who Is employed
at present at Council Bluffs, la.,
came In this morning to give testi
mony In the case of the State vs.
Riley et al on trial In the district
Conrad Melslnger, the well known
Eight Mile Grove farmer, Ih looking
hfter business matters In the city,
making this office a very pleasant
and much appreciated call this after
noon. Wm. McDonald and wife, Henry
Ratchcller, and Percy Pickett all
present so they could make a trip I
without breaking down.
sumo his duties this morning
John L. Wood worth came down
from Omaha yesterday to attend to
some business matters In the city. lMm Shoulder.
J. Frank Jameson of Weeping Wa- Thl R common rorm of mus
.r nnm in ln.t pvpnlnir to tnkn lin ear rheumatism. No Internal
his duties as a member of tho Jury, treatment Is ileeded. Apply Cham
Geo. Raker departed this noon on berlaln's Liniment freely twice a day
the mall train for Omaha where he and tt I"1'11 rure ,H certain. This
will take In the wrestling match to- liniment has proven especially valu-
nlKht able for muscular and chronic rheu-
,, ' . . . ... . . matlsm, and It Is sure to give quick
M. II. Shoemaker of Union was a ' . ,
. a,. i .... . , relief. Chamberlain a Liniment Is
annuity viBiiur in iuu j, uciiik
few days which will mean the expen
diture of a largo sum of money In
this city. ' This Is In pursuance of the
determination to make the local plant
the best In the state
A. L. Thacker of Unton came up
yesterday to look after some busi
ness matters.
C. F Hurlbut of Greenwood was
In the city last evening looking after
business matters.
D. O. Dwyer is attending to pro
fessional business in Omaha this af
ternoon going up on the mail train.
Geo. Heisel is attending to business
matters today at Omaha going to
that city this morning on the early
Mrs. B. Seidlitz departed this
morning on the early train for a visit
with relatives and friends at Wood
bine, la.
Father M. Shine was a passenger
this noon on the mall train for Oma
ha where he had business matters to
look after.
Wm. Volk departed this morning
for Pekin, 111., on business connected
with the estate of his father, the late
Jacob Volk.
John W. Crabill is looking after
business matters In Omaha this after
noon being a passenger for that city
on the fast mall.
L. C. Sharp Is attending to bust
ness matters today at-Omaha being a
passenger for that city on the early
train this morping.
Mrs. J. W. Crabill was a passen
gef this morning for Omaha where
she will visit with her mother and
sister for several days.
Mrs. Lizzie Horn who was called
here by the death of her brother
Jacob Volk, returned to her home
at Pekin, 111., thi3 morning.
Mrs. Thos. South departed this
morning on the early train for Oma
ha where she will make a visit with
Mrs. Frank Sivey at the hospital.
J. E. Tuey, the Sixth street mer
chant, i3 looking after business mat
ters In Omaha today being a pas
senger for that city on the early
A. Searle is looking after busi
ness matters today in Omaha being
a passenger for that c)ty thi"? morn
ing on the early train.
Walter Baumeister came" in this
morning from St. Francis, Kas.,
where he has been staying with
his folks for sometime past.
J. P. Falter departed this morn
ing on the early train for St. Paul,
Neb., where he had some Important
business affairs to look after.
A. Clabaugh, superintendent of the
Nebraska Lighting Company, is look
ing after business in Omaha this af
ternoon departing for that city on the
mail train.
William DelesDernler, the Elm
wood attorney, spent last night and
this morning looking after business
matters returning home via Omaha
this noon on the mail train.
Ed. Oliver, Jr., of Rock Springs,
Wyo., who has been visiting with
his uncle Wm. Oliver near Murray for
several weeks, was a passenger this
morning for Omaha where he will
spend the day.
Mrs. Frank Hay of Weeping Wa
ter came In this morning on the
Missouri Pacific and changed cars
here for Glenwood, la., where she
goes for a visit with friends.
Mrs. R. C. Jahrlg formerly Miss
Minnie Dorlng, came In for a visit
with her parents Julius Dorlng and
wife from Sheridan, Wyo., where
her husband had been employed. He
has been transferred to Hammond
Ind., for which point she will depnrt
In a short time to make her future
Frledrich attended uie
A. D. Welton, the Greenwood
banker, was looking after business
la tho county court today.
M. L.
wrestling match at Omaha last night
going up on the Missouri Pacific
train. .
Miss Gladys Sullivan is spending
the afternoon In Omaha visiting with
relatives, going up on the mall train
at noon.
J. B. Polk spent several hours In
this city this morning being a pas
senger for Lincoln this noon on the
mall train.
C. K. Ward of the Lincoln Con
struction Company, is looking after
matters in this city today coming In
this morning.
The entertainment by St. Luke's
Junior Auxilaryils postponed until
lights are once aiore on, due notice
of date will be glyen.
Mrs. E. B. Chandler with her broth
ers Richard and!Charles Polsall de
parted this noon on the mail for
Fairbury, Neb., where Mr. Chandler
resides. - -
Mrs.' James Darrough came up this
morning from Murray and was a pas
senger on the mail train for Omaha
where she will Join her husband who
Is emDloved there. t
Mrs. Jas. W. Newell came down
last evening from Omaha for a short
visit In the city with her parents, A.
W. Atwood and wife, returning to.
her home on the mail at noon.
Miss Josie Michka departed this,
noon on the mail train for Omaha
where she goes to make a visit over
night with friends.
Mrs. J. Andrews was one of the
ladles from the city visiting in
Omaha today going out to visit with
the sick folks at the hospital in the
Mrs." Fred Ramge and daughter
Edith, were passengers this noon on
the fast mail for Havelock where
they go to visit with relatives and
j frleudu for a short, lime.
E. H. Wescott, wife and daughter
Helen were passengers on the fast
mall at noop for Omaha where they
will make a visit to W. L. Street at
the hospital this afternoon, this being
Miss Helen's first visit.
Today Judge Beeson granted let
ters to Geo. W. Walling as executor
of the last will and testament of
Margaret M. Wallingof Greenwood,
final proof of the will being offered
In the county court yesterday af
ternoon Judge Beeson heard the
probate of the will of the late Levi
Rusterholti, granting letters to Mrs.
Levi Rusterholtz who Is the heir
to the estate. Mr. Archer appeared
as her counsel. ,
Former Deputy Game Warden R.
W. Hyers came In last evening from
Lincoln and will make his - head
quarters In this city for some time
to come. He is looking fine and his
Job as warden did not Beem to injure
blm in the tleast.
John Murray made a short trip out
Into the country yesterday and was
very much surprised to see several
farmers plowing sod an unusual
proceeding at this season of the year,
among others he noticed were
Charles Chrlsweiser and William
Countryman. Mr. Countryman has
done quite a bit of plowing while Mr.
Chrlsweiser was just commencing.
Mr. Murray had occasion to dig into
the ground and found that frost was
virtually all out and digging was
among those registered at the Per
kins Hotel.
Henry M. Pollard, Nehawka, Is one
from eaHt of Bartlett, la., came over of tho members of tho Jury who is
yesterday to spend the day with stopping at the Perkins, having come
Frank Slvey, returning to their in last evening.
also most excellent for sprains and
bruises. Price 25 rents; largo slzo
BO cents. For sale by F. G. Frlcke
& Co.
homes thin morning on No. 6.
l'-to-lute Knrtner.
Leo Klrkpatrlck of Nehawka, camep,.m Tuemlay'n Pnlly.
Editor-lawyer A. L. Tldd is visiting In yesterday to commence his duties
with the solona In Lincoln today, as a member of the petit Jury, regls-
his curiosity to see a real, live legls- teiing at the Perkins House.
Isture and gaze upon Cass County's Miss Lillian Bookmeyer departed
representatives, getting the best of on the fast mall at noon for her mus-
hlm and compelling him to travel leal duties at Omaha after spending
there on tho enrly train this morn- 8umlay In the city with her folks.
A. L. Becker, the prominent cattle
raiser from near Union, was In the
city today en route to Omaha where
he will Invest In more machinery
for his several different Industries on
his farm
Pay Ijorige Pleasant Visit.
W. T. Canada, district deputy for
the Elks, came down last evening
and was the guest of the local lodge,
attending their regular meeting and
delivering them an address which
was much appreciated. Mr. Canada
was much gratified at the showing
of the lodge and found that Its mem
bers were truly the "best people on
nnrth." Mr. Canada Is very well
known In this section being a Ne
braska pioneer and one of the early
sheriffs of our neighboring county
of Otoe. He returned to his home at
Omaha this morning on tho early
Charles Cook was a passenger this
morning on the early train for Oma
ha being accompanied by his brother
Mr. Becker has one of the GeorRe Cook of Alvo. who has been
most complete and up-to-date farms making him a visit. As Charley
J. W. Sutton departed on the fast In Eastern Nebraska, having a grain I says he Is merely going along to
Charles Piper was a passenger this mall at noon for WaiiHa, Neb., go- elevator of a large capacity, large I look after George, It must bo tha
feeding sheds, great barns and a way. He Is very much afraid that
generally fine establishment. At I Mayor Dahlman may mistake him for
Henry A. Schneider and wife de- some time In the near future thelTaft and tender him the freedom of
parted for Omaha this noon on the Journal hopes to give this estimable the city, but his real mission Is to
fast mall going up to visit wlthlcltlen an extended write-up as his meet an old friend of his brothers
monla and one of his daughters Is friends during the afternoon . I farm certainly deserves to be given whom they hnve not seen In eight
threatened with the same disease. J. Bull and J. C. Calder, two Omi- a place among the best In the roun- years.
He will be compelled to be away for I ha friends of Clayton Rosenrrans I try. Everything on the farm is mod
several days. 'spent Sunday with him, returning to' ern and up-to-the-minute. ' "Gut Hell," the favorite cigar.
morning for North Platte, Neb., bo- Ing there to work and expecting to
Ing called there by Important busl- be gone for Rovcral months.
ness. Mr. Piper was compelled to
go much against his will as his
youngest son Is quite 111 with pneu
iw 'Mr the ch!cf imedicnt, SUMr I
0 7M raiH
U lWLKiU .Jf
vV .yibsotuUty Ture V J
II W Insures wholesome nnrl r1H.
W clous food for cverv dflv M
in every home '
II within n