The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1909, Image 7

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    - A
The Avoca epartmeira
Nw) Item Gathered ach Week by
Ralph Graham returned to Lin
coln Saturday.
- Jas. Wright, of Balrd. Is visiting
Avoca relatives.
alter Coleman was at Berlin
Saturday on business.
Roy Fahnestock was at Unadilla
the first of the week.
Carl Shroeder was at Nchawka
Monday on business.
Mrs. Chas. Rolff is enjoying a
visit from a sister cf Lincoln.
Chas. Bogard was here from Free
mont several days this week.
Edwin Shoemaker, of Nehawka,
spent Sunday with Carl Shroeder.
J. H. .Schmidt left Tuesday for
Bridgeport to look after his farm.
ilrs. Florence purham left , last
week for Bertrand to visit relatives.
Paul Ottens and Fred Hillman, jr.,
were at Omaha Tuesday with stock.
John Ehlers and wife left the first
of the week for their home at Bert
rand, Miss Opal Lewton spent Saturday
and Sunday wth her parents In
Avoca. . .
C. E. Betts Vas at Omaha the first
. of the week visiting his friend Chas.
Conrad. j
Dan Lynn of Union was visiting
relatives north of town the first of
the week.
Edward Morley and J. M- Dunbar
were Weeping Water business visi
tors Monday.
A. D. S. Cough Remedy is an In
surance policy against throat and
lung troubles.
G. D. Maseman and wife now .oc
cupy the property recently purchas
ed of Mrs. Nelson.
Chas. lleckathorn and Orrln Ervln
were over from Union Sunday visit
ing Avoca relatives.
Miss Mamie Hillman, of Weeping
Water, spent Thursday evening
with Avoca relatives.
Mrs. Caufield of Lincoln spent sev
eral days this week visiting at the
home of Fred McGrady.
Chas. Benedict left Monday for
Stewartsville, Mo., where he will
study for the. ministry.
Chas. Witzke, of Minnesota., was
here the first of the week"visltlng
his sister Mrs! J. II. Schmidt.
Oliver Seacat and daughter left
the first of the week for Corldon,
Ind., where they will visit relatives
Walter Rockwell moved into the
O'Baler property last week, and
Mrs. Nelson into the property vacated
by Mr. Rockwell.
John Malcolm, formerly a real
dent of Avoca, but now of Imperial
arrived Saturday evening for a few
days' visit with relatives.
A girl arrived at the home of L. J
Marquardt and wife Tuesday. Moth
er and child getting along nicely
The doctor says with good care L. J
will recover.
Brings on rheumatism with its accompanying
Aches and Pains, sore knees and shoulders.
What are you going to do to relieve this state of affairs? Sim
ple enough! Just spend 60c for a bottle of A. D. S. Lithia Tab
lets. One tablet dissolved in a glass of water produces Lithia
Water whice is more active that the natural Lithia Water.
Better Buy a Bottletand Try It.
I c
When you get ready to buy call on
us and get a sett of those
Both for UuKVy and Work Har
ness. We have one of the best
harness-makers in the state, and
you know as well as we do that
Hand-Made Harness are the Hcst.
a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
Miss Amanda was over from Syra
cuse Tuesday.
Geo. Cotton was here from Au
burn this week.
Mrs. Henry Fraszcn was & Weep
ing Water visitor Tuesday.
B. C. Marquardt was a county seat
visitor Wednesday.
John McKay was down from Weep
ing Water Tuesday.
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar and son Glen
are visiting Denton relatives.
.Fred Carsten arrived home this
week from a trip to Denver.
Bills are out announcing a grand
ball at the town hall February 6th.
Samuel Johnson and E. Nutzman
were at Omaha on business Wednes
day. .
Mrs. Mary. Brown, of Erie, Col.,
was called here this week by the ser
ious Illness of her mother, Mrs. C.
Bogard. ....
A, E. Cutler was down from Beth
any this week attending to business
H. G. Wellenselk entertained a
number of flrends at Summerset
Tuesday evening.
Julius Buck was here from Wyom
ing last week visiting his sister, Mrs.
Henry Wulf south of town.
Fred Ittnes, formerly a resident of
Avoca,'; but now of Minnesota, is
visiting relatives and friends here.
Last Saturday, Jaunary 23, the
beautiful new home of Mrs. Phllllp
plne Nutzman was filled to overflow
ing with relatives. A two course
family dinner was given In -honor of
Mrs. Rose Ehlers and husband, who
are here visiting from Bertrand.
Forty-eight relatives were present
and to say they had an enjoyable
time is putting it very mild indeed.
Prof. E. 0. Spencer and family
were her from Auburn Sunday vis
iting. ' V
Avoca School Notes.
Mr, Tefft visited the high school
all day Monday and the intermediate
room all of Tuesday morning. We
wish others would do likewise. Yes,
Mr. Tefft, we think you ought to have
a salary.
The intermediate department had
their seconrd day last Friday.
The school ha3 Just received an
educational exhibit from th Walter
BakerTom'panyf manufacturers of
chocolates, Milton, Mass. , This ex
hibit contains specimens of cocoa
products with a book of explana
tions. The seventh grade has started In
Walsh's arithmetic part II.
Allen Nelson was absent all of last
We understand that a brakenian
did not like two of our boys and con
sequently put them off the blind bag
gage one evening last week.
Several pupils are reported sick.
Nicholas Trook was absent Wed
nesday on account of sickness.
Remember February 13 to attend
the big Eagle ball at Sokol hall.
& Mohr
Avoca, Neb.
Farm Implements and n
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
(1 Atom,
Nebraska Q
Will make weekly trips to Avoca every
Wednesday, beginning Wednesday. Au
gust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap
pointments can be made with him.
Wedding and Romance.
Married Sunday, January 17,
1909, In Nebraska City, Launey
Crouse and Miss Eunice Stoner, both
residents of Rockport, Mo.
The young couple arrived here
Monday evening and are visiting Dan
D. Farnham and wife at the Union
Hotel, the groom being a brother of
Mrs. Farnum. The announcement of
wedding is not an unusual bit of
news, but In this case there Is a little
romance that is rather IntereBtlng
in fact a clear case of elopement and
both parties plead 'guilty as
Down near the town of Rockport,
Mo., resides the highly esteemed and
Influential family of U. G. Stoner,
and one of the family was a hand
some and highly educated daughter,
Miss Eunice, 19 years of age. In
that same neighborhood lived I.aun
ney Crouse whose army service In the
faraway Philippines had been honor
able as well as courageous, and bis
attack upon the young lady's heart
resulted In victory for the young
soldier, but he failed to capture the
aid or consent of Father Stoner, who
had vowed that no less than 21 years
Is the proper age for brides. Then
the elopement was planned and no
obstacles Intervened, and they got to
Nebraska City Sunday evening in
time to secure a license and the cer
emony was performed by Rev. J. W,
Merrill. They telephoned the news
to Rockport, expecting to bo blessed
and forgiven, but there was "nothing
doing" In that line, and consequently
they are here waiting and hoping for
a reront lint ton and the coveted pa
rental blessing. We understand that
the lady's father does not object to
Mr. Crouse upon the matter of char
acter, the young man being honor
able and worthy In every respect, but
the good old father's objection 1h to
have his daughter tnken from IiIh
household. The young bride ex
presses no regret for the step she has
tnken, yet her happiness Is somewhat
marred by the thought that her ai t
Ion has troubled her parents, of
whom she sprakn with the greatest
nffoi-tlon. t'nlon Ledger.
Alvo Department
Chas. Godby drove to Greenwood
last Friday.
L. B. Appleman went to Lincoln
Friday evening.
Little Johnny Parsell was real
sick Thursday night.
A. J. Allshands Is visiting his
brother-in-law, C. Godby.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anderson ceme
home from Lincoln Sunday.
H. S. Ough and son Chester spent
Saturday and Sunday In Lincoln.
The Modern Woodmen of America
held a special meeting last Satur
day evening.
Harry Prouty Is at home again af
ter visiting his brother Arthur at
Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Stone are the
proud parents of a little boy born
January 20, 1909.
P. D. Linch returned from Lin
coln Thursday last where he was at
tending a convention.
Mrs. 8. M. Prouty arrived . home
last Thursday from Lincoln where
she has been visiting. .
Miss Gladys Appleman and Miss
Pauline Keefer returned from Lin
coln on the noon train Sunday.
Harry Parsell and family, his
mother and brother Frank dined with
J. A. Schafer and wife on the 20th
Mr. and Mrs. A. I. ' Bird enter
tained his parents and his aunt Mrs.
Swearlngen and huBband of Munlce,
Ind., last Thursday
J. H. Stroemer departed on the
noon train last Friday for Omaha,
whence he will go to Kansas City to
visit his brother for a few days.
Mr. and" Mrs. E. Casey went to
Omaha last Wednesday to visit
friends. Frank ParselPlias charge
of the farm during their absence.
The third entertainment of the
lecture course was rendered Friday
evening last In a pleasing manner
by the Alabama Minstrel Jubilee Co.,
under the management of the Lincoln
Lyceum Bureau. -
T. J. Barr from south of town,
loaded a car of household goods
and stock Saturday evening en route
to Vesta Col., where he expects to
make hla future home. Wm. Wilkin
son accompanied the car.
James Greer arrived home from
the poultry show at Lincoln last
Saturday bringing' with, blm three
fine Barred Plymouth Rock cocker
els which he purchased -to improve
his flock.
W. R. Stewart took In the Poultry
Show at Lincoln last week and re
ported It to be the best every held at
Lincoln. Mr. Stewart bought two
fine Plymouth Rock cockerels to add
to his flock, also some Toulouse
The Alvo Dancing Club gave a
dance on Thursday evening, January
21, which was quite well attended
and a good time is reported. Bruse's
orchestra of Lincoln furnished the
music. A fine supper to the club at
Gullion's restaurant was served
which was enjoyed by all partlei
F. MeicrJurgen and other s of
Elmwood were In Alvo Friday eve-
ning to be In attendance at the K
of P. Lodge but owing to the Jubilee
Company having possession of the
hall they were disappointed. The
lodge meeting had been held on the
previous Wednesday evening.
Perry Cook and wife, and Miss
The New Era.
From all sides comes the assur
ance that the end of the hard times
Is In sight and that a new era of pros
perity Is coming. ' We have to be
ready for the new duties by trying
to get our body In prfeet health and
strength. Those who are weak should
use Trlnner's American Elixir of Bit
ter Wine In order, to gain physical
and mental vigor. , It will, In the
flrstplace, regulate your digestion
by giving you normal appetite. The
organs of digestion will become
stronger and will easily asslraulate
any food, that Is, the body will use up
all particles of food that make rich
blood and will eject from the body
all pnrtlcles unnecessary or Injuri
ous. It Is a very good remedy In all
diseases showing lack of appetite
and bodily weakness. ;In every un
easiness from the stomach and the In-
testlnes, In poverty of the blood, ner
vousness and costant tiredness. At
drugstores. JosTrlncr, 616-622 So.
Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
Twii n ilii.
Last TucHday the stork visited the
home of L. J. Marquardt at Avoca
and left a fine, bouncing, buby girl
with them. It Is Useless to attempt
to describe the antics of the proud
father but It Is enough to say he
was In a father's usual position. He
will likely recover. Both Mrs. Mar
quardt and the little one Is getting
along finely.
Mrs. P. E. Ruffner Is spending the
afternoon In Omnha with her datigh
ter Mrs. Dr. Dodge.
Stella Shee6ley were Omaha passen
gers on the noon trait M'.nday, re
turning home Tuesday night.
A. E. Myers was an Omaha visi
tor Tuesday.
M. T. Ramsey and family moved io
Palmyra Monday.
Dr. Mulr and Harry Vlckers drove
to Lincoln uesday.
Mr, G If ford of Minneapolis, Minn.,
was in town Sunday.
Chas. Saavcly and G. II, Peters
drove to Havelock Tuesday.
W, O. Boyles came down from Lin
coln Monday to spend a few days.
G. H. Peters sold his interest In
the pool hall to Chas. Snavely last
Miss Myrtle Sanders spent Satur
day and Sunday visiting friends in
Miss Pearl Waugh of Lincoln spent
Saturday and Sunday with Miss Or
pha Mulleu.
Miss Claudia Compton of Weeping
Water visited near Alvo from Friday
till Sunday.
Dr. L. Mulr and family drove to
Glenwood last Sunday to visit Mrs.
Muir's parents.
Chas. Ayres, Guy Parsell and C.
M. Jordan took the evening train for
Lincoln Saturday.
Miss Clyde Boyles of Lincoln came
In Sunday to visit relatives and
friends for a few days.
Mrs. Willis Whitney's son of Lin
coln spent Sunday with her at her
home south east of town.
Mrs. Jas. Prouty and children who
have spent the last three months vis
Saturday for Iowa City, Iowa.
It Is reported that Delbert Skin
ner has purchased a residence lot in
town on which he expects to build
a home in the near future.
C. G. Anderson and family and
Mrs. Wm. Anderson and daughter
returned home Monday evening from
their visit to Broadland, South Da
kota. Isaac Hollenbeck was taken sud
denly ill last Friday and Dr. Mulr
was hastily summoned. Mr. Ilollen
beck is reported to be getting along
nicely at present.
Chris Eichman shipped his house
hold goods and effects Monday to
La Homa, Okla., where he will make
his future home. Mrs. Eichman will
visit her folks at Murdock for a few
Mrs. D. A. Vincent sold her slock
of hardware and implements to
Samuel Cashner, sr., on the 23rd Inst.
Mr. Cashner will occupy the same
building In which the stock Is at
Mrs. Walter Hardknock gave a
farewell supper for her aunt and un
lie Mr. and Mrs. Swearlngen, Monday
evening In attendance at which Were
Mr. and Mrs. Bird and family. Mr
and Mrs. Swearlngen left via Eagle
for Union on Tuesday to visit her
brother before returning to Indiana.
J. R. Curran, representing the
Medical Chemical Company of South
Omaha was in town this week and es
tabllshed an agency with A. T. Brun
kow to handle the Protection Worm
Powder guaranteed to cure parasitic
diseases of stock.
Wm. Hurlbert bought a fine Silver-
laced Wyandotte cockerel from J. A
Shaffer also some hens from Chris
Keefer. 1 William Is on the right
road to success as this variety Is a
good egg producing strain and a fine
fowl for the table.
A Cure for Misery.'
"I have found a cure for the mis
ery malaria poison produces," says
R. M. James of Louellcn, 8. C. It's
called Electric Bitters and comes in
60c bottles. It breaks up a case of
chills or bullous attack In almost no
time; and It puts yellow Jaundice
tonic medicine and blood purifier
gives quick relief In air stomach,
liver and kidney troubles and the
mlseary of lame back. Sold under
guarantee at F. O. Frlcke & Co.'s
drug store.
Fruit Tree True to Name.
I have the agency of tho Watrous
Nursery, of Des Moines, la., the most
reliable Institution of its kind In the
west. Every tree tested In tho nur
sery before being sent out. I have
dealt In nursery stock for years and
can sny this stock Is correct In every
respect and prices right. If In need
of anything drop me a postal card
and I will call.
First class ornamentals of every
C. C. Despuln.
Peter Welsh Is looking after busi
ness mutters In Omaha this after
noon, going up on the mnll train.
Henry PrOSSGr,
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : :
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb.
Murray TJcvv
(Continued from Page 6.)
M. u. Churchill was looking after
some business matters in the county
seat Thursday.
Points From a Pointed Pen.
What are you doing to make the
world better?
Are you finding fault or are you
praising those who are doing most
to uplift mankind?
Are you filling the place God in
tended you should, or are you work
ing for the devil?
Would you feel proud If ynii
should see your actions in print?
Christian, if Christ, had returned
last Lord's day, where would He
have found you?
Christian Endeavorer, where
would Christ have found you Sun
day eve; In God'8 house as you prom
ised? Stop and think of the way you are
keeping the C. E. pledge.
Which gives you, most pleasure:
Christ and his work, or worldly
things? Search they heart and an
swer to God.
We do not read In God's word that
there will be any shows in heaven,
what will you do for pleasure when
you get there? Think hard, and be
honest with your bouI.
Those young folks who behaved
so unbecomingly In God's house in
Murray last Saturday night may rest
assured that they will have brought
down upon themselves the condemn
ation of order loving people.
Study the scripture and and learn
how wouldst behave thyself In the
house of the Lord.
What do men learn when they
read your dally life?
Chorul Union at Liberty.
Liberty Chappel, located a few
miles south, of Plattsmouth Is sure
coming to the front in the musical
world, and are deserving of a great
deal of credit for their.interest man
ifested along this lino. They havo
organized a choral union in connec
tion with the church, whtch was com
pleted a few days ago and start out
with thirty-three charter members.
Prof. H. S. Austin, of this city, was
called down in that neighborhood a
few days ago to organize a music
class, and from here the choral union
started. . Mr. Austin has found ex
cellent material for a good musical
organization, and all members are
greatly interested In its success. Of
flvers were appointed as follows:
Miss Rachel .Livingston, president:
Percy Wheeler, secretary and treas
urer; Governing Board, Edna Probst,
John Livingston and Wm. Murray;
librarian, Miss Harriet Adams. H.
S. Austin, of this city, instructor.
The organization will meet on Tues
day evening of each week.
Child itt Worms.
Is your child peevish? Is jour
child nervous, restless, constantly
out of sorts? Does it twitch, roll
and talk in Its sleep? Does It have
a constant desire for candles, cakes
and sweets? These are symptoms of
worms. A.' D. S. Worm LozengeH
will drive out worms, head and all.
If there are worms there they must
come out. If you think your child
has worms, try a box of A. 1). S.
Worm Lozenges. It never falls. Put
up in boxes and tastes like candy.
Price 25c. Ora E. Copes.
Contractor L. G. Larsen, was a
passenger yesterday morning on tho
Missouri Pacific for Unlou, where ho
went on a combined pleasure and
business trip. He had in his posses
sion a case to tools and a shotgun, In
tending to do some repairing on tho
residence of D. W. Foster, near that
city, and with the shot gun he in
tended to have the pleasure. Some
one told him there had been a duck
fly over the Missouri river, and he
was hot on the trail.
Box SMihi.
A box social to be given at Bestor
school house Saturday, February 6.
Nora Batton.
It Tastes Good and !
Creates Strength j
the famous cod liver andj
iron medicine, without oil. ,
Vinol is much better than!
cod liver oil and emulsions, j
because, while it contains all i
the medicinal value they do,
it disagrees with no one.
As a body builder and
people, delicate children,
auer sickness, ana ior suid-
born coughs and colds Vinol
is unequaled.
GERWu & CO., Druggists,