The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 28, 1909, Image 6

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    Murray Department
If any of the reader of the Journal know of asocial erenl or an item of interest in this vicinity and trill mail tame to this office it vnll appear under this heading.
Wt Kant all items of interest. Editor Journal.
n Murray State Bank
Murray, NebraLskL.
We do a general banking business.
We loan money for legitimate purposes.
n We make farm loans at a reasonable rate.
We solicit your Banking business.
Let us show you our safety deposit boxes.
We represent ths best fire insurance companies
We promise for your business our best atten- H
Deposit your money with us, and grow with a
growing institution.
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier.
Bert Philpot was ill Murray Wed
nesday with hla big automobile.
Mrs. Glen Rhoden has been on the
sick list for the past few days.
George Stones has been quite sick
for the past few days, suffering with
Glen Porter was in Plattsmouth
Wednesday interviewing the dentist
in regard to his teeth.
Steve Copenhaver was looking af
ter some business matters in the
county seat Thursday.
Mrs. Tyler Shepherdson, residing
west of town, hus been quite sick
for the past week.
Tillie, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mm. 'Geo. Melslnger, has been
quite sU'k for th past few days.
G. H. Manners, from Weeping Wa
ter, was in Murray Wednesday look
ing after some telephone business.
M. S. Brlggs of Plattsmouth, was
In Murray a couple of days this week
doing some artistic work with the
paint brush on tho residence of J.
A. Walker.
Mrs. J. W. Bergcr wns In Nebraska
City Thursday for a short visit with
her daughter, and to have some den
tal work done.
W. W. Hamilton, the genial Mur
ray carpenter aud contractor, will
move his family to tho residence now
being varied by Wm. Hendricks
Goo. Oldham and Mrs. Dora Moore,
cf Plattsmouth, were here a couple
of days this week guests at the homo
of their brother. II. L. Oldham and
W. C. Boedeker and wife, Sum Pit
man and wife and Miss Paullin Old
ham were in attendance at the Elks
ball lm Plattsmouth last Wednesday
We aro sorry to learn that our
old friend, C. II. Harris, has been on
the sick list for the past few weeks,
but at the same time glad to report
that he is convalescent.
R. C. Enberry, who has been re
siding on the Jenkins' place, has re
moved to Louisville, and Bert Han
nell from near Union will move to the
place vacated by the change made
by Mr. Enbury.
The beautiful new residence of
Sam Pitman is rapidly nearlng com
pletion, but none too fast to suit
Mr. and Mrs. Pitman. When
completed this will be one of the
handsomest residences in Murray.
We are informed that Mrs. J. W.
Derger expects to spend a few months
the coming summer with her daugh
tcr in Wyoming. Of course J. W
will be entitled to a much needed
rest also, and we understand that he
will go to California.
, II. L. Oldham spent a few days in
Blair this week looking after a num
ber of fine hogs to be added to hla
top notch herd of Duroc Jerpeys,
Mr. Oldham sure understands the
hog business, and has made a great
success in raising his favorite breed
The Journal U In receipt of a let
tcr from our old friend, Mont Robb,
at Norfolk, In which, among other
things, he says to change his paper
to Union, he Is going to farm for tho
next two years. Well, Mont, there
is one consulatlon, after all, when the tcr
political tide turns, you can rest as- has
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hansell vis
ited at Miles Standish's Sunday.
J. B. Seyboldt shipped a car load of
hogs to the South Omaha market
Mrs. A. J. Stokes and Mrs. J. C.
Snavely were Omaha passengers Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Taylor of
Plalnvlew, Neb., are visiting Murray
relatives this week.
There will be a free entertainment
followed by a box supper at the Chris
tian church Saturday.
Harmon Beck was attending to
some'buslness matters In Plattsmouth
Wednesday afternoon.
Oliver Dinwiddle, who Is employed
at the farm of Chas. D. Spangler,
spent Sunday In Plattsmouth.
John II. Farrls and J. W. Edmunds
attended the public sale of Chancel
lor Phillips at Plattsmouth Wednesday.
W. F, Wenke and family of Nor
folk are visiting at the home of J. H.
Cook. Mrs. Wenke being-a sister
of Mr. Cook.
Dr. J. F. Bren'del and wife spent
Sunday in Weeping Water the guest
of Mrs. Premiers parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jameson. '
Mr. and Mrs. lver Standlsh and
little daughter Gladys of Alemena,
Has., are visiting friends and rela
tives at this place.
Jake Taylor and wife, from near
Plalnvlew, has been In and around
Murray for tho past few days visiting
among friends and relatives at the
old home.
W. O. Boedeker and wife and Miss
Ida Bodcker were Plattsmouth pas
sengers Wednesday, going up to at
tend the Elk's dance. Miss Boedeker
departed from Plattsmouth to Mace
donla, Iowa, for a week's visit with
Seyboldt & Amlck shipped two
cars of stock to South Omaha this
week, and one last week. Mr. Amlck
was in South Omaha with the car
that went up Monday evening, re
turning via Plattsmouth Tuesday
Wm. Wenke and wife, from Tierce
county, arrived In Murray last Bun
day evening, for a few days visit with
friends and relatives at the old home
In and near Murray. Mr. Wlnke
bears the appearance of prosperity
In every particular and is well pleas
ed with his new home.
Gold Rice was in Plattsmouth
P. B. Smith was a county seat vis
itor last Saturday.
A. M. Holmes was a Plattsmouth
visitor Tuesday of this week.
Prof. Errlcson made a business
trip to Plattsmouth Saturday.
Albert Young was a county seat
visitor Wednesday afternoon.
Col. Seybolt shipped two cars of
cattle to South Omaha last week.
Lee Nlckles and Henry Ost were
Plattsmouth visitors Wednesday.
A. L. Baker and Charles Boedeke
were Plattsmouth visitors last Sat
urday. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Read has been quite sick for
the past week.
The little child of Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Marks has been quite sick for the
past few days.
John Spangler was look'.nj after
some business matters In the county
seat last Saturday.
Jim Campbell was in Plattsmouth
Wednesday afternoon, going up ,to
meet Dr. Gilmore, who was returning
from Omaha.
Miss Carrie Allison departed Tues
day for Norfolk, where she will spend
a few days visiting with the family
of Mont Robb.
Steve Beckner has moved from
the Perry place, known as the Der
ger farm to his uncle, C. H. Hoback's
farm near Nehawka, Mr. Hoback hav
ing moved to Nehawka.
W. B. Virgin and wife and Wm.
Masters were looking after some bus
iness matters in Plattsmouth last
Saturday, and to make a short visit
to the county seat.
Twin girls born last Sunday wa
ning to Mr. and Mrs. Harve Farvel,
north of Nehawka. Both mother
and little ones are doing nicely, and
Harve Is the proudest man In the lo
cality. Jos. Burton and family have moved
to Nebraska City where they will
make their future home for the pres
ent. Three of thejr sons and one
daughter are now living in
tho city, and It will be much pleas-
anter for them there.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore was an Omaha
visitors Wednesday, going up to see
one of his patients, who Is now in the
hospital, Mrs. Aug. Engelkemelr. Mr.
and Mrs. Engelheimer went to the
hospital on Monday of the present
Wo understand that our excellent
young friend Billy Seybolt has re
signed his position as mall carrler-
and taken up the industry of rate
ing Angora goats. It Is said that
the business is one of great profit,
and anyone wishing a start will do
well to see him.
Jesse Hendricks, from near
Plalnvlew, has been In Murray for the
past few days, visiting with friends
and relatives at the old home, and
to assist his father In loading his
goods preparatory to moving up near
Plalnvlew. The goods will be loaded
as Boon as the car arrives,
The young folks of the Christian
church have arranged to give a box
social and free entertainment at the
church, on
uary 30
Take Ills Choice.
Dr. B. F. Brendel and wife de
parted Wednesday evening for Hast
ings and Norfolk, where he goes to
make arrangements preparatory to
accepting a position tendered him by
Governor Shallenberger. The condi
tions seem to be about this way, the
Doctor has his choice of accepting
one of two places, that of head phy
sician at Grand Island, or that of
second place at Norfolk, with the
same salary at both places. At Grand
Island he is tendered a position at
the Soldiers' Home and at Norfolk
It Is at the hospital for the insane.
At this time the Doctor has not de
cided which he will accept. The
Journal makes the assertion that the
Doctor will make good in either
The Auto is Coming.
Murray has the auto fever this
year for sure, and if we are good on
the guess, we say there will be a
number of fine ones landed In Mur
ray "with the early spring. Amotig
those we can hear singing this song
are Col. Seybolt, Col. Jenkins, Dr.
Gilmore and S. G. Latta. There are
many others singing the chorus, but
we are inclined to believe that the
list of new machines will be con
fined to those named above.
Married at Weeping Water.
Miss Lucille Rice went to Weeping
Water Tuesday of last week for a
visit with her aunt, Mrs. Hennegar,
and to attend the wedding of her
cousin Albert Henneger to Mips Es
ther Wagner. The marriage occur
red at the home of the bride's par
ents in Weeping Water at three
o'clock Wednesday. ' Only a few near
relatives were present.
Wm.Masters and wife, who have
been visiting at the home of their
cousin W. B. Virgin and family, de
parted Wednesday morning for Illi
nois, where they will visit for a few
days before returning to their home
in Tippecanoe county, Ind.
Will Move to riattsniouth.
While in Murray this week the
Journal editor learns that our ex
cellent friend, D. L. Amlck, is con
templating moving to Plattsmouth
in the near future. As yet he has
neither bought or rented property
but will do one or the other soon.
By this excellent gentleman and his
good wife moving to the county seat
Murray loses one of its best citi
zens, and her loss is Plattsmouth's
gain is as equally great, in the way
of adding two of Cass county's best
people to its population. The Jour
nal is mighty glad to welcome such
people as Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Amlck
to our city and may they live long
and prosper In our midst. For a
number of years Mr. Amlck has been
in the livestock business in Murray,
and he will at an early date embark
in a similar line at the county seat.
He is a good Btock man and has al
ways been ready to give the farmer
all that the market will permit him
to do for their stock.
" Agreeably Surprised.
Quite a number of the friends of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hendricks gath
ered at their home on last Monday
evening, all bent upon having a gen
uine good time, all to the great, but
very agreeable surprise of the host
and hostess. The occasion was given
as a surprise farewell, for this excel
lent old lady and gentleman before
their departure for their new home
up near Plalnvlew. The evening was
a most enjoyable one to all present,
and the well laid plans leading up to
such an event were well carried out.
At the usual hour refreshments were
served, and the evening enjoyed in a
most agreeable manner. Following
were those in attendance: C. H. Boe
deker, Dr. Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Lat
ta, Mrs. G. A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Berger, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Hatchett, Mr. and Mrs. Z. A. Ken
nedy, Mr. and Mrs. N. Kiaurens, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Taylor, of Plalnvlew,
Mrs. Chas. Carroll, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Honorary Entertainment
Mr. and Mrs. James Loughrldge
entertained the three late brides and
grooms at their pleasant home ia
this place on Friday evening of last
week. The entertainment consisted
of a daintily prepared six o'clock din
ner, and a few hours social conversa
tion. Those In whose honor the
occasion was given were Mr. and Mrs.
Dr. J. F. Brendel Mr. and Mrs. S.
O. Pitman and Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Following this date a similar enter
tainment was given the same high.-;
ly esteemed young people by Mr. and '
Mrs. W. S. Smith, at their home on
the following Monday evening, with
the additional attendance of Mr. and
Mrs. O. A. Davis. This was an equal
ly pleasant occasion both of which
were greatly appreciated by the hon
orary guests.
Six O'Cloek Dinner.
On Tuesday evening of this week;
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith entertained
a number of friends at six o'clock
dinner at. their home. Those pres
ent were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker,
Mr. and Mrs. James Loughrldge, Mr.
and Mrs. James Holmes, Misses Pau
line and Fay Oldham.
An Old Horse.
H. Beck loses his old favorite mare
this week, which from old ago simply
lays down and peacefully passes
away. The old family animal has
been of no value to Mr. Beck for a
number of years, but he kept her
and gave her good care because of
her. faithfulness for many years be
fore. She was 33 years old and has
been owned by Mr. Beck all her life,
a present to him when very young
from his father, grown up with its
master, and of course Mr. Beck's
whole family were greatly attached
to her.
Entertaining Friends.
Mrs. W. C. Brown entertalnd a
number of her lady friends at a card
party Wednesday afternoon of this
week. Just an even dozen were for
tunate in receiving an invitation. At
the customary hour refreshments
were served, and a most enjoyable
time was had.
Floyd Chalfant, who has been at
tending business college in Omaha,
was called home on last Saturday,
owing to the serious illness of his
mother, Mrs. Jas. Chalfant. residing
east of Murray.
Mrs. J. A. Hoggatt and two daugh
ters of Hartlngton, Neb., have been
visiting for the past few days with
friends and relatives at the old home
in and around Murray. Mr. Hoggatt
and family lived here for a number
of years before moving to the north
ern part of the state and have a host
of friends who are always glad to
see them.
(Continued on Page 7.)
EflBftKE Ml
HOLME & ran
We wish to turn our remaining stock of winter goods into money. Also
wisn 10 mane room Tor new spring gooas mat are arriving daily, and
' offer you first-class goods at great money saving prices. At the
prices quoted below it will pay you to buy heavy:
FREE With each sack of flour purchase we will give a can of Calumet
uaKing powder during tms sale. .
Fur coats $15.00 and up
RntrdBv vnntn. jan. Sheep lined coats 53.90 and up.
This occasion promises to Duck coats, for men, $1.00 and up. '
be one of considerable pleasure and Men's Overshoes $1.00 and up.
you should not miss it, ana at inei
UHutKwcAK zu percent Discount
same time assist In helping the young
folks. You are certainly Invited to
attend, i
Young Geo. Conrad who has been
suffering with pneumonia for the
past few weekB, in fact the greater
part of the winter, Is some better at
this time. He Is Just recovering from
the third attack, which came on him
some time ago, when his father was
Men's caps worth $2.00, at
$1.50, at
" " $1.00, at
" " 75c, at
Sweaters, worth $1.50, for
Sweater coats at greatly reduced prices.
Some exceptional bargains in shoes that
preparing to move to Texas, which we Want to discontinue handling.
journey haB been delayed on that ac- Our entire line of of winter gloves and mit
COUIU, I !.,, 4- OA nam -nnt HsAllnf
i it no ai v v.v.iik uio,vsuuk.
Fltman, who was called to A few three-nleco rnrrlnrnv rii t
uoryaan, ina, some days ago, owing AA e etc cn
. h rfn,h , h.. .LJ worth $9.00, for $6.50
Miss Myrtle Standlsh came homo turn home on Friday of this week. A few two-piece SUltS at 25 per Cent off.
Saturday from Peru for a few days' The Bister whoso death Mr. Pitman A ICW odd pants 25 per cent Oil.
visit witn nome ioiks aiso to'attena was cancel upon to mourn, and the
the family reunion held at the home funeral to attend, is quite well known
of Miles Standlsh Sunday. She was In and around Murray having via.
accompanied by her cousin Floyd Ited him here on several occasions,
tho last visit being on last summer.
A nine pound baby girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rhoden this week,
and to say that the parents aro truly
proud of the little stranger would be
Gugar 20 lbs for $1.00; $5 per 100
About 15 bolts of flannelette, worth .
10c, goes in this sal at per yard Oc
Outing flannel, 5c up, at a great reduction
Thread, Merrick's best, per spool 4c
Linoleum, 2 yds wide, per square yd. 55c
Floor oil cloth, 2 yds wide, square yd. 32
Wool Dlanksts at 25 per cent off
About 20 bolts of fine wool dress goods on
sale during this month. . 1
Our entire line of 12 1-2 and 15 cent
ginghams, will go at per yard' 10c
Men's Flannel Chlrts, worth $2.00, at
$1.37; $1.50 line at $1; $1.00 line at 75c
offer a fine orange at 35c per dozen
The highest possible price will be
paid for all kinds of poultry and
farm produce.
Fleming of Nebraska City. She will
return to Peru Monday where Bhe
Is attending tho Btate normal.
Walter Wlmmer, who has been at
the home of his grandfather, Uncle
Please do not ask for credit at those cut prices
Geo. Shrader, has been a very Blck stating the matter" very mildly. It
lad for tho past few days, suffering
with a severe attack of pneumonia,
but at this time Is reported some bet-
A trained nurse from Omaha
been In attendance. The lad
lured that you have a world of came to this locality with his grand-
friends In Old Casa, who aro always father accompanying him on his re-
glad to welcome you back to tho old turn from Virginia, a few weeks ago,
homo. But that two year business ' the homo of the boy. It Is hoped that
don't sound good to us. ho will continue to Improve.
la said that Alex was so excited that
ho at onco grabbed tho handles of
tho old plow and has been turning all
the timothy sod over on tho place.
The mother and llttlo one are doing
nicely. The Journal Joins with the
many friends In hoping that tho llt
tlo stranger may live and be a gnnt
comfort to tho parents In their de
clining days.
ale commences Feb 1, and
closes Saturday, Feb. 27
I -
Murray, Nebraska.