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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1909)
, . . . . , i i Bee to take and" make a hook of It on the local market. A freight service Tn6 rlQttSinOlItn JOUrilQI hlch t0 hans tangled skein of established would result la making PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ' -PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. R. A. BATES, Publisher. bra:ika.akkccood clasa matuir. $1,50 Per Year In Advance. Prohibition Whisky. LTTufsvllle Courier-Journal. The federal government has is sued a rraud order to stop the bus iness of a mail order establihhment at Newport which advertised to sell fine Kentucky" whisky at 50 cents a quart. According to the state ment of the chemists who analyzed the beverage It Is composed of alco hol and water and coloring matter. An Illinois purchaser says it froze in his room. What It did In his internal workings" is another story, as Mr. Kipling is wont to remark. Here we have an illustration of the workings of prohibition. It Is stated that 8,000 letters are now In the Newport postoffice addressed to the concern and that it has probably managed to clear $g0,000 by selling imitation whisky through mall or ders. If alcoholic beverages are used at all It Is wise to be temperate In con suming them. But It Is outrageous folly to drink a mysterious mixture which Is misbranded "whiskey," and which may cause iio end of evil or possible death. Yet, a mail order concern opens up for business with a stock of alcohol and water and col oring matter and does a "land of fice" business In prohibition terri tory. In theory the prohibition sec tion Is "dry." In fact, It Is wet with strango decoctions masqurading as whisky. Who is benefitted? I ryan abuse. N$ grain of truth is bo mall that the Bee is not willing to magnify it into a mountain of over whelming greatness and importance; o occasion too far fetched and ri iculous for the Bee to draw; no ess-pool Is so filthy but that the Bee this city a center for butter, eggs, poultry, and all farm products be sides putting the west end of the county into direct and speedy com munication with the east at small cost. The investigation of this sub Vet will show the Immense posslbill- Nollw of Kale I'ndrr Chattel Mortgage. Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of a chattel mortgage dated July 6, 190K, to secure the payment of the sum of $123.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of ten(10)per cent from naid date. Sahl mortgage having been duly filed In the office of the Countv Clerk of Cass County, Nehranka and exe cuted by Mark V. J'ratt to Perry 1 .... 1.1 . t . 1UCUU3 iu irui ua uiauiu auu yuisuu . wij ouiu.u.y, tv.u mc to the Klrstt National Hank of Platts I I 1 ...!. V .. k ....... i . .. n i . . . . i . . t.le- Mtv vhli-h la all rlvht .'hon ' "l ul'" " "ion VIA VI i J u a u tJ aaaa n fill plunge its hands in it up to the ties of it. The proposed line to houlders, if by so doing it can find Omaha would merely tend to make arv 25. 1909. at ten o'clock a. m. ! The moeting will be held for the election of n'ne (9) dlrectora to serve during the ensuing year, and for the tranwactlon of such other business as may legally come before It. W. P. Dl'RKEE, Secretary. Omaha, Nebraska, January 6, 1909. ts natural bent for detraction. The Bee is not injuring Mr. Bryan, f course. looked at from the property utand- gSKG tiiere in due aud unpaid the same original sum with interest there on at the rate of ten (10) Neither is it injuring the point but which would not have the made in the payment of sal ,1 1 sum and I I with InlArAfltd iluifunn of t l.n BA . emocratic party. It is merely dis- benefit to business that the line to ten (10) percent. Default having been ....... .j . . . c . ,, ,. I made in the payment of said sum, and ustlng fair-minded and decent peo- the west would. Such a line would no suit or other urocccdimra at iw . , ' , . ... It. mi .t . . . naving Deen lnmnuiou to recover said pie, republicans and democrats alike, build up the country and the towns debt, or any part thereof, therefore ,V . , . . .i. . . ... ,. . Mie undersigned will sell the property ii u iinuno n .au mane iivuuiai vv-bii nuv.u iv nuuiu ium miu i in bhiu nioriguge aescriuea viz., l bay I I marA 7 vauu ..1.1 n...i ..1. i lien 1 1. . . . ranital bv belnir little and contemn-1 work to the advantage of the entire bav mare H vpnra'nlri well.). iiAft n , ,. Ti ,. . ... puono auction at trie property of ible it is merely attesting anew Its community. It would be well for Perry Marsh at the corner of Patter- . , , . . .. . , . . ,. ... fn and Lincoln avenue. In the city of aclllty for making mistakes. Mr. the Commercial Club to consider this Piattsmouth, Nebraska on the 29th day i or jnn nrv. m mi at nr.. A'yi...i n Bryan and the Bee are both too well and give It a trial. A committee to of said day. I I Klrut Kntlrmnl Tlonli r.f TJ1 k l. - l 1.- IL. ,.l 1 l.,nr,Unnl. k nnr.r.1 hlltlnr. . IV. X'.. 1 l. ..... ' " ".""IIUUIII, Kiiuiiu in ieuiuaa. Lilt: tuaiaiit'r ui luvcoiigaio tuc yuDoiuiimro ui iud both Is too much a matter of public knowledge to make it possible for Mr. Bryan to suffer in the public steem because of the dally column f drivel the Bee emits against him. The latest excuse for idiotic at- ack is characteristic. route and the feelings of the people along It would be In order. Nebraska. Assignee of Mortens a D. O. Dwycr, Attorney. Elmwood; ' The funeral of Mrs. George Dun- kle was held yesterday . afternoon from the Christian church. Elder Cyrus Alton was in charge of the Mrs. Dunkie was a member Who's Who in Nebraska. It is not recorded that even NapO' leon recited orations on how to be Mr. Bryan is successful when he trod the lonely service. u r ii enorted as havine commended a bill Uhorps of St. Helena, nor that Rob- vl noiior ana oi me I I Pvthlnn Rluforo TlaciM J IL. 1 l1 ... TT, T Jll J I "-'VVO W.O "U.-. tuuiiiB unuie iuo ji-B'Bivuie au- en n. uko utuiveieu ivuvuira uu uf i,..H un,i ,).. ., v,n,i. unu mice aiuail Vlliiuitril Iliailjr norizing trie collecting and correia- cess alter a shadow bad fallen on friends mourn her loss . .. .. . ion or existing departments in tne southern gallantry at Appomatax, or Ed Carper and family of Farnam tate university Into a school of clti- that Charles V told the monks how Neb., are visiting at the home of Dan zenship. If the university could togaln the world after he had left Zellers. While here their little girl, trlve for or fulfill a more useful the court for the monastery, or that hree ?" 0 d' ntract.Pd pneumon ia, ana is seriously ill. iirnnno tnnn tn nrhnnt In tho rnniilro. I PlrhnrH nf ninrhnalor in M inn far. I The Plattsmntlth TplonhnnA Pnm. .. .- t , 3 ii . i . ,1.1 1. I iL. I At t 1 T. A . . I I - - w... mt-uis oi me ucst ciuaeusuip tue iner-worm uow iu cuuuue. pany is installing a new switchboard oung men who are committed to after Bosworth But Victor Rosewa- in the building recently completed, ts care it would be interesting to ter, after the 1908 campaign, came to and in a short time patrons will be avo that nurnose deslenated. Yet Lincoln Tuesdav nleht. eathered Berved from the new central office, I I TtlAttlfla PftlKAPf nnfltt 9 1lfkAnk one would think from a perusal of about him the republican minority T" "';- " was the scene of a pretty wedding he Bee for the last several days, that In the senate and told them what sue- at nIeh noon Tuesdav Tnmmrv iq Ir. Bryan, in approving this bill, cess was, how It was to be gained The contracting parties were Mr. as aiming a deadly attack upon the and what a fine thing success is. Clarence Ohm, well and favorably niversity. at the government, and Which shows, it is presumed, that know to Elmwood society, and Miss uucy uoswortn, a very popular young lost of all at the republican party, the Corslcan, General Lee, the Span- And the readers of the Bee are asked ish Charles and the last of the Plan- woman from near Weeping Water. The ceremony was conducted by El der Cyrus Alton of Elmwood, in the presence of quite a number of rela tives and friends. After the cere mony the guests retired to the spac- Ionst dining room where an elabor ate wedding dinner was served. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Claus f c a spKrr?n I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and "which has bcea ia use for over 30 yearn, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per-lyyz- sonal supervision since its infancy. i-CCCCAtU. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR! A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic fiubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency.- It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. ccnuiriE CASTOR I A always Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. VHC eiNTAun OOMMHT, T7 MUMMAV eTKCCT. MtW OBa aiTV. Killing Small Town. We live in au eia of progress. We o believe that Mr. Bryan's real pur- tagenetes were not onto their respea are moving forward so rapidly that ose is to add to the university facul- tive Jobs. there Is danger that some proposed y such eminent educators as "Fingy" Rosewater, who lives In Omaha, so-called modern Improvements may ohnors, Governor Haskell, Boss which Is frequently said to bo In be accented s beneficial which in Murphy. Tom Taeeart and Roger Nebraska, promised Nebraska to their actual working out when prac- Sullivan, not to mention himself and Taft, took on himself the responsi tirally tiled, would prove to be evils number of his political friends in bllity of the direction of a part of Ohm, residing west of Elmwood. Mr In the guise of benefits. An illustra- Nebraska. the campaign, was a delegate to the and 1,rs- 0hm wiU reBlde on a farn longs to the chorus. Hon of this is the proposition to turn! If there is no limit to tho scurrility J Chicago convention, showed up the the postorflce department into a car-1 f the Bee there ought to be a limit fallacy of republican polities in his rier of all kinds of miscellaneous o the tolerance and patience of its editorial columns and gave out the merchandise by the adoption of a leaders. World-Herald. I impression thaht Rosewater and Ne parcels post system. From a nation- braska were synonymous politically ui nclnt of view one of the most ser- Out nf LfifiO nnsmpneora on th and hence that Nebraska was for a few miles southwest of here. While dipping water from a tub on the back porch, Mrs Philander Williams slipped and fell upon the Icy walk receiving many bruises. The revival meetings at the Chris tian church continue with consider able interest. The pastor, Rev. L. A. Chapman is doing the evangelistic work, assisted by Mr, and Mrs. Noah, who have charge of the singing.. A special feature of the meeting is an organized children's chorus. These little singers are known as "Sun beams," and everyone wears a rib bon to indicate that he or she be- Mrs. Geo. Dunkie died at her home southwest of Elmwood yesterday morning after a brief illness. She was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buster, who were at her bedside at the time of her death. Beside her aged parents, the hus band and three children mourn her loss. The youngeBt child is a baby about two weeks old. A number of brothers and sisters have been noti fied and are expected soon. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, a single dose of Doan's Reg ulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 25 cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. lous dangers from this system Is the two ships Republic and Florida which Taft. ? LATCH! LAMM LMll inevitable effort that It would have, ncls and transfer to the great cities to throw Into the mall order chan- nf tho country a vast volume of trade now done In tho munll cities, coun try towns and villages. That this were In collosion near Newport.sev eral days ago there was a loss of only threo lives. The remarkable escape of this great mass of peoplo from a watery grave is directly attributable to the wonderful invention wireless They counted tho votes after the November election. Then came Mr. Rosewater to Lin coln quietly. Ho told the j-epub- 1 f A n vnn :noa Sounty Fosiiior Ucan minority in the senate what!? measures tney snouiu am in passage, i would bo an evil no one with a mind telegraphy, by which the ship was what ones they should defeat, how U capable of thought can deny. Stu- enabled to call all vessels in tho they were to do It, what an oracle pondous changes in tho methods of neighborhood to its assistance. This ' political wisdom ho was himself transacting the business of dlstrlb- one thing alone should serve to make I a"d how comforting It was to know utlng merchandise to tho consumers I the invention take Its place as the I that tho key-ring on which hung the would result, aud tho result of every I greatest of the age. key to success was soldered on his change would bo to transfer trade own wrist. and population to the great cities. U A Gopher Bounty. Then Rosewater went home. would practically wipe out the Job- The Journal believes that there is And tho minority is shaken with bins trade and the country merchant lone law which more than any other I convulsions that resemble strangled would inevitably become, as the post I would be of real benefit to the ntnt 1 laughter. Lincoln Star master general says in effect, as has at largo should beassed by the legls- become in Germany, a sales agent lature. Several prominent farmers without any stock in trade, offering have called attention to the ravages specific goods as they are sold, JuBt oT"gophers through their fields and aa a manufacturer's agent does in the passage of an act niacin a boun- i z z ? Mat of Nrbraaka la f'oaaty Court For too Cuyatr of t'aaa. In the matter of the eMtata of An sunt I Stohlman. dnreaacd. I X To Katherlna Maria Stohlman, Mln- I nla I.oiiIh Ktohlman. Arnold Oonrira I Z Htohlman, William t'rtderlek Stohlman I ... . , , .1. I ami Dorothy Sophia Htohlman and all I I this country, requiring no more of ty upon these pests would be highly ottmra intereataJ. the machinery of trade than la nec- m.v, ... .L0..U tCi.".?!.?;" J.e..h.'r? ??: A . .. . I filed her petition In aald court alle-1 Z w v.uuo.u.v u.. v.u.p v . number Of f ehU vh rh thraa rn-llnil imoni other thlnira. that Annuit Ct antral factory or warehouse. Retail ,enU hftva blirrowB, thrnumS SOdh,o0.fhL.Cor',o. A mcrrhanta nnm onrnviwl In trnilA In I . ... I life on the thirteenth day of December, I X mercnanis now engagea in iraae initortt up untll they re wel, ngn a. v. 190, tnteatate. lavmB eatata to O thnuaanita nf th smaller trd rnn. I .v. . I b dnilnlntered and praying that let-1 X uousanas oi me smauer iraae cen-i Wf.P(via. Th , . vi .h.j ..ltr. or .imii.i,.nn. v 1......1 I would be forced out of business, their I- ... vn. a v-,. ... "v' ..""""""."-.u .... . LA. 14 u WUIIO UWU UUIVB UUi tne I uu miu lui lurr n'limru IUKI lAM W.l.lfl hd ritUAil B ft 1 BAMtt I I W vn 1 " ITIIIlun Wilt II i nuuau w iiunm muvi iu I .nl M flol ..'II. ..VI.. linn V Km. rv mh - .. . A great mall order house in a big city would do the business. The people employed to transact the business would necessarily live in the cities where the trade was done. In evory a r hearing on aalil netlllon will K nM I T entire field actually making travel 2n .I,!el,rury tn- 1,0 h ho"" ' ! o'clock a. m. at the office of the un- I 1 aeraisnea t ounty Judire, at which time I and place any and ali objection munt I T ne mane and on file or the prayer oflIO on horseback across the fields dan gerous. One of the best acts of the legislature would be to take up this matter and take steps to assure the eradication of this evil. A bill for European country where the parcel. thlg purpo8e Bhould bo prcpttr(d and post system exists, it has had this ,ntroduced at noce. Any farmer who aald petition may be aranUd. VMtnena my hand and official aeal mii mm aay or January, a. it., 190. Allen J. Itemon, .... County Judge. Itanmv nam soy, Attorneva for nplltlnnar Flrat publlahed January 21. 1901. effect. The cities of those coun tries in Europe have grown in pop ulation and trade with stupendous ftrtdcB, at the expense of the coun try, since the parcels post system bag undoubtedly been In vogue. has had the misfortune to suffer from the raids of these pests wjll cheer fully endorse tho proposition. MVTIt'K OK APPLICATION FOIt LIQ l mi LK KMii; p.oiice in iiereny given to all peranni Intcrented and to the public, that the omlcriilKned. Henry ltii-ht wrln. m fllcit 111. Ilftltllin .nil knitllnallnn Im the office of the Count v flcrk nf i'nalt TttA .M.nnnn.i i.i i ii i.. lPnnntv. Kntira.k. riiiii...i k. I X tween Omaha and this city is all .h!!,,!:,r".wI K',t,'.V "rove Pte- t A '""ii nviinm ktiii inm i lie aiiiicant f That system baa been one of the right as far as it goes but an In- ,m"n ?I ,r",,P"r,;,l fbarai tcr and aianmnir and a rrlilint of the atate great promoting influences toward terurban line from riattamouth to uiV""" VT.. "'! ."! centralization of trado and population in tho cities. Mnnley, Murdock and Elmwood would result In much more benefit to this city than tho former. WcHt of this city there" la a big stretch of territory which Is naturally trlbu- Tho Beo and Mr. Ilrynn. Tho Omaha Tlco, iu Its dally bud gcrlng and baiting of Mr. Bryan, has tary to this cly and from which It ong slnco overstepped tho limits of should draw trade. The construction decency. Nothing Is too petty, or too of this line would bring In hundreds the eale of malt, "plrltmi., and vlnoii ll'iunrn for the period of one year from May 17. 10, ending May 17. 1910, In a building on lot 1 In block 4. In the village of Creek, In Klght nine precinct, in .e Vounly, iNcbiaa- Henry Leuchtwela. ' Applicant. OTI( K Notice I. herehv Riven thnt the an- mini meeting of the etockhohlera of the liiirilnitton anil M mil I Klver Itnll. rotut t'ouii'iiny In Nchrnnka will be held t V Who wants to buy a fine farm for less money and which will pay bigger rate of Interest than your Cass County farms, and produce four tons of alfalfa each season, and Bells for $8 per ton, $32 per acre. Read the ' descriptions In this advertisement. Central City has one of the largest alfalfa mills in- the state, fur nishes a fine market for all the alfalfa in the county. 640 acres, 2 miles north of Chapman, Neb., 300 acres in cultiva tion, balance in hay and pasture. Two story frame house, 7 or 10 room house. Practically new barn, 32x40 with mow, painted red;two wells, .2 mills, other out buildings, fenced and cross-fenced, four wires, round cedar, posts. Every acre level land, no wet or low land on the entire sec tion. Soil black loam, 18 inches to 2 feet deep, clay subsoil. No better land In the state. Corn husking out CO bushel to the acre, paying 8 percent on $100 an acre. Cash price for 30 days, $75 per acre. Can ', make loan 5 years $26,000 at 6 per cent, optional payments. 400 acres, 4 miles from town, 100 acres in cultivation; 150 acres more can be cultivated, balance too low, but is fine hay land, 1 M story house, good barn for ten horses, cattle shed and all necessary out build ings, 2 wells and 1 mill. All fenced and cross fenced. - Price for short time $52.50 per acre. Can loan 50 percent of the above price. This is a snap. 160 acres, 5 miles from Central City, 120 acres in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture, but all smooth land except 4 acres, which ia a llttlo too low. Six room house, stable for 8 horses and other outbuildings; ' ' 2 wells, 1 mill; 60 acres fall wheat, nice little grove. On R. P. D. and phone In house. Price $62.50 per acre. 240 acres, 14 miles from Central City, 100 acres in cultivation, balance in hay and pasture, good buildings, grove, Al land, 40 rods to college and finest location and neighborhood in the county. Price $87.80, good terms. Hay land will cut 2 tons per acre. 160 acres, 3 miles from town, 120 acres in cultivation, 20 acres in hay, 20 acres pasture, 36 acres fall wheat, small house, barn and x grove. Every acre fine farm land, but buildings very poor. Will sell for cast at $50 per acre. This farm is located in a fine neighborhood. Mort gage $3,300 at 6 percent. For further particulars write Tiio Ploiio Uolloy Land and Loan Company, t ? ? T t t f t ? ? ? ? t t t t )can, or too contemptable, for tho I of thousands of dollars per year to I Bl U.T ""'l' n' xh rompnny in rintta 1 ' I mouth, Nebraska on Tliurndoy, Kcbru- Central City. Nebraska OR CALL ON LOCAL AGENT . SolloncG, Msmouit Job. loo A t t X t y y t t ? ? ? ? Y t