ORE PROW THE LAW MAKERS TO IMPROVE SYSTEM Hon. . A. Dates Writes Letter to Journal Roadors Lincoln, Jan. 25, 1908. The past week has been a busy one with the lower house of the legisla ture, and quite a number of bills have been passed and many gone through the first reading. While the Senate adjourned Friday noon until 2:30 today, the House members re fused to cease their work until Sat urday noon, and then many of them wanted to keep on with their work until five o'clock before adjourning. There has been several more guaranty bank bills Introduced but none with the Immediate payment clause incorporated therein. In an Interview with a majority of the members, we find that the immediate payment clause is what they will demand. .' Tko V.111 rnatnrlnsr tha fild In w in reference to county commissioners each commissioner to be elected in the district in which he resides will be passed. Also a bill giving back to the people the right to fleet their own assessors instead of the present method of appointing them. Every democrat In the house and Senate Is determined to carv out the pledges made In the democratic platform, although there will be u desperate effort made on the part of the opposition to keep them from doing so. ' Senator Farmer has introduced a bill In that branch of the legislature giving the governor the' power to designate the papers In each county in which all proposed constitutional amendments shall be published. The secretary of state Is now empowered with this authority. There will be several other bills Introduced In a few weeks which, if passed, will prove of great benefit to the demo cratic papers of Nebraska. The republicans are doing a great deal of dismal howling in reference to the employes in the Senate and House. The fact is they are get ting rid of a lot of employes which Governor Sheldon placed on duty immediately before he retired from office, and these fellows are given the grand bounce. In looking over years ago, we find that the present session does not near come up to the legislature of two years ago In the number of employes. They are only hoping that the present House and Senate will over reach their record In expenditures. It is estimated that one and a half millions in appropria tions will be asked by the various state Institutions, about $400,000 by tho State University. But there are VIUC !Ct; pin v u uiv iii wv i a in vvi la the House and the Senate and they are truly termed the "watch-dogs of the treasury." They are onto their Jobs. Under the law Introduced . by Governor Sheldon when he was In the senate a few years ago, all who come here to lobby have to register their names with the secretary of state before they can ply their vo cation. Several have already com I Plattsmouth Telephone .Company Plan Many New Improvements The Journal had hoped today to be able to give the pdbllc the details of the proposed improvements of the Plattsmouth Telephone Company but. owing to the absence of General Man- n T" 1 1 1- .LI. .Ill V. A V - plied with the law, and as time goes ncr lu' " u lo on many others will follow suit, tponei until his return. Enough Such a law should never have been has been t0,d of the P,ans' however, permitted to have disgraced the to warrant the statement that the statute of Nebraska. It simply per- new Plattsnouth Telephone plant- mlts lobbying. What does a pro- or 11 wiU be Poetically a new one fesslonal lobbyist care for this little wil1 be of the 8ame model at the Ne" plece of red tape when he desires to braska Company will put In, that Is perform his work for which he is the common batter P,ant wlth a11 mm hv tha rornnrtinn? Me wires, and in addition a new Here in Consultation. Edwin E. Squires Esq.. of Broken Bow, Neb., was in the city last night in consultation with Ramsey & Ram sey concerning certain fegal matters, pending In the courts at Broken Bow. Mr. Squires is a prominent and lead ing attorney of Custer County and a member of the law firm of Sulivan & Squires of Broken Bow. The senior member of the firm, Judge Homer Sullivan, has been much discussed through the state press recently, in connection w ith the . quo warranto proceedings to test the appointments of Governor Sheldon for supreme udges made under the constitutional amendment. FAVORJTAXIN ALL RTAES Speaker Pool la a busy man, and is as regular as clock work In call ing the house to order at the hour and thoroughly up-to-date switch board will be Installed. As this company has many more Instruments in service in the city County Assessor Soennichsen re turned last evening from the meeting of the County Assessors of Nebraska which was held at Lincoln at the court house. The meeting was well attended and a great many steps were recommended for changes in the revenue laws of the state. Changes in the revenue laws of the state that all mortgages, held by Orole Concert Company Pleasing Kin- ,ocal "t1181.8 a"d ber of Lecture Course to which If had adjourned. Char- tnan the Nebraska company( thelr re. ley is making good as speaker, and he has so controlled this body as to make every member his friend. Af fable with all it would be lmpossl- modeling process will stand them ful ly as much or more expense than the former company will have to put in. Mr. Pollock In speaking yesterday ble for him to be otherwise. Trenmore of tne maWer a9gure9 the Journal Cone, chief clerk, and Henry Rich- that the Dlant ., hfi thorouehlv mond. chief enrolling and engross- Latl8factory to the pubHc and tnat ing clerk, are also to be commended Lhfl contMnI)lata a Pomn,et(, re fer their prompt prompt and effl- modellng of the entlre By8tem In tn,8 clent business qualities. city. He expressed himself as not Hon. W. J. Bryan lectured yes- going to let the Nebraska Company terday (Sunday) afternoon at 3:30 produce better service than the local at the Oliver theater on Missions, company, and stated that there was By special invitation the members of no doubt but when their improve- the legislature, those who were In the ments were completed they would city, attended in a body, but when show the citizens that the home com we arrived at the theater there was a pany was the best and deserved larger crowd already gathered on their patronage. When asked as to the outside more people than would probable rates for service he stated fill the house to the dome. When that that feature had not yet been the doors were opened they made a taken up, nor could it well be until grand rush like so many stampeded I it was known how much the new lm- cattle. We happened to, get a seat provements would cost the company In "nigger heaven" and the people He stated, however, that the Platts were Jammed in like sardines in a box and some of us concluded to step down and out for our own comfort. It looks to us that if the manage ment desired the Attendance of the legislature they could ea3lly hum mouth Telephone Company would continue to furnish the best service at the lowest service to be had and would meet any competition from any company. The enterprise which the local reserved a few seats for them. But company shows In getting Into line tne irimense attendance shows that and preparing for a brisk fight is Mr I ryan has not lost any of his highly commendable, and those in popularity In Lincoln. business who have been talked to on Attorney D. O. Dwyer was here the BubJect Profes8 to be delighted to Friday attending to some matters Bee tne 8Plr,t thls local corporation hofnra tha aiinromp nnnrt nnil ilmn-l'" snowing, ped in to see us. There has been a bill introduced in the House to increase the salaries of county clerks, but those who have seen this bill say they, will vote against the proposition. As I have not yet seen the bill I will wait until I have read It before I give an opin ion. ' . In regard to the bill taking the salary away from the sheriff's of- During the years the Plattsmouth Company has been in business here they have been regularly paying ten per cent dividends and have, In ad ditlon laid aside a handsome sum for the purpose of rebuilding and re modeling the plants as they are worn out. Being In this position they can meet the fierce competition of the Nebraska Company without fear of being beaten at the game. Mr. Pollock will probably be In flee and putting it back on the fee agaln tomorrow and a fuII statement system, many favor the bill, while from Wm ag t0 the compa'ny'8 plan9 otners ravor a dui compelling tne wlll appenri snenn to periorm nis auiies in serving papers, or pay for doing this work out of his own pocket. This January 27, 1800, would stop the placing and serving From the Journal files. papers which he ought to servo in the hands of constables and the bill for so doing paid by the county, while the sheriff sits back on his dig nity and enjoys his salary. A great deal of work has been planned for this week, and it is thought they will keep In session until Saturday noon and maybe Sat urday night. M. A. B. County Assessors Ask Legisla ture to Pass Law EXCELLENT CONCERT The assessors placed themselves on record as favoring this change. They are also anxious to have the. law ITIAiIa ninra txtfaMiva In ranMilnor tho cert Monday evening at the Parmele bul,d,ng and ,oa a880clatlon80 and There was not the attendance at the Orole Concert Company's Con- whlch the performance deserved This little Company Is an excellent one and one which should serve to the individuals who have deposits inthebanks. It was agreed that as the rpVPnilA mnnsiira nnw otrfA tavatlin draw full houses wherever they may of budlng ftnd ,0(m corporatlon8 and bank depositors Is ineffective. show. ; Composed of four charming and talented young women, they gave a program which was interest ing and highly pleasing. All who attended Join, In pronouncing the work of all the members delightful and much above the average of such artists. There had been considerable ex pected of Miss Helen Tinker on ac count of the praise which her voice had been accorder elsewhere, and she fully came up to the expecta tion. She has a rich and beautiful contralto voice which she has learned to use to great advantage being cul tured and polished to a degree. Her work won the audience completely. The county assessors of Nebraska want to be able to list every mort gage and note for taxation thereby preventing foreign holders of this kind of paper from escaping without paying a cent while the local money loaner must pay taxes on the same. They also want the assessment of real estate made every two years instead of four years as prevails now under the revenue law. It is declared that inasmuch as realty Is advancing In value, the assessor gets Jolted hard every time a new assessment is made because of the long time between as sessments. For instance, the year 1907 was tha end of tho mmrtot nf Miss Bertha Hecker the 'cellolst of year8 ,n wh,CQ the a8888ment re. matnerf thn Rnm for thin norlnH chord In her audience and her mas- Lagt ye a new as8e8!,mPnt w mad(J and compared with four years back tery of the Instrument was thor oughly demonstrated. Miss Hecker's close study of her instrument was very evident from the time her first notes were struck and her success is without doubt the result of her pa tient labors and close attention to her chosen profession. Miss Edna Rickard amply filled the bill as a reader and elo tlonist and delighted the audience with -her rendition of her several much of the property has doubled and even thrlbbled In value, Then In many Instances, according to the county assessor, a great many tax payers intimated In clear-cut English that he occupied a mid-way position Deiween a nignway rouoer and a grafter The county assessor also want au thority to go Into a bark and look at the books and find out who are the mimhora Aa fin pvtripnno nf hpr ril. versified' 'alents, Miss Rickard is the feposltora and how much money they author, of several dainty bits of mve, ,to their cred,t the th?r stories which she rendered with feci ing and expression of the highest order. Miss Cassie Mulllneaux, the fourth member of the company, is a violinist of rare ability and skill. She can do all which was promised those who attended, being almost able to make the Instrument talk. Her triumphs business houses and invaded thecourt in otner cities ana towns were re- house where he met hi Wntor. be able to tax It as the revenue law requires but which does not give him power to take a certain method to obtain the desired Information. The county assessors want some oth er privileges to which the all embod led In recommendations made by the county assessors of Nebraska yesterday afternoon at their meeting at the court house. The recommen dations are subjoined: That the revenue committee of the legislature might be enlightened aa to the wishes of these officials, the county assessors of the state made the following recommendations: That the section of the revenue law relating to the credits, to all notes and mortgages and other in struments of credit be presented to the assessor la the county in which they are payable bearing the stamp of the assessor otherwise they are not valid. That the real estate shall be as sessed every two years Instead of four which will have the advantage over tha longer term Inasmuch as It will not Indicate such a radical ad vance In valuation. That the assessor shall be given the same authority as a member of the state banking board that they may Inspect the books of banks and learn who are the depositors and how much money they have in their name. That the state board of jequallza- tion shall not have the power to raise or lower the assessment of any county without the attorney or as sessor of said county be given a bearing. ''The most Important matter la the taxation of mortgages," said one of the assessors from a big county. "It Is designated to have the law amended so that no mortgage is val id or can be foreclosed till It has the stamp of the county assessor that taxes have been paid locally on it. Millions of dollars a year rt being lost to taxation because there Is no w ay now to reach mortgages held by non-reBldents. It Is estimated that S G.Oi'0,000 worth of mortgages in Doulus county alone the not taxed and In Lancaster county approximate ly $3,000,000. Make the mortgages uncolUctable unless they have the O. K. of the assuror; then tho hold er? In other states will have to phy taxes. As It stands now the local holder of a mortgage I compelled to pay a tax, while his competitor re siding In another state pays nothing. It isn't fair. Millions of dollars of mortgages are held by foreign In surance and investment companies, eastern savings banks and building and loan associations." peated here and should she favor Plattsmouth with another visit, she would find a warm and apprecia tive audience. Taken on the whole the company loo. He entered several of the of fices and In each ense where the occupants declined to buy his wares, he "bawled them out," using lang uage of a character calculated to Good Citizen in Town. B. C. Marquardt, the enterpris ing and prominent business man of Avoca, spent last night in the city, coming up from Omaha yesterday af ternoon on the Schuyler and return ing to his home by the same route this morning. Mr. Marquardt was the guest of Sheriff Qulnton for sup , per last evening. He la one of the vv7nost prominent men In his section of the county and Is quite well known generally throughout this section where he has a host of friends. He had some business matters which re quired his attention here. Mr. Mar quardt has been in business In Avoca for many years and during his long residence there he has made himself a reputation for sterling honesty, up rightness and integrity which none could excel. His business Interests in his home town are extensive and he is one of the sort of men who make a city a good one. While here he met several of his old friends whom he had not seen for some time and the meeting was pleasant alike to all. In expensive woods and the walls fin ished in the latest and best method. It is heated throughout with a fine proved makes and of the latest de- engaged In fierce fight over his pos- Complete New Rexldonce. John W. Klnscr, the plasterer and mason has Just completed tho task of plastering the fine new residence of George Wiles southwest of the city. As is always the case with Wesley's work, Mr. Wiles Is more than pli'Bsed with it as It is In line with tho rest of tho work on his residence which is a very fine struc ture. Mr. Wiles has built a modern up-to-date house In every respect the same being handsomely finished Sleighing rapidly disappearing as the January thaw set in causing the snow to melt and making the streets very muddy. The case of Gibson vs. Oppermann Lamp Company on trial before Judge Ramsey in the county court. ! Charles E. Harris, the motorman who sometime before was badly in jured by forgetting to slow up at the foot of Fairfield hill and bouncing off on the hard ground, able to be out and about again. - Funeral of Infant child of Jas. W. Thomas. John F. Hoback and his creditors was a nigniy creauauie one ior me shock the most hardened. As the Redpath Bureau under whose man- county officers are gentle folk and agement the young ladles play. not used' to hearing expressions snouia ai loiner aurauons senu oui stronger than Oh! Fudge," "For by this bureau scale up with this ever More'" and the like, they took last one, they arov Indeed fortunate exceptions to William's remarks and have a bountiful supply of art ists. sign and It 1b on the whole, an ideal farm rpntHptirn- mnrh aunnrlnr tn thn great majority of city homes. If it ,ce at tbe. 'te of twenty card per day. sessions. McMaken & Son engaged in loading is possible a more extended whlte-up Christian Wohlfarth sells his gro- I ...... I. a T t3 V..a . nn of this . handsome addition to CassT"'. . . -'.-'- "l County homes will be made in the near future. Married. Albright and a member of the state legislature. Committee of Cass County Fair association met to prepare premium list. Committee composed of Samuel On Wednesday afternoon at tho Richardson, M. B. Murphy, O. M. home of the bride's parents, Mr. and streight, Wm. Wetenkamp and H. C. Mrs. J. II. Wagner, Rev. It. W. Cope Ritchie. united in marriage, William Henegar phlllp Thlerolf and John P. Sat and Miss Esther Wagner. Only the tier returned from Turn-Bezlrk at relatives were present and following Omaha. Plattsmouth failed to seure the ceremony refreshments were turnfest, Lincoln defeating this city. served. . The groom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Henegar, residing on a farm three and one-half miles northeast of town. The young people are well known and their many friends are pleased to congratulate them and wish them much Joy. They will re side In Weeping Water for the pres ent at least. Weeping Water Re publican. A II Wilier Health Level. "I have reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King's Now Life rills," writes Jacob Spring er, of West Franklin, Maine. " They keep my stomach, liver and bowels Poultry Wanted The Clarinda Poultry, Butter and Epfc Company will be in Plattsmouth on Monday, Febuary 1st and will pay the following prices for poultry to be deliv ered at tne store of Zuck weilcr & Lutz: Hens 9c Younp Roosters 9Jc Hen lurkeys..... 12c working Just right." If theso pills Young Gobblers 12c disappoint you on trial money will Old " 10c be refunded at F. 0. Frlcke & Co's K?tc"; Wr do 2;0 l lucks, r , r 6c drugstore. 25c. r. ' ?. HANDS OUT JUSTICE Judge Archer Administers Celebrated Brand Police Judge Archer has had two cases of unusual character in his sourt the past several days and he used his Celebrated Brand of Justice with salutary effect. The culprets felt the severity of the law and one of them was fortunate In the fact that the court did not knot at the time sentence was imposed the full extent of his malefactions. The character drifted into into the city on some fast freight or like vehicle of com merce and proceeded to get busy upon Main street, his peculiar voca tion being to annoy women, by In decent actions. He had approach ed several ladles and acted toward them in a vicious and particularly offensive manner before he went far enough to seriously alarm them, fin ally stopping tho wife of a prominent merchant upon the street and mak- a particularly vile attack upon her. She was badly scared and gave the alarm which led to tho arrest of the miscreant. On his appearance before Judge Archer, the full facts were not known and the latter fined him for tho one offenso not knowing the oth ers, giving him a fine of fifty dol lars and costs, which ho was unablo to pay and in consequence he was sent to Jail. The other caso was that of one William II. Moore a trariip who claimed to make his living by selling lead pencils, but who in reality was a beggar of the worst type. Moore .yesterday mndo the rounds of the , and summoned the authorities who placed him under arrest and later haled him before Judge Archer. As William could not plead that he was a parrot and had been taught such language, to the satisfaction of Judge Archer, the latter brought out his Celebrated Brand of Justice, and meted out fifty slmoluons worth to William. Owing to a stringency in the lead pencil market, William's re ceipts did not figure up enough to warrant taking it away from him, he went to Jail, there to remain until he became wiser and of bettor frame of mind. The understanding Is that these two worthies who are two of tha most disreputable citizens the town has sheltered in many days, will be put to work on the streets. This will enable each of them to work off soma of the apparently surplus energy they have experienced In annoying the good people of the city. TALK ADOUT (DO surodly AND IT MAKES YOU THINK OF the kind which has "MADE GOOD" We sell it in packages and 'in bulk. o'o