The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 21, 1909, Image 8

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! Wm Baking Powder I
The only baking powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
made trom grapes-
Royal Baking Powder convey! to food the most healthful of fruit
nroDertie and render it uperior in flavor and wholetomenesa,
I v
I - mi m '
Luke L. Wiles Speaks Before the Red
Polled Breeders' Association
Cue cf Hie many agricultural
j ..-.eotings held In Lluroln yesterday
! a;v.l especial Interest for Cass Coun-
; . jjt-uj!?, It being the Red rolled
JreeJers Association meeting. This
i;eting was one of the most inter
acting of the many in session, there
Iting a large attendance and every
.ildress which was upon the pro
biaui being delivered. Meeting were
hilj In the forenoon and in the af
ternoon and several new names
were added to the membership.
Dean E. A. Burnett delivered the
opening address in the forenoon
while Charles Graff of Bancrort,
president of the association, also
delivered an address of general In
terest to the breeders. A history of
the breed was delivered by Ray Davis
of Holbrook. R. N. Conklin of
Make a Ilusiness Itiange. I
Among the business changes noted
today in the papers is that of the
purchase cf the II. II. Tartsch stock j
of clothing at McCook, Neb., by C.
A. Leach & Co., of the same place.
The dispatch announcing the change
states that the business will be con
tinued under the name of the Ster
ling Clothing Company. Both
Messrs. Tartsch and Leach are well
known in this city, Mr. Tartsch hav
ing spent the holidays here and Mr.
Leach also having visited in the city
a few weeks.
Shaii y dfdconAL NEWS I
V Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evening's Daily Journal
Miss Pauline Oldham of Murray,
was a visitor In the city yesterday
A. F. Eeybert from near Cullom
was looking after some business mat
ters in the city today.
L. A Meislnger came in this
X Short Items of Interest From Mon- A
X dayEvening's Daily Journal
Mrs. Charles Vltousek is spending I
the day in Omaha being a passenger
on tho early train for that city.
I'eter Halmes was here Saturday
and lenewed his subscription to the
Weekly Journal.
Ed. Schulhof returned to Glen
wood this morning after spending
Sunday in the vlty, tho guest of his
Miss Leona Brady is spending the
afternoon In Omaha being a passen
ger on the mail train at noon for that
Ed. Polln after upending Sunday
In the city with his folks, returned to
his duties at South Omaha this mom
Ing, going up on the early train.
F. L. Crammer tend wife who have
been viRiting with Chancellor Phillips
at his home near this city, returned
this morning on tho early train to
Geo. B. Lehnhoff came down yes
terday for an over-Sunday visit with
his mother and sister returning to his
home at Omaha this morning on the
early train
Charles Troop from near Mynard
came In this morning and was
passenger for South Omaha on the
early train where he will visit tho
stock market.
Albert A. Wetenkamp drove In
x morning from hlB farm and was a
nasseiiKer on the early train for
Luke Wiles of this city, delivered
a paper upon "Why I Breed Red
Polls in Nebraska." Mr. Wiles de
livered an excellent address and one
which was listened to with close at
tention by the assemblage. He laid
Fred McCauley was a passenger on
No. 6 this morning for Glenwood, go
ing over to look after some business
Dr. E. W. Cook is in Omaha today
Miss Emma Carlina is spending
the day with friends In Omaha being
a passenger for that city on the early
John Brady returned to his duties
at the state capital this morning af
ter an over Sunday. visit at home with
his folks.
Judge II. D. Travis Is looking after
business matters in Omaha this after
noon being a passenger on the mall
train for that city.
Byron Clark is looking after busi
ness matters in Omaha this afternoon
being a passenger on- the mall train
for that city at noon.
W. C. Hamilton, the chicken fan
cier, was a business visitor this af
ternoon in Omaha going to that city
on the fast mall at noon.
Dr. Albert Fiieke after speiidlns
Sunday In this city with his parents,
returned to his duties in Omaha this
morning on the early train.
Peter Clarence, from near Union,
was here last Saturday and paid the
Journal office a pleasant rail, flaw
ing his subscription to the Journal
Mrs. H. S. Schnlder Is spending tho
afternoon In Omaha being a passen
ger on the mall train at noon for
that city.
Judge Travis Has Busy Day Hearing morning from the home place, to look
. after some urgent business matters.
Arguments in Various Cases c. e. Martin of omaha was in the
From Wednesday's Dally. city yesterday on business and re
in the district court today Judge turned to his home this morning.
Travis In the Ossenkop case heard Ed Brahal of Creighton whe has
a motion by County Attorney Ram- been vl8ltlng jn the clty with friends
rpv for nprmlsRioM to pnrlorsn Rome , ... iL1 , .,
olu 0Hrn0UO,l fh mPoHne ' . . . departed una morning lor ins iioine.
"""i"'' - additional names upon tne lnrorma-
upon "Milking yuauues 01 neo . Th defendant was nresent in
court and represented by council.
Leave was' granted the County Attor
ney to endorse the names of Mrs.
Charles Byrnes. E. E. Hilton. Mc-
Ginnlty first name unknown, Edward attending to professional business be
Wllllams, and H. W. Beaver upon the lnS a Passenger on the early train for
Information. The nhlpctlon and px- I that l''ty.
particular emphasis upon the excel- ceptlon of the defendant was over- Emmons Rlchey was a passenger
lent feeding qualities of the Red ru,ed tQ wh,ch defendant excepts. In this morning on No. 19 for Fremont,
Poll. It was his opinion that this the afternoon Attorney Mathew Ger- where he has business matters to
particular breed if placed upon a lng for the defense filed a motion for look after.
good ration, would develop much & conUnuance ,n the caBe upon the Bennett chr,8welser wag a passeu.
quicker than any other breed while ground of 8urprlse( cauged by the en gpr tWg mornlng for Fremont( Neb
mey were uxucu moie t'uuuune uMjftMomft nt iho nWo nam anrtUw,, h wi Hcinu nfoir-
after' argument by County Attorney look after.
Ramsey and Mr. Gering, the motion Roy Tayior and wife who stopped
was overruled. The court, however, yeBterday for a short visit with
cnanea tne position or tne case on
the calendar so as to give the de
fendant three days additional time
for trial.
Among other business done, the
court permitted the County Attor
ney to endorse the names of C. H.
Wilson and Mrs. Wm. Baird upon
Information In the case of the State
vs. Riley et al.
In Wendt vs. Leary et al a motion
by the plaintiff to strike various par
agraphs and parts thereof from the for the Burlington system, is spend
answer of the defendants was argued Ing the day at the local storehouse,
milk and butter than any other
breeds. On the whole Mr.
Wiles' paper was one of the most
interesting and best delivered of the
session and met with appreciation
from all who heard it.
J. W. Martin of Gotham, Wis.,
sent an interesting and Instructive
paper which was read to the meeting.
The business meeting selected the
following officers: Charles Graff of
Bancroft, Neb., president; S. Mc-
Kelvie, of Fairfield, Neb., vice presi
dent; W. F. Schwab, Clay Center,
secretary treasurer. A committee
composed of Charles Graff, W. F.
Schwab and Luke Wiles was se
lected to make arrangements for a
sale of Red Polled cattle at the corn
show to be held at South Omaha next
D. J. Nalr and family departed this
morning for Omaha.
Mrs. P. E. Ruff her was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha, going
up to spend the day with her daugh
ter Mrs. Dr. Dodge.
. H. N. Dovey! Is looking after bus
iness matters In South Omaha today
being a passenger for that city on
No. 19 this morning.
T. J. Frier, general supply agent
January 20, 181)0.
From the Journal Files.
The local shops turned out a new
and submitted.
In McVicker vs. City of Platts
mouth a motion of the defendant to
make the petition more definite and
certain was argued and submitted.
In Manspeaker vs. Scott et al, a
demurrer was argued and submitted. I evening.
having come In this morning from
the east.
Rev. J. H. Salsbury was a passen
ger oh the mall train this noon for
Omaha where he will address the
! city Christian Endeavor Union this
frelcht enelne No. 17 which started
Mrs. A. E. Gass is spending the for Alliance under charge of Engln
afternoon In Omaha being a passen-' - onilsnle and Fireman Schafer.
ger for that city on the mall train at Between Germantown and Seward,
Omaha where he had business mat- noon, going up with her mother Mrs. the erigno derailed and turned over
ters to look after.
J. S. Wendell.
! Instantly killing the fireman and
' A Mangificent Phenomenon.
A strange and beautiful scene was
witnessed on the morning of the 7th
Inst, bf all who were awake and stir
ring early enough to be so fortunate.
The morning was extremely cold.
The full moon was sinking in -the
west, while the first beams of the sun
were growing brighter in the east.
Mrs. C. Wohlfarth la spending the Roy Taylor and wife came in this injuring the engineer
day In Omaha being a passenger for noon on tho mall train from Mcraut, James Woodson resumed the man-
that city on the early train this morn- la., en route to their home at Blen- ( agement of the Cottage House after Around tne mo0n was a large circle,
ing. coe, la., stopping orr nere to pay a everui uiuuiub us piupueiur ui uie
Mrs 1). Wurl la spending the day brief visit with D. J. Nalr and fam-. Nebraska House, taking the former
In Omaha having been a passenger "Y- I Property over irom j. u. nuey wnom
fnr that iltv this morning on the Bert Pollock, eeneral manager of he Calmed failed to pay for it
, tiafom..fh ti..i me reservoir in wie Kiiciien oi me
VOI Ij uuiiii I wu a luvioiuuuiu 4civuuita wuijanj t i
, ... i.,.. Ba..wilnhariBVntt,motrnnnii. I kiddie u'emms, nouse expioueu,
' . . . ..i Vinvlnir noon frnmn lin inlnrlnp W'm
dutli.a At Glenwood this morninit af- being a passenger for that city on the i -
Jennings Seiver and sister Mollie,
are spending the day in Omaha being
passengers for that city on the early
train this morning.
A. N. Sullivan Is looking after
legal business today in Omaha being
a passenger for that city on the
early train this morning.
Mrs. Jas. Archer was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha where she will spend several
days taking medical treatment.
Mrs. Julia C. Dwyer and son, De
ter an over Sunday visit with his early train this morning.
folks In this city. Mrs. L. Rusterholtz and daughter
Mrs. John Skoumal la spending the f ormce. from near Murray, came
day in Omaha visiting with relatives,
having been a passenger on the early
train for that city.
Miss Kate Mitchell of Omaha who
spent Sunday in the city, the guest of
in this morning and were passengers
for Omaha on the early morning
train, going up to spend the day with
Rev. F. W. Brink camo In this
Mlsg Violet Dodge, returned to her morning from his home In the pre-
cini'i ana w.ih a passenger on me
mall train at noon for Council
Bluffs, la., where he was called by
the early
home this morning on
Misses Gertrude and Elizabeth
Kunsman were passengers thi
morning on the early train for Oma
ha where they go to visit several
days with friends,
Miss Mary Doran spent Sunday In
the city, the icuest of friends, return
ing to her home at Omaha this
morning. Joe Poirer accompanied
'her for a day'B visit
Mrs. Louis Martin accompanied
by her guest Mrs. George Martin of
Ansley, Neb., who haB been visiting
her several days, were passengers on
the early train for Omaha this morn
Mrs. S. B. Good of Ogden, Utah,
who haa been making a visit in the
city with Miss Anna Hassler, depart
ed this morning for Omaha from
which city she will proceed to her
home at Ogden.
CbarlcB E. McEntree was a busl
nesa visitor today In Omaha being a
, passenger for that city on the early
train. He had some Important busi
ness matters which required his at
tentltm in the metropolis,
Luke Wiles and wife drove In this
morning from his farm 8outhwest of
the city ,aud were passengers on tho
Important business matters.
Col. Askwlth and wife of the Ma
sonic Home, were passengers this
noon on the mall train for the north,
Mrs. Askwlth going na far as Omaha
while Iho Colortel Journeyed on to
Elkhorn Valley where he will look
after business matters for several
Ben Decker ana wife returned
home this noon on the mall train
from Blgelow, Mo., where they have
been staying for several weeks. Mrs
Decker took quite 111 while there and
Mr. Decker was sent for hurriedly.
He was much gratified to find her
better on his arrival and she has
since quite recovered trom her Indis
V. G. Egenberger, the proprietor of
the Pluttsmouth Bottling Works la
spending the afternoon in Omaha, go
ing up to lay In a stock of supplies
and look after some new machinery
for his establishment. He expects to
return this evening with several now
recipes for hot weather drinks which
he will spring on the public when the
roses bloom again.
John P. Meislnger, from wvst of
Woodward, the colored cook,
The thermometer on the streets
stood ten below rero this morning.
The estimated expensea of the
county for the coming year were
$86,500. I-ancaster county's esti
mated expense was $183,200.
A. W. Weekbach and wife wrote
relatives frorn. Denver, Col., of a fine
pleasuro trip and enjoyable weather.
Harrison McCord injured while
packing Ice from McMaken & Son at
the B. & M. Ice house. Rope broKe
striking him on the foot and break
ing bones.
showing all the colors of the rainbow,
while a perfect white cross lay over
the moon, its four ends touching the
circumference of the circle at the four forrest- were Passengers this morning
points. Still another and larger cir- n tne ear'y tra,n for 0maha where
cle. also showine the rainbow colors. ia wm 8Pena lue aa vlHm"K w,lu
lay about the horizon, horizontally, her PU8ln-
and at right angles to the circle about Jos. Kulus and wife of Crete, Neb.,
the moon. Opposite tho moon cir- who have been spending several days
cle and in the east appeared two in the city, the guest of Frank Vortex
"moon dogs," or mock moons, very and family, returned to their home
bright, while also In the east, ap- this morning. -
parently attending the advancing sun, Tne lovers of music and the press
were two "sun dogs," on each side everywhere are loud in their praise
of the god of day, and each sending ot tne WOrk done by the Oriole Con-
rorth a streamer or bright light down cert company. They will entertain
into the horizon. Slowly and portion at th9 parmele next Monday night.
o, ui iiuii u.e U..BUC '" No stringed instrument so delights
IfUVHlR UIUII Wie iushub sun uuB, ,.pl.,nn1 m.,uln lnvpra a. tho violin,
Farmer' F.levntor Meeting.
Last Saturday afternoon the stock
holders of the Farmers Elevator
Company held their first annual
meeting. The affairs were found to
bo In a very flourishing condition.
A dividend of 15 per cent was de
clared, and the by-laws were amend
ed. H. M., Pollard was elected di
rector In place of John MurdOck, and
all tho other directors were continued
In office.
Henry Hecbner's services were
which remained until that orb was
quite high In the heavens.
Those who were so fortunate as
to. see the entire heavenly display
speak of It as most magnificent be
yond the power of man to reproduce
upon canvass and calculated to
cause a feeling of wonder and awe at
the sublime and marvelous works of
nature. Bell Fourche (S. D.) North
west Post. i .j'-.'JJjil
early train for Omaha from which the city, was in Saturday looking af
titv they will go to Uncoln where ter some business matters, and called
Mr. Wiles will bo In attendance upon at this office and enrolled his tiamo
the meeting of the State Red Polled for the Dally Journal for ono year.
Breeders' Association which con- But few newspapers in th land are
venes tomorrow. Mr. Wiles Is down possessors of such families a tho
on tho program of the meeting for MelKlngers for readers, and tho Jour-
nn address, his subject being "Why nal haa only ono regret, there are
1 Breed Red Polls In Nebraska." many of them, but we wish there
U In hoDed to be able to give ox- were more. They are certainly
tended pur to his paper later. utaunch friends of ours.
Made u Delightful Call.
Edward llagel of Osmond, Neb.,
who has been visiting In the city with
cello. Hear Miss Bertha Hecker In
the second number of the Lecture
Course next Monday night.
Frank Slvey and his father-in-law,
Abe Grlndle, were passengers this
morning for Omaha where Mrs. Slvey
will undergo an operation at Iranian
uel hospital today for appendicitis.
Mr. Slvey expects to return this eve
ning while Mr. Grlndle will likely
stay over until tomorrow.
The Oriole Concert Company, the
second in the course of entertain
ments provided by the citizens' com
mittee, will appear at the Parmele
next Monday night, January 25th.
John Fight and family and Mrs.
such that he was employed for lh Werhbeln, waa a very pleas- T . b ...cured for the re-
comlng year. Nehawka Register. "t afternoon at this of- . . of th courge for $uo or
flee. Mr. llagel while here added glng,e adm,H8,on at BOc.
in., it.... I his name to the list or Journal read
u, D,i ,v,f.,i i era. wantlnc a naner which would Mlxses Helen i inner, contralto.
known as the "2700" has Just been Kve him all the news of this locality Edna Rlckard. reader; Cassle Mul
put Into service on the main line of where he haa so many good frlenda. Uneaux, viol nlst; Bertha Hecker, vlo
the C. B. & Q. railroad. It la said to Mr. Hngel la a good farmer and a Uncelllst, all artists In their lines
be the most powerful machine in that " "' "! " genuine compose e urum- enm i
iinn vol i...nt u i. .h.i i. nu.i Pleasure to have him Join our host which will give one of their high
a "balanced compound" engine hav W ' fiends. His father Wm. grade entertainments at the Opera
i 1.1-1. a ...I i .. i Hnirel. resldlnir at Norfolk, haa been House next Monday night, January
in I't'vii i.ife.i nun .wvf Mt'rnui7 i jj i I ' '
Inders. The engine la used to pull one of ,no Journal readera for some
the fast mall trains and on a recent llnu"' nd ' are WA t0 "dJ the Bon
occasion brought a train of double to 'he list
size, 10 cars, from Burlington to
Crest on, a distance of 10 miles. I'lianges Station Xante.
with perfect ease and on the dot. It The Burlington haa changed the
In claimed that Iho nrhnitn i. tit th.. Innme of the station near Seymour again re-enter the
Burlington mall tralna la the fastest lake from Deerfleld to Ralston and American Car & Foundry Company
of any tralna In the world. Mills D. L. Ham la appointed station agent, at Detroit, wun wnnu mm u "
ronniv Tribune. Deerfleld has been but a small flag made an enviable reputation as a
" I l. .... .
station, but since the location of the business manager, inai ne win con-
Bert PollocR was a north bound manufacturing town of RalBton at unue to rise in u.o ......... u. ....
... it,.., .... ..... -...II th.t nnlnl lha Vtiirllnirtnn hna rinrlilnil r COnCCm la WClI BSRlirCd BS all Ma
train. 'lu place a station agent In charge. friends well know.
M. G. McQulnn.'of Union, was a
business visitor In the city yesterday
Miss Jessie Todd of Union Is visit
ing her friend Miss Mary Foster in
this city.
Henry Gooa is transacting busi
ness this afternoon In Omaha going
there on the mail train at noon.
Mrs. C. A. Rawis is spending the
afternoon in Omaha going up to the
big city on the mail train at noon.
John Hockstrasser is spending the
day in Omaha being a passenger for
the metropolis on the mall train at
Mrs. Wm. Weber is visiting in
Omaha the guest of Mrs. A. B.
Sheely, going to that city this noon
on the mall train.
Mrs. L. L..Allx and children are
spending the afternoon in Omaha be
ing passenger's for that city on the
fast mail at noon.
Frank Dunbar is looking after bus
iness matters in Omaha this after
noon being a passenger for that city
on the mall train at noon.
Miss Mary E. Foster, county super
intendent, is spending the afternoon
in Omaha having been a passenger
for that city on the mall train.
Miss Lillian Murphy ia among
those visiting thia afternoon in Oma
ha having been a passenger for that
city on the mail train at noon.
Miss Alma Speck departed this
noon on the mall train for Omaha
where she will spend several days
visiting with relatives and friends.
F. M. Young, jr., of Murray is
among those who drove Into the city
this morning to take the Burlington
passenger train at noon for Omaha
where he had business matters to
look after.
"Laugh and the world laughs with
you, snore and you sleep alone." Go
to see Ben Hendricks in "Yon Yon
son" at the Parmele tomorrow night
and the crowd goes with you, miss it
and you- weep alone.
Jennings Seiver, who has been
troubled with enlarged tonsils for
some time, was a passenger for Oma
ha this morning to be operated on
by Dr. Gifford, he being accompan
ied by his sister Mollie.
Geo. Owen, one of the Burllngton'
popular firemen is in the city mak
ing a brief visit with his family. Mr.
Owen la employed at present at Oma
ha with the company. He made the
Journal a pleasant call during his
short stay In the city. ,
Mrs. Randolph of Los Angeles,
Cal., who has been visiting in the city
with W. D. Jones and family, de
parted this noon for her home. Mrs.
Randolph is a niece of Mr. Jones and
a Bister of the Al. Magowan so well
known in this city.
. Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray and
Mrs. T. J. Brendel of the same place,
drove up this morning to take the
noon passenger train (or Omaha
where they had Important business
affairs to attend to. While here Dr.
Brendel made the Journal office a
pleasant call of several minutes.
W. H. Wynn who has pulled the
Burlington for yearscmfwtyaolrafwyp
whistle cord at the boiler house of
the Burlington for years, and who
had seemed to be a fixture on the
night force, has been transferred to
the machine shops on the day force,
while Charles Renner has succeeded
to his place as fireman.
At the business session of the Pres-
byterlan C. E. society held on Satur
day night at the home of Frank
Shopp the following officeri for the
ensuing year were elected: Presi
dent, Miss Alma Larson; Vice Presi
dent, Miss Carrie Balrd; Secretary,
Miss Ada Mann; Treasurer, Miss.
Clara Wholfarth; Pianist, Miss Es
telle Baird.
Lima college said the following of
the program rendered by the Oriole
Concert Company: "Upwards of. a
thousand lovers of music, students,
and loyal supporters of Lima College
gathered to hear the fine program
provided by the Oriole Concert Com
pany of Boston. The audience was
delighted, and showered the young
ladles with generous applause."
David W. Hawksworth departed
Saturday morning on No. 6 for De
troit, Mich., after spending the holl
days In the city with his parents, I).
Hawksworth and wife. Da'id will
service of the
Stomach Tronblc Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
Btomach you should take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr.
J. P. Clote of Edlna, Mo., Bays: "I
have used a great many different
medicines for stomach trouble, but
find Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tableta more beneficial than
any other remedy I over used." For
sale Ly F. G. Fricke'& Co.
AdvertlsoH Letter I,M.
T. W. Bower, F. Hoffman, Henry
Wheats, John Yurnea.