The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 21, 1909, Image 4

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
R. A. HATKS, Publisher.
of the old ones, whose holders tre
clamoring for payment? World Her-laid.
nwred kl ih uourtloe at Plaltomoath.
hr.ka.tu.ovond clu matter.
$1,50 Per Yaar In Advance.
The American people will welcome
v. ovt mencement cf s. libel suit ! "
that line by the government or some
one interested if it leads to uncover
ing the facts in the Panama canal
deal. Dut will the facts come out?
organization reveals the fact that
there will be two forces at work
down at Lincoln this session and It j
Is going to require some hard work j
on the part of the rear reformers to
keep the other fellows out of mis
chief. The corporations have a few
wlley and able lieutenants intrenched
In both bodies and they will deliver
the goods if possible. But there are
The action of Governor Haskell In some earnest and honest members
causing the arrest of one of Hearst's who will be able to cope with them,
attorneys and searching nis rooms ror ana is is upon inose we musi reiy
. InviHnnoo shows that the Governor
a sorry picture or conuiuons i -
law lu his I I'nenas to make ncii uun oviuc-
thlng Is very much alive when that
$600,000 libel case comes to trial.
Prohibition in Maine.
From New York Tribune.
Colonel John C. Cobb of Portland,
Me., talking In Washington recen.!y,
under the prohibition
state. Speaking of the means em
ployed to get liquor and beer, he said:
"The Introduction of intoxicating
liquor from other states cannot be
prohibited. The consequence Is that
Boston breweries and other houses
have their own express offices In
the various cities in Maine, where
they keep their goods stored up for
delivery to prospective customers.
All that Is necessary te obtain a
crate of beer, for Instance, is to tel
ephone to one of these express of
fices to order the beer from Boston
and dclivpr it. The order Is filled
The idea of choosing Congressman
Hepburn of Iowa as leader of the
"Insurgents" In the house Is good.
The congressman has about six weeks
longer to serve and In that time he one favorable omen Is the revision of
will have to hurry to reform the the rules of the house whereby the
house rules. The next session a appointment of the standing commit-
There will be an effort to so mold
the guarantee bunk deposit law so
that it will mean nothing, and the.
personel of the -banking committee
Is such that there will be a division
as to the proper measure to be en
acted. The banking interests are
well represented on this committee.
democrat will take Col. Bill s place in tees may be taken from the speaker
and delegated to the members In cau
cus. This has done away with packed
committees should the speaker be In
clined to be unfair. The democrats
have Dromised the dcodIo an economl-
within half an hour, although Boston all selected by .Marcn 4tn. ana tnere 18 buslne88.,lke aamlnl8traUon
is more than 100 miles away. The small doubt but
the house.
President-elect Taft seems to bo
worrying the newspapers a lot over
his cabinet. lie will likely have it
Boston offices carry a full stock
of beer and liquor, and whenever an
order is received they simply fill It,
the legal excuso being that the order
was transmitted to Boston, and that
upon instructions from tnete the or
der had been filled."
the members will
have the brand "Satisfactory to us"
blown in them by the special interests
who were so interested in his election.
of the state's affairs, the enactment
of the guarantee deposit law, the
physical valuation of railroads, JuBt
and equitable taxation, and a number
of other wholesome measures, and
th nMitinn frnm ri,Brtrnn flKfelnB they must make good. Papilllon
w I
After Ten Weeks. '
That the prosperity promises made
by the republican newspapers and
candidates last fall were buncombe
was known by those who made them.
Mr. Taft himself to hlseverlastlngdls
credlt, Joined In the successful effort
to fool the voters by making them
think Jobs would be plentiful In the
event of republican "victory while
there would be no Immediate restor
ation of prosperity" if Mr . Bryan
should win.
The truth was, as these men know,
and as Intelligent men everywhere
knew, there could be no immediate
return of untiuctured prosperity In
either event. Prosperity waits in
comparatively Hmall pari on politics.
It is general conditions, financial, In
dustrial, commercial, from San l'ran
Lo to New York, and thence to
Lcn len mil PcUIn, that govern. But
the vclrrs me tr.iule to think, through
thi dcwnrlght dishonesty of repub
lican politicians and newspapers, that
If the r"ay after election heralded the
news cf Tuft's election, Unit day
would witness the opening of the
closed mills, the melting away of the
bread line, profits everywhere replac
ing lenses, and the offers of steady
Jobs at k od wages to all the unem
ployed. ,
Mark the sequel. Let tho Wall
Street Journal one of the repub
lican prosperity and demoi ratlc-cal-amlty
shouters tell tho shameful
"The railroads outside of Pennsyl-
that the duty on hides be taken off, Times.
was a disagreeable surprise to the
Nebraska congressmen. It was pre
sumed that all cattle raisers favored
a high tariff on hides but some of
them know enough to see that It
does them no good. Now, will tho
republican congressmen from Nebras
ka listen to their constituents.
The wonders of tho world never
cease. Here we have the spectacle of
the republican members of the Ore
gon lglslature keeping their word
and electing a democratic senator
after the people had voted for him
Imagine that happening In Ne
The President says he Is greatly
Interested in missions. He has cer
tainly started enough of them to
demonstrate the fact without a pub
lic announcement. However, the
missions he speaks of are of a dif
ferent kind from those he has started.
He refers to religious missions while
most of those he is responsible for
are anything but that. They savor
strongly of the opposite. .
At last the millennium seeuiB near.
Yesterday Deadwood closed down
tight on gambling and began clos
ing the saloons at eleven o'clock at
night. Time was and that not long
ago, when Deadwood was the wllcst
open town In the states but that
seema to be a thing of the past and
the late home of the sport and the
bad man, seems to be on the verge
of becoming as quiet as a puritan
village In New England.
The senate yesterday voted to
raise the President's salary to $100,
000, the vice president and speaker
of the house of representatives $15,
000 each, the chief Justice of the
supreme court of the United States
$15,000 "and the associate Justices
114,500 each. Fair minded people
will not object to these Increases as
present salaries are manifestly too
small for the dignity of the Beveral
offices. Tho opposition to tho in
creases does not appear to be founded
upon any reasonable or fair grounds
but looks largely like cheap politics
Hughes Is a brilliant lawyer and a
decidedly able man , condemned
alone by his corporation affiliations.
However, he may turn out an agree
able surprise. Coe I. Crawford is
sent to the senate from South Da
kota, certainly no worse for the state
than the present senators and a man
who will likely make a good show
ing during his terra. Iowa sends
Albert B. Cummins to the senate,
realizing the life dream of that gen
tleman, and giving the progressive
republicans a strong and resource
ful man. Cummlngs will be an active
and Intelligent representative of
western ideas.
New York is one of the states
which makes a distinct gain lu the
Intellectual capacity of its Benator
although It still clings to the idea
of sending representatives of organ
ized wealth to the senate. It re
turns Elihu Root to the senate In
place of Thos. C. Piatt the venerable
"easy boss" who has outlived his
usefulness. Both men represent the
power of wealth In national govern-
men but Root In addition Is one of
the bralnest and most intellectual of
American public men. Ills election
was in response to a general public
demand which stirred even the cal
loused skin of New York repub
Reed Smoot against whom the
church organizations" of the country
raised such a howl, when he was
first elected, is again returned from
Utah, receiving the practically total
vote of the legislature. As he has
been vindicated by the senate, it is
Dresumed that nothing more will
ever be heard In opposition to him
M. N. Johnson is elected to repre
sent North Dakota in the senate
succeeding Senator Hansbrough.
Hansbrough made a fairly good sen
ator and It is doubtful Johnson will
do as well. Gallinger Is returned
from New Hampshire, neither a gain
or a loss to the Intelligent make-up
of the senate. Senator Overman, is
selected to succeed himself from
North Carolina, his case being much
as Galllnger's. Missouri will return
Senator Wm. J. Stone to the sen
ti L-L.
cSchblePrcparatkmror As
similating tteFoodandRegula
fcng ihe Stomachs aretBwas of
jj';Kffc " ill Hi'
ncss and Rcst.Contalns neither
OpnimiMorphine nor Mineral.
not Narcotic. ,
W SmJ'
Aoerfed Remedy for Constipa
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea.
Worms jConvulsionsTeverisrt-
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature of
-J 1
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Tho undersigned will sell at public
auction at his farm, five 5V4 miles
northwest of Plattsmouth on
the following described property to-
wit: Sale to commence at 10:00 a.
m. Free lunch will be served at
One span of horses, wt, 2700; one
span of mares, wt. 2800; one sorrel
team, wt. 2000; one horse, wt. 1250;
one colt, coming two years old; five
cows and one heifer, forty head of
shoats and pigs, two farm wagons,
ate, a just selection and assuring I on? spring wsgnn, one top buggy, one
that state of one senator at least who rubber tire carriage, one Champion
If the charge made by Clark of
Richardson, in the house yesterday
Is true, Governor Sheldon seemed
anxious to spend everything In the
way of appropriations possible. Clark
Why should republicans In Ne
braska advocate, at this time, postal
savings banks, unless to beat a bank
deposit guaranty law? Postal sav-
lugs banks means a withdrawal of
many thousands from local banks and
these great sums will be under the
control of the party In power, and fa
vorite banks will get the money from
the government agents at a low rate,
or It will be sent to tho titles to help
along the big bunks of such trade
centers. A bank guaranty law will
make such government meddling in
next bleunlum are
vania and New York Central continue ftu:ts 1,1 the caH0 should bo carefully
Introduced an emergency approprla
tlon bill asking for $600 to tide the local affairs entirely unnecessary.
new governor over until funds for tho Crete Democrat.
bleunlum are available Tho
is a tower of strength and capable of
keeping rank with the long line of
able representatives of that com
monwealth in the senate. Senator
Gore, the able blind senator of Ok
lahoma, is once more returned as
should be. Senator Gore is one of
the best men in the upper house and
Oklahoma Is doing itself proud In
his selection.
Illinois and Wisconsin have not
agreed upon their candidates ana
the outcome in those two states is
decidedly mixed. That a tremend
ous effort will be made to defeat
Hopkins in Illinois is now evident
but who will succeed him Is proble
binder, one Champion mower, one
Champion, hay rake, one riding plow,
two 8tirlng plows, two walking list
ers, three cultivators, two two-row
machines, one stalk cutter, one hay
rake, one Fuller & Lee grain drill,
one six hole keystone shelter, 18
horse power; one three section har
row, 100 feet of galvanized pipe,
three sets of work harness, one set
of single harness, four dozen chick
ens, two heating stoves, one range,
two thirty-gallon kettles, one Em
pire cream separator, household
goods and other articles.
TERMS OF SALE. All sums of $10
and under, cash in hand; all sums
over $10 a credit of twelve months
will be given, purchaser giving good
bankable paper, bearing seven per
Kotlr of Sale I nilrr Chattel Mortgage.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of a chattel mortgage dated July
6, 1908, to secure the payment of the
sum of (123.00 with Interest therein
at the rate of ten(10)per cent from Raid
date. 8a Id mortxaKe having been duly
filed In the office of the County Clerk
of Cass County, Nebraska and exe
cuted by Mark W. Pratt to Perry
Marsh, and by said Marsh transferred
to the First National Bank of Platts
mouth, Nebraska. That upon Raid mort
gage there Is due and unpaid the same
original sum with interest there
on at the rate of ten (10)
per cent. Default having been
made in the payment of said sum and
with interests- thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent. Default having been
made in the payment of said sum, and
no suit or other proceedings at law
having been Instituted to recover said
debt, or any part thereof, therefore
the undersigned will sell the property
In said mortgage described viz., 1 bay
mare 7 years old, weight 1150 lbs.; 1'
bay mare 8 years old, weight 1100 lbs.,
at public auction at the property of
Perry Marsh st the corner of Hatter,
son and Lincoln avenue, In the city of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska on the 29th tay
of January, 1909 at una o'clock p. m.
r0 bo M Ao
First National Bank of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, Assignee of Mortgage.
D. O. Dwyer,
cent interest from date. All pron-
In Wisconsin, the trouble erty mu8t be 8ettled for before being
Is over the senatorial , primary and
It may extend to the election.
. G. 1IALMKS, Owner.
A. L. JOXES, Auctioneer.
to show no disposition to enter tho
market for material, and orders that
were placed a short tnie ago are be
ing gradually worked off It
is admitted that many mills are work
ing 'at less capacity thai at the tlmo
of the presidential clccUon, and that
earnings are falling off rather than
Increasing. A large amount of
the liquidation In steel ,is credited to
.steel interests who are disappointed
In their, belief that the 6teol business
would ' Bhow an Increase after the
Ten weeks after tho election of
Taft and Sherman and a republican
congress, which was to signal pros
perity's immediate return!
scrutinized before any criticism is
made however.
Yesterday was the day set apart
for the selection of now senators in
soveral states and there were many
changes in the personel of tho up-
Whether bee stings are an effect per house. In most cases the
Ive remedy for rheumatism, as has I changes were for the better and a
been so often asserted, seems to be 1 distinct improvement can be noticed
a matter of wide spread curiosity and I In the class of men who are being se
uncertalnty. Dr. A'. .Walker, of Ox-1 lected for tho senatorial branch of
ford University has been lately col-1 tho government.
Issues Two Licenses.
Last Saturday County Judge Dee-
son issued a marriage license to
Clarence F. Ohm of Elmwood, aged
2 S years, and Miss Esther L. Bos-
worth of Wabash, aged 21 years.
Doth young people are .well known
in their section of the county and
are very popular.
Today Judge Deeson Issued a mar
riage license to Wm, A. Heneger,
aged 26, and Miss Esther M. Wagner,
aged 19, both of Weeping Water.
These two young people are also quite
Lamo Shoulder.
This is a common rorm of mus
cular rheumatism. No internal
treatment is needed. Apply Cham
berlain's Liniment freely twice a day
and a quick cure is certain. This
liniment has proven especially valu
able for muscular and chronic rheu
matism, and it is sure to give quick
relief. Chamberlain's Liniment.
also most excellent for sprains and
bruises. Price 25 cents; large size
looting facts from physicians and I In Oregon the republican members
others in' addition to popular reports, of tho legislature kept their pledge well known ,a thelr mmedlate local- 50 cents For B,e by F' G' Frlcke
He has obtained some very precise t their constituents, and voted to I lty, the groom being a son of John
& Co.
Delightful Afternoon.
The ladles of the W. C. T. U. so
ciety passed a delightful afternoon
at the social given by Mrs. Thompson
on Monday. Mrs. Thompson is all
that could be desired in a hostess and
her entertainment was fine. The
young ladles of the Methodist church
gave two appropriate selections and
Mrs. Rev. Randall sang a very touch
ing song In her beautiful, clear voice.
"After Ten Years the Tramp of King
Dibbler's Army." Miss Grace Fitz
gerald gave a piano recital while
the refreshments were being served,
and the floral favors were as sweet
as their names. Papers were read
by Mrs. Rev. Randall, Mrs. George
Dodge and Mrs. C. P. Richards. Mr.
Austin graced the occasion long
enough to sing one song, "The Sunset
Light," and made us wish for more,
but press of business forced him to
refuse. Thank you, Mr. Austin, and
Miss Cole, who accompanied him, our
thoughts were borne heavenward by
the beautiful words and music.
J. E. Vandercook, Secretary.
If you haven't the time to exercise
regularly, Doan's Regulets will pre
vent constipation. They induce a
mil! ViAfl If h tf onav Bfttlnn r0 Va 1a
els without gripping. Ask your drug
gist for them. 25c.
evidence that bee poison really cures I send to the senate George Chamber
rheumatic pains. Perhaps the most I lain, a democrat and governor of
conclusive report Is that of Dr. Gere, tne Btal0, 1,0 "wwceda 8cnator
of Marsburg, Styrla. In twenty Charles W. Fulton, republican, who
years this physician has used bee Wtt8 Implicated In some shady trans- journn
stings In moro than 700 cases, and ai't,on" ,n land ,n that 8tate an,l who
has found that three or four onera- wa8 blttorly fUKht for re-election
Ten weeks and "mills running at tlon8 hns glven immunlty to the pftln by tho clean republicans of tho state,
II. Heneger and the bride a daughter
of John Wagner.
A further notice will be made of
the wedding of these two young
couples a a future Issue of tho
less capacity" now than then!
Ten weeks and "earnings
and swelling from the stings, and that
la slnglo treatment may sometimes
falling off rather than Increasing!" rhnnmnti-m .ithn...h u rn..
Ten weeks and William H. Taft, L,nr BnmpHn,n. ron,.ir hmir...t. m-
protested LlDgHi n0noving tnnt fonnc a,,j
whose discredited and
v uuuiiH'i mill is sain to do a very
distinct Improvement upon his pre
decessor and tho general opinion
Is that he will bo an able and force
ful representative of that stnto. IVn-
promlssory notes are in tho hands u lho n(,ve n(?(,nt( 1)r Lnrnmrche rose Is again returned from Penn-
of millions of voters, is disporting tr,od ,lvp0(Krnilc ,nJ,0Il8 pf lvanla, a poor selection but per
IV. n't Take the Itlsk.
When you have a bad cough or
cold do not let it drag along until It
becomes chronic bronchitis, or devel-
opes into an attack of pneumonia,
but give it the attention It d-Hervc
and get rid of It. Tako Chatnlier-
tain's Cough Remedy snd you are
sure of relief. From a small be
ginning the sale and use of thin pre
paration hns extended to all ports
Winter Excursions
Low Rates
TO THE SOUTH OR CALIFORNIA.-IIow long has it been since you and
your family huvo takon a winter vacation tour?
Put your thntiRhts on a chanpo from snow and blizzards to tho soft southern
sunshine of California, the Carolinas, Cuba and Gulf rosorts. Such a trip is
worth while onco in a lifetime anyway.
shorter limit. wO(
HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION-It time won't permit a long stay in
himself gaily down In Dixie, playing ,Ma Pllliu(,w. ,..,,,, ,, imps, as good ns could be exne tod of th I'nlt..,! Kiaina and to tho Houin try ino n unesecKers excursion rates the lirst and third Tuesdays of
golf and eating 'possum snd putting ,, A. . ' . from that bailiwick. Clarke of Ar- foreign countries. It. many remark- M n n,m,in 10 ino ?uin , l'0WC T Bnd
, . ... " , m - I .hi,. P.. nf rnnuio bii.i n.i.u i,.v Persona y conducted tnrougn tourist s ecper
now nrnnilscs In corruption anion? I . . . . . . . I kansas In rHtirnml n p,.i ,.. I able cures or coughs and coMS imvo ' . . , ... .. , . . . w
- not seem to no conclusively estnu-i " ' ... ... , . .. . nuentiy, tnm wcck: mmy wiroun wurisi sieepers to
the trusting colonels, and major, and 1Mlol, houiVllp Mp u not great ability but so far a. ever W(!n,?.r " t.hU ' . '"'""I V"" CNrlo ami Salt Lake City.
judges as to what glorious good for
tuno HI befall them and theirs it
only they break up the "solid south"
in 1912!
Why doesn't Mr. Taft devote a part
cif the tlmo he Is giving to floating
theso new notes to redeeming some
shown, honest and conscientious
inaries j. nuglies, Jr., succeeds
Henry M. Teller In tho senate from
Colorado, a distinct descent from the
high plane which Teller occupied In
Tho legislature has organized and the senate, yet far better thnn most
Is now ready for serious work. The selections from the mountain state.
cllned to attribute, tue curative action
to a neutralizing of tlm rheumatism
by some special toxin introduced by
tho bees.
& Co.
Aik for free descriptive literature.
rales with all kinds of variable routes.
excursions to California fre-
fcouthern California via
Consult me as to lowest prevailing
I,ost r Strayed.
One three-year-old heifer. White
spots on face. Heifer giving milk.
Reward for Information given to
Journal office or return heifer to un
dersigned. Geo. H. Polsall.
, litiife
W.L. Pickktt.T icket Agcnt.Plattsmouth
I. W. Wakklev, G. r. A., Omaha.