The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 18, 1909, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Journal
Now If th weather man will only
repent and cut down the coal bill a
utA eo nHt.ln Immunity for
bis past offenses.
R, A. BATES, Publisher.
Die red at the poHtofflce at Plattamouth, Ne
braska, as second class matter.
$1,50 Per Year in Advance.
The Pacific roabt is booked for
more earthquake shocks it seems.
After all it is good to be in Ne
braska where we may not have so
much water but the earth is not near
so nervous.
"The Road of the Fathers."
From the Kansas City Star.
In every city, even Inn Kansas,
there are such characters as the
Marion Record has Individualized as
"Cy Knocker. Last week the Rec
ord quotes "Old Cy" as being opposed
to the erection of an electric light
plant, the Improvement of the water
works and the construction of a sew
f r system.
"This here town will never amount
to nothin'." says Mr. Knocker, "as
long as a lot of sap heads keep tryin
to load it down with a lot of fool
schemes. We have a water works
system already that is good enough
and we've got along all these years
without a sewer system. When
want to go around on dark nights I
tarry a lantern and I guess that other
folks are no better than I am and
can do the same thing."
But in spite of "Cy Knocker" the
towns of Kansas have electric lights
and water works and sewers, and
paved streets and cement walks
and they would not abandon them for
anything. When the small towns
commenced building their paved
streets and digging their sewers "Cy
Knocker" rushed into the courts with
an Injunction. Ho attacked the law
and declared it meant the "coRfisca
tion" of his property. Ills taxes, he
declared, were already too high and
it meant financial ruin to him to be
compelled to pay for other public im
provtments. Butvhcn the streets
were paved and the sewers completed
"Old Cy" was among the first to
boast of the town's "public spirit."
The "stand patters" have ever re
lied upon the faith of the customs of
"'The Fathers," to clinch their ar
cumenta against progress. Because
"our good old fathers" carried lan
terns on dark nights or drew water
from a well with the proverbal mosu
covered bucket, has been regarded as
ample Justification for opposition to
electric lights or the convenience of
it modem water system.
There will be found "Cy Knock
tV' In the rural communities as
well, for every community has them.
And they will knock on the good
roads movement. The roads of "The
Fathers" are still good enough for
them. Their fathers traveled on
horseback when It was impossible for
for a promenade all around the bor
der. 7V hi" an area of more than
265,000 square miles. The German
Empire in Europe includes 238,830
The telegraph dispatches tell of BqUare miles.
the death of a man in Utah who had
a .
seven wives. lie was arownea, bi-
though just how Is not known. Well,
there is some consolation for the un
fortunate he can't be any worse off
where he is.
In New York they are going to
have a domestic relations court where
all the family troubles are to be
aired. Who wants the job as judge
of this court? The man taking it
has the chance to establish a record
for wisdom seconded only to Sol
omon but who has the nerve to try
The population of Texas Is about
3,600,000. Germany's last census
presented a ttal of more than 60,
600,000, yet the empire had some
room for expansion.
By squeezing Mr. Hill a trifle as to
his ranch the 90,000,000 people of
the United States could make them
selves at home In Texas, each with
almost a two acre plot.
strength of the new poles, which hold
the strain of the line, even on the
curves without any braces.
The poles at New Brighton are of
graceful proportions, being about
thirty feet long, fourteen inches in
diameter at the bottom and six inches
at the top. Their general appearance
is particularly pleasing on account
of the uniformity in size, shape and
The Nightshirt.
No gentleman will wear anything
but panjamas. Men's Fashion.
At the close of the civil war the
practice of wearing panjamas had
not become general. It was only the
rise of Newport that this happy cus
tom originated.
It is a pity.
There was a freedom about the
old fashioned nightshirt, with its
flowing tails, that somehow or other
Another death horror in a coal
mine takes place. This time it is in
West Virginia and the figures Indi
cate one hundred may be dead. It
is but a few weeks since that there
was a meeting of wise men at Pitts
burg where ways and means of sfop-1 seemed to add to man's moral stat
ping these horrors were discussed and I ure. It is true that this garment was
"progress noted." In the meantime I never beautiful. But then, it was
while the wise men are debating never intended to be. Men do not
death continues to greet the men in I pace the streets at night clad only
the mines. A little more severe In-1 in nightshirts, unless they have been
spectlon and less debate would help I rudely awakened by the cry of fire
a lot.
The promise of Senator Tillman
that he will redeem his promise and
show up "Roosevelt's dark and
crooked ways," means something. It
means that the country will presently
get some real, sensational statements
of fact regarding the president's
methods and his object In his many
attacks upon public men. Senator
Tillman is always an interesting
talker and when he announces in ad
vance that he is going to do some
exposing, it is assured that there is
going to be some mighty interesting
things brought out. The public is
much interested in seeing just who
is right and who wrong in these controversies.
Winter Excursions
' Low
It' Is quite a compliment to Sec
retary William Hayward of the re
publican national committee, that he
should be chosen as the new head of
the committee. While people may
doubt seriously, the capacity of the
young man , for the, important posi
tion to which he is to be called, they
cannot be but congratulate him upon
the opportunity to make good. It
must be that his work has been satis
factory to the powers that be dur
ing his term as manager of the weBt-
tem branch of the committee, and if
this be the case, it is all that Is re
quired. It is due to Col. Hayward
that everyone in Nebraska, at least,
congratulate him upon his advanc-
ment and wish him every measure of
success in the now position.
Every man should, when by him
self, have the privilege of making
himself as unlovely and comfortable
as possible. Panjamas do not ac
complish this. They constrict the
waist line, and when in bed give one
the embarrassing feeling of being
dressed for the evening
The old fashioned nightshirt had
the grand quality of reducing every
man to the same level as his fellow
creatures. A bishop, accoutered in
oen, was no better looking than a
prize fighter.
And is there any man who has
been through the experience of stand
ing in one
the furnace fire, shoveling in coal In
the dead of night, who does not re
call with almost blinding tears the
heights of moral Biiblimlty he reached
upon those occasions. Life.
Mr. liryan on Guaranty Law.
What Is probably the most com
plete exposition of the details of a
depositor's guaranty law which Mr.
Bryan has publicly given is printed
in this week's issue of the Com
moner. Mr. Bryan makes it plain
that while the Oklahoma law has
proven the practical value ci the
guaranty law and while the law
must necessarily stand as the orig
inal model for others of its char
acter, he is by no means a standpat
ter on all the ideas expressed in that
The Commoner article Is directed
to all those states which have elected
democratic legislatures, and calls
upon them to fulfill the pledges
of the national democratic platform
this winter, saying: "A platform ut
terance is a party matter during
the campaign, but when a party plat
form has been endorsed at the polls,
its platform becomes the mandate
of the people, and no democrat can
defend or excuse a failure to fulfill
to the letter and in spirit the pledges
made in the platform."
A limited liability with provision
for an emergency assessment im
mediate payment to the depositor af-
TO THE SOUTH OR CALIFORNIA. How long has it been since you and
your family have taken a winter vacation tour?
Put your thoughts on a change from snow and blizzards to the soft southern
sunshine of California, the Carolinas, Cuba and Gulf resorts. Such a trip is
worth while, once in a lifetime anyway.
HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: It time won't permit lone; stay in
tbe South try the homeseekers' excursion rates the first and third Tuesdays of
each month to the bouth and west. Lower rates and shorter limit.
Personally conducted through tourist Bleeper excursions to California fre
quently, each week; daily through tourist sleepers to Southern California via
Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City.
Ask for free descriptive literature,
rates with all kinds of variable routes.
Consult me as to lowest prevailing
W.L. PiCKETT.Ticket Agent.Plattsraouth
L. W. Wakeley, G. P. A., Omaha.
per cent In any one year. Thi3 an
swers the objection that the honest
banks may be crippled by the failure
of dishonest banks, and yet the de
positors can be made secure by a pro
vision that In case an emergency ar
rises, under which the fund is de
pleted, certificates bearing the fair
rate of interest can be issued and
paid in the order in which they are
issued out of the first money com
ing into the fund. Thus the only ef
fect of such an e mergency would be
to delay depositors, their security
still remaining, while the banks
would be protected from danger,
largely imaginary, of assessments
ter the proof of claims, deposits of greater than they could bear."
funds of the banks assessed, per- yor Prompt payment,
mission of solvent banks to borrow "Provision should .be made," the
from the fund in anticipation . of a artcie continues, "for the prompt
runand the strict system of super
vision coupled with severe penalties
for violation of legal restrictions are
payment of depositors in failed
banks, immediately upon the estab
lishment of the depositor's claim
of these garments before amonS the mPrtant features which Qnly fey lmmedlate payment can tQe
Lobby to Defeat (iuurantee Imw.
(Adams County Democrat.)
There seems to be no doubt but
taht the national banks are now busy
organizing the most powerful lobby
ever assembled In. Lincoln, to effect
Mr. Bryan suggests.
Amendments to Oklahoma Law.
With the Oklahoma law as a basis,
the Commoner then suggests amend
ments as follows:
"The Oklahoma law provides for
the immediate collection from the
banks of an assessment of one per
cent of the deposits. This is a
larger assessment than is actually
necessary, and considering the fact
that banks have on deposit and av-
depositor and the community be pro
tected. .
"If a certain time must elapse after
a claim is proved before it said,
some depositors would be driven in
their necessity to discontinue their
claims and delay in the payment of
depositors embarrasses the business
of the community and interfers with
the prompt collection of the assets of
the bank. The banks should be per
mitted to borrow from the fund upon
seventh of the capital and surplus
should be loaned to any person, other
than a director."
Violation of the limitations placed
upon loans it is declared should be
made a felony, punishable by fine or
imprisonment or both.
Penalty is Necessary.
Where a limit is fixed but no pen
alty prescribed, it Is declared the law
is particularly worthless, for then the
provision can only be enforced by the
suspension of a bank throws the
penalty upon the Innocent, stock
holders and upon the community
Gambling on the stock or grain,
markets by officers or directors of
a bank should be prohibited by law,
violation of law to be made a fel
ony. , . ... ,
"The very enactment of such a
law," the article says, "would deter
most o fthese from such speculation
and the enforcement of the penalty
would deter the rest."
A final suggestion is that banks
should be allowed to keep a part
of their deposits in approved bonds
thus allowing the, banks to draw an
Interest upon Its reserve and yet
keep it in Its valt.
the defeat of the bank guarantee law
This organization Is not confined to eraKG four times tne,r caPital and approved security in anticipation of
the national banks alone, but takes sometimes as much as ten or fifteen L the amount 80 borrow to be
in other large interests, allied with their capital, the 1 per cent
the national banks. Such a lobby may be regarded as an unnecessary
will yield an Influence with the pres- hardship. One-half of one per cent
ent legislation almost unresistable. I suggesieu, merciore as u buiwcieui
To offset this influence the friends assessment with which to begin the integrity be permitted to act as
repaid within a reasonable time with
a fair rate of interest."
It is suggested that only persons
of good moral character and approv-
of the guarantee law should organize raising of the guaranty fund
to help the legislators pass such a
law as will be both just and practic
able. The banking influence of Ne
braska is by far greater than that
of t,he railroada or other corpora
tions combined, and if the banking
interests were united upon the sub
ject they would be Irresistible. For
tunately the banks are dlvlled.
The friends of the guarantee de
posit law need be wide awake. There
la no doubt but that a guarantee law one Ppr ccnt annually, would not oe
will be passed in spite of the lobby. a burden upon the banks and WOuW
but what kind of a law? That la the In a few years raise the guaranty
The final step has been taken to
it u v. I
a team to pun a wagon uirougu u. determine whether tho legislature
mud, and when it was dangerous to or tn8 Btate canvaHHnK board have
risk a horse on tho public highways, tho rlght to canvatm tne vote on the
they walked through the meadows to constitutional amendments. The leg-
the nearest trading point to do their i8iature yesterday canvassed a cer-
recessary marketing. Ufed copy of tho retunns given It
And with the exception of a fow by Secretary of State. Junkln who ro-
brldgea that enable them to ford the fused to hand over the original re-
Btreams without resort to the old turns, and declared the amendments important point with friends of law. fund to 1V4 per cent of the deposits.
Oklahoma law contemplates the
malntainance of guaranty fund at 1
per cent. It may be found advisable
to make this fund a little larger, but
to have It accumulated gradually.
For instance, the first payment of
one-half of one percent should stand
as the assessment the first year; af
ter that a semi-annual assessment
of one-tenth of one per cent, making
a total assessment of one-fifth of
tim "ferry boat," th rural coramun-1 carried and so notified the governor
tties have progressed but a few de-ho Is now empowered to appoint
from the roads of the fathers, four new Judges. It remains to be
There are Btlll several months in the seen whether Governor Shallenberg-
ordinary year when the mud block- does this or not. Should he do so,
ade ties up the agricultural commerce the question will undoubtedly come
of practically every state. And dur- before the supreme court for final
.. .,nA t it.. ,nnth h adjustment. The outcome will be
farmers are compelled to pay tribute
that amounts to millions every year
for transporting their crops over
roads that are never In a condition
to enable them to haul over half a
load to the 'nearest market; never
nable them to choose their best or
most convenient markets or shipping
The KansaB farmers should make It
manifest to the world that the "Cy
Knockers" are In the minority in
watched with Interest by the people
of the state as the position of the
supreme court In this matter, la one
of doubt. In any event It Is to be
hoped the settlement of the question
will not be delayed and that the poo- t"0 , Hr8
nln will noon know whether Hnvnrnnr I Ofrlng to thj tCt that
Sheldon's actions In seizing the su- Plos aro constantly becoming more
preme court and packing it, was expensive and mr.j difficult to ob
correct or not. I tain, the Pennsylvania, In 1906, be
gan to test tho value of concrete as a
An American Ranch. I substitute for wood. Fifty-three ro-
The Texas ranch of 7,000,000 Inforced concrete poles were set up
Concrete in Railroad Work. Then the banking Doara snouia coi-
From the Buffalo News. t loct semi-annually such assessment
In continuance of the declared pol- not exceeding one-tenth on one per
icy of the Pennsylvania Railroad ays- cent, except In cases ot emergency
tem to provide against timber scar- as would be necessary to reimburse
city, the lines west ot Pittsburg have the fund, If, during the preceding
Just completed and placed In expert- l months, It was reduced by the
mental service a line ot concrete payment of deposltlor In failed banks,
telegraph poles through New Brlgh- This tax would provide for ordinary
ton, Pa. Its construction followed a occasions, and with proper regulation
series of elaborate experiments which It Is not likely that banks would
have been conducted during the hvtt ever be called upon to pay more than
i one-tenth or one-twentieth of one
wooden Per cent per year.
bank officials, that the banking
board should have power to pass on
this question of its own lnitative or
upon a protest by some other banker,
appeal being allowed from Its decis-
sion in the district court of the coun
ty In which the banh is located. f
A ratio of eight to one is suggested
as the limit of the amount of loans,
as compared with the capital and
surplus, requiring that the bank has
depositors sufficient to loan more
than eight times Us combined capl
tal and surplus It would have to
increase one or the other before be'
lng allowed to make the loan, thus
Increasing the margin, but not the
bank's assets and Its liabilities and
reducing the chance of failure.
A maximum rate of Interest to be
paid on deposits to be governed by
the local conditions Is advised
Stringent regulations are advised
with reference to lessening the llkli
hood of misconduct of officials par
ticularly In borrowing excessive sums
to persons Improperly favored.
Here are some of the regulations
suggested. , .
"In the first place no one should
be allowed to bo a director unless
he has a substantial holdirg in
it takes an education in mechanics
and i in modern Improvements to
travel without embarrassment these
days. Joseph Jenkinson of Amarillo
Texas, Innocently pressed a button
in his room at the Startton hotel In
Chicago and was nearly drowned In
a shower bath. He had his bent
clothes on, and the hotel manage
ment bought him a new outfit rather
than stand the theatened suit for
damages to soaked apparel. This
was an Improvement on blowing out
the gas, of course. State Journal.
"The banking board, however,
should have the power to make a
larger assessment In caso of emer
gency and here it may be well to de- "tock; second, every director ought
to bo required to examine th'j books
at stated periods, say twlca a year.
and to report on tho same to the
banking bonrd; third, the cxecutlv
committee of tho directors should bo
required to examine tho loans at
part from the Oklahoma law. Under
the Oklahoma law the banking board
every rural community and that man- acres which is reported to bo en-1 n the lino along the Pittsburg, Ft. eai assess to tho Unit to pay deposl-
festatlons should be made to the gaging tho contemplation of James Wayne & Chicago railway, near Ma- tors of failed banks. While there Is
statesmen who will gather In Topeka J. Hill and associates will comprise pies, Ind. A year later they were no llkllhood that It would ever bo
next week to draft a road law. about one-twenty-slxth of tho land etvlns entlro satisfaction and showed necessary to exercise bucu a power
Kansas farmers are not using the in tho Lone Star State. Hut within no evidence ot decay. to an extent that It would embar- least onco a month and make a record
farm methods of "The Fathers:" they that ranch could bo placed tho entire According to tho experiment made rass tho banks, yet as this law Is ex- of Buch examination on tho books
. ... .... i.i .... . r, ...... ..I ... . .t I .i i iu a ,nir dm fourth, no ono should be allowed
nave uiscaruea mo mrm uiucuiuery mines oi luniieciuui, unuuo isiana i so iar it is tuouuni nii i-uiimno unniucuioi, .v .... .
of "Tho Fathers;" they are not cdu- and Delaware and tho District of telegraph polos will lust for many experiment In such a way and under to borrow from a bank unless auth
ratine their children In tho old fash- Columbia. If Massachusetts. Ver- eeneratlons. thereby doing away with Uuch conditions bb to produco the orlzed by a director; fifth, no
Inno.i mhoola of "The Father." Thev mont. New Hamiishire. or New Jer. tho freoucnt changes necessary with minimum of friction. A maximum rector should bo allowed to borrow
ehn.,n tm Innimr t.n rnmm.Umf to nn. Lev were nlnce.l within a seven mil. London miles. Much Importance Is assessment, therefore, is suggested more than one-tenth of tho capital
..W... W .w..nv. W .w...g- . . . J . . - - I
I . I ..... .1 .... ' it,... n I am1 atirmn
dure i '.e "Roads of lie Fathers" on n re zone there would be snaoe a bo attached to tho increaea or not lens mnn one or hum.- ,
No more than, one
If repeated cold 6naps lessen one's
loyalty to the Nebraska climate now
is not a good time to decide whither
to flee. The Pacific coast has been
in the grip of a cold wave that
caused much suffering. Freezing
weather has extended as far south
as Galveston, and freezing at Galves
ton is worse than zero in Nebraska.
Missouri is snowed under and Arkan
sas Is all a-shiver. Reflection will
convince one that he can be about
as comfortable here as. anywhere. '
Where it Isn't too cold for comfort
today it will be insufferably hot to
morrow State Journal.
Dr. llcss' Stock Feed
scientific compound for horses and cattle. '
Ness' Stock Food
guaranteed to give results.
F. G. Fircke Co., Druggirta.
Noll oe of Salr l adrr Chattel Mortgage.
Notice I hereby given that by vlr
tue of a chattel mortRnge dated July
t, 1908, to norure the payment of the
mim of $123.00 with Interest thereon
at the rate of ten(10per cent from said
lnte. Haiti mortgage, having been diilv
f II I'd In the offlre of the ('nnnlv m.rb
of Can County, Nchranka and exe
cuted by Mark W. l'ratt to Perrr
MnrHh, and by ald MutbIi transferred
to the First National Bank of 1'latta
mouth. Nehrankn. That upon aald mort
gage thre la dun and unpaid the name
original sum with Interest there
on at the rate of ten (10)
per cent. Default having been
made In the payment of said sum and
with Interests thereon at the rate of
ten (10) per cent. Default linvlng been
made In the payment ot snld sum, and
no suit or other prorendlngs at law
having been Instituted to recover said
debt, or any part thereof, therefore
the undersigned will sell the property
In snld mortgage described via., 1 bav
mare 7 years old, weight 1150 lbs.; 1
bay mare K yenrs old, weight 1100 lbs.,
t public auction at the property of
i'erry Mnrsh at the corner of 1'n Her
eon and Lincoln avenue, In the city of
rtaHsmouth, Nebraska on the 29th day
of January, 1809 at one o'clock d. n.
of said day. r
First National Tlnnk of Plattsmouth,
, niiirw oi mortgage.
D. O. Dwyer,