The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 14, 1909, Image 3

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Tells Journal
He Stands on
During the past few months there
been considerable talk in and around
the city as to my position on the
lighting question, the present and
most luiporlaut question now before
the city council, and as I have never
made a statement in print as to my
position, I take this opportunity of In
forming the people and taxpayers
of the city of Plattsmouth, as is
commonly termed, "just where I am
I contend for a proposition that
will light the entire city, not one
selected portion, and that with elec
tricity, and not gas, also that the
can and will be furnished for $1,500
per year, if not by the Ne
braska Lighting Company, by some
one who will for that price. There
is now in the city treasury $1,600,
placed there by the taxpayers of the
city, as a lighting fund, as per the
levy made by the council about one
year ago; and that is why I have tak
en the position that all sections of
our city is entitled to light.
Ice Cutting Resumed.
From Wednesday's Pally.
This morning was a much more
agreeable one that has been experi
enced for the past few days. The
thermometer stood at fifteen above
zero at the depot at eight o'clock
and a south wind was blowing. While
the wind was penetrating and chilling
it had lost much of Its coldness In the
night. The weather indications for
today are for fair and warmer and
for Thursday Indicating cloudiness,
with warmer in west portion. This
seems to indicate a cessation of the
cold snap for several days at least,
a welcome change to most people.
Ice cutting was again resumed
this morning, F. G. Egcnborger's
forces commencing cutting at their
field opposite the city while Col.
H. C. McMaken's forces were at work
on the straight lake, getting a su
perior quality of ice about ten inches
in thickness. Col. McMaken, who is
an ardent admirer of Hicks, the St.
Louis weather prophet, says that
there Is no doubt of there being all
the ice in the world this winter tnd
people need not worry over the su
pply being short. He says that Prof.
Hicks has hit the weather to the dot
every time this winter and tha h
has absolute faith in thers being
more ice than be handled.
Running: Gets Good Ones.
Senator Banning landed well in
the selection of committees of the
senate, and bids fair to make a record
as one of the workers of that body.
He is made chairman of the commit
tee on Highways, Bridges and Fer
ries, one of the most important of
the senate and is also a member of
the committee on Engrossed and En
rolled bills of the Judiciary com
mittee probably the most important
committee In the senate, Public
Lands and Buildings another espec
ially important committee, State
Prison, University and Normal
Schools another committee which
will have its work cut out. for it, and
Drainage. It can be seen that he
drew excellent committees throughout
and that his influence in the legisla
ture will be much felt.
Mrs. Nemetz Operated Upon.
From Wednesday' Pally.
Word has been received from John
Nemetz, in attendance at the bed
side of his wife in Omaha, where she
was operated upon yesterday, that
Mrs. Nemetz was operated upon at
12 o'clock and passed through the
ordeal nicely. The operation was
a critical one and the lady stood it
remarkably well. While it is too
early yet to venture a prediction as
to her complete recovery, there Is
every reason to believe that she will
successfully weather the illness and
that the operation will bo a com
plete success. This Is the hope of
her many friends w ho heard the news
of her successful coping with the
operation with Joy.
Home Interest Inn Figures.
Frrim Wednesday's Pally.
Register of Deeds Schneider has
compiled some very interesting fig
ures on the mortgnge Indebtedness
of the county and city for the past
year. They show that during the
past year there has been filed In the
county 158 farm mortgagee amount
iug to $118,116 uhllo there was re
leased 213 mortgages amounting to
$4 40,117. Of city mortgages there
was filed 116 of the amount of $!)!,
S21 and released 116 amounting to
$70,242. This showing would Imll
cate that while the farming Interests
are reducing their mortgage Indrbt
edness the city folks aro adding to
Readers Where
Light Question
I am also in favor of the company
securing the city contract be regu
lated in some manner as to the prices
on rates made the private consumer,
for both light nd power.
Also in favor of a reduction of the
gas rate to $1.50 per thousand cubic
feet, which seems to be the estab
lish rate adopted by other cities of
our class in the state.
I am In favor of the home com
pany first, last and all the time if
they are willing to accept such com
pensation from the city and the pri
vate consumers as other applicants
are willing to do.
What I want Is a contract that will
be right, now, and all time to come.
One that will give the people the
right prices for light, fuel and power.
Such a contract is what the people
and taxpayers want, and I believe
they are entitled to the same.
Yours truly,
John P. Sattler,
Acting Mayor.
Ice Crop Being Gathered.
From Wednesday's Pally.
The Burlington is now harvesting
large quantities of ice at Crystal
Lake near Dakota City, and this ice
is being used to fill the ice houses of
the company in eastern Nebraska.
It is of the correct thickness and
conies from a bass lake of dear wa
ter. A Sioux City company that has
the harvesting contract has placed
a large plant there for cutting and
loading, and any quantity can be se
cured. Reports yesterday from Crys
al Lake near Hastings is that is of
harvesting thickness and some will
be taken from that place for Hast
ings storage houses. The company
will get ice at Curtis for the Mc
Cook division houses. Unusual is
the report from Curtis. There ice
usually forms long before it is pos
sible to secure it in eastern Nebras
ka, but this year where twelve Inch
Ice Is being harvested in the eastern
half of the state tfie Ice at Curtis
Is said to lie but nine inches thick
Thicker Ice will be secured there
however, in a day or two, as it is
now reported to befreezind rapidly
Before ice had been formed in
eastern Nebraska twelve Inch ice was
reported at Marsland, four hundred
miles away from the Billings line,
bast year a large quantity was
brought to Lincoln from Marsland
because it could not be secured from
other places.
The ice field at Crystal Lake, Da
kota City, Is looked upon by Burling
ton people as quite an acquisition
Ice can be secured there every year
before it can be harvested in this ter
ritory, and the air line and water
grade from Ashland makes it pos
sible for the company to get it there
with little loss of time and with a
haul but little more than one hun
dred miles.
A Cure for Misery.
"I have found a cure for the mis
ery malaria poison produces," says
R. M. James of Louellen, S. C. It's
called Electric Bitters and comes in
50c bottles. It breaks up a case of
chills or billious attack in almost no
time; and it puts yellow Jaundice
clean out of commission." This great
tonic medicine and blood purifier
gives quick relief in all stomach,
liver and kidney troubles and the
mlseary of lame back. Sold under
guarantee at F. O. Frlckc & Co.'s
drug store.
Squirrels Kat leather.
From Wednesday's Dally.
L. F. Fitch was in the city today
from his farm below Rock Bluffs,
looking after some business matters
Among other things which brought
him to town was to have some har
ness repaired which the squirrels
had been making a meal on. While
It Is hard to believe he exhibited sev
eral pieces of harness which the an
Imals had eaten through, In fact,
eating out a piece of leather nearly
a foot in length in one place and
more than an Inch In width. He finds
that they have become a regulur
p.'st and Is anxious for the legls
lature to so amend the law as to per
mlt their slaughter. Their activity
had cost him some little money to
A lllgliher Health Ivel.
"I hnvo reached a higher health
level since I began using Dr. King's
New Life Pills," writes Jacob Spring
er, of West Franklin, Maine. " They
keep my stomach, liver and bowels
working Just right." If theso pills
disappoint you on trial money will
bo refunded at F. O. Frlcko & Co'i
drug store 25c.
("s County Appointed.
In the senate several Cass County
people have secured good positions
for the coming session. This morn
ing's papers contain a list- of senate
employes among whom are noted the
following Cass County people. There
are probably others whose names
are unknown to this paper. Misa
May Vallery, copyist; John Urpily,
custodian; Carrie Banning, copyist.
Whether there are others fortunate
enough to land Jobs in the sen
ate remains to be seen, as the list
published does not state where the
several appointees are from.
Miss Lucille Dates is appointed a
clerk of the engrossing and enrolled
bills committee of the house.
G. A. It. Install.
From Wednesday's Pally.
The installation of officers of the
G. A. R. took place last Saturday
night at lhe G. A. R. hall, there be-
ng a large attendance and a good
time manifested. The officers of the
G. A. R. who were installed by J. W.
Johnson and are as follows:
Wm. Porter, Commander.
W. II. Freese, Sr. V. Condr.
John Renner, Jr. V. Condr.
Mm. McCauley, O. 1).
Jas. Hickson, O. G.
II. C. McMaken, Qr. Master.
Thomas Carter, Chaplain.
T. W. Glenn, Adjutant.
J. W. Thomas, Qr. Master Sgt.
Col. II. C. McMaken was elected
delegate to the department encamp
"Rosalind at lied Gate."
The Journal begs to announce to
its many readers that it has made
the necessary arrangements to com
mence the publication in the Dally
Journal of the story "Rosalind at
Red Gate.". This story is one by
Meredith Nicholson, the author of
that tremendous success "The house
of a Thousand Candles," and Is said
by critics to be far more interesting
and attractive than that famous
work. "Rosalind at Red Gate" Is
warranted to hold the Interest of the
reader from the time the initial
chapter appears until the dosing
scene is drawn upon the characters.
As everyone Is aware the work is one
of the very latest out, an up-to-dato
story and by one of the greatest liv
ing American authors. The publica
tion of this delightful story com
mences in the Daily Journal of next
Monday, January IS. Be sure and
see that your paper conies to hand
with the opening chapters so that you
can follow these characters which live
and move in the story, to the finish.
In the-Daily Journal of Monday, Jan
uary 18.
Makes u Good Agent.
Earl Clark of this city has taken
the agency of the National Fidelity
& Casualty Company of Omaha, Neb.
for this city, Cedar Creek and Louis
ville and expects In the future to
devote his attention to the building
up of their business in this section.
It is quite needless to say a good
word for Mr. Clark w ho is well known
here, having been born and raised
in this city. He Is a young man of
ability and integrity, one well quail
fled to write the particular form of
insurance this company is making a
speciality of and in every respect
capable of making them a splendid
agent. The company he represents
Is a Nebraska corporation and con
sidered a good, safe and conservative
company. The policy contains all the
usual grounds which such policies
cover and is quite liberal in its pro
visions. Anyone contemplating
health or accident insurance would do
well to let Mr. Clark talk to them.
For Reciprocal Demurrage.
Representative Noyes of this coun
ty yesterday introduced a reciprocal
demurrage bill into the house at
Lincoln, the first of the kind to be
offered at this session.
The bill provides that freight must
be carried forward a distance of not
less than sixty miles every day of
twenty-four hours. In computing the
time of shipment of car lond lots
twenty-four hours shall bo allowed
at points where a transfer is made
from one road to another; twenty
four hours shall be allowed on cars
weighed in transit. Failure to for
ward freight In a specified time will
subject the rallroal to pay to the con
signee $1 a day on carload lots or a
minimum charge of 5 rents for pack
flfrntl ay llrilllflntml rl n in n rrna Iai.i lin
. u -.' "
with damages tho shipper may sus-J
.-i- i... .t. j ..i.. 'I
tain by the delay
Railroads must notify consignees
within twenty-four hours after the
receipt of the freight with a state
inent of the freight bill, or failure
to do so the same penalty as for d
lay attaches.
Railroads slinll deliver to their
own warehouses or In enses of
shipments for track delivery to an
accessible place for unloading with
In twenty-four hours after arrival
Failure to do this subjects the rail
roads to a forfeit of $1 a day in ad
dition to damages to consignee. Tin
shipper shall have forty-eight hours
for unloading cars of 60,000 pounds
rapacity. Failure to keep within th
limits subjects the chipper to a forfeit
of $2 per day.
Do Much Business and Estimate the
County's Expense for Year
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 12, 1909.
Board met in regular session with
all members present, minutes of pre-
lous meeting read and approved,
when the following business was
transacted in form:
M. M. Butler was this day appoint
ed county physician for the year
1909. the compensation shall be
$5.00 per day and mileage, not to ex
ceed $20.00 per 6ay, nor shall the
total fees exceed $500 per year.
Board of health was organized w ith
M. L, Frledrlch chairman, C. R. Jor
dan vice chairman, M. M. Butler,
physician and W. E. Rosencrans, sec
retary. Estimate of expense for 1909:
Court house expense $3,000.00
Commissioners salary 3,000.00
County Supt 1,500.00
Assessing county 3,500,00
Making tax list 700.00
Books, blangs and supplies 2,000.00
Election expense 2,300.00
Fuel 1,500.00
Jail and Janitor fees 1.800.00
Paupers and poor farm . . 2,000.00
County attorney salary .... 1,000.00
Bridges 30,000.00
Roads ,. , 23,000.00
Incidentals 7,500.00
Soldiers relief . .' 1,000.00
Court expenses 7,500.00
Sheriff salary 1.750.00
Total estimate for 1909 .. $99,030.00
Petition of John Gauer and 45
others asking that a license to seel
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
be granted to Henry Leuchtweis at
Cedar Creek was filed.
County board ordered treasurer
to refund to Henry Eaton the sum of
$1.11, ho beiii? double rssessed
District Clerk Robinson filed his
eport showing amount of mileage
and peniicm of petit jur for the
eptenibcr term 1908. sane; was up-
Request of II. C. McMaken et nl
to place inscription on the cannon
on court house lawn, refused.
Bond of W. A. Cole, for road over
seer, district No. 14, approved.
Geo. N. LaRue was this day ap
pointed member soldier's relief com
mission. The following deputy assessors
were appointed by II. M. Soennkhsen
and approved:
Tipton precinct, II. Snoke.
Greenwood, L. B. Appleman.
Salt Creek, Walter E. Palling.
Stove Creek, W. C. Bartlett.
Elmvvood, Frank V. Huifish.
South Bend, C. T. Richards.
Weeping Water, Deltrich Hosiers.
Center, W. B. Esslck.
Louisville, John Group.
Avoca, Joe C. Zlmmerer.
Mt. Pleasant, W. H. Puis.
Eight Mile Grove, G. P. Meislnger.
Nehawka, John Wunderlich.
Liberty, J. T. Reynolds.
Rock Bluffs, G. a. Smith.
Weeping Water City, J. I. Corley.
Plattsmouth, Wm. Rummel.
Plattsmouth 1st and 4th wards,
James Rebal.
Plattsmouth 2nd ward, P. E. Ruff
ner. Plattsmouth 3rd and 5th wards,
Albert Desplaln.
Claims allowed on the general
M I. Frledrlch, salary and exp..12 00
It p Hwftxer. name 21 60
A O V W LoiIkb No. 8, room for
election R 00
C V Ilaylor, coal to poor 21 34
Wm Ilollv indue to Co 13 0
H C Manitiardt indue 8 00
II K WIlHon, lalmr 1 B0
John liauer, indue to Co 61 90
Neb. Llifht Co., (tan to Co 21 00
Harriet Decker, coats In Uonarth
caae, refused 20 00
M M Duller salary dIivh c Inns d -
Met No. 3 36 00
A N mniivan H it fare to Green
wood Dnxarth, refused 2 82
Rolit. L Clavton, witness lloxarth 2 00
Hen F Smith, name 2 00
Ham Dozarth, same 2 00
F S Flnley, same 2 00
JUL, KtiKllsh, name 2 00
John lioxarth, same 9 10
M S Maynard, notary name 3 25
h K lioxarth witness same 2 00
I' Clements same 2 f0
C Penney, same 2 2fi
J M Hoxarth same 2 00
saac Doxarth. same 2 00
Isaae Doxarth same 3 00
nr. r v cook. Insane case llarrv
Adair '. ft 00
D () Pwyer. same S on
.1 nmes Itohertson, satno 7 90
C P Qulnton, same 14 90
prank Hoffman, same 2 00
Joe KltxKerald, same 2 00
Ml nonat, name 2 00
Hen Ha nev. same ? an
() W IliiKsell, same 2 00
r n Jordan, .alary an.! tip.
P giiintnn, expend v M Th
n cuxe
. 15 (0
19 6(1
U p wmnton, exponse C A Kalston
iiiiiruer case 67 7H
vv M Austin nverv 6 7;i
It A Dates, printing 49 50
latins biiowimI on tlic road fund:
Marnier A Ksiniiv, nails to It p 3. 1 40
t'nlon l.umlier Co., lumber, 1,1.. 93 ."
t'nl'in l.umlier Co, . . . . r. hi
W C Dnrtli-tt, road work, 15 14 HO
minis niinwnl on lirhlne fund:
l moil Lumber Co, lumber. . . . M SS
lion hi adjourned to inert February
2nd, 1909. i '
W V.. Itoxenernii,
Counly Cleik.
It Doe the ltuxlhc.
h. L. ( haniberlaln of Clinton,
Maine, snys of Ducklln'H Arnica
Salve. "It does the business; I have
used It for plies and It cured them
I'sed it for chapped hands and It
cured them. Applied It to an old
sore and It healed It without leaving
a scar behind. " 23 rents at F. (1
Frlcko & Co.'s drug store.
More TIimii Making (mmmI.
Some time ago mention was made
In these columns of the transfer of
the restaurant from Eary Barclay to
Hatt & Osborn and the statement
was that theso gentlemen would find
It hard to excell the excellent ser
vice established by Mr. Barclay. The
Journal Is now glad to note that the
new firm has made good. It ha
kept the patr6nage established by
Mr. Barclay anil added' to it. This
has been done by close attention to
business, the setting of a good and
trauiittble table and excellent gen
eral service. It is not too .uuch to
say that the present meals set in
this cafe are far superior to tlioso set
by any other establishment of a
like character In the city or in fact.
In any city of Its size in this section.
The bills of fare are changed every
day and something new is always
ready for service to the poojib. The
proprietors have learned that it payi
to vary the things furnished tho pat
rons and have found the tradv ap
preciates It. In addition to regular
meals, the house is prepared to serve
short orders including everything
that is eatable. The prices have been
fixed at a reasonable scale and every
effort Is made to please the public.
As both the proprietors are young
men, they are alive and full of gin
ger and want to make the business
a winning one. To this end they are
trying to secure the public patron
age, and they really deserve It. Not
alone are they accommodating, but
their waiters are also polite and
obliging while their chefs are the
best to be had In tho city. With
polite services and excellent cuisine,
little moro will be asked by the
public. A trial of their service will
result In established patronage be
yond question.
Largest in the World.
"We have what is declared to be tho
largest lee house in tho world over
at my home town of Ashland, Neb.,"
said J. B. LaChapelle, the former
well known Mills county editor.
while making a call yesterday at the
Tribune office.
We naturally asked him for some
of the particulars. The Ice house Is
the property of the Swift Packing
company, and if It Is not the largest
one In the world it certainly Is a
mammoth one any way.
Mr. LaChapelle said the force of
men began putting up the annual
pack there this week. To completely
fill the huge building requires about
one month and gives employment to
375 men. The building is over three
fourths of a mile in length some
4,000 feet to be exact. It is 34 feet
wide and 39 feet high. It has a ca
pacity of 100,000 tons.
The building Is divided luto 20
rooms or compartments, each 200
feet long and having a capacity of
five thousand tons. The Ice is taken
from an artificial lake of 200 acres.
The Ice Is now eight Inches thick.
It Is said that this Ice house has
only been filled to Its full capacity
twice In twelve years. Mills County
Rank Foolishness.
"When attacked by a cough or
cold, or when your thront Is sore, It
Is rank foolishness to take any other
medicine than Dr. ing's New Discov
ery," says C. O. Eldrldge of Empire,
Ga. "I have used New Discovery for
seven years and I know it is tho best
remedy on earth for caughs and
colds, croup, and all throat and lung
troubles. My children are subject to
croup, but New Discovery quickly
cures every attack." Known tho
world over as the kind of throat and
lung remedies. Sold under guaran
tee at F. G. Frlcke & Co.'b drug store
at 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle freo.
It Wouldn't Burn.
There was an amusing Incident at
the K. P. banquet last night. It
was planned to burn the brandy on
the pudding In the presence of the
banqueters. All was In readiness,
the brandy was poured on and
match was applied, but the ding
busted stuff would not burn. Now,
several prominent citizens are ae.
cused of having drank the greater
part of the brandy and substituted
water. Pacific Junction Department
Mills County Tribune.
A. 8. Will departed this morning
for South Omaha at which place he
will look after the disposition of
two cars of stock that will be on
the market this morning, after which
he will resume his Journey on a bus
Iness trip to Denver and other west
ern points.
Mrs. C. F. Vallery departed this
morning for St. Joseph, Mo., where
she will consult a specialist In regard
to an Illness with which she has
been afflicted for some time. She
goes to the same physician that Mr,
Vallery has been taking treatment
for some time.
Ed. II. M Cowan, of Gibbon. Neb
brother of the late A. W. McGowan
formerly of this city, was an ovt
night visitor with his uncle, W. I)
Jones, departing this morning fo
Logan, Iowa, where he goes to attem
a fine stock sale. From there he will
return homo.
Members of I. 0. 0. F. and Refeek-
ahs Hold Joint Ceremony
From Wednesday's Pally.
The members of the I. O. O. F.
and the Rebekahs last evening held
the Installation of officers for the
year 1909. For the I. O. O. F. the
installation ceremonies were conduct-
by Mr. F. H. Stelmker assisted by
eral members of the lodge. The
officers Installed were:
W'm. Holly, N. G.
Thos. Olson, V. G.
Virgil Mullis. Sec.
J. P. Sattler, Treas.
Emil Ptak. Warden.
Philip Theirolf. R. S. N. G.
John Corey, L. S. N. G.
John Busche, R. S. V. G.
P. C. Petersen, L. S. V. G.
Dave Walengren, I. G.
At the same time the Rebekas held
their Installation and Mrs. Bertha
Petersen Installed the following of
ficers who will serve the ensuing
Mrs. J. M. Leer, N. G.
Mrs. II. Walntroub, V. G.
Mrs. F. II. Stelmker, Treas.
P. I). Bates. Warden.
Mrs. H.. McKay. Condr.
John Busche, R. S. N. (5.
Mrs. A. Kurtz, L. S. N. G.
Mrs. J no. McNurlln, R. S. V. G.
Mrs. Wm. Holly, I. O.
Mrs. John Busche, O. G.
The attendance at the Installation
as very good there being many
members present and a very fine
me was had. After the Joint in-
stallatlon, a fine dinner was served
t the hall which had been specially
prepared for the occasion by the Re-
ekahs. The dinner was one of
tho finest these two strong and virile
lodges, have ever Berved and It was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. The
members of the Rebekhas had made
pedal preparations for this instal
ation and it Is very much to their
redit to say that they acquitted
themselves with great honor.
.1. It. MelsliiKcr Not So Well.
From Monday's Pally.
L. R. Meislnger, one of the young
er branches of the Meislnger family
paid tho Journal a pleasant call this
noon, coming In to look after the
subscription of his father, the well
known and popular J. B. Meislnger.
He reports that his father Is not In
very good shape, the weather making
his rheumatism worse, and he Is
unable, to gut out and abuut very
much these days. It Is to be hoped
that tho weather will soon moderate
and this popular gentleman will be
able to once more get to town and
meet his host of friends. While
here Mr. L. R. Meislnger also paid
tho subscription of Mr. John B. Mela
lnger of Lincoln, one of the paper's
constnnt readers.
Don't Take the Risk.
When you have a bad cough or
cold do not let It drag along until It
becomes chronic bronchitis, or devel
opes Into an attack of pneumonia,
but give It tho attention it deserve
and get rid of it. Take Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy and you are
sure of relief. From a small be
ginning the sale and use of this pre
paration has extended to all parts
of the United States and to many
foreign countries. Its many remark
able cures of coughs and colds hav
won for It this wide reputation and
extensive use. Sold by F. G. Frlcko
& Co.
Played Military Dominoes,
Some fifty-three young people had.
a Jolly time playing military domi
noes last Friday night at the J. A.
Swope home, as guests of Ralph
Townsend and Wendell Chambers.
Those attending from a distant
were Misses Margaret Hart, and
Mary Cullough, South Omaha; Miss
Winnlfred Parmele, Plattsmouth and
Miss Lucille Record, Pacific Junction.
Mills County Tribune.
Why Refer
to Doctors
Because we make medicines
for them. We tell them all
about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and they prescribe it for
coughs, colds, bronchitis, con
sumption. They trust it. Then
you can afford to trust It.
Ask your own doctor.
The best kind of a testimonial
"Sold for over sixty years."
tSuithr l.C, AT"Oo.,T,fwill, .
o nianufaQluieri or
II uk viamj.
Vt hr no rnrtil V. puMln'i
th fnrmu'sa of all our tnrihcmirt.
Aver's Pills grc.V'v old tno Cherry
Pectoral in breaking u; a cold.