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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1909)
settled for 250. That additional to Ms taste or the bitterness or ae- fifty seems to wipe out some of the feat, he had done many things which beastly Indignities referred to. were commendable. It remains to be mn m-nthr Governor Shallnhrepr Senator Banning of this county, heeds the lessons of Gov. Sheldon's was selected as one of the commit-1 waning popularity, and llstns to the nwreduhepotofflceai Piatwmouth. ' tee on employes by the democratic demand of the people for a clean ! caucus. This should enable this The Plattsmouth Journal PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA R. A. BATES, Publisher gentleman to take tare of one or two Cass County people at least as it seems to be the studied policy of people's administration. The Journal believes that Governor Shallenberger Is too wise not to see his opportunity, and it does not hes- the governor and his advisors to Hate to predict that he w ill make Ignore this section. good and give the people of Nebras ka a genuine democratic admlnis- President Roosevelt's thunderings tration. against the various republican poll- cians around Council Bluffs and Oma- $l,SO Per Year in Advance. Congress Is preparing to take up the cudgel and go after Theodore First. There are a number of con gressmen and others who are smart ing under his rough accusations and they promise to make things lively w hen they get started. The Message. Thn mnva tc in t'uul loala thn 1 1 1 r rf I . . ... . . i I "v "M ha, mane migmy interesting reve- The messaee of Governor Shallen- Governor Sheldon's appointees to the a,,nna foP the DeoDle of this section. L . aa i. , - . ut.rger ,a one WII1UU lUIIllUCUUCU llBCil It would appear from what he says , ... . th , . f Ne a nnnnlnr rhnrrt Tho nnnnla tt Va. I . . . i I " " " ' r that tnere are migmy scam nonesi . . ,. ,HS t th ,.. of a braska really are entitled to know offlce holder8 , the federal ranks lA 8tatesmanliUe document and ln wno declares me resuu or election so in twia Kortinn Th thine to have ... . ... . i , In this section, ine ining to nae ltg recommendations to the leglsla- far as constitutional amendments are ...h ,0 tn turn the whole .... ... done would be to turn me wnoie ture it follows the lines of the demo- concerned, ir a governor can de- buncn out and put ln BOme demo dare a constitutional amendment crat3( then thl8 BCandai never would carried then there is no reason for the have taken place However. It Is cratic platform and shows that the new governor is determined to see that thn nlri?pg which he and his legislature canvassing me result at nn,v Pmil,llrAn honsec-leanlne and , . . j onlv a republican nouset leaning aim party mado to the peopie are carried an unu u u is iuc uiuuig uuuy men thfU ,g quUe comm0n. he has no business appointing until the result Is declared. The attempt of the republican pa pers ln the state to stir up trouble me supreme court or tne united among the democratic members of States has finally put the federal gov- tnp 1(lgIslature fa)1 flat. The ernment out of the trust busting bus- 0maha nee ,n partlcu,ar , starting Iness so far as the Standard Oil Com- the C8Tn,,agn wltn ereat vigor, pro- pany is concerned. In an opinion L,aImlng to the worid that the bos-, handed down Monday, the Justices B,on ..gtart8 wlth a Row when a decided that the government was (.art,ful Btudy of tho procwdlnB8 will wrong In Its contention in the convlnro anyone that the row is $29,000,000 fine case. The govern- purc,y lmaglnarv with the bright went' sought to have the finding of y(jung men whom the Dee nas upon the circuit court of appeals set aside by the supreme court which was re fused. It seems dead easy to send its legislative staff. There Is no row nor will there be any. This legisla ture Is going to avoid that very some labor "agitator" to Jail but al- th,ng flnd mUe y,c mlght jUBt a9 mignty nara to even nne a lite sizeu ., . ,, . thl line of ..... wi.ii 6-- onstration tnan tnis. it mat talk. The State Journal has also d nromDt Davment of out to the letter. This ls as it should be. The people when they elected a democratic governor and re-lnforced him with a legislature of his own kind of politics meant they expected the legislation demanded by the democrats, and he does no more than right ln hewing to the line of these demands and Insisting they be enacted. Upon the question of bank guar anty, tho governor is full and explic it. He favors a bank guaranty act which "will make every dollar de posited ln a Nebraska bank, abso lutely sure of Its being returned to Its lawful owner upon demand." There can be no clearer or ringing dem- expect from as able a man as Ashton C. Shallenberger, brave, fearless and democratic. It surely reads well and will meet with public approval Col. Henry C. Richmond won out a Job with the legislature Just the same. It is hard to pry Henry C. away from the public trough. Paul Morton and his rebates and the steel trust and its mergers were all right but Ben Tillman and his suspicious company, and Walter I Smith and the land sharks were all wrong. Strange and curious distinction. II There ls now a real, live, demo cratic administration In Nebraska, the first since the state entered the Union. No wonder the air seems clearer and more fresh and there are signs of an awakening of nature. It certainly seems good to De a I Nebraskan this morning. IT IS EASY TO USE IPI JAPALAC! USE ITJFOR If a man isn's a partisan of Theo dore First, he had better go In the straight and narrow path or the se cret service will get him. Teddy had the sleuth hounds on the trail of Senator Tillman it seems. It ls well for the sleuths that Benj. R. didn't know it at the time or there would surely have been some lurid head lines in the papers. What he would have done to' Theodore and his min ions would have been something scandalous. And he may let out a little yet. Gas Pipes, Water Pipes, Wire Screens, Iron Fences Refrigerators, Furniture, Shelving, Stairways, Tables, Chairs, Trunks, Floors, . Chandeliers Iron Brackets, Linoleum, Doors, Etc. In Fact for Everything! ering m Go. I That Juries do not always err Is proven by the action of the Jury in the trial of Mrs. Erb and her sister Mrs. Beisel for the murder of Capt. Erb, at Media, Pa. ful lextracts of the eran leaders like Stone and less to J. W. Folk and other reformers of his ilk, they would likely be ln com plete control there now. trust. It will be several days before the legislature gets down to business, the preliminary work occupying usually the flrRt week of the session. After detected a plot to "seize" the su preme court. The fact in this case ls that Governor Sheldon at the be hest of political tricksters who seem to be able to control hla actions lever since tho people turned him the several messages have been dis posed of and the organization of the hM a,ready cwded blB au. thorlty and packed the supreme two houses concluded, comes tho de luge of bills with pet theories and ideas from practically every member und this usually takes several weeks after which the sifting and grinding out process is called into action. It can be, set down as a safe proposi tion that It will be close to three weeks before any substantial progress In the direction of needed legisla tion will be made. But at that it Is better to take time and do things slowly and right than to waste time by rushing through imperfect and bad leglulatlcn. Lincoln Is modest. She says she is not asking for an appropriation to build an addition to the capltol building. In fact sne does not want an addition built,, but what she does want Is an entire new structure prob iibly one that would put New York or Pennsylvania completely in the shade. When the main building of the uni versity was first built, it was only a nhort time before the cry went up that it was unsafe and It was neces vary to put in a new foundation; then the Insane asylum. was in such condition that It was destroyed by fire, and that It waa one of the black est crimes that ever disgraced Ne braska. Now It In the capltol build Ing thai U too small, that shakes with the wind, that Is considered un- aae, representative hall not being atrong enough which, to hold the Inauguration ball. Trult there seems bench with republicans. All the members of the legislature have ever tried to do Is to protect their consti tutional rights ln the premises, and if they do that they are but doing their duty, if the control of tho su preme court would pass to tho dem ocrats as a result, It is a purely In cldental one. No there will be no row nor do the democrats Intend to "seize" anything they are not en titled to. But they do intend to as Bert their constitutional rights wheth pfit suits Victor Rose water, the State Journal or Governor Sheldon. deposits shall be a feature of the law which is the only question upon which the legislature bids fair to argue. lie makes other recommen dations which relate to the banking laws, which are good and pertinent and which are all designed to aid in securing the safety of the people's funds in the banks. He refers to the present system of electing assessors by the entire coun ty and makes a declaration in favor of the return to the system of elect ing precinct assessors. This was one of the planks which aided so largely in carrying the state last fall and which meets with the full and candid approval of the people. He also fa vors limiting the powers of the state board of equalization so that they cannot fix the property valuation and also the tax levy for state purposes as this enables them to levy exces- Senator Culberson of Texas ls at tacking President Roosevelt's sub servience to the steel trust merger, From the very struck a popular chord. The sena- evidence pub- tor quite rightly characterized his llshed in the press it was evident action as "another arbitrary and that the slain man was one of violent lawless act of the chief magistrate" temper and dangerous moods and it and founded, his opposition to such is equally plain that at the time he actions upon- solid ground. It is was killed he was attempting to kill to be regretted that there are no Mrs. Beisel and was slain ln the at- more Culbersons ln the senate to at tempt. The acquittal was a measure tack unwarranted and lawless pro of justice clearly. The movement now on foot in con gress to increase the president's sal ary will not likely meet with much opposition. In these days of huge ceedlngs of the president or any other officer who oversteps his authority. There can be no doubt but what the recent cold snap in the large cit ies would have proven much worse salaries for able men, the salaries I and caused a great deal more suffer- pald government officials, especially ing had it not been for the numer the presidency, are very small. It is ous charitable societies and lnstitu- no more than commensurate with tlons which have been engaged in the dignity of the position that a preparing the people for it. Every salary of one hundred thousand dol- large city now boasts of numbers of lars per year be paid the occupant such societies which do a great deal of that high position. It is not be- of good and there are a world of lleved that the people would oppose philanthropic people who spend much this increase. time and money in taking care of the needy. The poor we will always new legislature makes the fire and police commission appointive by the mayor. It seems to believe this means something terrible for that city. The general opinion is that when the people of Omaha elect a mayor they know whom they want and why they want him and if they had chosen some of little Vic's henchmen there Is no room to doubt but what the charter provision which the Bee now so loudly howls about, would be Just to its taste. But there is hardly much reason to believe the democratic members of the legisla ture will pay much attention to the republican national committeeman from this state. The trial and conviction of eight have with us and as long as men and slve taxes which may be ate up in of the partleB acCused of particlpa- money exists there must be good tlon in the night rider outrage ln souls to stand to the fore and avert extravagant state administration. This also the people will endorse He refers to the cost of the state effect upon the iawieBa element which government in tne past rew years hag bee maklne that Dart o( tho country literally a hell on earth for several years. It now remains to see Governor Hhullenborger. Today Governor ABhton C. Shallen berger 'commences his administra tion of the governor's office. He en ters uponuthe .duties of the office and urgeg tne utmost economy in under circumstances which ; should administration commensurate with enablo him to make an exceptionally I the work done. This Is another good executive. Sustained by a dem- thing which the people endorse, ocratlc legislature in both branches, ue (av0rs authorizing the railroad there seems no reason why the ney I commission to appraise the physical governor cannot secure tho needed I value of public service corporations legislation tq make his administra- 0f the state and to control their debt- tlon a complete success. ( making power. If the board has this He Is recognized by even thoso powPr aiready, he favors giving them who opposed his election last fall aa a sufficient appropriation to enable a level-headed, safe and conservative tnem to carry? these powers out. He man. He has no wild or erratic Ideas I suggests several good methods by on government so far as has ever I which this appropriation can be Tennessee, ought to have salutary as much as possible the bitterness of winter. The astonishing Information which President Roosefelt has given tnat tne majesty or tne law is vin- tho Benate t0 tho etfect tnat ne dlcated by the execution of these condemned murderers. , If the men could be convicted In that locality there can be no doubt whatever of their guilt and their speedy execu tion Is necessary to make the decree of the court effective. , The cheering intelligence Is given by the press today that Messina has passed upon the merger of the sev eral steel companies with the steel trust, and has decided that the mer ger was all right and good, and that there could be no prosecution of i this trust, should excite deep Inter i est the country over . The steel trust seems to be one of those which Theodore classes as a "good" trust. The Harriman lines and the Standard i . . , i J J .L.ik " . .1 , -rr-r; . I nOW Plenty 01 PTOTIBIOUB Utt tUUlU- I ' v'l ' been known. Vet he has that sense raised without resorting' to faxing ,ng for ,t8 etrtcken population. This 011 ComPanT r denounced by him Is good news and everyone can re- as "bad Because the Identical things steel trust has been doing and of i l J .. .. :i . . , .1 i) i . they which do the of fairness and honesty In him, which I the people for It, any of which are will (nable(hlni to weight carefully fair and equitable.. On this plank, olce wJth ou:r Lallan friends that .1 i ."I ,.',. M rights .of the people as against the people are with him and will if "rrtlef has been air- iv ire Buuiwiuiviiru iu wiuvm, ' i - i w w - j . - i - . . . J III- U. anil the pretensions of any special inter-! stand to his support. . .. , L thnm la t0 the credit wh b has.approved., HUflneand """"" . I . ' 1 ' ' : . ' I " ' I la DImiiVll est. it was tne commence or tne He favors borne rule for tne cities I . ..j i.. .i u.i. ,k.,iuioiuiu.u.u..6 ju,,.u, , , I ,t ; . r....i . . I Ol Amcntk nuu iib mu oajwchco iu In .tho damage suit case ( of , the j peoplo In his good-judgment at the I of Omaha and South Omaha, a meas-1 tQ8 nag come ah0ut. The public Herald editor against G. W, Lcidlghj time when a crisis should confront ure of Justice which tbos two cities 8Ubgcrl'ptlons coupled with the do of Nebraska Clrr', "now Pending in the I the state which VRd to hls ejection, were promised In tho democratic natlon 0f the federal government, district court cm uancasier county, There Is no doubt that his lead platform and to which they are en K. J. Murfln o( J.lils,clty. claiming to I will bo followed by the members of titled represent tho defendant, offered us tho legislature unless he should un- He suggests reforms ln the prl- 1200 In settlement last Saturday but jexpectedly turn out to entertain Ideas mary law which are both wlao and tho offer was Indignantly spurned. I at variance with those upon which I valuable as there are so many manl- Xloney Is a small consideration with he won his election. In such a cane test mistakes and errors In tho pres- puzzling to the ordinary finite mind. The determination of the demo crats to force the supreme court to go on record In the matter of Gov r has made this country easily the leader In the relict work and the . " ' . . v ' I ernor Sheldon s appointment or tne Italian government has not bcenr'""' DUWU " four supreme Judges, is to do com slow In recognizing this fact. mended. Whether the court decides rrcss dispatches this morning as-1 whether he has the power or not. it some men In this wjrld. Honor, dig-1 the members of tho legislature arc lent law as to render it not alone Inert that Senator Wm. J. Stone of I u a question which the people should nlty and sensibility have a strong I thoroughly capable of making him I unfair but very nearly worthless as Missouri, will be re-elected, tho ex- have decided once and for all. While Dlace with some men that money I stand hi hi euna and rnrrv nut thn In mnnna .f nhmlninv an ixnrenHlon I nected contests by which the repub- many nrofrsH to believe that the cannot touch and no amount of mon-J precepts of tho democratic platform, of tho w ill of tho people. Means hoped to obtain control of the I case cannot bo made ngalnnt Gov ry alone could assuago tho beastly In- Governor Shallenberger's predo- Ho recommends the creation of leglslatureanddefeathlmhavlng fall- crnor Sheldon's appointee", there are dignities heaped upon us, mo and my I censor waa in many respects a most la non-partisan board of control for cd to materialize. This Is quite Just. family, by tho defendant In this case excellent man. His administration the several stato Institutions and tho Senator Stone has made a good sen during our pleasure trip to our old was the moBt progressive repugltcans taking of tho same out of politics ator for Missouri and the nation de- home last fall, and It was adding In- havo given tho state and tho very I and to this recommendation every spite the charges which have from suit to Injury to ruaVe any such sur- elements which went to make bin good citizen can say amen. time to time been mado by so-called rcptltlous proffer. Bonio men have popularity were thoso filched front There are other good and whole- reformers. He made a gallant flRht rxccedlngly vague conceptions of the democratic platforms. Since hlsLomo recommendations In tho mes- In Missouri and won a deserved vie- manhi od. 1 Jncoln Herald. Blnce the I defeat he has dono many things I sagu which well repays careful study, tory. Had the democrats of the above was written Kdltor Hucklns which tarnish his record but previous! It Is such a messago as ono would I state paid more attention to the vet- still many who hold otherwise among them being many good lawyers, and the question must be settled In somo manner so that all may be satisfied Let tho case proceed by all means. VKVaBBBBBBBBHBSBfIHBBBBHkVIvaBB The Omaha Bee Is considerably ex crclsed because the new charter bill which will be Introduced Into the Sheldon's Vengeance. There will be more Nebraskans than before pleased that George L. Sheldon's term as governor has ceased after they hae glanced over his parting message. Because of its interminable length and dreary prolixity very few will have the pa tience to read it. A physical valuation of bachelors and maidens appears to to outgoing governor to be of more pressing Im portance that a physical valuation of railroads. There should be no marrying hereafter, he thinks, unless the prospective bride and groom shall be able to satisfy a critical man of medicine not only that they are sound and healthy, but that they are capable of producing healthy off spring. Since experience has demon strated that this latter qualification Is not invariably susceptible to proof in advance of the fact, it would have been interesting if Mr. Sheldon had furnished plans and specifications for carylng his'ideas-ltfto'practlce. . ,The trend of the ex-governor's argument Is plain, however. Had we had two more years of him in the executive chair there would probably have been supplemental recommendations, before the expiration of that time, to properal penalize young married poo properly penalize young married pec convicted themselves of having de ceived the doctor. Since all those who have proved to be confirmed criminals are confined In the penitentiary or hanged, while the Incurably Insane are shut up In the hospitals for the insane, and kept there, the neod . for their "steriliza tion" Is not, at first blush, apparent. But then, neither Is the need for state-wide prohibition apparent. This latter recommendation Mr. Sheldon makes to punish the state for hav ing committed the "crime" of de feating him. It may be his sterllza tlon and medical examination pro gram ls a strip off the same bolt of cloth. That is to say, Mr. Sheldon may have worked ihmself up into such a stato of mind that he has concluded that It wbb the confirmed criminals, chronic lunatics and mol lycoddles who deposed him from, power, and he wants all of them, to gether with the brewers, to be se verely castlgated.World Herald. Shaving sets Gerlng & Co.