The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 07, 1909, Image 8

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Short Items of Interest, From Mon
day Evening's Daily Journal
Frank Krolek came down Friday
several days with friends and rel
atives. L. L. Fatton is spending the day In
Omaha being a passenger for that
city on the early train this morning.
Dr. Frank L. Cummins spent Sun
day visiting friends at Murray, re
- turning in the evening on the M.
P. train.
Ed.' Schulhof returned to Glen
wood this morning on No. 6 after
spending Sunday with his folks In
this city.
Mrs. J. W. Crabill Is spending the
day In Omaha visiting with relatives,
being a passenger for that city on the
early train.
Father Bradley came down last
evening from Lincoln to make a short
visit with Father Shine and members
of his former parish.
Mrs. A. Stevenson of Ft. Madison,
la., who has been visiting In the city
with Mrs. Henry Martin, departed.
this morning for her home.
Edward White returned to his
studies at the State University this'
morning after spending the holidays
In this city with his folks.
Mrs. C. E. Vroman was a business
visitor In Omaha today being a pas
senger for that city on the early
train this morning.
Miss Mary Foster, county superin
tendent, was a passerrger for Union
yesterday morning going down to
spend the day with her parents.
Miss Alma Larson was the guest of
her sister Mrs. R. E. Foster at
Union, yesterday being a passenger
for that city on the M. P. train.
MlsseB Mary and Hermla Gradevll
and Thomas Gradevll were passen
gers this morning for Omaha where
they will spend the day visiting with
James and Donald Patterson who
spent the holidays in the city with
their gr&ndparests Mr. and Mrn.
Wm. McCaluey, returned to their
school at Council Bluffs, la., yester
day morning,
Jos. Burlanek who is employed at
Leavenworth, Kas., came In for a
several days' visit with his parents
departing yesterday morning for Ne
braska City where he will spend sev
eral days with friends before return
ing to his duties.
' Miss Doris Patterson who has been
spending the holidays In the city with
her grand-parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McCauley, departed yesterday morn
ing for her school at Concordia, Kas.
She was accompanied as far as Lin
coln by Mrs. McCauley.
Livingston RIchey, Frank H. Smith
nnd Charles Grimes were passengers
for Union yesterday to spend the day
with Mrs. Grimes. She is very low
and no progress in a favorable di
rection is to be reported. Mr. RIchey
departed last evening from Union for
bis studies at the State University.
Ralph Marshall who has been at
tending Kenton Military Academy at
Boonevllle, Mo., for the past fall and
winter, and who came In to spend the
, holidays with his parents Dr. C. A.
Marshall and wife, returned to his
studies yesterday morning, Mrs. Mar
shall accompanying him for a brief
Miss Christina Soennlchsen, who
has been spending the holiday va
ration at home returned Saturday
evening to her duties at the Art
school in Chicago, which she has
been attending for some time. MIrs
Soennlchsen Is one of Plattsmouth's
moHt popular young ladles, and all
regret her absence, even for a few
months from society circles.
C. D. Schleicher of Drady, Lincoln
County, Neb., who has been visiting
In this city with his father-in-law
Chas. Miller and family, departed
this noon for his home, lie expects
to spend several days In Omaha pre
vious to going on to his homo. Den
Is feeling fine again now although
not entirely recovered, but being
well along on the highway toward
good health.
II. Vllllger and wife of Council
Muffs, In., are In th rlty today. Mr
Villager Is the head carpenter for
the Krug Brewing Company and Is
looking after some needed Improve
ments for their property hero. He
was In the city of Messina, Italy
some twenty-eight years ago, this be
ing the city which was recently de
stroyed by earthquake with such
great loss of llfo and property.4 Mr
Vllllger declares that it was a most
beautiful city at the time of his vlstt
and he was much appalled to learn of
the great loss which has come upon
it. It Is probable that he will en
gaged la the city for several days
Pocket books Gerlng & Co.
Mrs. Joseph Droege is spending the
day in Omaha being a passenger on
the early train for that city.
Mrs. M. D. Houk of Omaha Is
spending several days in this city,
visiting with Mrs. Thos. South and
other friends.
Henry Guthman departed this
morning on the early train for Omaha
after spending several days In the
city with his folks.
Miss Lillian Dookmeyer was a pas
senger last evening for Omaha on
the M. P. train after spending sev
eral days in the city with her folks.
Ed. Polln was a passenger this
morning for South Omaha to
take up his duties In that city, after
spending Sunday with his family
R. 0. Heine, brother-in-lay of W.
C. Irwin, who has been making a
holiday visit with Mr. Irwin and
wife, departed this morning for his
home at Chicago, 111.
Itching plies provoke profanity,
but profanity won't cure them.
Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleed
ing or protruding plies after years of
suffering. At any drug store.
Mrs. John Buttery and three child
ren of Lincoln, came in Saturday
night for an over-Sunday visit with
Wm. Holly and family, returning this
morning to their home at Lincoln.
Glen Smith and wife of Omaha re
turned to their home last evening
after spending Sunday In the city
with Judge Travis and family.
. Misses Helen and Ruth Chapman
are spending the day visiting with
friends In Omaha going up to that
city on the early train this morning.
Raymond Travis came down Sat
urday night spent Sunday with
his folks, returning to his duties in
Omaha yesterday evening on the M.
P. train.
John Schwartz and son H. H.
Schwartz both energetic farmers from
near Nehawka are spending the day
In the city being registered with
Mlnehnat G"o of th Hotel Platts
Most disfiguring skin eruptions,
scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are
due to impure blood. Burdock Bit
ters Is a cleansing blood tonic. Makes
you clear eyed, clear, brained, clear
skinned. 13
Bert Pollock, general manager of
the Plattsmouth Telephone Company,
departed this morning for Havelock
where he Is superintending the con
struction of the new telephone of
fice of the company.
Misses Helen and lone Dovey de
parted yesterday morning for Chi
cago, 111., where they are attending
art school, returning to their studies
after spending the holidays in this
city with their parents.
Fred Hawksworth and wife of Nor
folk, who has been visiting with D.
Hawkcsworth and family, were pas
sengers this morning for Omaha
where they will spend the day. Mrs.
E. W. Cook accompanied them.
Miss Florence McEIroy came down
Saturday evening from her duties as
stenographer to Father Bradley at
Lincoln and will spend several days
In the city, visiting her parents and
friends. She expects to return to
Lincoln on next Wednesday.
Eugene Tlghe of the Union Pacific
headquarters at Omaha, was an over
Sunday visitor In the city, coming
down Saturday night and returning to
his duties this morning on the early
Burlington train. Mr. Tlghe la steno
grapher to the chief engineer of the
Union Pacific.
H. D. Haldeman of Ramonia, Kas.,
who has been visiting with friends
and relatives in the city during the
holidays, departed this morning for
his home. He was accompanied as
far as Omaha by B. F. Klchelberger.
his son-in-law.
Mrs.' J. L. Speck, hoiih John and
Ben, daughter Belle, and niece Miss
Enisle O'Neill were passengers this
morning on the early train for Oma
ha where they will spend the day
doing some shopping and visiting
with friends.
Julius Ahlstrand and wife of Lo
gan, la., who have been spending
several days in the city, the guests of
V. C. Ahlstrand and wife, were pas
senRcrs this morning for Omaha
Mr. Julius Ahlstrand and V. C. Ahl
strand are brothers.
The Journal begs to acknowledge
receipt of a number of copies of
English newspapers brought Jn by
our good friend Harry Johnson. Tbey
make very Interesting reading In
great many ways and are always wcl
come at our tablo.
Mrs, Frank Campbell departed this
noon on the mail train for Omaha
where she will be a visitor until next
L. B. Brown, the eminent farmer
and mayor of Kenosha, drove In this
morning to iook alter some business
H. M. Soennlchsen, the live grocer,
Is in Omaha this afternoon looking
after business matters, going up on
the mall train.
Henry Nolting of Cedar Creek took
his dinner today with the Hotel
Plattsmouth, having bsulness in the
city to look after.
R. F. Rheln of Council Bluffs, la.,
is looking after some business mat
ters in the city being a guest at the
Hotel Plattsmouth.
Earl Wescott Is looking after bus
iness matters in Omaha this after
noon being a passenger for that city
on the mail train at noon.
County Clerk Rosencrana and wife
are spending the day In Omaha hav
ing been passengers for the metropo
lis on the mail train this noon.
Mrs. Wm. Baird Is among those
spending the afternoon In the me
tropolis being a passenger for that
city on the mall train at noon.
H. H. Iske and wife of LaPlatte
came over this morning fro a few
hours' business in the city, return
ing to their home on the mall train at
A. W. Atwood, the enterprising
Bee correspondent In this city, is
spending the afternoon In Omaha be
ing a passenger for that city on the
noon train.
Mrs. A. L. Baker of Nebraska City
who has been visiting In the city with
friends departed this noon on the
mail train for Omaha where she will
spend the afternoon.
Mrs. W. Wood was among those.
traveling to Omaha this noon on
the mail train going up to spend the
afternoon. Mrs. Wood Is the guest
of friends in this vicinity.
Miss Evelyn Taylor came In this
morning from her home near Rock
Bluffs and was a passenger on the
mail train at noon for Omaha where
she will spend several days.
Patronize home Industry by buying
home made candies. If grown peo
ple refuse to buy "cheap" candy,
they should also Instruct their child
ren to do the same. Nemetz & Co.
County Attorney Rawls and wife
were passengers this noon on the
mall train for Lincoln where they go
to attend the reception given tonight
by Governor Sheldon to the members
of his Etaff and the officers of the
National Guard.
F. L. Curtis of the Falrbury Jour
nal, of Falrbury, Neb., spent a few
hours In the city this morning look
Ing to town over and apparently con
templating breaking Into the journal
istic field. He departed at noon for
his home going on the mall train
The condition of Frank Swoboda
who has been ill for sometime past
Is reported to day as being some bet
ter although his Improvement Is still
rather slow. It Is hoped that he can
soon show more marked signs of im
provement than in the past and that
he will be himself once more.
Mrs. J. E. McDanlels and family
who spent the holidays visiting with
relatives and friends at Sallna, Kas
returned to the city yesterday eve
ning upon the M. P. train. They en
oyed a very delightful visit over
Christmas and New Year's with their
many friends In the Kansas city.
M. S. Brlggs who has been running
the shop of LeWIs Curtiss at Union
for several days came up yesterday
afternoon to make a brief visit with
his family and to look after some
business matters. He expects to re
turn to Union some time tomorrow
Miss Marie Frey and brothers Ed
ward and Paul of Red Oak, la., who
have been spending the holidays In
the city with the family of L. B. Eg
enberger, departed this morning fo
their home. There was quite
large crowd of their young friends at
the train to see them depart.
W. J. and L. VV. Lorenz departed
this morning on the early train for
the west. They are called to Wilbur
where the final settlement of thel
father's estate Is to be had in a few
days. L. W, Ixrenz will stop over
today In Tobias where he has some
business matters to look after while
W. J. will spend the day In Crete.
Misses Ellen Schneider antl Glady
Munger of lilger, Neb., who spent
yesterduy In the city, the guests of
the family of District Clerk Robert
son. departed this morning for Peru
where they were students at the Nor
mal school accompanied by Miss
Dlnnche Robertson, also a student
there. The several young ladles
spent the holidays at their respective
Bennett Chrlswelser and wife, and
son Richard, wlfo and sons Roy and
Johnny all of Furnns County, were
passengers this morning for Oma
ha where they will spend the day.
Mr. John Chrlswelser and family
have been spending the holidays In
this city visiting with his father and
family. They will likely remain
several days longer as their visit has
been more than pleasant.
Short Items of Interest From Tues-
y day Evening's Daily Journal
Miss Edith Buzzell was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha where
she will spend the day.
Sheriff Qulnton was a business vis
itor this afternoon at Greenwood be-
ng a passenger on the mail train for
that city.
C. A. Welch departed this morning
on the early train for Lincoln where
he will Join the bridge gang, after
his holiday vacation.
Orlando Tefft of Avoca, came down
last evening from Omaha where he
had been looking after business mat
ters and was a guest at the Riley.
Mrs. Tony Janda and Mrs. James
Nowhek were passengers this morn-
ng on the early train for Omaha
where they will spend the day doing
Mrs. W. F, Scotten and daughter
Nora, were passengers this morning
on the early train for Omaha where
they will spend .the day visiting with
Olson Photograph Co. makes about
25. different post card views of
Plattsmouth. We are the only peo
ple that handle the complete line.
Nemetz & Co.
Miss Julia Teipel and niece Miss
Taylor, were passengers this noon
on the mail train for Omaha where
they will spend the afternoon vlsit-
ng with friends.
Miss Leona Brady was a passen
ger Sunday afternoon for Omaha
where she was the guest of friends
until last evening when she returned
to her home in this city.
Father Bradley returned to kls
home at Lincoln this afternoon on
the mall train, after a visit of a few
days in the city, the guest of Father
Shine and his parishoners.
Gus Cunin who had his eye In
ured some time since at the shops,
was a passenger on tne noon irain
for Omaha where he Is still taking
treatment for the trouble.
Mrs. Ed. Lutz was a passengi this
morning on the early train for Oma
ha where she will spend the day vis
iting with friends and looking after
business matters.
Mrs. W. L. Pickett and mother
Mrs Ruston of Evansvllle, Ind., who
has been her guest for several days,
departed this morning for a brief
visit 1 with relatives at Lincoln.
F. S. Will who has been spending
several days In the city visiting with
his parents A. S. Will and wife, de
parted this morning for his home at
Nelson, Nuckolls County, Neb.
Mrs. S. H. Atwood and son, Cal
vin left Friday for the east for a
brief visit and will Join Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Sanford and Col. C. W. Keley
of Lincoln, January 19 in a trip to
the Holy Land. Lincoln Star.
L. Ottnat, the well known painter,
who has been laid up for some time
with rheumatism, Is able to be out,
but as yet he Is unable to handle
himself as he would like to. Nebras
ka City NewB.
D. W. Foster, the nestor of Liberty
precinct, and A. D. Hathaway came
in last evening for a brief business
visit in the city. The two gentlemen
paid this office a very pleasant visit
this morning. Mr. Hathaway Is the
road overseer recently elected In his
Mrs. A. A. Shore of Norborne, Mo.,
who has been visiting during the
holidays with her parents John
Brady and wife, departed this morn
ing for Greenfield, la., where she
spend several days visiting her sis
ter who lives In that city, after which
she will proceed to her home.
Miss Llllie Tulene and rlster Mrs.
S. E. Reed and her children, were
passengers this morning for Perclval,
la., where they will visit with rel
atives for several days. Mrs. Reed
and children have been visiting with
Miss Tulene and her folks, coming
In severer days ago from Mitchell,
S. I).
Mrs." E. M. Godwin, daughter Mol-
lle, and baby Frank were passengers
this morning for Whltesboro, Tex.,
where they will avoid the cold north
ern winters and spend Beveral weeks
making a visit with relatives. They
will doubtless enjoy the change from
the severe cold snap which Is now on
the country to sunny Texas.
Mrs. W. L. Street and little grand
daughter were passengers this morn
ing for Omaha where they will spend
the day visiting Mr. Street at the
hospital. He is reported to bo do
ing finely now and hopes to soon
be well enough to be out
and at home once more. Mrs.
Street now entertains great hopes
he will completely recover within
a short space of time. He has been
confined to the hospital for sit weeks
Commissioner J. L. Swttxer came
In last night from Weeping Water to
attend the meeting of the commis
sioners. Geo. A. B. Hicks of Eight Mile
Grove precinct, was In the cltr tn.
day attending the meetiug of the
County Commissioners.
Robt. Vial of Nehawka, was in the
city today looking after business mat
ters, and attending the meeting of
the County Commissioners.
Commissioner C. D. Johdan was in
Herman Pankonin. the Louisville tne cuy la8t nlSnt and todav & -
merchant, Is spending the day in the tendance upon the meeting of the
city looking after business matters. commissioners, returning to his home
Emll Wurl Is attending to business 0 t0day'
In the metropolis this afternoon be- Mlsa ISellle oeWer, daughter of F.
ing a passenger on the mail train for S Solver of Salina, Kansas, who has
that city. Deen visiting her uncle James Selver
'Mrs. C. C. Parmele was a and famUy' rr the Past efw days,
PPr this nnnn nn tho mall tP.ln ,"u",cu lu "cl "UU1B l"Uy.
Omaha where she will spend the af
ternoon. Geo. H, Falter was a business vis
itor this afternoon In Omaha being
a passenger on the mall train for that
city at noon.
W. J. White had business matters
to attend to this afternoon in Oma
ha being a passenger on the mall
train for that city.
L. A. Moore, the florist, was a pas
senger this noon on the mail train
for Omaha where he had Important
business mattra to look after.
Wm. Crippen and wife of LaPlatte
were In the city this morning for
a few hours, and were passengers on
the mall train at noon for their home.
Mrs. C. D. Qulnton accompanied
F. A. Rennle and wife, accompanied
by the latter's brother, Frank Selver,
who have been spending Christmas
and Yule-tide with their parents,
were passengers for their home at
Madrid, Neb. Quite a number of their
friends were at the depot to bid them
Miss Ellen C. Windham departed
last evening for Chicago, 111., where
she goes to take a course at the art
school in that city. Miss Windham
has developed great talent In the
line of art and bids fair to make her
self a reputation as an artist of rare
C. S. Stone, the late cashier of the
Murray State Bank, was a brief vis
itor in the city yesterday evening.
Charley is one of the best fellows it
her husband on his trip to Greenwood his ever been our pleasure to meet,
as far as Omaha where she will
spend the afternoon visiting with
Miss Kathryn L. Windham depart
ed, yesterday afternoon for the State
University at Lincoln, after spending
the holidays In the city with her
W. A. Sharpe was a passenger this
noon on the mail train for Omaha
where he had business matters to at
tend to. He spent several days In
the city visiting with hl3 mother and
Mrs. D. B. Ebersole and son Geo.
Benjamin, were passengers this
noon on the mail train for Omaha
where they will spend the afternoon
visiting with friends and doing some
R. II. Vanatta departed on the mail
train at noon for Minco, Okla., ac
companying his daughter Mrs. Wm.
Noxon and where he will make his
future home.
Miss Florence McEIroy who has
been spending several days in the city
visiting with her parents Frank Mc
EIroy and wife, departed this noon
on the mail train to resume her du
ties with Father Bradley at the cap
ital as his stenographer.
Mrs. Mary Glenn departed this
noon on the mail 'rain for her home
at Salllx, Neb., after spending several
days In the city visiting with her two
daughters. She was accompanied by
her grand-daughter Miss Pearl Owens
who goes with her for a brief visit.
and he Is always one of the most
welcome visitors at the Journal of
fice. Since retiring from his duties,
at Murray, he has been in search of
a suitable location, which has been
delayed somewhat owing to his recent
Illness. At present he thinks he
will return to Oklahoma.
Sheriff Quinton Has a Brace of Insan
ity Calls On Hand
From Tuesday's Dally.
Sheriff Quinton last evening was
called to the home of Geo. Hild,
west of the city, by telephone on ac
count of a man who was exhibiting
symptoms of insanity. When the
sheriff arrived which was about 8
o'clock in the evening, he found the
man lying on the steps of the house
apparently suffering from a fit of
some kind. He took him in charge
and brought him to the city, confin
ing him to the county jail. The man
has been staying at the Hotel Platts
mouth for some ten days past. He
Is described as a tall, heavy-set, well
made man who has piled several
trades in the city and vicinity for the
time he has been here. He gives his
name as T. V. Bueltoen and claims
he has no relatives. A search of his
person revealed' a certificate of ad
mission to follow the trade of engin-
Wm. Noxon and wife departed this eerlng In the state of Minnesota and
noon on the mall train for Mlnco, also a letter with the signature of
Okla., where they will make their Louis Bueltoen who seems to be a
future home. Mr. and Mrs. Noxon relative. His hearing will doubtless
have been old residents of this vl- take place shortly as an effort will be
clnlty for many years and their de- made to locate his relatives before
parture is hailed with genuine re- the hearing.
gret by their many friends.
Miss Marie Donnelly, of Platts
mouth, who has been the guest of
Miss Laura Kuhlman, returned home
Thursday evening accompanied by
Miss June Ballard, Irma Thomas,
Laura Kuhlman and Leta Thomas,
Miss Donnelly gives a house party to
these young ladles and they were
Joined Friday by Harry Thomas, who
remained over until today. Nebras
ka City News.
Hon. T. Jefferson O'Day, editor of
the Register, mayor, city treasurer,
justice of the peace, constable and
general Pooh Bah, of Nehawka, was
Sheriff Qulnton also received a
telephone message this morning from
the constable at Eagle, Informing,
him that he had an Insane man In his
custody at that point and asking the
sheriff to come out and take charge
of him. Owing to the bad . condi
tion of the telephone wires the sher
iff's report was rather vague and un
satisfactory, about, all he was able
to get being that the man was not
violent and that the constable could
bring him to Greenwood where the
sheriff could take charge of him.
He was unable to learn the unfor
tunate's name nor the particulars of
his malady. Sheriff Quinton de-.
was In the city today between trains parted at noon 0Q th(J ma tra,n for
snaning nanas wun nis many menus 0reenwood where he w, take tbe
and telling some funny stories. Par
son O'Day is certainly the jolllest
newspaper man in the state and finds
time to be pleasant and charitable
to all. Nebraska City News,
Congressman Ernest Pollard was
In the city last evening evidently
trying to fix up some of the gaps In
his political fences. He was not
sought after by many of the poll
ttdans and therefore his visit was
rather a cold one. Ernest Is down
man In charge bringing him down
this evening and having the arrange
ments made for an early examina
tion before the Insanity commission.
' The Teachers Kald So.
The Cass county teachers' Insti
tute will be held at Elm wood again
this year, in conjunction with the
Elmwood Chautauqua. A postcard
vote was made by the teuchers and
a majority voted the institute at
and out and the sooner he realizes It Elmwood. The tenchers are evideiU-
.1 . - t...t. . n U .. i. I . ... .
ly wen pleased with their treatment
at Elmwood, as this is the third
successive year the Institute, has
been held here. Elmwood Lender-Echo.
and gets back onto the farm the
better it will be for him. He Is a
"has been." Nebraska City News.
Geo. Wall of LaPlatte, one of the
enterprising citizens of that city, was
a business visitor here thla morning
He returned to his home on the mall Mrs. S. Anderson and daughter.
train. One of the prime reasons for Agnes, were passengers this noon on
Mr. Wall's visit today was to lay In the mail train for Omaha where they
a supply of good things to eat, he will spend a week visiting with
including in his purcnases a nig z&- rrienas aner wnicn tney will pro
pound roast of beef. He has just I ceed to Palmer, Neb., where they will
completed the erection of a fine, new make their future home. These
residence at LaPlatte and he in-1 good peoplo will be greatly missed
tends to have an opening or house I In this rlty where Mrs. Anderson has.
warming and expects to have a large a host of friends and where MIrs
number of hla friends In, hence the! Agnes Is a general favorite with tbe
big roast. younger people.