The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1909, Image 3

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been untiring and their courage 1 be
y".d words. The crew of the British
cruiser Drake gave up everything they
possessed for the benefit of the refu
gees and practically forgot rett and
Bleep for more than sixteen hours in
their devotion to duty.
Reports are published that it Is the
king's intention to sell his property in
Sicily and devote the proceeds to the
assistance of the sufferers. It is also
stated that the pope will suppress the
dioceses of Messina and Reggio, add
ing them to Catania and Catanzaro
respectively. A dispatch from Catania
says that it is proposed to build a new
suburb to that city and christen it
Messina, quartering therein all the
survivors of the fallen city.
Iowa Asked to Aid Italy.
Des Moines, Jan. 2. Governor Garst
has issued a proclamation appealing
to the people of Iowa to be liberal in
their donations for the benefit of the
suffering Italians in Sicily. State
Italy Willi World Helping Or
ganizes rescue.
These Are the Figures Given by Pro
fessor Ricco, Director of Observ
atory at Mount Aetna Slight Shocks
Complete Ruin of Buildings.
Rome, Jan. 2. Although graphic
stories are coming into Rome of the
horrors in southern Italy and Sicily, Treasurer W. W. Morrow has been
these are but repetitions of individual appointed chairman of a committee
tragedies already recorded. What to receive contributions and forward
chiefly concerns the government and them to the authorities In Italy. Al
the people is the progress that is be- ready notices have been received of
ing made towards the relief of those liberal contributions In several parts
who have suffered by the dread visita- 0r the state,
tlon. Considerable advance in this re
spect has been made at Messina,
where, according to official reports re
ceived here, the supply service is be
ginning to work satisfactorily. The
different regions on the coast have
been allotted to various warships and
other ships as centers from which
torpedo boats and launches convey
and distribute rations and water to
the different villages.
The minister of Justice has wired
from Messina to Premier Glollttl that
large Domes oi troops nave arriveu jj pa Jjm 2 A fire broke out
and are now occupying all parts of , th ' Park onfira houae durine the
the town. The appalling extent of lnst nlht hllt nwin t0
the disaster renders anything like a the cool work of Kirenian Abraham
systematic search or the ruins impos- Loucn & panlc Wft8 eTt0li and au e8.
siDie, dux persons are ccing unieocu caped
out all day long ana are quicwy trans- Before tne be audience realized the
ported to the relief ships as soon as Bi,uation the house had been almost
their wounds have received attention. emptled, Tnere were many narrow
More Shocks complete num. escapes and a dozen women fainted
There were further slight shocks and nad to be carried out, but no one
felt In the earthquake zone, complet- wa3 seriously injured end much of the
ing the ruin of the crumbling build- building was saved from destruction
Ings. These shocks are contributing Every one of the 1,500 seats in the
to keeping up of the alarm of the pop- theater was occupied. Louch Baw
ulatlon. One quite severe shock was Bmoke issuing from the floor of the
felt at 3 a. m. and another at 9. Fires gallery and' sent in a still alarm. He
are still burning. reached the rear of the stage before
The lateBt investigations on both the audience was advised of the dan-
sides of the straits make it certain ger anj speaking Just loud enough for
rnn oTniirno
run dlmivcnoi
Forty-one Sentenced to Die fey
Russian Military Court.
Erie Opera House Panic Prevent
ed by Fireman's Wit.
that many more than half the popula
tion of the coast towns and villages
have been killed'.
Professor Rlcco, director of the ob-
the actors to hear, appealed to them
to continue. Then he stepped to the
front and asked the 'audience to re
tire, giving them to understand that
Convictions Grow Out of Railroad
Troubles In 1905, When Many Per
sons Were Killed in Demonstrations
at Yekaterinoslav.
Yekaterinoslav, Russia, Jan. 2. The
military court pronounced forty-one
death sentences, nine for recent
crimes. Thirty-two of the condemned
men were strikers in the railroad
troubles of October, 1905. In addition
to the death sentences, twelve strik
ers were condemned to penal servitude
for life, forty-eight to lesser terms of
exile and thirty-nine were acquitted.
These sentences grow out of the
events of 1905, when strikers attempt
ed to tie up the whole railway system,
telegraph lines and gas and' electric
light plants. The demonstrations at
Yekaterinoslav were particularly des
perate, many persons 'alng killed and
injured. The criminal prosecution to
these events was only recently com
menced. Most of the strikers until
lately enjoyed full liberty, some of
them being employed by the munici
Slayers of Prince Chavodze Killed,
Tiflis, Jan. 2. During a fight be
tween the police and a band of brl
ganda on the outskirts of Tiflis, two
men were killed, who later were iden
tifled es the leaders In the murder of
Councilor of the Empire Prince
Chavodze, who was killed and his
home plundered on the night of June
27, 1907.
Four Killed in Warsaw Fight.
Warsaw. Jan. 2. Four men were
killed and three wounded' in an en
counter between Polish socialists and
nationalists. The police did not in
servatory at Mount Aetna, estimates the Are was in an adjoining structure.
Conrrleht lonS.
Dutches Mfg. Co,
Easy in
Any Position.
We know the manufacturers.
We know the factory.
We know the goods.
We know we always stand be
hind Dutchess Trousers as
we do everything we sell.
These pants are especially
10 Cents a Button;
$1.00 a Rip.
C. E.
'Where Quality Counts."
Quite a Sum Realized for Each
of the Deserving Families.
The big benefit ball tendered to
Jos. McCarthy, the young man who
was injured inn the explosion at the
Burlington shops, and the family of
the late Jas. Skoumal, Jr., Thursday
night at the T. J. Sokol hall on West
Pearl street was a great success. The
attendance was very largo and all
who wero thero enjoyed themselves
immensely. Dancing continued un-
Are Always
the Cheapest!
that the victims of the earthquake ex
ceed 200,000.
Hundreds of dangerous criminals
have been arrested by the troops and
are under close guard.
Llparl Islands Not Damaged.
Great relief was felt here when the
announcement was made that the
Liparl Islands, which were reported to
have disappeared, with their popula
tion of 28,000, suffered little or no dam
age from the earthquake. Public opin
ion is concerned with regard to the
No one tried to crowd until smoke
began to fill the building. Then a
crush began. The fire department
saved' scores from Jumping from the
third story fire escapes by getting
ladders up.
West Virginia Crater Active.
Richmond, Va., Jan. 2. Great anx
iety is being shown by the inhabitants
of Greenbank, a small town across the
border in West Virginia, over the
steadily increasing appearance of a
Experts on Special Lines Will Address
Gathering at Ames Next Week.
Ames, la., Jan. 2. Intense interest til a late hour when the tired but
hau developed' la the asrtculturnl happy guests retired to their homes
short course, which will begin at tho well satisfied with the result of
agricultural college next Monday, their benevolence. A neat sum was
Some of the best authorities on spe- realized for each of the two de
dal lines in the country will be pres- Berving families. The management
ent. Among these is Professor J. E. f ff . .
Rice, head of the poultry department . ...
. n II ..!.. I I. -.111 ,l.l,e. -'H . .... . u.o-
the gathering Tuesday. Professor "wishing himself as f oor manager,
Correct in every particular.
P.nrrrrf" in Wen re: Correct in Lf0 f nn,i m.pen nn,i' tho burning crater of seemingly volcanic
Workmanship- Correct in possible danger from tottering walls, nature on the side of a neighboring
w ui Kiuaiisuip, ' Ml, .... ... ... tn . I mountain. Fames are distinctly vlsi-
btVles, anri always correct in ' ' rtlirn tn Rn ble at intervals, accompanied by rum
Prices. Such are the ITOOds L,t ., rOf0 .lini-in thni. bling noises, as from internal disturb-
O UUk BUO am iAJ m v . u w- vf o I , . , . , ,
Can be found at Our Store, it would break her heart to abandon nces. ine air in me
FvprvthW hls bors for the strong with sulphur fumes. The area
Eerythinjj in Gent S and ,n lt8 angulBh. The king. has of the molten mass has spread until
DO)' sncauyiu-Mcai viuiu- been indefatigable. He has shown ' "--'
ine and J urnishinTS. wonderful activity and endurance,
o . . . .... . 1-1.
leaving no point in iiesiuu. unviaii
ed. He has supervised the entire work
IF! H F1 in the fallen city and bis presence has
Rice Is authority on all lines of poul
try and is expected to give informa
tion of great importance to the 6hoit
Indications are for the best attend
ance of any special course over held at due. One particularly pleasing fea
the state institution. From all parts ture 0f the evening was the singing
of the state come notices that delega- of "America" by the assembled host
tlons will be present. h.very aepari- The Blnglng wns jed by vl(.tor An.
ment Oi agriculture win ue ineu iiy jjqj,
with experts in attenuance wno nave
made special study of various departments.
Infused new courage and energy into
the rescuers and the survivors, hungry
and' wounded as they are. Often he is
surrounded by a crowd of victims,
- NFRRAKA wno' 88 thoush th ,8ht of the king
thuslastlcally and shout: "We have a
king; we have a protector."
A large number of soldiers have
Wright to Leave for France.
Dayton, 0., Jan. 2. Orvllle Wright
has announced his intention of leav
ing this city for Pau, France, Tues
day. While recuperating from the ef
fects of the accident at Fort Mycr he
has employed his time in devising sev
eral Improvements on the aeroplane,
which will be ' tried out when he
reaches Europo. One of these is an
enclosed cabin for the machine, in
which the aviator may manipulate the
machine at high altitudes without ex
iiiiipii TUP IITTTI r" AIIIAA 1 n wl r rl frntn iha varlnna atonm.
WHtN mt m at 5inu5 : - ;r d oi to the ,ntenae cold
lt'saslRnofcoalsatlsfabtlon. Want stricken places, and all efforts are be-1 Alleged Highwaymen Are Captured
to hear the music In your kitchen? ing directed toward embarking the
Easy order coai from this OHlce and I wounded refugees who are crowding
yard. The output-of the Trenton au available places. Some of these
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal In few
will b sent as far as Genoa.
A touching feature of the material
aid offered by all classes of people In
Rome is the donation of clothing and
Tulsa. Okla..: Jan.. 2. The two
masked highwaymen who held up
twenty-five men near Tulsa were cap
tured by a posse of officers and landed
in Jail. They proved to be Hershell
Wolfe and Charles Haubaugh, young
men of this city. They were overtaken
ipunyc PUttimouih No,
rnURC u0ii No. 351.
placed the royal palaces at Naples
and Caierta at the disposal of the in
bedding, which the workmen are free- ,M . ml. . frnm ,h.rn th.
ly giving to college students. Reports . . . h , T.
I 11. .. I ,1 I A t A V I
irom an pan- oi maQe iltti, resistance.
same ganerous spiru. ion Kiug u
.-IT I. 0l
tho Southwest
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homcseeker'8 excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into tho rich and resourceful
f arming regions of the Sout h
west. It is a splendid chance
for tho Northern and F.hs
tern farmer, r.fter his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure amipropecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. P. Ky., Plattsmoutli, Nel).
Reugeet Crowd Into Naples.
Vessels loaded with refugees con
tinue to stream Into Naples and Paler
mo, and' each day sees the arrival of
additional steamers in the Strait of
Messina. The big emigrant steamer
Nord America has arrived there. She
can accommodate 1,500 persons, and
four other vessels which are following
her will be able to take off altogether
6,000 more. SIgnor Chlmlrri, a lead
ing Calabrlan deputy, in an Interview,
advised the concentration of all tho
injured at Naples and Rome, on tho
ground of the Impossibility of accom
modating them, as in 1905, near their
fwn hollies. It is the government's in
tent inn to remove all the survivors
poslbln to tho various ports in Italy.
As an Instance of his quick grasp
of the skua' ion, the king soon after
his arrival at Messina wired to Pre
mier Glollttl : "Send ships and men;
above all, Rend ships loaded with
Llm Used on Dead.
So far as lai been possible quirk
line lias been uhciI on tho dead; ninny
bodies have been burned and others
tnrlfil. In tho Miff work the olTlt rr
ed tit n of the foreljn warships ve
Rioters Storm Seattle Jail.
Seattle. Wash. Jan. 2. Every re
serve policeman at headquarters wa
needed to drive back a mob of rioters
that stormed the Jail following the ar
rest of Thomas Peterson for disorderly
conduct. The mob, consisting of more
than a thousand men and boys, sur
rounded the Jail and called for the re
lease of the prisoner.
Scientists Favor Vivisection
Baltimore, Jan. 2. The governln
council of tho American Association
for the Advancement of Science adopt
ed a resolution, offered by Dr. William
II. Welch of the Johns Hopkins un
verslty, condemning the antl-vlvlsec
tion movement.
Aged Broker Diet In Church,
New York, Jan. 2. Thouins l'erkln
sixty nine years old, a member nf th
New York Cotton exchnnne, died sud
drnly in his pew in tho FlrBt Presby
trrlan church, Brooklyn, Just afl
making a speech.
being ably assisted by Anton Kanka,
Jr. These two gentlemen took every
precaution to see that the dance
went off nicely and without friction
and to them much of tho credit is
The special features were the gen-.
eral excellence of everything In con
nection with the management of the
dance. The preliminary arrange
ments were made by a committee
consisting of F. G. Egenberger, John
P. Sattler and John J. Swoboda. In'
addition to these gentlemen a num
ber of others took part in tho ar
rangements Councilman John W.
Dookmeyer taking a very active In
terest especially in the matter of
selling tickets, disposing of seventy
himself and a neat sum for
the deserving. Val Burkel officiated
at the door and handled his end of
the business in excellent shape. Al
bert Relnhackel took charge of the
check room and none of the guesta
lost a thing, despite tho immense
crowd and tho arduous task of look
ing after things His management
was most excellent and reflects
great credit on this gentleman, la
addition to the work of the Eagles
tho members of the Sokol as well
as tli-i Odd Fellows wero responsible
for a great measure of the success
which attended the affplr.
: A New Year's (Jift.
The Nebraska City News Bays that
a marriage license was granted in
that city on Thursday to August A.
Iowa Students Will Ask Appropriation
Marshalltown, la., Jan. 2. A move
ment has been started by tho student
body and alumni of Iowa agricultural LIndell, of Murdock and Miss Perl,
college at Ames to secure an appro- Irene Earl, of Syracuse'. The youiif;
prlatlon of $150,000 for a gymnasium people were united in marriage on
at that institution. The work has vow Ypar'B dnT at. tlie homo of the
Iw.nn ..Ann nn .loflttn. t Vl th hftllllnVa I . . . . ...
uu e.-B u uu....6 ...v, w.JO, Drllle-8 parents. The bride Is a
when, those interested held banquets I . ivn vn(. , ,'',;
n n ,J mo l. li th n (it In it a In aVAlv niilinti In 1
the state in the effort to arouse en- r" ' " ,v l"D ""'" a,
IhuHtasm. The next legislature wm farmer, living near Murdock. The
i, o urn.r ini.i.w nf iimitnia nappy coupie win maKi meir nome
who will ask for the appropriation. near Murdocic.
Iowa College Adds to Endowment
r Grlnnell, la., Jan. 2. Iowa college
has just closed one of the hardest
campaigns ever made to raise an en
dowment fund', and succeeded in start
ing off the new year with a clear half
million added to its endowment. The
campaign was started to raise $350,.
Nothing Done on Organization at Lin
coln as Yet.
Lincoln, Jan. 2. Seldom has them
been so many candidates for speaker
000 by the college authorities, and to of the house In the Nebraska leglsla
this is added the Rockefeller educa- ture as have announced their Intention
tlonal fund of $100,000 and Carnegie to make the race when that body con-
Iowa college fund of $50,000. The venes Monday. At no time has thers
campaign has been going on for more been a greater lack of organisation
than six months. by any one mombers forces, with tne
result that it Is apparently anybody's
Train Strlkss Buggy. race. Several efforts at combinations.
Marshalltown, la., Jan. 2. A Chlca- whereby different candidates mar pool
go Great Western train struck a buggy issues, have been talked of, but so far
in which John van Drean and nis BS known no one of them has man-
brother, Henry, were riding and de- aged' to get the Inside track,
mollshcd the rig and killed tho horse.
The men Jumped, each receiving dan
gerous Injuries.
Prohibition In Southern States.
Atlanta, Jan. 2. Stato-wlde prohi
bition laws went into effect in three
southern states, Noith Carolina, Mis
sissippi and Alabama. Georgia is the
only other state wherein statutory
prohibition exists, tho law having
teen In operation one year.
Missouri Bank Cishler Arrested.
Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 2. Koy
llnno, cnslili r of tlio people's bank of
Tipton, wns arrest ed at Tipton, Moni
teau county, on complaint of the stato
Many proposed laws have been
drawn ready for Introduction Into the
two houses as quick as the legislature
meets. Tho agrarian class of legis
lators Is expected to make early de
mands for the proposed bank guaranty
law. Thus It Is plain that the new leg
islative body wi.l And itself con
fronted with plenty of important leg
islation when It meets, and candi
dates for speaker of tho house are al
ready giving their views on tho bills
which aro expected to be Introduced
early In the session.
Dahlman to Have Opposition,
Omnha, Jau. 2. Although Mayor
banking department, on tho charRo of James C. Ifcihlmnn has declared him-
Governor Hoch's Daughter Weds.
Toneka. Kan.. Jan. 2. Tho flint
wedding ceremony ever performed I
tho executive- tnnnslon at Topeka took
rdnro when Miss Anna llnch, the ' gindllng Mrs. J. A. Patten, wife of a
daughter of K. W. Horn, was married millionaire board of tia-le dealer, out
to Jstiu'S W. Rood of Cbunute, Kuu. I0f $21,000, was given to the Jury,
embezzling $21,000 of tho bnnk's funds.
De Luxe Cats In Jury's Hands.
Chlcnuo. Jan. 2. The Patten "Do
Luxe IMillon" book fraud case, in
which book nccnts were nrrused of
self a candidnto for tho Demorratlc
nomination for mayor, without appar
ent opposition, it has Just developed'
that David J. O'Brien, president of
the Omaha Cnndy company and one of
the best known Democrats In tho city,
will probably mnke the race for the
Ma lib y Items.
Charley Jenkins a,id wife,' of Sut
ton, Neb , are ppending the holidays
with his parents.
Walter Jenkins and wifo spent
Christmas with his parents.
Troy Ward of Elmwood is visiting
Clyd'j Jenkins this week.
Ed Fleschman, of Hallam, Is spend
ing the holidays with his mother
and brothers.
Leo. Tlghe was an Elmwood visitor
Tuesday evening.
The Missouri Pacific Railway has
Just completed putting down a well
at tho stockyards for the wattcrlng
of stock handled In tho yards for
Wm. J. Rau was visiting in Ullc
over Christmas.
D. D. Brann and wife took their
Christmas dinner In Atchison, Kas.
The Manlcy foot ball team bavo
been doing somo good practicing the
past week.
Andrew Krecklow and family
spent Christmas day with his wife's
parents near Greenwood.
Two more wolves were captured!
In last Monday's hunt, in which
about two hundred men were en-
Mrs. Dish spent the day with Mrs.
Spear Tuesday.
Florence Andrus camo down from
Omaha Tuesday evening.
School commences next Monday.
Tho eleven year old Bon of John
Prltchard, Missouri Pacific section
foreman of Weeping Water, whllo out
hunting with two other boys was ao
eldently shot and killed Tuesday af
ternoon, two miles south of Manley,
n tho right of way They had shot
guns and revolvers and ono of the
revolvers would not work cnnlly. Tha
boy wns examining it and was look
ing down into tho barrel and work
ing tho cyllndr and trigger when
it discharged shooting him through
tho eyo and killing him Instantly.
Tho other two boys ran to Keckler's
house for help. Ralph Keckler came
upon tho sceiio ns soon bb possblc,
but tho boy was dead nnd Dr. Butler
of Weopng Water was called.