The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 04, 1909, Image 2

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The Plattsmouth Journal
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Turn out the guard! Sound tbe
alarm! Let the portlcuUls ran:
Prime the hose cart. The country Is
in danger and we didn t know u.
Roosevelt is still president, and
there is no knowing what he may do.
Only Pollard and Garlow stands be- kno(,klng on one another,
owred tth postfflcet Plattsmouth, N I tween Nebraska and its pumice stone
hriiska.&i second class matter.
$1,50 Per Year in Advance.
The Omaha lk-e has again begun
its abuse of W. J. Bryan. This re
minds us of the ant gnawing at the
heels of the elephant.
give them an Inkling that the same
article is carried right here in Platts
The merchant who has an up-to-
date store in every other respect Is
often careless regardin ghis adver
tising. He will run his delivery wag-
Don't date it 1908 and more. You on as a permanent institution, ana
Did you turn over a new leaf?
Be sure that you keep that new
Let us all get together and stop
and liberty. Nebraska State Capital
UiepuDiican.j ix.htn.i th iim if vmi run an ad whenever he chances to
nil! uv a j.ts ausaaia wu w
I .... m a. . 1 I A J
v. la th tim t make new roso- do. minus or - someining new 10 aci
A burnt child dreads the fire. jje wiu Bweep his store and wash
the "grouch" of the Republican can Remember this when you think of nls windows and freshen his stock of
lutlons for the new year.
After an effort of two years to
make as big a man out of himself
as his father before him, Victor
Rosewater has given up the struggle
as a failure.
ay of her, so that he keeps within the supporting a new electric light prop-
bounds of decency.
An exchange remarks: "Dead mer
chants make dead towns. Live mer
chants make live towns." How true!
A seeress says that Rockefeller
will go to heaven. Not unless it is
established that oil has been struck
and that he can get in on a pipe line
and a rebate system.
"Homo first the world after
wards," should be the motto of
every public spirited citizen. Begin
the new year by adopting and stick-
Some people believe in tearing jng t tnj9 motto
down home Institutions to give the
same privilege to some outsider. Is The Journal hopes that every cit
I ' X 1 .. i A. - Tl .11.
hAt rlirht I lzcn woo nas me mieresi vi rian
goods on display every day, but villi
let his advertisement In the paper run
without change for weeks, advertis
ing valentines in April, Christmas ci
gars in February, and nice warm fit
tens in the middle of August.
If the wind blew down his sign,
which probably 200 people see every
day, he would keep the telephone hot
until he got a man to repair it, but
"Going to swear off
swear off drinking and
swearing on New Year's." Get out
man; you've been saying that ever
since you have been old enough to
Mr. Bryan and Governor Shallen-
mouth at heart has resolved to do his sign In his home paper may drop
his duty In the way of assisting in out and BOme other man'8 B,8n be
..Ibereer both favor the caucus Dlan I. v j ...m I read In its Dlace by 5.000 DCODle
swear oil . . Duuaing up nome muusuiea aim ui ,
of selecting the various committees!.. . tn every day, and it will not disturb him
for the legislature. I . at all.
The new legislature will meet The mall order houses shrewdly
next Tuesday, and A. C. Shallenberg- takes advantage of the business man
There is a movement on foot to
have the various chairmen of com
mittees selected in caucuses at the
same time the speaker and chief
clerk of the house are selected. This
plan, wo understand, Is endorsed by
Governor Shellenbcrger as well as
Mr. Bonn- It may be all right but
we seriously doubt if it will give en
tire satisfaction. The speaker, who
ever he may be,, may be glad to be
It Is doubtful if there ever was
a president left the White House so er w,n b(J ,naugurated governor on who does not advertise, and whose
much hated as the present occupant Thurs(1 wh,ch w, be followed by natrons are kept advised of the good
of the place is hated by thousands of the ,naugura, ba1 at nlght The ba he carr,eg and the buylng opportunl
will be public to everybody.
As soon as the grand jury in ruts- Why His Advertising Did Not Pay
burg has disposed of all the graft In jj0 adopted the policy of running
the city council, the Jurors should be down his competitors.
asked to turn their attention to the
"protective" tariff on si eel.
The democrats should not bo long
In Bottling the chief clerkship as be-
.. . . . I. .... - i
reneveu irom sucn a responsiomty as tween Richmond and Cone. Both are
selecting the chairmen.
Governor Sheldon is in Mississippi
looking after his plantations. The
anxious lawyers who had hoped to bo
made. Judges by appointment are left
well qualified. But it Is probable a
"dark horse" will come to. the front
cro tho timo and "sweep the platter."
He did not make his advertisement
interesting, attractive or convincing.
He was conscious of -the superior
ity of what he had to 6ell, but did
not know how to bring it to the at
tentlon of others effectively.
He did not know that a fatal re
action always follows deception.
He did not know how to write an
advertisement that would "pull."
He did not know that a brief,
ties he offers. Where the home mer
chant is keenly alive to the needs of
his trade and their peculiar require
ments, he has little to fear from
out of town rivals, for he has the
use of the use of the columns of the
home ppper, an advantage for which
the mall order- houses would gladly
gladly exchange its expensive and
often unsatisfactory catalogues.
Landls Is
nil it-. 1 t 1
still one vacancy on the supreme J uuge
j.n,i, Ti,m u ni n vn,,.npv n fareful the beef trust, Standard Oil
the educational board which dates Company and the railroads may per
suade the United States to Impeach
him for his effrontery.
No immunity baths will "go" this
here in their anxiety, and there ia time In tho Beef trust investigation in Kraph,c dtwrlptlon , a few B,lorti
pungent telling sentences that will
attract and hold the attention, Is
more effective than a whole page of
fine print, written In a loose-Jointed,
haphazzard way
Ills advertisements "pulled," but
the effect was lost in bad handling
afterwards; in careless, Inefficient
lie never learned that many a
good customer had been lost by a
careless letter
He did not follow up his adver
tlsements until
the public.
Murdsr Trial al f'dia Willi
Two Sisters at to Bar.
In the past two weeks two former
republican papers have swung over on
the democratic side the Norfolk
News and the Plainvlew News. These
are both Nebraska papers and both
have renounced republicanism in
great shape, and have displayed wis
dom in so doing, and several others
are expecting to follow with the dawn
of the new year.
Details of the Killing of Pennsylvanl
Politician Is Told to Jury Widow
Collapses In Court and Is Carried
From the Room,
back to June. Apparently Sheldon
is so disgruntled with his own record
as an nppointer that ho will let these
two plii'-es go until some time next
summer, when he will wake up and
find that Shallenberger has filled
them. "A stitch in time saves nine,"
uoth tho old reliable copy book. A
utile h In time now by George Lawson
Sheldon would save a couple of Jobs
to men who hnve done yeoman ser
vice as professional applicants In the
past. Nebraska State Capital
The pin-head editor of tho Weeping
The new year is upon us and now Water Republican comes out with a
Is tho time to make new resolutions. h.I)Kthy p,mor,aI thl8 wcek ln do.
. a .11 1 a l . a I il... a a ...... I
L,ei uh an rcHiiivu mai ill niu luimu ,, ,lf ,,, ,,Q,i, n iluu Vr
there shall b no "factions" in ut 1hh Fo8ter ,8 fl ,ady BnJ , f,.
rinusnioiiin. uememuer mai ev.-ry ,ng Uu, p)Hllon ()f Bup(.ritendont
improvement made enhances the val- satisfactorily to the school workers of
we of all property in and surrounding Cass county, and can stand all that
our town. We should live as one big Again old enrlh. her annual courso
family, and wo believe that few has run, in her accustomed pathway
towns can show up a more progres- around the 'sun. An another New
five ami intelligent family. We have Year Is upon us. The Journal takes
ns few "black bheep" In our place as this, opportunity to wish all Its pat-
any flock In' the stato. When there rons, and In fact everybody, a Happy
Is discord In the family there Is little New 'Year and many happinesses,
progress. When there is a united health and prosperity attend each and
pull there Is llttlo that wo cannot ac-1 everyone.
compllsh. Envy, Jealousy and hatred
pull us all down. Envy Is n canker If Mr. Roosevelt is using his great Dut thcBe CRn be n,et by tho uome
that Enaws at the heart and makes office as an instrument of norse- merchant If Ua-y will only adopt Accused Slayer of His Father Will Co
Media, Pa., Jan. 2. The common-
he got the ear of wealth closed In the Eib case here.
The defense opened by an aiblress to
the jury, contending that Mrs. Cal.h
xiii nir .irn linr infill. -
death after a fierce struKKle In self do
If every merchant In Plattsmouth fens0i during which she wrested the
will turn over a new leaf and resolve pistol from him. The defense argue u
tn ,lo nu,r n,ivf.rtiHinr i..Hnr thhhat when Mrs. Belsel secured the re
volver she shot ranidlv and ln the
year iuu-j. tney win onng mat mucn Bmoke dld not know how far she wa
more trade to the town. This Is the from Erb, who retreated toward hie
only w ay of beating the mall order bedroom, receiving three of the bul
... ... ....... .... cis in nis uouy.
uuusra uui.tii u K.eau uea. ui u.e Tfae j(jry wafJ lnformed' tha,
business they are doing in Cass coun- "Erb had sought ln every way to rid
ty. Of courso tho mall order houses, himself of his wife by making it moat
s jjtj
if J
Gas Pipes,
Water Pipes,
Wire Screens,
Iron Fences
Iron Brackets,
Doors, Etc.
In Fact for Everything!
Go A
WINTER TOUSIST RATES: Daily reduced rate excursions to
California, Old Mexico, Southern and Cuban Resorts.
. HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays of
each month to many points west, south and southwest.
tendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. L. Mc
Brien, leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write
G. W. Bonnell, C. P. A., Lincoln, for itinerary.
Basin and Yellowstone Valley: One of the last chances to
secure good farms from the Government at low prices. Go
with Mr. D. Clem Deaver on the next personally conducted
excursion. He will help you secure one of these farms. No
charge for his services. Excursions first and third Tues-
infltlMfiml W.L. Pickett. Ticket Atrent.Plattsmouth
k$i""3P , ; ....
unpleasant for her at Red Gables
when he was unab'e to bring charges
that would sustain divorce proceed
Mrs. Erb collapsed and had to be
carried from tbe room just before ad
(louutcu mat me up-io-ciate esiauiisu- journment
ments In a large city will always Mrs. Bclael will testify later aftei
H..l I,,,., ,.f ,l...u In, . I UlUCr WllllfDSl'D IIHIO UCCU CAOIUU1VU
many schemes of procuring trado.
with tliefr pretty catalogues, their al
luring prices and their persistency ln
going after business, will probably al
ways bo with us, and It cannot bo
one sour, disgruntled and unhappy, ciltion, his place in history will bo tho 8amo system that they do ad-
Jcalousy makes one unfair In passing Us small that a high power micro- vcrtlso, and keep constantly at It.
Judbment. Hatred does not pay even scopo will not discover It. If Mr. Some will say, "of courso you would
from a sordid point of view. Let us Roosevelt Is merely guilty of making favor constant advertising becauso
all be friends aud pull together and uso of extravagant phrases, ho will be st w,n be money iu your pocket."
show our neighbors what s large and condemned as a public man and re- While this would bo the case, at the
harmonious family can accomplish In gretted as a president. On tho other 881,10 tlme u wou,d he,P lho mcr
building up a town. hand, if Mr. Pulitzer! as editor of chant he,p tho town and brlng hun"
the New York World, has used his drcd8 01 rarmer8 here to trad0' h0
1-ollanl Kays IIoohcvoU is WnnK. newspaper unfairly, if ho has given wm n01 como ner6 now in reierenco
Congressman Tollard comes homo publicity to untruo statements, If he matter, let all who want
and stons at Lincoln lust for a mln. Un nif..iiv on.i n..rciu...i rt,..i 1 ' h Dusiness or 1U9, read
a - w ' i W"U lV lOIDlVIUIJ I VI 111V.M I
ute to give out an Interview, tho text "libel on Individuals" and blackened aml proflt lhoroby:
of which Is: "the good name of tho American noo. U ,9 R,H0 R fait that lho home
. i . ....
merchants aro entitled to much oil
to Hot Springs.
Irvine, Ky, Jan. 2. Deach Hargls,
charged with the murder of his father,
Judge James Hargls, was admitted
"President Roosevelt Is wrong. Ho pie," he ought to, and will be,
has a wrong conception of what con
grcss Is standing for, or ho would not
have scut that lust special message
to congress."
Here Is news that Is news for the
people of Nebraska. "Roosevelt Is
wrong." Pollard himself has said It.
It Is as plain as day now. Strange
brought to account.
tho business which goes out of town,
or, rather, would be entitled to It, if
That the law against tho killing of they went after It tho right way.
squirrels should bo repealed, no one As a rule, tho business men who
will doubt, when It Is known how do- mnko the make tho most complulnt
structlve they hnve becomo ln Certain because homo peopi buy awny from
sections of Nebraska. One farmer from town nro thoso who have the
how people have been fooled In that told us tho other day that they had lightest advertising bills In tho home
man Roosevelt so long. nnrrl,..i r..nv fir. i,,..i- ..r .,nnr
And Itoosevelt hns a "wrong con- rorn for .,,- .., ,,, ,1u(M
xn..ll.i - I. -1 I ' ' v"" ' '
vi iMi.Mi .n wnni iiiiiKrt.'HB siniius ior.
tntll this happy moment nobody
to 123.000 ball. The young man will
go to Hot Springs, Ark., for treatment
lho home merchant can supply a
had completely ruined tho top and trade which tho mall order house
suspected that the present congress r"8"10"9 ot a uriu,a npw carriage, cannot encroach upon so long as his flir rheumatism, nit. r wlihh he will
stood for anything. It Is a good I which ho purchased but a few months patrons knows that ho carries cer- stay In Irvine until his caso again
thing that the applo worm elder since. Thev Bl'u cettlnir verv IkiM I Inlti linen .f ir,wi iiu if I. ., "'Hies to trial at a apodal term of
maklnir nlnhoad who drsus t7.r,nnl. . ... ... . . . couit.
" "-.. and 11 Hflinei lllllir lull r rliltwi un llitif unmninn I ' I n I f n 111 mi t n I n
Kn. ' . ' . w f,.M H m ..It .11. .1.1 I '1
jvi ji ivi itiiii.'neiiiiiiK llllS UIH-l.. , ., . , . .1
.... . ... .1 tliey can lie thinned nut In ennterit No. in n hrnml rf iriiii.tii ml nrl Irnut In An
irii. i .-M nurriod Home with such . wiii.low t'loni.ln.
imp r - t inrormatlon. Otherwise V"' v,,"r ,llu "u""8 oui-or-iown paper or magazine anu Anyone desiring window cleaning
R ii i ' mlKlit have deceived us 'he fanners nnd become ns much a straightway Bend for It, there- having I will do well to boo in or leave orders
nil for eoveral months longer. I pei t there ns rats stul mice. been nothing In the heme lmner to at W'urYn store. Fred lllckford
Let Us Be Your Waiter
We never tire of helping others when they asK
for good job printing. We can tickle the most
exacting typographic appetite. People who
have partaken of our excellent service come
back for a second serving. Our prices are the
most reasonable, too, and you can always de
pend on us giving your orders the most prompt
and careful attention. Call at this office and look over our samples.
H. E. Warden's and Chas. Brand't Combination
Mr. Warden having decreased his farming (operations
more than one-half and having enough stock to farm a
half section, must sell the surplus. Mr. Brant moves to '
Custer county. They will sell at the Stone Farm House,
on the Pollard farm, V miles south of Nehawka, on
Tuesday, January 12, '09
Commencing at 10 O'clock Sharp:
22 Head of Good Horses, Mules and Colts all home-grown and high-class, not
a brand in the whole bunch, which includes the following: One bay mare, 7-years-old,
weight 1500; one black mare, 6-years-old, In foal, weight 1500, ser
vice fee to follow; one bay mare, 10-yeart-old, weight 1400; span of black driv
ing horses, 6 and 7 years old; span of bay Hambletonians, 3 and 4 years old;
two bay colts, 2-years old; one black filly, coming 2-years old; one black filly,
come 1-vear old; one black mare colt, coming yearling; span mules, 11 and 13
years old, weight about 2400; three mare mules, coming 3-year old; one horeo
and one mare mule, coming 2-year old; one horse mule, coming yearlings; two
sucking colts. Also, 5 Head of Cattle and Calves.
Good Farm Machinery!
A large stock of good farm machinery consisting of one good wagon with
tight box; one low-down wagon with hay rack, one good top buggy, one one
seated sleigh, In good shape; one Minneapolis Binder, usod two seasons, good
as new, guaranteed to do the work; one St. Joseph combined lister, two walk
ing cultivators, one Hailgerridunr cultivator, ono new Avery corn planter, half
milo wire; two cU f farm harness, one 1-horso corn drill; a lot of good odd
horse collars; one good Sterling lx-inch wheel disc.
Free Lunch Served at Noon! rv'i
Terms of Sale!
Sums under $10 cish. All sums above
that a credit of 12 months will be iriven
on bankable notes bearing 8 per cent Interest All property must be settled
for before being removed from the premises.
COL ROB'T WILKINSON, Auctioneer. Owner?
D.C. WEST, Clerk. . wwiltflo.