The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1908, Image 6

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If an;, of the renders of the Journal knou, of a social event trranitem of interest
We want all items of intercut. Editor Journal.
The system of paying by check was
delivered for all men for any man
for you.
It is suited to the needs of any busi
ness either large or small. It makes no
difference whether you pay out $10.
00 or $10,000.00 a month; a check
ing account will serve your needs.
Pay by check; the method puts sys
tem into your business and gives you
a record of every transaction.
Murray State Bank
Tk m 1 -B
Mrs. A. L. Baker visited Omaha
Dee Phrader lias moved his family
to Lincoln.
Mrs. Earl Jenkins is on the sick
list this week.
The sale of Ellin Daniels' was well
attended Monday.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Slagcl is sick with measels.
Louis Rice is spending the Cehist
m as vacation with his parents.
The oldest son of John Smith, of
near Rock Bluffs, is on the sick list.
Bert Philpot and family made a
trip to Murray Tuesday in his new
auto. .Mrs. James Chalfant, who has been
confined to her bed is able to be up
HEM! 11.
Louie Todd made a business call to
ilie county seat in his new automobile
The dance Riven by Geo. Gergcr
Christmas night was as usual a great
A brother of Steve Copen haven is
here from Kansas visiting him and
his family.
Talk about the mistakes of Moses
wonder if he ever made a mis
take on dogs?
George Dovey and sister Florence
iv ere in attendance at the dance
'hristmas evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rawles of
IMattsniouth were the guests of Wm.
Smith Christmas.
Albert Young returned home Mon
day from his visit in the northern
part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clough are
quests of U. A. Young and family
through the holidays.
Miss Lena Philpot and sister re
turned from a weeks visit with
friends in Plattsmouth.
Miss Zetta Brown enjoyed a short
vacation from her duties at Murray
State Bank this week.
From the talk on the streets
there is liable to be an epidemic of
auto fever in the spring.
Good Todd and Rev, Lake.of the
M. E. church, both of Union, were
visiting in Murray Tuesday.
The little child of Levi Slagle is
quite sick, and Dr. Gilmore was sum
moned to its bedside Wednesday.
Mrs. Gilmore and sister. Miss
Margie Walker, attended a bridge
party in Plattsmouth Wednesday.
There will be a dance in Jenkins
hall Saturday night, given by Fred
Lutz, Alfred Gansemer and George
W. J. Philqot of Mount Pleasant
precinct, and P. A. Barrett, of Ceder
Creek, were in Murray Wednesday on
The Booze Brothers were billed
for a concert here last week, but ow
ing to the "merry-go-round" the af
fair was not pulled off.
Arthur Holmes came down from
North Dakota to spend Christmas
with his father and -home folks. He
will probably remain for several
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm Sporer and D. J. Pitman
and wife attended the Pitman-Hen-nings
wedding in Plattsmouth Tues
day evening.
Frank Mhrasek's : little two-year-old
girl is sick with pneumonia fever,
Murray Bp&rtfniiinifc
Miss Lena Young is home for the
Dr. W. K. Loughridge spent Christ
mas with home folks.
Miss Mary Moore is home from
Cedar Creek for the Christmas vaca
tion. Rex Young visited at Union Wed
nesday, returning on the evening
The Royal Neighbors will give a
chicken pie social Thursday, Decem
ber 31.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alwine of
Omaha spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Holmes.
and at the present writing is in a
very precarious condition, with some
hopes of recovery.
Pay your personal taxes at the
Murray State Bank and save the ex
pense of a trip to Plattsmouth.
Geo. Oldham and his sister, Mrs.
Dora Moore, returned from their
Christmas visit at Kansas City, stop
ping at Murray for a day's visit with
the family of Lee Oldham..
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pitman are now
stopping with the groom's parents,
.Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman, where
they will probably remain until their
new home is completed here in Mur
ray. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. F. Brendel will
return home to Murray Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Brendel will finish her
present term of school, which will
open up again next Monday, after
the holiday vacation.
Mrs. M. Clarance spent Christmas
with her parents in Xehawka.
The Christmas tree at the Christ
ian church was very pretty and a
large crowd was there to enjoy the
program and distrubution of the
many presents.
Mrs. E. M. Steiner (nee Marie
Berger) who has peen visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Berger,
for the past six weeks, departed Wed
nesday morning for her home at
Rawlins, Wyoming. Her mother and
sister, Mrs. J. H. Brown, accompan
ied her as far as Omaha.
John Ferris little daughter Le
nora, fell down the stairway at their
home one mile south of town, Man
day night and dislocated her collar
bone. She was up stairs playing with
other children and was pushed by
one of them. Dr. Brendel was called
and attended the little one, who is
getting along as well as could be ex
pected under the circumstances.
Prof. E. E. Erickson is spending
his vacation at his home in the "west
ern part of the state.
Linn Hopkins who has been helping
Holmes & Smith through the holidays
has returned to his work at the state
The many friends of Rex Young
will be glad to hear that he was the
successful applicant for the position
of mail carrier.
Ernest Baxter was home to spend
Christmas with his mother returning
to Wyoming Saturday evening where
he is engaged in business.
Take Notice.
It takes money to run a hardware
store. We need money in our busi
ness. All persons knowing them
selves indebted to us will please come
in and settle by January 1, 1909.
1-1-09 Pitman & Davis.
Flash lights (pocket) Gering &
in this vicinity and will mail same to this
Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our most heart
felt thanks to our many friends who
so kindly sympathized and assisted
us during our late bereavement, the
loss of our husband and father.
Words cannot express our feeling ot
gratitude, consolation, such as was
given is so helpful as such a time. We
are especially thankful for the beau
ful floral offerings, and to our
friends who rendered such timely aid
at our home.
Most respectfully yours,
Mrs. D. M. Lloyd and Son.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Totton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lloyd.
Mr. Joe Lloyd.
The Muppy New Year.
You will enjoy it much better if
you will call and pay what you owe
me, and I know I will feel very
grateful to all, as I need mone'.
James Loughridge.
Incitement in Murray.
Considerable excitement prevailed
on the streets of Murray Monday
night over the shooting a dog belong
ing to W. A. Scott, who resides over
the depot, and is the agent for the
M. P. railroad company who started
up town about 8 o'clock. Soon after
he left the station Mrs. Scott
thought of some purchases she wish
ed to make. She was accompanied
by her pet dog, a full blooded point
er. She was a nair a oiock away
from Mr. Scott, and when she reach
ed John Cook's harness shop, and
where a tall man, wearing a black
overcoat and hat stepped from con
cealment and fired a shot gun into
the dog, cutting off two of its legs.
The man in black drew his hat down
so as to conceal his identity and fled
with haste to the alley at the rear of
the harness shop and disappeared.
The dog being a trick dog, was
a favorite with everybody, and there
was considerable feeling among the
villagers when the news spread of
the dastardly crime.
Sufficient evidence has practically
been obtained to convict this man
with a criminal heart. Mr. Scott has
the counsel of the County Attorney,
upon this dastardly outrage up
on this law-abiding community
The penalty for this crime will be
$r0 and six months in jail.
Does This Interest You?
If so, please call and settle your
account with me, for I ave to do
the same with those I owe on the
first of the new year. Now please
do this and we will feel much hap
pier with the advent of the Xew
Year. Wishing you all health and
prosperity in 1909, I am
Yours respectfully,
John H. Cook.
A Dangerous Operation.
is the removal of the appendix by a
surgeon. No one who takes Dr.
King's New Life Pills is ever sub
jected to this frightful ordeal. They
work so quietly you don't feel then.
They coure constipation, headache,
biliousness and malaria. 25c at F. G.
Fricke & Co's drug store.
To be held at the Livery Barn of D. C.
Rhoden, in Murray, Neb., on
Saturday, January 9th, '09,
Commencing at 10 O'clock a. m
the following property will be offered
to the highest bidder : 1 span of horses,
5 and 6 years old, weight 3200; 1 span
good mules, 2 years old; 1 gray mare,
7 years old. wt. 1050; 1 gray horse,
smooth mouth, wt. 1150; I gray mare,
smooth mouth, wt. 1,000; 1 good milk
cow 1 dry cow; 3 farm wagons, one
nearly new; 1 carriage, 1 old buggy, 1
Bradley combined riding lister, 2 St.
Joe combined walking listers; 1 Wes
tern King riding cultivator, good as
new; 1 Avery Spring cultivators, one of
which is nearly new; 2 Sterling plow
cut 16-inch disc, one new and one near
ly new; 1 16-inch double plow, new; 1
two-section harrow, new; 1 10-foot Mc
Cormack hay rake, 2 sets of 1 1-2 inch
work harness, 2 sets 1 1-4 inch work
harness, 1 set buggy harness, 1-2 bar
rel cider vinegar. Many other smaller
articles too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale!
All sums of $10,00 and under, cash in
hand; 12 months time will be given on
all sums over $10.00, purchaser giving
good bankable paper, bearing eight per
cent interest. "All property must be
settled for before being removed from
the premises.
ED. and HOWARD GRAVES, Owners.
Robert Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
W. G. Boedeker, Clerk.
office it will appear under this heading.
Samuel J. Pitman and Miss Marie
Terrace Hennings United in
From Wednesday's Daily.
Last night at 7:00 o'clock at the
home of the bride's mother, Mrs.
Rosa Hennings, on Vine street, oc
curred the marriage of her daughter
Terrace to Mr. Samuel . Pitman, one
of the young and enterprising busi
ness men of Murray. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. J. II.
Salisbury pastor of the Presbyterian
church and was the simple ring ser
vice. When Mr. B. A. McElwain be
gan the beautiful solo "Oh, Promise
Me" just as the clock in the court
house struck the hour of seven, the
guests became alert to the occasion
and everyone awaited with impa
tience the coming of the bride.
At the close of the solo Miss
Freda Herold began the strains of
Mendelsohn's majestic wedding
march; the door of, an adjoining
room was thrown open and the
groom on the arm of the officiating
minister appeared; they were fol
lowed immediately by Miss Christina
Schafer anr Mr. J. II. Merriam maid
of honor and best man, respectively;
then came the ring bearer in the per
son of little Miss Lucile Urish, cousin
of the bride; last and most important
came the bride on the arm of her
mother who gave her away. The
party took their positions under a
white wedding bell, falling from
which was a drapery of lace, over
thrown with festoons of holly and
evergreen wreathing. Here was
spoken the words and taken the vows
binding these two estimable people
"while they both live." The bride
wore her graduating gown, she be
ing a member of the Plattsmouth
high school class of 1906. It was a
gown of great beauty, being composed
of silk with lace insertion and dis
playing an endless amount of work
and art. A long silken sash or gir
dle lent added effectiveness to its ap
pearance, and the veil anchored with
jewels and orange blossoms was
draped gracefully over all. Her
traveling suit was of Copenhagen
blue. She carried a large bouquet
of white chrysanthemums. The
Maid of Honor wore white silk over a
green slip and carried pink chrysan
themums. The ring bearer was
dressed in white silk and was a per
fect picture of beauty as she bore
the golden circlet on a white chrys
anthemums to the altar on its bliss
ful mission.
Immediately following the con
gratulations by the friends and rela
tives present Mr. and Mrs. Pitman
led the way to the dining room where
was served a bountiful three course
luncheon. Here was to be seen the
touch of the decorator, the table be
ing caught with festoons of ever
green wreathing, dropping from the
center of the ceiling and holding in
its midst the two story wedding cake
before which sat the bride and the
groom while luncheon was served.,
after which the bride cut the cak
and distributed a piece to each of the
The contracting parties were the
recipients of many and useful gifts
as marks of the esteem in which they
are held by their large circle of
friends. They will make their home
in Murray where Mr. Pitman is a
member of the firm of Davis & Pit
man and where he has spent his en
tire life. Anticipating this signifi
cant step he has In progress of con
struction a splendid new home into
which thy soon expect to be "at
home" to their many friends. All
of whom wish them long life, health
and prosperity.
Owing to recent bereavement only
the hear relatives were included
among the guests.
The following from out of town
were present: Mrs. Anna Mumeper
of Alliance, Mr. John Goodnature,
Berlin, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Ora Davis
and Mr. and Mrs. Pitman, parents
of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Perry, Mr. Richard Pitman, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Sporer, Murray; Mr. and
Mrs. John Urish, Henry Urish, My
nard; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schafer,
Nick Friedrich, of Cedar Creek.
This is Worth Reading.
Leo. F. Zelinski, of 6S Gibson St.,
Buffalo, N. Y., says. "I cured the
most annoying cold sore I ever had
with Bucklin's Arnica Salve. I ap
plied this salve once a day for two
days, when every trace of the sore
was gone." Heals all sores. Sold
under guarantee at F. G. Fricke &
Co.'s drug store. 25c.
Dr. J. F. Brendell and Miss Margaret
Jameson United in Marriage.
The Journal hail expected to give
an extended account of this happy
event ere this but jis another was ex
pected to write it up we have waited
its coming. Mrs. W. A. Davis, of
Weeping Water, kindly contributed
tlu? following, which is perhaps
more accurate account of the event
than we could have expected to have
given under all circumstances:
On Wednesday evening, December
23rd, 1908, at the M. C. church.
Weeping Water, occurred the mar
riage of Miss Margaret Jameson of
this city, to Dr. J. F. Brendel, of
The decorations at the church
were potted plants and pure white
bells. Standing beneath a canopy of
bells, Mary Jameson, a sister of the
bride, sang very sweetly, "Call Me
Thine Own."
To the strains of a wedding march
played by Miss Ida Morse, the bridal
arty entered the church. Will Jame
son and Guy Lake, ushers, entering
from the right, followed by Dr.
Ozantner, groom's man. Rev. Mr.
Cope and Dr. J. F. Brendel entering
from the left, Alfred Hunter and
('lint Wilkinson, ushers, Mrs. Lee
Marshall, matron of honor, the
Misses Bessie Brendel and Mildred
Butler, bridesmaids, Miss Stella Jew
ell, maid of honor, little Miss Geneva
Hobson, ring bearer. The bride
leaning on the arm of her father, met
at the altar the man to whom she
had plighted her troth. Rev. Cope
using the Episcopalian service, unit
ed in matrimony the lives of these
young people, who have? grown up
in Cass county, the bride having
been born in Weeping Water, grown
into womanhood, educated in the city
schools, and has lived here since, ex
cepting when engaged in teaching
school in the country (having taught!
three years and a half), and is uni
versally esteemed for her sterling
qualities. The groom is a successful
physician of Murray and has many
Immediately after the ceremony.
and while the notes of Mendelsohn's
Wedding March were pealing forth,
the happy pair, seated in an auto
mobile, were; driven rapidly to 1 ho
Jameson home on the corner of Clin
ton and II streets, where they were in
readiness to receive the congratula
tions of their friends as they arrived.
Those in attendance from out of
town were Mrs. John Garrow, Miss
Brown. Mrs. James Root, and
daughter, Miss Josie, the Misses
Bramblet, of Union; Dr. and Mrs.
Brendel, parents of the groom, Mr.
and Mrs. Jeff Brendel, Mr. and Mrs.
Baker and daughter, of Murray; Dr.
Will Brendel, of Avoca; Charley
Stone, of Xehawka; Will Hobson, of
Eagle; Dr. Gzantner, of Omaha; Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Race and daughter,
La Verne Kansas City; Mrs. Kate Cor
bet, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, of
The dining room was beautiful
with its decorations of bridal roses,
ferns, bells and ropes of smilax. The
Misses Alice Flamme and Grace Lake
served refreshments, assisted by
Mary Jameson and Florence Wilkin
son. Seated beneath an arch and
festoons of smilax, a huge bell o'er
head, Miss Brown smiled her wel
come, meanwhile serving punch to
guests as they passed her in the hall.
In the back parlor were two tables
filled with gifts of cut glass, silver,
china, etc. The guests who tarried
to the close escorted the pair to the
east bound train which they boarded,
amid showers of rice and old shoes,
carrying with them the hearty good
wishes of their hosts of friends. They
will visit Indianapolis and other
points before returning to Murray,
their future home.
Has Strength Restored By
Mrs. Michael Bloom of Lewistown,
Pa . who la 80 rears of age. says : "For
a long time I have been so feeble that
I have had to be wheeled around in
an Invalid's chair. I had no strength
and took cold at the slightest provoca
tion, which invariably settled on my
lungs, and a cough would result My
6on learned of the cod liver prep
aration called Vinol, and procured a
bottle for me. It built up my strength
ranidlv. and after taking three bottles
I am able to do most of my work, and
I can walk a quarter of a mile easily.
FJverv aeed or weak person who re
quires strength should try Vinol. I am
delighted with what It has done ior
As a body builder and strength crea
tor for old people, delicate children,
weak, run-down persons, and after
sickness, Vinol Is unexcelled. If it
fails to give satisfaction we win re
turn your money.
GERING & CO., Druggist?,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Livingston Richey came in from
Lincoln lst Saturday to spend the
holidays with relatives at Claudius
Everett's, northeast of town.
Harry Allen, the popular aij'uurn
haired section foreman, took a lay-off
and left Wednesday night for Arling
ton, Col., to spend I lit holidays with
his relatives.
Miss Gertie Hobac k and Grover
Hoback departed Wednesday for
three weeks' visit with her brother
Oscar and their uncle C. M. Hoback
at Lexington, X b.
Miss Luella Taylor departed on
the Wednesday e vening train for Los
Angeles. Cal., where sho will upend
the winter, thus escaping Nebraska's
cold waves.
D. B. Chapman departed Monday
night for Missouri, Intending to
spend a few weeks among his rela
tives and firends at Keytesvllle anil
other points in that state.
Mrs. J. G. Richey. who has been as
sisting in caring for her mother at
Claudius Everett's northeast of town.
went to Lincoln on Wednesday to at
tend a reception given by Governor
Sheldon and wife.
Leo. Cross of Akron, Col., came
last week to visit his uncle Jeff and
Will Cross and other relatives and
friends. He departed Wednesday
for Seymour, Iowa, where he will
make several days' visit before re
turning to Colorado.
H. M. Van Belt is the new man
who went on duty Tuesday at the de
pot to relieve Operator Laws for
awhile. We find Mr. VanlVlt a
very sociable gentleman and an ac
commodating official, and we wish
the office force could be increased so
that he would remain here.
Cass County Well Represented and
Secure Several Awards.
The poultry show at Omaha of
which brief mention was made in
this paiter several days ago is turn
ing out. to be a big tiling, with some
mighty fine chicks on exhibition. Xot
the hast of them comes from this
city, Dr. J. H. Hall being in evidence
with his barred Plymouth Rocks, and
W. O. Hamilton having some very
fine birds on show. Dr. Hall has
been particularly fortunate, this
ing really his first year in the busi
ness from a show standpoint and the
Omaha show being the first big show
he has competed in. He carried off
the first prize for cockerel, and third
prize; for pulet, a fine showing when
it is considered that he was in compe
tition with birds from all over the
United States. Some of the birds
came from Xew York, that state in
fact furnishing the only winners over
Dr. Hall's pullets. The awards are
made on points which arc; scored by
the judges who are selected from the
leading poultry fanciers of the coun
try. These men are unbiased and un
prejudiced and in their scoring they
select the winners regardless of all
other considerations. To thi.s end
they are very careful to choose chick
ens which come up to the; highest pos
sible standard. Their awarding the
prize to Dr. Hall for the best cock
erel means that he has something in
the way of chickens which is extra
Cass county has other chickens on
exhibition, but not near the nui.iber
which its resources should have;
shown. As fine chickens can be
raised here as can be raised
in the country if the requisite
care and attention is given them and
this should be done. Jay Adams of
Eagle .has some fine chickens on ex
hibition and doubtless will fare well
in the general wind up. It is expect
ed that Mr. Hamilton of this city,
who in the past has been so success
ful at large poultry shows, will once
more annex some prizes to his belt
as he has the birds to do it with.
The attendance has been very large
and the show is considered a finan
cial success. In connection with the
poultry show there is a fancy dog
show which is drawing attention
from dog fanciers the state over. Some
very fine animals are on exhibition.
The show lasts the remainder of the
Since the above was in print ad
ditional awards have been made in
the various classes of chickens on
show. In the Buff Orpingtons W.
C. Hamilton made nearly a clean
sweep. He secured third and fifth
cocks, first and second hen, second
fourth and fifth cockerel, second,
third, fourth and fifth pul
let, and first and second pen. In
this same class Jay Adams of Eagle
secured first cock which makes
Cass County the prize winner in this
class. Mr. Hamilton far and away
distanced his competitors in the num
ber and extent of the prizes he land
ed. This was to be expected as he
has some of the finest chickens in his
stock to be had.
With winners In Messrs Hamilton
and Hall, Plattsmouth can well claim
to be a chicken center of real worth.