The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 31, 1908, Image 2

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Alvo Department
The growth of the automobile in
dustry is well marked by the illustra
tion above and shows the new Automo
bile Warehouse of the Pioneer Imple
ment Company at Council Bluffs, the
Western distributing agency of the
famous JACKSON car.
Wm. II. Davis sold SO acres of his j
farm to Kdwin Schomakor for the '
consideration of $8,000.
.Misses Ross and Gilmout will eat j
turkey and spend the holiday season
in Missouri and Mynard respect- j
ively. Both have put in an order for I
father to kill the biggest turkey on 1
the farm. j
Gus Kuders and Louis Edlers, two
prosperous young farmers from near
Avoca. were visiting Nick Opp Sat
urday, and while here paid this of
fice a pleasant call and also joined
the Register family.
From Xorman DelesDernier we
learn that his sister, Mre. Ella Elliot,
of Ferndale, Wash., is afflicted with
paralysis her right side being af
flicted. Her friends here will be
pained to hear of her affliction and
hope she will soon recover.
Wm. Newman came In from Far- (
nam. Neb., Tuesday morning to eat
Christmas dinner with Uncle Billy
Chapman and the rest of the rela
tives. William is looking well and
doing well and his many friends are
glad to see him but . It proved to
be a sad visit.
r Joseph Malcom Informs us that he
has made arrangements to take
charge of a mill near Talmage. It is
a water power plant thoroughly up-to
date, and Joseph says it is a splendid
layout, with house and everything
necessary. Joe can make the flour
if they will give him the necessary
machinery, and we anticipate they
will do a good business.
Henry DeClus and family went to
Nebraska City last Friday and Henry
had no sooner hit the platform than
a runner for a hotel pushed h?m off
the platform, with the remark that
farmers had no business gettin;? in
their way. It is needless to say that
Henry "showed him where to get
off," and the next time he will not
be so fresh.
Ralph Ellis has secured the posi
tion as helper at the Missouri Pacific
depot. He says he is glad to get
back to Louisville.
C. M. Seybert has purchased the
Charles. Bryan property just north
of the M. E. church and expects to
move to town by the 1st of February.
The stripping gang at the Murphy
quarry was compelled to abandon
work with excavator Monday on ac
count of the frost. They were ar
ranging to install a steam shovel and
the work will be resumed in a few
That Louisviile is continually on
the increase in all lines is evidenced
in no better way that the changing
cf th locr.l pestoffice frrm fourth
to third cln?s. This in "ce is gco.l
news to Disey. as it
makes this a salaried office, paying
S 1.000 per year besides an allowance
for rent, fuel and lights.
Last Saturday while everything
was working fine and the workmen
Cement Constructison Throughout. Dimensen 96
This construction is of cement. Its The remarkable sale of JACKSON
walls and tremendous floor is really one cars is undoubtedly based on their
solid cement block. Its dimensions are powerfui engine equipments, giving
90x136. Its interior is beautifully light-
. . . . , -j JACKSONS a hill climbing capacity
ed by double rows of windows the en
tire length of the second roof. not possessed by other automobiles.
were trying to make a record in
driving piling for the new Platte
river wagon bridge the engine blew
up, but fortunately no one was in
jured. Another and larger engine
was secured Tuesday and work has
been resumed with but little loss of
On Wednesday, December 23, 1908,
at 12:30 o'clock. Mr. Nicholas Schaf
er and Miss Eunice Barker were
united in marriage at the home of
the bride's parents, five miles south
east of Louisville, Rev. George M.
Jones performing the ceremony. The
groom is a well known and prosper
ous young farmer of this part of
Cass county, and the bride is a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Bar
ker, old and highly respected citi
zens of Cass county. After the cere
mony a sumptuous wedding repast
was served to -the large number of
relatives and friends present.
Miss Minnie Stark has been under
the doctor's tare, suffering from an
attack of the crip.
Mrs. V. IZ Paddlefor.i left Mon
day for Woodward, Okla., where she
will spend the winter with relatives.
Willis Bartlett has gone to Syra
cuse, New York, with a car of horses
for a horsebuyer that has been pur
chasing horses in this vicinity.
Joe Mullin received a telegram
Tuesday from Smith Center, Kas., an
nouncing the serious illners of his
brother, Isaac. Mr. Mullin left for
Kansas on the first train.
Sunday morning, December 20th,
at ten o'clock, at the residence of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Swarts, occurred the marriage of
Miss Rosa B. Swarts to Mr. William
Manning, of Minneapolis, Minn.
Lucian Dettor of San Francisco,
California, is visiting at the home of
James B. White. When he returns
he will be accompanied by his moth
er, widow of the late Capt. James C
White, who will make her future
home with her son in California.
Mrs. Ed. James, who resides about
four miles east of Elmwood, was
brought into the hospital Saturday
afternoon, suffering severely from
appendicitis. Her condition was
such that an operation was had that
evening, which she stood nicely. At
last reports she was improving grad
ually. Ilarley Greeson was thrown from a
horse Thursday evening of last week,
sustaining a fracture of one of his
arms. Harley is one of the star
players in the popular high school
basket ball team, and the other mem
bers of the team are feeling quite
blue, as the accident puts Harley out
of the game for the rest of the win
ter. For Etv.ema. Tetter :inl S':iTt Bhe .?m.
, Ti e intense iuhir.g tLaiacfr-i isti:
of these tBnients is almost insaantl
'allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many
severe cases have been cere i by if.
Fcr sale by F. G. Frick A Co.
Boy Looks Down Barrel of Loaded
Revolver and Is Shot
From Wednesday's Paily.
A distressing accident took place
Monday afternoon near Manley by
which Johnny Pritchard. the eleven-year-old
son of John Pritchard, sec
tion foreman of the Missouri Pacific
Railway, at Weeping Water, lost his
life. Pritchard with two boy com
panions, was out hunting, the party
being armed with shot guns and
Pritchard carrying in addition a 32
calibre revolver. While going
through a field two miles south of
Manley, young Pritchark took out
his revolver and tried to fire it off.
It didn't work well and he undertook
to see what the matter was with it,
looking down the barrel. While he
was gazing into it the gun was dis
charged and the bullet entered
Pritchard's right eye killing him in
stantly. Pritchard's companions im
mediately gave the alarm, and the
body was hurriedly taken to his par
ents in Weeping Water. The shock of
of the death was a severe one upon
Manley, young Pritchard took out
ter is reported as prostrated. Mrs.
J. M. Hall of this city, an old neigh
bor of the family, departed for Weep
ing Water this morning to attend the
A Big Sale.
H. E. Warden and Chas. Brandt
will sell 22 head of horses and mules
at their sale near Nehawka on Jan
uary 12. See their ad.
Dr. Ness' Stock Food
scientific compound for horses and cattle.
Hess' Stock Food
guaranteed to give result3.
F. G. Fircke & Co.. Druggets.
Public Sale!
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction at his home, one mile south and
seven miles west of Mynard, on the
James Terryberry farm, on
Friday, January 8th, 1909,
the following described property, to-wit:
One Stable Belgian Horse, weighing
1S00; one Gray Mare, 14 years old.
weighing 1400; one Driving Team, 8
years old, weight 2100; one Colt, com
ing three years old; one Colt, coming
two years old. Farming Implements
consisting of one farm wagon, one
Deering self-binder, one Fuller & John
son corn planter, one John Deere
seeder. Other articles too numerous to
Terms of Sale!
All sums of $10 and under, cash; over
S10. a credit of eight months wU he
given, purchaser pivine g"d nnka-'!e
paper, hearinc eicM epnt- ireret.
All property to settled for before being
removed. GEO. MILLER. limer.
A. L. Jones. Aucti -neer.
By 136.
of Plattsmouth will have charge of the
JACKSON'S interests in Cass County
and will show a handsome specimen of
these excellent cars at any time or willac
company you to Council Bluffs during the
corn show, where you can see the most
complete line of automobiles in the west.
Mr. Orville D. Quillhcrst and Miss
Florence Alfa Rouse Join Heaits
and Hands inMarriage.
Last Tuesday evening at the Meth
odist church at Alvo, occurred a very
pretty wedding when Elder J. Y.
Heckler of the Dunker church, unit
ed in mrriage Orville D. Quillhorst
and Miss Florence Alfa Rouse. There
was a large attendance of relatives
and friends as the contracting parties
as well as their families are well
known and very popular in that vi
cinity. Immediately following the cere
mony a reception was tendered the
happy couple at the home of the
bride's parents, there being many
friends and neighbors calling to pay
their respects to this young couple
who start in life under so auspicious
circumstances. There were many
very handsome and costly presents
tendered to start the young folks
on their way. One delightful feature
of the evening was a dainty three
course luncheon which followed the
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Rouse, old and highly re
spected citizens of the county, a
young woman of refinement and ac
complishments. She is a graduate of
the Elmwood high schools and the
Wesleyan College at Lincoln and for
several years taught school in the
county with signal success being con
sidered an educator of marked abil
ity. She enjoys the acquaintance of
a large circle of friends who all join
in congratulating her.
The groom is well known and pop
ular in the vicinity of Elmwood and
Alvo, and bears a most excellent rep
utation as a man of sterling worth
and muc-n ability. He is a young
farmer with all the energetic char
acteristics which go to make the suc
cessful man. Like his charming wife,
he possesses a world of friends who
join in congratulations.
The young couple will make their
residence upon the farm of the groom
near Alvo where they will soon be at
home to their friends.
Poultry Wanted
The Clarinda Poultry, Butter
and Egg Company will be in
Plattsmouth, on
Monday, January 4, 1909
and will pay the following
prices for poultry to be deliv
ered at the store of Zuck
weiler & Lutz:
Hens and Pullets
j Springs 9c
' Younsr Rooters
I 'en Tur
Yonng- Gorbers ,
Oid "
Rooppr. r-r irz ?2 4
; Ducks. F. F . . njc
CteFe 5c
Mrs. Charles Kirkpatrlck went to
Lincoln Tuesday.
Mr. Herman Sutton, of IVlla, la.,
is visiting at A. Sutton's.
Misses Mabel Stout spent Monday
and Tuesday in Lincoln.
C. H. Peters is entertaining his
brother from North Platte.
Mrs. A. I. Bird, who has been quite
sic k. is slowly improving.
Miss Melle Vickers, of (Ireciiwood,
is visiting her mother this week.
Will Uptegrove, of Redfield. S. D.,
is spending a few days with his par
ents. Col. Bates, of Plattsmouth, was re
newing acquaintances in Alvo last
Harry Vickers ate Christmas din
ner with his mother, Mrs. Mary
Harry Parsell and mother ate
Chris dinner with Mr. and Mrs. .1.
A. Schaffer.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kit .el have
returned from their wedding trip at
Miss Lydia Maves, of Bennett, is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. J. W. Baker.
Mrs. Win. Yeager is entertaining
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sophiin and
children this week.
C. C. Bucknell, manager of the
Lincoln Grain Company, shipped a
car of corn this week.
The Stroemer Lumber and Grain
Company shipped a car of hogs to
South Omaha Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oris Foreman, of
Valpraiso, arc spending the holidays
with relatives in Alvo.
Mrs. Albert Weichel and daughter.
of Elmwood, spent a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Bina Kitzel.
Christmas morning Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Kitzel were made happy by
the arrival of a fine daughter.
Mrs. M. L. Keeper is entertain
ing her sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Jacobs, of Beaver Crossing.
C. F. Itosenow and family attended
the family reunion at the home of
his parents near Elmwood Christ
mas. Alfred Stroemer is entertain
ing his cousins, Eddie; Helmer and
Herman Wolken of Barneston, during
their vacation.
G. P. Foreman, sr., and family
spent Christmas in University Place
with his daughter, Mrs. L. E. Bob
bin and family.
Commissioner C. R. Jordan was
looking ofter the welfare of the coun
ty bridges in the south part of his
district Tuesday.
L. B. Appleman shipped a car of
broom corn Monday.
James Foreman, of Lincoln, is in
town on business.
Public Sale!
N Having decided to move
tarm 1 miles south of Union, on
JANUARY 7. '09
Red Polled Cattle, Ten Registered-Six High Grade!
The Red-Polled are the best dual purpose cattle, both fine milkers
and good beef variety, and combine beauty with these qualities. The
offerings are the product of the celebrated herd bull, "Edgar," who has
been a prize winner wherever shown. In this sale are included prize
winning individuals, such as: Valentine Dick No. 17113, a fine bull
good enough to head any herd; Mayflower 11 No. 22364, cow safe in calf;
Rose 11 No. 26267, cow safe in calf; Adalina No. 26277, cow safe in calf;
Gypsy Maid No. 27599, cow safe in calf; Lilly May No. 26677; Lucile No.
28045 a yearling heifer. All the above cattle are registered. Mayflower
III, a prize winner and eligible to register, three male calves eligible to
registry, prize winners; two high-grade heifers in calf and as fine as
they make them; lour high grade cows, all in calf to herd bull, 2 giving
milk and two that will be fresh soon. A chance to get something extra
fine. Fifteen head of Horses, Mules, Colts and Ponies including 3 brood
mares all safe in foal to good jack. These include the fine brood mare
shown at Nebraska City stock show and for which I had many offers; 8
mules from 3 to seven years old, none less than 1000 up ie 1350 pounds
all broke to work and raised on this farm, and are absolutely sound and
free from blemish. One sucking mare mule and some good Shetland
Tflrmp ni Colo! Sums under $10
I CI Hid Ul UUlUi of 8 months will
ing 8 per cent interest.
No property
TRAIN SERVICE! Breeders from a distance can reach Union at 5 o'clock
a. m., and from the north and west, can reach Union at 10:20. Kree
conveyances from train to my place. Stock all sold after dinner.
Big Free Lunch at Noon!
H. R. COMD, Owner.
COL. R. A. WILKINSON. Auctioneer.
JOHN R. PIERSON and D. C. WEST, Clerks.
Paul Frolicli and daughter, Mrs.
John Robot ham, of Lincoln, are vis
iting at the home of Ms daughter,
Mrs. C. C. Bucknell.
Mrs. Harry Parsell and children
returned Tuesday from Wllher, when?
they spent Christmas with her sisters,
the Misses Tucker.
Carlton Gnillion is entertaining bin
father, J. E. Gtillion, his brother,
Ralph, of Greenwood and his sister
Mrs. G. Hellig, of Omaha.
J. II. Stroemer and family ami Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Rogge enjoyed a
fine; Christinas dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Rogge, at Elmwood.
Victor Ough came In Thursday
the 24th, from Omaha to spend
Christmas with his father. He re
turned Sunday to resume his studies.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer return
ed home Saturday from University
Place, where they ate Cli rist mas tur
key with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner.
Mrs. J. W. Skinner, who has been
visiting relatives in Alvo for the
past few weeks, returned to her
home at Eureka, 111., Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles and Mr.
and Mrs. M. C. Keefer spent Christ
inas in David City with Mr. and Mrs.
("has. Skiles and family, returning
home Sunday.
Several of the popular young folks
attended the Christmas ball at Mur
doek, among whom were Messrs.
and Misses Elmer Klymer and Cora
and Luclla Stout. Chas. Jordan and
Minnie- Bailey, John 1 1 ildei hrand t
and Mabel Stout, Harry Vickers, Ar
thur Klyver, Frank Cook, Dab?
Boyles. Jesse Mullen, Sain Jordan,
John Hansen and Alfred Hanse n.
On Tuesday evening. Decent be-r "!,
l'.MtS. at S o'clock at the- M. E.
chureli, occurred the marriage of
Miss Alfa Rouse and Mr. Orville- D.
Quellhorst, Rev. Heckler officiating.
The- bride was dressed in white- silk
tissue, princess effect, and carried
white roses. The groom was dressed
in conventional black. Miss Alellta
Rouse, siste r of the bride-, was brides
maid and wore pale blue silk. Mr.
Rainsworth, of Peru, was grooms
man. The Misses Marie- Stroemer and
and Orpha Mullen and Me-ssda incs
Rainsworth of I'e-ru and Blessing of
Ruskin, were the ribbon bearers.
After the ceremony all re-turned to
home of the bride's parents where a
three course; luncheon was served to
ne arly a hundred gue;sts. The out of
town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bles
sing of Ruskin; Mr. and Mrs. Rains
worth, of Peru; Miss Let a Line h. Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Line h and daughter
of Lincoln; Miss Quellhorst, of Nel
son, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilamel, of
to Texas I will sell at my
On sums above $10 a credit
be triven on bankable note, bear
to be removed until settled for.