The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 24, 1908, Image 1

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Cass County Parties Own Land
Near New Field
Word has been received In this
city which probably means some
money for several Plattsmouth peo
ple and for other Cass County peo
ple. From time to time announce
ment has been made of the holdings
of the Cass Land Company, a local
corporation composed principally of
C. C. Parmele and .1. C. Richey, al
though County Attorney Rawls of
this city, and Messrs. F. I. Sheldon,
T. F. Strum and others of Nehawka,
and V. K. Straub of Straub Bros, of
Avoca also are interested in the
company. These holdings comprise
some two thousand eight hundred
acres of land lying in Eastern Colo
rado near the town of Granada, and
close to the main line of the Santa
Fe Railroad. Heretofore the lands
have been used largely for farming
and stockraising purposes the tract
being under ditch and excellent ir
rigated land. The report which
means so much to the members of
the local corporation, is that oil has
been discover'd upon lands abut
ting upon this property and that
there Is small doubt that the field
includes their property. In fact,
the Indications rather are that their
holdings are in the heart of the new
For some time past prospects have
been carried on for oil in the vicin
ity of Granada and several weeks
ago, the report was received that oil
had been struck at a comparatively
shallow depth by the prospectors.
Not a great deal of attention was
paid to this first report as the local
owners did not have anything in
vested in that particular project.
Later this report was confirmed by
newspaper clippings which fell into
the hands of the gentlemen here and
they bestirred themselves, Mr. Rawls
making personal inquiries of disin
terested parties whom he knew and
in whom he had every confidence.
The result of his investigation re
vealed the fact that oil had act
ually been struck and that work had
Slightly Exaggerated.
Deputy Sheriff James Dawson and
Deputy Elmer Sides went to Eagle
last night in answer to a telephone
message declaring that Ben Burdick
had shot and probably mortally in
jured Mrs. Green, wife of a farmer
living three miles west of that place.
It developed later that the report
received here had been grossly ex
aggerated. Marshall V. II. Austin, of Eagle.
In an interview by long distance tel
ephone declared that there had been
no killipg and that Mrs. Green was
not even seriously injured. Marshal
Austin took Burdick into custody
Saturday night on the complaint of i
Mrs. Green, but he was of the opin
ion that no crime had been commit
ted. He intended to hold Burdick
until the deputies arrived from Lin
coln. Eagle is In Cass county, but
the trouble occurred near the home
of the Greens, just inside the Lan
canter county line, so Sheriff Hoag
land was called upon to send officers
to the scene of the strife. Deputy
Dawson and Deputy Sides had not
reached Eagle at midnight last night.
Lincoln Star.
A Gritty Teacher.
Professor- Debolt was visiting
friends in Nehawka over Saturday.
He reports that his case against
State Superintendent O'Brien will
come up in February, and that he is
sure of winning. Denied by O'Brien
of what he says he is entitled to
under the law. he is taking the work
prescribed by the university and will
graduate this spring and then he will
get a first grade certificate, and
teach in Nebraska. That is the kind
of grit that will win. Nehawka Reg
ister. Hull for Service.
I have purchased the eight months
old bull of Chas. .F. Morton and will
put it in town service. Fee one dol
lar when cow is served. This bull's
fine sire took first premium at the Ne
braska State Fair this year and is an
imported animal.
Charles Cook.
" Popular Copyright Novels 59c at
Herold's Stationery Store.
been stopped upon the well until
casing could be obtained for it, the
oil flowing into the well in such vol
ume as to cause the sides to cave in.
It Is thought that the casing has
been received by this time, how
ever, and that work will be imme
diately resumed and the well put
down to where a gusher will come
The geologists who have made a
study of the oil field which is sup
posed to underlie this portion of
Colorado are of the opinion that it
is the same field which crops out in
Southeastern Kansas and Eastern
Oklahoma, and that it follows the
bed of the Arkansas River along
which the land of the Cass County
Company is situated. It is well
known that the land in the vicinity
of Neodasha, Coffeyville, Cherry
vale and Independence Kansas and
Bartelesville, Okla., constitute one of
the finest oil fields in the world and
the belief of oil experts is that the
field extends up the Arkansas valley
at varying depths to the Rocky
Mountains. It is also well known
that great oil deposits have been dis
covered at Florence. Col., situated
upon the Arkansas above the land
of the Cass Comp' iy and apparently
near where this .t oil field com
mences. The local company had just com
menced arrangements to divide their
tract into irrigated farms of differ
ent sizes and place it upon the mar
ket when this discovery was made.
It has resulted in throwing the whole
matter up in the air for a while at
least, as they do not care to give
away a fine oil field. The land
aside. from its value as an oil field
is fertile and rich and lays splendidly
along the Arkansas and they would
have no trouble of disposing of it at
a handsome profit. " Developments
in the matter will be watched with a
great deal of interest by those who
know the apparently fortunate
A Much Larger Attendance Than
Ever Before
The regular weekly sale at Smith
& Smith's barn last Saturday drew a
much larger attendance than ever be
fore, and while there was consider
able stock and other articles to sell,
it was not nearly so large as it
s it should have been considering the
season of the year.
These sales are proving a great
convenience to those who have a
few head of horses or cattle or other
articles to sell, and desire to get rid
of the surplus. Evn If you have
only one article or a horse or a cow
you don't want to keep, it will pay
you to bring the same to Smith ,&
Smith's barn any Saturday, except
the next one. Next Saturday being
between Christmas and New Year, it
has been decided to omit that date,
and by doing so the next sale will
occur on Saturday, January 2, 1909.
These sales should grow in interest
to the farmers of Cass county, and
especially to those within a radius
of fifteen miles of Plattsmouth.-The
Messers. Smith have displayed con
siderable energy in their efforts to
make these weekly sales go, and as
they are a convenience to all who
have articles to sell, the Journal
cannot conceive why they are not
more liberally patronized. There
are enough buyers who attend, and
if they find the stuff there they are
looking after they generally buy.
So don't be at all backward about
bringing in any surplus articles you
want to dispose of at the next sale
Saturday, January 2..
Don't be afraid that they will not
be offered for sale. Last Saturday
there were two salesmen Sam G.
Smith and Oliver Osborne, and they
will both be present at the next sale.
Everything sold at good prices and
will continue to bring in good prices
if the farmers will only bring in
what they have for sale. Don't for
get to do this on Saturday, January
2, and you will be surprised at the
prices you receive.
Married at ICIimvood.
Elmwood. Neb.. Dec. 20. William
Manning, of Minneapolis, Minn., and
Miss Rosa Swartz were married at
10:30 this mornine at the home of
the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Swartz of this city. Rev.
Dr. Woodcock, pastor of the Metho
dist church, performing the cere
mony. The wedding was very quiet,
being witnessed only by the imme
diate relatives of the bride. Mrs.
Manning has been clerking for a
number of years in the general store
of Swartz & Weichel at this place.
Mr. Manning is a traveling salesman
with headquarters at Lincoln. The
wedding was a great surprise to all
as the matter had been kept very
quiet. Mr. and Mrs. Manning will
make their future home in Minneapolis.
Three Well Known Cass County
Couples Secure Licenses
From Monday's Dully.
In county court Miss Gertrude Bee
son, the marriage license clerk, has
issued quite a bunch of licenses the
last two days. One license was is
sued to Will Manning of Minneapo
lis, Minn., aged 35, and Miss Rosa
Swartz, aged 25, of Elmwood. This
couple was married last Saturday at
Elmwood in the presence of many
friends. Another license issued was
to Dr. Jacob F. Brendel, aged 32 of
Murray, and Miss Margaret Lucille
Jameson, aged 22, of Weeping Wa
ter. Both of these young people
Qounty, Dr. Brendel being one of
the best known and most successful
practicioners in the east end of the
county while Miss Jameson is an
acknowledged belle of the vicinity of
Weeping Water. A third license is
used was to Nicholas Schaefer, aged
33 of Cedar Creek and Miss Eunice
May Barker, aged 18, also living in
the vicinity of Cedar Creek. Mr.
Schaefer is a well known farmer from
the vicinity of Cedar Cre- while
Miss Barker is the popular . an-, ac
complished daughter of S. L. Barker.
Due notice will be given the wed
dings of these several popular coup
les later.
Final Services Over Body of William
W. Slater Saturday '
The funeral of the late William W.
Slater took place last Saturday af
ternoon from the Methodist church
and was very largely attended. The
funeral sermon was preached by Rev.
A. A. Randall and was a tribute to
a good man, an upright citizen and
an earnest, faithful Christian. There
was music appropriate to the occa
sion, and a long procession of sor
sowijig friends followed the body to
Oak Hill where it was interred. The
entire local post of the G. A. R. ac
companied the remains to their last
resting place, Mr. Slater having been
a member of this order for niany
years. The members of the post
were all hororary pall bearers. The
active pall bearers were Messrs. D.
C. Morgan, Geo. Dodge, C. 12. Wes
cott, J. E. Douglass, Frank Schlater
and John Schuloi.
In the loss of Mr. Slater the com
munity has parted with one of its
best members. Always a man with
a large and open heart, he had made
himself universally liked by his many
neighbors. They had honored him
with public office and no man stood
higher in their estimation than he.
In their sorrow the widow and son
have the profound sympathy of all.
A Card of Thanks.
We wish to extend our most heart
felt thanks to our many friends who
so kindly sympathized and assisted
us during our late bereavement, the
loss of our husband and father,
words cannot express our feeling of
gratitude, consulation, such as was
given is so helpful at such a time.
We are especially thankful for the
many beautiful floral offerings, and
to our friends who rendered such
timely aid at our home.
Most gratefully yours,
Mrs. Wm. Slater.
Arthur W. Slater.
lleconie Money Order Offices.
From Monday's Dally.
Washington dispatches this morn
ing announce a number of Nebras
ka post offices have been raised to
the ra jk of international money or
der offices. Among others that at
Elmwood now enjoys the distinction.
Rev, Moore Accepts Call.
Rev. Luther 'Moore of Princeton,
Mo., who was here several weeks
ago looking over the field with a
view to accepting a call from the
Christian church, bas decided to ac
cept and will be here Jn time to
preach next Sunday, . Rev. '" Moore
during bis brief stay in (he com
munity made himself .. very" well
liked and there is every reason to
believe that he-' will" be- very pop
ular with his new flock. He is an
educated and scholarly gentleman
and a thqrough Christian. It is
planned to tender a reception to him
on January 1 at which the public is
cordially Invited to attend and meet
Creditors of News Meet and Elect
Plant Appraised
From Monday's Duily.
The creditors of George L. Farley
held a meeting last Friday at the of
fice of Charles G. McDonald, referee
in bankruptcy, and perfected pre
liminary arrangements for protect
ing their claims. Judge J. E. Doug
lass who has been employed as re
porter and editor on the Evening
News was elected trustee for the
creditors ind at once commenced act
ive preparations for closing out the
plant and ending the proceedings.
Mr. Potter of the Potter Printing
Company, George B. Mann, the well
known Plattsmouth printer, and Ger
ald Drew, a prominent young attor
ney of Omaha, were selected as ap
praisers to appraise the effects and
fix their value. The appraisers met
here today and made an inventory of
the goods and assets as returned by
Mr. Farley. They fixed the value of
the entire effects in the neighbor
hood of two thousand dollars. This
includes the accounts due the News
and the Semi-Weekly News-Herald
which are said to be about five hun
dred dollars, and' leaves the actual
valu of the printing plant, office
fixtures and the like at fifteen hun
dred dollars. Judge Douglass, the
trustee, stated to a Journal reporter
that it was the immediate intention
to dispose of the whole lot at sale
and that notice to this effect would
be given at once. It is his intention
to try and have the sale made within
thirty days and the creditors paid off
as far as the proceeds will go. Should
the property bring the appraised val
ue, it is probable that the creditors
will receive between twenty and
twenty-five per cent on their claims
as the latter aggregated more than
eight thousand dollars. The appraise
ment was forwarded this afternoon
by Attorney Rawls to Referee Mc
Donald. T. J. Sokol-Klect Officers.
The annual meeting of the T. J.
Sokol society to choose officers for
the ensuing year has been held and
the following named gentlemen were
elected to their respective offices:
President, Vac Ptak.
Vice President, Jos. Kolioutek.
Recording Secretary, Louis Jiran.
Financial Secretary, Emil Ptak.
Treasurer, James Rebal.
Trustees, A. Kanka, Jr., J. W.
Bookmeyer, Vine. Pilny.
Physical Director, L. Jiran.
Captain, Charles Hadroba.
Janitor, A. Kanka, sr.
The meeting was a large and en
thusiastic one and the prospects for
the coming year are regarded as
very bright. The past year has been
a very prosperous one with this or
ganization and the membership has
shown a gratifying increase. Prepa
rations for the big sixteenth annual
mask ball to be held on January-16,
1909, are already in a state of ad
vance and there is small doubt but
that it will be the best ever given
by this successful society.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned desire to extend
their sincere thanks for the many
kindnesses shown them during the
illness and loss of their little child
and also for the many handsome
floral tributes given by their many
Jos. McMaken and family.
The Stork Leaves Iioy.
The story in his rounds last night
visited the family of Benj. E. Snod
grass and left behind him a Christ
mas present in the shape of a
bouncing ten-pound boy. Mrs.
Snodgrass and the child are doing
finely while the happy father is all
smiles today and feels that he is the
luckiest and biggest man in the city.
Hiil Interests Announce Pur
chase of Gulf Line
The announcement is officially
made from New York that control of
the Colorado & Southern Railroad
bas passed from the hands of the
Frisco-Hawley interests to that of J.
J. Hill and that this system will
hereafter be operated as a portion of
the Burlington system. This is cur
rently reported as giving the Hill in
terest their long wanted outlet to the
Gulf of Mexico and probably means
the routing of much grain, ore and
cattle to the south by way of Denver,
Fort Worth and Galveston.
According to figures given out in
the papers the mileage of the C. & S.
system is placed at 2.207 miles but
this includes the Trinity & Brazos
Valley Railroad running from Fort
Worth to Houston, Texas, and which
is a vital part to any Gulf outlet by
tais line. It has not been commonly
understood that the C. & S. owned this
road as it was built by capital fur
nished by the Rock Island and Fris
co interests and is operated by those
two roads jointly. The only con
nection the C. & S. interests have
ever been supposed to have was that
acquired by traffic agreement be
tween th Fort Worth & Denver City,
one of the C. & S. roads, and the T. &
B. V. Should this turn out to be
the case it is probable that a new
agreement will be made for handling
stuff originating on the C & S. and
the F. W. & D. C. to the Gulf.
The Colorado & Southern proper
runs from Denver to Texline, Texas,
where it connects with the Fort
Loot Store of L R. Upton Last Night
and Make Escape
Union, Dec. 21. Special to Jour
nal Burglars last night were busy
at Union and effected an entrance to
the hardware store of L. R. Upton
taking some six or seven dollars in
money and a quantity of goods, the
value of which is unknown. The
miscreants effected an entrance by
cutting a screen wire from a window
and raising it. It is not known at
what hour the crime was committed
nor are the parties known who did
the. act. Union is a place where
there are many hoboes and "yegg
men" constantly passing through
and with the number of freight
trains which are coming in and go
ing out it is easy for them to operate
and make their escape. There are
some who suspicion that local talent
did the deed. The authorities are
making all possible efforts to locate
the thieves and doubtless some
trace of them will be discovered
shortly. The robbery was discovered
this morning when the store was
opened for the day.
Kind Words for The Journal.
The Plattsmouth Evening News
has gone into bankruptcy, with lia
bilities at about $8,000 and assets
placed at about half that amount.
The News has been run as a daily for
the past twenty years, and the pa
per is a consolidation of the old
Herold and the News, which issued
a weekly edition under the hyphe
nated name. For many years the
News had a monopoly on the daily
paper business in Plattsmouth, but
a few years Bob-Bates landed in that
city and taking hold of the old Jour
nal plant began to cut some ice in the
field of journalism, and about two
and one-half years ago started the
Evening Journal. Since that time the
News has seemed to steadily lose
ground until the end was reached
last week when the daily was sus
pended and later, Mr. Geo. L. Farley,
the late owner and publisher, filed
letters in bankruptcy. The News,
like many another paper, has had its
ups and downs and has made some of
its several publishers some money.
Plattsmouth is hardly the town to
support two dailies, however, and
the Journal survived as the fittest.
It is probable that the defunct pa
per will be rescued by some one of
the numerous Plattsmouth journal
ists, and continued as a weekly pa
per and the organ of republicanism
in old Cass as it has been the past
two decades. Red Oak (Iowa) Express.
Worth & Denver City which runs to
Fort Worth, Tex. This latter com
pany has a feeder, the Wichita Val
ley Railroad d raining a rich part of
the Texas Panhandle and connect
ing with the Fort Worth & Denver at
Wichita Falls, Tex. The c. & S. owns
feeders riming as far north as Orlu
Junction in Wyoming and also con
trols the Colorado Springs & Cripple
Creek District Railroad draining the
rich Cripple Creek region. This line
also controls the Colorado Central
railway which goes up to Silver
Plume over the famous Georgetown
Tile completion of the new line
j from Guernsey to the Big Horn basin
by the Hill interests means putting
I Denver in direc t connection with
Eastern Wyoming and it is probable
that the next move of the Hill in
terests means the construction of
this line as it will prove an Invalu
able feeder to the Burlington and es
pecially the southern lines of that
The deal taken altogether means
practically a revolution in railroading
in the middle west if it includes con
trol of the T. & B. V. road. In any
event it means the creation of Fort
Worth Texas, as the biggest packing
and stock center in the country. Tin
diversion of Wyoming, Montana ami
Colorado cattle to this point where
they can be slaughtered ami shipped
direct by a short route to seaboard,
and all over Hill tracks is something
which must not be overlooked.
M. I Has Wreck.
Yesterday morning about eleven
o'clock as freight train No. 17". was
standing on the main track of the
Missouri Pacific near the viaduct No.
193 crashed into her caboose, utter
ly demolishing the car and blocking
the road for nearly two hours. The
pilot of 193 was torn off, also the
headlight and smoke stack. No urn
was in the caboose at the time and
noonebeinginjured. The caboose was
a total wreck, hardly a piece being
left as large as a door. The passen
ger from the north was held until
12:30 at which time the track had
been cleared enough to allow it to
No. 175 was just ahead of 193 com
ing into town and stopped al the
tank. No. 193 was following very
closely and turned the curve under
the viaduct before discovering the
train ahead, the air refused to work
and the engineer gave what alarm he
could with the whistle, which en-
cabled the occupants of the caboose to
get out before the engine hit it. Ne
braska City Press.
In County Court.
From Tuesday's Dally.
County Judge Beeson today had
several hearings on before him.
In the matter of the estate of Delilah
Standley, Rev. J. H. Salsbury who
had been acting as administrator, re
ceived his discharge, his bondsmen
also being released from liability
on his bond. This was a small es
tate which consisted of a right to
take up government land under a
soldier's right and which Rev. Sals
bury in his capacity of administra
tor disposed of. The proceeds were
small and left little after paying
court costs.
In the matter of the probate of the
last will and testament of Simon B.
Judkins, the petition asking the ap
pointment of Benj. F. Judkins as
executor was heard and allowed.
Had Bad Runaway.
Mrs. T. B. Stevenson and daughter
started out for a drive yesterday
morning and had hardly reached
First corso before the horse scared,
turned the buggy over and threw
the occupants on the paved street.
i The buggy passed ever Mrs. Steven
son, injuring her back, and Miss
Stevenson escaped with a few
bruises. The horse indulged in a
wild run, finally stopping at Sixtlt
street near Second cor?o. When the
buggy was turned over and every
thing was thrown out, Mrs. Steven
son lost a pocketbook and several
other articles for the recovery of
which she will pay a reward. Ne
braska City News.
Fresh nuts of all kinds, at right
prices, at the New Bakery.