The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 21, 1908, Image 3

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GuUI'ttlltfCll Deposit.
It may be expected that all sorts
11 f Ingenious schemes will be put
forth by bankers and their represeeti
tatives to prevent tho passage of a
guaranteed deposits law by the Ne
braska legislature. Realizing that it
will be Impossible to prevent some
action on this line the enemies of
guaranteed deposits propose a de
ferred payment plan. I'nder I his
plan the depositors would not re
lelve their money promptly. In
deed, as proposed by some, they
would not receive It until the assets
of the bank were disposed of. This
would destroy the very purpose of the
guaranteed deposits system. It
would not prevent banks running be
cause the depositor would be almost
as much afraid of having his money
tied up in a broken bank as he would
be of losing it entirely. It would not
protect the commerce of a community
for the reason that deferred pay
meents would withhold, temporarily
at least, the deposits from use in the
business of the community.
The pledge with respect to guaran
teed deposits under which democrat-
members of the legislature were
lected was well understood by the
people and the Nebraska legislature
may be depended upon to fulfill that
pledge. The Nebraska democracy
will give to the people of this state
guaranteed deposit law that pro
vides for Immediate payment upon
the depositor's demand.
The bankeers who oppose guaran
teed deposits dominated the republi
can state convention and dictated its
platform. The Issues before the peo
pie were made plain and no one will
be successful in nn effort to distort
the issue before the legislature.
The Commoner.
be the instrument whether they are
or not. of educating the people down
to a lower level.
Hut the average editor will work
for the average reader, lie cannot
be any mere Independent of the man
who buvs his goods than the manufac
turer or merchant can be. A manu
facturer who refuses to produce
things that the people want, because
he thinks they ought to want some
thing better, will be driven out of
business, and so will a newspaper
editor. People sometimes talk of
yellow Journalism" as If the editors
of the yellow Journals were solely re
sponsible for their existence. They
are responsible to some degree; but
p. si ill larger degree the responsi
bility lies with the public that will
b,iv and read their news.
Are Always
the Cheapest!
Correct in everv particular.
Correct in Weave; Correct in
"Workmanship; Correct in
Styles, and always Correct in
Prices. Such are the goods
can be found at our store
Everything in Gent's and
Boy's Ready-to Wear Cloth
ing and I urnishings.
It's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music In your kitchen?
Vm-order final from this Olllce SDd
yard. The output of the Trentoo
mine the fuel we nanaie nas no su
oerlor anywhere, It9-equal in few
places .
Pltitni tub NorS I.
It, II No. SSI.
i i
Best Time to See
the Southwest
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homesecker's excursions are
t un over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into the rich and resourceful
farming" regions of the Sout h
wcdt It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Eas
tern farmer, r.fter his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
plensuro and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. P. Ky., riattamouth, Nob.
The Light Quest ion.
Tho action of tho council last
evening in appointing a committee of
five members to decide upon what
kind of a light the city needed and
how much, seems to be a step in the
right direction. Let this committee
get together now, select the light
wanted and fix upon tho distribution
of it, then close a contract with a
local company to furnish the lights
without delay. Everyone ngreofi that
present conditions are lntolorabh
and that light Is absolutely noros-
sarv. The one thing which then re
mains Is to agree upon terms.
There should not be any trouble
to wha company should furnish
the power. It is scandalous to be
iieve that the members of the council
would be so blind to the interests of
the city as to make a contract with
some out of town firm to light our
streets when there is a local com
pany which pays its taxes, and fur
uishes employment to families In
this city. Certainly this is not what
the tax pavers want nor what they
believe best for the interests of the
There is no question but what the
notorious Hortenlanger franchise
should be beaten and little doubt but
what it will be. It would be a dis
grace for the council to pass mis
franchise and tie It up with a con
tract which would mean to cripple
a Plattsmouth Industry. For many
reasons the part of Judgment should
be to defeat this proposition which
has absolutely nothing to commend
It. To nut another lighting com
pany in this city would mean simply
the c losing down of the. local com
pany and anyone acquainted with the
situation here and the members of
the council are acquainted with It
knows the city can afford to have
nothing closed down. What Is
wanted is to have Industries build up
and exnand. The trouble with this
city in the past has been tho tearing
down process, now let us get away
from that Idea and build up. The
first step in the building up process
Is to let the local company have the
lighting contract so that It can de
velop and Improve Its plant and mako
It self-sustaining. This means power
for the city, a twenty-four service
nnd an Industry which will bo a
credit to the city.
The council has an opportunity to
show that they are broad minded and
liberal and want to help Plattsmouth.
Will they do this?
He forming Xewspuju-rt.
President Iladley of Yale tells the
renders of the Youth's Companion
who Is responsible for a certain type
of newspaper. He says:
If we want responsible government
we must have responsible newspapers.
If we nie governed by public opinion.,
and the newspapers make public
opinion, our government will be ne
cessnrily good or bad, accordingly as
I hi newspapers ere good or had. "A
;ood lice cannot brmv forth evil
fnl'. ltliher i an n corrupt tno
Its inf. I rth good frnii."
If vc nre lo have responsible news
papers, the reform must begin with
the lend'TS theni'eive.:. Most of lli;
men v.l'o edit lie fpnpciM Wi'.S give
the people the kind of newspapers
they want. There will, of course,
Steel Trust Chairman Before
House Committee.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Shall Coiigrvvt Abdicate?
(New York World.)
Congress cannot surrender to Mr.
Roosevelt on the Issue of the Per
kins resolution without suffering an
irreparable loss in dignity, prestige
honor and Independence.
If It yields to tin; president's
threats of exposure the country will
be compelled to believe that Mr
Uoosevelt spoke truthfully when he
said that the restriction of the se
cret service ''operates only to the ad
vantage of the criminal." and that
this restriction whs adopted because
"Congressmen did not themselves
wish to be Investigated." The civil
I zed world will be Justified in as
sorting that the senators and repre
sentatlves were venal and that demo
crnlic Institutions in America are
criiinbllne under the weight of their
own corrupt ion.
Mr. Roosevelt has not assailed the
Integrity of certain Individual con
gressmen, he has assailed the Inlcg
rity of congress itself of an entire
Indeoendent. co-ordinate branch of
the International government.
Even If the 4 SI! members of con
cress as liu iviuuais ne wining io
swallow the Insult, the dignity am
honor and Influence of the legislative
authority are at stake. The members
of the house are the direct represen
lathes of the people. The senators
are the constitutional represent
lives of the forty-six states. To per
mit a president to Impeach the boll
esly (f congress itself as u body I
a staggering blow to the nation It
Every Kuropciin court, every king,
every kaiser, every monarch, could In
nil fairness point to .Mr. Roosevelt's
words as proof that American insti
tutions are a degraded form of gov
For years Mr. Roosevelt has main
tained a reign of terror. Individuals
who have displeased him have been
branded as liars and malefactors and
creatures of the gutter. Judges who
have failed to decide according to his
wishes have been officially denounc
ed In his speeches and bis messages.
Now that congress has Interfered
with his Russian spy system he as
sails the integrity of the entire law
making power and dares it to call
him to account.
This cannot go unchallenged with
out tacit admission by the legisla
tive department that the executive
is supreme; that the constitution has
been suspended, and that the Ameri
can people are living under a person
al, autocratic government such as
no civilized European country would
Under the constitution congress Is
the chief instrument of government,
and the president la largely Its agent.
It controls the revenue. It enacts the
laws. It can Impeach presidents and
impeach Judges and remove them
from office. It' Is the people of the
United States.
Mr. Roosevelt has come to assume
that he Is the people of the Lnited
Slates; that congress and the Judges
ifYe Ids agents and must obey his
mandates; that his will Is the su
preme law. When congress diso
beys him he menances it with ,hls
Surrender to Mr. Uoosevelt In
such a ense would be confession.
Congress would degrade itself to the
legraded status of wretched creatures
In the tolls of a Tammany police sys
tem. If It Intends to yield to Mr
Roosevejl's threats congress might
far better abdicate than to continue
the pusillanimous pretense of being
an independent branch of a free gov
ernment nnd the representatives of
a free people.
Declare! United Slates Steel Corpora
tlon Should Make Public Its Affairs
and Submit to Government Inquiry.
Can Take Care ef Itself.
Washington, Dec. 19. "If you pro
tect our competitors, you leave us
without protection, and I believe the
United Status Steel corporation should
make public Its affairs and submit to
government Inquiry," was the remark
able declaration of Judge F. It. Gary,
chairman of tho hoard of directors ol
the United States Steel corporation,
at tho hearing beforo tho house ways
and means committee.
"This is radical," he added, "but re
member that 1 am not speaking lot
the steel corporation In saying this."
Judge (lary, like Charles M. Schwab,
w ho appeared before tho committee on
Tuesday, gave much information ami
submitted to a Bevere cross-examination.
Ills testimony showed that the
tariff Is needed more as a protection
for the Independent steel inanufact
urers than for tho steel corporation.
He declared that tho reduction of the
duty on certain steel products would
compel the steel companies to reduce
tho cost of labor. He said that the
competitors of tho steel corporation
needed protection, but that the corpor
ation could take care of Itself.
"Suppose this committee were to
wipe out the steel duty entirely,
would the United States Steel corpor
ation still survive?" Inquired' Repre.
sentatlvo Champ Clark of Missouri.
"I cannot say," replied' Judge Gary,
"but I am of the Impression that II
we did wo would have a monopoly ol
the market In this country. I don't
think we could make a reasonable and
fair profit If the tariff Is put on that
escap:ng7risoner shot down,
Bullets Halt Man Arrested for Passing
Worthless Checks at Waterloo.
Waterloo, la., Dec. ID. John Law
rence, alias John Drown, was arrested
on a warrant held by Detectives II. C.
Webster of Indianapolis for defraud
inir hanks at Corydon, Ind. On the
way to (he Security Savings hank
where Lawrence got the alleged
worthless check for $.'110 cashed, the
prisoner broke away and ran. City
Detective Houston gave pursuit, firing
wild and commanding Lawrence to
halt. When hi; continued running,
Houston shot at him, one bullet enter
ing his lungs and one hitting him In
tho leg. His condition Is precarious.
Drown Is said to hnve defrauded
banks in Illinois, Indiana and Iowa of
many thousands of dollars. He came
hero this week from the east.
If you want to buy your frit-mi something
really practical something they will use everv
dav, then buy a Christmas llox of Holeproof
Sox or Stockings, guaranteed to wear, with
out holes, till next July. We have them for
men or women at $1.50 and $2 for six pairs.
We have a handsome Christmas hox with holly
and rihhon decorations, which makes the gift
doubly presentable. This is just what you
want. 1 Setter phone or call for a box now.
C. E. Wescott's Sons
Buy a Piano
For Christmas
Over 40,000 well satisfied customers
which is the highest recommendation a
Piano, or dealer can have
You don't know how good they are
until yon come in to see and hear them.
A measure will be before the leg
islature for tht.' care of poor con
suniDllves of the state. This Is no
doubt n worthy move, as there should
be some place where those who arc
effected with the dread disease arc
not able to care for themselves, can
be properly looked after.
Dr. Hess' Slock Food
be exceptionally good editors, w'io scientific compound for horses and cattle,
Hess1 Slock Food
will make their papers better than
their readers demand, and try to ed
urate the people to a higher level;
Inut nu Oint-a ulll In, fivrtlt Inll:l11v
bad editors, who will n.akn newspa- "ranteed to give results.
pers worse man. the people want, and p q. FmCKE & Co , Drurxiti
I The Plattsmouth Music Co,
J. A. Becker, Mgr.
Promotion for 8. G. Lutz.
Marshalltown, la., Ix-e. 19. Assist
ant General Freight Agent S. G. Lutz
of the Iowa Central headquarters at
I'eorla has been made freight tralllc
manager of the Iowa Central and Mln
neapolis and St. Iuis, with headquar
ters at Minneapolis, to succeed J. M.
Tlttemore. The appoint ment Is effec
tive at once. Lutz Is an Iowa railroad
man, who has been In the employ ol
tho Iowa Central many years, and
formerly lived In this city.
Chief Blggy's Body Found.
San Francisco, Dec. 16. The body
of Chief of police Itiggy, who wns
drowned from the pollen launch Pa
trol, ban been found flouting In the bay.
Emma Goldman Deported.
nslllngliani, Wash., Dec. II!. 13 mm a
Goldman, who was arrested here, waa
released from Jail and placed on board
a northbound train for Canada.
Telephone Quarrel Ends in Killing.
Matewan, VV. Va., Dec. 17. H. O.
Smith, general superintendent of thn
Freebury Coal aud Coko company, was
shot and killed In a quarrel at De
lorme by H. A. Conners, utatlon agent
for the Norfolk and WVstern railroad.
The men quarreled over the telephone
regarding the handling of certain cars
of freight and an hour later when
they met the quarrel was resumed and
the ahootlntt followed.
Manicure sets Goring & Co.
Good Turin for Sale.
Good 1 60 aero farm, 2 miles
south west of Oreapolis, UV-, miles
northwest of Plattsmouth, good im
provements. Water Is plentiful. For
particulars aud terms
llalmes, Platlsuiouth.
Kcmcmher that you can
complete line of candles, at
prices, at the New llakery.
G. J.
I mo.
II nd a
V. T.
Henry Prosser,
Contracting. Plastering, Iirick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
Phone 107, FJmwood, Neb.
"The fame of the Blssell
is world wide;
It's the popular holiday
gift everywhere,"
V ?
r5 TC - It
4 '
A basses
is one of the ;nost practical presents one can give to mother, wife, sister or
friend, for it actually saves its cost many times over in the wear on Carpets,
Curtains and Draptries. From an economical point of view every home should
have a Hissel Sweeper, as one will last longer than fifty h rooms and cost only lo
their price. Space will not permit us to tell all wc know ahout the Sweeper and
its merits, hut if vou c me in and look at them wo will tell you all ahout them.