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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1908)
.1 be rsplJ and certain. There Is 'little rMn to doubt his recovery now after his great fichu against bis Injury, lie has already done far t tut r than wont people could have ' (! lie Inasmuch an he nan practically AAA E DAILY PERSONAL NEWS V ? y y V Short Items of Interest, From Mon day Evening's Daily Journal pulled himself out (if death'a door by Ills determined courage and nerve. 1 It Is the wish of everyone here that ( he make a recovery and that he live to visit the city and meet the many Y y y friends he made during h I h Illness. I.afe Nelson In looking after bns IneKM mntterH and attending the corn how today In Onmlm hnvlng gone up on the early train this morning. Albert A. Wetenkamp, Mrs. Win. Wetcnkantp. and Klmer and Arthur Wetenkamp were passengers on the early train this morning for Omaha where they will look after business matters and take In the corn show during the day. Mrs. Will Smith Is among those spending the day In Omaha having been a passenger for the city on the early morning train. II. Itrown, (lie well known Kcnoshalte, drove up this morning from his home for some trading with our merchants. Mrs. Ilorucmclcr of Murdock. who has been spcudug several days in this clly vlshlng friends departed this morning on the early train for her home. Capt. V. 1'. Fowler of (Hon wood, who la conducting the Kraft Clothing sale, returned this morning from (Jlenwood where he visited his home over Sunday. John Uuthcrford and wife spent Sunday visiting with W. K. Dull uud family east of Murray, going down on the morning M. I', train and reluming In the evening. Andrew .1. Snyder who has been spending the fall months In the west ern part of the slate returned to this city Saturday evening and will prob ably make his home here for Home time to come. Hoy llrldge of Moberl, Mo., a cousin of Mrs. .1. W. Shannon and a son of Joh. llrldge formerly of this city, is in the illy and vicinity mak ing a visit with the family of Mr. Johnson', V. T. Adams and W. F. Clllesplo at Mynard. (loo. V.. Sayles and wife of Cedar Creek were visitors In the city to day coming dow n this morning on the Schuyler and returning this after noon to their home. Mr. Sayles has been having poor health for some time past and does not look so well as his friends would like to have him. Me came down to have some dentistry done. VETERAN HE- BRASKAII DIES Death Claims Miles R. Union. Smith Die,! puridysl Smith, County, -Smith. Mile, s, at the hot:i in Liberty Nebraska, It'.'.sse!!, ; of K. M. precinct, Car on December 1 1 , From Tm'Hilnv'K I'lilly. Adam Kurt, was among those who tore himself away from business long enough to go to the metropolis today for the corn show. Jacob Trltsch and wife are taking in the sights of the corn show today huvlng been passengers for Omaha on the early morning train. 1). W. Foster came up last evening from his home at Union and accom panied by his daughter Miss Mary were passengers for Omaha. Win, Wchrboln was among those traveling to Omaha this afternoon on the mail train where he will take In the corn show and looking after business matters. David Young and D. C. Mann drove up this morning from near Murray and took the early morning train for Omaha where they will at tend the corn show, Frank Young, jr., and wife drove up this morning from their farm near Murray, In time to be passengers on the early train for Omaha where they will spend the day and visit the corn show. Theo. and Win. Slarkjohann when passengers on the early train for Omaha from which place they will cross the river to Council muffs where they will take In the auto mobile show. Win. Noxon came In from his place west of the city and was a passenger for Omaha where he will take In the corn show afterwards crossing the river to Council Muffs where will attend the automobile show. Junius N. Hhuk, formerly a resi dent of this city btit now living near Broken How, was In the city for a few hours this morning, departing for Omaha on the mail train where he will take in the corn show, re turning later to this city for an ex tended visit. 11HIS, aged 47 years, ." mouths an 1 lajs.. Funeral December 12, I HON, at I nioll cemetery. After a lingering Illness rf era I years Miles Hussell Smith ;'' parted this life lat-t Friday at tlx home of his brother KM l. Smith some six miles southeast of I mi Liberty precinct. Mr. Smith was a native Xebrn-'kan. having first seen the light of du in i.inerty precinct, tins county, on July 4, 1851. For the exception of about five years he had always been a resident of this county and was quite well known and highly re spected. His brief absence from tbi- state was occasioned by his having made two Journeys on foot tn-fo:-!- what was then the plains, walkiif; from this vicinity to tho present state of Idaho, In those davs n btug, hard trip. The funeral services for Mr. Smith were held last Saturday afternoo1! from the United Brethren church. northeast of Union, Rev. Crumm of Talmage, delivering the address. The pall hearers were Elmer Parks, Jesse l'ell, Kdward Mldklff, Arthur I'earsley, John Clarence, Carter Al- bln, all old friends and neighbors of deceased, and men who feel keenly his loss. Interment was had at Un ion cemetery near the village of Union. Mr. Smith left surviving him three brothers, William of Idaho, Edward of Hartlett, la., and Eli M. Smith of Liberty precinct, and one sister Mrs. Geo. Decker of Idaho. The sympathy of the entire commun ity goes out to the bereaved rela tives. "rn rt Buy Your mm fihristmnc ftiftc ft Tnwo jm. k egk W. C. Irwin & Go's. ' f The New Store , t t 3q We have the lar2" W 4 K(080V est Variety, the Best H Y T S Qualities, the Low- W X Y ""i ' ' est Prices. JegL GiveUsaCail x : 4, CROWDER TAKEN TO HIS HOME Brave Conductor Goes to Creston This Morning. From Tuesday's Dally. Conductor Jos, Crowder was re moved this morning from his room at the Perking Hotel to his home at Creston, la. The steady Improvement which had been noted from time to time In this paper, has continued un til the physicians deemed It safe to remove, him to hla home and this step was taken this morning. The Injured man was delighted with the prospect of gotlng to return to his home anU from the enthusiasm he manifested It Is almost certain he will recover noon. Mrs. Crowder was not bo enthusiastic over the change as she felt that he was receiving ex cellent medical attendance In this city and that It would not be pos sible to Improve on It. She stated to a Journal reporter that she wished to extend the greatest thanks to the people of this city who had assisted her in her troubles and that she cer tainly appreciated the many kind nesses which they had bestowed up on her. She particularly wished to express her gratitude to the attending physicians and nurses for their active work and treatment of her husband and to the proprietors of tho Perkins House for the many courtesies which they had extended her during their Htay at their hostelry. Mr. Crowder was taken east this morning train No. 4, being made as comfortable as possible. The at tending physicians are quite sure he will stand the trip without losing any of the gain he had made and that his recovery after arrival at his home Painfully Sprained. Last Saturday night Tom Stokes while riding a horse sustained a painful Injury to the toes of his left foot. I lie aunimal was can- toting along near the head of Chi cago avenue when In some manner it slipped and fell. Mr. Stokes came clear of the animal except his left foot which was caught under the ani mal in such a manner as to bend the toes of the foot backward and badly strain the leaders. The Injury was not dangerous but exceedingly painful, so much so In fact as to render him almost Incapable of walking upon the foot. Medical at tendance was had and everything done to relieve the pain. Mr. Stokes was able to be out and about last eve ning and today the Injured toes were In better shape. It was fortunate that the Injury was not more serious than It was as he could easily have suffered a broken leg In the fall. The animal was not injured WILL RAISE HORSES Z. T. Shrader Returns From Furnas County For That Purpose. From Monday's liiiily. Ziuk T. Shrader foimerly of Furnas County but who has been living late ly at Weeping Water, came In last night with a fine car of horses which he intends to take to his farm near Nehawka and where he will go into the horse business on an extensive scale. The horses are all natives, well broke and a good lot. It Is some thing to be proud of to have Mr. Shrader return to Cass County once more and the Journal is glad to see him make preparations to again enter the lists of the most successful farmers and horsemen in the county. Zack, as everybody knows him, is a thorough hustler and a man who makes everything he takes hold of go. He returned to Weeping Wa ter where his son will get the bene fit of their schools and in the spring he will again go back upon his farm. He was a pleasant caller this morning at this office and the Jour nal is pleased to recommend him to anyone who desires to do busi ness with a straightforward, upright gentleman and a man of business. Anyone desiring a fine team should should call on him. 1'or Sale. Fifteen tons tame Iny baled cheap if taken soon. Howard Graves, Plattsmouth, Neb., R. F. D. No. 1. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNC8 w,th Dr. King's Now Discovery MB QUCHS I VII PRICE OLDS Trial BottU frt AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR HONEY REFUNDED. Absolutely Pure Baking Powder. Gomes from Grapes The only baking pow der made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Imitation Uklnf powder ftr mad front kanh mineral acidi anil leavo in tha food unhaalthful proportiat Tom lied for Ninety Dollar. Last Monday a man named Joe Smith, who has been in the employ of the Nehawka Stone Company went to Nebraska City in company with one or two others. When he started he was possessed of an even $100 and while there and In a (er tain resort, he loaned one of the other men $10. of that amount, put tlnn the balance In a small pocket In his shirt or coat. He took a few- drinks and came home on the evening train. When he pot there he was slightly under the Influence of J. llarleycorn, and going Into the pool hall sat down for a while. He left by the back door In a little while, and after he cot outside fell down, and as he says, only laid there a snort time but when he came to hlmstlf his money w as gone. He souKht for It. but In vain, and after a while gave it up and threw his pocket book away, for which he claimed to have no further use. It Is thought he lost the money while he was lying on the ground In a stupor, but It Is a matter of specu lation as to where It went. Ne hawka Register. SI Harsh physic reacts, weakens the bowels, cause chronic constipation. Doan's Uegulels operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. Ask your druggist for them. The favorite "Ragle" and qulslto" cigars, In Christmas Bges. and sold by all dealers, man Spies, manufacturer. "Kx pack Her- X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ? ? ? t y t x X t ? V V ? V t ? v B. A. McELWAIN JEWELER The High. ioforG Christmas Don't wait until the last minute to inspect the largest stock ever brought to Plattsmouth. I have made special efforts this season to supply your holiday wants. You will find novelties here that you won't see anywhere else. Just a Few Suggestions Hand Bags Solid and Gold Filled Watches Fountain Pens Rings Chains Bracelets Charms Lockets Gold and Silk Fobs Leather Novelties Hand Painted China Hal Pins Brooches Umbrellas Buckles Cut Glass Sterling Silver Goods Smoking Sets Gold Picture Frames Souvenir Spoons Scarf Pins Lorgnette Chains ilUM JEWELER "On the Sunny Side of Main St," t y t t f t t ? ? ? t ? ? t ? ? ? ? t ? ? t t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t