The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 17, 1908, Image 6
Murray Department. PKKIWRKD IN Til K INTERESTS OF Til K I'EOl'LE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have If any , the. renders of the Journal know of u nocial event or an item of interest in thin vicinity ami rill mad tame to thi office it icill appear umUr this heading. H' H-ant all iU nut of intercut. Editor Journal. - A SAFE SIMPLE SYSTEM The system of puying by check wus delivered for all men for uny man for you. It Is suited to the needs of any busi ness cither large or small. It makes no difference whether you pay out $10. 00 or $10,000.00 a month; a check ing account will serve your needs. Pay by check; the method puts sys tem into your business and gives you a record of every transaction. Murray State Bank I). L. Adams returned home from Okhihonui Tuesday. Jeff llrendel and wife were shop ping In Omnha TueHdiiy. Mrs. .las. Uinghrldgo visited Onia ha taking In the eorn show. riiullne Oldhnm visited In Plutts 'imuth Tuerdi.V and Wednesday. A. L. Itak'T has a lino line of Christmas rai. ics and cigars. Mrs. HdIiI. Filch Is very poorly From the effects of heart trouble. Mush Kolih of Union visited Fri day with the family of Jas. Holmes. ISeo. Herder whipped n car of sheep to the South Omaha market Mon day. II. F. llrendel was n passenger to Oinalia Tuesday on professional bus iness. Mrs. Smith and her father A. M. Holmes were Omaha visitors Wed nesday. Chas. Stone's smiling face was In Murray Monday. We always like to see him. Unite a number of Mynard people came down to see the play Satur day evening. Mrs. llrown, sister and two child lit! A Great Display rF HOLIDAY GOODS HQLii"I WH'S Everything to Suit the Taste of Chinaware, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Toys, Fine Candies and Nuts. In fact any and every thing that would de light the hearts of the children, and older ones as well. DON'T BUY YOUR Christmas Presents Until you have seen the magnificent display at Hoies & Smith's l ren from Iowa Is here for an ex tended visit. I on't foi'K the bazaar at the Christian chuni, Saturday evening December IS. Mrs. Jas. Walker and daughter Marble attended the wedding of Miss Fox Thursday. F. M. Young was visiting friends In Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mrs. Queen and two children of Union were in attendance at the play Saturday evening. Ora Davis, of the firm of l'itman & Davis, took In the corn show at Omaha yesterday. ('has. Rutherford of Omaha was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dull Sun day and Monday. Sheff Oood from Cedar county is In Murray this week shaking hands with old friunds. Ilex Young and Jas. Loiighridge were passengers on the evening train for Omaha Tuesday. Tht? I'reshyterlans held a congre gational meeting and served nn oys ter dinner Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs W. C. llrown attend ed the com show Saturday returning home Sunday morning. Lynn Hopkins of the State Univer sity Is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. W. C. llrown. W. A. Scott Is reported off the tdck list this week, suffering from an attack of the la grippe. Mrs. Allison and her daughter Car le attended the Fox-Salmon wed ding In l'lattsmouth Thursday. Hex Olson of the firm of Sargent & Hlce of Nebraska City made his weekly trip to Murray Monday. Mrs. N. Klaurens entertained Mrs. (iilniorc and Margie at a sev en o'clock supper Monday evening. John Farls returned home from Oklahoma Tuesday. Uo Farls bought sixty acres of Oklahoma laud. J. H. Seybolt attended the horse Bale at Weeping Water Saturday and purchased a Shetland pony while there. Miss Coos a nil her pupils will give a box supper at the brick school house three and a half miles east of Murray. ('has. Wilkcu, traveling salesman for the Willi Ilros cigar factory was transacting business In Murray Wed nesday. J. L. Murray was an Omaha paB aenger Monday evening. He expected to take In the comshow and also buy some cattle. Mr. Delaware Mann of Lincoln came down Saturday to visit his sis ter, Mrs. Dave Young and will re main several days. Miss Mlra McDonald came from the west Tuesday evening. is looking well and reports daughter Grace In good health. Mrs. McDonald returned home Tuesday night after an extended vis It with her daughter, Mrs . Grace Melllngcr, of Ashland, Oregon. Mrs. O. D. Davis and her brother Dhk visited Omaha Saturday and as the midnight train played a trick on them they did not get home un til Sunday morning. Mrs. Lindsay received word from Valley City. Wash., that a new hoy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs Tow Conally, Mrs. Conally Is a sis ter of Mrs. Llnsday. The youniT ladles of the Christian church will give a bazaar In tin church Saturday evening. Lunch will be urved at popular prices. Come nnd buy your Chris' :11ns presmts. O. A. Davis. A. M. Holmes. Mrs W. S. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. J. W Kdniouds were among those who boarded the early morning train Wednesday for Omaha to attend the com show. Willie Mrs. Uert Satcliel was ren deling lard last Friday her two year old baby was terribly burned on one of her limbs by the kettle turn lug over. The child at present Is get ting nlong nicely under the care of Dr. llrendel. Mrs. David Lloyd, who returned from the hospital about ten days ago where she was treated for the niir osis of the bone In her right limb, up on which she had an operation per formed, Is getting along nbely and Is so that she can walk some. The young people of the Christian church were highly pleased with the results from the home talent Sat ar ray evening. s The door receipt were between $'.'. and $100. The club U keeping up their practice and expect to do other work this winter. Fay jour personal taxes at the Murray Stai Hunk and save the ex pense of a trip to l'lattsmouth. Mrs. T. Jamison and daughter Mary came over from Weeping Wa ter to attend the play at Murray Saturday evening. They are Miss Margaret Jamison's father and sis ter and they were highly pleased with Miss Jamison's work In the play. Mrs. G. W. Hoedcker entertained the dub Thursday afternoon, much to the enjoyment of those present. Her new home together with her easy manner of entertaining and delicious refreshments made it an afternoon long to be remembered by the members. Clark Welliver of Kddyville, Neb., came down Wednesday night from Omaha to visit his sister Mrs. Dave Young. Mr. Welliver brought stock to South Omaha and thought this a splendid opportunity to visit his sis ter, whom he has not seen for sev eral years. Mr. Welliver Is a stock raiser and this Is his first visit to Murray. A few weeks since we made men tion of our old friend Dave l'itman putting up a new residence in Mur ray nnd would move Into the same as soon as completed. It now turns out that this was all n "blind." The new home Is being especially erected for his son Sain, the senior member of the firm of Pitman & Davis Sam intends to have the cage before he catches the bird and along about the starting of the new year some thing Is liable to happen. Well, Sam, the Journal will extend congratula tions when the proper credentials are fixed up. Take Notice. It takes money to run a hardware store. We need money In our busi ness. All persons knowing them selves Indebted to us will please come in and settle by January 1, 190'J. l-1-O'.t l'itman & Davis. In She her XegctoblcPrcparationror As similating the Food ArulRcgula tkrtg the Stomachs and Dowels of Promolcs'DIcslion.Cheeiful ncss and Rcst.Contains neither SnumjMorphine nor Mineral. OT NAHCOTIC. anfmouititMizuwisa W Smi' MxJmnm' tommy ttmrw. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jcverish aess and Loss of Sleep. lac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY Of VHAPPCB. Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW y In Use For Over Thirty Years fnlflOTfnl Tmi omtu (ommiiv, hiw Tana omr. inn mm he had strong hopes that his son would partially recover at least. Dr. llrendel Is attending the young man. Duroc Jerseys for Sale. I have for sale five male Duroc ersey pigs. Weight about 150 pounds each. All ready for registering. II. L. Oldham, Murray, Neb. A Wolf Slayer. Charley McHeynolds, living a mile and a half south of town is success ful In catching wolves. One week ago he killed a large gray wolf and Thursday night he trapped another one. Wolves seem to he quite num erous In this section and they are certainly becoming quite bold when they come up within a stone's throw of a man's home as these did. Get your shot guns In shape boys, and If each one of us does as well as Mr. McReynolds you can bet your hot torn dollar the pesky varmints will soon bo thinned out. Valley Farm." Last Saturday night Jenkins hall was filled to overflowing to witness the play Valley Farm," a domestic drama In four acts, rendered solely by home talent. It Is not necessary to remark that each one acted their parts to perfection, and several play ed like professionals. The Journal expected a write-up from one who was there, but the same failed to show up. The play was given for the benefit of the Christian church, amounted to over $90. 00, which sure ly demonstrated that the people of Murray appreciate the efforts of the young people of that town. Miss Pauline Oldham, who managed the affair deserves great credit for her efforts in drilling the players, and In bringing It to a successful conclu sion. Next week we will give a more complete write-up of the event. Paralytic Stroke, Last Friday Homer Daugherty, a sixteen year old son of John Daugh erty, living six miles southeast of Murray, received a stroke of paraljols while at school which affected over half o fthe body, since that time tht young man has been In a serious con dition. Ills tongue is paralyzed and while condons he is unable to talk Mr. Daugherty was In Murray yes terday and told your reporter that A Big Shooting MATCH AT i Murray,Neb. TUESDAY, Dec. 22, '08 Commencing at 10:00 A. M Hliic Rocks, Rifle Target am Shot-Gun Tarket. Beef, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. M. E. CHURCHILL MANAGER. Ill Honor Jake Itrendel. Everybody calls Dr. J. F. Rrendel, of Murray, Jake. He Is quite pop ular with all who know him, and they all know that he is soon to lead to the hymenlal altar one of the most ac complished and successful teachers In Cass county. In honor of this event his male friends of Murray en tertained him Tuesday evening, or night, in a manner that was most highly appreciated. Among the amusements was a mock trial, in which Dr. Gilmore performed the part of attorney on one side, and It Is said that the speech he made In defense of the plaintiff, reminded some of the speeches of Champ Clark of Missouri. They came to the con elusion after the speech that Doc had missed his calling and should have been a lawyer. We cannot eniimcr ate the many other amusements, suf fice is to say that Dr. Hrendel highly appreciated the good time, as did all the friends present. King Mill vs. George Smith and family were looking after the "Bucks of the Tim ber" today, when they stopped at Fred Patterson's to ask after the health of his family they were not allowed to go any further until af ter dinner. When Mr Smith was told that Mrs. Patterson was baking a nineteen pound fish he was willing to stay and just as he was loosening his belt and making ready for a square meal Mark White and wife drove up. When Mr. Smith saw Mr. White his face grew long and he buckled up his belt a few Inches thinking that extra space was not needed. After the dinner was over the evening was spent visiting. Mrs. Mark White and Mrs. Fred Patterson were at Mrs. Louie Kohrells on Thursday tying comforts and having a good time generally. John Sutton the Kenosha attorney was looking after business in King Hill today. The box supper at Rock Bluffs was a grand success and W. P. Hutcheson had to do some lively bidding to get to eat with his own wife. A. M. Sulivan lost out and Willie Smith got to help eat the good things that Mrs. Sullivan had prepared. Pete Bush, the King Hill fisher man Is doing a lively business these days Charlie Lambert and Eddie Ranard caught a fine possum and they are now looking for sweet potatoes. - IJudig'g for the Best. The finest line of pipes, both meer schaum and briar, cigar holders, ci gars, tobaccos both smoking and chewing, and everything necessary in the tobacco users' line can be had at reasonable prices of Paul Budlg, the manufacturer of Denver Special, Tag and Senate Chamber cigars. The favorite "Eagle" and "Ex- qulslto" cigars, In Christmas pack ages, and sold by all dealers. Her man Spies, manufacturer. Henry Prosser, Contracting-. Plastering", Brick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations and Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. rhone 107, Elmwood, Neb. WINTER FXCURSIONS LOW RATES WINTER TOUSIST RATES: Daily reduced rate excursions to California, Old Mexico. Southern and Cuban Resorts. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS:-First and third Tuesdays of each month to manv points west, south and southwest. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION TO FLORIDA by Superin tendent Public Instruction of Nebraska, Mr. J. L. Mc Brien, leaving Lincoln and Omaha December 19th. Write G. Y. Bunnell. C. P. A., Lincoln, for itinerary. GOVERNMENT IRRIGATED HOMESTEADS in the Bitf Horn Basin and Yellowstone Valley: One of the last chances to secure pood farms from the Government at low prices. Go with Mr. I). Clem Beaver on the next personally conducted excursion. lie will help vou secure one of these farms. No charge for his services. Excursions first and third Tues- W.L. Pick ktt, Ticket Agcnt.Plattsmouth L. W. Wakelev, G. P. A., Omaha. ffCJi3K33 u Hp! yiy