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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1908)
ministration mibmtted ll"f to the will of M.'KnrH. Cromwell ami Vuillla, lillinlly. It acted an though It was Itself a member of their company, a iiailv to t In lr deal, not only cn"r i to force, but bent upi.n forcing nt I every haznnl the 1.111 i e.--s of Its plans. No man, Ju.-t unci thoughtful, who It is rumored thai .lolin 1 1 1 1 . k- pe rsonally knew Hi" lato John Hay, U U r bus leu:lit properly In lain- ami who personally knows tin- presi don anil will IniHil a marble palace ,eiit. could believe Vlllu-r of them there for personal occupancy. Van- j accessible to mercenary influent c. It y of Minltl.'s! Hi.' oil King I ol.l .lulin Hay was a rlrli man. Ills whole The Pluttsmouth Journal ITIIUSIIKU WKKRLY AT PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA U. ItATt-S, I'l iil.isiiKK. nti-ri'il l Uif imit'iltl -tf t I'mUimmiUi. N hnvsk. .s-voiiil i-Umi untlli-r. $1.20 Per Year In Advance. enough now lo check In aiul ought to think of palaces not built with hands. A Very Dark rhitplcr. Kroiii first to last during tlu whole period when tho Ooiiilor-Jour-11 a 1 follow lug the lead of Senator Morgan, of Alabama, wan devoting lti energies ntiil doing Hx utmost to expose tlio corrupt character of tin' Panama Canal Company of France, anil to defeat Hie congressional leg islation proposi'il In Its favor- that Is tho Spooner Art, npproprlatluK Forty Millions of Hollars to ho palil for tho concessions anil properties which then appeared to us vnluless nnd which have since proved to bo ho we failed to receive any support from the press of the country, or to nrouse any sufficient public Inter est. It seems an established canon with tho newspapers of the larger titles, particular)' those with tho City of New York, to take hold of no uues Hon not originating with themselves, or capable of ho inn kind of self-approbation and Helf-exploltHtioti. Touching questions not Immediately familiar, that Is not going directly homo to the business and bosoms of men, public opinion needs to bo hammered Incessantly to be effect ually reached ami awakened. It did look ns though the agents of the French company, that Is Mr. l'hil llppe Hunan Vuillla mid Mr. William Nelson Cromwell, had In some mys terious manner not control of the Washington correspondence, If not tho Journalism of the country. For the matter or that. It looked as though they had pained control of tho administration, having cither bought or buniboo.leil their way through congress. Wo make no charges. It Is worse than Idle to accuse men of corrup tion without clear and npeclflc proof. Tho Huddon nhiftlng from tho Nicaragua route, which had no mon ey behind it, to the Panama route, which was backed by tho French company, was suspicious in tho last degree. It exposed everybody con cerned lu It to a remarkable dis trust. It will now bear any kind of nn alalysls based upon the ordin ary rules of conjecture as to motives. Reduced to a case of circumstantial t'Vldence the leaders of the two houses could never be acquitted be fore any Impartial Jury. The Incrim inating facts nre multiplied and over whelming. Later along, and In total disregard of usage and law, the ad- llfe was as open as the day. As It was seen by his familiars It gave the lie to the least iiiesllou of his In tegrity, or patriotism. Theodore ltoost-M'k is not a rich man; but It Is Impossible to conceive him as a vulgar lover of money, or as cap able of making the smallest sacrifice of honor, or pi hie to obtain It. Vet must we hold them ill this matter sadly (lellnillelit. The sight of brine old Morgan, of Alabama. balt:ng like a Taiiuhaii- ser for the right veritably n gray haireil Jtichnrd of the Lion Heart on tho floor of the senate mill In the conimlttee kIiouI.I have made some Impression upon the hearts, If not on the minds, of the president and secretary of state. They owed it to valor, to proweHs, to poetic justice, if not to the public service, to con template Hie npectacle with Hympil- thy, even if they should not bring themselves to agree will) an attitude maintained with ho much manhood and ability. They might, as worldly wIho men, have brought such per sons as Cromwell and Varllla man aging an Immense tuonlcd scheme and deeply concerned In Its results to Home kind of pause and challenge. They did nothing of the sort. They seeiueil to he hypnotized by Crom well ami Varllla. Terhaps they were prejudiced agaliiHt Morgan, of Ala bama. Anyhow they did all the French company, through lis agents, required of them; In u day and a night, as U were, they aided them to set up the republic of Panama; they recognized It nt once, with Ilunau Varllla, the Frenchman and prime mover of the company, as ts plonl poteutlary; they held Coliiinbia, an Independent and friendly power, at bay, whilst a "revolution," linpro vised and engineered by Cromwell ami Varllla, dismembered her terri tory; and, running roughshod over precedents and custom, us well as Justice and right, they llterully com pelled the consumatlon of the forty million Job, of which Cromwell and Varllla were the only visible repre sentatives. The president Is Indebted for not a little both of his character and his popularity to his Imprudence. Some how mankind Is given to associating rntihncss with honesty. Much lias also been conceded to his lighting qualities and his comparative youth as statesman and magistrate. Hut it will be a mistake If he Intrusts too much to the impressionability of the popular sentiment, thongs often sus ceptable nnl sometimes through long wJm CREHM SAD P0U0IE3 Made from healthful grape cream cf tartar Will make twice as much good bread, biscuit and cake, pound for poundas the low priced imitations made from alum and alum phos phates, and will make the food appetizing and healthful Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is not only economical but makes the food more whc-lcsome. ache amicable to a degree, is at bottom Inconstant; a aln and fickle oquette, as cruel as love abated or pair of dh e or a pack of cards. Mr. Uoosew It Is about to make his exit from power, Inning enjoyed In the white house extraordinary muni fort une. lie Is yet comparative ly a young man. He possesses unde niable and rare abilities. He will ul- as have a certain following. Hut is liable to tluil things different from what they were, us a private ili.eii particularly us a writer for the public he can neither hope for the cousldeiat Ion, nor the Immunity Iil b wait upon the majesty of the fl'lclal great. It Is safe lo say that the wav ahead for him will not be a path of roses. He has had the shill ing glftH which Is for the fairy god mother to bestow and which she promised him In his cradle. He must gin to look for the penalties ex led by nature. We by no means hold him guiltless in this Panama business, save upon the venal side. Ills eyes were surely blinded by his amid! Ion. The canal would be a great feather In the cup of his administration. The Panama Ian seemed n short cut. The rejec tion by Columbia of the Hay-Ilerran treaty made a mess. Cromwell and Hunnii Varllla were on the ground ady to cut the Ciordian knot, lie ally believed In them and either did not believe In Morgan, of Ala bama, or tdse had no hope of him; garding 111 in to be too old to be It her effectual, or Interesting. Why lose h golden opportunity because of eaty obligations with a riff-raff of .at in-Aiuericaii brigands In Bogota or any quibble about International qulty and law, especially as the ad ministration had both the power and pretext? It makes very ugly reading at long range. Tin? least of its incidents Is something worse than unsavory. Hiking them together, they becomt scandalous, when we reflect upon the vast sums which went to llu Htock jobbers who organized I he French company; to the conspirators who set up the republic of Panama; and which are now being poured out to save an enterprise, which should never have been attempted, and which wlllcost many times more than was originally spoelllod. Nothing, however, Is likely to come of the proposed Investigation of Cromwell, Vnrrlla and Company Where Morgan failed, who can hope to succeed? Theirs was a blind pool, with headquarters in France and they got completely away with tho swag. Tho bucket-shops of Paris tell no tales. The lobby at Washington keeps no books. And Morgan, of Alabama, Is dead, well a-day! Louisville Courier-Journal In the meantime, don't forget that the alfalfa meal mill and a canning factory, are good propositions and ought to be built. Heniember now that it Is just eight days more until Christmas. That Is It Is Just eight more days to do your shopping. Get busy now and shor to your heart's content. The Judiciary committee of the city council is struggling with the proposition of issuing bonds for the acquirement of the water plant In this city. The city Is pretty heavily laden with bonds now and It is doubtful If the people want to carry any more of the load. The next legislature will pass bank guaranty law and It seems safe to predict that it will include an I in mediate payment feature. The idc of the people who fought the mem bers for election now coming around and telling them how to legislate Is amusing. They believe they know as well us anyone else what Is wanted. t V V V V V V Y Y X X t' Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y FR For the Benefit of the Farmers The second of the Free Public Auction Sales to be given by the merchants of Plattsmouth, will be held-in said city, on 9 Two auctioneers will be present, Sam G.Smith and Oliver Osborne, both of whom will endeavor to secure the highest possible price for your goods, so bring in anything you have to offer for sale. Good crowds are attending these sales, and you will have a good opportunity to sell your suplus stock, machinery, household goods, etc. SMITH & Sixth and Vine Sts. Prop. Plattsmouth, Neb Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y t Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y BETTER THAN Y MEN'S SUPPERS MERRY GHRISTMAS TO EVERYBOBY! Puzzling propositions to be propounded by perplexed purchasers with limited purses is economically adjusted if you will take a peep into our store and see our lavish array of appropriate quality giving holiday remembrances and CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS, and you'll say we've Christmas Footwear galore. IN Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y x V A, 1 Opera or Everett Style Tans, Wine, Chocolate, Brown or Black 65c to $1.75 MEN'S FELT SLIPPERS SSc Ladies' Felt For Trimmed Romeosi BEST QUALITY in Brown, Wine, Green and Black $1.25 to $1.50. pers 50c to $1.25. The members of the state legisla ture seem pretty well disposed to run the affairs of that body themselves, and puss up the kind aihlie of offi cious IlltermoilillerH who seetn to be lieve that they nre railed upon to run the entire state. One of the things wlili h hits Invuriiilily ciuisril disaster and defeat to follow demo cratic victory U the fact that a rluti or combination has attempted to nt way control democratic policies. Let them ef-eonstlttited guardians of the democrat lo party keep their hands off thin legislature. Z Y Y Y Y Ladies Felt Slip- Your Slippers Will Be Appreciated if They Coma From This Store! LEGGINS 50 CENTS UP OVERSHOES RUBBERS BUSTER-BROWN Shoes for Boys and Girls SUPPERS FOR 6IFTS IS fir Dnnrl'o Pnohinn Incnlo t U i ecu 0 UUOIMUII iiiouiu $ QhnoQ F0R MEN AND X OlIUGO WOMEN! THE EASIEST SHOE ON THE MARKET! Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A fine assortment of cunning Bootees and Moccasins for infants, in nearly all colors cf the ribbon mmiTY RFMNn 20 TO 50C THE PRICE! 5 RW ! Y