The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 14, 1908, Image 4

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Short Items of Interes From Fri
day Evening's Daily Journal
II. 11. Chahott of Union Is In tli'' i
city today attending to business milt
torn, j
where they will spend tin- day do
liiK Mine shopping nml looking it ft r
business matters. ,
Wllilinn Volk Ik spending after- '
mum In Omaha attending the corn
show and seeing sights.
Mis. Melhlsen (if llavelock Is in
th city in attendance upon tin- fun
eral of tin- late William Latham.
.1. II. Mi-lidum-r. Ilo- s-t u ami vig
orous f ariiKT from near Cedar Creek
Is In the rlty today intending to bus
iness affairs.
Miss Kmma Kanfman Is taking In
the sights of the roll! show this ai
teriioon being a passenger on the mall
of the metropolis.
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday at Lincoln to Charles Makln
hter, lined - I of Greenwood, and Lnlil
Wade, lined I!7, of Weeping water.
Col. J. H. Seyholilt and sister. Mrs.
Mis. A. C MuU, came np this
morning from Murray and were pus
nengers on (lie early train for Omaliii
Joel Mossersinlth, wife and daugh
ter Goldlo, of llavelock, lire In the
rity coming down to lie present at
the funeral of the late William
C. R. Wlthrow, tho enterprising
editor of tlu' Thiirman TlmeB, Thur
mnn, la., came In this mornlug for
a brief visit with his brother, W. h.
Wlthrow and family.
,los. Mullln, William DolosDornlor
nnd diuiRliter Myrtle, who were In
the rlty uh guests t the Salmon-Fox
wedding returned to their homes at
Klmwood this morning.
Wade Toiler and wife came tip
this morning from Mynard and were
passengers on t In tally morning
train for Omaha win re they had bus
iness mailers to look after.
Mrs. John MilngMon lame In from
lor homo Koulh of the eily and
departed on the early train for
Oinnlia where the has soiec Import
ant bmlnesK matters to look after.
Mrs. Win Tavlor came in ihls
morning from he r home near Hock
liliifl's was a passenger on the
earlv morning train for Omaha
u lel-e k !l 1 St Ml l-ela' te.S
and do some shopping.
Col. M. A. Hates, the editorial far
totum of this ureal Journal of clvlli
zallon, l.-i rusticating in Omaha this
day taking In the corn show and pro
mt ring to del ver his maiden ora
tion In the legislative halls or th
Joel Messrrsmlth and wife, daugh
ters (ioldle and Mrs. Merhlsen, and
sons Will and Charles, who wort
railed to the city by the funeral of
Wlllani Latham, a brother of Mrs
MesserHinlth, .returned to their bono
at llavelock this noon on the mail
train. Mr. McHserHinlth was former
ly a resident of this city leaving here
Home sixteen years ago. lit? met
many old friends during his brief
stay lu the city.
John Rainey formerly of this city
but lately of 1'lalnvlew and vicinity,
came In Wednesday night for a visit
with relatives in the city. John will
be quite well remembered In this city
where he lived so long as a popular
and well liked Rent Ionian and his
many friends are glad to shake his
hand once more. Mo will likely re
main here for some time as he has
been troubled more or less with rheu
matism during the time he was away.
Ititthor 1 1 curt If.
A man, his wlfo and a child came
to this lty Homo months ago to make
their home. They remained a short
lime when a child was born to the
mot her and she plead the poverty
ait and secured llie.llrul treatment
and in a short time the other child
wiim taken sick and be was also
treated, estcnlay the pair gatin reii
up their In longings ami left the city.
Itiforo the woman left she made a
statement that was hard to believe.
but she vouched for It. Trior to com
ing to this city they had five child
ren and they gave away four of
them and when leaving she said that
she had made arrangements to give
away the other two children and
she ami her husband were going to
some new place to start all over.
She expressed no regret over the
fait that she had given the children
away or was going to give away the
other two, but thought It was right
to do this. This will make six
children this couple will have had
and they will have given them all
away in a short lime and leave for
some place where they are not
known and plead poverty and he
tared fur by the people, as the wo
man says she Is not able to work
and the man won't work, but she re
fuses to leave him. These are what
might he called "undesirable citi
zens." Nebraska City News.
Appreciates Our Elforts in Making an
Up-to-date Printing Plant.
Krnin Snl ii i ilav's 1'iitly.
The Journal Is lu reieipt of a let
ter from W. J. Stadelman, manager
of the Norfolk Telephone Company,
which Is printed below. The letter
is self-explanatory and the publish
er of this paper tan be pardoned If
he feels lileased to tilld someone who
appreciates his efforts to make the
Journal an up-to-date printing con
cern: Norfolk, Nebraska, Dec. 1(1, liMIS.
Mr. Robert Tate.-, Tlattsmoiith. Noli.
Dear Sir:
I police by the Tlattsmout Ii Jour
nal that you have Installed a linotype
machine. 1 am glad to see that
somebody has broken the shell and
come to. t ins speaas won ior no
efforts that you have made and you
should now he lu a position to do
high grade work an I should have
the business.
I am sending you under separate
cover one or our laie directories
which was made by the Norfolk
News, and from a printer's stand
point 1 believe that it will appeal to
you. I call your attention to the
black faced type, also that we have
no "adds" except our own. I only
offer you this knowing that you
have been doing the work of the
Tlattsmoiith Ttd. Co.
W. J. Stadelman.
Local Hews
From Satiiiilay's Dully.
1. H. Myers was a business visitor
In the city today coming down from
Omaha and returning to his homo on
tho mall train at noon.
Mrs. Chita. Creamer was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha, having
tame In from her home In the coun
try lo catch the early train.
John Campbell came up front his
farm In Rock Mull's precinct, and j
made the trip to Omaha today gulling i
up to look at the prize corn. !
C. K. Wlthrow and wife of Thur-
rmin, la., who were rnllnt lo uie env
oy the death of William Latham.
. returned to their home this inoriiln;.
Alex Campbell came lu this morn
ing from his homo south of the
city, and was a passenger on the
early train for Omaha where ho will
upend tho day.
Adam Schafer from west of Murray
spent Sunday In the city coming in
from his farm. While here ho paid
the Journal office one of his much
appreciated calls.
Mrs. Albert Wheeler and sister
Miss Rose Tschlrren came In this
morning from their hoir." In the
A Thousand Years Ago
The question as what to get for Christmas
presents was hard and is today
..The Same Old Story..
Oh! It is so hard to select anything.
I wish I knew what to get.
Here is a List to Look Over:
country and were passengers on the
early train for Omaha where they
will spend the day.
Chas. lleobner nnd Miss Florence
Fleming drove lu this morning from
near Nehawka. Mr. Heebner paid
the Journal a visit which was much
appreciated during his stay In the
cliv. lie found the roads In rather
had condition for traveling as they
were sloiinv and muddy. rhey re
turned home this evening.
Judge Travis tame up from Ne
braska City la-t night and today
held a short s-sHon of district court
at wl.ii h various motions were heard.
A divorre was granted Lena Warken
tln from Abraham Warkentin on
the ground of non-support and deser
tion. The defendant did not make
an annearanre In the case. A. L.
J. W. Trltsch and wife came
down from their homo near Cedar
Creek to siiend the night with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Trltsch,
and called this morning for the pur
pose of renewing bis faith lu the
Journal and extended his credit
mark on our books to January 1,
I!) 10. Mr Trltsch Is one of the
well-to-do young Ciorman farmers of
Cass county.
Judge Howard Kennedy to Speak
In This Cily.
One of the Interesting events of
the coming winter will be a series
of addresses under tho auspices of
tho Men's Hrotherhood, the recently
formed organization of the Tresby
terlan church. These addresses will
cover topics of general Interest and
will be given from time to time by
prominent speakers front abroad who
will be secured by the brotherhood,
the opening number will be by Judge
Howard Kennedy of Omaha, who
will speak nt the Tresby terlan church
on Sunday night, December 13, on
the topic "The Church and Divorce."
Judge Kennedy's address will point
the evils which exist under tho
present lax marriage laws of our
several slates and will present tho
had effects of affairs as they are at
present in relation to the divorce
problem a problem which Is causing
a vast amount of worry to statesmen
of this country. The lecture will bo
one well worth listening to nnd
everyone should attend. Judge Ken
nedy Is an able and eloquent speaker
and a man well fortified with fads,
lie has a fine reputation wherever
known as a scholarly and learned
man and his ret option in this city
should ht? a fitting one.
Well, Well, Silo.
Silas Canticle was buncoed out of
I:'.") by two sharpers. Tarntole de
sired to sell his restaurant business
In Kmorson, and offered one J. Iloot
en of Henderson $25 commission to
find a buyer for him. Hooton ap
peared with a fellow who gave a
check of $150 on a Council Muffs
hank. Hooton then demanded his
$25, which Tarmele paid in cash.
Hooton and the other sharper, who
signed the bogus check as L. M. Tay
lor, had business elsewhere, promis
ing to be back In a couple of days
tiding and spending the $25, while
The two scamps ar no doubt di-
Tarnxde is evidently figuring to him
self which of his possessions Is
worth the least, I. e. his lost time and
trouble, his empty pocket book or
his bogus check. Some men will
never learn not to cash checks made
out by strangers. (ilenwood Opin
.Flash lights (pocket) Coring &
Furs Tea Spoons
Handkerchiefs Kimonas,
Hair Ornaments Silk Waists
Pillow Tops Carpet Sweepers
Mufflers Music Rolls
Silk Scafs Toilet Sets
Ladies' Ties Post Card Albums
Kid Gloves Photo Albums
Ruching Last-for-Ever Hose
Hand Bags Silk Petticoats
Picture Frames Silk Dress Patterns
Mirrors Umbrellas
Shaving Mirrors Rugs
Fancy Parlor Lamps Emb. Doylies
Salad Bowls Emb. Doylie Sets
Carving Sets Lace Doylies
Cut Glass Table Linen
Silver Knives & Forks Table Napkins.
Table Spoons 100-piece Dinner Sets
fiood Farm for Sale.
120 acres of good land within three
miles of Union, two sets of Improve
ments. Prefer to sell altogether, but
might Sell one forty alone. Inquire
'of Chas. L. Graves, Union, Neb.
For Sale,
A good Quick Meal range, six holes
with reservoir attached. Apply to
E. G. Egenberger, or telephone 372
Plattsmouth phoiie.
"Gut Hell," the favorite cigar.
Toilet Sets,
Manicure Sets,
Traveling Sets,
Comb and Brush Sets,
Hand Mirrors,
Music Rolls,
Pocket Books,
Purses, '
Military Hair Brushes,
Fine Pipes in Cases,
Shaving Sets,
Smoking Sets.
Are the Statements of Plattsouth Citi
zens Not Wore Reliable Mhan Those
of Utter Strangsrs?
This is a vital question.
It Is fraught with Interest
It permits of only one answer
A Tlattsmoiith citizen speaks here
Sneaks of the welfare of Tlatts
A citizen's statement Is reliable.
An utter stranger's doubtful.
Home proof Is the best proof.
K. M. Hutery, living at corner of
Tenth and Walnut streets, Tlatts
mouth, Nob., says: "It did not re
quire a long use to prove to me that
Doan's Kidney Tills are a remedy of
great merit. Tains would catch me
In the hips so severe that I could
hardly do any work, There was at
so a lameness caused front a disorder
ed condition of my kidneys and hear
liing Doan's Idney Tills so highly
spoken of, I went to Goring & Co.'s
drug store and obtained a box The
quick and effective relief I obtained
through their use warrants me In
speaking of them In the most favor
able terms.
For Kale by dealers. Trice DO
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Huffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take nc other.
Ton Tor Cent Dl-count.
For the next few days we will of
fer all our stoves at a discount of 10
per cent, owing to tho fact that we
must move in a few days to our now
ouarters In the Coatea block. This Is
offered as an Inducement for quick
sales, as It will save one handling
them If sales are made before mov
ing time. Call and see our line.
Kroohlor Ilros.
Closing Out Sale.
I will seil my stock of hardcoal
stoves at cost. Come In ana ee
I). T. Jackson,
Tearlinan'i Old Stand
01 as
hould Buy Now!
The time has passed when the peo
ple buy trashy goods as Christmas
presents. Be sensible, and buy
something that is durable for any
season of the year, or better still,
get one of our
and you will always be pleased.
These goods are all taxable and we
must move them before the asses
sor arrives to avoid the extra ex
pense of heavy taxation, and we will
make the price in accordance to
move the goods before January 1 st,
1908. We are over-stoeked in all
departments and must move the
goods now. It will be to your ad
vantage to call on us in makingyour
Christmas selections.
The Department Store Man of Plattsmouth ?
Traveling sets Goring & Co.