The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 10, 1908, Image 7

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    The Avoca Department'
Nswi Item Cii'.j-d ist VuX 0 a
V. W. STRAUB, President HENRY WOHLERS. Vice-President
The Bank
Capital $10,000
We Solicit Your Banking Business.
o A i
aouvenir uaras
The Souvenir Post Card fad is as popular as ever.
Thousands and thousands are sent through the mail
every day. If you have not enjoyed the pleasure of a
Souvenir Post Card collection, it is not too late to avail
yourself oTthe opportunity. We carry a line of comic,
greeting ad, view cards Jr- Also local views and a fine'
line of Albums.
ora 'e. copes, twe drugcist-
" W W 7 Avocol. . Nebraska..
Leonard Brittan was a visitor at
Union Tuesday.
J. C. Zimmerer and family were at
Omaha Tuesday.
V. W. Straub returned Sunday eve
ning from Chicago.
H. G. Wellenselk was a Nebraska
City visitor Sunday.
M. M. Straub wag a business visl-.
tor at Omaha Tuesday.
Louis Carsten ha( been at Nebras
ka City this week courting.
B. C. Marquardt and wife were at
Omaha several days this week.
Mrs. Wm. MeKnabe, of Berlin,
was here Wednesday visiting rela
tives. Jasper Corbln and family have re
turned from a visit to Kansas rel
atives. Rev. Preston of Lincoln occupied
the pulpit at the congregational
church Sunday.
Roy Fahnestock and Uobt. Sher
fey attended the foot btll game at
Lincoln last Thursday.
Ora E. Copes, the druggist, has a
fine line of holiday goods on dis
play at his drug store.
Miss Marie Dowley entertained a
number of her friends at a birthday
party Tuesday evening.
Rev. George Batty
left Tuesday for Oregon,
and wife
where they
will reside In the future.
Rabbit hunters have been busy
this week and a great many rabbits
have met their Waterloo.
Brown's Tennessee Ministrels ap
peared at the town hall Thursday
evening. A large crowd was pres
ent. A number of friends cf Henry
Wulf gathered at hl home Friday
to help celebrate jils fifty-seventh
Wm. Kerapke waa the lucky one to
win the sweepstake prize at the corn
show at Nebraska City. William
has his corn on exhibition at Omaha,
and hopes to win a nrlze there.
Adolph Schrader and family of
Kansas arrived thin week and are
visiting at the home of Henry Jung,
south of town. Mr. Schrader will
reside on tho farm now occupied by
Chas. Royal.
Speslal Rportr for Thl Department of tt Semi-Weekly Journal jjf
of Avoca
Surplus $5,000
. i an
ana AiDiims:
School XoteH.
The greatest drawback to the best
work being done in our schools are
Irregular attendance and tardiness.
These have already been reported
to the county superintendent three
times this year. As it Is the parent's
duty to be at his place of business
each day and there on time, so ought
it to be the child's duty to be In
school each day, and there on time
It Is one of the most valuable busi
ness habits to be acquired. There
are a number of children in school
who miss one-third or the time or
more. The records show this to
have been true also in the past
years. The time Is now here when
all such pupils should be In school
regularly for the remainder of tin
year in order to be able to pass to
the next grade. They are a hinder
ance to their class mates who attend
regularly, always holding the class
back, making them weak. We are
glad to say, however, that most of
the pupils attend very regularly, and
among them we have some of the
brightest pupils we have ever met.
Parents, come let us work together
to break up this evil of Irregularity
and make our schools the best in the
The evening reading class met
Monday aie! started to rend "Ham
let, the Prince of Denmark."
The teachers attended the meeting
of the county association at Weep
ing Water, Saturday. Mr. Zink
read a paper on agriculture.
Charles Everett Is still out of
school on account of sore eyes.
CharleB Is a most faithful student
and we regret to see him miss so
A pleasant surprise was given
Marie Dowley Tuesday evening In
honor of her birthday. Her teachers
and class mates were Invited.
Will make weekly trips to Avoca every
Wednesday, beeinninir Wednesday, Au
trust 19. Office with Dr. Brendel. Ap
pointments can be made with him.
E L7u E!
Dunkak &
before you buy a Heater or
Cooker. Best Stoves on
the Market.
Avoca, Nebraska.
& Mohr
Avoca, Neb,
Farm Implements and n
Be sure and see him when you
need anything in his line.
f Avoca,
(Spi'i-liil CorresMii(lcni'e.)
Willis Kasterday was at Omaha
Jim Carper and wife visited In
Omaha Friday and Saturday.
John Tight! was at Omaha on bus
iness Friday and Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins went to
Havelock Saturday to visit their son
P. E. Spangler was at Omaha Mon
day to see his wife who Is in the hos
Mr. and Mrs. James. Carper and
luniiiy me ineir l nanKsgivi .li
ner with Lewis Stander.
John Casey and wife of Oklaho
ma, are visiting the former's sister,
Mrs. James Carper and other rela
lives and friends.
Mesdames John Tlghe and John
Rauth vsited their sons at St. Mary's,
Kans., over Thanksgiving. They say
the boys are doing nicely and like
it fine.
A sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner
was served at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Stohlman, of which about
thirty-five friends and relatives par
took. Several Manley families were
C. M. Andrus and son Herold
drove their driving team down from
Omaha Friday and will leave them
here over winter. Ilerold went from
here to Weeping Vater to visit with
relatives and friends.
For That Dull reeling After Kutiiiir.
I have used Chamberlain's Stomach
and Liver Tablets for some time, and
can testify that they have done ine
more good tlinn any tablets I have
ever used. My trouble was a heavy
dull feeling after eating. David Free
man, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These
tablets strengthen the stomach and
improve the digestion. They also reg
ulate the liver and the bowels. They
are far superior to pills but cost no
more. Get a free sample at T. G.
Frlcko & Co.'s drug store and sen
what a splendid medicine It Is.
For Infa&ti and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tht
q (JulJCrf Formerly Of This
City, Asphysialcd in Omaha.
Dr. it. W. duller, a ii 1 1 ; el about
fio cars old, who had offices, in
room 12 of the llushiuaii block,
northeast corner of Sixteenth and
Douglass streets, was found dead
from asphyxiation in his laboratory
Ht 10: oil Wednesday morning.
lt Is thought be committed sui
cide, although llie police think it
barely possible there may I'" olht
causes for lis death.
Coing to his office about rlfcht
o'clock in the morning P. S. Minuer,
manager of the Central Klecliie com
pany, smelted gas strongly and tried
to locate the source, but not until
10:. "ill was the body of the denllsl
round reclining comfortably In a
rocking chair In his laboratory. En
trance was gained to I he place liv Mr.
Minner who round the tiody, ny us
ing a long ladder and entering a
long window of Dr. Clutter's office
from Sixteenth street.
A rubber hose which is used to
connect small gas stoves with gas
jest, was found running from a Jet
in the wall to within a hand's read-
of the body of the dead man, itfifl,
it Is thought, he entered bis office
late Tuesday night, turned off all the
gas and electric lights after arrang
ing his mode of death and then sat
down quietly to await death.
He wan last seen about 10 o'clock
Tuesday night In a saloon near his
office building by friends of Madam
Buddha, a palmist, who has an of
fice In the Bushman block, at about
the same hour.
Minner Gives the Alarm.
As soon after the body was found
by Mr. Minner Wednesday morning
the police station and Coroner lieu
ley were notified. Tin latter took
charge of the body after Detective
Sieve Maloney had made an Inves
tigation of the premises. Other wit
nesses of the result of the tragedy
were Agent J. F. Miles of the build
lug, John F. Frahm, a painter liv
Ing at 4 ." 0 3 Leavenworth street, II
M. liuddha, and Detective Maioncy.
Charles C. Clutter, only son of tin
dentist, is thought to have been III)
cause of the doctor's worrying. Tin
son was arrested after the discovery
of the body and taken to the poller
station in a drunken stupor, loo
drunk to realize that his rather was
dead. He is not held in Hie casi
drunkenness being I lie only charg
against him.
Mrs. Clutter, the widow, Is visit
ing friends in Texas, where she lias
been for some time. It is sabl llial
the financial affairs of Dr. Clutter
were also not in the lies! of shape and
this is assigned as another possibb
( ause for the tragedy.
Humors about t lie building when
he bad his office, to the effect that
a man visited him late Tuesday night
an; thought to lie without foundation
or at least, to have nothing to do
with the dentist's death.
Ex-Sergeant Helmut of the police
force Is a cousin of the dead man.
No other relatives are known to the
authorities. Omaha Bee.
The Dr. Geo. W. Clutter spoken of
above was, at one time, a well known
resident of this city, having located
here about the year 1 878 and occu
pylng rooms over the store of Sol-
oman & Nathan. He remained
here In the active practice of his
profession until the middle KO's
when he (dosed out his office and
went to Lincoln, Denver and Finally
to Omaha where he has been an
active practitioner ever since. Dur
ing his time In this city he had built
up a good practice and was a pop
ular dentist. The recollection of his
family here is that It consisted of a
wife, son and daughter. The boy Is
especially well remembered as being
an unusually bright young man ami
his. fall from grace as chronicled
above Is a great shock' to all who
had known him. During the years of
his life In this city Mr. Clutter had
built up a great many friends, all of
whom express the deepest regret at
hln untimely end. The widow who
Is also well known and very popular
among her acquaintances has the
sympathy of all In her bereavement.
Our Own I'iiiiII.
Many rnses of misfourlne snd
sickness are duo to our own neglect.
Dulng this season, wbiuh Is rbh In
sickness, we should be very care
ful not to contract any through our
own fault. Keep your digestion in
perfect working order and you havo
done all you could to prevent sick
ness, t'se Trlner's American F.llxr
of Hitter Wine If your appetite will
not be as It should, or If you have
any difficulty after meals. It will
stimulate the whole digestive system,
will create a perfect appoilti; and
give strength to the body. It Is the
best because It Is safest In all dis
eases of the stomach and the bowels,
in diseases caused by Impoverished
blood and bodily weakness. At drug
stores. Jos. Trlner, fi 16-622 So.
Ashland avenue, Chicago, 111.
N r f j r
o S
and a Doen Kivmds will
the youiiil ami old, in f.ut
of vour family.
l'ost Cauls ami Christmas ('u-i-tiiiK
Cards, a full anil complete line to select
from, Hand Stenciled lor Christmas.
The Watch Contest closed PccchiIht ,'...
Itepiibllcmi Pigs.
farmer residing south of (his
city bus three cows on his farm that
are raising a inter of pigs thai are
now two months old. It wnsj while
tile cows were lying dow n I lint the
little grunters learned to steal their
rations, and since theti they hav
been standing on their hind legs
while they reach up and draw the
milk. They steady themselves by
placing their front feet against the
cow's bind legs. The farmer thinks
they must be republican pigs because
they are so hard to shake off when
they once get a hold on the teal.
Nebraska Clly News.
The only business transacted al
the county court today was this Issu
ance of a marriage license to Thomas
Hartley Salmon and Miss Eva K.
Fox. There was no hearings in es
tate matters nor any civil suits for
hearing today.
Dam NoitIh and family from near
Louisville were In the city today
looking after business mutters, hav
ing driven in this morning from
their farm.
I 'or I'c.ciiin, Teller ami Sail Hliemii.
The Intense Itching cliarai lei 1st c
f these ailments Is almost Imlniill
allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many
severe cases have been cip'ed by It.
For sale by F. (!. Frlck" Co.
A Thousand Years Ago
The question as what to get for Christmas
presents was hard and is today
..The Same Old Story..
Oh! It is so hard to select anything.
I wish I knew what to get.
Here is a List to Look Over:
Furs Tea Spoons
Handkerchiefs Kimonas,
Hair Ornaments Silk Waists
Pillow Tops Carpet Sweepers
Mu filers Music Rolls
Silk Scafs Toilet Sets
Ladies' Ties Post Card Albums
Kid Gloves Photo Albums
Kuchinp; Last-for-Kver Hose
Hand Hags Silk Petticoats
Picture Frames Silk Dress Patterns
Mirrors Umbrellas
Shaving Mirrors Rugs
Fancy Parlor Lamps Emb. Doylies
Salad liowls Emb. Doylie Sets
Carving Sets Lace Doylies
Cut Glass Table Linen
Silver Knives & Forks Table Napkins.
Table Spoons 100-piece Dinner Sets
1. 1. lvy &
a.i j 8
phase lioth
or i n k
Plattsmouth State Bank
of I Ma 1 1 siii i on t )i . Nebraska.
Cliurtcr No. 7wl
I ik'iii lxn uN'd In I he si uic of N't'lirnsliD, nl 1 1 1
cliisi' of IiiinIih'kn, Ntivi'inU r Stli, Ihih.
Limn nml discount '.H.U1M III
I Ucnli nfih. st'cioi'il nml iiiiwi'ii it'd . I, mill si
IIiiihIh, nUn'Ioi, Nt'i'iirlllrH. JiHlifincnlH,
I'lnliim, I'll' I.'M MM
llllllMNKhlHI'.l'.flllllllllll'HIIll llvlllll'H 1,04 'M
( iirii'iu I'xiH iiNi'N nml Uxi'n iialil :.4i ttl
I'iikIi llt'lllH IN NO
Tol n I rush mi Inoiil nml due from oilier
luiiikn IT
Tnliil JliM'W :ir
Cliellnl sliN'k luilil In (.PH.") IM
I'niiiviiii'ii iuiiiiih ;:h iii
I I m 1 1 v li I II ul lIl'ININllN MllllJlS't
to cl U flMiNl .'ill
lll'IIIHIIll I'l'l'l Itlrltll'H of lll'-
IHIt 1 'A M
TliiHMVl llllrulrMof ili'ini-,11 1,1117 ,VI 71 ..'II M M
TnUl Jl:.".',ll.'iu' Hi
Sta i r or Nkiohhk 1. 1
Ciicntv tit Cash I v I.. I. M. UiiImtIs,
I'nslilcr nf I lie iilmvi' iimiii'il I n 1 1 1, . tin lii ii'hy
swi iir Hull llie iiIhivi- hi iili'iiii nl It n I'nni'ii,
mid In in ul the ii'IkhI in lute In llie Sluie
llitnkliii; Hi. hid, .1. M, l;i iii:u IS.
1 1 1. ...i. ' '' I'ai.tkii. I l n el. i .
'" l.l II. IIM 'kkii. lUni ioi-.
SiiIimtUh'iI nml Mwnrn lo liefori' ini llits Mil
iliiy of IU'i'I'IiiIht Itms. W. W. Wimiiiaw,
Isi hII NoUry I'ulilli'.a
This Is Well ll Hemlilig.
Leo. F. .ellnskl, of IIS Gibson St.,
Buffalo, N. Y., says. "1 cured Hie
most annoying cold sore I ever had
with IIih kiln's Arnic a Salve. I ap
plied Ihls salve once u day for two
days, when every (race of the sop;
was gone." Heals all sores. Sold
under guarantee at F. G. Fi b Ite &
Co.'s drug store. i;r,c.
y-Tft er v-f