Murray Department 1 I PR EPA RED IN -J UK INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY ANI VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READ FIBS. ll mil of (it trailers iif tht Juurn tl know of u evtnt oritnihm of interttl in thi vicinity ami v ill mail tun to Uii nict it will a;-ur umhr this ken-ting. H't M itnt nil ili nm iif inttrcM. KJitor Juurnul. mm mm DC 3C A SAFE SIMPLE SYSTEM The system of paying by check was f delivered for all men for uny man for you. It is suited to the needs of any busi ness either lurge cr small. It makes no difference whether you pay out $10. 00 or $10,000.00 a month; a check ing uccount will serve your needs. Pay by check; the method puts sys tem into your business and gives you ( a record of every transaction. Murray State Bank J Mrs. Tyler Shoppard Is Hick. Mrs. Henry Sands Ih another one on the Kick list. Philip Kell's baby it on the Hick list. Mrs. .Iiih. Wlllard, Houth of Mur ray, Is nick. MIhh Mil Iloedeker Ih visit Iiik 1" Lincoln thin week. J. S. Yoiiiik shipped n cur of cut tle to Omaha Tuesday. Men. (ilon Iloedeker was shopping In Plattsinoiith S:il unlay. U. A. Yoiiiik was a passenger to Omaliii Tuesday evening. John Young was a buHlneHH visitor In Omaha Tuesdiiy evening. J. L. Yoiing was a imHHOHKor to O in nil a Wednesday evening. Genevieve Marks, (laughter of O. I). Murks, Iiiih been on the Hick list. !'ay your taxoH at the Murray State Hank. W. (5. Iloedeker, Cash- ler. S. M. 1'utterson of Almn, Neb., was visiting friends In Murray last Fri day. Mrs. A. L. Baker was In Omaha Wednesday buying Christinas presents A Great Display HF HOLIDAY GOODS I HOLiilTH'S id Everything to Suit the Taste of s Vowim AlitiQ ? Chinaware, Jewelry, Cut Glass, Toys, Fine Candies and Nuts. In fact any and every thing that would de light the hearts of the children, and older ones as well. DON'T BUY YOUR Christmas - Presents Until you have seen the magnificent display at I n olmes I Smith s THE LATE LEVI RUSTERHOLTZ Brief Biography of the Deceased Where Born, Married, Etc. Levi RiiHterlioltz was born In Mc Kune, Erie county, Pennsylvania, on Miii'ih 22. 1 K :t 8 . and departed this life December 7.1908. being 70 yearH, 8 luontliH and 17 day of line. The deceased moved to Rock ford Illinois, when 22 years of age. In 1KIJ2 he was married to MIhh Roslna llrown, at Ilelolt, Wisconsin. In 1862, he also entered the civil war, nerved until Its close when ho was honorably (II sch a rued. While ho was a soldier In this great war, he was also a bravo sol dier of God. For nearly forty years he had been an active member of the United Brethren church. In tho spring of 1868 he removed to Nebraska near I'lattsmouth, where he, has since resided. . , , Five children were born to, this union. A wlfo and three children survive him. . Addle, Alyea and Ar thur Eugene deceased, Mrs, BuU Oaks, , Mrs, Almoda FlemmlnK . and Miss Florence Ilusterholtz. . They have also two adopted daughters, Mrs. Gertie Ueckner and Miss Maud Ilusterholtz. Ho also leaves six grand children and one great grand child to mourn his demise. Can I of Thanks. We hereby wish to express .our thanks to the friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Ilusterholtz and family. .Mr. 10. F. Oaks and family. Mr. M. 1. Fleming and family. Mr. Stephen Decker and wife. '.'a. lit the M. Water. K. church at Weeping Col. Jenkins was In the city Satur ly for the purpose of buying scene ry rur Mis hall, lie expects to nave the stage In perfect order for the play Saturday night. rauline Oldham was a passenger on the early morning train Tuesday for Omaha, going in the Interest of the home talent play that will be given Saturday evening. It Is expected that a good many of our citizens will take In the corn how la Omaha this week and next. It Is certainly a great show and should be well attended. M UII RAY Come to J.he farm. What farm? Valley farm. When? Saturday night, December 12. Where? Jen kins' hall. Who ownes the farm? Why Rex Young. A I .urge Attendance. Quite a number of .Murray friends of J.uo .lunilly. -atUndml the funeral ot L"eIMpi1)9t Wednesday. The bulluearers were George Lloyd, Ren DIlk-WalLVailery,, Chas. Boedeker aocf tieoJilUheH. thechoir composed theyiollowlng persons: Mrs. Chas. Carroll, Mrs., Bwmdol, Mrs. Warren Wiley, D. A. Hoot and D. A. Amick. Hope to meet you Saturday night, December 12 at Valley Farm. Miss Alma Ralston of Weeping Water was spending the day in Mur ray Wednesday. Re sure and attend the home talent play Saturday evening, December 12 Martin Flemming is quite sick at the Ilusterholtz home, hut Is bet ter at this willing. II. L. Oldham was an Omaha vlsi tor Wednesday, going up to trans net business In the city. Hurry and get your corn gathered so you can go to the home talent play the 12th of December. Dr. Geo. II. Gilnioro has been on the sick list for the last few days. but Is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost started for California Tuesday where they expect to spend the winter. If you have gossiping friends take them to the "'Valley Farm Satur- lay night, Dei ember 12. Now that Jenkins has a piano you will not only see a good play Satur day night, December 12, but you will hear good music. W. G. Iloedeker drove to Nuliaw- ka Wednesday on Important busi ness connected with the hank. l'av vouf personal taxes at t lit" Murray State Rank and save the ex pense or a trip to riaustnouin. Sam l'lttnan was in attendance at the theater In riattssinouth Saturday night, spending Sunday with friends. Miss Margret Jamison was shop ping In Omaha Saturday, going from Omaha to her home In Weeping Wa ter. Misses Lena Young and Mary Moore spent Sunday with their par ents, returning to their schools Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost left last week for Colorado. They ex pect to spend the winter there visit ing relatives. The merchants as well as every body else are preparing for the holi days. Holmes & Smith's store will he Santa Clans' headquarters this year. Miss Zettn llrown was a passenger on t be Tuesday evening iraui ior I'lattsmouth, returning homo on the midnight train.. Tho foundation Is completed for Pit man's new residence. As soon as tho weather will permit. Mr. Hamil ton will commence the carpenter's work. Young man if you are In doubt as to how to pop the question let Ayar lah Keep tell you. J I will meet you at Valley Farm Saturday night, De cember 12. The Invitations are out for the marriage of Dr. T. J. Brendel and Miss Margaret Jamison, December Proud I'areiitsi Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schrader are the proud parents of a twelve pound boy, born November 30, at Beaver City, Neb. At last reports mother and son were doing as nicely as could be ex pected. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shrader are the parents of a two-pound boy, born November 26. All parties doing nicely especially Grandpa Zack Shrader, who says the two pound bay may not be as large as the twelve pound boy, but that he can vote the democratic ticket as hard twenty-one years hence. A Fine Showing. Elsewhere In this paper will be found tho report of the condition of the Murray State Rank up to the close of business on November 27 1908. Those who are interested In the success of this Institution, will note by perusing the report that the bank is In a most excellent condi tion In every way, and that under the management ot its efficient cashier, Glen Iloedeker, busness has been steadily on the Increase. The Murray State Rank Is one of the solid in stitutions of Cass county and In every way worthy of the great con fidence the people have placed In It. "Valley Farm" Saturday. The members of the home talent are doing everything possible to make "Valley Farm" a success Sat urday evening. This is a play of modern society, primarily, but two of the acts are placed In the country against a background of rural life and char acter. It Is relieved by plenty of wit and humor and quickened by plenty of dramatic Incidents very sympathetic In theme with lots of good parts. "Ilettle" Is a strong lead, and Rerry Dean" and "Silas" great parts. Ayaslah Keyes, "lA.y Ann Tucker" and "Verbena" are full of fun. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has beca la use for over SO yearn, has borne tho signature of -? and has b?eu made under his per- fZ47Vt sonal supervision since Its infancy W Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-a.s-gM)d,,are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria Js a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J Tie Kind You Hp Always Bought In. Use For.v:0ver 30 Years. TMC C(NTUi OOMMNV, TT lUaUlT BTNCCT. NIW tntt SIT. Maple Grove. Quite a number attended the goose match at Ed. Gansemer's Thursday evening. , Louis Puis made a businesb trip to Plattsmouth Thursday. U. C. Halley, our blacksmith, is en larging his shop. He says it was not big enough to meet his demands. Schafer Bros, lost 10 head of cattle last week on account of th second crop cane. Mrs. Leonard Murray left Tuesday for a few weeks visit with relatives In Oklahoma. Cameron Cat hey of Weeping Wa ter, spent Sunday in our village. Fritz Lutz and Mata Puis visited with relatives In I'lattsmouth Sun day. Miss Augusta Ilannick, of Cole ridge, is visiting at the home of W. II. 1'uls and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herron made trip to Murray Tuesday. J. L. Young made a trip to South Omaha Tuesday. Mr. A'l Kustcrholtz died at his home in this section Monday, De cember 7,1908, at 10 o'clock a. ni. Mr. Kustcrholtz was born In 1838 in Crie county, Ponn. He came to Ne braska In 1887 and settled upon a farm In this locality where he lived until his last day on earth. He leaves to mourn his death his wife, and three children, Mrs. Eaf. Oakes of efferson county, Neb., Mrs. Marion Fleming of Cedar county, Neb., and Florence, who is .at. home. He also leaves two adopted children, Mrs. Steve Ileodeker, near Mynard, and Maude. The funeral services were held Wednesday at 12 o'clock at the Klght Mllo Grove church by Rev. Brink of the United Brethren church, of which Mr. Rusterlwltz wasirmcm- ber of long standing. Laid at Kest. From Wednesday's Dally. All that was mortal of Levi Kus terholtz was laid away In the silent tomb this afternoon at the Eight Mile Grove cemetery, after very ap propriate services in the church near by, which were conducted by Rev. F. W. Brink. A large number of neighbors and friends of the family attended the last sad rites of this ex cellent citizen. Those who are left to mourn the loss are Mrs. Kustcrholtz, whose maiden name was Miss Rosina Brown, and daughters, Mrs. E. Oaks, Mrs. Almeta Fleming, Mrs. Gertie Becker, and Misses Florence and Maud Ilusterholtz, the latter two children living at home. Take Notice. It takes money to run a hardware store. We need money in our busi ness. All persons knowing them selves indebted to us will please come in and settle by January 1, 1909. 1-1-09 Pitman & Davis. Ilimic Jersey for Stile. .1 have for sale live male Duroc Jerseyjilgs. Weight about 150 pounds each. All ready for registering. II. L Oldham, Murray, Neb. Here From Stanton. From WednomUy'ii Dully. Albert Flckler, from Stanton county, arrived In the city last even Ing for a short visit with his par ents and the many flrends at the old hoiue. Bert has the usual hnppy and good n at u red smile playing upon his face, also bearing every appearance of prosperity In his new home. Will Sell ItitlN. I will sell on Saturday next, De crmbcr 12, at the sale at Sam Smith's barn, In riattsmouth. two thorough bred Short Horn bulls, one bull nine months old, ono bull one year old Tho bulls are sired by my Im ported Scotch bull. Keg. No. 23470 and are out of Scotch Ton Short Horn cows, of the large, beefy type Chas. F. Morton Bownre of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a pro tracted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons wholly recover. Give every cold the attention It deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy? It Is highly recommended. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn.,.say: "Sev eral years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone told me of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I began using it and it relieved me at once. Now my throat and lungs are sound and well." For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. UErOUT OF THE CONDITION or Tim Murra.y . Sta.te Ba.nk Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 578 Ineoriminti'illn llii Stntp of NiOinskii. l the clineor liUHlmit.1 tiirmiir ... liu. ItKMintCtX Iiium .ml (lIsetiniitN KlK.iKi 20 OvenlriflN. Heomril and unsii'nri-d... M tW HnnkliiK lnie. furniture and fixture .. Oil Current exiM'tiieniuidliXP nnld 3.NW 311 Due fmni nittlonnl. Ntnte atul private liauksand hanker IP.OII Cah 3,1411 ! Ten Per Cent Discount. For the next few days we will of fer all our stoves at a discount of 10 per cent, owing to tho fact that we must move In a few days to our new quarters In the Coates block. This Is offered as an Inducement for quick sales, as it will save one handling them if sales are made before mov ing time. Call and see our line. Kroehler Bros. The following appeared In the Havelock department of the Lincoln Star Monday: "Mrs. Schmldtman and Mrs. Trlppens of Plattsmouth vis ited over Saturday and Sunday In Havelock at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Weldman and also with Mr. and Mrs. George Staium." Total I.IAIUUTlKO Capital stock paid In JltWO Oil Surplus fund X'l !S I pmllK 4.I.W l. Individual di'imnltH nul'Jecl loi'litvk.. -.lit " iHMiiandi'ertllli'atesof deponll Iki n Time cert IHcales of deposit 1.1 Due to National. Hi ale and private banks ami bankers l Jos. Mullen, the well known citi zen of Elmwood, accompanied Attor ney DelesDernler to the city last night. This made a suspicious com bination and Joe Is warned against the Insidious wiles of the republicans. Total T.l SO StATior Neiihask. I . Count r of l aw. I. W . H. Ika'i eker. ra.-lilerof Hie alxve named bank, do lien'br swear lliat the alsive statement Is a ootrect. and true ropv of Ihe rvl.irt make In the Mate banking board. W. li. IkiKnrarH. Cashier. i kkhi i. mtfmam. interior. Attest: (i'iias. t I'Aiiwn.K. llrivtor. SulwrlU'd and sworn to Is-foro me this Slid dar of iHvenilier. (SKAI.I THOS. .1. O'PAT. Notary Public. Henry Prosser5 Contracting. Plastering-, Drick and Stone Work, Concrete Foundations ami Walks. : : : : : ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb. William llolshuh la among those view Ing the wonders of the corn show this afternoon, being a passenger for the Nebraska metropolis at noon on the mall train for that purpose. Attorney William Deles Dernier of Elmwood, came In last night from Omaha, where he took In the corn show. Ho had Important legal bus iness to look after In the city. Senator-elect W. D. Banning of t'ulon, came up thin morning from his home to spend several days in the city looking after some business matters. Dave Young drove in this morning from his farm near Murray and de parted on the early Burlington train for Omnha where he will take In the corn show during the day.