x:hk.. Local News. A . . . . . . . . 1-DAILY PERSONAL iNbWS I i AAA 1 Y depart.- l.l.-t r vi will d.ix s Short Items of In'cres l;rotn Fri day Kvcnin's Daily Journal :t I'M :t I" r . 1 1 s li i l.iu kui curl v I.. i r .. i ;i v; train thi AAA A A A A Ci-niRe Tookey of MtniiiT, Neb., ix In tin- rlty ItuikliiK after some bus iness affairs. Win. II. Pool of WVplliK WuttT. vhn In the t-lty toiliiy looking after SOIlIt' Illlsllll'SK HUIItl'I'S. M. (!. fliut'chlll of Mm my, mini' up tills mi mltiK iiiul watt n pussi-imcr at noon on tlx' mall train for Omalia where ln li nd business matters to look lifter. Albert YouiiK. tif Murray, drove in tills mcriiliiK for a few hours In t lit illy, aftoi war, I di-piirtliin for Omaha in tlio mall train to lock afttT sonic biiMni ss matters. Mrs. .Myrtle l-Mnieiids relume I home yesterday aftt moon from Oh-ii-voo;l, la., where hc lias liccn called liy tlio ili'iilh of In r mot In r-ln law, a liicsl estimable la ly of that city. f ; It-ii it Perry, wife an. I m ns Virgil llllil Itllsxcll, were p-issi'llRcrH tlila m rnlMi; on the early train for Oma ha, liuvl'ij; ilrlven In from th.tr lion e iieiir Mi.irry In li ne to c:'tch the train. Henry A. Yhit"i 'or came x ltd., mi ruins; from 1'cdrr 1'rtn n in u Hie sal 1 1 I : " ? 1 ll if HiliMn, .11 l . ni'.i ! ii en ' s fi r I I'e In i iM i i' liN mi. i her, i!i - purling fi r O in! . i " n I! train at not n. i..; ll .Mrs. I.. A. Wils-t u i f t'lmin '.I lllulT-. hi. w I : has he n sin n linn scxcinl days In the il'y l iilnn with A. Itnxtcr Smith ami Mn l!y ilepurt.-.l this mi mini; fi r her Inure. Mih. Smith uccompa nle.l In r ns far Omaha. j Mrs. M In I'm of Ci'tlhton, la., who has liccn HpciulliiK several days In the city visiting wltli her slsier Mrs. (!. V. Mi Crackcii, ileparteil this noon on the mall (rain for Omaha where she will visit with relatives ami frieiiils for a few days previous to l i t u i n I n home. John WnndcrlMi and V. It. Davis, two i f the most Hiilistant ial citi.eiis of tile Neliawkll Ilt-lKhhorhood. were In the city today attending to some linsliiess matters and while lien- took advantitKc of the opportunity to make it call upon their oi l friends In tlile office It Is quite needless to say that their xMi' was greatly ap ' il'ei Inled mid they hae a In-arty . i ii it ul li . li In call cine mere nn I stay lollf-er. .Mrs. Chnrlt h .k,piiiinli r an I little liahy were passenners this inornlng for Omaha itfcninpnuyliii; In r tl. tei Mrs. S. .1. 1'uliinl ami tl.iuulili'i s Vei ii a an 1 Catherine mi 1 1 1 -f i- way home to Arllii:;ii ii, Neli. Mrs. I'lilan I a k1 chili! r.-ii had lieen visit hi.1; with In-i ,parcii peter Perry mil wife le in Mm ray. Mr. an I Mrs. I1, ri y ile paiie.l 'I'm slay fir Californii win-re they will make a winter's vi.-.it with Mielr sen, a re;. I lent f the mil, Ion ,t;a.e state. Tln-y w ere nci ouipiilih'd en their tilp liy Mr. Perry's brother W. K. Perry of North Carolina, who ha 1 In-i ii v Mllnc, them for some three weeks. I .ul ky Libel Cn-e. 1-Yiiin Siiliii-ihiy'N I n 1 1 y , The preliminary heiiriiiK of Levi Munson charged by Mrs. Mary 10. Ijitky with criminal libel In con nection with the suit which he Insti tuted against her for board during tlio kchsIoii of the last gram! lodge of the degree of Honor lit Lincoln, whs on yesterday at Lincoln mid will occupy this afternoon also. The evi dence yesterday was very weak against Munson and while a motion to dismiss made liy tlie defense was not sustained, the court stated It was not simply because this was n pre liminary examination and further stated that there was not enough evidence to convict Munson offered. The case Is very Interesting but news paper report) seem to Indicate that Mrs. Latky will lose without doubt. Going at Auction r We will Positively Close Our Doors Saturday Night, Dec. 26th and Quit Business A Great Opportunity to Supply Your XMas Wants at a Big Saving i -a 1 1 ,1-. ! ll.el Kb hey -.1 'i, fi r I i ii i la ;M't t' - . P. .' I n I I-l.t . r b.-l i n it . I I'llll.C. '. is. (.: li, i:. ii mid little ilill I of 1 1 it me III tie-illy making a v Isit with In r parents Mr. an I Mrs. Fred Ki nsii: u ii ii . Walter L. Propst tame In this i. lining from bis home at Myuard nn ! xras a passenger tills noon for (.liiliwood where he hill business matters to attend to. Wasli Young came In this morning: fro mills place In the country and was u passji'iigcr on the early morning train for Omalia w here he ha I b-.isi- in i-s mattfi.s to look after. Jacob Lcbties, one of the best citi- .eiis of tlie Louisville in ighberhood mil ft rmerly n well known police of fleer in tills city, is in the iity to. lay locking after business matters. Henry Hempel was In tin- city to- lay from his home at Lincoln. Hi was in companied by A. L. Tayli r of I'nlvirsity place. Mr. Ileiunil hir; several liiipi riant limlnesx engage- meiits to h i k after liming his stay in the (Ity while Mr. Taylor w lis a pns- pectl'.e Investor In lan !s owned li Plattslmictll parties. S-'uni l ong, the rai'rea l con: i :ii ti r. -f i-'oiith Lend is l-i Hie i liy todav .IM-eiim (hi frlen.'s a:il lem-ttilu ieiuiilnl a in ' s i l' many years sMu !- nig.. J r, l,( ua Is well remellllier i ly tile l iner resliets I I the city ill! lie I, lis been a Hotel chl- flicl el' 1 1 I" - i 1 - road lir.il. li'u s i in-, (lie ti.i.e v 'leu braska was a habv s'ate. lie ca.in lown fruiii his hi ii i' at i'ouih I'.ee.i! this nuTiilng. I), i:. i.i le i i 1' Marquette, N -b., nine In last evi ni:ig fi r an norai:;ht Isit with the family of .1. L. Thomp son, ret uriiliig home this morning on the early train. Mr. Solver Is a large cattle raiser near Marquette, and was down to Omalia with two car loads of line steers which he disposed of in the market, lie is the father of Mrs. Thompson and a business man of standing in his community. His brief visit was greatly enjoye.l by Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Louis V. Kohrell came In last even ing from Fremont where he has been for several days looking after busi ness matters. While there Mr. Koh rell completed arrangements for his removal In the spring from Ills pres ent farm near Hock Ithiffs to that lo cality, having leased a large farm near Fri inont for the coming year, lie felt that he needed more land upon his hands to use the services of hoinself and boys who have now be come old enough to be useful mem bers of the family, an.l for this rea son snapped up a good opportunity which presented Itself to hint. BAD ACCIDENT AT WABASH o ;a, ioi u-, Crakcnian Hit By ?r ejecting Red and Skull Fracture i Commencing Monday, Dec. 7th g OUR Entire Stock of Clothing und Furnishing Goods will be Sold ut Auction to the highest bidder. We will hold auction sales every afternoon at 2:oo and every evening at 7:oo o'clock Nothing reserved, no by-bidders. Come and buy what you want at your own price. Captain Fowler, the silver tongued auctioneer, will conduct the sale, und you will find him a lively entertainer. We close our doors and quit business Sat urday night, Dec. 26th, and don't want to have anything left if we can help it. Don't Miss the Package Sale Our auctioneer will tell when it occurs Remember the Date, and Don't Forget Everything Goes to the Highest Bidder KRAFT CLOTHING CO, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Last i-a! : i .;.iy i,U!i! a I. t ssage lame to r. II nm:i:e in,iif:i,- I. in. to be at the depot V. hell the freight V'.tl iiirhcd, that a brakeman was injure.!. On the arrival of the train it was fount that the brakeman was .lames A. Love, and lie was umon sclous from his Injuries, and the doc tor accompanied him to Kansas City that night for treatment at the hos pital, going on the midnight passenger. Conductor Crlswold's train. No. CM, was pulling Into Wabash where they expected to unload some freight. Love and Dclancy wi re on top of the ars signaling, the spied of the train was about six miles an hour. Love swung oxer the side of the car and was looking back at Dclancy when hey passed the depot where an Iron ro 1 projeited xxlibh bolls the signal our I. The In ar.l ha 1 b'in iff some In e b it tlie ro 1 projected so close o the ti: i i that the rod strink Love .11 the I r: e (f the ht iti!, bin k i f hi rigid ear, ns he swung out with his anteni to s-lguul. 1 L- xvas knocked Ioxmi mil was later found In-si le tin r:if ks unci us lo,.s. ,.,.V r. Lex e Is a mm i i--1 i!.mi, he re .1 b s In LI:m In, an I I. is p:u ms re i.le at .Varj s ilie, Kansas, lb1 Inn i'i I Ill'Tly been breaking i :i t.l.e ni.;ht iii.-i-eiiger, but xx ante 1 to change.. He was i- g 'r.h'l by tin- rai'n-a I U-xs as ia.i ng t l;e lu st i n t he ri a I. 'I !-,. I'll..-! : le if Ih.- M r 1- 1 so sol Iocs that 1., . V'"''- 8p t0 Ftft the old used up jfr' 4 i. t .p- J coo-roo kind. V':?. "f-;. 'f This rcpular shoe store pro--r-fV. I $$C&l"0t- ? iV&tJ tect8 its R"8BER reputation "V " trt'VK'K JUyJ l,v ,n,y ""ndncg pood brands f 'fZ'.mi-'"'' ,ilil;-"'sJ of reliable DON'T BUY YOUR OVERSHOES any old place where jou are "'w.y f;-f:jj- RUBBER FOOTWEAR! We have overshoes from $1.25 to but pride ourselves on our MALTA ARTIC, with heavy heel at $1.75. GIBRA1.T A, "double heel, edges, sole and shank, with two buckets at $2.00. SHERWOO BABY SHOES 50c UP! FLEECE SOLES FOR CROCHET SLIHPERS !1 in. bl I'.i I. - Wee; i:ig Wa: Is 11- I eeyx el' r K"P'lb- Ueliiember the ."i zanr In liiiey tdocl; holi.Iav goods. an I 1 n cent ba xx hen you want is whut you should think of now. Winter will soon be here und you will need that new stove then. So don't delay, but come and see our line cf Heating Stoves. , The most com plete und largest stock in in Cuss county, and at prices rungingfroin $1.2$ upto$60.00. Comeeury and get your choice. JOHN BAUER, Pl ttsmouth, Nebraska. Draw a Check SMITH SALE A BIG SUCCESS Population Iihtciim-h Two. The stork made several visits dur ing the last couple of days an I in crease I the population by the alil- tlcn ( f two charming little baby p. iris One of them xvas left with xl is. Ceo. Fort nnd Mr. Kcrt Is climbiua Hi. poles of the telephone cotvpi y xx ith a gusto xxhiih good fortune tiloiu1 could prcinpt. The otiu"- little one xvas left xvith Mrs. Crank hepp mi l it Is needless to say that Mr. t-'liopp is running alongside Mr. Fi i t In bis good fortune. In all cases both mother and child are di Ing well. Wellington Pipes Coring & Co. No. 1914 REPORT OF THE CONDITION -or Tin - FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Plattsmouth, in the State of Ne braska, at the close of business November 27, 190S. RESOURCES Ijiiih mid iIImmuiiIs... 5.ill.Tj lvi-nlrris. wvuivii nil unsivmvil.. n.i'il I . S. Ih.ihIs 10 mviitv rlivtilitlliiii I'li-iiittiniN on I'. S. UmiN Ileiiil-t. s.-1-ui Uli-s. eu- .1 Kitnklnir Iioiim-, funiltuiv, ttxturt-s... ntht-r n-l t-suit owm-il liiii'fiKin nitiieiml tiankit (not rc- M-ivf mn-iiii.1 .. Inn- (mm stitti' luoiki mill liitiiki-is .. I nt fiimi lnovt'tl reervi ngi-nls .. t lii'1-kn unit olln-r cali lleni. iiit- ot otlii-r iiitilonnl luniks Kri-llinl l'l r ciiiit-iii-y, nleki-l mill i-t-ntt I.mtnl niiiiii-y ii'm-ivo (n limik, vlr: Sl'-tfle i"J,iH'--.'.n) l i-ual-li-iiilt-r ihiIi-m J.T.ii in - Kul nii'i Ion f n ml wlili f .S tit-aMiior C lcr ei'iit of i-lhMiUilnii) .'HI.KHI.IH l.:ii'.iii tl.iUtm 147. w.r:t.4 .V7..i7 i.UHI.K' 231 .Hi 2t,IS.n 2 :v hi T.itul 5..l."..s.il.4 LIABILITIES I'Bivlml vt'vk llil In I .Mnm.iv Sin nlii. fnllil 2..1H'.1HI l ,ii. i,i,, I imtiiiH. 1i-h rxiH-iist's mul in., . nniil r.:tlt It. Nmlniial bank nolon utit t mul tuir- :W in I in., i.initii-r itHiliinnl liankH I.4 i. 1 in,-1, si i.ti- limikH mul limikt-n.. .. 4.JiN.. Iniiivtiiuki iii'inMint Huiijtvt loctitt-k rjaio rn I'l iintnil i-i-MiHi-Bli"! or ili-inw.il 1 1 1 Inn-i-i illlli-mi'it of ili-lHwIt I2.iiT.;I TeUl k . t V..I.,.MLB I Ciiiinl r ot Cum l "1 I. II. N. iHivi-y. I'nsbli-r of llu" lilmvp-niiiliril bmik.ihi wili-innl.v ii-ir tllltl I lir I-M- illlli'lllrlll In Hill' to tin- It-si of my kiiewleiln-iinl IflK-'v, lv Cornvt - Attt-t: .itx. F IWvy 1'. K. M-lilmt-r ll llwL,n.rtli. llln-.nr (i,ilu-rllil mul i. i "111 to It'f-'lf ll 'r HiU 2l ilyt.t iH-i i iiitir. I. .1- imiiit. is,., n Nnlmy I'ulille. My ctntindlon rxpliv May I, mi for the money you owe and note hoxv much more re t p .'ctfully your creditors re gard you. They like to do business with a man who hB9 an account at the Cass County Hank. They know he is doing- hus'ness in a business-like WHy. Better open such an account even if jourBiraiisareiuit large. They will grow all right. THE BANK OF CASS COUNTY Platte mouth, Nebraska. Today's Event Brings Gocd Crcwd And Much Sold. From Saturday's I aily. The first free auction held at tin Market Place, the barn of Smith & Smith on Sixth and Vine streets, at tracted quite a large crowd of farm ers and people Intent on picking up bargains, to the city and the sale was an unqualified success nnd speaks well for the future. Mr. Smith acted ;as auctioneer and made himself 'known as a good one. There was an I offering of nearly everything that one ! cared to own and the people who did jnot have their desires for goods troat jod right xvere few and far between. The stuff sold consisted of horses, icattle, wagons, buggies and nearly I every kind of vehicle ami farming ; implements. Most of the stuff brought good prices although there was some real genuine bargains to be lliail in animals. Taken together the affair xvas a great, big success mi l Mr. Smith Is to be congratulate 1 ell bis succors in bringing together the people of this section for the sale. Tlie merchants of the city also profited largely by the sale as there xvere many pehple who drove Into the city from a dis tance with thf nlitoi-t rt lolilns Ir. I . -. - J J ' ' " ' '"1,1.1(3 Alt the sale and afterwards stopped to replenish their larder from the local merchants. The restaurants partic ularly profited by the deal as they nearly all had capacity crowds at noon. 15arclay'8 had to turn people away when the noon hour came, and crowded tables were the rule at Hen rich's and Barnes'. Another sale In the near future will be had to which everyone Is invited. KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery rnn puchs Nil Ml PRICE in a, tt iwx OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. I iDlHOLIDAY AMMOUMCEMEMTll&ll Every Department.... in this progressive store is now filltil with an emlless variety of Christina- Gifts. Christmas shoppers will find txtra pleasure in making their purchases here on account of neat price saving on every article. IL-re ou will find a very extensive line of Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry of all Kinds; Clocks, Cut Glass, L-a t In r Goods, and our immense t xhihit of Silur Goods ot ti ry de scription, suggests many inexpeniw Chritm;is Hilts. Remember that voti can buy main liflr iwriti in jewelry and silver from 50 cents and upwards Come Early and Avoid the Rush! OPEN EVENINGS ti J. I CR '5 Sli t) md Main St., Plattsmouth, Nabruki. 2sT H?