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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1908)
TOE G1UHTY G0L1 SSIOCIRS U A Large Amounl of Business Transacted, eluding the Payment of Judges and Clerks of Election. Plattstuouth. Neb.. Nov. 30. 1908. 1 Board of county commissioners met in regular session, all members present. Minutes of previous meet ing read and approved, when the fol lowing business was transacted In regular form: Bond of A. D. Hathaway, road over seer district No. 11, approved. Bond of Chas. Clapp, constable Elmwood precinct, approved. Bond M. V. Wood, Justice of the peace, Elmwood precinct, approved. Bond of A. N. Speer. Justice of the peace, Center precinct, approved. Bond of C. Bornemelser, road over seer district No. 6, approved. Bond of C. T. Richards, road over seer, district No.4, approved. Bond of Wm. Stohlman, road over seer district No. 8. approved. Bond of Wm. Kotch, aoad over seer district No. 12, approved. Bond of John E. Bates, road over seer, district No. 13, approved. Board ordered $4,000.00 lnsur ance of the Queen Ins. Co. on poor farm, J. P. Falter. County clerk was Instructed to no tify road overseer of district No. 2 that all that part of Railroad street lying Immediately north and adjoin ing lots 1-2-3 and 4 In block 1, also the alley running north and .south through said block 1, all in the vil lage of Cedar Creek has been or dered by the county commissioners upon petition of J. F. Wolf and 13 ethers to be vacated. In the matter of the organization cf Salt Creek Drainage District date set fcr hearing, December 15th, 1908, and .the county clerk directed to no tify the parties requesting such hear ing. The following bills were allowed on the general fund: Ed. Carr, JmlKe election ami re- turn, Tipton precinct 12 50 Geo. Trunkenhlotz, Jiule of elec tion Tluton Dreclnct b r.o 5 B0 5 BO 5 B0 Fred MuenrhauH, JutlKe election Tlnton nreclnct M. M Mlelenz. clerk of election Tipton precinct It. C. Wenzel, clerk of election Tipton precinct Greenwood I'rrelurt. John Erlckson, Judne of election I 4 00 James (Ireen. ludire of election.. 4 10 O. P Koreman. iudire of election. i mi C. P. Rouck, clerk of election.... 4 00 E M Stone clerk anil returns .. 10 90 Stove C'reHt Preelnot. L. W. Koettger, Judge and re turns TV Saxton. Inilire 10 r, Elmer Boyles, Judge B 00 A. A. Turk, clerk 5 00 Less Stark, clerk 5 00 ftoutb Head Precinct. John Wagner, Judge of election.. 5 00 Henry Stan.ler, juilge of election 5 00 John Campbell, judge and returns 9 40 Wm. Hlchards, clerk 00 H. P. Long, clerk 5 00 (enter Precinct. P. W. Tlghe, Judge and returns.. 9 75 A. C. l'autsch, Judge 5 2j Ira Roswortli, judge 5 2;i T.av C. Wiles, clerk !; S. C. Keckler. clerk 5 Avoca Preclact. E. C. Nutsiman. judge of election B 25 B. Wolph, Judge of election B 00 M. M. h'traub Judge of election.. B 00 J. o. lloiigh, clerk Jos. C. Zlmmerer, clerk and re- turns 10 85 Mount Pleasant Precinct Wilson Gllmore, Judge and re turns ravld Folt?!, Judge V T Hlld. Judge T. A. Wiles, clerk W. H. I'uls. clerk Liberty Preclacl. Tt B Trook, Judge of election., H W I.lovd, Judge of election.. J C Hansen, Judge of election. . . . C H Tavlor, clerk W H Cross, clerk and returns.. Second Hock llliiffs. M I. Furlong. Judge and returns A F Nichols. Judge Fred Patterson. Judge W A Wheeler, clerk Arthur N Bulivan. clerk 9 40 S 00 B 00 B 00 B 00 alt Oeek Precinct. W E Hand. Judge election 5 25 fc-,ni, vi,.i,ni. Indue and returns 11 25 O A Johnson. Judge election 6 25 C A Mallils. clerk election 5 5 ll D McDonald clerk election 6 2 KlHKnod Precinct W O Scliewe. Judge 6 80 Merman Schmidt, Judge 0 lTr.l Vlnlr I.Ua 5 50 H Uakeme'ler, clerk 5 J2 W T Weddel, clerk and returns 10 60 Weening Water PrecUet 1 N Hunter. Judge and returns,. 10 00 I. A Hay. Judge J Jena P Itassmussen, Judge J 00 W A Cole, clerk J Dietrich Koester, clerk 6 00 .ouUvllle Prcclncl. Theo Heln. Judge 60 M N Prake, Judge i ) W Waldron. Judge M Trltsch clerk 3 P Wood, clerk and returns Krnanka Precinct . M P Wheeldon. Judge 5 Frank Cox, Judge J L C Klrkpnlrlck. Judge and rets 9 A I, l.'arper. clerk O U Young, clerk Klakt Mile Untr Preclact W It Hell. Indge and returns .... 7 15 John Albert Judge 4 J N Trltsch. Judge Mil T llecker, clerk 4 C I.ohnes. clerk ' First llnck HlnflT. 11 I. Oldham. Judge and returns.. J A I. Maker, Judge T W Vallery, Judge J 8 O Pitman, clerk J W Urown. clerk Plattsmnath Precinct fieo Pnvder, Judge and returns.. 7 60 1 n H Kehne. Judge f JJ A Todd Judge 22 U'll.. nl.rlr 6 00 Ed Koann'ler. clerk S 00 Wenlif Water till Klrat WarJ. J) I. Rsdvlev. ludce I 75 t. Judge F. Cherry. Indue S 75 I 75 t 76 W Colbert, Judge and returns W T...pfl.n dark It O McNurlln, clerk 7 Wecnlan- Water dir. TfclH War h (' Ik ll. In- leo. K Stoner Indue anil returns S II I' llnslam. ju.liie 3 K K CliMtiee. clerk 3 J no. M Fowler, clerk 3 rinltumuuth tltf Mrmtnd Ward. V Johnson Judne ami returns 1 Kurtz, Juilxe John Kopia Juilite. J J SvolioiUi, clerk , m. Welier I'lnttamnulh ily Knurl n Ward. (Jeo I.uxlilnxkv, judge 5 00 Louis nif, Judxe 5 00 Auk A TartHdi, Indue and returns 6 10 John Schulof clerk 6 00 11 I. Mexxerimiltu, clerk a 00 Annual Itach, roovi for election 6 00 Nela Anderson room for flection 8 fiO H A Tool, room for election .... 6 00 Wilson Gllmore room for 2 elec tions 10 B0 I. A lliv. room for election 5 00 O r Vallerv. room for election., a 00 I'till Thlerlof room for election 5 00 John Campbell, room for election 4 05 S O CoKllzer. settlnif booths 3 00 O K Vallery. setting booths 1 50 K T Comer, canvassInK board.... 7 00 M Archer, costs State vs. Dally.. 4 00 City of riattsmouth, paving- tax..l6!i 00 J (1 Hall. 3rd Ur. Saly. lUt.. .141 75 W J Kau, oath election board . . 1 25 M Archer, costs State vs Oaenkop 9 Q C 1) uulnton. costs State vs Usen kop 28 10 Mrs. Auir Clebenth. costs State vs Usenkop G 70 Henry Snoke, costs State vs. Os- enkop 5 70 Ceo liberie, costs State vs Osen- enkop B TO Henry Kleer costs State vs. Os enkop 6 00 Chns liberie, costs State vs. Os- enkon S 70 Chas. Demerla. costs State vs. Os enKop o uu C H Hudson, costs State vs. Os- enkop o 70 Prank Harilv. costs State vs. Os enkoD 5 70 C K Jordan salary and expenses 24 50 Mary K Foster salary and expen ses ; 129 57 V K Hosencrnns salary and ex 213 81 C I) Qulnton, sulary board county nrisoner 201 fi R I Clements, Inquest Ralston.. 15 30 Ur. I C Munger et al post mortem 50 00 1 S Hums iurv 1 00 V K lav, jurv ." 1 00 J W Carter, jurv 1 00 Herman Mitchell, witness fees .. 1 00 J li Huugitte, witness fees.... 1 00 Dr. IMckert. witness fees .... 1 00 C Hrlshee. witness fees .... 1 00 (luthmnn & Cory, meals 3 K Mniispeiiker, livery 4 Kiiusmiin ff Kiimage, mdse. to fiirm H 75 M Archer, costs Stiite vs. W Uiley li 25 Joe Fitzgerald, witness W Hlley 1 00 W I. Pickett. Witness W Ullev.. 1 00 liuv M. -Milken, witness W lllley 1 00 .1 I: lienson. witness W Kiley.. 1 00 T .1 llickson witness IMley 1 00 K Mniispeiiker, costs V. Hilev.. B SO It J II Hull, attending Hoxnrth 10 00 K li Ciiniinliis attending Ko.itrth 10 00 Wcscott Sons, mdse to Co B 00 X lisliweller, oath to election . hoard. 25c refused C V Hall, costs State vs Standc'llst 2 25 I'lntts. Tel. Co. rent and tolls.. 27 45 J 1. Jones siilnrv, 3rd (Jr. physlc'n 15 00 T J O'hay printing S 25 Hammond & Stephens, supplies.. 10 30 Weeping Water Ul Second Ward. K M Tlmblln, Judge and returns.. 9 25 l T Dudley, Judge 4 25 N C Halines, Judge 4 25 W O Ogdeii. clerk 4 25 J B llungate, clerk 4 25 Plnttsmoulh Illy First Ward J II Thrasher Juilge Wm Hassler, judge H A McKlwaln Judge R0i' ""H- " (uthman clerk 4 00 oo J H Donnelly clerk and returns 5 10 I ('has. A (iuthman clerk Plntlsmouth ( It Third Ward Bennett Chrirwlsser, Judge .... 4 J K Kelley Judge 4 Karl Clark, clerk and returns. John V Hatt. clerk Chas T Freese, clerk 4 Plaltsmnulh ( ll)r KlflK Ward. John M Vorndran, Judge Thus. Woodson, Judge and ret'ns Joe T I.loyd, Judge Krank l.ibershall, clerk Ira H (ireen, clerk (Jeo. Truckenholu room for elec tion (jeo Hell, room for 2 elections,. W P Huchiiison, room for elec tion Pool and Colbert, room for elec tion American Kxchange Hank, room for election Handing Xros., room for election P Wood, room for election .. I. ouls Dose, setting booths Tom I. Murphy, canvassing board Jensen t Kelley. room for elect.. ir J T Hay, expert Slat Hozartn 30 oil Neb. Light Co, gas and mdse.. 34 22 m N ehrheln, livery to comm... 4 00 II I, Asemlssen mdse to farm .. 31 60 H F lioagland sheriff fees Usen kop Otto Kettlehut witness, Osenkop Dr Irvla Munger witness Osenkop Miss Kosa Winter, witness Osen kop Henry Kettlehut, witness usen kop Orvlll Prouty, witness Osenkop. . Amil liberie witness Osenkop..., Wm. Pennington witness Osenkop 11 H Wiedeman mdse etc Mrs. Hnzarth I. I riwltjser salary and exp.... M isvohoila, salry ami laundry bi 50 M I. Friedrlch, salary an dexp.. 31 90 D Uulnton, board city nrls.... Dl 65 Dick McNurlln, constable fees.... 6 X0 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 04 1 00 II I Iteeil. Jury fees (leo W l.llmore, Jury ll o Kace, jury Nick Halmes, witness fees Itnv .snerry. witness fees M M llutler, witness fees 1 00 or I. C. Munger, witness fees..,, li C Maniuardt, mdse to poor., N ll Talcott attendance Hor.arth 1 00 8 00 6 00 Chas T Miller, attending Thomas 10 00 l j rivobooa, jr, labor 24 oo Mansneaker.. witness. IMley. ., . 1 00 Wm llalrd, witness Kiley 1 00 C S Johnson, witness It I ley .... 1 00 Hen ltalnev. witness Itllev I 00 Clyde Jones, witness Kiley 1 00 H Wilson, witness Kiley 1 00 I. ( Iirsen. labor at Jail 13 8 (.' II Smith, stamps and envelopes 15 72 (leo 11 Olive, printing 3 00 K K Hilton, salary 4S 00 j j Amirus, Male vs rciianiillsl T o.i ,i I Karnes, board 29 0 It A Hates. Printing 15 50 (ieo M Hlld, report road reviewer 4 00 joe Kcter, muse to rarm 7 ij Weeping Water Kepiib, printing 9 14 K D lioodell mdse I 50 F K Slater Juror certificates. . . .31 73 Carl 10 Day, Juror certificates.. 27 40 James Slander Juror certificates 39 40 Joe Armstrong, Juror certificates 62 80 l!av C Pollard, Juror certificates 47 00 T S C Dabh Juror certificates.. 40 10 A II Wallx, juror certincates. . . . 17 00 Fred Amlck, Juror certificates. . 4 HO Frank Nichols, Juror certificates 47 20 A N Sullivan defend Mozart h . , . . 250 00 (' A Kawls, expenses 6 60 O D Uulnton. board county urls oners, salary :is ig It MeNiir In. fees State vs Duf fields S 90 P F (loos, meals to jury (60 J A Clement, printing 15 00 Wm Schmbltman. merchandise to farm 14 10 II Tarns, salary 60 00 W M Hardly, meals to Jury ,,,, 9 60 A P llarnes. board to tiauner .. 15 00 J 11 Mall, care of Thomas, refused tl 60 talma Aliased Hrldge Kaad Neb Constn Co. brlde wark. .11711 Lincoln Constn Co, bridge work. 1 12 S 00 Uncoln Constn Co, bridge work.. 104 00 Claims Allewed Hoad l and ' ill j A Sutton road work n I) 14.... 41 U i i-.' niiis;. rod .ik K l .. J K allri-. real oik K 1 1 . 1 sj i' iwu, V..i i.. in.iiT i; i 1. & N.-it.-.l. iii i". l ' I' :'H ..1 ii S .nlmle in l.e li 1 1 1 J 4.1 t A Katon. loml work K 1 11 1 40 V II Wall mad work t J M Sulser road work 1 ' i: M Im.llll purcltaMe lim.l lb. .. bi Oil V l Conn road work J "tl Win l.l.'l.ardx, roa.l work I .... 1 1 VI Kred i il.ei nalle. l oad w ork . . . . 1 . 4 0.1 l: C Kru.tall road woik II '.' Sutton, roa.l work IS - Koll Vaill, r.ui.l work i 1 1 " Kohl Vlull roa.l work 1 -' I H Klopp At liartlett. ail'llle. i I'1 J 1 Tutt. bailiff cerliflcule . .. 4 h Albert Wetenkaiiip, Jul or .... 4 1 Ilav I'lillersou Juror 00 Wm t'aviiill, Juror 7 tin John Creamer, Juror " -'0 Arthur Sullivan, juror 3 '' Chas, lleebiier. Jiuor 50 50 K II W esi oit Jul or 40 HO W S Jean Juror 2 50 .las ! Initial!, retain poll lax .... 2 50 It A Schneider, ret. load deposit 20 00 I r Fa Iter, insurance lbl un II Oiilnton. li.ianl cltv pris.... 11 - I H Thrasher, lusui'an. e t4 00 II Smith. Minims and envelopes 3 1 21 M Itlchey, lumber to farm.. ..' 30 Kehne, wood to farm 22 50 Hans Kemp m.lse 3 00 hos I'ollock. Insurance t ' Art Cllver llverv 3 50 Anton Kalesek. Jury -f oo lames l.oiml.liilne mdse K 1' 10 3 40 Wm lilchanls. road work 4 ....203 lj W C Harden road work 10 Prank House, 5 33 00 15 00 29 15 4 50 45 3t N Speer lumber N I) l Hrann. mdse, 9 I Ailams He Son. lumber lii. It Hartw iu, road work 4 . . . Arnelt culvert 15 3 00 24 5 C Spalin. road work 13 ,3 "o Wm Keesley. road work 4. J K Heed, road work 4 W 11 Hamuli liimner u . 111 Ml W C Hartlett, road work 15 41 oo fu i'WVkTdVoVk-!::!!? ? John Coodman. road work 12 3 3j Louis Plybon, road work 12.... i.ine.iln isonMin I o Inheritance H 10 lax runii lor on niiit-iii , vw , Hen Heckman. road work 10 41 00 Uecember 1st, ius. HIJs for br due work 1 90S were received November 20. from the fol lowing brl Ige companies: P. 8. Es terday, & Co., J. L. Freeman, West ern BrIJge Co.. Canton Ilrldge Co.. MldlanJ Bridge Co., Columbia Co., Monarch Co., Nebraska Construction Co. Boar J proceeded to open the ... -.! above bids, ani tne tseDraHna ton- structlon Co. was found to be the tared Are Always tho Choapost! Correct in every particular. Correct in Weave; Correct in Workmanship; Correct in Styles, and always Correct in Prices. Such are the poods can be found at our store. Everything in Gent's and Hoy's Ready-to Wear Cloth ing and Furnishings. I'ThePhnlbehindtheSuifl iiV . II mm m ".'S '.'''. .V-i :::.: . S Vl .1 . .. .. J V. :?:.::; :.:.;.'. YrM Uu. telly PUTTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA lowest bl l.ler, and therefore awarl- ... !KU ,.Btril 'J th, Hon! if Walter Nmal. constable ltun I of Walter Nmal. l onsiaMc V''iilnK Water precinct approved. Itt 11 1 of J. II. Heillleger. IM'l.l owtseer. Jlstriit .mi. , approved. Hoard order I renewal i f an.e's on louti house and fur niture as follows: The Home. $:'.- OdO.tiO, Insurant e ( o. i f North Amer ica. $2. 000. 00. Ciena Falls. $2.00(1. the Continental $2,000. I here being no runner n,:siiu ss board a ljouriie.l. W. K. UoseniTiiti:', County Cli l it. BARKALOV COM ING-OUT PARTY Mrs. G. E. Dovey and Daughter Among Those Present. Among the many beautiful comlng- out parties that have been given this season was that of Mrs. 8. I), llarka- 3 OOlinu. u h Dni'd a ten VA'oilnemliiv at " wh en be formally presented hit daughter. Miss Carolyn Harkalow. . thtt narlors. where the KUesta were received, there was a decora- - , . n. lion OI red Aiueriinu ii.aui ., nth,,P r,,,i blooms beinK placed. In the library there was a general color tone of yellow used, with the great yellow chrysanthemum pre dominating. The dining room was dainty with an adornment of pink. In the center ()f tn(, ubU, was a jlirKt. ,.uhut of . k b d j Hteva KUted by ., . , k Hiiade8. The guests were rtcelved by Mrs. Barkalow. Mlsa Barkalow, Mrs. B. B. Weed and Mrs. William Cranmer of Denver, who is a cousin of Miss Bar kalow. Mrs. Barkalow was gowned In while crepe do chine with trimming white lace. Miss Barkalow wore a pretty empire costume of white satin. Mrs. B. B. Wood wore a cost u me of black voile and lace. Mrs. Cramer wore a stunning cos tume of while satin and lace. Those who assisted were: Mesdanits It. 11. Wood, William ranmer, Denver, r. .v hums, auuui Williams, (iecrge A. .loslyn, Merman Aountze, (!. A. Ileei her, C. C. Jei rgc, Charles Deuel, Dul I Crow- ii '.. ell, A. v.'. riiwen, in'ui?;'- i nnn( Theodore Ulngwalt. K. A. Cuila- hny, B. B, Caldwell, Joseph Ctiilaliiiy J. K. Baum, Daxlil Baiim, W. A. Ay- rigg, C'liurles Off ut t. John T. Slew- art 2, Robert 11. H. Hell, waiter I. Page. Phillip Potter, (1. K. Dovey, Pliittsinoiith, Misses .lean Ciulaliay, llrownle Bess Baum, Helen l)ats, Mary Alice Honors, Utilise l'erk. Catherine Powell. Gwendoline White, Kllzabeth Cong- lon. Eugenie Whltmore, Hilda Hammer. Margaret Dovey,., Paiits mouth.' Gladys Peters, Dorothy Mor gan, Amy (Illmore. World Herald. Bridge Now In Shape. From Tliursiluy'n Pally. J. C. Bowers departed mis morning for his homo at Ashland. Mr. Bowers Is one of the force of men who have been engaged for some time in re placing the broken ties in the Bur lington bridge over the Missouri. These ties were broken some time since by the derailment of a refrig erator car which ran almost the length of the bridge upon the lies cutting and tearing them up so badly as to necessitate their replacing. Mr. Bowers found that the work was not difficult except the last few days when the weather Interfered very n,ferlllv with It. The work had to be . jKTformed at a high elevation above the river and the piercing northwest wind made It hard to per form. The work was completed last night, however, and the bridge Is now safe for travel once more. The alow order had not been taken off this morning, however. Mr. Bowers says It was a great piece of luck that the wreck was not a disastrous one as the car was dangerously close to the edge of the track In several places and, had It gone over several of the cars muBt have been hurled from their lofty perch and dashed to pieces upon the ground below. Former South Bend Man Here. Prnm Tlmrmtii v' Pally. Sam Patterson, formerly or soutn Bend but lately of Alma, Harlan County, came In last evening for a visit In this city and at Murray with relatives and friends. Mr. Patterson is a son of 8. C. Patterson formerly of South Bend but now a resident of Columbia. Texas, and has a great many friends over this section of the country. He Is a bright hustling young man and has been making him self very successful In various lines of business. He expects to depart tomorrow afternoon on the Schuyler for South Bend after spending to night at Murray, tho guest of J. A. Walker and family. Straf Xitlc. Lost a six weeks old calf weighing about 175 pounds, color red with white face. Finder will be rewarded by notifying. Kunsman k Ratnge, riattsmouth. fin 1 ! ) o 1 jo 1 Copyright,t908,BoMnwlduiWeil,Chicago The "OUW" Orto Overcoat Big, broad, full chewed, with a wide sweep. It is a great coat in more than one sense. Some more new patterns just received ly ex press. Prices $15 to $25. Be up-to-date and buy an up to-date coat. C. E. Wescott's Sons j "Where Quality Counts." M WEEPING WATER CITIZEN DIES Jesse Barrett Formerly of That Place Expires at Kansas. Announcement Weeping Water fro... Bui llnglon, Kas., of Hie .,.Hth last Mi ay of Jesse Barrett. aged tweiily-seven years, from can- ..roftliestonia.h. Mr. Barrett was formerly a resident of Weeping Wu - ter where his parents Mill reside ami was a married mini. The remains will be brought to Weeping- Watur for In- torment today. Mr Hnrrett was born In WeelilliK Water and had lived In that vMully until about twelve years ago when he removed to Burlington, Kns., where he has since resided. During his en- iro life he was a devout ::iii coiibls- tent Christian and a man in whom everyone reposed the greatest full li, and for whom they entertained the v.' higli-st regard. Ills Illness has been of some duration, the end hav ing been aeen for a long time prior to his demise. Ho Is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hartlett. living at Weeping Water; his wife, residing at Burlington, Kns.; five brothers, Kl- mer living at Denver, tdi., uoy ot Havelock, Neb., Hay at Lincoln, Neb., and Jay and Eilgar of Burlington, Kns.. a sister, Mrs. C. Collier, of Shaddiirk, Okla, nlso survives lilm. "If You Have llebtt Pay Tliein." We suggested this last week In the "'Klter and Dr. Walker taking us l. .......I r... I.... I.i.l III " '"'" le 'lri,t opportunity. Along In the campaign he an I Mr. Otis Blschof of Nebraska City made a bet on the outcome of the election. If Taft was elected Mr. Walker was to wheel Mr. Blscholf. sample cases and all from the crossing In front of Mr. Gruber's to Sterm'a elevator and l" l"r ur,ul " Saturday Otis put In an appearance D FOR COUGH or COLD TAKE A BOTTLE OF TAR m WHITE PINE (With Cold Tablets) Bering 2 o. MMMMI and Dr. Walker made ready. H pro cured Peter Opp'B wheelbarrow that has n flat wheel and a badly punc tured lire, ami the fun began. It was nil her hard to tell which wan working the hardest, the payor or th payee, w ho was sented oil top of his sample cases, ami trying to maintain his -i 1 11 1 1 1 litl 11 in ns Hoc Hied to (ml- I . . . . i .. ii. . i It i "in u.e minion mum ny uu ... w. i . 'eh'pliaiil bill Mr. Bls- bof w.ih a g"d lid'T mil manage,! to keep oa "l -f H'" vehicle mid all Hie tlmn shouting 'Hurrah for Tafl," until j'" '" "l't. ' ""ti j mobile collapsed and h- was dllchod. j There has seldom been as much ( X Iten.ei.t In Nehaka In a long i"1'"'. ,'" ,,,,rll, ,h" (Bm l"''K" 'Vcrybody enjoyed It 1 1. ...... 'I'd.. l..l. i U imlil. ami Otis ii. if,- j . . ... i and Doc will make no more bets . at least not the kind with such a se vere penally attached. Nehawka Register. This Is All True. Another costly linotype machine of high and costly grade has taken Its place In a Nebraska newspaper of fice, that of the Dally Journal ot I'lattsmoulh. At this writing thu machine Is In parts, but will bo set up and put In operation In a few days. Mr. Itobert Bates, who took Jiold of the Journal a few years ago when It was not a very profitable Institution, has made the paper a great success, as is evidenced by th big outlay that Is now Incurred In the mechanical department. The Jour nal la both dally and weekly, there fore the new mechanism will be kept busy all the time. Western Pub lisher. Dr. Hess1 Slock Food scientific compound for horses and cattle. Hess' Stock Food guaranteed to (five results. F. G. Fircke & Co , DruggU. THAT C Geo. U Hunt, Judge J 73 (.leo Jackman road work KOI., 1 04