The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1908, Image 2

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    The Plattsmouth Journal
It. A. UATKS, I'i-humikk
OM-rtnJ al ihr tirtt- al t'tallamoulh.
rh. would cIkw niaiwr.
$1.50 Par Ysar In Advance.
I)ei'embiT In liere,
Not many days
till ("hrl.ttmaK. The mcrclitwit who
wauls the holiday trade always asks
fcr It throuKh the newspapers.
There la no reason to let the alful
fa mill project die a bornln'. Iet ua
emulate Nebraska City and organ
Ixe a stock company and build the
biMext and best as this city ought
to do.
The little town of Urock the other
day opened up an electric light plant
and here Is I'lattsmouth with Ave
thousand people, waiting until (ilen-
wood can furnish It light. The coun
ill ought to ti.lnk this over.
Anne dould-Castellane 8agan
hardly waited until the election was
off the boards before she gained the
renter of the stage and got the head
lines on the front page. It Is sup
posed she Is pacemaker for the
Thaws who are about due for another
bnti h of nastiness.
The touch of winter that has been
tnident the past few days reminds ut
all that Christmas Is but a few days
off. The merchant who Intents tc
sell goods wants to get his a I in
working order so that he who runs
may read. And the Journal is the
best circulating medium In Cass
A Kansas City clergyman thinks
that Cnpl l Is not h reliable monitor
It must he nlmltte l that the pod of
love hits made many gilevous mis
takes, lie would h.lle lii) sUnllng
at all in the business or proi'cvdi in-.!
wcrld. It Is If he coulu
get u Jcb at ten cents a week with
the mittth trust.
There ought lo be none interesting
times between now and the republi
can congressional convention in this
district two years hence. Krnest will
likely II ml that there are seveiul
other aspirants for the Job l:i the
Interim and there will probably be
tome doings before he lands that
hoped for nomination.
Yet after all, it Is said that once
upon a time the Hon and the lamb
did lay down together. The specta
cle of President-elect Taft "consent
Ing" to the election of Joe Cannon
ns speaker brings this ancient tale to
mind. It might be added for fear
of misunderstanding that Joe Can
non la the lion of this propitious
The best kind of advertising Is that
which goes Into the home. It Is read
by everyone father, mother, son and
daughter all scan the advertisements
nnd then buy what strikes their fan-
ry. The Journal goes Into nearly
every I'lottsmoulh home. It is read and
it Is tho best medium by which the!
merchant ran display his wares. Try
It once.
Merrily, merrily moves the Inter
necine war In the republican ranks.
Governor Sheldon Is each day getting
fresh evidence o fthe love of Senator
Burkett has for him. Now, It is an-
nounced that the governor must be time of Cleveland's election In 1S92.
the party nominee two years hence so It was In a pair of trousers which his
that he can be vindicated. Verily, wlfo stored In the attic. Mr. Mopps
verily Senator Burkett Is a wise and is sure that he would never have re
foxy politician. 'overed the money if Bryan had been
President Nord Alexis Is the latest
opera bouffe president to go out of
business. Nord found the other day mith. yesterday hired Johnny Bur
that the people had concluded they chnrd .agreeing to pay him $11 a
had had enough of him and he scur- month while he was learning to be a
rled on board a war ship to prevent tinner. Mr. Hoffmelster, In an Inter
ims scalp being lifted. There Is no view last night, declared that he
reason lo complain of lassitude in a would not have possessed enough con
president's Job in the Antilles, Cen- ftdenee to Mre the boy If Bryan had
tral or South America. There's pulled through.
something doing all the time there. Napoleon, 0., Nov. 19. A. Semple,
It Is false. Shallenberger was not
pledged to, by or with the railroads
or breweries ot Nebraska. Two years
ago they championed Sheldon and
elected him. They expocted him to
bo true to the "interests" and ho
wanted to be, but tho "polities play -
ers" darei him to veto the railroad amounting to about $110. He at
hills and he yielded to their clamor tributes his prosperity to the land-
t the. half iat-vl'oiith hour. Then
the railroad Lramtt-d htm "traitor
atitl ait titrate" and merit after bis
scalp, not that they Imped to be ben
n It tJ by tils defeat, but to teach
th r'iubll an machine that It must
play fair with the ' iuteretits" that
Hupplli'H the stuff to do the busliifsx
with. Mialleiibcrger U under no
obligations to them Kearney Detn-
riioK.reH.iman I'ollard haunt Rotten
enough yet, and la anxioua to go back
and bask In the shadow of Joe Can
non. it may not ue amisa ror t-rnesi
to get wise to the fact that Joe Can
non not ho popular In thin district
BH he might be. If ho had been wise
enough to have appreciated this fact
before the last election he probably
would still bo distributing free gar
den seeds and other Junk In this (lis
Cold weather la one of the things
which booms Plattsmouth trade
When the river closes there are many
loads of bay, corn and wood brought
Into this market from Iowa. The
discriminating merchant BhoulJ not
lllow the money which Is spent for
'.bese products to get Into Iowa. Keep
.t In I'lattsmouth, and the way to do
t Is to advertise your wares In the
icst circulating medium which Is the
ournal. Do It at oo' e.
The ht reels eff i'lattsmouth ought
.o be teeming with trade very soon
f this cold snap keeps up. The clog
ng of the river and the forming of
the Ice bridge always brings an I in
mense amount of business to the city
and It Is about due to commence com
ing in. This Is the time ttr the
ner. bants of the city to ginger up
iiul alvertlso their wans so that lis
Alio lles In Iowa over the
llg Mudly will get wise and buy
.iere. Anl tin Journal Is tlie best
l.ti'llslng medium.
The announcement tf the appoint
.lent (f Daniel J. Keefe as
in :i. I k i at ion commissioner strvct
.o confirm I lie etiargis
nit r to the t-leitiin that this was tc
c tils pi Ice for deserting Ills fellow
Aorkingmen and supporting V. II
raft. At the time the Hiniuunie
neiit was made It was deniel wltl
nut heat and lg r. Today the par
ies who denied It stand convicted be
fore the American people as guilty of
leliberate and premeditated falslfi
cation. . And the people know well
who they are.
Mr. llryan Is making a special
study of the government owned rail
roads (f Mexico. Is it possible that
the Nebraska leader Is thus early
seeking a paramount Issue to use
1912, and that issue is to be one that
was so rudely rejected when he re
turned from his journey around the
world? Lincoln Star. Perhaps
the Great Commoner fails to use his
Ideas on government ownership of
railroads, the republican lenders v 111
grasp his views In time to imorpo
rate them in their plat ft rm in 1812
as they are always from four
twelve years behind that great t,tates-
man In matters pertalnim tn the
interests of the people.
PnsNrity liulicutlnn.
(From the Uecord-Ileral.I.)
Allen Corners, Ind Nov. 9. Eb Mopps of his place yesterday
found a 5 bill which he lost at the
Klttannlng Pa., Nov. 19. Henry
I Hoffmelster, Klttanning's leading tin-
who travels for a Cleveland hardware
firm, arrived here on tho day pre-
ceding the election with only $6 In
his pocket. After tho ballots had
been cast a poker game was arranged,
Scrapie and three. Napoleon men being
tho participants. Al left town this
1 morning with a comfortable roll
slide which ftiKulfeJ the democratic
Gladstone, Mich.. Nov. 1. Owing
to the election ol William Howard
Taft every hen cm Mrs. lilgelow's
h ken ram h has began to lay an
Kg a day. During the period of un-
irtaluty preceding the republican
landslide, Mr. IMgelow a bens were
ery uncertan, only about one out of
dozen being disinclined to limit her
output of one to two eggs a week.
Light anil Power.
The making of the right kind of a
contract between the local light com
pany and the city, means that Platts
mouth will have what It has been
striving for light and power. There-
Is practically no other way by which
power can be obtained for this city
The Uortenlanger franchise and con
tract if perpetrated upon this people
does not mean power for them. All
It can mean is an Inferior quality of
light drawn from a small plant which
is right now Incapable of carrying the
load Imposed upon it by the people
of Glenwood.
At the recent meetings which have
ieen held In this city, the burden of
he cry la for power. To get pow vr It
s necessary to furnish something
Ahlch will pay the company owning
he power plant to operate anl no
one with the slightest knowledge of
he local situation thinks that Bur-
enlanger will make enough out of
he tlty contract to put In a pcwi
The members cf the council know
hat the people here want a squire
leal on the light question. They
ant to build up this city and the es-
abllshment of a power plant, here
s a big step in that direction. Eu rj
hlng that gefs to all tho local light
ompany gees to put them In a po
sitloii to increase their plant and by
to doing, makes the Plattsmouth
on pany a larger nnd better concern.
There can be no txcuse for tin
oun H's voting away the people's
axes to some other city every cent
it them should be spent with peopli
luht here, who pay taxes here and
Alio lire oi.r own citizens.
Let us have light and power by nil
lien. is. but let them be Plattsmoutl
ii'od in ts.
(line More I 'or Light.
The lighting proposition which Is
pending before the city council will
not down. The people of this city
have been struggling for more than
a year to get light upon their streets
and it Is the duty of the city to make
contract which will assure them
their desires. Some seem to think
it Is advisable to have this city take
Its light from the Glenwood plant
but the vast preponderance of the
citizens are bitterly opposed to any
scheme which will make this city
the tall of tho Glenwood kite. It
would be farVlter for the welfare of
this city to pay more for their light
and have It made here than to spend
a smaller sum and send what It
amounts to out of the city to en
rich a Glenwood corporation.
The Bortenlanger franchise which
is still pending Wfore tho council Is
Inherently wrong. It proposes to
give Bortenlanger the right to the
use of the public streets without com
.icnsatlon for the period of twenty
lve years. The statement that It Is
without compensation is made advls
dly, for the ridiculous proposition
to pay the city three per cent after
he receipts reach the sum of $10,000
per year from commercial lighting
after certain deductions are made
lecelves no one. It is merely a free
lft of the streets to this foreign
corporation which will pay an inflnlt
Ismal sum In taxes should It come In
it all. and which would have Its
habitat in another city.
The first duty a city owes Itself Is
o be just to Its Inhabitants. Any
money taken from a corporation In
this city and paid to a foreign cor
porntlon is money taken from the
city's own people and Is an unjust
This city has a lighting company
of Its own. The company supports
several families and pays a generous
share ot tho city taxes upon Its plant
Tho greatest public duty that con
fronts the city council now Is to so
adjust tho light question that this
Industry builds up Instead ot tears
down and tho council and the light
committee should approach the so
lution of the lighting question In a
spirit cf fa!rnss. This cannot be
done If Impossible conditions are to
be Imposed upon the local company
so that a plea may be made to the
public that it had a chance and failed
to take it.
Everyone familiar with the cir
cumstances knows that Dorteulanger
cannot flu the agreements he pro
posed. It was known to the light
committee that he did not Intend to
build a plant in this city when they
Introduced his ordinance which pro
filed for that very thing and the
whole statement of his proposition
bears the impress of declt, just as
his reccrj on the ice proposition
turned out.
This city has been stung once by
Mr. Bortenlanger, Is It the desire of
the people to again have the process
repeated? The Journal cannot be
lleve that to be the case. It does
believe that the people want Platts
mouth taxes spent In Plattsmouth
and not shipped to Glenwood for the
enrichment of Bortenlanger or any
other corporation.
The Democratic Party Immortal.
Writers in various Journals are
now indulging in the am lent and use
less work of writing obltsary notices
f the democratic party.- It has long
been a favorite theme .after defeat.
with the timid and faint hearted
though loyal ones, as well as With
'.hose whese wish Is father of the
.hought, ot the demise of the con
stitutlonal party of the country, sayt
the Cincinnati Enquirer.
The democratic party never was
so strong before the people as It is
oday. Leaders may be misguided
lack power of crganizatlon, or fall tc
iras.T current renditions. Candidates
nay be weak befcre the entire elec
'.orate while strong In action for
henisrlws. Four successive defeatt
liave not impaired the faith tf tlx
lemoiratlc voters In the creed of
heir party ncr instillel a doubt in
he ultimate and final sin cess of
heir principles anl cf their party
organization. Cleveland's victory in
1892 was mere destructive than all
he- defeats. If Mr. Bryan's numerous
audi lacies have classed him as
pacemaker" fcr the republican
party the democrats have seen with
Measure the G. O. P. striking into a
lemoi ratlc stride occasionally in obe
Hence to popular opinion.
If Mr. Bryan has fully demonstrat
id his unavailability as a candidate
that does not destroy or ruin the
democratic party. The party existed
lefore the birth of Mr. Bryan and will
continue to oppose, contend and
struggle against govermental wrongs
and abuses as long as the republic
It was not organised for the pro
tection of privileges but protection of
the masses. It does not live for the
advance of a man, or a special class
of men, but for the Interests ot
majority of the citizens of the United
States. Defeat does not dismay its
members, but on the contrary ren
ders them more determined to fight
It is dependent upon no commis
sary train for Its support and fights
best and accomplishes most when Its
opposition has fattened upon the
flesh pots and Is gorged with the sub'
stance of the people. Writers can
die their obituary notices by the
thousands, opposition orators can
preach funeral sermons by hundreds
third party chiefs can prophesy of the
dissolution. It Is all labor lost; all
hopes are in vein.
The cry of the gallant officer at
Waterloo, "The old guard dies, but
never surrenders," was a glorious re
sponse, but the democratic party has
a nobler one. It neither dies nor sur
renders. It is immortal.
Judge Sullivan's l!o.lgnntlon.
The action ot Judge Sullivan In
tendering his resignation as a su
preme Justice for a one year term,
seems to have created some surprise
and not a little speculation as to Its
That It should do this is In Itself
surprising. There Is no reason to
suppose that Judge Sullivan was
swayed by other than the motives
which he set forth In his statement
to the press accompanying his letter
to Governor Sheldon. This state
ment was to the effect that business
reasons prevented his acceptance ot
the position as he could 111 afford to
give up a lucrative law practice for
a one year term upon the bench with
a primary election and a state elec
tion facing him at the end or mai
time. To any reasonable mind these
reasons are sufficient to justify the
declination of the appointment and
there should be no surprise nor hints
at political disappointment over his
It Is a matter of regret that Judge
Sullivan was not placed upon the
bench in such a manner that he
could have afforded to accept the
position. He would have brought to
the position an experience and a
wealth of learning that would have
tood the people who are unfortunate
nough to have to go to court. In
?ood stead. It Is doubly unfortunate
hat political considerations should
have elevated other and less expe-i
enced and capable men to the Ivnclt
over Judise Sullivan but this is
something the people of Nebraska
have to suffer from and not Judtre
That there will be a contest ovei
lovernor Sheldon's right to appoint
.he four Judges seems now apparent
jut It is not to be believed that this
imp'red Judg1; Sullivan's deternnna
tloii 'o step down and out. The fid
hut ic would be expected to sacrl
Ire a large bures for one yeai
p-n he bench s probably alone the
rca-scti although h:id he felt, resent
renl at his fnacment nt the
!ii:idf f Governor Sheldon, it woiU'
have Lien but na rrai.
tuige Sulliva-i oeerples too hish
i plin e in the est!; iatioi. of the peo
ile of Nebraska, anl stands upon tor
high a plane intellectually to permit
himself to be the object of political
dlckerings and trades.
Fcr his manhood in refusing thi
sop thrown him, he is to be com
nended, and those who admire hi
splendid Intellectuality cannot but
regret the blunder which caused this
failure of a tribute to his ability.
The resignation of Judge Eulli
.an from the bench has created
reat deal of excitement in the state
ind the papers teem with political
war and rumors of war. There is nc
occasion for nil this. Judge Sulli
van simply did not care to become
Involved In a political deal which
probably meant the end of his busl
ness and at the best subjected him
o the whirl-l-glg process of politics
within cue year. His treatment at
he hands of Governor Sheldon was
wrong ana savors altogether toe
much of pea-nut politics to deserve
anything but condemnation. That he
didn't care to play second fiddle tc
Inexperienced and much less capa
ble lawyers Is to be commended.
After all there is nothing so urner
tain as the affairs of business. The
man who advertises is quite gener
ally the winner. As this papr goes
into the home, the man who adver
Uses the good things he has to sell
and puts the right prices on them,
sure to find his advertisement read
by every father, mother, son and
daughter who contemplates buying
something for Christmas. When the
season Is over It will be found that
Journal advertisers are the ones who
have raked in the shekels. Are you
one of them?
Again has the grand Jury exposed
lonie of the rottenness of the cities,
inis time It Is Chicago where the
jrand Jury reports the primary elec
tion of last August reeked with fraud
This should furnish Lincoln Steffens
with another opportunity to play the
matter up In the magazines. No pa
per should or will advocate mob rule,
ulll one cannot but think that the
hanging of a few of the "leading"
politicians cf the big cities would
clear the moral atmosphere some
it's & stun nf coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the muMc in your kitchen?
Easy-order coal from this ortlce and
yard. The output of the Trenton
tnlne-the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, Its equal to few
For Hale.
Fifteen tons tame hay baled
cheap If taken soon. Howard Graves,
Plattsmouth, Neb., R. F. D. No. 1.
n e State of NVo.afc.. . Ji...
tore M Xretmr.,..- , . Z '""I
f r II nty of PUittmutl '
huilrs II. Wilkin.
rank C. flenfer.
Frank C. Itenfrr w III take notie. ti .
i th 20th .lav of X, J1. I "'"I
rt-lier. a
it v of I'lattsmouth. Cn, mi..
Nehra.-ka. Issued an onW
ment for the sum of SUtv-HlH-ht ,
70-100 ($H.70 Lollara In :LKhi... V"1
oen.llnn Uffore Mm. where nV,.. "
. vuiklns , plaintiff and Frank c
llenfer is defendant: That r.prnni.
property of aai.l ofpn,l i.r!"nal
aiiacne.i un.ier said or.ler. Sal.l p
" . . i. . . nan nuuii
cuniiniieii to tn 6th dav nf i
ary. 1903. at o'clock a m 1 Janu-
Charles H. Wllklns.
vi , . Plaintiff.
Nebraska. November 30.
Tlf Stat of Nebraska. In Jii.ii...
Court before M. Archer. Jn.n... ...
-the Peace for the City of IMatts.
mouth. County of Cass.
Kit Kifenherner.
Frank C. Benfer.
Frank C. Henfer will take notlee ih-t
on the 21st day of November, iqiw u
Xrclier. a Justice of the peace for'the
City of Plattsmouth, County of Cass,
ieirasKa, issued an oraer or attach
ment for the sum One Hundred Seven-ty-elKht
and 40-100 ($178.40) Dollars
in an action pending before him. where
in r.u r.KennerKer is plaintiff and
Frank C. Henfer Ih defendant: that ur.
tonal property of said defendant has
been attached under said order. Said
cause was continued to the 6th dav of
I-.... ...... tana a J
jauuaijr ;tv, a w ui-m,i-k a. in.
hd Egenberger,
lnttsmoutli, Nebraska, November 30
Count v, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Path.
:rlne Stadelmann, deceased.
All persons Interested In said estate
will take notice that Catherine White
executrix or said estate has flled her
mai account and report or her admln-
Htration in nam estate, and a petition
or nnal settlement or said account and
illowance thereof, and the discharge of
ueh executrix. A hearing upon such
tcrount nnd petition has been set bv
he court at tne county court Room
n Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on thetflsth
lav of December. 1908. at the hour nt
ten o'clock, a. m. when any and all per
sona inieresiea in saia estate may ap
pear and contest the same.
Dated this mil dav of November.
Allen J. Beeson.
County Judge.
D. O. Dwyer.
Notice of Sale of Note and Mortgage
of an order of the Hon. Allen J. Ili'fwin. Count v
lunwMir cass County. Nebraska, made and
entered In the estHteof Cathai IneSta'lelmann,
deceased, the undersigned executrix of said
eslaie will sell at public auction to thehlifhet
bidder for cash, a certain promissory noie in
the principal sum of S-VmUiO with Interest
thereon al the raie of elitht percent (i ) from
the ilrsl day of May. It. tot-ether with a cer
'aln in. rik'UL'e di-ed nn Ihe West Half of Lot
.Mne (to in uicN-k Twenty Mne (a) of the city
of I'luttsniouth, Ni biaska. which ts security
for the tmynicnt of suld nice. Thai, said note
and nioriiMw mature on May Hrt. IWK. and
ire a part of the a-els of the estate of said
ilweased. Such sale will take place at the
u h lioorof the Court House In said City of
riniismouin on me -1st uy or Aoveniiier.lK'v
t ie hour of one o'clock P. M.
Dat att-ti this 31st day of Di-tolier, IttR
II--' Executrix.
I . ) Dwtkh. Attorney.
Every 1st and 3rd Tues
day in Each Month
Ow the Missouri Pacific Railway
$23.65 Round Trip. Tickets Good 25 Oijs
Can stop off anywhere going- or com
ing. Tram leaves Plattsmouth, Neb.,
12.03 a. m.; arrives Kansas City Tues
day morning 6 o'clock-making connec
tions with the fast train going south to
the Gulf. We will have a private Pull
man Dining Car (Julia). 50 cents for
births and 35 cents for meals. We are
closing out a ranch near El Campo,
Texas, ot 16,000 acres, at 22.50 to $30.00
per acre, on easv terms. We have sold
over one-half of this land to farmers
who will at once commence to improve
their lands, build good houses and
bams. Also lands near Edna and Vic
toria. If you want to make this trip with us,
let us know In time to get you a ticket.
Buy your ticket over the Missouri Paci
fic to Kansas City; Santa Fe Railway to
Houston, Texas, and from Houston to
San Antonio over the G. H. & S. A.
P.O. Boi 60S Plattsatooth lib.
tho Southvosl
Every first and third Tues
day of each month.low-priced
homeseeker's excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
Into the rich and resourceful
farming regionsof the South
west It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Eaa- .
tern farmer, after his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to'
M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb.