The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 07, 1908, Image 1

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Judge Deemer of Iowa, Reads Interesting
Paper On Early Days.
At a recnt nun-ting cf the Potta
wattamie County Historical society,
held at Council Blsffs. la., Judge
Horae Deemer of the Iowa Supreme
Court, reail a papt dealing with the
earlydaysln the Missouri valley which
was full of Interest to the people of
this section. lielow is renroduoej
Bonie of the statements of historical
value which the paper ' 1 :
Of especial interest vote the r.i -counts
of the founding of Ka'-on ille,
as Council Illuffs ks luwv.n in the
earld.iys, and of the iitii ; upon the
present site of Omaha tiy a t'o ui. il
Bluffs hotel keepi r, W. T. llrowti
who.iiubbej the place II nlov. b- I h
Ci'':. I'.m'.e (:f the pl'ese r proud !: i -
t.'Opo'is of Nebraska an I the v. est - in
Tht' paper vi4 prepared an ! real
last spring hefore the Nebraska State
Historical society at Lincoln but as it tion is due tin establishment ot t.rm
contained so many references to the lu ll college, Iowa,
early days of all the Missouri river lie told, too, of the first lodges,
towns, and especially Council liluffs, The first lodge of Masons in Nebraska
Omaha, Bellevue, Florence and town, was established at Hellovuo in eb
on both sides of the Missouri further ruary IS.")."., and Peter Sarpy was the
down, he was Induced to read it be- first man initiated, the ceremony be
fore the' Council Bluffs society, ins performed in Council Bluffs for
There was an attendance of prob-,lack
ably Blxty people, a large proportion
of whom were themselves early
settlers, cr perhaps the descendents of
other ploners. Following the read
ing of Judge Deemer's paper, whose
topic was "The Influence of Iowa
Men upon the Organization of the
Territory of Nebraska," many of
those present offered suggestions and
told reminiscent stories of the early
days. Judge Deemer was Introduced
to the company by John Galvln, pres
ident of the local Bociety.
Missouri Not First Boundary.
Judge Deemer called attention In
opening to the dose relations that
had always existed between the towns
on opposite sides of the Missouri
River. In that connection he re
called that the Missouri River was
not the first boundary line between
the proposed territories of Iowa and
Nebraska. The bill as originally in- j
troduced In congress called for the
watershed between the Mississippi
and the Missouri rivers as the west
tern boundary as the proposed terri
tory of Iowa.
In recounting the early history cf
Nebraska, before the formation of
the territory as the result of the fa
mous Kansas-Nebraska bill, he told
of the many pioneers if western
lown, Particularly cf Printout, Mills,
and Pottawattamie counties, who
took such a prcivliunt pert i t the
affairs cf the coui'y aircss the Mis
souri. The first delegate to the national
congress from the proposed territory,
he recalled, Hadley D. Johnson, was
an Iowa man, residing In Council
Bluffs at the time of his election.
That election, by the way, was the re
sult of 338 citizens of the three south
western counties, who, gathered at
Traders' Point and were ferried
across the Missouri River to Bellevue
where the election resulted unani
mously for the Council Bluffs man.
Upon arriving at Washington he
found another Johnson, from Wyan
dotte county, now Kansas, also chos
en as delegate, and the proposed ter
ritory was divided, Hadley D. John
son suggesting the division line along
the fortieth parallel of latitude, which
has since bounded the two states.
Both the Johnsonf were subsequently
unseated by congress.
One of the earliest of Nebraska
settlers was an Iowa man Peter A.
FarpyFor whom Sarpy County,
Nebraska, was named. Ho establish
ed himself In Bellevue In 1823. was
married there to Nakoma, an Indian
established Traders' Point,
Looking It Over.
Col. M. A. Bates of Plattsmouth.
float representative from Cass and
Otoe counties. Is looking over the
scene of his future labors. Colonel
Bates la a newspaper man with the
distinction of having founded eigh
teen papers In Illinois and seven or
eight In Missouri. Ho has been In
Plattsmouth for seven years now and
acts like a man who Intended to go
no further in search of prosperity.
State Journal.
in rt ss the river In Iowa, which was
later washed away; laid out the town
site of Ilellcvuo in 1S."4. and died in
IMattsniouth in 1 SOT).
Follow Ins the tarlicst of the pio
neers came in r. lck succession the
missionarii s. One (f the earli st of
ihise was Fat lit r helmet, a .Its, it
priest, who istab'ished himself In
Iowa as early as IS. IS. Anions Ills
ai liieveli'.ents, I'.s rept I 'd, was tUe
onvi rsh ii i f i lltin Bull, as a cun;;
man, an I lire teat-hill'; (f the b
language to Hie famous Sioux ehii f.
Another who folb wed was Reuben
t ; a 1 id, ele.catel at An lover, who
aamo to the "erciii American disert"
win n a yoau-; ma a mis-binary.
Me tan.e to Iowa in 1 S I :J ; n 1 to
Omaha in 1ST. ." In liiti the sei on 1 Cou
.gregatlolial tninistt r in Iowa an 1 the
first in Nebraska. To his silgges-
of a suitable hall In Bellevue.
The first Odd Fellow in Nebraska,
aid Judge Deemer, was Alfred 11.
Jones, the first postmaster of Ne
braska. He and others petitioned
for a lodge in 1 S 5 5 , and it was insti
tuted in the following year.
Omaha Paper in I Huffs.
The first paper to be published on
the Missouri slope, said Judge Deem
er, was a Council Bluffs publication
as the Frontier Guardsman, and pub
lished In February. 1 849. by a Mor-
man elder.
Three years later another Mormon
by the name of Johnson established
the Council Bluffs Bugle, and In 18.14
Johnson began the publication of the
first so-called Omaha paper, the Oma
ha Arrow, w''ich was published front
his Council Bluffs office. This pa
per sal 1 Ju;'(.e Deemer, was of great
Influent e in securing the establish
ment (f the territorial capital of Ne
braska at Omaha without which,
perhaps, the I'nion Pat Hie would
have crossed the river a Bellevue cr
Plattsmouth, an 1 the Omaha would
have been th Bellevue or today.
I ml go Deemer recalled that Johnson
was married in Cottinil Bluffs to a
Meruit n lass by Prophet Joseph
The earliest pa pi r published i:i
the Inttrtst of Nebrnska r.c the Pal
'adl.ini, w hlth was issue 1 at St.
Mrry's, Ii.wa, in July, lsr.t. The
Nebraska City News Is the oldest
naptr now existing in Nebraska. It
was established by a relative cf the
late J. Sterling Morton.
The speaker recounted somewhat
In detail many cf the early politital
struggles and troubles cf the terri
tory of Nebraska and of the part that
many low-ana played in them. Of the
four candidates for the first real del
egate In congress from the new ter
ritory, following Hadley T. Johnson,
he said that only one was a resident
of the territory. One hailing from
Missouri was elected, an Iowa man
standing second. The fourth candi
date was from Ohio.
There were many residents of Fre
mont, Mills and Pottawattamie coun
ties elected to the first territorial
legislature, which fixed the territor
ial capital at Omaha. One of these,
Nuckolls of Mills County, Iowa, rep
resenting Cass County, Nebraska, was
a miner. Another, Sharp of Glen
wood, was president of the council.
Nine men from Council Bluffs, he
said, went to Burt County, Nebras
ka, und elected one of their number
'as representative.
Joseph Wolpert of Louisville came
In tMs morning to transact some bus
iness at the county seat, Btid while
here made this office a very pleasant
and much appreciated call. Mr. Wol
pert Is one of the substantial citi
zens of the Louisville neighborhood,
a fine farmer and a most genial gen
tleman to meet and he will always
find the latch string of the Journal
on the outside for him.
lludnet s Terfumes Cerlng & Co.
lu'ii't You I'.wr Worry.
ti r county scat tt wn built a papei
mining factt ry an 1 an alfalfa
wo weeks ago, and had it running by
dectriclty from Omaha, and every
body fir n.lles Hfouu I raising u rn.
'omatoes, apples, pumpkins and al
falfa. In some mysterious way the
:apt r got destroyed, the promoter
iot ineyed in, and they are now buck
into the same old rut, depending on
i few men in the It. & M. shops, and
'.heir flood preventative, to keep
heir heads above water. Stand up
for Weeping Water.- Weeping Water
Never mind, l'.rother, I'lat'smouth
-dill has the court house and that
-lite on the rotky hill in Weeping Wa
ter Is still open fir takers. It nl i k lit
'ie stated that when tills town dees
ii did it will have a canning factory
lud alfalfa n ill and that it will be
be best In the stale, an I It will !
:.i ilt.
Opens Ladies Waiting liobn
Promise-:; Other Reforms.
The .Vlssouil l'a :.'.( Hallway has
again made a move in the riv.hl ili
rection an I Is now evincing some de
sire to give the people of this city
and vitinity the right kind of treat
ment. Largely through the efforts
of Agent Norton, the road has open
ed a waiting room for the lady pat
rons of the road, the same as the
Burlington maintains. The waiting
room in tin- north end of the building
which lias heretofore been used as
a store room has been cleaned up
and put in shape, lights being in
stalled and a stove set up and made
as comfortable as possible. By this
arrangement it Is possible to keep
the two sexes separate, a thing which
most of the ladles will surely appre
ciate. Agent Norton assures the public
through the Journal that there will
bo no complaint In the future of no
lights or fires In tin depot as lie Is
giving these matters his personal at
tention and Intends to see to It that
the public gets the very best accom
modations the company gives any
place. He Is also making every pos
sible effort to obtain the correct time
of the arrival of trains in ample time
so that patrons can be notified and he
is confident there will be less com
plaint In this respect than hereto
fore. These various moves by the com
pany are received witli ninth pleasure
by the public who have been so used
to inadequate an 1 poor a-eommoda-tions
from this company, that, they
nearly aban lened their efforts in tin
direction of securing them In (lis
gust. Agent Norton has never been
blamed by the public for these con II
lions, howeer, as he is one of tin
most accotnniodatlng gentlemen tin
company has ever bad ut this print.
Horrible, Horrible.
A man tame down from I'liion a
few days since an 1 prtn ceded to lay
In a supply if diet r which Is not sold
at his home town and then be loaded
up with a little on the side. He pur
chased a gallon of whiskey and before
he reached the depot someone had
swapped the whiskey for a half gal
lon Jug of beer and when he reached
the depot some of' those who make
that their headquarters stole the Jug
and fixed to have a good time and
judge their surprise when they got
off behind the box cars they found
the Jug filled with stale beer. They
emptied it and after filling it with
water returned the Jug to Its owner
who tarried It home One can Judge
his surprise the next morning when
he was singing "Oh how dry I am"
and turned up the Jug, expecting to
drink of the fluid that cheers and
got a dash of water. This man will
carry home nothing but sealed pack
ages in the future. -Nebraska City
tint Once More.
W. W. .lessup, who has been laid
up for some time with an attack of
Inflammatory rheumatism ami con
fined to bis room, Is once more able
to be out and among his friends, his
genial fine having been seen on the
streets today for the first time in a
number of days. He has found tin
affliction to be a bad one and bis
many friends are rejoiced to know
that the pangs have partially left him
and he Is once more getting In shape
to be about. It Is hoped that his
Improvement will continue to show
progress and that before long the
grip of the disease w ill be broken and
he will be himself once more.
Will Appeal the Case.
County Attorney D. W. Livingston
is not satisfied with the Hilling of
lutlge 11. D. Travis in the case of the
State vs. James and llciinur Hand
:be negro an! the while man win
were living together as man and wlfi
in I claimed they were married, and
: lu lr testimony was the only thing
ind the entry of the negro woman In
i bible to show tiny were married, at
Council Bluffs, as they contended.
Ili will appeal tin case to the su
irellie court lllld get II derision on
:he matter. This Is the first case of
be kind that has ever been tried
in Ills state and tin attorneys are ail
unions to have the supremo tourt
iios upon the question as to whether
-melt a marriage, even If In another
-Unto, is bin ling In this state when
he parties' knowingly went to the
illn r state to avtll the laws of tills
itate. The case will he appealed as
i t u as the r.n.r Is can he ma le
.p. Nehruska City N. ws.
Hoeiiiipln- III-. Ln-s,
'i .ii.i Krlilm 's I'nllv.
Lh .Ml a l; I n.,car Cap. ,i. Ill- 1 we
:irei:,iii.lii f'riuors ficni southwest i l
the t it. v. were iii tow ii today aitending
hasine. s matters. Tin two goii
leii.en nr.' t w of the iiio'-t promi
nent faliin l s i f t heir s -el leii and are
lii'sih is la cm i y wa It w ill I"
reptile I t t h . ar ( lapeii iiff' i il
I Aer.V sevt I e has Hot h llg ! ill. o by
lire. His esual hustling ability has
inanil'esied iii'elf and lie Is new in
i fair way soon entirely recoup
tills less wlii.ll will he uood news to
his nianv friends In this vhlnily.
, Severe Injury.
Mrs. Akesou, who makes In r homo
with her daughter, Mrs. .1. L. Ilivck
innrlge, about ten days ago went to
Plattsmouth to visit, lu getting off
the train she fell a"l broke two ribs.
It was not until her return, and the
pain became so intense that she knew
the ribs were fractured, ami since
that time she bus been quite sick.
Weeping Water Republican.
Joe McMaken Loses Eyebrows and
Other Hair In Explosion.
I'l'iuii l'i iilii y' luilly.
This morning Joseph McMaken of
the firm of McMaken ti Sons bad a
very narrow escape from the loss of
his i yes t r at least, very severe
burns about the fare and head, lie
had come down to their office on
South Sixtli street to open up, an I
thought he would look into the stove
to see how the fire was he bad left
overnight. The stove Is a soft coal
hut'in r atil (luring the night a great
deal of gas had iiit h-rl In the res
ervoir. A change in the win I had
brought it from the north this liiorn-
ing and the chimney being ton low
to tlear the a Ijt inlng buildings, the
opening of tin- stove dm r ciuist (1 a
'.own draft whhh blew the gas down
apt n the coals, resulting in an ex
plosion. Fortunately Mr. McMaken
saw Hie i ion I tr gas roll out oi Hie
cylinder and (bulge I back escaping
the full force of the explosion which
was even then strong enough to singe
his eyebrows off and severely burn
the skin about the. left eye. His
mustache and the front hair on bis
head also got a scorching and his
escape from really sever- burns was
a matter of congratulation. As It Is
he will go about for several days with
short eyebrows and with a portion of
his mustache left.
The I'lrvt of the Season.
The first wolf bunt of the season
took place last Wednesday near
Louisville when a large number of
farmers of that vicinity, gathered at
the farm of J. It. Noyes and had a
big time attempting 'to corral the
animals. The drive covered n large
tract of territory and was the occa
sion of much excitement. When the
circle was completed and the closing
in came, it was found that there were
live large wolves gathered in. They
proved too smooth for the hunters,
however, and every one of them made
Its escape, much to the disgust of the
iilmrods. It is probable that another
effort tt control them will be made In
the near future.
Iliiyi Ciish Lund.
Harry Smith tells us that he has
bought 30 acres 1 'i miles west of
Plattsmouth and Is on a deal for
150 acres more, lie will move there
March 1. We will be sorry to see
the family leave Clenwood. Mills
County Tribune.
FMIaken & Sons Open New Office. Interest
ing Decorations.
The f'i m ( f McMalu n &
now move I into their in u
ihe id I Knapp propi it y
S-oiih have
offices n
on South
Sixth st ret I. Tills
have fitted 1 1 1 n
of the bull lings, t
into two r o irs,
wl l Ii tin y will in
w hlie t he I'' nr on,
ti I if.e p -it si s.
enterprising lirn
line office iii car
lh I ling t he i i in,
I lie front i he i I
upv ns an
Will he ie
! I',
-pleiilll e,
aige mi
N ii i i In Ii
Mil !.
i 1 1 1 n ii
II lie
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Ihe I I'll e
1 1 i.e .; a
II Ihe l, .1
. n h ci .
alien i
Hi- i a ' i
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ill. ! I II'- I I' I I . ir 1 'i I
v tin-, a l-'i j, nun: , r
elllii In
. i -" 1 1 1 fi r tin
'I he firm is i
C Mi Mali. 'ii,
Hie i in , .li s.
e . il lea in : : . I,.
I' an larl Mil rn;
ai I" se I if Co. e
lie i f I lie M I I l.ill:
II. MeMnleli n:i, I
i I
Mi .Ma lien hni Ii Ii n a Ii a
ll I 1 I
young business men.
Their new ol'fl. es are really inter
esllllg places to .sl. The fl'iilil
room lias been splendidly lle. up In
Ihe Colonel who has culled upon his
store of curios for decnrnl Inns. The
the side wall on one side Is occupied
by a set of large cabinets wlibli are
in themselves neat adornments lu any
room. These lahiuets contain a
wealth of mineral specimens and
many exhibits of Indian work and
war relies, lu these particular lines
Col. McMaken cannot he excelled lo
cally and even In the state and na
tion his collection is generally rated
as one of lho bowl tin bu Is a discrim
inating Judge of siilIi things and with
Ills long experlei lu frontier life
wllli Indians and outlaws and all Ihe
attendant terrors which Infested the
state lu Its early days, coupled with
his experience lu several wars, ho is
in a position to know what Is the real
goods. He has devoted iniuh lime to
collet ting the fine exhibit hi' now has.
His cabinet contains minerals ph k
ed up all hut the wist. A detailed
account of them would make a laigt
volume hut tiny will repay a visit
alt tie. lie has also in the inline!
many buffalo lu rus, highly polished
and handsome lone reminders if an
age fast lapsing into oblivion. An
old flag made in I M u is .nothcr relic
which lepnjs mire than a pa.-aliig
glance, i lien more an animal i ,rs.
beau r fill's and the like whi. Il s;ieak
eloquently t f da.vs I. ng past. An in
leresling ar'icle Is a stone a lean '
upon the limey seel It II, Illl h hi re'l
of a lo:ig-g"lie l ie e w I i' Ii en.
reamed prairies. Then a r.-li.
from early I'niied States in Ihe shape
a cannon hall from Ft. Meigs, an
early Ohio pot. A stone tomahawk,
dread relic t.f tin terrible Minneso
ta massaile if tlio 'tins, stans cm
In the face from a shelf while local
ground has contributed some sttuc
pipes and tomahawks taken from the
Captain J. C. White, Pioneer and
Soldier Goes lo Reward.
Last Wednesday ("apt. J O. While, a
veteran resident of Kim wood died at
his home In that city from complica-
Hon of diseases. The gentleman had
I n surferlnii for ii number of vears
from various complaints which final
ly culminated in tht attack of last
Wednesday causing his death. He
was a pioneer resident and during
the rebellion served In the confeder
ate army
with distinction, reaching
the rank of captain, lie was a prom
inent member of the Masonic order
which will have charge of the funeral
which will Hike place from bis late
residence at Klmwood. Captain
White was survived by a wife and a
number of children, two of whom are
residents of Klmwood, his sons James
and Kdward living at that place.
Dyspepsia Is America's curse. Bur
dock Blood Bitters conquers dyspep
sia every time. It drives out Impur
ities, tones the stomach, restores per
fect digestion, normal weight and
good health.
old Nevotny place northwest (f Ihe
( liy. The ciiMiiots contain many
olhi r Interesting lllelllelili ' e
past gathered from the four q null is
of the globe hut I bey lire null Ihe
eolnnielicelnelil t f Cn. Me Ma lien's
imiiiv wonders.
walls of the room are in
il I '
li It
I' ' 1 1 a l e w ' Ii ma n v aucieiii
a id In j in ii 'h s. 'I I,, r
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' liape
Is i.l I : n li.'ll In l,e vail
i f a gun I a ken f i nm a
wllli iliiills and slo'le.
Hack Hills, fearful re-
hl.Kiily days of Custer
Then there Is ii (lalla
miule Iii I Kilo, ancient
: I I . W ll
lolia In Hie I
inliiiler of I h.
and his men.
C Ie r i III blue
and now ilisciedlieil war piece. Then
ere are lllliuilierable revolvers one
of which Martin Props! had donated
n Col. McMaken and one which had
loin carried through (he civil war
on the confederate side bv Itelorage.
one of Ills relatives.
The Indian relies include a can
teen taken from an Indian battle
field on the Republican Klvcr where
the Paw neos mid .Sioux fought a
fierce battle In the early days. .Then
there Is a ghost shield, relic of In
dian superstition, ami the tom-tom
with Indian war hounds ami Innum
erable strings of wampum. A blan
ket bought from Crazy Horse is nn
olher Interesting thing In the collec
tion while one of sitting Bull's war
clubs hang from the walls.
Spine unfortunately forbids the
even eoniineiii lug of thin lino and at
tractive collect inn. Col. McMaken
has s. rap books galore which teem
with history ( f the wild west Ihe
west t f the st. ry w i Iter of romance, a
Ian I in w i .unite w ii Ii tin- ilea I and
gt lie, bat a laid from w hi h the
glan i r will never we.,r and the his-
ti ry t f w
'c page in
h f, i e
t'i- lo
n i.'an-
!e ' f ' li
lt I
(' I. Me .a,;.' a I v I '; i : " f
'his no ! . . I'e -'i ii if ' . I ' a 1
o lh- i ii I ' i v. 01 I I f i .j : a
fi r i hem :nl .- , pp' a .- i
it world I e a i dg' tv ' i.e t' : i
could I e (!i ii-. S i e'y the
'I. Ii is u f i t Ii it. I a I! 1 1 .( j
' lie ( nilei I ii will be k jl' I I 1
ao e
an I
li," -
:i II
liew y lu-
i ffi
an I the palci. ;1 , ( - ,
, il. ,1 to ( all an I ,1 w It. An
' bilging iiMcn hint will always be
present to show them to those who
are Interested and tell the story
which their inrlein ss ft i hi s.
Hell, htfnl Itiillnhiy Pally.
Klnin Snl ii i iln vh luilly.
Last evening at the lit n.e if Mrs.
Ceo. Weld inn n, Missis Ida mil Fran
ces 'i Idriiiin entertained a piuty of
f rlen Is in honor f Miss Huth John
son, the ociasiou being Miss John
son's birthday. The evening was
very pleasantly spent, the young la-
,1I, H 'J"ing themselves hugely willi
VIl,l,,,l! K"""' "! ' r amusements
lu' veiling being crowned with a
,""''" ' supreme delicacy. The
1 Miosis departed for their hollies at
a late hour after having extended
Miss Johnson their best wishes for a
recurrence of many other anniversar
ies. Those present were Miss Helen
1 napman, .Minnie v ins. i.iauys .Mar
shall, Ida ami Frances Wcldman and
the guest of honor Miss Kuth John
son. To Christinas Shopper.
It will be to your advantage, and
I will be pleased to have you call and
Inspect the finest line of watches
diamonds, solid gold Jewelry, ster
ling silver and flue china ever
brought to this city.
Look for big ad next week.
Yours for business,
H. A. MtKlwaln.