The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 19, 1908, Image 6

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    Murray Department.
WfflTtCr7ll.,l.'I.IMIH-MCM'll.rlMMrWlllf(!WlHI..MMnnnt I f f 1 I 1 I f I f 1 I II
Ii an,, of the readersofthx Journal kno,r of a social event or an item of interest
Wt nil itetu. of interest. Klitor Journal.
fl C. C. PARMELE, President.
W. b. BUtutivtn. udbiiici.
Pay by Check!
in... -Li,rirvr"ii:-:.:s53
Get into closer touch with your finan
cial affairs. Keep tab on every cent
coming in and tfoing' out.
You can do this easily.
Start a checking account with us; de
posit whatever money you now have
isue a check for every obligation.
Your barn: books records all items.
ICvery check is a receipt.
ii()W us to explain the checking sys
tem to vou more
Murray Slate Bank
Mjrray Nebraska.
Mrs. r.r.' l was an Oraaha visitor
ir.. A. I-. i:-tkor visite 1 in Oma
ha .Monday.
V.iss Carrie AliUon was an O ma
il a visitor Thursday.
Sam Pittnian was attending to bus
iness iii Omaha .Monday.
Mr. .Mrs. 1'. '.!. Young, sr., were ts:
i r.
;.l"c-r ;
Tay v
; : :!th vi. iters WcdncsJay.
;;: I !r.s. (). A. Davis is home
i f ii v. t ks" . isit at Lincoln,
Olf'hii" and ii r
Onalia i.itoi;
daughte r.
. Ureiidel attended to busi
ilvvn i'i riaUsmor.tli Wcdnes-
r ii:;. llu- :ud her daughter. Lu
vele vvtr-j I'lat'scout ii visitors Tues
day. .'!i-s Gv:s.-ie Kebb came up from
I":i:'-n Thursday to attend the Ken
sington. Mrs. W. C. IJrown entertained the
Kensington at a New England din
ner Thursday.
Sam I'itman and Glen Boedcker
were initiated into the Elk lodge
Tuesday night.
.Miss Margaret Jameson made a
yhcrt visit to her home in Weeping
Water Saturday.
.Mr. and Mrs. Smith returned home
from their visit to Ord, Xeb., last
.Friday evening.
The men of the town gave .Mr. Hale
a farewell and Mr. Scott a reception
Wednesday evening.
.Miss Margie Walker went up to
Plattsmouth Wednesday evening to
attend the "Rivalry of Nations."
.Miss Bessie Brendel came down
from Plattsmouth Wednesday to at
tend the rehearsal of the home talent.
.Mrs. Lee Farris entertained the
missionary ladies and their husbands
Friday evening, much to the enjoy
ment cf those present.
Mr. Pitman has given the contract
for a new residence on the lot ad
joining Mr. Longhedge. When com
pleted will be the most modern of
all the residences in .Murray.
The Sunshiue Band' are making
very preparation for a good time at
their entertainment at the Christian
hurch next Saturday evening. Be
a u re and attend. Admission only 10
and lj cents.
The Sunshine Band of the Christian
Church will give an entertainment
at the church Saturday evening. No
vember 21. The girls have worked
hard on this entertainment and it will
be worth your attendance.
Chas. Stone is quite sick in Omaha.
He was attending business matters
there and was taken seriously 111 at
the hotel. His physicians think he
will be able to make the trip home
today (Thursday). His many friends
here are sorry to hear of his mis
fortune and wish him a speedy recovery-
Remeber the entertainment to be
given by the "Sunshine Band" at the
Christian church Saturday evening,
November 21. The young ladies have
quite a treat in store for you, and
you should make your arrangements
to attend. Admission 10 and 15
FRED L. NUTZMAN, Vice-President
f A-coiiTphte-li nJf "overshoes for
; men. women and children. at
Holmes & Smith's.
Mrs. N. Klaurens, niece and her
I husband from Nebraska City spent
Sunday in Murray.
Hurry and get your corn gathered
so you can go to the home talent play
, the 12th cf December.
We have purchased a fine line of
holiday goods, which will be on dis
play December 1. Homes & Smith's.
A tine line of fur coats for men,
made of bear, dog. and Galloway
, hide, guaranteed for two years.
Prices from 3 17.50 to -3.".00, at
, Holmes & Smith's.
j D. D. .Marcellus and F. H. Hawk,
i rural teachers-, visited with Prof.
Erickson Saturday and Sunday.
J Otis McNurland is shucking corn
I for Chas. Carrell this ewek.
Mr. Chas. Carrell was a Platts-
! mouth visitor Tuesday.
! A Thanksgiving program will be
; rendered by the children of the Mur
I ray schools Wednesday, November
At the home of C. M.
Lewis, Saturday evening a
very jolly crowd gathered to spend
the evening. The evening was spent
iin social conversation ana amusing
games interspersed with music. At
a late hour luncheon was served con
sisting of sandwiches, fruit cake and
pickles. At a late hour the crowd
dispersed, vowing they had spent a
very pleasant evening. Those pres
ent were Miss Lela Moore, Murl
Mark, Pearl Gregory, Lena Philpot,
Bell Speck, Nana Speck. Mayme
Speck. Anna Lewis, Ethel Lewis,
Messrs. Edgar Lewis, Thomas Kiv
ett, Lester Shrader, Carl and Archie
Gregory, Bennie and Freddie Speck,
Joe and John West, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Killison, Mrs. and Mrs. John
Butter and Eggs Wanted.
We will pay 20 cents for table but
ter; 16 cents for tub butter; 2."
cents for No. 1 eggs, meaning large,
clean and fresh; 16 cents for No. 2
eggs, meaning small or dirty, but
Holmes & Smith.
Grand Ball.
George Berger will give a social ball
at Jenkin's hall in Murray, Neb., on
Wednesday, November 25th, '08. The
best of music and a general good time.
Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock.
Free lunch at midnight.
Mr. Berger has been very successful
with this series of social occasions and
everyone knows that perfect order is
maintained, and a good time for all.
Don't fail to attend.
Mind Your Business.
If you don't nobody will. It is your
business to keep out of all the trouble
you can and you can and will keep out
of liver and bowel trouble if you take
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep
biliousness, malaria and jaundice out
of your system. 25c at F. C. Fricke &
Co's. drug store.
For Sale At a Bargain.
The Petersen property on South 10th
street can be bought cheap, if sold at
once. Inquire of Mrs. Mamie Christ
ensen at the Altantic House on South
3rd st. Bell telephone 73.
in this vicinity and will matl same to this
Congressman Pollard Again Wants to
Run For Election.
Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 18 Congre-v:-manPolIard,
who was defeated by
John A. Maguire in the First dis
trict, has already started to up and
"at 'era" in 1910. Congressman
Pollard thinks it a "darned" shame
to have been defeated and cheated out
of the chance to give Speaker Can
non the benefit of his valuable as
sistance. Therefore he is beginning
to grease the wheels for the pur
pose of having a machine in good
working order to accomplish his
nomination for the fight in 1910.
Following is a letter which he sent
out this afternoon to republicans of
the first district:
My Dear Sir: We have met the
enemy and we are theirs. It was
my misfortune to go down under
the Bryan Tidal wave that swept Ne
braska on election day. There was a
combination of circumstances viv-c'i
brought about this result which it
seemed impossible to fathom or
1 wish to express my heartfelt ap
preciation for the splendid services
you have rendered me in the three
campaigns in which I have been a
candidate for congress. Although
I was not re-elected I am more than
grateful to you for your loyal sup
sort and friendship. 1 had just got
ten established in my congressional
wcrk and thoroughly enjoyed ir.
having just reached a point vheiv 1
was in a position to be cf service ti
the people of my district. In all
probability Nebraska will now los-
the place we hold on the great agri
cultural committee..of the hoao.
Will you be kind enough to confer
with the leading republicans of your
precinct and advise me whe! Iter in
your opinion I ought to keep In tench
with my friends over the district
with the object of becoming a r-anai-date
for congress again in two years":
I want to be guided entirely by the
opinion of my friends and the lead
ing republicans throughout tho dis
trict. Hoping to hear from you soon in
regard to this matter, 1 remain very
truly yours, E. M. Pollard.
A Large Grading Outfit.
The Beaver grading outfit which
has been engaged in grading work at
Cedar Creek for Messrs. Newell &
Atwood, passed through this city
this morning on the way to Omaha,
where they will take the contract
for grading the south portion of the
court house square, the contract for
which was recently awarded. They
are quite an extensive outfit, consist
ing of fifteen teams with the neces
sary scrapers and other parphenalia,
and they have been employed at Ce
dar Creek upon an extensive job.
putting in the time there since Aug
ust 1. The outfit was in charge of
Will Bolen who was superintendent
of the Cedar Creek work. The out
fit made quite a display upon the
train which brought them into the
city from which point they go to
their new work.
Married at Omaha.
Last evening at Omaha occurred
the wedding of Glenn XV. Smith and
Miss Elsie Dresher, daughter of Mrs.
E. Dresher, both of Omaha. The
groom is the son of Washington
Smith, formerly of this city, and was
born and raised in this city. He is
at present employed in an Omaha
bank holding a position of much re
sponsibility. To those in this city
who have, known Glenn Smith dur
ing his early youth, it is unneces
sary to say that he Is a your.? man
of great worth and sterling qualities,
a gentleman with the most brilliant
prospects for the future and one who
will make an ideal husband. In com
mon with his host of friends in this
city the Journal extends its congratu
lations and best wishes for a long
and happy married life.
The brilliant success of the enter
tainment given by St. Mary's Guild
last evening warrants a repitition.
All the attractions given last even
ing will be repeated including the
immensely popular vaudeville.
A. J. Englekemeir and wife came
in this morning and were passen
gers on the early morning train for
Omaha where they will look after
business matters during the day.
ojft.-.t it icill uwtar under this heading.
111, Weak and Emaciated, Re
stored to Health by Vinol
"Our little daughter, six years of age,
after a severe attack of the measles,
which developed into pneumonia, was
left pitifully thin, weak and emaciat
ed. She had no appetite, and her stom
ach was so weak it could not retain
food. She lay In 'this condition for
weeks, and nothing the doctor pre
scribed did a bit of good, and we were
beginning to think she would never re
cover. "At this time we commenced to give
her Vinol, and the effect was marvel
ous. The doctor was amazed at her
progress, and when we told him we
were giving her Vinol, he replied, 'It
Is a fine remedy, keep It up.' We did
so, and she recovered her health and
6trength months before the doctor
thought she could." J. W. Flagg,
Portland, Me.
Vinol cures conditions like this be
cause in a natural manner it increases
the appetite, tones uf the digestive
organs, makes rich, red blood, and
strengthens every organ in the body.
Daily low excursion rates after
November 20th to Southern and
Cuban resorts. Daily now in ef
fect to Southern California.
Lower yet, homeseekers excur
sion rates, first and third Tues
days, to the South and Southwest.
December 9 to 19. Visit this in
teresting exposition of the best
corn products and their use. At
tractive program with moving
pictures, electrical illumination,
sensational prizes for the best ex
hibits. Consult the aeent or
local papers.
We conduct you on the first and
third Tuesdays of each month to
the Big Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley, assisting you in tak
ing up government irrigated lands
with a never-failing water supply
under government irrigation
plants. Only one-tenth payment
down. No charge for services.
Write D. Clem Deaver, General
Agent, Landseekers' Information
Bureau, Omaha, or
L. W. WJMELEY. 6. P. A. Omaha. Ntb.
Potatoes For Sale.
I just received a car load of fine po
tatoes the first of this week, of the
Early Ohio variety, for seed at 70 cents
per bushel, and also some Burbanks at
65 cents. I will deliver to all parts of
the city. Call phone No. 253, Black.
Car on Missouri Pacific tracks.
J. E. Leesley.
Some short-sighted persons are ad
ising Congressman Pollard to use his
influence with Supervising Archi
tect of the Treasury to hold up the
Plattsmouth public building. It is
inconceivable that he should do any
thing of the kind. The experience
Governor Sheldon has had with this
same class of people who urged him
to call a special session to pass a
prohibitory law, should be a lesson
to Mr. Pollard. The governor by his
vacillating course, aleniated thous
ands of his warmest friends and most
enthusiastic supporters. Congress
man Pollard would do the same thing
for himself if he took such ill-advised
It is announced that the appoint
ment by Governor Sheldon of Court
Commissioner Jesse L. Root of this
city to a place on the supreme bench
is assured. This is a well considered
appointment. Judge Root is an able
lawyer, a man of unimpeachable in
tegrity and with a clear and well bal
anced judicial mind. His appoint
ment will be hailed with pleasure
by people of all political parties even
those whose views along certain lines
are not in consonance with his.
1 -
... mmsm?...
.rc6 : tabic Prep aration for As -sibilating
the Feed and Regula
ting die Stomachs and Dowels of
nessnd Rest.Contains neither
OpiuiruMorpliine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
Xuxpe of Old BrSAMimTZTBEH
ISunfJun SJ
7 'pert run t -
th CartanaltSaJM,
CttinfiiKt Jufmr .
A perfect Remedy forConstlpa
lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
ncss and Loss OF SLEEP.
Fac Simile
Signature of
Local Kews.
Rev. Father Shine was an Omaha
visitor this afternoon, going up on
the fast mail.
Mrs. K. A. Wurl is spending the
day in Omaha where she will visit
with relatives.
A. W. White was a business visitor
this afternoon in Omaha, going up
on the fast mail.
William Delesdernier, the Klmwood
attorney, is in the 'ity todriy looking
after legal matters.
C. C. Parmele is looking after bus
iness matters this afternoon in Oma
ha going up on the mail train.
Miss Elizabeth Shea was a pas
senger this morning on the earTV
train for Omaha where she will spend
the day. :
Mrs. C. M. Parker was among those i
who were passengers on the early
;t"ain for Omaha, where she will spend j
the day. i
M. llild and wife are spending the
day at Omaha having been passengers
on the early train for that city this
L. W. Lorenz and wife were pas
sengers this noon on the mail train
for Omaha where they will spend the
Miss Stella Gooding departed this
noon on the mail train for Omaha,
where she will visit with friends for
a few days.
S. D. Gibson was a visitor in
Omaha today going up on the early
train where he had business matters
to look after.
Miss Alma Parker was a passen
ger on the noon train for Omaha,
where she will make her residence
in the future.
Mrs. T. P. Livingston was a pas
senger this noon on the mail trai'i
for Omaha, where she will spend the
afternoon with friends.
Mrs. John Corey departed on the
fast mail this noon for Onawa, la.,
where she will spend several days
visiting with relatives.
;.!.s W. John.-.'!' ami d:iught-;i.
'..I1.. .ere passenvrs this rnorn-i-.
on ri.e early train fcr Omaha, vne
they will spend the day.
Mrs. Jas. Chalfant and Mrs. Floyd
Chalfant were passengers this noon
on the mail for Omaha, having come
up from their home near Union.
Mrs. Carl Humphrey departed this
morning on No. 6 for Burlington, la.,
where her husband is now employed
and where they will make their fu
ture home.
Mrs. John S. Hall was a passenger
this morning on the early .train irr
Omaha where she will look after
the markets and visit with friends, j
Her friend, Mrs. Mary Moore of Oma
ha, who has been in the city ' for
several days visiting her, (returiiel
to her home this morning.
Miss Lorine Comstock cf Omaha,
who has been visiting in the city,
the guest of Miss Lena Fricke, re
turned to her home this noon on the
fast mail.
A. H. Murray was among those!
traveling to Omaha this noon on the j
mail train where he
matters to attend to.
: ,
There are cigars for every class of ,
people. Pepperberg's Buds are for
those who enjoy a good smoke.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Tmi OKMTAun loanmr, ( o oitt.
Frank lluutoon of Gulfport, Miss.,
who spent several days in the city
with relatives and friends, departed
this morning with his three child
ren, who have been staying with the
family of T. W. Glenn, for Rock
Island, 111. Miss Dora Glenn ac
companied them to that city.
John McXurlin was ti business visi
tor in Omaha today going up on the
early train.
Henry Prosser,
Contracting, Plastering, Brick and
Stone Work, Concrete Foundations
and Walks. : : : : :
Phone 107, Elmwood, Neb.
Notice of Hearing.
in Tin: coi ntv cori:T or cass
In the matter of t Ik iiiarllaiishli of Marzie
Lai'M-N, I iii-ninix-U'iit.
To Ixmis Larsen. and all jtersons Interested jf
Vou are herehy notified, t hat I lie undersign
ed. P.O. Pwyer. has In-en apjxiiiited mm-i'I!
commissioner to Investigate and report tt.e
status and condit Ion of the estate of Maavin
I.arsen. IneotniH-tent, for whom you have a
act in as truuidiari.
You are further notified that said under
sined has ti led nls reiMrt In said court, and
IH titloned therein for your removal as such
truaidian. A Iso. that there he vrleken from
your reiKirt of IV-hiiiary 2. l'.4.and disallowed
the item of which you aked to he al
lowed for your services, for the leason that
your .services had been of no value to the es
tate of said ii comix-lent.
It is further chaived in -aid ix'Ution that
'tits f torn the inoierty of said Ma trifle
s n. incomiietent. have accumulated hlnce
your last reiori in excess of the sum of
V!t m;oi. which have lieen in no way accounted
for. That said ietii Ion sutfirests the aiiooint
incut of guardian foraid incompetent.
I'ikhi presentation of said iietition and r
lort to saiil con rtf. an order was enteied et
tinsr the same for hearlntr on t e ltli day of
Pecemler. liHi". at the hour of ten o'clock, .
m.. of said day. at the county court room In
I'lattsmoutli.. Nebraska. at which time you shall
present a complete report of your acts and do
iiiifs to date in the estate of said iin-onu tenr.
and also at said time you may appear and con
test the petition and reort tiled as aforesaid,
and how cause, if any you have, why said
item of .;ji should no' he disallowed and
stricken from your last report of date afore
said. Pated this H'th day of November. 1
1 -l'.-'St. P. O. Dwteic. Petitioner.
Notice of Sale Under Chattle
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattle mortgage, dated OiMoijer ll. live, to se
cure the payment of tlie sum of !:ci.fx. with
interest at the rate of s ier cent from said
('a'e. and by virtue of a chattle mor'gige,
dated January ti. l!o. to .secure the payment of
the sum of g-IKuio. with interest at the rate of
10 jht cent from the :th day of Pecemler.
lii-'T. lotli of said moitgages having been duly
tiled in the office of the county clerk of Cass
county. Nebraska, and executed by E. A.
Fletcher, and uimn each of said mortgages
there is due and unpaid the original sums with
interest thereon: t hat i t -h of saii mortgages
has een assigned by mortgagee to t he First
National Hank of Hattsniouth. .Nebraska. Pe
fault having been made in the payment of said
sums, and no suit or other proceedings at law
having ieen instit nteil to iwnvcr -'aid debts
or any part thereof, therefore the un lersigr.ed
will sell the proierty In said chaulel mort
gage, described viz: one gray mare mule,
four years old. weight nine hundred (i))
pounds: one horse (gray) mule, four vears old.
weight nine hundred (x) pounds: one sorrel
mare, eight years old. weight nine hundred
(JUKI) iKJunds: one buy horse, five years old
weight twelve hundred (law) imiinds; one
black horse, weight on thousand (louti) pound
i age seven years: one black horse, weight on
! inousanu t iiM.opounris. age seven years: or.o
bay mare, weight nine hundred and fifty
pounds, aged twelve years: one set of doubl
(new) Concord harness, I'i tug; one set of
double harness: one cow. weight one thousand
one hundred (110 iiounds. five years of a.e
! at public auction at the sale bain of am ii
! mitli att'.th and Vine streets. In tie , tv of
I I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, on tl e lth day of No
j vemlx-r. I'.fs. at one o'clock p. m. of said flay.
Fikst National Hank,
i t , y . , . Ass'gnee of Mortgagee
I P. O. Pwtek. Attorney.
NOTICE Or Aiuor-iivv kvt
XoTICE ,, rilTrnv ,;ivrv .....
sale of pnierty advertised to take place at
had hii5in.s i ?,,e . . . "'" I'", U' ,-'th ''a' of Novetr.
naa ousiness i.r. iim. nt the nt. Um ,f . i . l
- . ... 1 j j ii 1 1 in
I'lattsmoutli. Nebraska, published as atxjve
set forth was by the undersh n d Hank at the
i me. a.ijournefl t and will tuke place on the
24th day of November, isn s. at the hour of oie
attilneVof r eighth oik
1 in tiia riir .,r v-..v i. "
in the city of Plattsmouth. chrnl.--i
First National Hank of PlatVsmouth. Neb.
Assignee of Mortgagee.