I NEWS OF TF3E COUNTY ! LIlllWOOll. A daughter was born to .Mr. and Mis. A. M. .Wwlin. Thursday. No vember I '.'th. De-lmar h'axton shipped l.'.o pounds of hin-y to Kansas last week ami still has plenty of sweet ne.ss left. Alls. Lizh- Lnnghnrst nturtnil from tli sanitarium at Lincoln Wed nesday, considerably Improved In health. General Manager I'olloe k. of the J'lattsmonth Telephone company was in town Tuesday lo sec how work i was progn ssing on the new telephone Ijllildlllg. Howard Haxtin, son of In-lmar H.ixton of this eity, was eleeted county attorney of Thurston county on the democratic ticket at the elec tion last week. Another Llinwood hoy making good. Mrs. Willis Darlb-tt, who has suf fered several attacks of appendb iiie the past year, underwent an opera tion at the local hospital Simla. Dr. Harry Lve-ntt. assisted hy our local doctors, performed the opera tion. The patient stood the severe operation nicely and is now getting along line. Last Friday Mueller I'.ros. disposed of their stock of agriculture imple inents, wagons ami buggies, togethe-r with their two story implement build ing to .Messrs. White & Levi of Lin ioIii. taking a half section of land near Tense, Saskatchewan, Canada, in the deal. The .;ueller Urns, re tain ossession of their blacksmith business, an.l will run the implement business lor the new firm until the llrst of next .March, when a son of .Mr. Levi is expected It) take charge of the same. ' Last Friday was Miss Fthel Lang !u rstV. eleventh birthday and in the afternoon her mother nave her a s-.ir-jt:.-,. by inviting forty of her little Iriei,.-,:: in lo vi.-it her fr two till five. A verv happy al'lt i ikmhi was sp.-nt by the li'th- folks hi playing .-ill the vatic i:s games known lo ohild ho.;.1. and it wis a very hungry and appro. i crowd that p;rtook of the -.plrii.iid lunch pi.-oand by Airs. Lan!urst. iiss Lib. was present c d with ninny tokens of friendship by l;er gn-s. tog, M'er witli lh"ir vvistes for i.u.iiy ::!! hapny birthdays. Ai li.in :r. T. A. O'D.ty. of Shenandoah. ;uriv-d .Motidav to spend the winter with the editor's family. Mrs. Oney Carper went to York on Wednesday on a visit to lor daugh ter. Airs. Anna Pitman. She will be absent for some time. 1). C. West and V. P. SheUon left on Monday for a trip to Colorado for th-- purpose of inspecting the ranch owned by the Cass Lan.I Com pany. Frank P. Sheldon and .Joseph Mal colm went to Omaha Tuesday in the interest of the Nehawka Milling Co. The demand for the product of the mill is constantly prow nig. .Mrs. T. A. Reynolds left on the early train Wednesday for York on an extended visit. She will visit at Arapahoe before she returns. She is taking a well earned vacation and she needs it if anyone ever did. Some months ago Walter Thacker had the misfortune to mash his first Tinder on his left hand: for some rea son it refused to heal properly, and the sore finger was always in the way. The other day he mashed it again and in such a manner as to make am putation necessary. Mr. and Airs. Daniel Keiser of Eight .Mile Grove took the train here for Lincoln Wednesday and from there will go to Waukenegan. Kansas, where they will look over the country with a view to purchasing a farm. .Mrs. Rhoden accompanied them to spend the winter with T. J. Rhoden at that place. A. F. Sturm had a valuable .Trsey tow killed by a stray bullet on Mon day morning about half past seven, presumably by a target rifle in the hands of some boy. It is to be won dered that there is not some indi vi.lual killed the way small boys are allowed to carry lire arms. There was one suspected that we know of, but it will be well for all to be par ticularly careful in the use of target rifles in the future. I'nion. Mrs. P. A. O'day. of Shenandoah, made a visit with Claudius Everett and wife northeast of town, return ing home yesterday. Mrs. Joseph Wood arrived home Tuesday evening from Elk Creek, Xeb., where she has been visiting relatives two weeks. James Darrough arrived home Tuesday evening from his .trip to Texas, where he went last week to examine the Panhandle country. Mrs. T. G. Barnum departed last Saturday for Edison, Neb., to visit I her daughter. Airs. G. W. Cheney. a nd to sei the new uraii'Mai'c,l;!c that registered that morni-i.; ;:i the Cheney resilience. j Will Woolf arrived ln.:u.- Tuesday ; morning from Kansas City, where : he spent se-ral weeks t'-r medi'-al 'treatment. His pliysi'al condition j is much improved and .m- says he i.. ; now abb' to be on full feed ore e more. Lewis Curtis has been gaining strength the past few weeks, an.l he is now able to do some work in his .:-i br shop. He thinks th.V, b b. -ling careful he can attend to the I wants of his patrons and thus cut of:' 'tin- expense of hiring a barber. i A telegram received last Saturday I by T. C. Itanium notified him that he ' was grandpa, a line little daughter , having arrived that morning at the home of G. W. Cheney of Kdison, Neb. Mr. P.arnuin was quite proud i of the new honor, but savs it mi spresses upon his mind the fact that lie is getting older every day and that a sprinkling of grey is spoiling the appearance of the bright rl locks that were once his pride. Louisville. j Rev. Salsbury. wife and son, of ! Plattsmouth. visited here Tuesday land Wednesday with Air. and Airs. !V. T. Diers. Chas. Hoover, who has been con lined to his beil fro the past two weeks with pneumonia is now much better and able to sit up. Little Ilerold Williams, who has been down with lung fever, is report ed no better at time of going to press. Tuesday evening a small party of young people gathered at the home of Pert Stevenson and gave him a very pleasant anniversary surprise. Air. and Airs. Howard Evans moved to South P.end Thursday, where Mr. Evans has a position as operator a; the Ko. k Island semaphore. Station Agent W. T. Starkey. ot the Darlington, is taking a ten days' vacation and in company with li it fa mily is vi.-itiiig in the we.-tern patt of tie state. .Mrs. Pete Spansih-r. of Weeping Water, was taken to 'tie- A). E. hos pital at Omaha .Monday for an opera tion. Mrs. Ch-gliom and P. C. Stan 1 er accompanied her and report her doing nicely. The stork visi'ed the hoi.ie of y.v. and .Mrs. Henr Stulken on Tus-Iay. November in. and left them a ten pound boy. Henry says that means another vote for republican r'-rs-perity and high prices for farm pro ducts twenty-one years hence. Again at Central. The Journal is pleased to n ;hat Aliss Ida Woidman ha r.-iin accepted a position at the o-n'ral office- of tin- Plattsmouth T- !cp! 0:1 oiiipany. It gives us pleasure in more ways than one to make t!;i announcement. First, sh is most clever and acoonimodatina. mil a genuine good girl. si i is one of the best operators that either the Plattsmouth or Nebraska Tele phone companies ever ha.! at uie key board. She is always quicii to an swer a call and ever ready to give any information desired. All these go to make up up a proficient oper ator, and Aliss Weid man's many friends rejoices also with the Jour nal to know that she is again at the helm. Don't Like Governor's Attion. From Saturday's Dully Col. Charles A. Grotte, of Omaha, representing the I. W. Harper dis tillery, is in the city today on busi ness matters. Col. Grotte is a mem ber of Gov. Sheldon's staff and la bored hard and earnestly to secure the re-election of the gov ernor. He is much chagrined at the outcome of his efforts but not more so than at the governor's atti titude since his election. Charley Grotte. as he is popularly known, is one of the best fellows in Omaha and he used all the powers of his genial personality to win votes for the governor only to find now, that that gentleman is busily engaged in trying to put him out of business. The Colonel returned to Omaha this noon on the fast mail. Return This at Once. The party who last Saturday stole the lady's hat from the buggy hitched near the Bank of Cass County is known, and if the hat is not returned at once prosecution will be com menced. If the hat is returned to this office, no more will be said of the affair. The hat is the property of Mrs. R. V. Porter, who reported the matter to this office today. Mrs. Porter was accompanied by Miss Le ola Vallery, her sister, both ladies being daughters of T. W. Vallery from near Murray. FfiUGii IMTSREST FiAfilFESTED In the Lighting Proposition Submitted by the Company. Considerable interest in tl.e light ing iiropesition has be-n ar.u.-.d by the publication in the .loirriiil of t he latest (,r .pe.-i t h n of the local li-iht-in-- i!i;;.;ny. ai:I from vrnious con-, versa t ions with the citizen at latge res;. ' t i 1 1 r it the i i a s. :: to pre-1 vail that P i : the best pr r.in,. it ion so far before the public. ; Espeei-tllv (Ids t!.e prop, is! f ie n to put in a t w n t y-fnii r seri e an-! es tablish a pi v. . r st r ie ;il.-o npp.-al to the people. At the la'li.itlg fa'tory meeiiirg the other night tie- burden (if III! si Ol t e sr.el-lllts ;,s ,,,' lle- ce.-sits of power i i the city an.l the propf : it ii.il if the co:;.pi.iiy to pit in pov.or as s.'.on :.s t v. ent y-ti ve lr l power coal." be grant' 1 tlem is ic j,a rde I j-s equitable and rPiht. Si'pt. 'layb:- ugh suit th;tt tie niatt.r i i' i-cuiin ' tw nty-;;ve louse ;ii.wr i- iely the ;:iat!.'-r of look ing it up as' I.- lias pic I i. a '. !y ha: :!iai mucii ali-.-aov i.l-lu--.i him by t ii . 1 1 i :i i. j- 1 s and in-irstries iri the city. Of ionise, t!:.', plop, sition to install power plant (!;. eiols npon the . -oq--p;in sei-.llil'.g the street lighting 'onract. It is stated that some of t-h- m -mbeis "f the council have ie elared that under 1.0 ,-ircu ;nsl a uces Aii! they vet.- for the letting of a contract to lio- local company. Such members are surely adopting a short sighted an 1 erroneous policy. This is a u:aitr in which the entire Plattsmouth public is concerned and it is not such a one as will allow the exercise of personal prejudice and spite to interfere, ir the contract pre sented by the local company is fair and equitable it should be enter tained without regard to personal feelings. It is stated that the announcement has gone out that the Bortenlanger contract would be enacted whether it is liked or not. After the experi ence of our people with the ice prop osition, the making of this contract would i- a verv serious mistake. The Piorteniai-ver proposition does not meet v.i'h public approval and after the fiasco which the late Wesson on !ra t an.ount.-l to. the public -ioes not ci'i-e to ha :ior d ai. 1 t h.- i) their onal to o' vv;ui i lg- foelin::s of scare good t i.t ie,. con n. .Howe ie.e.-s jii'lmi c!ii. Thi; so. -ms to be the ion of th-- public jii(!i!: v ers-i-ioi s with l-.:;i;ie- -ral roiii ;,-i-. r n- taxpavM.-. What ill-- city w:n.s i light and ;i y action of tl-o tov.n il which tends to saddle a long term franchise for a light company upon the city couple I with a contract tor a long term of years will be i.i opr n opposition to the will of the people. For Tevsis Round, "rem Tuesday's Iaily Fred G. Egenberger and 1). C. Morgan departed yesterday afternoon for Carri.'o Springs, Tex., where they will inspect some land which they, in company with a number of ether Plattsmouth people, invested in. The lands which they purchased lie about one hundred miles r-.outhwest of San Antonio mid are under irrigation. They are reputed to be very produc tive and raise all kinds of sub-tropical and tropical fruits, such as lem ons, pears, oranges, figs, dates and the lilve, while the pec an flourishes in profusion. If the lan.ls can do what they are said to do. there is no doubt the people here who have invested, have picked up a good thing. The report of these gentlemen will be awaited with great interest by those who have invested in the property. John A. Hennings and C. C. Hen nings, two of the most prominent and prosperous farmers from Eight Alile Grove precinct, were in the city yesterday afternoon looking after business matters. Kodak supplies at Gering & Co. 's. Best Time to See the Southwest Every first and third Tues day of each month, low-priced homeseeker's excursions are run over the lines of the : : : Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain into the rich and resourceful f armir. regions of the South west. It is a splendid chance for the Northern and Eas tern farmer, r.f ter his wheat is gathered, to combine a pleasure and propecting trip. Write for rates and literature to HUGH NORTON, Agent. M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb. Local News Kruiii Tticrxlity s Ilull v - V.". D. Wheeler came i.'i from his hot::.- in pock Bluffs precinci today to attend to business matters. John Alilb r of Omaha, a brother if Charb-- .Miller living south south of t Ie- iit. is making him a short vis it. j.' it iv 1 1 i 1 i is spe.pli-i.; tin- af- to ri'ion in Omaha bt-In ; pas.-eiiv.. -r for i neon. L. noon vv her i' u on the ; t-t mail at A. .Moore was a passenger this on the fast mail for Omaha. lie had business mattvrs to at- telld to. J. E. AicDanie was a passenger this inoriiiiiK on No. 1 j for Omaha, where he had business matters to at tend to. at:.. i . . .iiss iane i tosso was a iia.- .- li fer af- v is- j g-r this noon on the mail train j Omaha where she w ill spend tin i tt rtioo-n. j D. P. Jackson was a busi i, ..- I it fir "this afternoon in Omaha, I.eintr ja passenger on the mail train for that f itv. Airs. Geo. Klingei- was a passen ger on the mail train at. 'noon for Omaha where she is taking medical t reat men t . L. i Sallee was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Omaha where he had business matters to look after. Miss Lily Schuldic-e departed this noon on the fast mail for Omaha, where she will visit her sister for several days. Richard W'orl was a passi tiger this noon for Stanton Xeb., after sp.-n i ing r.evoral rays in this city on busi ness matters. C. R. Aloran and wife, who have been absent from the city for some time on a visit, returned this morn ing on Xo. 4. W. F. W'arga and wife were pas sengers this noon on the fast mail for Omaha where they will spend the afternoon. Lobt. Kendall. one of Liberty j product's prominent farmers, wax in the city this afternoon looking after I bu: i iess matters. i Airs. (I. Al. Goodman was a passou jger on the noon train for Coluiniius, .Xeb.. where she will visit for several davs with friends. i Airs. J. II. XelsoM of La Plat to vn. j a visitor in tie- city this mornlnr I for a few hours, returning io her iioii.e on the mail train. Aiiss Anna Hassle:- .the efficient i lei k for Aiiss Teresa Hempol, irrand recorder el the Degree of Honor, is confinod to her home by illness. Ei'. 1 Grimes, deputy state oil ho p. i tor. was in the city this morn ing on his regular monthly trip, re turning to Omaha on the noon train. Airs. William W'etenkamp and h'-r son A. A. W'etenkamp were passen gers on the mail train at noon for Omaha where they had business mat ters to attend to. Henry Schltintz. the popular first ward councilman, returned last night from about ten days' work for the Hnrlington at Seneca, Xeb.. and today is hack at his duties m the local shops. Dr. Geo. H. Gilmore and D. J. Pitman, two of Murray's prominent citizens, were business visitors in the city today coming up this morning in a buggy and returning in the af ternoon. Airs. Asche of Murray, accompan ied by her guest, Aliss Higeboran, of Gadsden, Ala., were in the city for a few hours, taking the mail train at noon for Omaha where they will spend the afternoon. T. Al. Carter was a business visitor this afternoon at Blair where he hat. property interests to look after. Mr. Carter was formerly a resident of Blair and still has a warm spot in his heart for that city. . He expects to be t he-re for several days. B. B. Daniher, one of the enter prising farmers from near Murray was in the city today looking after business affairs. Air. Daniher with his customary hustling abilities has gotten all his corn gethered and is in fine shape for the approaching winter. Mrs. E. B. Thrall yesterday en tertained in honor of her guest. Miss Loretta Clark of Los Angeles, Cal. The Thrall home was the scene of a brilliant assemblage gathered to pay their respects to Aliss Clark, one cf the most popular young women v-r-o claimed this city as her home. A five course dinner was served by the charming hostess. William A. Rouse departed this noon on the mail train for Omaha where he goes to make arrangements to dispose of his season's crop of pop corn. Mr. Rouse this season raised some 2,500 pounds of this corn of an unusually high grade of ex cellence which should bring the top price in the market. Owing to its superior quality, this corn should be snapped up by the Omaha wholesal ers who know a good thing when they see it. y&iu&i Mi ill MS Copyright, 19US, RosenwuM &. Weil, Chicago Progress Brings Convenience Clothes-making has developed, hut the greatest for ward fitep is marked hy the "OUGT Patented "VESTWO"-SUIT The illustration explains its convenience. A little stretch of the imagination, you will dis cover economy, novelty and cxclusiveness. Come and see the actual garments: Many points of interest. C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS. "WIIICRK niTAIJTY COUNTS." COMMITTEEMEN FILE STATEMENTS What li Cos! Each Party to Run the Campaign in Cass County. Cot, uty Ch-rk Rosenorans litis re reived reports from A. F. Sturm, of chairman of the republic-tin county ! central committee and Dr. .1. S. Livingston, chairman of the demo cratic county cent r;il committee- showing the amounts the two eon;- mittees spent during' the late ;itn paifin. According to the iigures submitted, the- democratic committee made an excellent showing. The re publican committee ree-oived $114.87 and expended $ 8 2 . S IL Their state ment is so incomplete' that it is dif ficult to tell just how the money was spent. The; two large items on the statement are those of II. A. Schneider who expended $2M1.L'." of national eommitte-e c-e,nt ributod the committee money for various oh- S 1 .non.t . The statc-me-nt ed' c-x-jee-ts which are not enumerated ami pensc-s is not footed up. init there- are; A. F. Sturm, who expended $81.0.'J of see-ral striking items in tin- total, the funds for the same miscelaneous 'one of whi'li is th- e vi.ens s and purposes. The rest was for various salary" of .1. .M. Toga r,b ii, the; other incidental ite-ms. 'total e;f whie-n amounts to th- neigh The report of Dr. Livingston is L-orhood of W. Clapp also ... . ., . , , had charges of $i;n.no for his activi- Notice of Suit. Aneie-ivin Mantootli. Hcfcnelant. will take notice, that on the 2nd clay of Nov emiier. l-. . II. I). Iivvyer. i.laintitT l.pie-iii he-ie-in. filt-el his I wt ition in t he-1 'ounty Court ef ('ar fount .v. Nebraska, atrainst said cle-fciiciaiit. the object and prayer of which are- to recover juelrne-nt uiH.n an asrtvement to furnish inoncri y ef an agree-d value, which ciefenelant fail'-d to io. and for which in saielsuit plainlitT clairne-d a juelt'inent in the sum of Jl'iCMi. 'ou are further notified that attachment and famishment have be-e-n issued in saiel suit, and served en the First National Hank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Von are reiuired to answer said ie-tition on or lcfere the 7th day of liecember, Dated this 2nel day of Novembei. lin. 1). l. I IWTtR. 11-2-4 Plaintiff. Notice of Sale of Note and Mortgage Security. vTif.r-iiriri,vciiTv., .1 NOTICE I. HEHEBi GI EN that by virtue of an order of the Hon. Allen. I. He-eson. County Judjreof Cass County. Nebraska, maele and entered in the estate of Cat harine Staeielmann. dee-eased .the; undersijrned executrix of said esi ait- woe s-o ai i'uoiic au-i ten m me nitoiesL bidder for e-ash. a certain promissory note in the principal sum of s.:(0.( with interest thereon at the rate of eit'ht percent I-'' ) from the first day of May, 10c. tofe-the-r with a cei- tfiin mH.r'j.ru,,.,.,! rtn till, VV4.t I I Ct ! f i f I. it NineiiOin Hiivk Twem y-Nin- -j-.o f 1 he .-it y of I'lattsmout h. Nebiaka. whi,-!i is se-urity for the payment of said note. T ..at su:J n-,te and morttrate' matures 011 May first. u. and are a pai t of the assets of the estate- e,f said eleveased. Such sale will take place- at th" sont h dKr of t he f ourt i lou-e- in said City of Plattsmouth un the -1st el;iyof Nov - -111 r . r.; . the hour of one o'clock P. M. Dat ated this 3!st day of October, n o-. 1 1-3 Cat 11 a hi n n rrr. 11-2 I..e, ut 1 :.. O Dvwkr. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. ? oIexTYNoi-"c iss.A' ( ss- I-v Cocxty Cejt rtT. In the matterof the estate ejf John Ii.ThieroIf. deceased. To all p -rsons Interested: You are hereby notified that the executrix of the afn)ve -state has tiled in this court tier ac-: count and petition for final settleme nt of said estate, and praying therein that said a-oount fallowed and that the property of said estate tamentof said deceased. 1 fZ a-7i 1 i- I IT tfc" ,'iuii - . su.b U1J i- J Vou are further notified that a heartngr wil! had upon said petition on the 17th day of November. m. at I;. oVl-vk. a. m. Jef 0,1 this court at PlattsTouth. Nebraska That all ob- jections must be filed on or before said day of hearinif. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court, this iJrd day of Octol-er, ISmS. 1EALI By the court. Allen.J. IJfeso.v. l0-20-3t. County Jude. It. shows the a It oget her democrat ie state committee contributed .u ."(). 00 and tin- balance was paid in by the candidates en tie- ticket. The ex pen. lit i. res were the same amount, ? .' :!7.". ii. di ide.l si.; follow I'rint-ii-K ?'!7. .")'.: telephone S 2. post- '-' '. i.H" ; paid c:,,m hi i . 1 , oiil:-ide riaitM-'ooih, ?llo.".: c.itiiage-s, .?!."",. no ; work'-rs and :.( n.-e in I'lat tsntoui h . Jsii.ihi: for personal expensees, .;!',..",. 'I'l'is i- a clear and Icj'l statement of tie- expenses and b-ars out the spirit of the Jaw. It is a strikingly good si, owing for i)r. Livingston and his committee, v ho made a magiiincent fight. Clerk Kos-!i r;i ns also has a state ment from Congressman I'ollard stating that he expended in his light, for re-election !4.V0.'-o. The state ment of C. I). Clapp, for 'lo- re-publican congf-s.-ional committee shows receipt-' of . I ,S:;8. ."'I. of which the; ties in the fight. The- various e-or.n-. ty ci, airmen re-ivi-d ."o."0 for i each cot'.nty, save- Lanca-te r, w'd' h i ; got Jei. 1 In view of the hoa. y expenses of the republicans compared with those? of the democrats it can b- seen the latter made- a gre-at showing and should be justly proud of their vic tory. Here, Too, IV to. Governor ele ct A. C. Shallonberger may have; several plums on his tree; j or distribution, but if there are many j people in other parts of the .state 'that want some of these plums as I here, he will have to grow several : more? plums to supply the want. It . . . , . . , . .. . , i, . .1 , astonishing how manj people who , iiave never done anything for the party and nct a.ways supported the candidates and the cause conceive the idea they want a public office. Some c t tiiem may experience some iroutiie in getting a pole long enough to kiuok and fruit even from the lower limbs. Nebraska City News. Death of Mrs. Hennings. . From Tuesday's Daily ; Grandma Hennings, the venerable 1 mother of John A., Ferdinand and ; Charles C. Hennings, died yesterday at the home of her son, John A, Hen- ! nings in Eight Mile Grove pr inct. 1 This venerable woman had liv ;d to the ripe age of ninety years and had j . i . .survived her husband for the past ten years. Owing to inability to get , , , ,,, , t , . . particulars of her life, a sketch of her is necessarily postponed until later. Her funeral will take place tomor- . , 4 row afternoon from her home to Walradt cemetery, Rev. Fr. Sprieget ' officiating, J 1 Call up Plattsmouth phone rso. 11 for ... ... ... 1 livery, bmith & bmitn. much more complete. committee received .j:!::7.."i0, of w hich t h fl