The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 19, 1908, Image 4

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    The Plottsmouth Joarnu! .JET,
tin- depositor
to Cie postor-
ift r signing a I'
nirwl at the iosUtll-- L I'l.ittsriiwiilli. -
trusk:t. Hf cronil cl;iss niitiu-r.
$1.50 Per Year in Advance
$ r.o.O'iO.UOO bond i-sne, i; !:
reported, will soon have to be :i.a:!"
t iiii-'t the 1 i i deficit for 1 1 - I'tst
lour months.
Tiii ic are already :ui even d' '-i
aiiili'laii'S a 11 1 1 o i wi ' . 1 thi.; early i:
th' ti;).t i:v s;x:iker. We'll v.:-1'. :
while ii'ii'r b' t' re I '. bbi !i up ;
ren-i v.
Tie- 'i
liov r lu
lls a:;)'
I o r r fin
fell- I.
l: '..
f!-. M (1
1 1 : !: s - i i ng procli rna ion of
in l.'.n.i lias at 1; .-! iii.' li1
I"' -'.ft- I ; i !u , a l l' j r-' i
1- 1 : i 1. 1 .- -i t" l: his de;'o:;i bo-
(en! I r i ii i n t I : nk:-..
:i e ; 1:1s i loncj
ijii tin r'-fcri'.
To ;r thn.unh all this red tape re
:es :.t h :;t t a days, an 1 prob
:,!ly week.,. T!-i it is likely
that t!.e ppcrt unity for the invest
i.i' iit i- gone. Mid the man un do
IK. tiling with hi-; mo!;oy.
Th" democratic measure of gr.ur
ante.'d ,:ink deposits keep.-, al! tie
n:oney at lion.e and in ' in-ukit ion,
and if a man has money on depcsp.
!e- can go any time to the hank an 1
writ" his check ami drav it oat.
.Moreover, he i:s ahsolt-.tely sure he
:an get. his money because it is in
sured hv the government.
What is the use of discussing the !
question as to what di'featel M r. J
ilrvan? Any ten year old boy i;
smart enough to kn'jw t!iat. Pryan's i
... . , , , .. I
ipleal was purcuasc i uy me money i
power. tcueiier with the coeiiiou of
the laboring fte by the man.ifac
t u iris.
; i,
Id f.-i- m !
eject !
l.n! '.
L i
1 1 i
'a.i.lidale lor
. J.':-. L- i I i v : i
, .11" e pei li !! ! ( : s a e.'.i.S-
a.i i-f :-o!h I't j'.idgai'-io.
lievt w:- Id !"dl t he hi!! to
:-p. :iki f of ! he le ii
has ha 1
later, a
and wo
perfection. Mr. I,i i h ih his many
personal friends who are members of
the in-omiiig legislature who will
no doubt support him.
defeat of Pollard has caused
K, agues to wag regarding the
fi.e huil.:i!i; ft r PI f tsa.otit h.
s :i v we V. il; not litt it ii!jW.
What loiiii.iyrol ! Tl:e sight has
,. n bought jiu.i pai I for and tiie
is i ro i ri a i io a made !'i.r ihe
i . t t be bl.i!uii!.i. it Polk:
. ;!) ;:. ::!:' :'.:i c li'ort to stc p
a r.; y t ;j
;1 would
lb:: I'i'l.'."-
.More 4 'onii rat nla t ions.
.M. A. Pates, at one time in th"
newspaper business in Hopkins, was
elected representative at the recent
election in Nebraska. Hi will rep
resent two lonnsj.'s (.lie of them bo
ini; the bis; county in which Platts
inoiith is located. Colonel Pates is an
ardent democrat hut has brains
enough to be fair and will represent
the people of his district in a man
ner that will be satisfactory to all
concerned. His many old friends
here, including the editor of this pa
per, congratulate him on his elec
tion. Hopkins i .Mo. .Journal.
(,!" the bn:: .m.
than v. ha.e ever
ro Mop !a:u-'ii!
i. a i.ii aTioi
lak.-.i him to
that w:
bo-ill 1 to come
defeat of Pollard.
It is probable that the real reason
why .Mr. Pryan was defeated is that
he is ahead of his time. The ma
jority of the people was fearful of
taking so advanced a stand. In
twenty years they will have come up
to Pryan's present position, includ
ing possibly the government owner
ship of railroads. He will never be
. -ii , i . . i . . .
president out tie win aiwajs ue lauiei
a great prophet with a far vision into
the future, a great moulder of public
thought, a great leader of the com
mon people.
From Lincoln comes the informa
tion that (!ov. Sheldon has decided
not to call a special session " of the
best legislature Nebraska ever had"
for the purpose of passing the county
option bill. This was one time Shel
don was saved from his "friends."
lint why did not that "best" legisla
ture pass that measure two years
ago when they were m charge".' Ne
braska City News. Now you re shout-
! . ..
ing sonietning in men en.
Two years ao ijovernor Sheldon
had the support of the liquor deal
ers and brewers, and he was elected.
Since that time the republican party
came out for county option and the
liquor ileal- r.- and brewers refused
to longer support a party that was I
indeavorinu to rush their business, j Some of the eastern papers are
and would nor support Ciovernor j mw agitating the presidential possi
Sheldon for r le-t ion. This theylijij,: f .. x i H . David R. Francis,
had a right to do. It was simply a
business proposition with them, the
same as it would b with others
in a busimss that hypocritical poli
cians took a notion ibey could pull
down und--r a u- optive move for re
form and j;ii.le into of;i'", and then
laugh at 'what fools these mortals
be." Put not this time.
Because It's for One Thing Only, and
Piattsmouth People Ap
preciate This.
Nothing can be good for everything
Doing fine thing will lrni success.
Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing
onI .
They cure sick kidneys.
They cure backache, evey kidney
Here is Piattsmouth exileace tc
Drove it.
W. T. Cole, of COS Loctifct street,
Piattsmouth, Neb., says: "I con
tracted ki luey complaint in the
:rmy an-i hm e felt the effects xf the off and on ever ince. .My
back .e or c;uised rue any great suf
fering but there was at times a d;;!l.
heay aching and lameness aircs
my loins that annoyed mo to quiti.
an extent. A retention of the ki i
ney secretion was evident and t he
passages were occasionally accom
panied with pain. An advertisement
about Doan's Kidney Pills came to
my notice and being favorably im
pressed with the claims made for
this remedy, I procured a box at
(lering & Co.'s drug store. I used
only about one-half the contents but
I can say they made a marked im
provement in my condition, every
difficulty being relieved. I can
vouch for Doan's Kidney Pills with
out hesitancy."
For sale by dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
C. P- HALE, President
K- BRUCE, Secretary
iraisfi ft ii
If 2 T
Lawson Sheldon Monument Erected by Us .1 the Neiinwkd Cemetery.
We manufacture our wotk frc m all kindled M.iuciat ii i.mue. which we pur
chase direct from the quarries, in tiic rotiM, in carhiad lots, usiny power ma
chinery and automatic tools. See cue f our salesman, or call at our plant
before placing an order for memorial work. You will receive prompt and cour
teous treatment whether ou place a large or small order with us or not.
For Chapped Skin.
Chaf j el skin whether on the hands
For Sale.
Short stove wood for sale. $3.00 per
load. tmith cc bmith. Piattsmouth
phone 11.
K-.: r&. ?i
35 a fJ Six M is5K3
of Missouri, seems to be a great
favorite so far. It is hardly possi
ble that .Mr. Pryan will be a candi
date again, but if he should be, the
common people those who love their
country better
trusts and money power, the ene
mies of a free government will be
with him.
Every 1st and 3rd Tues
day in Each Month
Over the Missouri Pacific Railway
$23.65 Round Trip. Tickets Good 25 Days
A Alissouri paper in dosing an
article- c,ii tin- result of the election
says: "Mr. Uoi sovelt should deckm
liimselt dictator fit once, thre is no
use wasting valuable time, and we
doubt ii there vould bo a semblance
of protest. The present departure
from the .government of Washington
and Lincoln is more striking and
more revolutionary than would the
change now from a so-called presi
dency to a dictatorship." That would
be waste of words. He is going to
Africa to hunt lions as the greatest
political desperado this country has
produced. As a trust buster he
joined hands with the directors of
trusts to scare, browbeat, bullyrag,
intimidate business men and laboring
men in the east, and together they
won a great victory at the polls that
will last.
1'oNtal Savings.
The postal savings bank scheme
that has the approval of the present
administration is one that will work
about as follows, should it become a
law: A man would go to the post
office and deposit ..".io for safe keep
ing A few days later he finds a place
where he can make an investment
that would be profitable to him. lie
goes to the postoffice and makes ap
plication in writing for his money.
lie cannot get the money that day
it has been carted off to some gov
ernment depository in a great city.
His application is sent to Washing
ton by tho local post master and it
has to be approved by the depart
ment, and a draft issued from Wash
ington on the nearest depository.
Can stop off anywhere going: or com
ing;. Train leaves Piattsmouth, Neb.,
than they do t he i , rviT.T1-'
i viaj uiui iitii j v iiiaivii wi met"
j tions with the fast train going- south to
the Gulf. We will have a private Pull
man Dining Car (Julia). 50 cents for
births and 35 cents for meals. We are
closing out a ranch near El Campo,
Texas, of 16,000 acres, at 22.50 to $30.00
per acre, on easy terms. We have sold
over one-half of this land to farmers
who will at once commence to improve
their lands, build good houses and
barns. Also lands near Edna and Vic
toria. If you want to make this trip with us,
let us know in time to get vou a ticket.
Buy your ticket over the Missouri Paci
fic to Kansas City; Santa Fe Railway to
Houston, Texas, and from Houston to
San Antonio over the G. II. & S. A
The eastern papers last week con-i-iined
great headlines telling how
business was picking up and idle men
lading wc;ik. I:i on. u stated that
.;ii,;uo idle n-.en wr.J ! be given
ork t his w eek au'i y-rr sy.erity w as
r. full blast; Uncle Sarn v.-as cutting
i pigeon's wing over Taft's election,
.i:i.l other fool stuff to please the ig
norant, who believe the election oi
Taft means good crops and plenty of
For sale bv F. (J. Fricke
A Coplete Surprise. Colds and Croup in Children.
One of the most enjoyable parties "My little girl is subject to colds,"
given in this vicinity for some time says Mrs. Wm. II. Serig, No. 41 Fifth or face may be cured in one night by
was that given Saturday afternoon at St., Wheeling, W. Va. "Last winter applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is
the home of .Mr. and Mrs. (leis. south she had a severe spell and a terrible also unequaled for sore nipples, burns
of the city. The occasion was given cough, but I cured her with Chainber
for their son Earl, one of the most Iain's Cough Remedy wit hout t he aid of
popular young men of the city. The a doctor, and my little boy has been
surprise w as complete, the young prevented many times i rom having the
man not expecting anything of th- 'croup by the timely use of this syrup. TH" KETTLE SINGS
kind. irns remedy is ior sale by v. j. rricke
The evening was spent in games &. Co.
and music and an excellent luncheon ;
and scalds.
& Co.
it's a. iiMi ot cj 1 1 satisfaction. Want
to bear
mu.-.ic 'n your kitchen?
was served by the host and hostess
of the evening. With the 'coming
of twilight the party broke up and
departed for their several homes,
wishing Earl many more such happy
Those present were Misses Harri
etta Parke r, Ellen Eindsey, Nina
Clark, Alta Parker, Estella tie-is,
Barbara Bulin, Frances Koubek,
Katie Foster, Helen Roman, Nellie
White. Helen Foster, Alma Seivers.
Euella White, Beulah Parker, Viola
Parker, Ruth Roman, Messrs. Karl
C.eis, Otto Bulin, Frank Libershal,
Harry White.
E;i . ucici fn m this oMice and
v.ird. Toe output o.' the Trenton
mine in. fu I we handle--has no su
perior a'rv dicre. its cp.a! in few
During the next four years of trust
rule there will not be less than four
vacancies on the supreme bench. It
is safe to state that Standard Oil will
get its pay by the selection of Root,
Knox, McPherson and Groscup.
what an array of legal luminaries
.hese would make if perched upon
:he bench. Natural gas would make
gloom in comparison.
It does seem that the parole law-
is being abused in all parts of the
state. u hat do criminals care tor
ommittir.g crimes when they know
they can be paroleil? Many of these
riuiinals are given their liberty to
again loiiow crime. it would ne
much better for our attorneys and
judges to freely investigate every
The incoming legislature needs no
advice from the Lincoln State Jour
nal, and the members thereof will
use their own pleasure in regard tc
investigating the condition of some of
the state institutions. It illy becomes
the state republican organ to make
suggestions as to what the legisla
ture should or should not do.
P. 0. Bex 605 Piattsmouth Neb.
It is the first few hundred
the first few thousand in the
bank, that is the real struggle.
The lives of the average men
well fixed in life, contain a
history of struggle and saving
to obtain his first few thou
sand. Make a strong resolu
tion that you will place some
portion of your income in the
Bank of Cass County. Every
dollar added makes it easier .to
deposit the next one.
Compliments Judge' Westover.
From Monday's Da'ly -
Matthew Gering returned yester
day from Rushviile, Neb., where he
assisted in the prosecution of Ralph
Neiman charged with murder. The
hearing took four days and during
that time the utmost interest was
taken in the trial which was held
before Judge W. H. Westover. Mr.
Gering paid a high compliment tc
Judge Westover for his ability and
manifest impartiality during the
trial. The defense was conducted by
Messrs M. F. Harrington and Neil
Patterson and was ejuite able. The
jury after a brief deliberation found
the defendant guilty cf manslaugh
ter.. Mr. Gering was a passenger
this noon on the mail for the north.
Br Soss' Stock Fsod;
scientific compound for horses and cattle.
HsSS' stock Food J. V, EGEN8ERGER,
guaranteed to give results.
F. G. Fircke & Co , PruggMs
I'la'Tsmoui )i No. .
Pell No.
Elected to the Legislature.
It will be cheering news to his
army of friends in this county to
learn that M. A. Bates, who owned
and edited this paper from 1SS4 to
1S92. was elected as float represen
tative to the Nebraska legislature
from Otoe and Cass. "Mitt" is a man
of good ability and we predict that
he will make his influence felt in
che Nebraska legislature. He is ed
itor of the Daily Piattsmouth Jour
nal, which is one of the very best
dailies we know of in the entire west.
We imagine we can see Mr. Bates
arise from his seat and yell, ".Mr.
speaker, I have a verbal communica
tion in my vest pocket which I want
read from the clerk's desk." Grant
.City (Mo) Times.
'' g
For Sale.
80 Acres three and a half miles south
and west of Murray, well improved a
bargain for some body if taken soon.
Call on J. H. Thrasher, 205 Coates
Don't use harsh physics. The re
action weakens the bowels, leads to
?onstipation. Get Doan's Regulets.
They operate easily, tone the stom
ach, cure constipation.
Electric pocket flash lamps.
& Co.
Superior Quality Bleached Mercerized, 60-inch $ 50
Extra Fine Quality Bleached Mercerized, 60-inch 60
Fine All-Linen (Puttercup) Design, 65-inch &j
Superior Quality Bleached, (Rose) 72-inch . l (Xt
Superior Quality Bleached, (Cerysanthemum) 72-inoh 1 75
Extra Fine Bleached, (Dotted Center) 72-inch yo
Superior Quality Bleached Mercerized, 65-inch 75
Fine All-Linen (Silverbleached) 72-inch 1 10
Good Linen Finish, (beautiful design) 72-inch GO
A Fine Bleached Mercerized Napkin, per dozen $l Z0
Unbleached Silverbleached and Bleached a large variety of pat
terns, per dozen, from $1.50 to 6 00
We have just bought a large quantity of towels, and by buying a cer
tain large amount, we secured a special low price, of which we are giv
ing you the benefit. You ought to see them.
pm uj j k .vvm 1 --L-a jll j
We invite you to look at our extensive line of Furs. Anything you
want. Mink, Fox, Squirrel, Marten, Coney, Chinchella, Near Seal.