The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 16, 1908, Image 2

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I'lTHI.I-H Kl " ICM. n'l
PLATrSMOUTH, UfclT.H M - - .
II. A. !:.TI', i-mi. i.
nt'Tt ii lit .-.. ?i . -- iii i'::niii.miiii
r:isK :i. us ! nl hiss in. hi t' r
$1.50 Per in Advance.
Wiin killed e -Urol. in in kit'.'
V-.i Vi l. v v:. tor t!.e w l: le
looming sparrow?
A.! the Weeiiin:? n'ei- murderers
have not vet been captured. Ale ti e
officers alert in their duty?
As soo as (Jovernor Kheloon retires
from office, a wajr Mitfuvsts that he go
out aiKi help W. J. I'.ryan husk his corn
WAI.TKIt WKU.MAN s political pre
dictions are as valuable as the weather
nredittions in an Avers almanac. He
is a rank fake.
Tariff revision or no tariff revision,
Joe Cannon will be the Speaker just
the same. But Pollard won't vote for
him. That fact is settled.
Now for the after-election report of
who furnished the republican millions
Out don't attempt to hold your breath
until the report is published.
Gov. Sheldon was only bluffing:, 01
mad, perhaps, when he threatened to
call a special session of the Iegisture
Spite work never proved good policy.
Don't fret about Governor Shallen
berger "turning the rascals out." He
will prove a regular Andrew Jackson on
this score when he once gets started.
WiMLE the democrats ot Nebraska
have not very much to feel thankful for,
nationally speaking, they have a ''who'e
hiap" to feel thankful for in Nebraska
Extica session laik is still uppermost
in conversation at the capital, but Gov
ernor Sheldon keeps a closed mouth. It
is rumored that he will issue a call tc
Gov. Shkldon will not call tha
extra session of the legislature of
w.iich there is so much talk. He is
afraid to make the fatal mistake that
Gov. Hanley did.
Among otner ntaK oi me "whirl
wind finish," it blew Missouri's Demo
cratic majority over into Nebraska.
Also, it took one corner off the Mary
land majority, leaving the rest intact,
This week's siumpin Harriman stocks
may be due as nucli t the failure of
anticipated increase of dividends as to
Mr. Taft's renewed expression of his
purpose to continue the Roosevelt poli
cies. Democratic governors have been
elected as follows: In hana. Governor
Marshall; Ohio. Judge Harmon; Minne
sota, Governor Johnson; Colorado, Gov
ernor Shaforth; West Virginia, Gover
nor Bennett; North Dakota, Governor
Burke; Nebraska, Governor Shallen
berger. A few years ago Charles W. Morse
of New York was rated at 20 million
dollars. And now he makes affidavit
that he is a bankrupt. First came un
fortunate speculation, then a resort to
crooked banking methods, and finally
the able council for the defense took
what little was left.
It is claimed that the happiest re
publican in Nebraska is Elmer Burkett.
He thinks he has gotten George Shel
don out of the way for U. S. Senator.
But "The Great I Am" should not
count so far ahead. The Governor will
be up and a coming before two years
from date. Mark that.
A friend asked us the other day if
we would support Bryan for president
four years hence. Yes, sir, we would
be for him four years hence, eight years
hence, or a hundred years hence, if we
both live that long. We believe as w e
have always believed, that he is the
greatest American citizen on land or sea.
It is believed that the next Congress
will have enough material of the right
sort to break the power of the speaker
and to reform procedure in such a way
as to give individual members and indi
vidual measures a chance on their
merits. The House must be restored
to its destined place that of a repre
sentative body. Under Cannon it ha3
become the plaything of an oligarchy.
The Plattssnouti Jour?'
Trr.KK is no possible way by which
t!.' itc.'iit election can he construed
in-.! of Sj.eaker Cannon.
Ti.O resentment of the country was
nearly M-An toward the Speaker dur-
til "J
, ... ,,f i'ft,vrn. u.l.en
' inea 'U'-t-.s were smoihereil anil thi
i"" i
i i ies of tne administration, eve
ii t
( i.SO
havi.ur ti e spprova! of the Democratic
men. hers of the House, were obstruct
ed. The rank and file of the Republi
can party voiced its support of the
Roosevelt policies when it preferred
Mr. Taft, who supported them, and re
fused to consider Speaker Cannon, who
oonosed them, as a candidate for the
President. Now it stands to reason
that the Democratic party is not only
aeainst Speaker Cannon, in and out of
the House, but against the House poli
cies for which he stands. This means,
therefore, that the whole country,
barring a reactionary contingent with
in the Republican party, is opposed to
the re-election of the Speaker. And
members of the House who ignore this
opposition cannot plead ignorance of its
Governor Hanlev of Indiana called
a special session for the purpose of
passing a county option bill. If it was
important to curtail the liquor business
in Indiana it is important to do the
same stunt in Nebraska. You will
never put the liquor dealers out of poli
tics until you put them out of business,
and the people are almost unanimous
that they should not control our legis
lators and other officials. News.
Hanley, by thia action, put the demo
crats in power in Indiana, too. Two
years ago the liquor dealers of Nebraska
supported the republican ticket. They
were not such bad fellows then as they
are now. It makes some difference, al
ways, "whose ox gets gored."
The Lincoln Star, not content with
the defeat of W. J. Bryan, it keeps on
with its publication of scurrillous little
squibs in each issue regarding that gen
tleman. Since the State Journal has
ceased its vituperous attacks upon the
Great Commoner, the Star seems to
have lined itself up in the former foot
steps of the Journal. But the Star nor
any other paper or person can hurt W
J. Bryan. He is just as dear today in
the hearts of the American people as he
ever was.
Henry Richmond has returned to
Nebraska just in time to announce him
self as a candidate for chief clerk of
the house of representatives. He has
been holding down a soft job at the
natio al democrat'c headquarters for
the past four month?. There are sev
eral others who would not refuse the
chief cl. rkship, and they are all good
democrats and very deserving. We be-
ieve in passing favors around.
Burkett could not wait any longer,
so he has called on t ie President-elect.
Wonder if he told Yaft that he was
(riad that Governor Sheldon was defeat-
ed. Maybe he believes in "making hay
while the sun" It will not be
very apt to shine for the Senator only
about two years longer. Nebraska has
had about enough of this blow-hard.
"Trust-busting" is a sportive term
which our strenuous president delights
to use, but he will soon have to ac
knowledge he has never put a single
trust out of business.. After the fourth
of March Mr. Taft will have a chance
to try his hand at trust-busting. Will
he do it?
So eager are some of the newly
elected members of the legislature to
get in touch with the speaker that they
have already selected their seats. We
notice that Dick Smith, of Elmwood, is
one of the first to select his seat.
A person that done as much to defeat
the republicans in Nebraska as did little
Vickey Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee,
should feel like the little boy, of
which we hear so much about, and "had
very little to say."
Business is the thing we are all look
ing for. Now, that politics has ceased
to have any attractions, why not look
to the progress and prosperity of our
beloved city?
The Worth County (Mo.) Times is
out for David R. Francis for president
in 1912. Nothing wrong about Dave.
Candidates for speaker and chief
clerk of the house of representatives
are looming up in all directions.
The Fear that Iieai llryan.
A contributor to the iHs Moin' s
lei'i.1-tor mi'! I.i arler pnonts tho cir-
j "i laiP of Inc. in h si .fi on tl.e
! "f ,h" ! vrrdvu-
nais .imtiiuK nun iu r.M'"""
is worth a ood d-;il more than
Jt; is cos.t him for a thance- to
i t ill
! 1'on:llil:lU' '''
Thi.; contributor d: pcsi s of the
:i!ei;;i: iJii that Y.r. Uryan is person
ally cliarable with ihe defeat, be-
;;tise of in him in this i:e:
No doubt thousands voted for .Mr.
Taft because of the fear of Llryan
is::;. Hut they are few in compari-
this vote was overshadowed by
the votes of Js hundreds of
thousands of the best voters in tli"
country voters who c:u;t their votes
for Brayon because of his splenJid
personality his moral worth and Ink
stand for principle. .Mr. Bryan gained
ten votes from the latter class for
every vote he lost from the former.
And then ne proceeds to place his
finger on the cause of Mr. Bryan's
defeat. The defeat was due, not to
the fear of Bryan, but to fear of
the enemies of Bryan. It is stated
this way by the contributor:
It was not Bryan or Bryanism that
the decisive vote feared. It was the
fear of the enemies, of Bryanism
the fear of the trusts the fear of the
corrupt combinations of capital of
the thousand and one different inter
ests that are enjoying the favors of a
high protective tariff and the special
privilege legislation as manufactured
by the corporation favoring elements
of the republican party. The fear of
the power of these interests would
have defeated any man the opposi
tion could have brought out.
Analyizing a bit further, the writer
divides the vote that elected Mr. Taft
into three elements. There was the
selfish vote. It represented the
power of the cheap politicians and
vote of favor-grabbing corporations It
was a vote, not for patriotism o
piinoiole, but lor self-interest. Next
there was the "narrow minded vote,"
a term which the writer applies to
the standpatters, the partisans who
vote their ticket straight and prefer
theit tariff high, comprising perhaps
the bulk of the rank and file of the
republican party. Fnally there was
the "timid vote," and of this class the
contributor writes as follows:
They are all clean, conscientious
men men w ho want "to vote right
.cen who are clear headed enough to
see things 'in their right light, but
who for fear of the power of the
high protective tariff interests feel
that they dare not oppose them, the
laboring man, the merchant, the man
who has his home half paid for, the
man whose exceptional ability shows
him to be fairly prosperous, regard
less of the monopolistic oppression,
the farmer, upon whose products the
greed of the illegally organized capi
tal has not as yet fastened its hold,
would all have liked to vote for prin-
riples if they dared they as yet
haven't the courage. Will they get
it before it is too lato?
This is dangerously near the point.
If it be true that Bryan was de
feated because timid people feared
ihe vengence of the trusts, what does
it mean?
If it be true that there were thous
ands who cheered him, loved him.
hung upon his words, believed in
him and who went with heavy
hearts to the ballot box to cast their
votes against him because they were
afraid " The System" would punish
the country if Taft were not elected
what then?
Is the prospect, under this hypoth-
m . .1 A. 1 - - 1
esis, aitogetner orignt ana cneeriui
for the success of free institutions,
and for real liberty on American
soil for our children and our child
ren s children :
It is worth thinking about even if
the election is over. World Herald.
The defeat of Governor Sheldon does
not necessarily put that gentleman out
of the race for United States Senator
two years hence. Burkett may be tick
led over the Governor's defeat, thinking
that he has put him entirely out of com
mission, but the "Great I Am" will find
out that he is reckoning against a host.
A member should be quite positive
that he is qualified for speaker of the
house before asking his friends to sup
port him for such an important and re
sponsible position.
jg C. P. HALE, President
1 lanwood
Lawson Sheldon Monument Erected by Us in the Nehawka Cemetery.
We manufacture our work from all kinds of standard granite, which we pur
chase direct from the quarries, in the rough, in carload lots, using power "ma
chinery and automatic tools. See one of our salesman, or call at our plant
before placing an order for memorial work. You will receive prompt and cour
teous treatment whether you place a large or small order with us or not.
Since Governor Sheldon has had time
to cool off, the proposition to call a
special session of the legislature seems
to have been abandoned. Perhaps his
near friends have had something to do
with this sudden abandonment.
The democrats snould not all make a
rush for an appointment by the gover-
itAT kr i it ja m tha lorn - l-i f-i Trfi
K ft
great a scramble for office is liable to
disrupt the partv in Nebraska. There
r r .
is not a place for everybody.
is., i xi i
inc. iiiciiiucxs oi me new legislature
are pledged to the repeal of the present
assessment and road laws. The farm
ers of Nebraska are almost unanimous
for the restoration of the old laws.
R. B. Windham Gives His Views on
the Various System cf Lights.-
The lighting question being still
under consideration, and the views of
the citizens being requested, as being
one deeply interested in the welfare
of the city, 1 desire to simply express
my personal judgment on the ques
tion, leaving others to do the same.
First. I am exposed to granting to
any company a new franchise to ex
ceed a limit of ten years.
Second. I am opposed to granting
a franchise to any company unless
they are found to furnish adequate
Third. Everything else being
equal, I am in favor of giving the
preference to the company now do
ing business here.
Fourth. I am opposed to the city
making a contract for gas lights at
$29 per light.
Fifth. I believe incandescent
lights to be the most satisfactory, as
a greater number of the taxpayers
could be benefitted and the city
lighted for less money than if gas
is taken. I am advised that Glen-
wood, Iowa is lighted with 16 candle
power incandescents at 25 cents
This would be $4.20 per jear,
against $29.00 per year for gas
light. It is true the gas lights are
said to have more candle power.
Sixty-five gas lights has been sug
gested as the number that should be
put in. This would cost the city
$1,SS5.00 per year, while the same
number of incandescents would only
w,th Br. Cling's
Nov; Discovery
FflR ifoycHS
IV. a t on
OLDS Trial Bottle Free
B IJ 8 4?
to Tine
ccst us $273.00, leaving the city to ! ' Sale,
the good $1,612.00, granting that) Fifty acres of land, situate- one
the electric lights could be furnished and a half miles -.southeast of town,
at 35 cents. In other words $l,8So , CJood house, three acres of apple or
spent for electric lights would cover 'chard; plenty of fuel and plenty cf
seven times the territory that would j
be covered by the gas lamps While;
i the candle power would not be quite
so great more people would secure
i sht.
I am in favor of lighting
the business part of the city, but at
much less expense, even if the light
I should not be so good, than .$f0.00
Per vear Ior tne arc "Sms.
f-iT jix '
Seventh. I am opposed to grant- ;
iner a new franchise unless it include!
--- ---
the furnishing of sufficient power
t r MnH
tO run lactones.
R. B. Windham.
Attachment Notice.
Frank Krecek. will take notice, that on the
1st day of Oetolier. I;.0S. M. Archer, a justiee of
the tieaee of I'lattsmout h City, Cass county.
Nebraska, issued an order of attachment for
the sum of i'X 40. in an action pendinir hefoie
him. wherein William Holly Is plaintiff, and
Frank Krecek is defendant, that property of
the defendant, consisting of money in the
possession of the C. H. & Q. 11. K Co.. gar
nishee, has lieen attached under said order.
fsttitl cause was continued to November lth.
at i o'clock, a. tn. William Hoi.i.v.
10-:Si-3t. Plaintiff.
it's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want
to hear the music in your kftcbenr
Easy order coal from this office and
yard. The output of tbe Trenton
mine the fuel we handle has no su
perior anywhere, its equal in few
'PHfiUF Plattsmouth No.22.
rnunc Bell No 3
Dr. Ness' Slock Food
scientific compound for horses and cattle.
Hess' Stock Food
guaranteed to give results.
F. G. Fircke & Co , Druggists.
Best Time to See
the Southwest
Every first and third Tues
day of each month, low-priced
homeseeker's excursions are
run over the lines of the : : :
Missouri Pacific
Iron Mountain
into the rich and resourceful
farming regions of the South
west. It is a splendid chance
for the Northern and Eas
tern farmer, tfter his wheat
is gathered, to combine a
pleasure and propecting trip.
Write for rates and literature to
M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb.
R. BRUCE, Secretary
1-ORJ- VKR "
- '
running water for c attle. Enquire
at ll. M. Scennichsen's store.
Notice of Suit.
Anderson Manlootli. hcfenilant. will take
notice, that on the :.'ii1 lay of NiaciiiIiit. I mi.
I. O. Dwyer. nhiintiir herein herein. til' dhK
ix't it ion in the omit y Court nf (lass County,
rsehraska. Uirainst haul uefeiitlant.. the ohjeet,
I and ,,a'(','"t which are n, recover juii-meni,
! ui)oii an agreement to furnisii iroMTty of an
vaim. which .iefefi.-,nt fallen to .j,,.
and for which in said suit iilalntllT claimed a
judgment in the sum of i.V
V011 a, further notified that attachment
and trarnishmeiit have lieen issued In sniil
i suit, and served on the First National Hauk
of I'lattsmout h. Nebraska.
I Vun an ri'iiiiiiMl Iii aiKU'pr suhl iuthlii r.n
or liefore the 7th day of Mecember. r.n.
Iated this 'nil day of November, l'.ms.
I). . IWVER.
11-2-4 Plaintiff.
Notice of Sale of Note and Mortgage
NOTICE IS HEHFltVfil VEN that by virtue
of an order of the Hon. Allen. I. Heeson.Countv
Judireof Cass County. Nebraska, made and
entered in the est ute of Catharine Stadelmann.
deceased, the undersigned executrix of said
estate will sell at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash, a certain promissory note lu
the principal sum of :.'..'i turn with interest
thereon at the rale of eitrlit iercent (' irom
the first day of May. l!Hi. together with a cer
tain nicrttraye deed on the West Half of Ixjt,
Nine (it) in Hlm-k Twenty-Nine (io of the city
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, which is security
for the payment of said note. That said nolo
and morttfatre mat ures on .May fii-st. i;ii'.. and
are a part of the assets of the estate of said
deceased. Such sale will take place at the
south doorof t he Court House in said City of
Plattsmouth on the Ist day of Noveml er.iyc-.
I tie hour of one o'clock P. M.
Iat ateu this 31st day of Octoiier, 1!'(K
l-3 Cathakink White,
11-2 Executrix.
.O I Iwykii. Attorney.
State ok Neiikask a, . .
Cocnty ok Cass. (h' ls c" -""TY Cockt.
In the matterof the estate of John I). Thlerolf.
To all persons Interested:
You are hereby notified that the executrix of
the aixjve estate has tiled in this court her ac
count itnd ieiitioii for final settlement of said
estate, and praying therein that said account
le allowed and that the property of said est ate
lie assigned according to the last will and tes
tament of said deceased.
You are further notified that a hearing will
lie had upon said petition on the 17th day of
Novemlx r. !!.. at In o'clock, a. m.. I fre n.i-
court at PlattsM.outh. Nebraska. That all ob
jections must le filed on or before said day of
Witness my hand and seal of the County
Court, this i;rd day of tictotx-r. lvi
KAL Hy the court.
10-UK.-3t. County .lude.
Notice of Sale Under Chattle
Notice is hereby tfiven that by virtue of a
chattle mortiraire. dated (Jctot-r 11. l;C. to se
cure the payment of the sum of : with
Interest at the rate of -r cent from said
date, and by vlnue of a chattle tnortifaj.-e
dated January ti. l'.i.s. to secuie the payment of
the sum of .Huio. with Interest at the rate of
Ju per cent from the :th day of cccmter
ril'T. iHith of said morttfafes having lieen duly
tiled in the otlice of the county clerk of fw
j county. Nebraska, and executed by E A
Fletcher, and uimhi each of said moil traces
i there is due and unpaid the original sums with
interest thereon: that each of sain niortjfat'es
, lias In-en assigned by mortiraire to the First
j National Hank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska lie-
fault havinjf been made in the payment of said
i sums, and no suit oroiher pioceedin at law
iumiic ib cii niMiuiiMi io recover said debts
or any part thereof, therefore the umiersitrned.
will sell the proiterty in said cha'tlel mort
t'aire, descrilied vi:-u,e irray mate mule,
four years old. welirht nine hundred (.o
pounds: one horse (irray ) mule, four years old
ueiirht nme hundred ;ih) inhukIs: one sonei
mare, eijrht years old. welcht nine hundred
(mil) pounds: one b:iy horse, live yeais old
weisrht twelve hundred (!:.) Nitind: onn
I uiuin iiuiK-. li-lll on iiioiisanu ( 1INHO Mullds
aire seven years: one black horse, weight oni
thousand (limo) pounds, aire seven years- one
bay mare, welirht nine hundred and tifly'dtto)
I"'"1""' txuru i nrivc jears; one set of double
mitii at tit hand Vine xt
Plattsmouth. Nebraska, on the IM, uay of ."o
veniber, ivr. at one o'clock p. m. of said aild
Fiiwt National Hank.
. Ansiifnceof Morttraife.
D. O. Dwtir, Attorney.
' oncorij Harness. I v, luir; one set of
double harness: one cow. welirht one thousand
one hundred 1 10ii iMiunds. five years of
at public auction at the snle !!- ..t . '