The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 12, 1908, Image 5

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mmmi em
Session Quite Lengthy and the Various
Matters Before the August Body
Are Hotly Discussed
V'rotn Tuesday's liuily -
The meeting of the city council
last night developed the presence" of
n quorum, all the members o' the
council being present except Schluntz,
who was out of the city. After read
ing the. minutes of the list meeting
and their approval, a communication
from thy residents of the blocks ly
ing around the head of the setter at
Vine and Reveuth streets waa pre
sented. The communication protested
against the high crossing on Vine
at Seventh as they claimed it di
verted the, flow of flood waters from
the center of the street and caused
them to flow across the property in
the adjacent blocks. They claimed
that the "crossing could be lowered
at a cost of not to exceed fifteen
dollars. Weber wanted the matter
looked after before winter set. jri a:jd
moved that the prayer, of t he peti
tioners be granted and the work
done.' , Rteimker amended by moving
to refer to the streets omrnltoe to
report at the next meet'iiK. Weber
made another effort' to get the work
done, but Steimker could sen no rea
son. (pri hurry,, just now. :. Schulof-
admitted the work ought to bo done
but "referred to the walk near the
Four til ward school as mere- nec
essary and ordered long since b;it
never done. On motion th: amend
ment was agreed to and the peti
tion Went to the streets committee
fcr investigation. There v:is a dele
gation of several second tard citi
zens present but as they die! not ask
for recognition they were not heard.
The finance committe reported the
following claims which on moMou
were allowed and warrants ordered
issued for the same:
Kroehler I'.ros. mdse
'arl NVuniaii, police- . . . .
Cus Carlson, police
Phil Harrison, street work
Win. Ilassler, labor
John .Ian la. "salary
5 S
4 3
0 0
1 0
i r,
.) II
1 1
II. C. Ale.Mak. n Son
Olive Jones, salary
Public Librarv, expense .
Neb. Light Co.. light . '. ;
Xobi. Light Co.", light' . . .
Torn Sunborowgh. police .
Wm. Sohmidtman. labor .
M. Arc-her, salary
C. V. Baylor, coal
Win. Wehrbein. livery . . .
1!-mi Ilainey, salary
.lames Donelly. salary '.
John Jan da, street work
Win. Gingery, street work
-Ic" KitLCeralil. salary . . .
The report of the. hi' f of ' police
j;Uc-v'!ng f welve nrre?ts 'tiiirirsr tl
month c.t October was received anil
s-enr to -the polP-o e-emmitto. "
f !c report of street oommi.-sh aer
slio . i:.,r tl:i a;::ount expend ! en
.tr- ( v oik fr the past nici;h v;'s
l et el
a'id oiviere 1 to th
e fur i.r e:: isat ic a.
o-.irt of tie- city rl
s!.:v. 'ing the i.u m
iil'i'Cf! ;:ring
:oT i:Mi w as to tin
c; iv:i
mo:;t r,
it :
.Ti r
I'd e" V. I
dollar.-. -and
on '
i-om:" in
e for investi.iMion.
The report of the city treasurer
showing a balance in the treasury
motion went to the finance commit
tee. The mayor at this juncture espying
Treasurer Clements in the? room
asked him regarding the collection
of interest on the city funds. The
treasurer replied that interest on
the city funds had been collected to
August 1st, and showed in the treas
urer's report of that date, the
amount being $38.15. it being put
in the business tax fund. There was
considerable discussion between the
mayor. and the treasurer over the
matter, the mayor wanting the item
so stated in the report that it could
be traced up and would readily ap
pear for the information of the coun
cil. Mr. Clements contended that
when the books were audited the
item appeared and he did not think
it necessary to show it in the re
port separately. This led to a dis
cussion as to who should have col
lected the interest, the ma"or con
tending that it should have reac hed
the treasurer through the city clerk.
Clements was willing that the city
clerk should collect and siaiel that
he thought he was doing the clerk's
work when he did the collecting The
matter was finally dropped for the
The report of the fre do- , a row at once. Weber declare! he
partment went to the fire and water ; favored light and went on to expatiate
committee. . j upon the peculiar sight the city pre-
The report of the police judge jsented plunging along in darkness
showed eleven arrests during the ! when they could afford light. If the
month'of .whom paid fines, five were) light committee thought they had a
committed to jail and three had their better proposition he wanted to hear
sentences suspended by the court, (it but if this, report meant, to turn
(The report went to the oolice ooni
j inittee.
j The judiciary committer rcp'rted
j adversely upon the c laim of Virginia
McVie-ker for damages by eason of
work of the street commissioner to
her property on North Sixth street,
and the report was approved by the
The judiciary coiamitteo also
asked for further time upon the
claim of C D. Wood worth, for the
balance? due him for paving and still
hehl by the city. This was granted.
Owing to the absence of Chairman
Schluntz. th claims committee want
ed further time on several claims in
their '"hands which was granted.
The committee . "on streets, alleys
and bridges reported favorably on
the report of the street commissione r.
They alsfi reported that-they fa
vored the construction of a four
j foot cement culvert at the corner
of Twelfth and Elm streets. ;This
is the place where County '".fudge
Jieeson asked to havethe work done
at the last' session of the council.
On motion' the work was ordered
done- under the supervision of ' the
street committee. This was a need
ed piece of work and one highly im
portant to the people of that section
of the city who have suffered greatly
in times past from floods caused by
the present inadequate drainage.
Further time was granted the
street committee upon the ordinance
to take up the pavement on .Main
street and replacing same.
The fire and water committee re
ported that the doors of the Fourth
ward school house opened inward
instead of outward as required by
law and recommended that the
school board be notified to change
them. The motion prevailed and
the clerk was instructed to notify
the board of the action of the coun
cil. The mayor called . the attention, of
the board to the fact that the peo
ple of Nehawka .wanted the road
roller brought up several months
ago to roll the pavement, returned
to that point. -This led to' quite a
discussion during which Councilman
! Falter stated that the roller in
! reality belonging to the first commis
; yioner district as it had been pur-
.".j 'chased by him while he was commis
00 ' sioner of that district. It was agreed
j between the commissioners that each
j district was to have a roller but the
, first was tle only one to buy, one.
lie thouglit. that Nehawka ,had: bet
ter come after t he roller if it" want rid
ii. On motion of Stc imicer'tl'.enmt
ter went to the street committee for
ia vesrigr.tior;. "
A i:cs!ieii by r'te-imke
as to wi.a:
:o tion th" city attorney !:;
in the Wiuicn case elicited
I tak-r.
the in
i ii-. eti
s I alien
forr at ion ilu;r nothing had
done ' t he trial.
The five i.'innie roe ss was
at this point while the li;,!iT e
mitree was toiling tip soa.e r rouble
for the dads.
A ded gation of people lit ing near
the mouth of the sewer on Wash
ington atenue at this stage nearly
precipitated a rict by their vigor
ous criticism of the' course of the
council in not granting their peti
tion earlier in the session. Headed
by w. J. Streight and Sam Sm'h
they proceeded to bombard the coun
cilmen and others on the matter,
Streight and the mayor finally
locked horns in a heated debate upon
matters in general and the sewer
question in particular. No headway
was made in the matter, however,
a Tt brill ?h a lnt ft f ontortainmont tl-qc I
afforded the disinterested spectators.
City Treasurer Clements and M'ay
or Gering also revived the interest
on city funds question, Mr. Clements
making the city clerk produce his
treasury reports for several months
back and shotting where he had re
ported the city interest. The matter
became quite heated but finally was
amicably adjusted without bloodshed.
j All this was preliminary to a
' ions stunt by the lieht committe?
! which brought in several crdinrnccs
ianl reports upon the light question, j consumption. Its timely use always
! The mayor ordered that the rnor 'prevents the development of pneumo
ioi the light committee upon the or nia- Sold U"d?r guarantee at F. C.
dinance of the Nebraska Lighting Fricke & Co. 's drug store. 50c and $1.
i Company be read first. Thi3 reuort i Trial Dttle free.
recc:i;mended that the proposition
i be laid on the table. This protcked
ftp 3
G. E. Wescott's Sons
"Where Qualify Counts."
down the light proposition he was
against it.
Sattler believed that the commit
tee had another proposition which
they would spring and beiieved that
the council should know what it was.
Schulof stated that the light com-
. .
mittee naa anotner proposition to
i.i ..j . i ,j. . ,4. ti,. !,
, iou uiuuh"i ii 'ran, uiif.-ui.
to be considered first. The motion
to proceed with the report on the
Nebraska Lighting proposition was
withdrawn and the committee then
reported favorably upon an ordinance
granting Jos. Bortenlanger and as
assigns a twenty-five year'' franchise
for. an electric light . and . heating
plant and' fixing the rates to be"
charged. It also provided that the
plant must also oe in operation
within eight months after the pas
sage and approval of the ordinance
and for a bond of $3, ."00 for the
faithful compliance with the pro
visions of the ordinance. The city
was to receive three percent on re
ceint; from commercial lihtim' ore- ! I'biUsmoul h. Nebraska, on t he CM h day of 'No
te. 1 pis ironi commercial unun& pre 1 vember. nms. at one oclok p. m. of said said.
t iding that the income came to $ 1 o - j
000 a year a highlv improbable1
figure. A twenty-four service was
promised after April first 1910. The
ordinance also provides a penalty
vandalism to the poles, wires,
Webcr immediately took the fleer
and stated this was somewhat sud
den as a twenty-five year
wis too timf I fr-nl-p,i on-
was too long l time, lie la.Olfcd go-
ing a little slow on long term "frail -
Chises and did net at present" favor
thie fine
Sattler did not see anything wrong
, , .
with twenty-five year franchises as
it was not exclusive and the council
could grant others whenever it foit
so disposed.
Councilman Hteimker was opposed J
to twenty-live year franchises as the j
city did not know what five- or' ten :
years might bring forth. It war- j
true iluit this was not : n exclusive !
tranciiise iir.t :.o one wouio come in
with the city tied up with a lone
term franchise. He thou
lit the cit'
should sif: Iho matter tho; oughly
and ' rit k i.od the c omr.iittee fcr keep
ing the conn- il an-l th" people in the
dark until the las: minute ar.,1 then
bringing in this bill. i!e finally
moved that the matter be referred
b;;e k to the committer- to report agnin
at the next meeting. This motion
Falter sec onded. Sc hulof defended
the committee,
had studied th
year and been
It and the council
matter over for a
;oing over proposi-
tions for the last week or two. The
torney at the behest and suggestion
of the committee which knew all the
time what he was doing as they were
in a position to know at all times.
Sattler was like Steimker. He
wanted time to investigate this or
dinance. The motion to refer was
agreed to Ayes 6, nays 3. :
The council theji adjourned.
! Seven Years of Proof.
"I have had seven years of proof
that Dr. King's New Discovery is the
best medicine to take for coughs and
cold? and for every diseased condition
of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V.
Henry of Panama, Mo. The world has
had thirty-eight years of proof that
Dr. King's New Discovery is the best
remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe,
asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemor
rhage of the lungs, and the early stages
For Sale
I Ul WaiC
aevc of lorH 1 i miloc frnm Plotfi
MX.AX.J J A lull - tmibu A. X lit A AOLikO i
mouth; good new house and out build
ings; 800 fruit trees; 29 acres cultiva
tion; 10 acres in alfalfa; 5 acres fenced
hog tight and the remainder in timber
and pasture. Good spring water the
year round. This place must be sold
as soon as possible. Lnquire or write
. - . AIRS, t RANK bVEHLA.
that election is over and now
that the noisy politicians have
cjuit shouting we can cot down
to business again. The next
thing on the program is Thanks
giving. Everybody has a lot to
be thankful for this year. There
is no panic or currency shortage
such as we had last year; crops
have been fair in most places
the prices good. Now let's get
ready for a big prosperity year. Come
in and dress up in one of our "Quality"
suits or overcoats and you will get a
good start by looking prosperous.
Notice of Sale Under Chattle
Notice is hereby triven Hint by virtue of a
ciiatlie niorttratre. clatt-U icioUt II. limT. lose
run- I lie; payment of the -.uni of ;.!.Hi.:0. with
intercut at the rate or s jkt cent from said
: uaie. aim n.v virtue T a chattle moi Il-.-h--..
1 dated January n1. to. secure the payment of
the sum of &kmh). with Interest at the rate of
t l" per cent rrom the lth day of Jecemler.
I t'W-'xitli of said moi tirades havini.' been duly
Kleu In tlie ottice of Hie county clerk of Cass
V-'!1" .y e,,r.ask'a- ami ex.-. uted hy K. A.
I' letcher. and upon each of said mortmain's
there is due and unpaid the original sums with
interest thereon: that each of said mort (.'aires
has been assigned ly motH.'aj.'e to the First
National Hank of I'lattsmout h. ehraska. de
fault havintf been made in the payment of said
sums, and no suit or other proceedings at law
havintr been Instituted to recover Said debts
or any part tiiereof. therefore the undersigned
will. sell the property in said chattlel mort
patre. described viz: -One trray mare mule,
four years old. weijrhl nine hundred (imn)
pounds: one horse (gray) mule, four years old,
weitrht nine hundred ('M)) pounds: one sorrel
' m:ir'- elhf'
eitflii; years old. weiyrht nine hundred
one bay horse, live years old.
weight twelve hundred ( law) iHiunds: one
black horse, weight on thousand (l(xi) iniunds.
age seven years: one black, weight one
thousand (liHKl) iounls. age seven years; one
bay mare, weight nine hundred and' fifty (iM)
pounds, aged twelve years: one set of double
(new) Concord harness. I'i tug; one set of
double harness: one cow. weight ont-t housand
one hundred ( 1 KXi) pounds, live years of age.
at piO'lic auci ion at t lie sale barn of Sam c;.
Smith at lith and Vine streets, in the eit v of
D. o. Dwvut
1-ihst National hank.
Assignee of Mortgage.
r - .. .
j TATF ()K vKnR.SK.
; C'ocxtv ok cas;
ss. In Cocnty Court.
In the mattc-rof the estate of John I). Tliierolf.
To all persons interested:
You are hereby notified that the executrix of
ine r.oove ei ate tias men in I ins court her ac
franeluse count and petition for ti nal sett lenient of said
estate, and praying therein i hat said account
, and mavthe property of said estate
1 '"' as-ign.-d according t the last will and les-
lament of said deceased.
I You are further not itied that a hearing will
; be had utKin said petition on the ITlh day of
i November. l!ii s. at Mi o'clock, a. in., before this
; court at I'latts-omh. Nebraska That all o-
J ctious must be filed on or liefore said day of
j -."XV! "' VTL "12,1 V.-V-!.!-,1. t.J13 TtM
KA L! By the court.
A 1. 1. FN J. IIeesox.
li")-;-:it. County .lucjge.
Notice cf Sale of Note and Mortgage
N'oTIf F. IS IIF.kKilYe;! VKN bv virtue
: of a n i. ri lei- of t he lion. A lien .1 . I lees. u. Count y
.1 il' C':ws e'omitv. X 1 i f't :.- n
! etiieitd iii i In- e-i ate of Cat hari i ic St add in ami. j
deceased, the uimcrsigi:ed eecutri of said!
ist nt. will sell al nubile auci lull to the highest
i.iiiiler for cah. a certain promissory note in
. : he ininciual sum of sJ.-'xhi.iic. with inteicst
i I'ci i-nii at t he t ate of eight jiercent ) from
; the tiisi dav of .May. 1'.m. t-t'cl licr with a
' tain in. n gage deed ;m the tVe .1 Half of Lot
I Nine ( hi block Twenty-Nine .' of the . ity
of I'lal tsmoiu h. Nebraska, which is security
i for 1 he naymem of sai'l note. Thai said note
j and mortgage ma? ure.s on M ay first. 1!".i. and
me a ;i:irt t.-l' the as-els of the estate of said
! dece ased, such sale will take place at the
j south door of the Court in said Ciiy of
I'lattsmout h on the -.'1st d i v of Novemiier.l'.K.1-.
t he hour of
( me o'clock I. M.
! lat ated this :sist day of e ctober. ir(K
1 - Catharine White
. O Dwyeii, Attorney.
Notice of Suit.
Anderson Mantooth. defendant, will take
notice, that on the 2nd day of November. T. is.
I ).(). Dwyer. plaintiff herein herein, tiled his
letition in the County Court of Cass County.
Nebraska, against said defendant, the object
and prayer of which are to i-ecover judgment
upon an agreement to furnish property of an
agreed value, which defendant failed to do,
and for which in said suit plaintiff claimed a
judgment in the sum of $10UO.
You are further notified that attachment
and garnishment have been issued in said
suit, and served on the First National Bank
of Plattsmouth. Nebraska.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 7th day of December. t!0S.
Dated this 2nd day of November. 19.
I). V. Dwver.
11-2-4 Flaintiff.
Attachment Notice.
Frank Krecek. will take notice, that on the
1st day of Octolier. 1:0s. M. Ar -her, a iustice of
the peace of Plattsmouth City, Cass county.
Nebraska, issued an order of ittachment for
the sum of SH. 4". in an action pending liefore
him. wherein William Holly is plaintiff, and
l rank Kree-ek is defendant, that Vroperty of
me uerendant. consisting of mot ey in the
possession or the C. B. & i). K. Ii Co.. gar
nishee, lias been attached under said orcier.
said cause was continued to November lih.
at P o'clock, a. m. William
H-2!i-:st. Plaintiff.
Potatoes For Sale.
I will receive a car load of fine po
tatoes the first of this week, of the
Early Ohio variety, for seed at 70 cents
jn.v omu vaneu, iorseea ai ,uceni3ijng for Omaha to visit with his
T.fkr HlTchol arA also cnr-io Rn.' onl-e of : j . si t- t-v . j . .:
r . '"
65 cents.
I will deliver to all parts of
the city.
Call phone No. 253, Black.
J. E. Leesley.
For Sale.
Short stove wood for sale. $3.00 per
load. Smith & Smith. Plattsmouth
. phone 11.
Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evening's Daily Journal
.Mrs. C. K. Ktlieiton way. :i pas.n
ger this morning fcr Omaha when
sin will spend the day.
Andrew .1. Hoover, of l.m i vi!I'
was among those registered
i reg-
day at t he 1'erkins hotel.
Fred Oin rnalte. of V:t : s i
Sunday in the city, having b
istered at the Perkins hot 1.
Mrs. M. .Mauzy was a pass. M.VM
on the mail t rain for Omaha, where
she will do some shopping.
Fd. Polin returned to his business
with his folks in this city, going up
on the mail train .Monday.
Peter Vallery and wife were pas
sengers this morning to Omaha where
they' had business to attend.
Kd. Vroman, who has been work
ing for several weeks in Lincoln,
returned to the city night before last.
Mrs. Ceo. Sayles was a passenger
yesterday noon on the mail train for
Omaba, where- she will do soni" shop-
Mrs. Jos.- Fitzgerald departed yes
terday on the mail train for Omaha,
where she will be the guest of rela
Claude Shu maker was a passenger
yesterday on the mail train for Oma
ha where he had business to look
Mrs. J. O. Wagner and baby were
mail for Lincoln, after a visit in the
city with Mrs. Chas. Maguire for hev
eral days.
Emil Wuri was in Omaha Monday
afternoon, looking after business
matters, being a passenger on the
fast niail.
Carl Kunsman was a passenger
yesterday noon for South Omaha
where he goes to look after the cat
tle market.
Mrs. John Seagraves and son.
John, arc? passengers for Omaha,
where they will visit with friends for
a week or so.
Mrs. Anna Britt and mother, Mrs.
R. R. Livingston, were north bound
nassengers yesterday noon on t tie
fast mail train.
Rev. F.
V. Brink was a passenger
the mail train for
noon on
Omaha where he had business mat
ters to attend to.
Charles C. Parmele was a passen
ger yesterday noon on the fast mail
for Omaha where he had business af
fairs to look after.
Sam Shumaker was a business tis
itcr this morning in Council .MliluTs,
Ia. where he went to obtain soii.e
tint slier repair parts.
.Mrs. William Eaird and son vere
passengers on the ncjon train yes
terday for Lincoln, where the y v ill
visit for several days.
Mrs. Phillis I'etts, of Ianooin. i -companied
by Douglas I'earc-e. al. o
cf the san-e city, were in the eiiy
over Sunday the guests of fri d's.
7-Irs. Nora Utile nn-i WWv be..- i "
turned yeste-rday noon from a visit at
Hamburg. Ia.. and Tarkio, .Mo., with
friemls and relatives for several days.
.Miss Lillian I'.nnkr.leyer, -ifte:'
spending Sunday in the city tv'th Iter
folks, was a passenger yestcr lav
noon for her musical duties at Oma
ha. Mrs. Dr. Dameron. of Lincoln,
spent Sunday in the city, the gue. t of
her grandmother, Mrs. C. II. Par
mele, returning to Lincoln at noon
Monday on the fast mail train.
C. Bergen and wife from Maynard
came yesterday morning and were
passengers at noon on the mail train
for Omaha where they will do some for Lincoln, where he will stop for a
shopping and spend the afternoon I few days with his family, after which
Will Fritchman and wife and Miss j he may continue on to his ranch at
Lillie Schuldice were visitors in the j Granada, Col., for several days,
city over Sunday at the home of Al- Misses Leypolds and White, of La
bert Schuldice, returning to their j Patte, who has been visiting in the
home yesterday afternoon on the M. fcity for severai daySt the guest of
P- train. Miss Gladys Marshall, departed this
W. D. Wheeler and daughter Lil-; noon on the mail train for their
lian, came in yesterday morning : home.
from their farm, in Rock Bluffs nrc
cinct and were passengers at noon
on the mail train for Omaha v here
the yspent the afternoon.
William Wintersteen of Kan-
sas City, Mo., departed this morning
for Tama, Ia., for a visit with friends.
Miss Olive Gass, with whom Mrs.
Wintersteen has been visiting, ac
companied her as far as Omaha.
P. E. Ruffner departed this mcrn-
aaugllier, .Mia. rtoj uoaue, iwmiuii
of whose illness was made last eve
ning in the Journal. He received
word yesterday afternoon that she
was still seriously ill and from the
fact that he had no further word he ,
felt that she was likely no worse. He
expected to return home this evening
if every thing went well.
dost. Mohr, of At oca. came In
terdtiy and was registered at
Hotel I'lal tstnoilt h.
John K. Ximmerer, of Atoca. was
among those registered yesterday at
the Hotel I'lattsmout h.
Miss Fnima Myers was a business
visitor this afternoon in Omaha, go
ing up on t he mail t rain.
Miss Anna Iludig departed
morning for Omaha where she
visit friends for a week.
John Hates came In this noon on
the fast mail from the east, where
he has been visiting friends.
Frank Hawksworth of Lincoln,
was in the city this morning for a few
hours' visit with his parents.
James A. Walker of Murray drove
up this morning to look after some
business matters in the city.
V. W. Coates wa.v a passenger this
noon on the fast mail for the north.
going out on business matters.
A. II. Murray was a passenger this
morning for Omaha where ho will
spend the day visiting with friends.
Mrs. A. Davis was a passenger
this morning on the early train for
Omaha where she will do some shop
ping. Mrs. M. A. Dickson was a passen
ger this noon on the fast mail for
Omaha, where she will visit for sev
eral days.
A. L. Anderson departed this
morning on a business trip for Wa
hoo and Lincoln to be gone for sev
eral days.
Miss Carrie Kalosek was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha where
she will spend several days visiting
with friends.
M. Fanger, the department store
man, was a passenger this morning
for Omaha where; he had business
matters to attend to.
County Attorney Rawls was a pas
senger this noon on the mail train
for Lincoln, where he is called by
professional busine-ss.
John P. Kuhne-y had business mat
ters to attend to this morning in
Omaha, being a passe-nger on the
i -'ar,y train for city.
' Lee names was a passenger this
: noon on the mail train for Omaha,
whe re he goes to loeik into the pros
poets for a job as a printer.
j Pert Pollock, general manager of
; t he-Plattsmout h Te lephone Company,
j was a passenger this morning for
Lincoln where he went on business.
Mrs. K;ite O'it' r was a passenger
, on tin- noon train for South Omaha
wlie-re s!i- (,eS to with he-r
'daughter Mrs. Chas. L'ads for se-ve-ral
Dr. c;.
' a l ie- up
parto-l ,,,
v,'h'jrc In-
e-.; n.
o. iJ. Cilii'ore of Murray
vi; ii .;is A. Walker a nd de
i the fast mail for Omaha,
had b;:,diii-. -s ma.ters to at-
. i
Kvelvn Tavh
r from ne-iir
t hi:; morning
r ii tl.e fast.
sim- will s:p-nel
iiork Jih'ITs en in" in
an 1 was ;i pnsxe-ngi
mail lor Omaha who'
the afternoon.
(''o. Itakor airl
t if
of K ii 1'au la,
city making
Oklahoma, are ju t
a visit with County Clerk Itosencrans
and family. Mrs. Raker is a brother-in-law
of Mr. Rosen' rans.
Mrs. Hubart and baby of Logan,
Ia., a sister of Mrs. V. C. Ahl.strand,
who has been visiting with her for
several days departed on the mail
train at noon for her home.
J. G. Richey departed this afternoon
Wm. Budig returned Sunday fore
noon from a trip of several days to
Plainfiiew, Xeb., where he was the
guest of friends. .Mr. I'tulig met
many of the Plattsmouth people who
now make that n'r.'je their home
and had a very enjoyable trip. He
found things in that faction in fine
shape and everyone was prosp'-rout
and well.
II. G. Wellensick, the popular
young attorney of Avo'-a, was in the
city today looking after professional
business. Mr. Wellensick was one
of the republicans who felt very bad
over the defeat of Governor Sheldon
but who was glad to congratulate
some of his democratic friends, al-
though he voted for the other fel
lows. He made the Journal office a
pleasant call.
-.-. -i.. ; .Z j '-i C , .---;.... t- " -".