i ..... I 1 .1 outnal skmi-wkkkLy kdition four packs VOLU.ME XX VI II PLA'lTSMOUTn, NEBRASKA, TIIUIISDAY, XOVEMIJEIl Iii, VJOH XUMKEIl 55 plattethoutb IXbe r 'V r A PERIL ON THE The Engine of the Launch "Shamrock" Gives Oui and Drifts Upon a Sandbar With all on Board. Fr.-ni Momlav's I 'ally The- families of .ln.!:;. II. I). Travis and Cid k of I Ik Court llobe-rtsou spent an anxious and worried night Saturday uiIit at tie- result of u ace ieh-nt to tin- t-a 1 i i i laumh "Sliumrm u" ii. v. hi h Cent K pori r Kail Trai., MR-vs .!e-s.-i-KoI risoti of li is city and Klla Sclmidor and G!.ii;.s Milll'l' of IVru wen- taking- a ph-as-i trip. Th parly lart.-d ml ::;out half past one o'dee k t-'at iir.'ay rnof,.; for a i rip dov.n lh- ri.r v.iih the inout ion of i'-t timing ia t. inoo'i. Afi.-r c,oing :-". -ral miles 'own tin- river th.- part :tatlcl back and had r-a l..-d a point about a half mil.' below ;lie Burlington brie'ge when the (-limine failed. As !:iev wt-rc out tretty we II in tin- river, tin boat began drifting bark in the cur rent and drifted to a point several miles below Itfick I Huffs, finally bulging on a sand bar about live o'clock in the afternoon. The marooned passengers made1 a strenuous effort to attract the atten tion of parties upon the shore and sent several lusty yells for assistance but with no results. Finally after they drifted upon the bar they agaiii made several attempts, but their cries were too feeble to attract attention, and they settled down to a long wait in the night. Fortu nately the night was a pleasant one although chilly upon the river, the moon shining brightly and making a bad position at least more comfort i:f.tik. i kom wi:sti:k. trip. Fears Regarding the Flood to the Ranch Groundless. From Monday's Pally - J. C. Richey and C. C. Parmele returned last evening from their trip to Granada. Col., were they were called by the paper reports of a great Kood in the Arkansas river. The' gentlemen with several other Cass county men .are interested in a large ranch which borders upon the Arkansas and they were afraid there might have been serious loss by the flood. They were glad to find upon investigation that their fears were groundless and that their property had escaped injury in the flood which everyone in that locality agreed was a record breaker for that river. The damage done in other places by the water was tremendous but In their case the result was real ly a benefit as it gave the land a much needed soaking. They found that there had been many bridges, both road and railway, swept away and the property loss ran easily into thousands. Fortunately their land lay so that the destructive force of the waters did not run throusn it and they so escaped. Sold Their Automobile. From Monday's Paily Walter I.. Thomas today sold his fine automobile to William Volk. living near Louisville. The auto mobile was formerly owned by Wal ter and Senator S. L. Thomas and is a very good one. They have been greatly delighted wilh it but wanted to get a larger machine. Mrs. Volk has long wanted a machine and when the parties got together there was little trouble in arriving at: a bar gain. The machine was turned over to Mr. Volk today and tomorrow Sen ator Thomas and "Walter T. Tl.omas will go to Lincoln and select another and larger machine. Doth parties seem delighted at the sale. Roy Killed By Hor-e. A special from Weepir.g Water un der date of November S.. says: "An lS-year-old son of Chris Shoemaker, living tight miles east of here, whs accidently killed by a horse this af ternoon." The boy had ridden to the pasture to drive in a team. One of the horses, ; in playful mood, chafed the horse the boy was riding and be fell ttt: iTheanimal stepped on' the back-of hfs head and 'killed himIn- VOYAG able than it would have li'i'ii other- i Wise. I In the meantime the failure of the j young folks to get in for supper ha 1 i alarmed the families cf Jude Tra is I and Clerk Robertson, who -:elia ng" ; !i:iiiii i.-s over the phone and, as the night wore on and no word rain froi.'i the mi.-: iiig oa"s, the alarm in- (reased. Finailx , KnyMon 1 Travis, il.rnee- Itr.seimrans a'nd Frank I!. Smith, friends of the missing parly I and former owners -,f the boat-, star' ; ei a .searching e",."-Mi mil. Tiny eu ! ua a :.ri ia-e ami wen-", down t . the f Mar White s..Tal i mil s i). low lioek Bluffs', an i . i:i i ! there at about three o'clock in the morning'. They aroused Mr. White and ids wife and the party went down to the riser where they hoi lowed until the marooned party heard them an 1 gave an answering shout. A boat was procured and ! the party brought off their unwel come haven arriving at Mr. White'.- about three thirty in the morning. Word was at once phoned to the anxious parents of the recovery safe and sound of the wanderers and a perod of general rejoicing ensued. The party later came to the city worn out by their long virgil on the waters but happy in their escape. They were received with open arms by their anxious parents and friends who were thankful that their fears of a worse disaster were unfounded. It is improbable that the young la dies will care for another trip upon the murky Missouri. GUILTY SECOND DEGREE Jury So Cesides in Matt Bozarth Case. Defense of Insanity Not To Their Liking. From Saturday's Daily The murder case against Matt Bo zarth charged with the murder of J as. Dyer, at Greenwood, came to a close yesterday afternoon shortly after four o'clock, there being little additional testimony in the case to that reported ' in the Journal of yesterday. As out lined there the defense to the case wis insanity no denial of the killing being made. The jury listened to the argu ments of counsel arid the instructions of the court retiring to consider their i verdict within a few minutes of five o' clock. After being out all night, and untill about nine thirty this morning, they returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. The usual ! motion for a new trial will be made and argued later. i fat 1 1 of gforgi: hargis. A Gentleman Who Stood lli.h in the Itespcit of All. George Ilargis. a well known citi zen living three and one-half miles South of Union, in Otoe county, died last Friday nighr, after a short ill ness of pluro-pneumonia. Mr. Har gis was one of ths best known and respected citizens of his community and a man who numbered his friends by the host. He was only forty-one years of age. in the prime of man hood, and this loss is felt most keenly He left surviving him a widow and a sister. Mrs. Henry Keuman of near Union. Deceased was a cousin of Senator-elect Banning, and a second cousin of J. M. Leek of this city. The funeral which took place yes terday was very largely attended, and there were numerous floral tri butes to the departed. Mr. Hargis stood very high in the respect of all who had the fortune - of his quaintance and yesterday the only words which could be heard in the village of Union were those comen datory of his excellent life and high character. The entire community was united : in." a 'common bond of sympathy with tlie" sorrowing" widow. - p- For Kodak good's1 see ' Gering & Co'. Tney-kiiow how f - - 1 Getting I'eady for Kiprapping. From .Monday's Pally Kl Fitzgerald drove over to Bart b-tt. Ia., this morning where he will commence the work of cutting wil lows for rip-rap work on the river for the Burlington road. Mr. Fitz gerald who has the contract for fur nishing the willows has been in some difficulty In finding the neces sary material but now lias this mat ter so straightened up that he hopes to get along without delay. The work requires a ast amount of material and the amount of it has thinned the willows out a great deal. The com pany has foend the use of the willow mattress a great help in stemiug the cutting of the river and in tim will have all the hal spots s() pro tected. T5IE mimi s. S. GOfiVEMTSON A Large Number in Attendance From Plsllsmauth and yicinity. I'll in M -i. day's 1 ):i il y - Tl.e ;,:i!!'i: l Hun-lay -JkioI ccir.ou tioa o;.! k.i ay at Weepin;; V.ior and there is eve ry prospci t thai there will ' a very large ivi.ei-iauc The number going over the-- tro'-i hero I.-i very large, several .waning yesierd.iy so as to be th-. r early. There is a very interesting iro;;n: mapped out for the two .'lays' ses sion of tie- convention, the prin cipal attraction of which is C. L. Meigs, of Indiana, who will partici pate and give members the benefit of his practical experience. The program for today is very instructive and in addition to the instruction, there will be awarded a map to the largest adult class present with its teacher, excluding Weeping Water, a contest in which a number of the schools of the county will partici pate. Tomorrow's session will include the nomination and election of offi cers and fixing the place of the next convention. One of the features of the session in the morning will be an address by Rev. A. A. Randall, of this city, upon the saloon in politics which will be interesting and in structive. For the afternoon a spell ing match between the two largest training classes attending the con vention will be had. There will not be a moment when there is nothing doing. A great many went from this city to the convention, including an automobile party consisting of Mrs. C. C. Parmele, Mrs. D. C. Mor gan and Mrs. J. II. Salsbury, who went over in Mr. Parmele's big ma chine. Cliff C. Wescott and wife were pas sengers for Weeping Water yester day to attend to the preliminaries of the convention. Among the many who attended from this city today were Rev. Ran dall, Geo. L. Farley, Mrs. W. B. Elster, Mrs. E. II. Wescott, Mrs. J. M. Hall, Mrs'. M. Archer, Miss Etha Crabill, Rev. J. H. Salsbury and Jesse Perry. Govern Yourselves Accordingly. Attention is calleu to a change of policy on the part of the Journal in the matter of printing news and other items. Heretofore it has been the policy of the Journal to print news just as long as it was pos.-ible before going to press. Hereafter the forms will close promptly at 3. no p. m. and nothing can possibly be accepted after that hour. Since the paper has the Linotype at work it is the? intention to get the paper out promptly and deliver it at the doors of everyone in town not later than six o'clock p. m. at the outside. Consequently, items must reach this office hereafter not later than three o'c lock p. m., in order to appear the day they are sent in. A Fine Program. Times looked last Saturday night at the Majestic Theater as Manager Walker had the people standing up to look at one of the best programs he has shown in the city. Particu larly good was "Spectacular Flames," a colored picture of much worth and prettiness which the audience greatly appreciated. There were two hum orous pictures "Prospective Heirs" and "The Vacuum Cleaner," both of which caused roars of laughter and which were excrutiatingly ' fnnhy. Therewas also a sensational picture whijCh' took well. For: tonight Man ager "Walker' promises another good and funny bills which will repay wft- nessing and for which we'beipeak a good attendance. "T ''- v-;) i:SCAlK I'HOM ANIMIV.XIATION. George I! rooks has a Close Call in Putting iii Boulevard Lump! George Brooks, one of the- men enfplnye.'l in the Gas Company's ser vice' had a very narrow escape last Saturday afternoon from asphyxia tion. He was engaged in putting in the new Boulevard gas lamp which the company intends to exhib it to the members of the city council and the public tonight at the cor ner of Seventh and Vine streets and was down in the trench where the gas mains are endeavoring to make a connection with the lamp and the main when he -was overcome with gas He ha-1 been warned by Snpt. Claybatigh of the danger attendant upon the work ai:d was in a meas ure prepared for it, but the- fumes were so strong that they completely overcame him. Ho fell in tl.e trench an 1 his fellow workmen im me.'fakly pulled him oui. For n short, time it was believed that he had passed beyond aid, but a. phy- si. iun was hurriedly :-m mom 1 an 1 every possible aid was giwu him with the result thf! he w:s soon brought to. lie was made -ry sick Vy the experience bM considers that he was fortunate in the escape. tipeiiiitendent Cl bangh was for tunately watching the work and saw him in the nick of time to nro- venf the accident resulting in death. It. was a very narrow escape and George's friends are extending their congratulations upon his really close; call and fortunate escape. IN JUSTICE AR CHER'S COURT The Four Men Charged With Break- Into and Robbing a Car Held in $500 Bonds. From Monday's Dally-- The preliminary examination of the men charged with the breaking and entering the car at the Bur lington depot which ' contained the household goods of William Baird, and the stealing of some of the goods, took place this morning be fore Justice M. Archer. The four men charged with the crime, Wil liam Riley, John Owens, .Michael Xeeson and William Murp'iy, were arraigned and after the complaint had been read to them by County Attorney Rawls entered a piea of not guilty. A. X. Sulivan appeared to look after the interest of the de fendants. There was quite an array of evi dence against the prisoners. Wil liam Baird identified the property taken from the prisoners rs his, and as the property which was missing from the broken car. Deputy Sheriff Manspeaker, Marshal Fitzgerald and Olficer Rainey testified to the circumstances attending to the capture of the men and to the prop erty being found upon them. They also testified to the defendants claiming to have found the clothes in a sack in a hole in the hills near the Burlington bridge. Agent Pick ett testified to the breaking of the car and Yardmaster Johnson, of the Burlington, and Guy Mc.Maken. of McMaken &' Sons, who had the con tract for transferring Baird's g. ods testified to the condition of the car the night of the burglary .and th- broken seal and open door on the next morning. Constable J. R. Denison, Clyde Jones, T. J. llkkson and C. II. Wilson testified to the presence of the defendants in town on the day preceding the burglary. Justice Archer after considering the testimony concluded to hold all four men for trial in the district court, fixing their bond in the sum of S500 which they were unable fj give, and in default of which they were remanded to jail. As the next term of court will not be until next spring, they will remain in jail un til that time. Took a Lns Walk. Last Monday night one of Fred Schroeder's daughters, living six miles from town, got up and walked in town in her sleep and wandered around until she came to the home of Ed Betts. It seems that she Is subject to these followed by heart trouble, so when she regained consciousness she was so frightened that she had con vulsions and for a vhile her life was dispaired of. .Her,, parents were summoned '.and f all was doner that couldt be done 'to relieve. . he suffer-. ingsv "She." vas . taken 'to ;the hos pital' in Lincoln, Tuesday .--Eagle Beacon. THE BEAUTIES OF FJOTE Id AUTUGaH A Journal Reporter Writes of a Trip in South eastern Gass County, in Liberty Precinct. l-'rem Monday's i;iily An excursion into the- country at this time of the year serves to im press upem one the gr.-at bountiful 11 ess of Providence' to the people ejf this community. The writer Sunday morning made a short trip out to rnh n juid through, one of the gar den spots of Cass county. The morn in( v.'.'is a beautiful one, such a:; only the; Nebraska fall is capable e f prodi'e ing --crbp, bright an-l brne in From the hills above th. little city ''null l-e seen lie fig lifting from the- valleys and tie smoke from the many 'hiniicys lying lazily in (lotldv l'l ve;, above the fo:-. As lie sun rose and tie- mi--f chare,) away, there v as presenter? n 1 1 ; i. 1 1 i ;? - 1 1 1 panorama, of hill and ale. en' fi-l.):-S recti with en ily wheat air' mill. 1 or alfalfa and Holds yellow with t he ripened corn or brown with the dead grn.s of the late pasturage. It was it grand exhibition of the ripening season of the year, of that seasem when' nature lays her bounteous bur den in the lap of man. And in 110 section of Cass county does nature yield her products more- generously than in this portion of old Liberty. Talking with farmers I am told there is no great shortage of corn down there. It is true there are many fields which grade low in quantity of yield some even falling as low as fiftetm bushels to the acre. but the gcmeral run of the fields seem to run right around thirty-five to forty bushels to the acre, while in exceptional cases sixty to seventy bushels is produced. This means in the total a good crop not so large n..rl,9nu a tiOTTi .t th either vir.ll- io.iu.-, i.i huh secuon eemicl l,c but still so much that it can be called a fair yield and means a gen erous income to the producers. As one travels back from the town and reaches the high hills and bluffs which border the Missouri river he finds himself coming upon scenery as grand as any which lies out of doors. From the high point of view ne can iook souin ami see tor i miles and miles a vast stretch of valleys and hills, all alike covered witl. the si of tlie htirvest time of the year, while to the southwest and west the same grand view meets the eye, the range of vision being for more than twenty miles in this direction and elipping toward the southwest almost to the town of Dunbar. From a high hill near the home of G. W. Garrison, one of the most striking views can be had. South the eye rests upon the bluffs in the northwest part of the state of Missouri, eastward the? high bluffs of Iowa all hazy in the smoke of autumn, rise from the bottom lands sentinel outposts of the mighty mountains of the far west., on the north the smoke of Plattsmouth and South Omaha meets the eye and to the west stretches the beautiful valley of the Weeping Water wit h the smoke of the Xehawka quarri'-s but a few miles away an 1 beyond prairie which dips away into an almost limitless horizon. I have often wondered if thore who lived upon those grand hills and in the beautiful, verdure clad valleys realized tlie great good ness which has been bestowed upon them and could see the beautie.s of this country as some of the rest, of blessed with all the good things which this life affords. Besides the corn, which has been mentioned heretofore, this part of the world has an abundancy of wher.t and the new sown crop is reported to be in excellent shape for the coming winter. The fields do not look so well as might be expected, but all agree the crop is entering the winter in good shape and that there should be an abundance of it when it is harvested. Then there is alfalfa. Years ago when alafalfa vas first introduced into this section, there was not" so much faith in" its utility but tim-:-has shown that it is one of the money producing crops of the country and down here where there is a pro duction of four crops of the excel lent feed, there must be -a super fluity . of prosperity. . And one of the changes of- the ... years, has been-, the; transformation , cfs -th j Iowa bluffs from high, bleak, dismal ap- p. aiing hills into beautiful v. icu.-. clad eminences. All this is eiue- : i no Hems or a II aim w le. it . ovr t sides and crown 1 1, lea 1- w 1 1 ! 1 mantles of green. The; e are t be t hrei i,;oii( nig cn.ps of this por i;ei o p''o 1 '.;- l.ilior'y. this is :.!! oat; in a but one must not be.' I the proeliico. There ge-n-rous in. , suie ae j and when they spca ol !. 1 v !;-. in;-, of fruit they m-I'e.s ami ap is U M'e be, I . yield i lea t fops l ). pl s I ha 11 which 1 he:- u ea 1 1 h. I 'i hei is s : i 1 1 one .. I I hat i ; from t he hi; u ill hi, . and v. bic'i 11. ! ' row 11 t he .Mi. .:oi;i i. Thi : i v. 1 1 oei their i d - I he a I i 1 1 ' '-'I. I IC.:,r-l iiaiico dial id the eye. 1 ! ' hero is tiiiic e-ni .iii 1 j co r d u i ih the trees i 1, j li 11. -s of red, yellow, j I aim gom pro.a-iii an appi is arli.-tie ami pbasin Below rolls the mighty Mis. ouri, jls tlllpid Waters mellowed to III.- eye- from the lofty lioh-bts from which it Is viewed ami sluicing auay to a blue and silvery rtroam in the distance, and from its -dge ri: -.--. the unbroken forest of oak. hickory and other woods. This is all a treas ure house yet almost untouched i,y man but soon to b denuded and laid bare fer Its wealth. All these beautiful scenes can be seen in good weather by he who cares- to view them, but in bad trip, the most eor don't make the ine roads are a fright. a ml bridges as such that even t he- hardy- holds his breath when cross ing them. It does seem that there ! shou,d h" fiomV .""vision by which placed in good shape. It is use-less to attempt to specify the bae. roads of the vicinity. Tiny are legion, in fact, it were far easier to se h-e t ijo good sections. It is true it i.-J;es a lot of work to ke ep these roads in re pair but. eevn at that thiy miouM be in much bette-r siiape than they are now. Work is n.-e-tled till oce-r these hills and work ought to be ,Iom'. '"' '. too. at once. As I for iho bridges, there are so r.-w MieeeiiL II leics ami euiv.lt u pO.'l these; roads that it Is a crying shame? and should be looked alte r speedily. The- floods of last, spring have; neve r bee-n prope rly atte neb-d to and the bridges them swept away are still in the temporary, ami in some cases even dangerous, condi tion they were left in after the- few little repairs done then. This costs money, they say, but even true it is money well Fpent and it should be done. The people in this se-etion pay their taxes in common with all others and they are entitled to have their roads and bridges placed in shape. But with all their eirawbacks, they have one of the garden spots of the world. Grand old L erty, rac.-, por j peopled with the e-ream of ih it stun ds as one- of the g re ;.!;! tions of tlie graticle-st eeji.ntv great s'ate-. 1:1 t! Tl-e.-ite-el '! iiein Like Pi ine es. A hunting party whh h took plm e yesterday had a very enjoyable day of it at the home fjf John Warga, near Ree-k Bluffs. The boys bagged a nice little lot of rabbits but found other game; scarce-, but the best part of their e-nte-rtainmc-nt. was that afforded by Mr. Warga who tre-ate-d them like princes. He had a fine meal prepared for them consisting of everything goorl to eat, and he gave them some genuine sweet cider which was much to their taste. He made them feel that they were wel come guests to say the least and they returned pleased with John as a host. The party included Anton Koubek, Tony and Joe Kanka, Jim Ptacek, Jim Xovocek, John Jourane-k, Geo. Gobleman, Pape, and Council man J. W. Bookmeyer. Mrs. Chris Christiansen, of Dead wood, S. D.f who has baen visiting with friends in the city for several days and looking after business matters, departed for her home this afternoon. . Mrs. ; Benfer accom panied her going to visit her son Vi C.,? editor of the Black Hills Re porter at Lead, S. D. 1 r 1 T