t ! ' ! i i' 4S 1 i i :l . i t DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest From Sat urday Evening's Daily Journal D. (). Dwyer is in Omaha today look- j inp afler professional business. Miss Lena Maurer was a passenger n the mail train at noon for Lincoln. Miss Geraldine Rosa was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Omaha. (leorge Lohnes from Louisville is in the city today attending to various matters of business. i niimi I'.ndkmi'vpr came down this morning from Omaha to 8pend j Sunday with her folks. . j Matt Joy is spending the afternoon! n Omaha heimr a nassentrer on the mail train for that point. ; Father Hancek departed this noon on , the mail train train for Crete, where i he will remain over Sunday. I C. V. Staats is in Omaha this after- noon in attendance upon the football Rame, going up on the mail train. S. Furlong, the veteran Rock Bluffs farmer, came up this morning to look after business matters in the city. G. W. Osborne was a passenger on the mail train this noon for Omaha where he goes to visit until Monday. John Toman and little son are in Om aha this afternoon having been passen gers on the mail train for that point. Charles Wilkins and Miss maDei Birch were in Omaha this afternoon in attendance upon the big football game. Thomas South departed this morning for a business and pleasure trip to Hamburg, la., to he gone several days. Rev. J, H. Salsbury was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Omaha, where he had business matters to at tend to. Mrs. B. V. Livingston and Miss Jes sie Gilmour were passengers this morn- ing for Omaha where they will spend the day. Miss Josephine Clifford is spending the day in Omaha with friends having been a passenger on the early train this morning. Mrs. Dora Wolf departed this morn ing for Litchfield, Neb., where she will visit with relatives and friends for sometime. I William Caygill of Wabash who has j been in the city looking after some j business matters returned to his home j this morning. j Adam Fornhoff the good citizen and ; excellent farmer from near Cedar Creek is in the city today attending to business matters. Mrs. Jacob Buechler and daughter, Emma, were passengers thit noon for ; Omnlia ithpre thev will visit with friends over Sunday. Mrs. William Partridge and son, Geo. were among those traveling to Omaha this noon on the mail train, where they will spend the afternoon. John Meisinger came in this morning with his little son to look after some business matteis, from his home in Eight Mile Grove precinct. C C. Hennings. one of the prosper ous farmers of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct, came into the city this morning to look after business matters. Virgil Mullis was a passenger this r.oon on the mail train for Omaha where he goes to secure some repair parts for j the boiler at the High school. Mrs. Arthur Hetherington and baby j were passengers to Omaha this noon on j the mail train, going up to visit with j relatives during the afternoon. Mi T.illian Fitch of Omaha came I down this morning on the early train to look after some of her pupils, re turning at noon on the fast mail. Carl G. Fricke and wife were passen gers this noon on . the mail train for Omaha, where they will be spectators at the Nebraska-Ames Football game. Mrs. F. E. Denson and baby were passengers this noon on the mail train for Council Bluffs, la., where they will visit with relatives and friends for sev eral days. Mrs. W. F. Scotten and daughter, j Paid the Joarnal a call which was much Nora, were passengers on the early j appreciated. He has developed into Burlington train this morning for Oma-1 quie a good sized man since his re ha where they will visit with friends ', moval to South Omaha and it is a gen during the dav. i uine Pasure to meet him again. Mrs. W H. Freese departed this morning for Omaha where she will meet her daughter, Mabel, who has been in attendance upon the teachers meeting at Omaha, the two spending the day in the metropolis. Last evening J. M. Leek received a, message from Union stating that his : cousin, George Hargis.had died sudden- j ly at his home near there. Mr. Leek was in the country at the time and Mrs. Leek was unable to locate him in time to enable them to go down there this morning. They have no news as to the cause of death as they had not known of his illnes3. Full particulars will be furnished later. W. Ii. Virgin of Murray is in the city today attending to some business mat ters. John wunderlich ot fsehawka, is in the city today looking after business matters. Jas. Speck came in this morning from his home near Murray to look after business matters. Adam Krager and family are in the city today from their fine home in the country look,n after business matters. Thos. McCullough of near Rock Bluffs i - " noon to transact some business mat ters. R. R. Nickles, the well known far mer from near Murray is in the city this afternoon looking after business 1 matters. j Conrad Meisinger was a business vis i itor in the city this morning coming in from his fine farm in Eight Mile Grove j precinct. I Henry Horn came in this morning I from h).g farm in j,. M.,e Gmve , cjnct fop the of ,ookinff after , business matters. Rex Wilson was among those going to Omaha at noon on the mail to be a spectator at the football game between Nebraska and Ames. Commissioner J. L. Root and wife j are in Omaha this afternoon in attend : ance upon the football game between I Nabraska and Ames. ! Carl Smith was another football en ! thusiast who was a passenger for i Omaha on the mail train at noon to take I in the football game. I Mrs. Richard Hale and daughter, i Goldie, were passengers this morning ; on the Burlington for Omaha where , they wil, spend tlie day j pauJ R manufacturer of var. joug nrands nf pilars, is hustling a lit- ; tle business this afternoon in Omaha gong up on the fast mail, ( Mrg Q R Prentiss a, d ,iule daugh. ler wno have been visiting with friends in the city, departed on the mail train at noon for their home at Havelock. Jacob Meisinger of Eight Mile Gove precinct, one of the best farmers from that spiend:d community, is in the city todav looking after business matters, Fremont Wheeler and daughter, jjazej came in last evening from their home at jorfolkf Neb., for a visit with c F Yheeler and family of several days. J. B Meisinger came in this morning from his fine farm in Eight Mile Grove prec;nct and spent the day looking af ter business matters and visiting with friends. John Falter was one of the large crowd leaving the city on the mail train at noon for Omaha where he will be in attendance upon the Nebraska-Ames football game today. Miss Mignoutte Cook, a cousin of Dr. Cook of this city, and a prominent teacher in the Omaha public schools, will arrive in the city this evening for a visit over Sunday with the Doctor and his family. County Attorney-elect William C. Ramsey took a vacation after the strain of election and was a passenger on the mail train for Omaha where he will meet some old college chums and at- tend the football game, Affairs at the court house were very quite today and the same is true of the city generally. The farmers in town are few in number owing to theirbeing busy getting their corn in, and news items are consequently scarce. Mrs. William Henton and children of Miles County, la., who has been in the city and vicinity for several days visit ing friends and also attending court in trial with the W. O. W. in which she was victorious. Her many friends are heartily glad of her victory in the case. Dor McBride of South Omaha has been spending several days in the city, the guest of relatives. While here he Mrs. Henry Steinhauer and son, Ec'- gar. were passengers this noon on the ! mail train for Omaha where they will visit with relatives for a short time. In connection with this the J urnalyes i terday stated that Miss Gladys Godwin i was a nassentrer for Omaha when it hmiH h ;ead Miss oiadva Stein- hauer. "I have been somewhat costive, but Doan's Regulets gave just the results desired. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly." George B. Krause, 306 Walnut Ave., Altoona, Pa. Electric pocket flash lamps. & Co. Gering AT Til K LAST MIXL'TK. How Quick Thinking L-l to Saving Hayes in 1M7J. Speaking of minor incidents that determine minor events: If the managing editor of the New , York Times, in 1S7, had been a man readily discouraged, the chances are that Tilderi would have succeeded Grant'ln the White Hons.-. But be cause he was hopeful and a promi nent democrat was timorous, the office was awarded to Hayes. It hap pened this way: On the morning of November 8 1876, every New York pape except two the Herald and th Times virtually recorded Tilden' election. The Herald questioned th' outcome with the headline, "Which is elected?" The Times, then a Re mililicHii newsnaner. claiming a ma jority of one for Hayes in the elec toral colleges and offered a detailed Ktntcment to back its assertion. To Jo this it had reversed the statemen in its midnight edition that victory was with the democrats. The reversal was based solely on a curous crcumstance. Shortly after midnight a messenger boy brought a note to John C. Red. its managing editor. The note was from Senator IJarnum, a personal friend of Heids who had been chairman of the dein ni-rat c national coin ill 1 I lee ami wi. then chairman of the executive com mittee. It inquired briefly if tin Times had news from Florida, :-outn Carolina, Oregon and Louisiana. Now tlie significance of the in iimrv lav in tne tact mat uifM- states had twenty-two electoria votes and that if they could be trans ferred from Tilden to Hayes, they would elect the republican candidate hv n ldiiralitv of one. With those ' X - - ml states democratic the vote stood 20G for Tilden to 103 for Hayes. If they were Republican Tilden would have only 1S4 to Haye's lSS. Mr. Reid, being trained by his newKiianer exnerience to be on the lookout for just such odd combina tions, figured out this arithmetical problem before he replied to Barnum. its obvious corollary at once oc curred to him. Evidently the demo crats were not certain of these four states. That was data enough for him. He renlied at once that the republicans had carried all four Then he stopped the presses and got out a new edition claiming the elec tion for Hayes, after which he posted off to the Fifth Avenue hotel, where he found that the republican chair man Senator "Zach" Chandler of .Michigan, had gone to bed suppos in? the nartv badlv beaten. W. E. - c - - Chandler of New Hampshire, secre rarv of the remiblican national com mittee, arrived just then and the two men got the chairman up. It was decided to wire republican leaders in all doubtful states to "claim every thing " and an announcement of Hayes' election was given out. This was the beginning of the po litical struggle that ended with the organization of an electorial com mission that counted Hayes in. POPULAR WED DING AT ALVO Geo. P. Foreman, Jr., and Miss Arzella Bennett Married. Last Thursday evening at Alvo, this county, occurred the wedding of Ar zella, daughter of Mrs. James Bennett of that place to Geo. P. Foreman, jr. There were a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties present at the ceremony which was Derformed bv Rev. Story. The wed ding was one of the most notable which has taken place in that locality, the parties being members of the best families in the community. Miss Ben nett is universally spoken of as one of the most accomplished young ladies of Cass county and one who enjoys the admiration and respect of a host of friends. The groom is the son of Geo. P. Foreman, one of the best known citizens of the county, a young man of i sterling qualities and of a standing un excelled in the community of which he is a part. The congratulations of the Journal go out to the happily wedded couple in company with those of their many other friends. Tired Brain. After prolonged work requiring con stant thinking we often notice that the brain refuses to work. It is impossible for us to think, our head and our eyes i ache, the whole body is tired out. In sucn cases we need a remedy which will make the blood to circulate quicker and to bring new nourishment to the exhausted nerves. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is such a remedy. It works directly on the digestive or gans through which the food must pass in our body. It makes new blood and distributes the food through the body. You should use it in all maladies of the digestive system, in nervousness, weak ness and exhaustion. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 616-622 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Wellington pipes twenty different styles and sizes. Gering & Co. ANY SUSPECTS ARE ARRESTED But None Prove to be the Murderers of Constable Ralston. Considerable excitement was caused in Papillion Monday by the report that the two men who murdered Constable Ralston at Weeping Water a few days ago, were working for John Sauter just north of town. As soon as the report was received Sheriff Spearman with several deputies went out there heavily armed and took charge of the suspects until the sherilf from Cass county and another man who would be able to identify the suspects, arrived. They promptly declared "that the men in question were not the ones wanted and they were turned loose again. Two other men were arrested in Springfield the same evening as they alighted from the Missouri Pacific freight train which arrived in Springfield from Louisville. Marshal T. J. Wright and several other residents of the place hastily armed themselves and treed the two suspects and captured them. Again the author ities were sent for and they declared that those suspects were also the wrong parties. Up to the present time no clue has been found of the murderers but it is reported that they crossed the Louisville railroad bridge early Tues day morning and were supposed to be in Sarpy county in hiding. Color was given to the report by the news that a team of horses had been stolen from one of the Eichner farms in Richland precinct Wednesday evening, but this report is thought to be incorrect and it is believed that the team broke loose at Chalco and strayed away. We have not been able to verify this rumor. Later: This morning the missing team was found in the creek near Chal co. Une ot the horses had drownded, 7 and the other was badly injured. The team had broken loose and ran awav.- Papillion Times For Sale. On account of putting gas in our house, I have several nice hanging lamps and one chandelier which I will sell cheap. Phone 273. P. E. Ruffnfr. For Kodak goods see Gering & Co. They know how ! Attachment Notice. Frank Krecek. will take not ice. that cm t lie 1st day of Oi'tolier. 1.0s. M. Ar her. a justice ot the iieace of I'lnitsmoutli City, l ass county. rseoraska. issued an older of attachment, for the sum of S.4i. in an action penciinsf before Mm. wherein William Holly is plaintiff. anl Frank Krecek is defendant, that oroperty of the defendant, consisting of money in (he possession of the C. K. & Q. H. li Co.. trar- ntshee. has heen attached under said order. Hid cause was continued to Novemlier isih. at ! o'clock, a. m. Wii.i.ia.m Holly. UKSKit. I'laintitf. Notice of Suit. Anderson Mantooth. Iefendant. will take notice, that on the nd day of November, lttiis. 1 . o. Dwyer. plaintiff herein herein, tiled his I iet it ion in the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, against said defendant, the object and prayer of which are to recover judgment upon an agreement to furnish property of an agreed value, which defendant failed to do. and for which in said suit plaintiff claimed a judgment In tlie sum of 1000. i ou are further notified that attachment and garnishment have lieen issued In said nit. and served on the First National Hank of l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. i ou are reiiuired to answer said petition on or liefore the 7th day of Pecemlier. I9()s. ated this ind day of November. l'.Xs. I). (. Dwyer. 11-2-4 Plaintiff. WHEN THE KETTLE SINGS it's a sign of coal satisfaction. Want to hear the music in your kitchen? Easy order coal from this office and yard. The output of the Trenton mine the fuel we handle has no su perior anywhere, its equal in few places J. V. EGENBERGER, 'PlinUC Plattsmouth No. 22. rnunc BeiiNo.351. LATTSMOUTH, - - - NEBRASKA. Dr. Ness' Slock Food scientific compound for horses and cattle. less' Stock Food guaranteed to give results. F. G. Fircke & Co . Druggists. Best Time to See the Southwest Every first and third Tues day of each month, low-priced homeseeker's excursions are run over the lines of the : : : Missouri Pacific Iron Mountain into the rich and resourceful farming regions of the South west. It is a splendid chance for the Northern and Eas tern farmer, cf ter his wheat is gathered, to combine a pleasure and propecting trip. Write for rates and literature to HUGH NORTON, AgenL M. P. Ry., Plattsmouth, Neb. r The best place to buy clothes is the place where you feel sure of getting your money's worth no matter what you pay. That's the reputation of this store. You cannot buy anything here that you cannot bring back and get your money if you feel you didn't get your money's worth. G. E. Wescoll's Sons "Where Quality Counts." Notice of Sale Under Chattle Mortgages. Notice Is hereby rlveii that by virtue of a chattle mortjraire. dated October II. ;ii7. to se cure tlie payment of the sum of ?:Cti..V. with interest at the rate of S ier cent from said late, and by virtue of a chattle mortirairt dated January ti. I'.ttw. to secure the payment of the sum of ?:i(.(H. with interest at the rate of li per cent from the :th day of Decemlier, l'.n'T. loth of said mortsrat'es having Ix'en duly tiled in the office of the county clerk of Cass county. Nebraska, and executed bv K. A Fletcher, anil uixm each of said niort trari s there Is due and unpaid the oritrinal sums with interest thereon: that each of said mortiratres has been assigned by morttfam to the First National Hank of l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. De fault havintr been made in the payment of said sums, and no suit or oilier proceedings at law having been instituted to recover said debts or any part thereof, therefore the undersigned will sell the proiierly in said chattlel mort srajre, descrilied viz: line jrray mare mule, four years old. weight nine bundled (!ion) pounds: one horse (pray) mule, four .years old, weijrht nine hundred (!HH) pounds; one sorrel mare, eipht years old. weight nine hundred (WO) pounds: one bay horse, five years old. weight twelve hundred (l:AM) immiihIs: one black horse, weijrht on thousand ( looo) ikiuikJs. aire seven years: one black horse, weight one thousand (1IMH)) iHiunds. aw seven years: one bav mare, weiirht nine hundred and fifty (u;0) IHiunds. aired twelve years; one set of double (new) Concord harness, IV tup: one set of double harness: one cow. weitrht one thousand one hundred ( 1 10U) ixiunds. five years of ape. at pu 1)1 ic auction at the sale barn of Sam G. Smith at tit hand Vine streets, in the city of l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 12th day of No vemlier, iys. at one o'clock p. m. of said said. First National hank. Assignee of Mortgage. Y. O. Dwyer. Attorney. LEGAL NOTICE. State of Nebraska, I T -......,. Cor.NTT of Cass. fss- I Cocntt Court. In the matterof the estate of John D. Thierolf. deceased. To all persons Interested: You are hereby notified that the executrix of the above estate has filed in this court her ac count and iietltion for final settlement of said estate, and praying therein that said account lie allowed and that the proiierty of said estate be assigned according to the last will and tes tament of said deceased. You are further notified that a hearing will be had upon said petition on the 17th day of November. 1W. at 10 o'clock, a. m.. before thls court at l'lattsmouth. Nebraska. That all ob jections must be filed on or before said day of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court, this i5rd day of Octolier, 1W. SEAL.I Hy the court. Alien J. Kf.eso.v, 10-29-3t. County Judge. Notice of Sale of Note and Mortgage Security. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of an order of the Uon. Allen J. Beeson.County Judge of Cass County. Nebraska, made and entered in the estsueof CatharineStadelmann. deceased, the undersigned executrix of said estate will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain promissory note in the principal sum of SJ.500.00 with interest thereon at the rate of eight percent ( ) from the first day of May, 190s. topether with a cer tain mortgage deed on the West Half of Lot Nine (9) in Block Twenty-Nine (is) of the citv of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, which is security for the payment of said note. That said note and mortgage matures on May first. )!. and are a part of the assets of the estate of said deceased. Such sale will lake place at the south door of the Court House in said Cny of Plattsmouth on the 21 st dv of November.iau.-. the hour of one o'clock P. M. Dat ated this 31st day of October. 1003. JJ-3 Catharine White. 11--' Executrix. . O Dwyer, Attorney. Will Net Stay Away. From Saturday's Dally W. H. Thomas, the nurseryman who was so badly beaten up by Charles Hixon, had so far recovered this noon as to be able to go up to his home at Council Bluffs, la., although he is still in very bad shape and presents a badly bruised and cut-up appearance. He expects to be back Monday in time for the examination of Hixon. In a con versation with the Journal reporter, he states that a proposition was made him to stay away and permit the examina tion of Hixon to go by default but he is quite positive that he will make it back here in plenty of time to testify. His team and belongings were left with Charles Miller south of the city. STORM JAIL; KILL SLAYER TENNESSEE PRISON 18 TAKEN BV ENRAGED MOB. Friends of Night Riders Cause Dan, age to Telephone Wires Confes sions from Many Night Riders. KhiKston, Tenn.. Oct. 31. A mob ot about 30 men attacked the Hoann coun ty Jail Friday, and killed GorK 'ook. held on th charge of iimrd'Tlng. John Klnt;. a ferryman at Southwent Point, a few weeks ao. Of the members of the mob all save two were masked and these iinmaaked men were nt ran kith to tho sheriff. The Identity of none of the mob Is known. Camp Nemo. SamburR. Tenn., Oct. 31. The telephone wires on ihe Troy, Kenton and Union City routes wer cut Friday by unknown partita. The incident has caused little uneatdnena here, however, and the damage was rjulckly repaired and the wires are now In working order. An air of myutery pervaded Camn Nemo Friday. No one knows what, the next Important move, will be. There is still a lai'Ke number of prisoners in the guard house her. The court of Inquiry is being conduct ed dally, and it is generally believed that the governor Is gelling to the bottom of affairs. Arrangements were made over th wire Friday by tiov. Patterson to transfer six or eight of the night rid ers to Nashville. An attendant at the court of inquiry said to a reporter Fri day: "We have the confession of men who rode In (lie gang that killed Capt. Rankin and tried to kill Col. Taylor. These confessions show that about 35 men rode In the murderous crowd that killed ('apt. Itankln. Of these between 12 and 15 are In camp." It is claimed that the confessions are bo minute and damaging that the officers have details as to how Col. Taylor leaped from the scene of the murder of Capt. Rankin and then "dived Into the water." The Postal telegraph wires were also cut at or near the point where the Cumberland telephone wires were cut between Union City and Rives. BUCKET SHOP HAUL UN EARTHED Western Union Suspends Suspected Men at Cincinnati Offices. Cincinnati, Oct. 31. As a result of charges against the Western Union by the Chicago board of trade that market quotations had been permit ted to leak to "bucket shops." five trusted employes of the Cincinnati Western Union office were absent from their accustomed desks, having been suspended pending Investigation. The chief operator, chief lineman, chief clerk to superintendent's office; head of the ticker department, and head switchboard operator were dropped. Of these two are nephews of Superintendent Miller. Two Killed by Train. Bloomington, III., Oct. 31. William Doyle and William Finney of Mason City were struck by a Chicago, Peoria. & St. Louis switch engine at Peters burg Friday and killed. THE MARKETS. Grain, Provisions, Etc. Chicago, Oct. . FIXUR Market steady. Spring wheat, special brands, $.106.15; Minnesota, hard patent, jute, $5.rxyQ3.2o; straight, xpert bags, $4.6034.70; .lear. export bags, 13.709 4.10; low grades. $2.3'2.90; winter wheat, patent. $4.4X34.60; straight. Jute, K12V&4 SO; clear, jute, $3.60(3.75; ry flour, white, 13 B8 I&3.65; dark, S3.40&S.50. WHEAT Lower. December, 99c4 Jl.OO'i; May. fl.03frl.03H. CORN Weakened. December, 63tW4e; May. 62Ti'63VtC. OATS rlrm. December, 47V447Hc; May, 49T50c. BUTTKR CrRmry, extra, 27c; pric tm retail dalrs. 2Mc; prints, 23o.; extra firsts, WQUKc: firsts. 21c; seconds. 20c; dairies, extra, 23c; firsts, 20c; seconds, 18c; ladles. No. 1, 18Vc; packing stock. 18c EGOS Casn returned, l&SJOttc; cases Included, 17&21c; ordinary firsts, 23c; firsts. 26c; prime firms. 27c; extra. 29c POTATOES Choice to fancy, 63&Ga; fair to good, 0S62c. LIVE POULTRY Turkeys, per lb. He; chickens, fowls. 10c; springs. 12c; roost ers, 7c; geese, $5.0OQ7.OO; ducks, 10c. . New Tork. Oct aO. FLOUR Dull and about steady; rye flour, quiet; buckwheat flour dull, $2.1119 2.S0 per 100 pounds; cornmeal, quiet; ryv dull; barley, steady. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red. $1.0MK9 1.09; No. 1 northern IX..uth. $1.14; No. 2 hard winter, $1.10; December, $1.09 1S-1I 1T1.10 11-16, closed, $1.10; May. $1,10 7-16 l.llVi. closed. $1.114. CORN Spot, steady; No. 2. TPAci Ne. 2, old, S2c nominal; December, close 74'4c; May. closed 71c. OATS Spot, quiet; mixed. 52?MJV4e; natural white, W&ZZc; clipped white, (1V4 &57HC. Live Stock. Chicago, Oct. 30. CATTLE Good to fancy steers, $6.MQ 7.43; medium to good steers, t5.2a1Fi.15; In ferior to plain steers, $4.50g5.50; range steers. $"J.50S.15; native yearlings, $S.a 7.50; plain to fancy cows, $3.505.00; plain to fancy helf-rs, $4.0u5.50; common to good stockerB. $2.50'g4.40; common to good feeders. $3.50'54.7D; good cutting and beef cows, $2.504.00; canners. $1.752.50; bulls, good to choice, $3.54.50; bologna bulla, $'."3.10; calves. $3.XS7.7S. HOGS Prime heavy butchers, $T..SgS.07: choice light-weight butchers, $5.703.35; choice light, fci.oogo.SO; heavy packers. J",.5'ifio.So: thin, grassy packers. $4.8&9 l.h:: grassy, light mixed, $J.25fj5.00: rough, heavy sows and coarse stags, $4 i55.00, pigs, tz.izm.M. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 30. CATTLE Market steady. Native steers. $4.ty&6.S3; cows and heifers, $2.S5S00; western steers, $3.2i&5.35; Texas steers, $3.''4.4'j; range cows and heifers. $2.9 2.75; canners. $2. 002. CO: stockers and feed ers. $2.755.00; calves, $3.fr5.75; bulls and tags. $2.0033.00. HOGS Market steady to a shade low er. Heavy. $a.5o46.76; mixed, $6.S4.60; light, $5.355.60; pigs, $3.2555.00; bulk ot sales. $6.505.66. SHEEP Market steady. Tearlings. $4.31 4.75; wethers. $a.754.30; ewes. $3.2SS4.0; lambs, $.00&5.60. i . f J -7 X ...