The Plattsmouth Journal I'UULISIIKD WKKKLY AT prATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. II. A. HATKS, PUHLISHKK. ntureii :il Hi"'.oilli'e at riatlarnouth, hriihUa.ussiy-ond class matter. The Nebraska legislature will be 23 majority democratic on joint ballot. Newspaper men will be pretty well represented in the next legislature. $1.50 Per Year in Advance. It in sure (lovernor Shallenberger, Lacked by a democratic legislature. It is now Congressman Maguire sure. The Journal extends congratulation?. The Nebraska legislature will be democratic by a good working majority. Eveky democratic candidate for state office in Nebraska was elected Tuesday. It is now in order for Roosevelt to issue another Thanksgiving proclama tion. To the democrats of Missouri: A party divided against itself, cannot stand. Shame. Nevada and Colorado voted for IlryanJ Where Jmoney jwas notjUrsed by the republican: Mr.-j Bryan came out ahead.', democrat, seeins to have been elected governor in Ohio. This is a litHe more consolation to the Jdemo-crats. At least five democratic congress men have beea elected in PNebraska including our J. A.JMaguire, who de feated E. M. Pollard. Now it is in order for the republican national committee to publish their campaign contributions. But will the people ever know how much they sbent? Not much. Everybody is scrambling to get back into business, after a season of depression. There is no reason why neighbors should not live in peace and harmony after elect:on, as well as before. Well, the election isoverand we are all entitled to a rest from the turmoil of a strenous political campaign John Tanner, another newspaper man, has been elected to the Senate from Douglas county. We'll be with you, John. The State Journal and . Omaha Bee are so eager to save the legislature to the republicans that they are endeavor ing to count in some republican candi dates who acknowledged their defeat early Wednesday morning including the Hon. Marshall T. Harrison who was defeated for float representative in Otoe and Cass counties by M.A. Bates. Is this reliable Journalism? W. C. Pool editor of the Tecumsch Tribunal, has been elected to the legis lature from Johnson county. Here's to you, Charley ! Senator Patrick has been defeated for re-election. Cranks always get their dose at some time or other. Mr. Pat rick i3 an extremist. It is some consolation to democrats to know that the next congress will not be as overwhelmingly republican as at the present day. And the Weeping Water murderers have not yet been captured. There is some hope now', as the SheritY of Otoe county is on their scent. It would seem from the returns that Coward, democrat, has lost out for governor in Missouri. It is a great calamity to the democrats of the grand old state if this proves true. The republic-ins should pay Governor Folk a big fee for bursting up the dem ocratic party in Missouri. We pro phesied four years ago he would do this, and our prophesy has come true. Th2 democrats can thank God that there is one green spot which they can claim and that is the grand state of Ne braska the home of the greatest liv'rg American William Jennings Bryan. Indiana elects a democratic governor state officers and control the legislat ion. This insures the election of John W. Kern, late vice-presidential candi date to the U. S. Senate from the Hoosier state. The democrats of Otoe county have just cause to feel good over the elec tion results in that county. The Journal editor feels good to know that he will have excellent company from our neigh boring county in the legislature. Following are the majorities re ported for congressman in this district. For Pollard Cass 91, Johnson 160, Pawnee 315. For Maguire Otoe 196, Nemaha 190, Richardson 199, Lancaster 400. Majority for Maguire about 900. We are pleased to note that Senator Buck has been re-elected from Otoe. Mr. Buck is an able man, besides being an elegant gentleman. We will join hands with the Otoe delegation to the legislature in promoting every reform possible. The rejoicing over the election re turns is about equally divided, and con sequently there is not much crowing in this section. The republicans get the president, while the democrats get the governor, state officers and both branch es of the legislature in Nebraska. Again the greatest American citizen goes down in defeat. But his memory for his magnificent manhood and great interest in the welfare of the common people of this Republic will live long after the memory of William Taft, the tool of the corporations has been forgotten. For it more years of Teddy and the "big stick" is the verdict of the Amer ican people. The election of Taft is a signal for a trial of "my policies." We have not noticed any dispatches from Taft to Vic Rosewater congratu lating the editor of the Bee upon his skillful management of the campaign in Nebraska. Have you? Vic Rosewater must feel bad. He was selected as a member of therepub lican national committee for his great influence in Nebraska. "What a fall was there, my countrymen?" The entire vote of the independent party in Georgia is 85. This must be very consoling to John Temples Graves the vice presidential candidate of that party, whose home is in that state. Along with the many bright spots for the republicans, there also beams up a few for the democrats. Nebraska is democratic, and we will have an ad dition of at least 25 members in the next congress, and several hew mem bers in the senate. We feel proud of the vote we receiv ed in Plattsmouth. Our majority is significant, not withstanding the efforts of some parties to defeat us, who ought to have been out attending to thier own business. But they soon found out their influence had suddenly vanished to the four winds of the heavens. If two weeks before the election W. J. Bryan had gone to the trusts and money power of the east ar;d said, "I will be your tool," he could just as easily have been elected president as Taft. But he would rather be honest with the people than be president. And today, in the hearts of the common people a warmer feeling than ever exists for him. A good citizen in explaining that the valuation of lands was increased be cause the land3 are worth more, did not seem to understand that that alone is not the trouble with our present system of taxation. If the valuation of lands is going up, why are not the tax levies going down? It is certainly unfair to have the valuations always going ud and the tax levies, too. That becomes a burden. The Prevalence of Crime. The past three months in Cass County has been marked by a very serious re vival of crimes of different sorts in cluding several murders, and the sit uation has become such that imperative steps should be taken to suppress this condition. It is an unfortunate fact and one which the people of the county know too well that many of these crimes have gone without the perpetrators be ing captured or an inadequate punish ment meted out to those brought to trial. The most glaring instance of either negligence or worse is the escape of the murderers of Constable Ralston of Weeping Water. It seems incrideble that in a county like this with a net work of telephones and the telegraph reaching the uttermost recesses that two men could deliberately shoot down a citizen and make their escape, yet such seems to be the case and there seems little likelihood that the murderer will be apprehended. In connection with this there are serious charges of incompetency or worse with the officers and this fact should not go unnoticed. These men should have been apprehend ed at all hazards. They were of the very worst type of bandits and no citi zen is safe with them at large. With their apprehension comes the question of punishment. That so cold-blooded a murder should meet with swift punish ment everyone recognizes and no ques tion of mercy or sympathj should enter into the case. This will be the case in a short time everyone recognizes. Justice can never be secured by unjust punishment of any man and no jury is justified in convicting a man whese metal capacity is unquestionably wrong merely that he may be an example. Such characters should be confined in the asylum where they may receive proper care and treatment. In short the situation in this county seems to require that public officials exercise more real work in the appre- J hension of criminals and those officials whose duty it is to look to their punish ment use their powers to that end to the fullest extent commensurate with justice. The apprehension of Ralston's mur derers calls aloud and when that is done and justice overtakes them the preval ence of crime in Cass County will end. Let the work be speedy. C. P. HALE, President W. R. BRUCE, Secretary GjjQDirc7d swkh Uerfc FROM THE MANUFACTURER TO Till- CONSUMER A PERMANENT MEMORIAL IS A JOY FOREVER " . SfA.3 ..... fcjK3f IS ..-X. V rjt' ri.r .is i 4!.-' 8 Lawson Sheldon Monument Erected by Us in the Nehawka Cemetery. We manufacture our work from all kinds of standard granite, which we pur chase direct from the quarries, in the rough, in carload lots, using' power ma chinery and automatic tools. See one of our salesman, or call at our plant before placing an order for memorial work. You will receive prompt and cour teous treatment whether you place a large or small order with us or not. 6LENWO0O GRAKITE WORKS, GLENWOOD, IA. WHY NOT TRADE AT HOME? The silly people who are urging Gov ernor Sheldon to call a special session of the legislature fail to realize the foolishness of such a course. It is doubtful if their schemes could pass the legislature and even if that were the case, whether they would remain upon the books long is seriously ques tioned. Governor Shallenberger and his legislature were elected upon the promise to enact legislation just oppo site what these partisans want and they will do so. The suggestion is made that the city i3 being unusually infested with hoboes j and bums and it might be well for the ; police officers to start a crusade upon 1 j this class of men. The robbery yester-! I day at Ashland, it is claimed, was done ! by a thug who followed his victim from j ! this city. Clean them all out. us make a move toward lighting our streets so that the winter nights may be made safe for travel. Now that election is over let U3 get down to business and light the streets of the city. It has been almost one week now since the murderers of Charles A. Ral- ; ston disappeared and the public wants ! to know why they were ever permitted I to get this long lead over the officers. A specific for pain Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household remedy in America for 25 years. It is reported that the government agricultural department has at last found a method of utilizing cornstalks for the production of paper. Not only wrapping, but the finer grades of white paper, it is said can be made from the stalks. If this be true, it is one of the most important discoveries recently made. For years an endeavor has been made to find some substitute for paper material other than the rapidly dimin ishing spruce and for a long time the stalk of the corn has been looked upon as a possible source of supply. Up to the present, however, all attempts to produce paper from it have resulted in failure. If all kinds of paper can be made from cornstalks, it will result not only in a cheapening of that article, but will also make a market for a pro duct of the farm now going to waste. The metorological summary for October was: The highest temperature was 86 on the 14, and the lowest 29 on the 30th. The mean temperature for the month was 53, which is nearly nor mal. The precipitation was 2.34 hund reds. There were fourteen clear days, seven partly cloudy, and ten cloudy. While it is proper and timely to ad vise people to clean up and stay clean at all times, it is not any more proper than to tell other persons not to attempt ta lull people into a sense of security when danger is abroad and that this is the time to be strictly on guard with t ;e little tads who are too young to understand the nature of the danger to which they are exposed and with which they are innocently thrown into contact. It is better to have every child sent home to remain there under the parents' care until all possible danger has pass ed, than to suffer one of them to die through a false feeling of security by those who ought to know better. The democrats of Cass county owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. J. S. Livings ton for the magnificent manner in which he conducted the campaign. He displayed great excutive ability, and proved an incessant worker in the in terest of the whole ticket. Dr. Livings ton deserves great credit and is to be congratulated by all demefcrats. While the Journal does this we are prepared to say that there is no one in Cass county who could have done as well at this time. Vic. Rosewater's publicity bureau has not yet ceased work. The republi can papers are filled " with announce ments of factories opening and rail roads taking on more men, while pri vate advices show the actual facts to be that the reverse is the case. How ever, Vic. is still earning his reputa tion, even if Nebraska did repupiate him. Despite the fact that defeat has come to the head of the national ticket, the Journal feels that the democrats of the country, especialy the democrats of Nebraska have much for which to feel thankful. All indications to date point to democratic gains and no losses. We have elected democratic governors in several states to replace republicans, while there is no reason to doubt that the national congress has been materi ally swelled by the addition of a large number of democratic members. Many of the leading stand-patters in congress will not serve in the next house, including Pete Hepburn, in Iowa, and Overstreet ard Landis, in Indiana. A prominent citizen of Cass county desires the Journal to ask Sheriff Quin ton what has become of the Manley bank robbers and the muderers of Officer Ralston at Weeping Water? And, also, why he came to Plattsmouth on Monday evening, remained over until the next afternoon? Was his effort more in the direction of defeat ing some people at the polls than in the direction of his duty as an officer? We hear that one prominent business man has said that if Pollard is defeat ed there will not be a brick put in for the postoffice building. Great God, has it come to such coercion as this? Does the sun and moon rise and set on the person of Ernest Pollard? A man who would talk such rot as this, is a man without manhood and thinks his fellow citizens are all fools of the first water. One thing seems to be reasonably as sured the people of Nebraska and that is they will have a bank guarantee law ; within a very few months. KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w,th Dr. King's Nev; Discovery FOR C8ifSsHS AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Coming back to earth once more, let GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED. One of the duties tnat confronts the railway commission in this state should be that of making the Missouri Pacific Railway put its roadbed in safe condi tion for travel and also try to get its trains through on time. This would be i something which the general public, es pecially those in this city, would appre ciate. i During all the depression , which has j prevailed over the country for the past 1 year, Plattsmouth has gone steadily j forward with improvements and the I year now drawing to a close bids fair ! to be one of at least as good a record j as the past years. This speaks well for our people as a whole and shows them to be a thrifty and energetic set. The Hon. Jos. W. Folk seems to have reformed the democratic party in Missouri and himself out of public office. Perhaps Joseph feels well satisfiid now. Ho B0ul7 & ig Lace Curtain Sale! We Will Continue This Sale Until Saturday, November 14th, A BIG STOCK TO SELECT FROM STOCK NUMBER. 6519 434 4107 6654 506 6364 671 943 i 1834 614 1721 1517 4232 650 H 4179 4182 470S 9679 6S3 3S1 2743 2526 8S3S 536 8365 - DESCRIPTION - Ecru Nottingham. . Ecru Net Bobinet, Battenberg Trimmed Ecru Net Irish Point Irish Point Ecru Irish Point . . . White Irish Point. . White Brussels.... Irish Point Brussels Net Irish Point Battenberg-, White Irish Point, Battenberg Battenberg, Hand-Made Cable Net, White. . Nottingham Cable Net Ruffled, White Ruffled Ruffled Cable Net Nottingham, White Mission Ecru. . . FORMER SALE PAIRS IN PRICE PRICE STOCK SI 50 S 99 "2 4 25 3 19 2 2 75 1 79 1 2 50 1 59 1 4 50 3 39 6 5 00 5 98 3 7 50 5 89 4 . 6 00 4 89 3 7 50 5 49 4 5 00 3 48 3 6 75 4 00 2 7 50 5 49 5 5 00 3 69 S-2 6 00 4 89 6 7 50 5 49 4 9 00 6 00 2 6 50 4 00 1 2 50 1 75 2 2 25 1 69 6 3 00 2 00 5 4 00 2 75 2 3 50 2 00 1 2 50 1 50 2 1 25 89 Yz 3 50 2 49 3