ASR LE6I 6JIJM T.linisters Declare That Law Should Prevent Wedding of Mentally and Physically Unfit Persons to Harry. Aaki- to the fact that something should be done to prevent the mar riage of the criminal classes and the physically unfit and the reproduc tion of their species, the local minis terial association yesterday passed a resolution that a committee should be appointed to confer with the Ne braska state medical board to learn if steps cannot be taken to secure some legislation alonj? these lines, says the Lincoln News. A committee composed of Kevs. 15. M. Loiik. H -I'. Harmon and M. A. Mullock, as appointed to confer with the board to this-end. The review of the book treating on this evil from the pen of the most famous liv ing botanists by one of its members brought on a lively discussion which culminated in taking the action out the jii-cat danger that meiianced the lined. The Hen I or discussion was human nice from the union of crim inals, the degenerate and the dis eased. In taking this action the ministerial body is perhaps the first in the country to place itself on record in this respect. The book referred to is the book of Luther P.urbank. the plant vviz zard, entitled "The Traveling of the Human Plant." In reviewing it llev. I!. M. Long declared that he did so chie fly to awaken the discus sion on a subject which was of great interest to him. He said in part: "Mr. P.urbank tells us in the course of many years of investiga tion into plant life of the world in creating new forms, modifying old ones, and adopting others to new conditions, and blending still others, he has been constantly impressed with the similarity between the'or ganization and development of plant and human life. He declared that the hopes of all progress rests in the rigid selection of the best and the rigid exclusion of the poorest. He regards the crossing of species, unaccompanied by selection, intel ligent care and great patience is not likely to result in marked good arid may result in vast harm. "In passing greai emphasis is laid upon what he regards as the greatest opportunity ever offered to the United States of developing the fin est race the world has ever known out of the vast mingling of races brought here by en-migration. "He tells us that the material from which we are drawing this col lossial example of the crossing of species is widely separated both geographically and enthnologically and that we are more crossed than any other nation -in the history of the world and here is met the same results that are always seen in a much crossed race of plants; all the worst as well as all the best of each are brought out in their fullest in tensities. "Right here, he says, is where se7 lective environment counts. When the necessary crossing has been done then comes the work of elimination, the work of refining, until the ulti mate product, the finished product, will be the race of the future. Al! that has been done for the plants and flowers by crossing, nature has already accomplished for the Amer people. "Mr. Burbank asserts that by the crossing of types strength has in one instance been secured, in an other intellectually, in still another moral force. Nature has done all this, the work of man's head and hands has not yet been summoned to a race. When nature has done her work the ballance falls j selective environment." Rev. Long then went on to review that part of the book vuiea related to the development of plant sind child life, making interesting and effective comparisons alon these lines, declaring that the individuality of the child should be considered and its training precisely as in plant cultivation. While declaring that ihe greatest hope for the American race ties in the crossing of race.;." said the speaker, "Mr. Burbank points out that herein lies the danger. In the measure that we fail to give train ing to our children of the vicious and leave the waifs and foundlings to themselves and evil surroundings, to that extent he says we are breed ing peril in ourselves. The physi cally weak must also have our tend erest care. Because a plant is weak it must not be destroyed. .It may SIATNIH HAENNAG possess other uqalities of superlative value. Because a child is weak it should not be put out of the way. "But in the consideration of the mentally defective? He asks what shall be done with them. In the case of plants in which all tendencies are absolutely vicious he points out that they must be destroyed, but in the case of the imbecile shall he be 'destroyed? Here lie emphatically ! enters a negative and says the anal logy must cease. For such cases the 'state must give the best and broad ! est aid. Then he dewclls at some h-ngtli I upon the marriage of the physically i unfit. It would be The best ir pos sible, to positively prohibit in every I state in the union of the marriage of I the phvsicallv, mentally and morally ! unlit. If a plant is taken which I is recognized as poisonous and this cross makes a wholesome plant evil this is criminal enough. Put sup pose two poisonous plants are blend ed together and make a third even more virulent, a vegetable degener ate then sends the evil descendants adrift to multiply over the eartli are we not distinct foes of the race? "What shall be said of two peo ple of absolutely defined physical im pairment who are allowed to marry and have children?" he says. "It's a crime against the state and every individual in the state i fthese physi cal degenerates are also morally de generate. The crime then becomes the more appalling." IN JUDGE ARCH ER'S COURT Charles Hixon Arraigned and Pleads Not Guilty. In Justice Archer's court this morn ing Charles Hixon was arraigned and plead not guilty. His preliminary ex amination is set down for next Monday, November 9, at 2 p. m. Hixon has no attorney yet but will doubtless make arrangements for one before his ex amination takes place. He stated this morning when arraigned that he had a fight with Thomas and admitted beat ing him up but denied any intent to do great bodily injury. He intimated that he might plead guilty to assault and battery andthat would be all. He does not seem to be much affected by the result of his fight and apparently seems t fail to grasp the enormity of his of fense. Thomas is reported this morn ing as getting along in pretty good shape and it is believed he will be in condition so that he may be present next Monday morning when the hear ing will be had. He still has attendants at night and is troubled yet with his head, but this condition will likely wear off before the preliminary hearing. Hixon's bond is fixed at $500 which he could not furnish and he was remanded to jail. Before Justice Archer this morning William Riley, Owens, Michael Neeson and William Murphy were arraigned charged with breaking and entering a freight car of the Burlington and with stealing property to the value of forty dollars. When arraigned this morning they entered a plea of not guilty and volubly protested their innocence of the charge. They have no attorney so far, but will doubtless be represented by counsel when their case comes on for hearing. After entering their plea the men were held for examination in bonds of five hundred dollars which they were unable to furnish and in default of which they were remanded to jail. Their preliminary examination is set down for next Monday, November 9, at 9 a. m. They are a bold, defiant set of men and are a bad type of citizen. The police are ..confident they can make a good case against the men and secure their conviction. How is Your Digestion? Mrs. Mary Dowling of 228 8th Ave., San Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble. She says: "Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute indigestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and alterative medi cine invigorates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness. 50c at I F. C. Fricke & Co's, drug store. Funeral of C. A. Ralston. The funeral of the late Charles A. Ralston was held yesterday afternoon at the Mennonite church at Weeping Water and was one of the largest ever held in that city. There were many flowers for the dead man and the com munity took every possible method of expressing its profound sorrow over his untimely end. In the city stores were closed during the time of the funeral so that everyone might be able to pay a tribute of respect to the deceased. So far there has been no news of the assasins and little hope is now felt that they will be caught. Sheriff Quinton and his office have been kept busy in running down clues but always with no tangible results. The men under ar rest at B'eemer turned out to be other than the parties wanted and were re leased. There has been no relaxation of the hunt, however, and if it is pos sible to capture the murderers they will be landed. In District Court. After an election recess of several days, the members of the jury returned last night and this morning and Judge Travis again convened court. The case for trial this morning is that of Henton vs. the Sovereign Camp of the Wood men of the Woold. The cause of the action is an insurance policy which the defendant Camp refuses to pay. The morning session was taken up in im panelling a jury and the preliminaries of the case. It will likely be before the court for the rest of the day and perhaos most of tomorrow. BW1MI Qll LQ- 0AL VICTORY Highly Gratified Over Elec tion in Nebraska. The State Journal of this morning, says that a delegation of friends called yesterday on W. J. Bryan to pay their respects and congratulate him on carry ing his precinct, city, county and state. John A. Maguire, the success ful candidate for congress on the demo cratic ticket, as spokeman, said: "These friends and neighbors are here to pay their sincere respects to you. Incidentally we are here to tell you that our armor is still on and that we are to remain with you in the great political struggle for popular govern ment. We carry to you the greetings of victory from the people of your pre cinct, your city, your county, and the great commonwealth of Nebraska. In this grand beginning we can still see the certainty of a permanent national victory in years to come, if not, per haps, on this day." Mr. Bryan said in response: "I am highly gratified over the results in this state. The national defeat has not been such a disappointment when we have had so many things to console us. I hope I have convinced my friends that running for office has only been an in cident to my work. My heart has never been set on holding office, but I wanted to do certain work, and it looked as though the presidency might offer the opportunity to do that work. I am sure that in private life I can have the chance to do something. One is not required to hold office in order to do big things; one is simply required to do those things within his reach, and that much is within the reach of each of us. "Personally I shall as much enjoy being out of office, if the returns show I must be, as I would to be in office. I hope still to be of influence to bring about needed ' reforms. I appreciate very much the confidence and loyalty of the people near us. It has been the greatest comfort that the election has given us. The fact that those among whom we live have shown this confi dence we appreciate more than I can tell you. It has been very kind in you to come out here and visit us on this day. Mr. Bryan was up early, notwith standing it was after midnight the night before when he went to bed. He appeared cheerful and all the members of the family were in the same mood. Mr. Bryan said he desired to see the actual returns from Ohio, Indiana and Kansas before making any statement. During the morning he talked the situa-1 tion over with Rev. Father John Nug ent of Des Moines, la., one of his staunchest friends, who was a house guest over night. The two men took a brisk walk to the trolley station, where Father Nugent boarded a car to take him down town. Tired Brain. After prolonged work requiring con stant thinking we often notice that the brain refuses to work. It is impossible for us to think, our head and our eyes ache, the whole body is tired out. In such cases we need a remedy which will make the blood to circulate quicker and to bring new nourishment to tie exhausted nerves. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is such a remedy. It works directly on the digestive or gans through which the food must pass in our body. It makes new blood and distributes the food through the body. You should use it in all maladies of the digestive system, in nervousness, weak ness and exhaustion. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 616-622 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. the vot: in cass county The Number of Votes Cast for Each One From Governor Down. The official count was made today by County Clerk Rosencrans and his assistants. The following is the result bo far as it had been completed at the time of going to press: The total vote cast in the county was 5148, the heaviest vote ever cast in the county. The school fund amendment carried by the following vote, for 4433, against 111. The amendment increasing the sup reme court carried as follows: For 4227, against 181. For presidential electors Bell headed the republican list with 2440 while Henry R. Gering led the democratic list with 2390, a majority for Taft of 50 in the county. The socialists polled 59 votes while the prohibitionists polled 86. For Governor Sheldon, (rep.) 2581; Shallenberger, (dem.) 2291; Teeter, (pro.) 88; Harbaugh, (soc.) 35. Shel don's plurality 290. For lieutenant governor Hopewell, (rep.) 2489; Garrett, (dem.) 2355; Linch, (pro.) 104; Jorgensen, (soc.) Gl. Hopewell's majority, 134. For secretary of state Junkin, (rep. ) 2490; Gatewood, (dem.) 2302; Hocken berger, (pro.) 10G; Aberly, (soc.) G2. Junkin's majority, 1S8. For auditor Barton, (rep.) 2513; Price, (dem.) 2315. Barton's major ity, 15S. For Congress -Pollard, (rep.) 249S; Maguire, (dem.) 23(10. Pollard's plur ality 108. For SUite Senator, Tefft, (rep.) 2317; Banning, (dem.) 2410, Coatman, (pro.) 201. Banning's plurality 93. For representatives Noyes, (rep.) 2518; Smith, (rep.) 2425; Laughlin, (dem.) 22G7; Sattler, (dem.) 2281; Car ter, (pro.) 105. Noyes' plurality, 237; Smith's plurality, 158. For float representative Harrison, (rep.) 2511; Bates, (dem.) 2353; Harri son's plurality, 158. For county attorney Tidd, (rep.) 2305; Ramsey, (dem.) 2591; Ramsey's majority, 2S6. For county commissioner Switzer, (rep.) 2474; Seybert, (dem.) 2383; Switzer's majority, 91. The tabulated statement of the vote by precincts will likely be in shape for publication tomorrow evening. The result of the election, as shown by the vote above, is a large demo cratic gain all along the line and speaks well for the splendid management of Dr. Livingston and his campaign com mittee. Death of Little Boy. The many friends of John Wooster and wife were greatly shocked yester day when they learned that the dread scourge of diptheria had invaded their family and taken away their little son, John. This little one died yesterday morning at 10:20 after a brief illness and the body was buried this afternoon. The funeral from the nature of the disease had to be private. The little fellow was but three years and eight months of age and his death is a terrible shock to the devoted family. The entire sympathy of their many friends and neighbors goes out to the stricken parents in this hour of trial. More Than Enough is Too Much. To maintain health, a nature man or woman needs just enough food to re pair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual consumption of more food than is necessary for theEe purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indiges tion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Considerable Interest. Interest in the Journal's misspelled word contest continues to multiply and there are letters galore pouring into the "A. B. C." Editor who will have a gigantic task plowing through them and deciding upon the winner. The contest closes Saturday, November 14, and there will no doubt be several days' work ahead of the editor by that time. Since the first start of the contest in terest has steadily grown and it has in creased the mail of the paper consider ably. Card of Thanks. To the many kind friends and neigh bors who extended us their sympathy in the illness and death of our son, John, we desire to extend our sincere thanks. Though they could r.ot be with us in our sorrow, we know how their sympathy is and we appreciate'it. John Wooster and wife. Mind Your Business. If you don't nobody will. It 13 your business to keep out of all the trouble you can and you can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep biliousness, malaria and jaundice out of your system. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug store. A Case of Charity. Several days since an article appear ed in the Journal calling attent;on to a reported case of destitution in th city. Commissioner Friedrich at once investigated the case and found that he could not legally extend the county aid, as the woman in question had money out at interest. While she technically was not a county charge, she deserved aid as she ' was an honest, hard working, industrious woman. It is probable charitable persons will look after the case. THE MATTER OF DIPTHERIA Some Good Suggestions From a Lady Friend. A very excellent idea was telephoned the Journal this morning by a lady who requested that her name be with held. It was in effect that the members of the school board take advantage of the absence of the teachers and the dismis sal of the schools and have the various school buildings fumigated and disin fected. This is on account of the prev alence of contagious diseases in the city. While there is no occasion for unnecessary alarm over the presence of disease, steps to prevent the spread of it should be taken by all means. While there is no school in session, t his work could be quickly and elliciently done and all traces of it over before the schools reconvene. The Catholic school is to be thoroughly disinfected and this work is highly commendable. The cost of fumigating this school is borne by one of the public-spirited ladies of the city and if the school board finds it can not stand the expense of this duty to the public schools, there is small doubt but what the cost of it could be easily rais ed for every parent and public spirited citizen is interested in prevent ing the farther spread of the disease. The board should take immediate action in the premises and show that they real ize the importance of the work. Doubt less this action will be quickly taken and the work gotten under headway. There should be no hesitancy on the part of the board, on the ground of ex pense, for the matter is too important to allow the question of expense to in terfere. Let them get busy at once. DEATH OF A FOR MER CITIZEN George Forbes, a Pioneer Citizen of Plattsmouth, is No More. Charles S. Forbes and wife and Robt. Sherwood departed this morning for Lincoln, called there by the news of the death of George Forbes, once a res ident of this city, and well known among the older citizens. Mr. Forbes died on Tuesday, Novem ber 3, at 8:25 p. m., and the funeral will be held today at 2 p. m. from the Grace Lutheran Church, at Fourteenth and F. Streets, Lincoln. Burial at Wyuka. No flowers by of the family. Mr. Forbes was a pioneer drug man of Lincoln and previous to his residence there, he had been in the drug business in this city with Dr. Chapman. He left this city to enter the employ of Leigh ton & Brown more than thirty years ago, remaining with that firm until the wholesale drug firm of Leighton & Clarke was founded and afterwards was a traveling salesman for the Lincoln Drug Company until a year ago, when ill health compelled him to resign. His illness dates from that time and at no time was there any hope of his recov ery. He was fifty-four years of age. He was a cousin of C. S. Forbes of this city. A SIMPLE QUESTION. Plattsmouth People Are Requested to Honestly Answer This. Is not the word of a representative citizen of Plattsmouth more convincing than the doubtful utterances of people living everywhere else in the Union? Read this: Herman Tiekoetter, carpenter, north west corner of Ninth and Day streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I never took a medicine or remedy which gave me such permanent relief as I derived from Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys caused me much suffering and incon venience. I did not have sharp pains, but there was a dull aching across my loins that distressed me for a couple of years. If I stooped or straightened my back would pain me intensely and in the morning when I would arise, I would feel as tired and unrefreshed as when I wentjto bed the night before. The secretions from my kidneys were unnatural in appearance and too fre quent in action, especially at night. Hearing so much said in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Gering & Co's. drug store. They banished every symptoms of my trouble promptly and thoroughly and I recom mend them to other kidney sufferers with pleasure. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Local Hews, R. I). McNurlin, the democratic war h rse of Weeping Water, whh in the city yesterday, being registered at the P.attsmouth Hotel, Regulates the LowcIh, promotes easy nitural movements, cures constipation Doan's Renulets. Ask yourdiuggist for them. 25c a box. Iouis W. Roettgcr of Elm wood wa registered yesterday at the Pel kins hotel, he having business to attend to in the city. Miss Josephine Hall was a passenger this noon on the fast mail for Omaha, where she will spend the afternoon with friends. John M. Creamer of Wabash la among those registered at the Perkins Hotel. Mr. Creamer being one of the regular jurymen. John Gonzales of Elmwood came, in yesterday to be present when court opened this morning and assume his duties as a juror. Miss Mabel Keer, of Avoca, Neb., who has been visiting in the city with the family of John H. Becker, was a passenger this noon for her home. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Midkiff of near Union, were in the city to lay and w hile here Mr. Midkiff called and renewed his faith in the Journal another year. Herman Klietsch, the popular Wcc -ing Water miller, was a guest today s.t the Plattsmouth Iloiel, coining in to take orders for h's popular hi and of Hour. I). L. Amick' of Murray, was in the city a few hours thi.s afternoon, lookitg. after business matters on route home from Omaha, lie paid the Journal of fice ana pprcciatid call. Mrs. Jos. Shcra came up this morn ing from her home at Rock Bluffs and was a passenger on the mail train at noon for Omaha where she will visit with friends and relatives until Mon day. A Journal representative will visit several sections of the county next week in the interest of this great weekly. These occasional trips have been neglected for several months on account of sickness and the cumpaign. Mrs. S. R. Sanders was a passenger this noon on the mail train for Omaha, where she will meet her daughter, Miss Myrtle Sanders, who is enjoying a few days vacatiod from her school at Alvo. They will return to this city this after noon. Mrs. Jas. Chalfant and daughter, Mrs. John Hendricks, came in this morning from their homes below Rock Bluffs, and were passengers op the mail train at noon for Omaha, where they will do some shopping and visit witn friends. P. W. Wright and wife, Mrs. Anna Wright and her son, Clyde, were all passengers this noon on the mail train for Greenwood, where they will visit for several days with friends and rela tives. Clyde Wright will go direct from Greenwood to Chicago, III., w here he is employed after his visit at that point. They will probably be absent several days. P. W. Wright is the well known Burlington fireman. E. G. McCullough, who is working near Greenwood, came down Monday to visit his folks south of town, and to vote Tuesday. He returned today, and while ir. the city, he called and ordered a copy of the Journal sent to his ad dress, in order to keep posted regard ing matters of a local nature in this vicinity. James Stander came down from Louisville today to attend to some court matters and gave the Journal a pleas ant call. Our old friend is always a welcome visitor at these headquarters, notwithstanding his visit at this time was renew his subscription for the Journal and also that of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Stander. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Bucklen's Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wilton, Maine. 25c at F. C. Fricke & Co's. drug store. LOST Between town and home in the south part of town a pair of gold- rimmed specticles. Finder please leave same at this office. Poultry Wanted The Clarinda Poultry, But ter and Egg Company will be in Plattsmouth, on Monday, November 9, '08 and will pay the following prices for poultry to be de livered at the store of Zuck weiler & Lutz: Hens 8c Spring Chickens 8c Young Hen Turkeys 12c Old ' " 12c Young Gobblers 10c Old " 10c Roosters, per doz $1.80 Ducks F. F 5c